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Hilda and the Troll - Luke Pearson
Hilda Season 1 is now on Netflix!"Luke Pearson is one of the best cartoonists working today. Hilda is utterly brilliant!"—Raina Telgemeier, creator of SmileThis brand new paperback edition of Hilda and the Troll offers a fresh chance to read the very first outing in Luke Pearson''s ever-popular series of magical Hilda adventures.Hilda can never sit still for long without setting off on another adventure. She can''t resist exploring her enchanting world—a place where trolls walk, crows speak, and mountains move. The magic and folklore of the wild, windswept North come alive in this book about an adventurous little girl and her habit of befriending anything, no matter how curious it might seem.While on an expedition to illustrate the magical creatures of the mountains around her home, Hilda spots a mountain troll. As the blue-haired explorer sits and sketches, she slowly starts to nod off. By the time she wakes up, the troll has totally disappeared and, even worse, Hilda is lost in a snowstorm. On her way home, Hilda befriends a lonely wooden man, and narrowly avoids getting squashed by a lost giant.
Podívejte se také troll
Hilda - Hilda a troll, Hilda a půlnoční obr - Luke Pearson
Modrovlasá holčička Hilda žije se svou maminkou na samotě v domku na úpatí magické hornaté krajiny. Protože je chytrá a zvídavá, dokáže vnímat to, co ostatní nevidí nebo vidět nechtějí – trolly, obry, trpaslíky… Vítejte ve světě severské mytologie, drobných dětských strachů i velkých vítězství, světě, který nás láká, abychom se v něm zas a znovu zabydlovali a vraceli se do dob, kdy se největší dobrodružství mohlo odehrát během stanování v dešti. Přestože je přirovnávána k Muminkům nebo filmům Hajao Mijazakiho, je Hilda dokonale svá. Původně vznikla pro mladší publikum, ale nakonec si podmanila čtenáře bez rozdílu věku. Hilda je komiks, v jehož půvabných barvách a výjevech se s rozkoší ztratíte a který se právem stal klasikou 21. století.
Podívejte se také Hilda a pidilidi ()
Hilda se vrací - Hilda a Ptačí slavnost, Hilda a černý pes - Luke Pearson
Po fenomenálním úspěchu první knížky se modrovlasá rozumbrada vrací ve dvou nových dobrodružstvích!Přestože se s maminkou přestěhovala do uspěchaného města Trolberg a kouzelnou zalesněnou krajinu nechala daleko za sebou, brzy zjistí, že ani v jejím novém domově není nouze o překvapení a magické bytosti. I když se ve městě ze začátku nudí, a dokonce se v něm ztratí, naštěstí kolem sebe má staré i nové kamarády – věrného Větvíka, tajemného zraněného havrana či nezbedné domácí skřítky.Díky své zvídavé povaze a dobrému srdci odhalí, kam mizí ztracené věci i jak se žije světě, kde jsou fyzikální zákony tak trochu postavené na hlavu. Zkrátka i Trolberg může být fantastické místo, v němž straší přízrak obrovského psa a kde se každoročně koná záhadná Ptačí slavnost.
Podívejte se také Hilda a parádní slavnost ()
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Hilda a bílý hafík - Luke Pearson, Stephen Davies
Kdo zná Hildu, ví také, co je to nemísto. Doupata a chodbičky, které se skrývají v lidských příbytcích za stěnami a nábytkem, skýtají spoustu překvapení. A tak není divu, že stačí pár chybných kroků, a modrovlasá dobrodružka zabloudí do tajemných hor, odkud není návratu. Jako by nestačilo, že tu natrefí zrovna na strašlivého trolla se dvěma hlavami - navíc se musí postarat nejen o věrného Větvíka, ale i o maminku a dovést je všechny zpátky do bezpečí jejich útulného domova. Další dechberoucí příběh z Hildiny knihovničky, který si užijí nejen ti, kdo se s neohroženou dívenkou skamarádili už před časem, ale i čtenáři a čtenářky, co se s ní vydávají na cestu poprvé.
Objev podobné jako Hilda a bílý hafík - Luke Pearson, Stephen Davies
Hilda a pidilidi - Luke Pearson, Stephen Davies - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Modrovlasá rozumbrada Hilda je malá průzkumnice, která má na světě ze všeho nejradši svůj skicák, liškolouška Větvíka, maminku a všechny obry, trolly, hafíky a skřítky, co žijí u nich v údolí. Zničehonic však v domku, v němž s maminkou doposud spokojeně bydlela, vypukne spoušť. Miniaturním elfům, kteří údolí obývají, totiž dochází trpělivost s tím, jak jim obě „obryně“ dupou nad hlavou, a tak se je snaží vystrnadit. Hilda se s nimi za pomoci elfa Alfura rozhodne promluvit, jenže pidilidi jsou velcí byrokraté a navíc situaci poněkud zkomplikují obři… Seznamte se s dřevěným skřítkem Poleňákem, který rád lehává u krbu, zjistěte, jak lepkavý je trolí hlen, které vtipy mají rádi duchové, a proč obři odletěli do vesmíru. Hildiny příběhy uchvátily příznivce komiksů, poté i diváky animovaného seriálu od Netflixu a teď rozezní i vaše uši!
