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Jánuš Kubíček - The Dramatic Interspace (excerpts) (Defekt)

Výbor z monografie Jánuš Kubíček: Darmatický meziprostor.

Podívejte se také Klima Janus Kit (4250595432151)

cena 79.0 Kč

Jánuš Kubíček - The Dramatic Interspace (excerpts) (Defekt)

Výbor z monografie Jánuš Kubíček: Darmatický meziprostor.

Podívejte se také Polštář 45x30 cm, Pat&Mat, defekt (99853A)

cena 79.0 Kč

Jánuš Kubíček - The Dramatic Interspace (excerpts) (Defekt)

Výbor z monografie Jánuš Kubíček: Darmatický meziprostor.

Podívejte se také Tyreweld sprej na opravu defekt 500ml (HT4YA)

cena 79.0 Kč

The Janus Stone - Elly Griffiths

A gruesome discovery at an old children''s home lays bare terrible secret''s from Norwich''s past in the second gripping mystery for Dr Ruth Galloway.''The setting is enticingly atmospheric . . . a really intelligent murder story'' IndependentDr Ruth Galloway''s forensic skills are called upon when builders, demolishing an old house in Norwich, uncover the bones of a child - minus the skull - beneath a doorway. Is it some ritual sacrifice or just plain straightforward murder? Ruth links up with DCI Harry Nelson to investigate. The house was once a children''s home. Nelson traces the Catholic priest who used to run the place. He tells him that two children did go missing forty years before - a boy and a girl. They were never found. When carbon dating proves that the child''s bones predate the home and relate to a time when the house was privately owned, Ruth is drawn ever more deeply into the case. But as spring turns into summer it becomes clear that someone is desperate to put her off the scent by frightening her to death...

Objev podobné jako The Janus Stone - Elly Griffiths

cena 325.0 Kč

The Complete Dramatic Works of Samuel Beckett - Samuel Beckett

The present volume gathers all of Beckett''s texts for theatre, from 1955 to 1984. It includes both the major dramatic works and the short and more compressed texts for the stage and for radio.''He believes in the cadence, the comma, the bite of word on reality, whatever else he believes; and his devotion to them, he makes clear, is a sufficient focus for the reader''s attention. In the modern history of literature he is a unique moral figure, not a dreamer of rose-gardens but a cultivator of what will grow in the waste land, who can make us see the exhilarating design that thorns and yucca share with whatever will grow anywhere.'' - Hugh KennerContents: Waiting for Godot, Endgame, Happy Days, All That Fall, Acts Without Words, Krapp''s Last Tape, Roughs for the Theatre, Embers, Roughs for the Radio, Words and Music, Cascando, Play, Film, The Old Tune, Come and Go, Eh Joe, Breath, Not I, That Time, Footfalls, Ghost Trio,...but the clouds..., A Piece of Monologue, Rockaby, Ohio Impromptu, Quad, Catastrophe, Nacht und Traume, What Where.

Objev podobné jako The Complete Dramatic Works of Samuel Beckett - Samuel Beckett

cena 591.0 Kč

Excerpts from Experts: Marketing

''Excerpts from Experts - Marketing'' is a compendium of insight, advice and anecdotes from more than 200 of the leading names in marketing. These wonderful people have generously contributed their time and wisdom to raise money in aid of NHS Charities Together. Whether you''re an aspiring graduate, experienced professional, marketing guru, or just vaguely interested in the magical world of brands and marketing, this book is a must read.

Objev podobné jako Excerpts from Experts: Marketing

cena 591.0 Kč

From syntax to Text: the Janus face of Functional Sentence Perspective - Libuše Dušková

The volume presents the author’s articles written in the last fifteen years, dealing with the interaction between syntax, functional sentence perspective (information structure) and text in present-day English. It is divided into five parts, I Syntactic Constancy, II Syntax FSP Interface, III FSP and Semantics, IV Syntax, FSP, Text and V Style, which reveal the two facets of functional sentence perspective: syntactic structures as realization forms of the carriers of FSP functions, and the connection of FSP with the level of text. The first and the last two parts frame the content of the volume in treating the role of functional sentence perspective at the syntactic and the textual levels. At the former, FSP is investigated as a potential factor of syntactic divergence between English and Czech, at the latter the role of FSP is examined with respect to theme development, text build-up and style. The points discussed in the other parts concern, among others, the hierarchical relationship between syntax and FSP, the question of potentiality in FSP structure, different realization forms of FSP structure and FSP functions, general and specific questions of word order, with major attention paid to the role of semantics

