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Henry and Eliza - Jane Austenová - e-kniha

eBook: \'Being good People themselves, their first & principal care was to incite in her a Love of Virtue & a Hatred of Vice, in which they so well succeeded (Eliza having a natural turn that way herself) that when she grew up, she was the delight of all who knew her.\' That was until Eliza was caught stealing a pound50 note and was thrown out by her benefactors. A classic short story from Austen\'s \"juvenilia\", written in her teenage years and originally shared with her family and friends. The perfect insight into the mind of young Austen.

Podívejte se také Jane and the Moon (978-80-875-9705-7)

cena 124.0 Kč

Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austenová - e-kniha

eBook: Pride and Prejudice is a classic novel written by Jane Austen. Set in Georgian England, it follows the lives of the five Bennet sisters as they navigate the pressures and expectations of society in search of love and marriage. With its sharp wit, memorable characters, and timeless commentary on human nature, Pride and Prejudice is a novel that continues to captivate readers of all ages. It is considered a cornerstone of English literature and a classic of romantic fiction.

Podívejte se také Jane utíká ()

cena 249.0 Kč

Sanditon and Other Stories - Jane Austenová - e-kniha

eBook: In time for the highly-awaited TV series, a new edition of Jane Austen\'s delightful final work, set in a newly established seaside resort with a glorious cast of hypochondriacs and speculatorsIn the final months of Jane Austen\'s life, she began work on a new novel about social drama in the small seaside town of Sanditon, once a small fishing village and now a bustling spa town. In the story of Charlotte Heywood, a new arrival, Austen she contemplated a changing society with a mixture of skepticism and amusement, and notably crafted her only character of color in the mixed-race heiress Miss Lambe. Though unfinished at the time of her death, it is a key work for readers of Jane Austen, and all the moreso with a major upcoming TV adaptation. This volume includes Sanditon, as well as two other lesser-known works, Lady Susan and The Watsons. The early epistolary novel Lady Susan depicts an unscrupulous coquette, toying with several men. And The Watsons is a delightful fragment, whose spirited heroine, Emma, finds her marriage opportunities restricted by poverty and pride. With three vital and less familiar works by one of the most important novelists in the English language, this book is a must-have for Austen fans.

Podívejte se také Jane Eyre ()

cena 249.0 Kč

The Beautifull Cassandra and Other Stories - Jane Austenová - e-kniha

eBook: ‘The Beautiful Cassandra and Other Stories’ (1793) was written by the renowned English novelist Jane Austen, best-known for her novels ‘Sense and Sensibility’ (1811) and ‘Pride and Prejudice’ (1813). This collection of short stories, written when the author was very young, deals with an abundance of topics, such as murder, theft, deceit, imprisonment, romance, and intrigue. A fascinating and entertaining insight into the young Jane Austen’s mind, this collection is a sensational read for those contemplating reading some of Austen\'s famous novels later down the line, or for those already familiar with her brilliant body of work! There are few authors as iconic as Jane Austen (1775-1817). Her body of work contains some of the most beloved books and characters of all time which have been in print for over two hundred years and sold millions of copies worldwide. Austen was a trailblazer, famed for her satire, her astute social commentary and her strong-willed, passionate heroines. Her ability to wield humour with realism has found her favour with critics and readers for generations. Her most famous works include Pride and Prejudice (1813), Emma (1816), Sense and Sensibility (1811) and Persuasion (1818), all of which have received success in adaptations for the screen, stage and radio.