Objev podobné jako Hilda a pidilidi - Luke Pearson, Stephen Davies - audiokniha
Hilda a parádní slavnost - Luke Pearson, Stephen Davies - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Čte Martha Issová „A co se dělo pak?“ „Něco úžasného!“ zvolal havran. „Ale nepamatuji si co...“ Druhý díl zavádí modrovlasou rozumbradu a její maminku do uspěchaného města Trolberg, jež se ani v nejmenším nepodobá nádherné divočině, kterou musely opustit. Když Hilda ve škole dostane za úkol vypracovat se spolužáky projekt o krásách jejich města, neví si s ním rady… ale když se jí naskytne příležitost zažít dobrodružství, neodolá! Potká během něj divoké elfy, draky, kteří plivou oheň, tajemného mluvícího havrana a nové kamarády, díky nimž na město Trolberg možná přece jen změní názor. Dobrodružství Hildy nejprve uchvátila čtenářky a čtenáře komiksů, poté vznikl animovaný seriál od Netflixu, pak knižní série a konečně také její audioknižní zpracování. Délka nahrávky: 2 hodiny 22 minut
Objev podobné jako Hilda a parádní slavnost - Luke Pearson, Stephen Davies - audiokniha
Hilda a parádní slavnost - Luke Pearson, Stephen Davies - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Druhý díl zavádí modrovlasou rozumbradu Hildu a její maminku do uspěchaného města Trolberg, jež se ani v nejmenším nepodobá nádherné divočině, kterou musely opustit. Když Hilda ve škole dostane za úkol vypracovat se spolužáky projekt o krásách jejich města, neví si s ním rady – ale když se jí naskytne příležitost zažít dobrodružství, neodolá! Potká během něj divoké elfy, draky, kteří plivou oheň, tajemného mluvícího havrana a nové kamarády, díky nimž na město Trolberg možná přece jen změní názor. Hildina dobrodružství nejprve uchvátila čtenářky a čtenáře komiksů, poté vznikl animovaný seriál od Netflixu, pak knižní série a konečně také jejich audioknižní zpracování.
Objev podobné jako Hilda a parádní slavnost - Luke Pearson, Stephen Davies - audiokniha
Hilda a loď duchů - Luke Pearson, Stephen Davies, Seaerra Millerová
V Trolberském zálivu se ztrácejí lodě a Hilda se rozhodne, že přijde záhadě na kloub. Ještě že se může spolehnout na pomoc kamarádky Fridy a svérázného Poleňáka. Možná že za vším stojí nějaké tajemné bytosti. A když už je řeč o podivnostech, co se to děje u starého větrného mlýnu? Proč se k němu stahují zvířata? Nebojácná milovnice dobrodružství musí vyřešit obě záhady, aby ochránila městečko Trolbegr před nebezpečím.
Objev podobné jako Hilda a loď duchů - Luke Pearson, Stephen Davies, Seaerra Millerová
Hilda a Větvík: Prší prší, jen se leje - Luke Pearson
"Když se Hilda s Větvíkem vydají na výpravu, jen tak nějaký deštíček je nezastaví. Jenže tentokrát to vypadá na pořádnou bouřku! Nerozlučná dvojice se tak tak stihne schovat v tajemné mohyle - ale tím dobrodružství teprve začíná. Číhá na ně nebezpečí, které má spoustu šupin a nahnalo by strach i statečnějším zvířatům, než je malý liškoloušek. Ale nic naplat, Větvík se musí vydat vstříc nečasu, aby modrovlasou kamarádku ochránil. Tenhle zbrusu nový, skrz naskrz promočený příběh je ušitý na míru jak těm, co se s Hildou už nějaký čas přátelí, tak i čtenářkám a čtenářům, kteří do jejího kouzelného světa vstupují poprvé."
Objev podobné jako Hilda a Větvík: Prší prší, jen se leje - Luke Pearson
Marvin and the Book of Magic - Jenny Pearson
Marvellous Marvin braves the stage to showcase the magic that can be found in true friendship in this hilarious and heartfelt tale from bestselling author Jenny Pearson.After being humiliated by a badly behaved squirrel on national television, Marvin has vowed NEVER to perform magic in public again. But when he acquires a mysterious book that promises to show those with the gift of magic how to use it properly, his best friend Asha persuades him to make a comeback in the school talent show.Watch Marvellous Marvin take to the stage to demonstrate the magic that can be found in true friendship!
Objev podobné jako Marvin and the Book of Magic - Jenny Pearson
Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 5 Beauty and the Beast (DISNEY) - Jane Rollason
With the brand-new Disney Readers series, young learners can build their reading skills with the help of engaging Disney stories and characters they know and enjoy.Once there was a prince who lived in a beautiful castle. He was rich and handsome, but he was not kind. An enchantress changed him into a beast. To break the spell, he must learn to love and to be loved. One day, Belle, a smart, brave young woman, comes to the castle. Can she break the spell? Can she love the Beast?
Objev podobné jako Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 5 Beauty and the Beast (DISNEY) - Jane Rollason
Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 2 Ariel and the Prince (DISNEY) - Kathryn Harper
With the brand-new Disney Readers series, young learners can build their reading skills with the help of engaging Disney stories and characters they know and enjoy.Ariel is a mermaid. She loves human things. One day, Ariel sees a Prince. She loves him! She wants to be human. Can Ariel find a way?