Objev podobné jako From syntax to Text: the Janus face of Functional Sentence Perspective - Libuše Dušková

cena 412.0 Kč

From Syntax to Text: the Janus Face of Functional Sentence Perspective - Libuše Dušková - e-kniha

eBook: The volume presents the author’s articles written in the last fifteen years, dealing with the interaction between syntax, functional sentence perspective (information structure) and text in present-day English. It is divided into five parts, I Syntactic Constancy, II Syntax FSP Interface, III FSP and Semantics, IV Syntax, FSP, Text and V Style, which reveal the two facets of functional sentence perspective: syntactic structures as realization forms of the carriers of FSP functions, and the connection of FSP with the level of text. The first and the last two parts frame the content of the volume in treating the role of functional sentence perspective at the syntactic and the textual levels. At the former, FSP is investigated as a potential factor of syntactic divergence between English and Czech, at the latter the role of FSP is examined with respect to theme development, text build-up and style. The points discussed in the other parts concern, among others, the hierarchical relationship between syntax and FSP, the question of potentiality in FSP structure, different realization forms of FSP structure and FSP functions, general and specific questions of word order, with major attention paid to the role of semantics.

Objev podobné jako From Syntax to Text: the Janus Face of Functional Sentence Perspective - Libuše Dušková - e-kniha

cena 320.0 Kč

Dramatic Murder - Elizabeth Anthony

This theatrical Christmas murder, truly lost in the British Library collection, will provide entertainment throughout the festive season. A Christmas party on a private Scottish island gets off to a bad start in the latest addition to the British Library Crime Classics.

Objev podobné jako Dramatic Murder - Elizabeth Anthony

cena 295.0 Kč

Kubicek KUBH4/4

Ramenní opěrka na housle Kvalitní ramenní opěrka od bratislavského výrobce Petera Kubíčka, vhodná pro 4/4 housle. Disponuje nastavitelnou šířkou i délkou a díky svému ergonomickému tvaru poskytuje maximální pohodlí.

Objev podobné jako Kubicek KUBH4/4

cena 933.0 Kč

Klima Janus Kit (4250595432151)

RC model - vhodný od 14 let Sofistikovaná hračka, která vždy zažene nudu, právě to je Klima Janus Kit. Je ideální na hraní venku. Stačí sebrat ovladač a probrat model k životu. Klíčové vlastnosti modelu Klima Janus Kit RC model Klima jen tak neomrzí S jednoduchým ovládáním Doporučeno pro starší 14 let

Objev podobné jako Klima Janus Kit (4250595432151)

cena 1619.0 Kč

Tresty budoucnosti - Jan Januš

Čelíme obtížné situaci, koronavirové pandemii. Vleklé právní problémy spočívající například v tom, že má Česká republika dlouhodobě přetížené věznice a počtem vězňů se vymyká evropskému průměru, tak mohou být nyní z řady důvodů ještě závažnější. Trestní zákoník přitom nabízí vedle trestu odnětí svobody množství dalších typů trestů, takzvaných alternativ k vězení. Proč se nevyužívají rak často, jak by bylo žádoucí? Co je třeba udělat pro to, aby soudy častěji nařizovaly peněžité tresty a posílaly odsouzené do domácího vězení? A neměli bychom se na začátku 21. století a v takto bezprecedentní chvíli zamyslet také nad tím, zda nepotřebujeme i zcela nové tresty? Publikace je dostupná výhradně v e-shopu nakladatelství Leges, v knihkupectvích Leges v Brně a Olomouci a v sídle nakladatelství v Praze.

Objev podobné jako Tresty budoucnosti - Jan Januš

cena 260.0 Kč

The Kingfisher Secret (Defekt)

Her codename is Kingfisher. Her mission: to seduce and marry most powerful man in the world. October 2016: In America, the election is a few weeks away. Journalist Grace Elliot has just landed a scoop that she believe will make her career. A porn-star is willing to talk about her affair with the man some hope and many fear will become the next president of the United Stares. But no one will touch it. Instead, Grace is sent to Europe where she discovers a story so big, so explosive that it could decide the American election and launch a new Cold War. If she can stay alive long enough to tell it... Spies, murder and one of the biggest conspiracies of our time lie at the heart of the thriller of the year.

Objev podobné jako The Kingfisher Secret (Defekt)

cena 129.0 Kč

The Shakespeare Secret (Defekt)

A modern serial killer - hunting an ancient secret. \n\nA woman is left to die as the rebuilt Globe theatre burns. Another woman is drowned like Ophelia, skirts swirling in the water. A professor has his throat slashed open on the steps of Washington's Capitol building. \n\nA deadly serial killer is on the loose, modelling his murders on Shakespeare's plays. But why is he killing? And how can he be stopped? \n\nA gripping, shocking page turner, The Shakespeare Secret masterfully combines modern murder and startling true revelations from the life of Shakespeare. It has been acclaimed as one of the most compulsively readable thrillers of recent years.