Objev podobné jako The Beautifull Cassandra and Other Stories - Jane Austenová - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

The Three Sisters and Other Stories - Jane Austenová - e-kniha

eBook: With handsome rich men and ladies of leisure fluttering their eyelids trying to catch their attention, \'The Three Sisters\' reads like a humorous trial run for \'Pride and Prejudice\'. Told via correspondence, this is in fact a tale of a single man, Mr. Watts, who is in possession of a good fortune and is in want of a wife. Mrs. Stanhope is the mother of a family of girls who is very much in want of a son-in-law. And the girls? Despite one of them being \"the happiest creature on the planet\", they aren\'t actually all that happy at all. This satirical narrative of courtship and self-interest by the young Jane Austen is a must for any fan of the modern Chick-Lit novel or Rom-Com film. As an extra treat, this edition includes four additional writings from Jane Austen, making this essential reading for any Austen fan or study.These additional pieces• A Fragment written to inculcate the practice of Virtue• A beautiful description of the different effects of sensibility on different minds• The Generous Curate.• Ode to Pity

Objev podobné jako The Three Sisters and Other Stories - Jane Austenová - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

The Adventures of Mr. Harley and Other Stories - Jane Austenová - e-kniha

eBook: \'Mr. Harley was one of many children. Destined by his father for the church and by his mother for the sea, desirous of pleasing both, he prevailed on Sir John to obtain for him a chaplaincy on board a Man of War. He accordingly cut his hair and sailed.\' A short but interesting flash fiction story dedicated to a midshipman on board the Perseverance. Written by a teenage Jane Austen, who loved to read her work to her family, these short stories are a perfect insight into the mind of young Austen.

Objev podobné jako The Adventures of Mr. Harley and Other Stories - Jane Austenová - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

Evelyn - Jane Austenová - e-kniha

eBook: Do you love humorous and amusing stories? Then you will love this short story written by none other than Jane Austen when she was still a young teenager. \"In a retired part of the County of Sussex, there is a village (for what I know to the contrary) called Evelyn, perhaps one of the most beautiful spots in the south of England. A gentleman passing through it on horseback about twenty years ago, was so entirely of my opinion in this respect, that he put up at the little alehouse in it and enquired with great earnestness whether there were any house to be left in the parish.\" With over-the-top characters and the hero\'s exhilarating freedom, this novel is a fascinating look into young Austen\'s mind.

Objev podobné jako Evelyn - Jane Austenová - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

Edgar & Emma - Jane Austenová - e-kniha

eBook: \"I cannot imagine,\" said Sir Godfrey to his Lady, \"why we continue in such deplorable Lodgings as these, in a paltry Market-town, while we have 3 good houses of our own situated in some of the finest parts of England, and perfectly ready to receive us!\" Another classic short story from Austen\'s \"juvenilia\", written in her teenage years and originally shared with her family and friends.

Objev podobné jako Edgar & Emma - Jane Austenová - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

Jack & Alice - Jane Austenová - e-kniha

eBook: ‘When you are more intimately acquainted with my Alice, you will not be surprised, Lucy, to see the dear creature drink a little too much; for such things happen every day. She has many rare and charming qualities, but sobriety is not one of them.’ Decidedly strange, illogical and out of the norm, \"Jack and Alice\" depicts life in Pammydiddle, a pleasant English town with a love of parties, scandal and gossip. The work is full of parody and a pastiche of many literary trends of the time. Another classic short story from Austen\'s \"juvenilia\", written in her teenage years and originally shared with her family and friends.

Objev podobné jako Jack & Alice - Jane Austenová - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

Frederic & Elfrida - Jane Austenová - e-kniha

eBook: Written by a young Jane Austen, \'Frederic and Elfrida\' is a short story that beautifully showcases Austen as the original queen of wit. Penned at around the age of twelve, this is one of the earliest examples of her work ever to have been discovered. Austen’s purpose was to entertain, and here, she certainly succeeded. A melodramatic story of two cousins who are to be wed and the theatrics of family, this story is perfect if you\'re looking for a lighthearted and funny read. This is an unpolished story from the mind of a girl destined to become one of the greatest female authors of all time and a wonderful example of the flare that Jane Austen had for storytelling.