Objev podobné jako Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 2 Ariel and the Prince (DISNEY) - Kathryn Harper
The Principle of Moments: The biggest SF fantasy debut of 2024 and the first ever winner of the Future Worlds Prize - Esmie Jikiemi-Pearson
Think Star Wars meets Doctor Who in an epic scifi fantasy adventure that centres Black protagonists dismantling space empires, travelling through time, and saving worlds - often simultaneously. 6066: In Emperor Thracin's brave new galaxy, humans are not citizens but indentured labourers, working to repay the debt they unwittingly incurred when they settled on Gahraan - a desert planet already owned by the emperor himself. Asha Akindele knows she's just another voiceless cog working the assembly lines that fuel his vast imperial war machine. Her only rebellion: studying stolen aeronautics manuals in the dead of night. But then a cloaked stranger arrives to deliver an impossible message, and her life changes in an instant.1812: Obi Amadi is done with time-travelling. Never mind the fact he doesn't know how to cure himself of the temporal sickness he caught whilst anchoring his soul to Regency London, the one that unmakes him further with every jump. Or if the prince he loves will ever love him back. Or why his father disappeared. He is done. Until he hears about the ghost of a girl in the British Museum. A girl from another time.When Obi's path tangles with Asha's and a prophecy awakens in the cold darkness of space, they must voyage through the stars, racing against time, tyranny, and the legacy of three heroes from an ancient religion who may be awakening, reincarnated in ways beyond comprehension.A love letter to Black readers of science-fantasy, The Principle of Moments is a symphonic, centuries-spanning adventure - unmissable for fans of the spacefaring found family of Becky Chambers, the alternate London of V. E. Schwab, and the virtuosic climate-craft of N. K. Jemisin.
Objev podobné jako The Principle of Moments: The biggest SF fantasy debut of 2024 and the first ever winner of the Future Worlds Prize - Esmie Jikiemi-Pearson
Pearson REVISE Edexcel GCSE History Superpower relations and the Cold War Revision Guide: incl. online revision and quizzes - for 2025 and 2026 exams
The revision series for Pearson Edexcel GCSE History Designed for hassle-free, independent study and priced to meet both your and your students'' budgets, this combined Revision Guide and Workbook is the smart choice for those revising for Edexcel GCSE (9-1) History and includes: A FREE online edition One-topic-per-page format ''Now Try This'' practice questions on topic pages Exam skills pages including Worked examples with exemplar answers Exam-style practice pages with practice questions in the style of the exams Guided support and hints providing additional scaffolding, to help avoid common pitfalls Full set of practice papers written to match the specification exactly Includes access to a FREE eBook version of your Revision Guide. Revise anytime, anywhere with an eBook Revision Guide on the new Pearson Revise online revision platform. Includes free knowledge checks, quick quizzes and worked solution videos to help you focus your revision. Simply use the code on the inside cover of the book to access your online version. Available for core subjects including AQA and Pearson Edexcel maths, science, English and Pearson Edexcel history and business studies.
Objev podobné jako Pearson REVISE Edexcel GCSE History Superpower relations and the Cold War Revision Guide: incl. online revision and quizzes - for 2025 and 2026 exams
The Troll - Julia Donaldsonová
A laugh-out-loud pirate adventure from the stellar picture-book partnership of Julia Donaldson and David Roberts.The Troll longs for a juicy goat to eat - but he's stuck with boring old fish for supper. Bother! Meanwhile, Hank Chief and his pirate crew love fish, but without a decent recipe their slimy, soggy dinner is even worse. If only they could find their buried treasure and pay for a ship's cook . . . but it seems they've sailed to the wrong island. Again.Watch the fun unfold as two very different worlds collide in The Troll, a gloriously comic story from Julia Donaldson and David Roberts, the creators of the highly acclaimed Tyrannosaurus Drip.Enjoy the other stories by Julia Donaldson and David Roberts: Tyrannosaurus Drip, Jack and the Flumflum Tree, The Flying Bath and The Cook and the King.
Objev podobné jako The Troll - Julia Donaldsonová
We Own the Sky (Defekt) - Luke Allnutt
A story about love, loss and finding hope-against all odds. Rob Coates can't believe his luck. There is Anna, his incredible wife, and most precious of all, Jack, their son, who makes every day an extraordinary adventure. Rob feels like he's won the lottery of life. Or rather-he did. Until the day it all changes when Anna becomes convinced there is something wrong with Jack. Now Rob sleepwalks through his days, unable to bridge the gulf that separates him from his wife, his son and the business of living. But he's determined to come to terms with what's happened-and find a way back to life, and forgiveness. We Own the Sky will resonate with anyone who has ever suffered loss or experienced great love. Luke Allnutt shows that the journey from hope to despair and back is never as simple as we think, and that even the most thoroughly broken heart can learn to beat again.
Objev podobné jako We Own the Sky (Defekt) - Luke Allnutt
Paws, Claws and Animal Antics: Tales and Tips from a Vet - Luke Gamble
A collection of humorous animal stories inspired by the author''s own experiences as a vet, interspersed with practical tips for young pet-owners.From a duck who loses her quack to a black lab who bounces off a cliff, a Siamese cat with delusions of grandeur to an African bullfrog with eye trouble, there is no end to the variety of a vet’s caseload. The highs and lows of animal care are hilariously captured in this sparkling collection of short stories for young readers, interspersed with fun, practical and relatable advice for pet-owners of every description.
Objev podobné jako Paws, Claws and Animal Antics: Tales and Tips from a Vet - Luke Gamble
Pearson REVISE AQA GCSE English Language Guided Revision Workbook: For 2025 and 2026 assessments and exams
GUIDED REVISION WORKBOOK Even more guided support for those students who feel they need it. Our revision resources are the smart choice for those revising for AQA GCSE (9-1) English Language. This book will help you to: Organise your revision with the one-topic-per page format Prepare for your GCSE exam with a book full of exam-style practice questions and even more guided solutions to boost confidence on every page Simplify your revision by writing straight into the book just as you would in an exam Improve your understanding, and exam technique, with more hints and partial answers than the traditional Workbook.