Objev podobné jako The Shakespeare Secret (Defekt)

cena 49.0 Kč

Já, člověk - Jan Kubíček

Knížka s podtitulem Vnitřní autoportrét: básnická studie lidského bytí se pomocí minimalistických básní a kreseb snaží "zachytit tvary člověka", který pevného tvaru pozbyl. Člověka, který touží po životě a po svobodě, ale přitom je svázán vlastními strachy - nachází se ve chvíli jistého uvíznutí. Sbírka Jana Kubíčka (1986) inspiruje čtenáře k dialogu se sebou samým na téma velkých otázek bytí a jako taková může přinést silný terapeutický efekt. Podobně jako první Kubíčkova kniha Kapitalistické básně (2012) zaujme jistě i čtenáře, kteří běžně básnické sbírky nečtou. Já, člověk vyšel poprvé samizdatem v roce 2013. Po deseti letech se objevuje v nové oficiální verzi. Kromě reprintu původního vydání obsahuje rozsáhlou předmluvu, několik bonusových textů a obrazů a také prostor pro čtenářovo sebevyjádření.

Objev podobné jako Já, člověk - Jan Kubíček

cena 143.0 Kč

Kubicek KUBH4/4 Burgundy

Ramenní opěrka na housle Kvalitní ramenní opěrka od bratislavského výrobce Petera Kubíčka, vhodná pro 4/4 housle. Disponuje nastavitelnou šířkou i délkou a díky svému ergonomickému tvaru poskytuje maximální pohodlí.

Objev podobné jako Kubicek KUBH4/4 Burgundy

cena 997.0 Kč

Kubicek KUBV Burgundy Viola

Ramenní opěrka na violu Kvalitní ramenní opěrka od bratislavského výrobce Petera Kubíčka, vhodná pro violu. Disponuje nastavitelnou šířkou i délkou a díky svému ergonomickému tvaru poskytuje maximální pohodlí.

Objev podobné jako Kubicek KUBV Burgundy Viola

cena 990.0 Kč

Kubicek KUBV Viola Black

Ramenní opěrka na violu Kvalitní ramenní opěrka od bratislavského výrobce Petera Kubíčka, vhodná pro violu. Disponuje nastavitelnou šířkou i délkou a díky svému ergonomickému tvaru poskytuje maximální pohodlí.

Objev podobné jako Kubicek KUBV Viola Black

cena 1050.0 Kč

Řád tvaru - Tomáš Kubíček

Monografie Řád tvaru na základě analýzy čtveřice periodik, jejichž prostřednictvím vstupovala katolická inteligence v období první Československé republiky do nejenom uměleckých debat, zachycuje vývoj vztahu tradicionalisticky zaměřených autorů k dobové společnosti. Ve středu zájmu se přitom neocitají pouze estetické či společensko-politické debaty, ale také způsob, jak se autoři uvedených časopisů vyrovnávali s dobovým modernistickým akcentem na umění jako specifický noetický nástroj, který na sebe v situaci po první světové válce bere závazek nového hodnotového ukotvení člověka. Průvodci na této cestě se stali Jaroslav Durych a Bedřich Fučík. Jejich myšlení o literatuře a jejich proměna ve sledovaném období pak pomáhají tematizovat i rozdíly či napětí uvnitř tohoto autorského okruhu. Kniha je rovněž motivována otázkou strukturalistické analýzy: Do jaké míry je možné studiem jedinečného fenoménu, tj. tradicionalistických časopisů, rozpoznat celek, jehož jsou součástí a k němuž odkazují?

Objev podobné jako Řád tvaru - Tomáš Kubíček

cena 294.0 Kč

Kubíček opěrka pro violu

ramenní opěrka (pavouk) pro violu, celokovový, výškově nastavitelný, univerzální velikost pro všechny violy s šíří spodní líce 220 - 236 mm, barvy černá a bordová (posíláme dle aktuální skladové dostupnosti)

Objev podobné jako Kubíček opěrka pro violu

cena 890.0 Kč

Walrus Audio Janus Kytarový efekt

Kytarový pedálový efekt typu tremolo/fuzz. Tento efekt disponuje dvěma joysticky, kterými se kontroluje tremolo a fuzz, a umožňují vytvořit širokou škálu různých zkreslených textur. Tremolo i fuzz může být použito buď samostatně, nebo najednou v sérii. Kromě joysticků se na něm nacházejí dva pedál switche, potenciometry pro level jednotlivých efektů a blend pro míru smíšení efektů, a také dva polohové spínače na mode a bass. Disponuje 6,3 mm jack vstupem a výstupem. Napájí se pomocí 9 V DC adaptéru, který není součásti produktu. Rozměry: 187 x 119 x 70 mm. Napájení: Adaptér;9V Adaptér součástí: Ne Země původu: USA

Objev podobné jako Walrus Audio Janus Kytarový efekt

cena 7349.0 Kč

The Name of the Wind (Defekt) - Patrick Rothfuss

'I have stolen princesses back from sleeping barrow kings. I burned down the town of Trebon. I have spent the night with Felurian and left with both my sanity and my life. I was expelled from the University at a younger age than most people are allowed in. I tread paths by moonlight that others fear to speak of during day. I have talked to Gods, loved women, and written songs that make the minstrels weep.My name is Kvothe.You may have heard of me'So begins the tale of Kvothe - currently known as Kote, the unassuming innkeepter - from his childhood in a troupe of traveling players, through his years spent as a near-feral orphan in a crime-riddled city, to his daringly brazen yet successful bid to enter a difficult and dangerous school of magic. In these pages you will come to know Kvothe the notorious magician, the accomplished thief, the masterful musician, the dragon-slayer, the legend-hunter, the lover, the thief and the infamous assassin.The Name of the Wind is fantasy at its very best, and an astounding must-read title.