Objev podobné jako Frederic & Elfrida - Jane Austenová - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

Northangerské opatství - Jane Austenová - e-kniha

eBook: Román Jane Austenové vypráví o sedmnáctileté dívce Catherine Morlandové, která je v lázeňském městečku Bath poprvé uvedena do společnosti. Na plese se seznámí s okouzlujícím panem Tilneym. Avšak mladá dívka si mezi plesy, procházkami a společenským událostmi najde čas na čtení gotických hororových románů, které ji hluboce ovlivní. A tak když se jako host dostane do tajemného starého domu, promítá si do něj všechny děsivé příběhy z knih, které četla.

Objev podobné jako Northangerské opatství - Jane Austenová - e-kniha

cena 209.0 Kč

Lady Susan - Jane Austenová - e-kniha

eBook: Lady Susan, novela v dopisech, kterou Jane Austenová nazvala podle hlavní postavy, se v mnohém vymyká nejen další autorčině tvorbě; a k titulní hrdince bychom marně hledali paralelu snad v celé literatuře devatenáctého století. Vždyť tato čerstvá vdova je nejen krásná, ale také navýsost inteligentní a vtipná, nezávislá a nespoutaná; dokáže zamotat hlavu výrazně mladším nápadníkům; v milostných hrách drtivě vítězí nad svou mladičkou dcerou; a byť je jí přibližně pětatřicet let (což mělo v dobovém nazírání k mládí daleko), jeden z mužských protagonistů ji právem označuje za „nejznámější koketu v Anglii“… Jako by už věděl, že se jeho odsudek brzy změní v okouzlení. Lady Susan dychtí po obdivu mužů a závisti žen, stejně jako po bohatství a společenském postavení; touží však také po lásce a vášni. Jednačtyřicet dopisů z mistrného pera Jane Austenové popisuje z různých úhlů pohledu – což je umožněno střídáním pisatelů a adresátů – intriky, flirt, zbožnění, radost i soužení. Autorka sama neměla v lásce štěstí, zůstala neprovdána – a snad i díky tomu se stala natolik vnímavou pozorovatelkou lidských duší, že její líčení okamžiků lásky a nenávisti čteme se zatajeným dechem a rozechvělým srdcem. A navíc je tato novela autentickým svědectvím o rodinných a společenských poutech, která se rodí – a zanikají – v hekticky žijícím Londýně i v jen zdánlivém bezčasí šlechtických sídel. Z anglického originálu přeložil Josef Pepson Snětivý. Vydává Nakladatelství ČAS s.r.o., Slepá 246, 252 03 Řitkainfo@nakladatelstvicas.cz, www.nakladatelstvicas.cz

Objev podobné jako Lady Susan - Jane Austenová - e-kniha

cena 49.0 Kč

Anna Elliotová - Jane Austenová - e-kniha

eBook: Anna Elliotová už má dívčí mládí dávno za sebou. Jako devatenáctiletá poslechla přítelkyni a zrušila zasnoubení s bezvýznamným námořníkem Frederickem Wentworthem. Když se ale po osmi letech znovu setkají, je všechno jinak. Její rodina opouští rodinné sídlo a stěhuje se do Bathu, zatímco se kapitán Wentworth jako bohatý muž se zvučným jménem vrací z cest. Probudí se staré city, když se mladí lidé opět shledají? Nebo je osm let odloučení pro lásku už moc dlouhá doba?

Objev podobné jako Anna Elliotová - Jane Austenová - e-kniha

cena 269.0 Kč

Pýcha a předsudek - Jane Austenová - e-kniha

eBook: Není pochyb o tom, že hrdinkou románu Pýcha a předsudek, Lízinkou, je sama Jane Austenová (1775–1817). Přestože prožila tak typicky nekonfliktní život (nikdy se neprovdala a jediné nabídnutí k sňatku prý během hodiny odmítla), neodráží se v jejím díle žádná osudová hořkost. Zdá se, že se ze své pozice dcery bez věna, a tudíž dívky bez zvláštních šancí na lepší sňatek, spíš nesmírně bavila – asi jako člověk, který v divadle sleduje zábavnou komedii. Přidáním ironického podtextu posunula románovou tvorbu ze sfér naivního realismu o několik generací dopředu. Víc než půldruhého století je doba, která dovedla pohltit stovky literárních děl, jimž se při zrodu prorokovala nesmrtelnost; a byla to díla s daleko efektnějšími a vzrušivějšími náměty než Pýcha a předsudek. Jemné kouzlo Jane Austenové má svůj stálý vděčný okruh čtenářů a každá nová generace autorčin odkaz objevuje po svém, v nových barevných odstínech a v novém lesku.