Objev podobné jako Pearson REVISE AQA GCSE English Language Guided Revision Workbook: For 2025 and 2026 assessments and exams
Pearson REVISE Edexcel GCSE English Language Guided Revision Workbook: For 2025 and 2026 assessments and exams
Guided Revision Workbook Even more guided support for those students who feel they need it. Our revision resources are the smart choice for those revising for Pearson Edexcel GCSE (9-1) English Language. This book will help you to: Organise your revision with the one-topic-per page format Prepare for your GCSE exam with a book full of exam-style practice questions and even more guided solutions to boost confidence on every page Simplify your revision by writing straight into the book just as you would in an exam Improve your understanding, and exam technique, with more hints and partial answers than the traditional Workbook.
Objev podobné jako Pearson REVISE Edexcel GCSE English Language Guided Revision Workbook: For 2025 and 2026 assessments and exams
Star Wars: The Legends of Luke Skywalker - The Manga - Akira Himekawa
The manga anthology inspired by Ken Liu's hit Star Wars novel, Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi: The Legends of Luke Skywalker.Jump into hyperspace with all-new Star Wars publishing!Luke Skywalker? I thought he was a myth.- ReyWho is Luke Skywalker? Across the galaxies many have heard his name, but few have met the legendary Jedi. There are those who call him a merciless war criminal-others say he's not even a human, but a droid! Whether he is man or myth, all those who claim they've encountered the elusive Luke Skywalker have an unforgettable adventure to share.
Objev podobné jako Star Wars: The Legends of Luke Skywalker - The Manga - Akira Himekawa
LEGO® Star Wars™: Return of the Jedi: Official Annual 2024 (with Luke Skywalker minifigure and lightsaber) - Buster Books, LEGO®
This fantastic LEGO® Star Wars™ Official Annual comes with a Luke Skywalker LEGO minifigure and lightsaber to play along with as you read the comics and complete the fun puzzles.Marking the 40th anniversary of the epic Return of the Jedi, this action-packed annual is full of everything a young LEGO Star Wars fan could want. Join Luke Skywalker and his friends as they undertake a host of challenges in their fight to save the galaxy from the evil Empire. The rebels need your help!LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Minifigure and the Brick and Knob configurations are trademarks of the LEGO Group. ©2023 The LEGO Group.© & TM Lucasfilm Ltd.
Objev podobné jako LEGO® Star Wars™: Return of the Jedi: Official Annual 2024 (with Luke Skywalker minifigure and lightsaber) - Buster Books, LEGO®
Pearson REVISE WJEC Eduqas GCSE English Language Revision Workbook: For 2024 and 2025 assessments and exams - Julie Hughes
Pearson Revise is the revision series from Pearson, the assessment experts. From the very start of your GCSE, Pearson Revise is the best way to keep learning up to date, practise skills and prepare for assessments and exams. Our Revision Workbooks help students develop vital skills throughout the course in preparation for the exam with: one-to-one page match with the revision guide so students can find the practice they need quickly and easily guided practice questions on every page demonstrate good technique and build confidence loads of practice questions in the style of the new exams, with plenty of practice at problem-solving and reasoning skills hints and tips help students avoid common pitfalls full set of practice papers written to match the new specification exactly. Part of a comprehensive range of learning and revision support available for Pearson Edexcel and AQA GCSEs from Pearson Revise including: Revision Guides, Revision Workbooks, Revision Cards, Practice Papers Plus and a free online learning portal.
Objev podobné jako Pearson REVISE WJEC Eduqas GCSE English Language Revision Workbook: For 2024 and 2025 assessments and exams - Julie Hughes
Pearson Edexcel A Level Politics 2nd edition: UK Government and Politics, Political Ideas and US Government and Politics - David Tuck, Sarra Jenkins,
- Includes all core and non-core political ideas, with key thinkers integrated throughout the text- Builds confidence by highlighting key terms and explaining links between different topics in the specification- Provides opportunities to test your progress with quick knowledge-check questions.- Develops analysis and evaluation skills with ''stretch and challenge'' activities and suggestions for targeted further reading.- Features practice questions with answer guidance online at www.hoddereducation.co.uk.
Objev podobné jako Pearson Edexcel A Level Politics 2nd edition: UK Government and Politics, Political Ideas and US Government and Politics - David Tuck, Sarra Jenkins,
Pearson REVISE Edexcel GCSE History Early Elizabethan England: Revision Guide and Workbook incl. online revision and quizzes - for 2025 and 2026 exams
Designed for hassle-free, independent study and priced to meet both your and your students'' budgets, this combined Revision Guide and Workbook is the smart choice for those revising for Pearson Edexcel GCSE (9-1) History and includes: An online edition linked to a revision planner, flashcards creator, knowledge checks, and more! One-topic-per-page format. ''Now Try This'' practice questions on topic pages. Exam skills pages including Worked examples with exemplar answers. Exam-style practice pages with practice questions in the style of the exams. Guided support and hints providing additional scaffolding, to help avoid common pitfalls. Full set of practice papers written to match the specification exactly. Includes access to an online version on Pearson Revise Online. Revise anytime, anywhere with an eBook Revision Guide on Pearson Revise Online. Includes a revision planner, flashcards creator, knowledge checks, quick quizzes, audio and video content. Simply use the code on the inside cover of the book to access your online version.