Objev podobné jako The Name of the Wind (Defekt) - Patrick Rothfuss

cena 219.0 Kč

The Tower of the Swallow (Defekt) - Andrzej Sapkowski

Geralt the Witcher races to find his missing ward, Ciri, in this fourth novel in the bestselling Witcher series that inspired the Netflix show and video games.The world has fallen into war. Ciri, the child of prophecy, has vanished. Hunted by friends and foes alike, she has taken on the guise of a petty bandit and lives free for the first time in her life.But the net around her is closing. Geralt, the Witcher, has assembled a group of allies determined to rescue her. Both sides of the war have sent brutal mercenaries to hunt her down. Her crimes have made her famous.There is only one place left to run. The tower of the swallow is waiting...Translated by David French.

Objev podobné jako The Tower of the Swallow (Defekt) - Andrzej Sapkowski

cena 119.0 Kč

The Mark and the Void (Defekt) - Paul Murray

While marooned at his banking job in the bewilderingly damp and insular realm known as Ireland, Claude Martingale is approached by a down-on-his-luck author, Paul, looking for his next great subject. Claude finds that his life gets steadily more exciting under Paul's fictionalizing influence; he even falls in love with a beautiful waitress.

Objev podobné jako The Mark and the Void (Defekt) - Paul Murray

cena 49.0 Kč

The Name of the Rose (Defekt) - Umberto Eco

The year is 1327. Franciscans in a wealthy Italian abbey are suspected of heresy, and Brother William of Baskerville arrives to investigate. When his delicate mission is suddenly overshadowed by seven bizarre deaths, Brother William turns detective. His tools are the logic of Aristotle, the theology of Aquinas, the empirical insights of Roger Bacon - all sharpened to a glistening edge by wry humor and a ferocious curiosity. He collects evidence, deciphers secret symbols and coded manuscripts, and digs into the eerie labyrinth of the abbey, where "the most interesting things happen at night."

Objev podobné jako The Name of the Rose (Defekt) - Umberto Eco

cena 129.0 Kč

The Lady of the Lake (Defekt) - Andrzej Sapkowski

After walking through a portal in the Tower of the Swallow, thus narrowly escaping death, the Witcher girl, Ciri, finds herself in a completely different world... a world of the Elves. She is trapped with no way out. Time does not seem to exist and there are no obvious borders or portals to cross back into her home world. But this is Ciri, the child of prophecy, and she will not be defeated. She knows she must escape to finally rejoin the Witcher, Geralt, and his companions - and also to try to conquer her worst nightmare. Leo Bonhart, the man who chased, wounded and tortured Ciri, is still on her trail. And the world is still at war.

Objev podobné jako The Lady of the Lake (Defekt) - Andrzej Sapkowski

cena 99.0 Kč

The Year of the Locust (Defekt) - Terry Hayes

This Is The Amazing New Thriller From Terry Hayes. If You Thought I Am Pilgrim Was Good...

Objev podobné jako The Year of the Locust (Defekt) - Terry Hayes

cena 99.0 Kč

The Power of the Powerless (Defekt) - Václav Havel

Vaclav Havel's remarkable and rousing essay on the tyranny of apathy, with a new introduction by Timothy Snyder Cowed by life under Communist Party rule, a greengrocer hangs a placard in their shop window: Workers of the world, unite! Is it a sign of the grocer's unerring ideology? Or a symbol of the lies we perform to protect ourselves? Written in 1978, Vaclav Havel's meditation on political dissent - the rituals of its suppression, and the sparks that re-ignite it - would prove the guiding manifesto for uniting Solidarity movements across the Soviet Union. A portrait of activism in the face of falsehood and intimidation, The Power of the Powerless remains a rousing call against the allure of apathy. 'Havel's diagnosis of political pathologies has a special resonance in the age of Trump' Pankaj Mishra

Objev podobné jako The Power of the Powerless (Defekt) - Václav Havel

cena 99.0 Kč

The Year of the Locust (Defekt) - Terry Hayes

This Is The Amazing New Thriller From Terry Hayes. If You Thought I Am Pilgrim Was Good...