Objev podobné jako Pýcha a předsudek - Jane Austenová - e-kniha

cena 119.0 Kč

Rozum a cit - Jane Austenová - e-kniha

eBook: JANE AUSTENOVÉ (1775–1817) mohlo celé devatenácté století děkovat za galerii krásných moderních žen, které měly odvahu chovat se tak, jak jim velel zdravý rozum – ať už to byla Elizabeth z Pýchy a předsudku, Eleonor z Rozumu a citu nebo Anna z románu Anna Elliotová. Její první publikovaný román Rozum a cit (1811) dodnes nachází vděčné čtenáře a především čtenářky, neboť hrdinkami jsou dívky a ženy, které se musí smířit s tvrdostí života a najít rovnováhu mezi rozumem a citem. I po téměř dvou staletích překvapuje Austenová neobvyklou zápletkou, jemným humorem, skvělými dialogy i vřelostí citu. Mnohými čtenáři i kritiky je proto považována za největší autorku anglické prózy.

Objev podobné jako Rozum a cit - Jane Austenová - e-kniha

cena 119.0 Kč

Catharine, or The Bower - Jane Austenová - e-kniha

eBook: What do we usually find in Jane Austen\'s novels? At least one girl with a conflict and a handsome man or two to rush in and save the day. If nothing else, Jane was a romantic through and through! Catharine is a young orphan being raised in the country. Her best friends are the four children of the vicar. After the vicar’s death, they have been sent off to various locations to make their way in the world. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley come to visit Catharine and her guardian aunt. They have a daughter Camilla, and a handsome son Edward. Camilla and Catharine become friends and Camilla is sure that Catharine and Edward will become a couple. The heroine, Catharine Percival, is young and naive, but intelligent and spirited. Although she is an orphan, as befits the heroine of a novel written in the late eighteenth century, she is hampered in her adventures by her loving aunt who is overprotective and fearful of the world Catharine is soon visiting London as well. Will she reunite with her old friends? Will Catharine and Edward become a couple or will something from the past force them apart?

Objev podobné jako Catharine, or The Bower - Jane Austenová - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

Emma - Jane Austenová, Zuzana Šťastná - e-kniha

eBook: Vrcholné dílo geniální Jane Austenové. Ač okouzlující, bohatá a chytrá Emma Woodhousová nemá manžela, myslí si, že má mimořádný talent dávat páry dohromady a pak sledovat jejich šťastná manželství. A ačkoli ji od toho její drahý přítel pan Knightley zrazuje, nic ji nebaví víc než zaplétat se do milostných vztahů druhých. Když se však jeden z jejích dobře míněných plánů krutě zvrtne – jak pan Knightley správně předpověděl – musí Emma čelit následkům svého vměšování.

Objev podobné jako Emma - Jane Austenová, Zuzana Šťastná - e-kniha

cena 269.0 Kč

Mladší sestra - díl III. - Jane Austenová, Catherine Austenová- Hubbacková - e-kniha