Objev podobné jako Pearson REVISE Edexcel GCSE History Early Elizabethan England: Revision Guide and Workbook incl. online revision and quizzes - for 2025 and 2026 exams
Funko POP! Valentines Star Wars - Luke and Grogu (Bobble-head) (889698601252)
Figurka - soška, postavička, sběratelská, motiv Star Wars, výška 9 cm, materiál vinyl, s pohyblivou hlavou, vhodná od 3 let, 1 ks v balení Funko POP! jsou čím dál populárnější malé vinylové figurky s ikonickým roztomilým vzhledem, který je charakterizován velkou hlavou a malým tělem postavičky. Poprvé byly představeny v roce 2010, kombinují tradiční výrobu sošek s moderními prvky a barvami a jsou uznávané i jako sběratelské předměty. Každý si v dnes už tisících figurek najde tu svoji, vyráběny jsou v mnoha různých tématech, jako jsou filmy, televizní seriály, hry, komiksy a další pop-kulturní ikony. I tato figurka, Funko POP! Valentines Star Wars - Luke and Grogu (Bobble-head), o výšce 9 cm se stane skvělým kouskem do vaší sbírky, či veselou hračkou pro vaše dítko. Klíčové přednosti figurky Funko POP! Valentines Star Wars - Luke and Grogu (Bobble-head) Figurka Funko zaujme každého sběratele Je ideální pro ratolesti od 3 let Figurka ze série Star Wars je...
Objev podobné jako Funko POP! Valentines Star Wars - Luke and Grogu (Bobble-head) (889698601252)
Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 4 The Incredibles 2 (DISNEY) - Jacquie Bloese
With the brand-new Disney Readers series, young learners can build their reading skills with the help of engaging Disney stories and characters they know and enjoy.Supers are illegal and Mr Incredible and Elastigirl don’t have jobs. Then Winston Deavor and his sister Evelyn call with an exciting job for Elastigirl. Elastigirl works hard in the city and Bob works hard at home... But can they work together to save the day?
Objev podobné jako Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 4 The Incredibles 2 (DISNEY) - Jacquie Bloese
Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 4 The Lion King DISNEY) - Sanders Mo
With the brand-new Disney Readers series, young learners can build their reading skills with the help of engaging Disney stories and characters they know and enjoy.Simba’s father, Mufasa, was king of the Pride Lands. “One day, you are going to be king of all this,” he tells Simba. But Simba’s uncle, Scar, thinks differently. Can Simba learn Scar’s true plan? Who is the true Lion King?
Objev podobné jako Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 4 The Lion King DISNEY) - Sanders Mo
Hilda a pidilidi (MP3-CD) - audiokniha
Audioknihu Hilda a pidilidi napsal autor: Luke Pearson a Stephen Davies, čte: Martha Issová. Takový je holt život dobrodruha! Modrovlasá rozumbrada Hilda je malá průzkumnice, která má na světě ze všeho nejradši svůj skicák, liškolouška Větvíka, maminku a všechny obry, trolly, hafíky a skřítky, co žijí u nich v údolí. Zničehonic však v domku, v němž s maminkou doposud spokojeně bydlela, vypukne spoušť. Miniaturním elfům, kteří údolí obývají, totiž dochází trpělivost s tím, jak jim obě „obryně“dupou nad hlavou, a tak se je snaží vystrnadit. Hilda se s nimi za pomoci elfa Alfura rozhodne promluvit, jenže pidilidi jsou velcí byrokraté a navíc situaci poněkud zkomplikují obři. Seznamte se s dřevěným skřítkem Poleňákem, který rád lehává u krbu, zjistěte, jak lepkavý je trolí hlen, které vtipy mají rádi duchové, a proč obři odletěli do vesmíru.
Objev podobné jako Hilda a pidilidi (MP3-CD) - audiokniha
Pearson REVISE Edexcel GCSE History Medicine in Britain: Revision Guide and Workbook incl. online revision and quizzes - for 2025 and 2026 exams - Kir
The revision series for Pearson Edexcel GCSE History Designed for hassle-free, independent study and priced to meet both your and your students'' budgets, this combined Revision Guide and Workbook is the smart choice for those revising for Edexcel GCSE (9-1) History and includes: A FREE online edition One-topic-per-page format ''Now Try This'' practice questions on topic pages Exam skills pages including Worked examples with exemplar answers Exam-style practice pages with practice questions in the style of the exams Guided support and hints providing additional scaffolding, to help avoid common pitfalls Full set of practice papers written to match the specification exactly Includes access to a FREE eBook version of your Revision Guide. Revise anytime, anywhere with an eBook Revision Guide on the new Pearson Revise online revision platform. Includes free knowledge checks, quick quizzes and worked solution videos to help you focus your revision. Simply use the code on the inside cover of the book to access your online version. Available for core subjects including AQA and Pearson Edexcel maths, science, English and Pearson Edexcel history and business studies.
Objev podobné jako Pearson REVISE Edexcel GCSE History Medicine in Britain: Revision Guide and Workbook incl. online revision and quizzes - for 2025 and 2026 exams - Kir
Pearson REVISE Edexcel GCSE History Henry VIII Revision Guide and Workbook: For 2025 and 2026 assessments and exams - incl. free online edition - Bria
Designed for hassle-free, independent study and priced to meet both your and your students'' budgets, this combined Revision Guide and Workbook is the smart choice for those revising for Pearson Edexcel GCSE (9-1) History and includes: An online edition linked to a revision planner, flashcards creator, knowledge checks and more! One-topic-per-page format. ''Now Try This'' practice questions on topic pages. Exam skills pages including Worked examples with exemplar answers. Exam-style practice pages with practice questions in the style of the exams. Guided support and hints providing additional scaffolding, to help avoid common pitfalls. Full set of practice papers written to match the specification exactly. Includes access to an online version on Pearson Revise Online. Revise anytime, anywhere with an eBook Revision Guide on Pearson Revise Online. Includes a revision planner, flashcards creator, knowledge checks, quick quizzes, audio and video content. Simply use the code on the inside cover of the book to access your online version.