Objev podobné jako The Year of the Locust (Defekt) - Terry Hayes

cena 79.0 Kč

The Wrath and the Dawn (Defekt) - Renéé Ahdiehová

Every dawn brings horror to a different family in a land ruled by a killer. Khalid, the eighteen-year-old Caliph of Khorasan, takes a new bride each night only to have her executed at sunrise. So it is a terrible surprise when sixteen-year-old Shahrzad volunteers to marry Khalid. But she does so with a clever plan to stay alive and exact revenge on the Caliph for the murder of her best friend and countless other girls. Shazi's wit and will get her through to the dawn that no others have seen, but with a catch . . . she may be falling in love with a murderer. Shazi discovers that the villainous boy-king is not all that he seems and neither are the deaths of so many girls. It's up to her to uncover the reason for the murders and to break the cycle once and for all. "So you would have me throw Shazi to the wolves?" "Shazi? Honestly, I pity the wolves."

Objev podobné jako The Wrath and the Dawn (Defekt) - Renéé Ahdiehová

cena 129.0 Kč

The Hungry and the Fat (Defekt) - Timur Vermes

By the author of Look Who's Back, a radical and bold satire in inequitable times.REFUGEE CAMPS IN AFRICA ARE SWELLINGAnd Europe has closed its borders. The refugees have no future, no hope, and no money to pay the vast sums now demanded by people smugglers. But what they do have is time.AND THEN AN ANGEL ARRIVES FROM REALITY T.V.When German model and star presenter Nadeche Hackenbusch comes to film at the largest of the camps, one young refugee sees a unique opportunity: to organise a march to Europe, in full view of the media. Viewers are gripped as the vast convoy moves closer, but the far right in Germany is regrouping and the government is at a loss. Which country will halt the refugees in their tracks?THE HUNGRY AND THE FATA devastating, close-to-the-knuckle satire about the haves and have-nots in our divided world by one of Europe's finest and most perceptive writers, in which an outlandish conceit follows a kind of impeccable logic to a devastating conclusion.Translated from the German by Jamie Bulloch

Objev podobné jako The Hungry and the Fat (Defekt) - Timur Vermes

cena 69.0 Kč

The Women of the Castle (Defekt) - Jessica Shattuck

In war they made impossible choices. Now can they live with them?'Moving . . . surprises and devastates' New York Times'Masterful' People'Mesmerising . . . reveals new truths about one of history's most tragic eras' USA TodayThe Third Reich has crumbled. The Russians are coming.Marianne von Lingenfels - widow of a resister murdered by the Nazi regime - finds refuge in the crumbling Bavarian castle where she once played host to German high society. There she fulfils her promise to find and protect the wives and children of her husband's brave conspirators, rescuing her dearest friend's widow, Benita, from sexual slavery to the Russian army, and Ania from a work camp for political prisoners. As Marianne assembles this makeshift family she is certain their shared pain will bind them together.But as Benita begins a clandestine relationship and Ania struggles to conceal her role in the Nazi regime, Marianne learns that her clear-cut, highly principled world view has no place in these new, frightening and emotionally-charged days.All three women must grapple with the realities they now face, and the consequences of decisions each made in the darkest of times . . . Deeply moving and compelling, The Women of the Castle is a heart-wrenching and hopeful novel of secrets and survival, a reckoning, and the astonishing power of forgiveness. Perfect for fans of All the Light You Cannot See, The Reader and The Light Between Oceans.

Objev podobné jako The Women of the Castle (Defekt) - Jessica Shattuck

cena 99.0 Kč

The Inheritance (Defekt) - Tilly Bagshawe

Welcome to Tilly Bagshawe's Swell Valley, where the scandal is in a class of its own. Tatiana Flint-Hamilton's gilded cage is torn away when her estranged father dies. As the beloved family estate slips through Tati's fingers, the portraits of her ancestors look down disapprovingly. The new Lord of the Manor is just as ruthless as Tati. The old-world status of Furlings is everything the wealthy, self-made Brett Cranley has ever wanted. Luckily his wife Angela is the perfect homemaker, happy to fall into line with whatever Brett desires. Along with her two children, Furlings soon becomes Angela's lifeline, a place she can finally belong. And one she's not going to give up easily. Losing everything has made Tati realise that her rightful inheritance is all that she now lives for...and she will do anything to get it back. But the fate of Furlings lies in the hands of the villagers. Let the Fittlescombe fireworks begin!

Objev podobné jako The Inheritance (Defekt) - Tilly Bagshawe

cena 129.0 Kč

The Kingdom (Defekt) - Jo Nesbø

In the mountains of Norway a man lives a peaceful existence. However one day his younger brother, always the more successful and charming of the two, turns up to visit, accompanied by his new wife. It soon turns out that the little brother is not quite as angelic as he seems.Set in a small town filled with secrets, this is a compellingly atmospheric new thriller from the Sunday Times number one bestseller.