Objev podobné jako Pearson REVISE Edexcel GCSE History Henry VIII Revision Guide and Workbook: For 2025 and 2026 assessments and exams - incl. free online edition - Bria
The Last Tree: A Seed of Hope - Luke Adam Hawker
From the Sunday Times bestselling author of Together, and in the highly successful genre of The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse, Luke Hawker's new book is a superbly illustrated narrative that evokes the fragility and beauty of our natural world.
Objev podobné jako The Last Tree: A Seed of Hope - Luke Adam Hawker
Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 6 Ralph Breaks the Internet (DISNEY) - Gasper Vessela
With the brand-new Disney Readers series, young learners can build their reading skills with the help of engaging Disney stories and characters they know and enjoy.Ralph and his best friend Vanellope live in Mr. Litwak’s Arcade, where they play games every day. When Wi-Fi comes along and connects the Arcade to the Internet, Ralph has an idea, which takes the friends on a dangerous adventure. They meet new characters and discover a new world. But can Ralph and Vanellope stay connected?
Objev podobné jako Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 6 Ralph Breaks the Internet (DISNEY) - Gasper Vessela
Pearson English Readers: Level 5 The Body Book with MP3 CD - Stephen King
Gordie Lanchance and his three friends are always ready for adventure.When they hear about a dead body in the forest they go to look for it. Then they discover how cruel the world can be.
Objev podobné jako Pearson English Readers: Level 5 The Body Book with MP3 CD - Stephen King
Pearson English Readers: Level 4 Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy + Code - Karen Holmes
Pearson English Readers bring language learning to life through the joy of reading. Well-written stories entertain us, make us think, and keep our interest page after page. Pearson English Readers offer teenage and adult learners a huge range of titles, all featuring carefully graded language to make them accessible to learners of all abilities. Through the imagination of some of the world’s greatest authors, the English language comes to life in pages of our Readers. Students have the pleasure and satisfaction of reading these stories in English, and at the same time develop a broader vocabulary, greater comprehension and reading fluency, improved grammar, and greater confidence and ability to express themselves.
Objev podobné jako Pearson English Readers: Level 4 Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy + Code - Karen Holmes
Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 2 Workbook with eBook and Online Resources DISNEY) - Sandy Zervas
With the brand-new Disney Readers series, young learners can build their reading skills with the help of engaging Disney stories and characters they know and enjoy.There is one workbook for each level of the Pearson Disney Kids Readers, with 64 pages per workbook. These workbooks contain:Opener: To develop visual literacy by referring students back to the story in a fun wayVocabulary: To consolidate learning of key words from the storyStory: To learn reading strategies; to build analytical skills related to reading fictionLanguage: To introduce and practice a language structure or function within a new contextPhonics: To practice reading and spelling the target letters and soundsValues: To enable learners to identify the value and also connect it to their own livesFind Out: To deepen the understanding of the CLIL content; to build writing skillsGame & Self Assessment: To review the story, vocabulary, language, phonics, values and CLIL; develop self assessment skillsQuiz: to test elements of the story, vocabulary, and language from the Reader and the Workbook.Reading RecordHandwriting Practice (Level 1) / Spelling Practice (Level 2 and above)Word List List of key words from all 6 readers in this level
Objev podobné jako Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 2 Workbook with eBook and Online Resources DISNEY) - Sandy Zervas
Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 1 Teachers Book with eBook and Resources (DISNEY) - Tasia Vassilatou
Teacher’s books are available per level. All printed teacher’s books include access to• Teacher’s book (eBook)• Teacher’s Notes (online, PDF)• Photocopiables (online, PDF)• Audio of all six titles in the level (online, mp3)• Level workbook (ebook)
Objev podobné jako Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 1 Teachers Book with eBook and Resources (DISNEY) - Tasia Vassilatou
Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 2 Teachers Book with eBook and Resources (DISNEY) - Tasia Vassilatou
With the brand-new Disney Readers series, young learners can build their reading skills with the help of engaging Disney stories and characters they know and enjoy.Teacher’s books are available per level. All printed teacher’s books include access to• Teacher’s book (eBook)• Teacher’s Notes (online, PDF)• Photocopiables (online, PDF)• Audio of all six titles in the level (online, mp3)• Level workbook (ebook)
Objev podobné jako Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 2 Teachers Book with eBook and Resources (DISNEY) - Tasia Vassilatou
Pearson REVISE Edexcel GCSE Mathematics (Higher) Revision Workbook - for 2025 and 2026 exams - Navtej Marwaha
Designed for classroom and independent study, this Revision Workbook from Pearson Revise supports your revision and exam practice from day one of your GCSE course. Created by the exam experts to help students get organised, work independently and feel confident.: One-to-one page matching with the Revision Guide so students can find the practice they need quickly and easily. Guided practice questions on every page demonstrate good technique and build confidence. Hints and tips help students avoid common pitfalls. Full set of practice papers with sample answers for student self-assessment in the lead up to exams. Part of a comprehensive range of revision and exam practice support available for AQA and Pearson Edexcel GCSEs from Pearson Revise including: Revision Guides, Revision Workbooks, Revision Cards, Practice Papers Plus and Pearson Revise Online.
Objev podobné jako Pearson REVISE Edexcel GCSE Mathematics (Higher) Revision Workbook - for 2025 and 2026 exams - Navtej Marwaha
Pearson REVISE Edexcel GCSE Geography B Revision Workbook - for 2025 and 2026 exams - Andrea Wood
Designed for classroom and independent study, this Revision Workbook from Pearson Revise supports your revision and exam practice from day one of your GCSE course. Created by the exam experts to help students get organised, work independently and feel confident. One-to-one page matching with the Revision Guide so students can find the practice they need quickly and easily. Guided practice questions on every page demonstrate good technique and build confidence. Hints and tips help students avoid common pitfalls. Full set of practice papers with sample answers for student self-assessment in the lead up to exams. Part of a comprehensive range of revision and exam practice support available for AQA and Pearson Edexcel GCSEs from Pearson Revise including: Revision Guides, Revision Workbooks, Revision Cards, Practice Papers Plus and Pearson Revise Online.