Objev podobné jako The Kingdom (Defekt) - Jo Nesbø

cena 139.0 Kč

The One (Defekt) - Kiera Cassová

THE SELECTION changed the lives of thirty-five girls forever. Now, only one will claim Prince Maxon's heart...It's swoon meets the Hunger Games in the third instalment of THE SELECTION series! For the four girls who remain at the palace, the friendships they've formed, rivalries they've struggled with and dangers they've faced have bound them to each other for the rest of their lives. Now, the time has come for one winner to be chosen. America never dreamed she would find herself anywhere close to the crown - or to Prince Maxon's heart. But as the competition approaches its end and the threats outside the palace walls grow more vicious, America realises just how much she stands to lose - and how hard she'll have to fight for the future she wants. The breathtaking third title in THE SELECTION series will make you swoon!

Objev podobné jako The One (Defekt) - Kiera Cassová

cena 99.0 Kč

The Legacy (Defekt) - Elle Kennedy

The international bestselling Off-Campus series returns with a collection of four novellas by New York Times bestselling author and TikTok sensation Elle Kennedy! This brand-new installment provides the much-anticipated answer to the question: Where are they now?Four stories. Four couples. Three years of real life after graduation...A wedding.A proposal.An elopement.And a surprise pregnancy.Life after college for Garrett and Hannah, Logan and Grace, Dean and Allie, and Tucker and Sabrina, isn't quite what they imagined it would be. Sure, they have each other, but they also have real-life problems that four years at Briar U didn't exactly prepare them for. As it turns out, for these four couples, love is the easy part. Growing up is a whole lot harder.Come for the drama, stay for the laughs! Catch up with your favorite Off-Campus characters as they navigate the changes that come with growing up and discover that big decisions can have big consequences...and big rewards.

Objev podobné jako The Legacy (Defekt) - Elle Kennedy

cena 159.0 Kč

The Plague (Defekt) - Albert Camus

'A story for our, and all, times' Guardian The Plague is Albert Camus's world-renowned fable of fear and courageThe townspeople of Oran are in the grip of a deadly plague, which condemns its victims to a swift and horrifying death. Fear, isolation and claustrophobia follow as they are forced into quarantine. Each person responds in their own way to the lethal disease: some resign themselves to fate, some seek blame, and a few, like Dr Rieux, resist the terror.An immediate triumph when it was published in 1947, The Plague is in part an allegory of France's suffering under the Nazi occupation, and a story of bravery and determination against the precariousness of human existence. 'A matchless fable of fear, courage and cowardice' Independent'Magnificent' The Times

Objev podobné jako The Plague (Defekt) - Albert Camus

cena 139.0 Kč

The Passenger (Defekt) - Cormac McCarthy

It is three in the morning when Bobby Western zips the jacket of his wetsuit and plunges from the boat deck into darkness. His divelight illuminates a sunken jet, nine bodies still buckled in their seats. Missing from the crash site are the plane's black box, and the tenth passenger. But how? A collateral witness to machinations that can only bring him harm, Western is shadowed in body and spirit - by men with badges; by the ghost of his father, inventor of the atom bomb; and by his sister, the love and ruin of his soul. From the bar rooms of New Orleans to an abandoned oil rig off the Florida coast, The Passenger is a breathtaking novel of morality and science, the legacy of sin, and the madness that is human consciousness, and one of the final works by Cormac McCarthy, a true American master.

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cena 129.0 Kč

The Return (Defekt) - Nicholas Sparks

#1 New York Times bestselling author Nicholas Sparks returns with a moving new novel about an injured army doctor and the two women whose secrets will change the course of his life. Trevor Benson never intended to move back to New Bern, North Carolina. But when a mortar blast outside the hospital where he worked as an orthopedic surgeon sent him home from Afghanistan with devastating injuries, the dilapidated cabin he'd inherited from his grandfather seemed as good a place to regroup as any. Tending to his grandfather's beloved bee hives while preparing for a second stint in medical school, Trevor isn't prepared to fall in love with a local . . . yet, from their very first encounter, Trevor feels a connection with deputy sheriff Natalie Masterson that he can't ignore. But even as she seems to reciprocate his feelings, she remains frustratingly distant, making Trevor wonder what she's hiding. Further complicating his stay in New Bern is the presence of a sullen teenage girl, Callie, who lives in the trailer park down the road. Claiming to be 17, she works at the local sundries store and keeps to herself. Discovering that she was once befriended by his grandfather, Trevor hopes Callie can shed light on the mysterious circumstances of his grandfather's death, but she offers few clues - until a crisis triggers a race that will uncover the true nature of Callie's past, one more intertwined with the elderly man's passing than Trevor could have ever anticipated. In his quest to unravel Natalie and Callie's secrets, Trevor will learn the true meaning of love and forgiveness . . . and that in life, to move forward, we must often return to the place where it all began.

Objev podobné jako The Return (Defekt) - Nicholas Sparks

cena 189.0 Kč

The Promise (Defekt) - Damon Galgut

Discover the powerful prizewinning story of a family in crisis. On a farm outside Pretoria, the Swarts are gathering for Ma's funeral. The younger generation, Anton and Amor, detest everything the family stand for - not least their treatment of the Black woman who has worked for them her whole life. Salome was to be given her own house, her own land...yet somehow, that vow is carefully ignored. As each decade passes, and the family assemble again, one question hovers over them. Can you ever escape the repercussions of a broken promise?

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cena 119.0 Kč

The Mistake (Defekt) - Elle Kennedy

He's a player in more ways than one...College junior John Logan can get any girl he wants. For this hockey star, life is a parade of parties and hook-ups, but behind his killer grins and easygoing charm, he hides growing despair about the dead-end road he'll be forced to walk after graduation. A sexy encounter with freshman Grace Ivers is just the distraction he needs, but when a thoughtless mistake pushes her away, Logan plans to spend his final year proving to her that he's worth a second chance.Now he's going to need to up his game...After a less than stellar freshman year, Grace is back at Briar University, older, wiser, and so over the arrogant hockey player she nearly handed her V-card to. She's not a charity case, and she's not the quiet butterfly she was when they first hooked up. If Logan expects her to roll over and beg like all his other puck bunnies, he can think again. He wants her back? He'll have to work for it. This time around, she'll be the one in the driver's seat...and she plans on driving him wild.

Objev podobné jako The Mistake (Defekt) - Elle Kennedy

cena 179.0 Kč

The Every (Defekt) - Dave Eggers

When the world's largest search engine / social media company merges with the planet's dominant e-commerce site, it creates the richest and most dangerous-and, oddly enough, most beloved-monopoly ever known: The Every. Delaney Wells is an unlikely new hire. A former forest ranger and unwavering tech skeptic, she charms her way into an entry-level job with one goal in mind: to take down the company from within. With her compatriot, the not-at-all-ambitious Wes Kavakian, they look for the company's weaknesses, hoping to free humanity from all-encompassing surveillance and the emoji-driven infantilization of the species. But does anyone want what Delaney is fighting to save? Does humanity truly want to be free? Studded with unforgettable characters and lacerating set-pieces, The Every blends satire and terror, while keeping the reader in breathless suspense about the fate of the company - and the human animal.

Objev podobné jako The Every (Defekt) - Dave Eggers

cena 119.0 Kč

The Sanatorium (Defekt) - Sarah Pearse

A beautiful, eerie hotel in the Swiss Alps, recently converted from an abandoned sanatorium, is the last place Detective Elin Warner wants to be. But her estranged brother has invited her there for his engagement party, and she feels she has no choice but to accept.Arriving in the midst of a threatening storm, Elin immediately feels on edge. And things only get worse when they wake the next morning to find her brother's fiancee is missing. With access to the hotel cut off, the guests begin to panic.But this is only the first disappearance. Everyone's in danger - and anyone could be next . . .

Objev podobné jako The Sanatorium (Defekt) - Sarah Pearse

cena 129.0 Kč

The Burning (Defekt) - Anna Todd

A new love story from Anna Todd continues with THE BURNING, the second novel in a new trilogy (Brightest Stars) from the No.1 internationally best-selling author of the AFTER series.Anna Todd's Brightest Stars trilogy continues with THE INFINITE LIGHT OF DUST, coming soon.

Objev podobné jako The Burning (Defekt) - Anna Todd

cena 119.0 Kč

The Chrysalids (Defekt) - John Wyndham

A powerful post-apocalyptic allegory of persecution and intolerance, the Penguin Modern Classics edition of John Wyndham's science fiction masterpiece The Day of the Triffids contains an introduction by M. John Harrison. Nuclear war has devastated the world, bringing with it a host of genetic mutations. In the bleak, primitive society that has emerged from its ruins, any sign of deviation, no matter how small, is ruthlessly rooted out and destroyed. David lives in fear of discovery, for he is part of a secret group of children who are able to communicate with each other by transferring thought-shapes into each other's minds. As they grow older, they feel increasingly isolated. Then one of them marries a 'norm', with terrifying consequences. John Wyndham (1903-1969) the son of a barrister, tried a number of careers including farming, law, commercial art and advertising before writing short stories, intended for sale, in 1925. After serving in the Civil Service and the Army during the Second World War, he decided to try writing a modified form of Science Fiction, which he called 'logical fantasy'. Among his most famous books are The Day of the Triffids (1951), The Kraken Wakes (1953), The Chrysalids (1955), The Midwich Cuckoos (1957, filmed twice as Village of the Damned), Trouble with Lichen (1960), and Chocky (1968). If you enjoyed The Chrysalids, you might like Arthur Miller's The Crucible, also available in Penguin Modern Classics.

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cena 109.0 Kč

The English (Defekt) - Jeremy Paxman

A title, in which, the author sets out to find about the English. Not the British overall, not the Scots, not the Irish or Welsh, but the English. Why do they seem so unsure of who they are?