Objev podobné jako Pearson REVISE Edexcel GCSE Geography B Revision Workbook - for 2025 and 2026 exams - Andrea Wood
Pearson REVISE Edexcel GCSE Mathematics (Foundation) Revision Workbook - for 2025 and 2026 exams - Navtej Marwaha
The revision series for Pearson Edexcel GCSE Maths Our Revision Workbook for the Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Mathematics specification helps you develop vital skills throughout your course in preparation for the exams with: One-to-one page match with the corresponding Revision Guide so you can find the practice you need quickly and easily Guided practice questions on every page demonstrate good technique and build confidence Loads of practice questions in the style of the new exams, with plenty of practice at problem-solving and reasoning skills Hints and tips helps you avoid common pitfalls A full set of practice papers written to match the new specification exactly To really master your revision, why not combine this book with our Revision Guide? You''ll get plenty of exam-style worked examples, support to help you understand key concepts and access to our free Pearson Revise App. Simply search for 9781447988045.
Objev podobné jako Pearson REVISE Edexcel GCSE Mathematics (Foundation) Revision Workbook - for 2025 and 2026 exams - Navtej Marwaha
Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 4 Teachers Book with eBook and Resources (DISNEY) - Tasia Vassilatou
With the brand-new Disney Readers series, young learners can build their reading skills with the help of engaging Disney stories and characters they know and enjoy.Teacher’s books are available per level. All printed teacher’s books include access to• Teacher’s book (eBook)• Teacher’s Notes (online, PDF)• Photocopiables (online, PDF)• Audio of all six titles in the level (online, mp3)• Level workbook (ebook)
Objev podobné jako Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 4 Teachers Book with eBook and Resources (DISNEY) - Tasia Vassilatou
Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 5 Teachers Book with eBook and Resources (DISNEY) - Tasia Vassilatou
With the brand-new Disney Readers series, young learners can build their reading skills with the help of engaging Disney stories and characters they know and enjoy.Teacher’s books are available per level. All printed teacher’s books include access to• Teacher’s book (eBook)• Teacher’s Notes (online, PDF)• Photocopiables (online, PDF)• Audio of all six titles in the level (online, mp3)• Level workbook (ebook)
Objev podobné jako Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 5 Teachers Book with eBook and Resources (DISNEY) - Tasia Vassilatou
Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 6 Workbook with eBook and Online Resources (DISNEY) - Kathryn Harper
With the brand-new Disney Readers series, young learners can build their reading skills with the help of engaging Disney stories and characters they know and enjoy.There is one workbook for each level of the Pearson Disney Kids Readers, with 64 pages per workbook. These workbooks contain:Opener: To develop visual literacy by referring students back to the story in a fun wayVocabulary: To consolidate learning of key words from the storyStory: To learn reading strategies; to build analytical skills related to reading fictionLanguage: To introduce and practice a language structure or function within a new contextPhonics: To practice reading and spelling the target letters and soundsValues: To enable learners to identify the value and also connect it to their own livesFind Out: To deepen the understanding of the CLIL content; to build writing skillsGame & Self Assessment: To review the story, vocabulary, language, phonics, values and CLIL; develop self assessment skillsQuiz: to test elements of the story, vocabulary, and language from the Reader and the Workbook.Reading RecordHandwriting Practice (Level 1) / Spelling Practice (Level 2 and above)Word List List of key words from all 6 readers in this level
Objev podobné jako Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 6 Workbook with eBook and Online Resources (DISNEY) - Kathryn Harper
Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 4 Workbook with eBook and Online Resources (DISNEY) - Sandy Zervas
With the brand-new Disney Readers series, young learners can build their reading skills with the help of engaging Disney stories and characters they know and enjoy.There is one workbook for each level of the Pearson Disney Kids Readers, with 64 pages per workbook. These workbooks contain:Opener: To develop visual literacy by referring students back to the story in a fun wayVocabulary: To consolidate learning of key words from the storyStory: To learn reading strategies; to build analytical skills related to reading fictionLanguage: To introduce and practice a language structure or function within a new contextPhonics: To practice reading and spelling the target letters and soundsValues: To enable learners to identify the value and also connect it to their own livesFind Out: To deepen the understanding of the CLIL content; to build writing skillsGame & Self Assessment: To review the story, vocabulary, language, phonics, values and CLIL; develop self assessment skillsQuiz: to test elements of the story, vocabulary, and language from the Reader and the Workbook.Reading RecordHandwriting Practice (Level 1) / Spelling Practice (Level 2 and above)Word List List of key words from all 6 readers in this level
Objev podobné jako Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 4 Workbook with eBook and Online Resources (DISNEY) - Sandy Zervas
Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 1 Workbook with eBook and Online Resources (DISNEY) - Sandy Zervas
There is one workbook for each level of the Pearson Disney Kids Readers, with 64 pages per workbook. These workbooks contain:Opener: To develop visual literacy by referring students back to the story in a fun wayVocabulary: To consolidate learning of key words from the storyStory: To learn reading strategies; to build analytical skills related to reading fictionLanguage: To introduce and practice a language structure or function within a new contextPhonics: To practice reading and spelling the target letters and soundsValues: To enable learners to identify the value and also connect it to their own livesFind Out: To deepen the understanding of the CLIL content; to build writing skillsGame & Self Assessment: To review the story, vocabulary, language, phonics, values and CLIL; develop self assessment skillsQuiz: to test elements of the story, vocabulary, and language from the Reader and the Workbook.Reading RecordHandwriting Practice (Level 1) / Spelling Practice (Level 2 and above)Word List List of key words from all 6 readers in this level
Objev podobné jako Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 1 Workbook with eBook and Online Resources (DISNEY) - Sandy Zervas
Pearson REVISE Edexcel GCSE Physical Education Revision Guide: For 2025 and 2026 assessments and exams - incl. free online edition - Jan Simister
Designed for classroom and independent study, this Revision Guide supports your revision and exam practice from day one of your GCSE course. Created by the exam experts to help students get organised, work independently and feel confident, it includes access to an online version linked to interactive revision tools including a revision planner, flashcards creator, and more! One-topic-per-page format helps you revise more efficiently and keep track. Exam-style worked examples match the new specification and demonstrate good exam technique. ''Now try this'' exam-style practice questions let you test your understanding of a topic. Target indicator shows you exactly what level you''re working at. Problem solving support throughout including tricky questions on easy topics and strategies and techniques for answering harder questions. Visual explanations of key concepts help you revise quickly and recall key skills in your exams. One-to-one page matched with the companion Revision Workbook. Includes access to an online version on Pearson Revise Online. Revise anytime, anywhere with an eBook Revision Guide on Pearson Revise Online. Includes a revision planner, flashcards creator and more to help you revise independently. Simply use the code on the inside cover of the book to access your online version.