Objev podobné jako The English (Defekt) - Jeremy Paxman

cena 119.0 Kč

The Kingdoms (Defekt) - Natasha Pulley

LONGLISTED FOR THE BRITISH SCIENCE FICTION ASSOCIATION 2021 BEST NOVELFor fans of Matt Haig, Stuart Turton and Bridget Collins comes a sweeping historical adventure from the Sunday Times bestselling author of The Watchmaker of Filigree Street'Original, joyous and horrifying, The Kingdoms is an awe-inspiring feat of imagination and passion which had me in tears by the end' - Catriona WardCome home, if you rememberThe postcard has been held at the sorting office for ninety-one years, waiting to be delivered to Joe Tournier. On the front is a lighthouse – Eilean Mor, in the Outer Hebrides.Joe has never left England, never even left London. He is a British slave, one of thousands throughout the French Empire. He has a job, a wife, a baby daughter.But he also has flashes of a life he cannot remember and of a world that never existed – a world where English is spoken in England, and not French.And now he has a postcard of a lighthouse built just six months ago, that was first written nearly one hundred years ago, by a stranger who seems to know him very well. Joe's journey to unravel the truth will take him from French-occupied London to a remote Scottish island, and back through time itself as he battles for his life – and for a very different future. Natasha Pulley’s first novel The Watchmaker of Filigree Street was a Sunday Times bestseller, won a Betty Trask Award and was shortlisted for the Authors’ Club Best First Novel Award. Her second novel,The Bedlam Stacks was shortlisted for the Royal Society of Literature’s Encore Award and longlisted for the Walter Scott Prize while The Lost Future of Pepperharrow was published in 2020 to widespread critical acclaim, cementing her reputation as one of the most original and exciting writers at work. She lives in Bristol. @natasha_pulley

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cena 49.0 Kč

The Cowards (Defekt) - Josef Škvorecký

In 1945, in Kostelec, Danny is playing saxophone for the best jazz band in Czechoslovakia. Their trumpeter has just got out of a concentration camp, their bass player is only allowed in the band since he owns the bass, and the love of Danny's life is in love with somebody else.

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cena 59.0 Kč

The Illuminations (Defekt) - Andrew O'Hagan

Standing one evening at the window of her house by the sea, Anne Quirk sees a rabbit disappearing in the snow. Nobody remembers her now, but this elderly woman was in her youth a pioneer of British documentary photography.

Objev podobné jako The Illuminations (Defekt) - Andrew O'Hagan

cena 119.0 Kč

The Heroes (Defekt) - Joe Abercrombie

Three men. One battle. No Heroes.They say Black Dow's killed more men than winter, and clawed his way to the throne of the North up a hill of skulls. The King of the Union, ever a jealous neighbour, is not about to stand smiling by while he claws his way any higher. The orders have been given and the armies are toiling through the northern mud.Thousands of men are converging on a forgotten ring of stones, on a worthless hill, in an unimportant valley, and they've brought a lot of sharpened metal with them.Bremer dan Gorst, disgraced master swordsman, has sworn to reclaim his stolen honour on the battlefield. Obsessed with redemption and addicted to violence, he's far past caring how much blood gets spilled in the attempt. Even if it's his own.Prince Calder isn't interested in honour, and still less in getting himself killed. All he wants is power, and he'll tell any lie, use any trick, and betray any friend to get it. Just as long as he doesn't have to fight for it himself.Curnden Craw, the last honest man in the North, has gained nothing from a life of warfare but swollen knees and frayed nerves. He hardly even cares who wins any more, he just wants to do the right thing. But can he even tell what that is with the world burning down around him?Over three bloody days of battle, the fate of the North will be decided. But with both sides riddled by intrigues, follies, feuds and petty jealousies, it is unlikely to be the noblest hearts, or even the strongest arms that prevail.Three men. One battle. No Heroes.

Objev podobné jako The Heroes (Defekt) - Joe Abercrombie

cena 279.0 Kč

The Penderwicks (Defekt) - Birdsallová Jeanne

The Penderwicks: four sisters, as different as chalk from cheese, yet as close as can be.The eldest, Rosalind, is responsible and practical; Skye, stubborn and feisty; dreamy, artistic, budding novelist, Jane; and shy little Batty, who doesn't go anywhere without her butterfly wings. And not forgetting Hound, their large lumbering lovable dog.The four girls and their absent-minded father head off for their summer holidays, but instead of the cosy tumbledown cottage they expect, they find themselves on a huge estate called Arundel, with magnificent gardens ripe for exploring. It isn't long before they become embroiled in all sorts of scrapes with new-found friend, Jeffrey - but his mother, the icy-hearted Mrs Tifton, must be avoided at all costs. Chaotic adventures ensue, and it soon becomes a summer the sisters will never forget...

Objev podobné jako The Penderwicks (Defekt) - Birdsallová Jeanne

cena 49.0 Kč

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