Objev podobné jako Pearson REVISE Edexcel GCSE Physical Education Revision Guide: For 2025 and 2026 assessments and exams - incl. free online edition - Jan Simister
Pearson REVISE Edexcel GCSE Maths (Higher): Revision Guide incl. online revision, quizzes and videos - for 2025 and 2026 exams - Harry Smith
Designed for classroom and independent study, this Revision Guide supports your revision and exam practice from day one of your GCSE course. Created by the exam experts to help students get organised, work independently and feel confident, it includes access to an online version linked to interactive revision tools including a revision planner, flashcards creator, and more! One-topic-per-page format helps you revise more efficiently and keep track. Exam-style worked examples match the new specification and demonstrate good exam technique. ''Now try this'' exam-style practice questions let you test your understanding of a topic. Target indicator shows you exactly what level you''re working at. Problem solving support throughout including tricky questions on easy topics and strategies and techniques for answering harder questions. Visual explanations of key concepts help you revise quickly and recall key skills in your exams. One-to-one page matched with the companion Revision Workbook. Includes access to an online version on Pearson Revise Online. Revise anytime, anywhere with an eBook Revision Guide on Pearson Revise Online. Includes a revision planner, flashcards creator and more to help you revise independently. Simply use the code on the inside cover of the book to access your online version.
Objev podobné jako Pearson REVISE Edexcel GCSE Maths (Higher): Revision Guide incl. online revision, quizzes and videos - for 2025 and 2026 exams - Harry Smith
Pearson REVISE Edexcel GCSE Maths (Foundation) Revision Guide: incl. online revision, quizzes and videos - for 2025 and 2026 exams - Harry Smith
Designed for classroom and independent study, this Revision Guide supports your revision and exam practice from day one of your GCSE course. Created by the exam experts to help students get organised, work independently and feel confident, it includes access to an online version linked to interactive revision tools including a revision planner, flashcards creator, and more! One-topic-per-page format helps you revise more efficiently and keep track. Exam-style worked examples match the new specification and demonstrate good exam technique. ''Now try this'' exam-style practice questions let you test your understanding of a topic. Target indicator shows you exactly what level you''re working at. Problem solving support throughout including tricky questions on easy topics and strategies and techniques for answering harder questions. Visual explanations of key concepts help you revise quickly and recall key skills in your exams. One-to-one page matched with the companion Revision Workbook. Includes access to an online version on Pearson Revise Online. Revise anytime, anywhere with an eBook Revision Guide on Pearson Revise Online. Includes a revision planner, flashcards creator and more to help you revise independently. Simply use the code on the inside cover of the book to access your online version.
Objev podobné jako Pearson REVISE Edexcel GCSE Maths (Foundation) Revision Guide: incl. online revision, quizzes and videos - for 2025 and 2026 exams - Harry Smith
Pearson English Readers: Level 4 Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy 2 + Code - Lynda Edwards
Pearson English Readers bring language learning to life through the joy of reading. Well-written stories entertain us, make us think, and keep our interest page after page. Pearson English Readers offer teenage and adult learners a huge range of titles, all featuring carefully graded language to make them accessible to learners of all abilities. Through the imagination of some of the world’s greatest authors, the English language comes to life in pages of our Readers. Students have the pleasure and satisfaction of reading these stories in English, and at the same time develop a broader vocabulary, greater comprehension and reading fluency, improved grammar, and greater confidence and ability to express themselves.
Objev podobné jako Pearson English Readers: Level 4 Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy 2 + Code - Lynda Edwards
Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 6 / Atlantis: Level The Lost Empire (DISNEY) - Marie Crook
Discover the magic of stories: Read and learn with Disney friends With the brand-new Disney Readers series, young learners can build their reading skills with the help of engaging Disney stories and characters they know and enjoy. * Created to be used both at school and at home * Helps young learners expand their reading in a fun and motivating way * Audobook, extra learning content and activities included* * Aligned to the Global Scale of English and Common European Framework * Lexile text measure 550 Thousands of years ago, the Empire of Atlantis was a wonderful place. Then it disappeared.
Objev podobné jako Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 6 / Atlantis: Level The Lost Empire (DISNEY) - Marie Crook
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