eBook: Třetí, závěrečný díl je ve znamení Emmina hledání štěstí. A to se vždy, kdy už se zdá ležet nadosah, vzdálí až do nedohledna. Croydonský lékař pan Morgan, obletovaný svými pacientkami, se snaží utrhnout květ nejkrásnější – neuvědomuje si však, že Emma přesahuje místní slečny nejen půvabem, ale i rozhledem a osobností. Na scénu vstupuje srdečný sourozenecký pár, pastor Bridge a jeho neprovdaná sestra, který Emmě pomáhá uniknout z Morganových osidel i z nelaskavého domova, jemuž vládne despotická švagrová Jane a její pragmatický, pocitům ostatních nepříliš otevřený manžel Robert, croydonský advokát a nejstarší syn zesnulého pana Watsona. A další vítané pozvání přichází od novomanželů Rosy a Williama Gordonových. Sílící kontrasty – ať už mezi šedí městských ulic a jarní přírodou v Burtonu, kam se Emma uchýlila díky pohostinnosti slečny Bridgeové, nebo mezi zaslepenou cílevědomostí Emminy sestry Margaret, jíž stačí, že přinutila „džentlmena“ Toma Musgrovea, aby se stal jejím mužem, a Emminým idealismem, jenž jako by ji vzdaloval od jejího okolí – dávají tušit, že přichází velké finále. Jeho vír odvěje masky jednotlivých aktérů, kteří se tak na scéně objevují ve své pravé podobě: lord Osborne se promění ze sobeckého mladíka v citlivého a šlechetného ochránce, jeho sestra, čerstvě provdaná lady Gordonová, a její manžel sir William Gordon zapomínají, že je nepřípustné přátelit se s „nižšími“ vrstvami, lordova matka překročí v touze stát se ženou pastora Howarda všechny společenské meze, doktor Morgan, teď už posedlý představou, že jej Emma miluje, zaplatí za svou obsesi cenu nejvyšší, Fanny Carrová odhodí škrabošku způsobné mladé dámy… Jen Emma a její láska pan Howard nemají co odhazovat, neboť jejich projevy vždy vyvěraly z opravdových citů. Ohlas první i druhé části románu Jane Austenové a Catherine Austenové Hubbackové nás přesvědčil v tom, že dílo velké spisovatelky, dokončené její talentovanou neteří, je stále živé. Tím víc nás těší, že je právě naše Nakladatelství ČAS vydává ve vůbec prvním českém překladu (přeložila Jana Velvarská).

Objev podobné jako Mladší sestra - díl III. - Jane Austenová, Catherine Austenová- Hubbacková - e-kniha

cena 74.0 Kč

Mladší sestra - díl I. - Jane Austenová, Catherine Austenová- Hubbacková - e-kniha

eBook: Pan Watson je ovdovělý vikář s početným potomstvem – dvěma syny a čtyřmi dcerami. Nejmladší z nich, Emma, byla vychována v rodině své bohaté tety, a je tudíž vzdělanější a jemnější než její sestry Elisabeth, Margaret a Penelope. Když však ovdoví i zmíněná teta a uzavře nerovný sňatek z lásky, je Emma nucena vrátit se do otcovského domu. Setkává se tam nejen s hypochondrickým a milujícím otcem, ale i s bezuzdným hledáním manžela, jímž své okolí obtěžují Margaret a Penelope. Tíhne tedy k nejstarší sestře Elisabeth, nepříliš inteligentní, avšak upřímné a oddané zbytku rodiny. V sousedství Watsonových žije šlechtická rodina Osbornových. Emma si získá nevítanou pozornost mladého lorda Osborna, zatímco Margaret doslova pronásleduje jeho bezohledného nohsleda Toma Musgravea. Ten se ovšem předvádí spíše před její švagrovou, urozenou a snobskou Jane, která přijela k Watsonovým na návštěvu, doprovázena manželem, hrubým Emminým bratrem Robertem. Blízké okolí však není prosto ani jiných mužů, a tak můžeme sledovat austenovské zahájení velké hry, při níž autorka i její následovnice pohybují figurkami na šachovnici děje s ironií i humorem. Román Mladší sestra, jehož první díl Vám nyní přinášíme v překladu Jany Velvarské, rozepsala pod názvem The Watsons Jane Austenová. Toto dílo dokončila její neteř Catherine Austenová Hubbacková, spisovatelka a strážkyně odkazu své velké tety.

Objev podobné jako Mladší sestra - díl I. - Jane Austenová, Catherine Austenová- Hubbacková - e-kniha

cena 74.0 Kč

Mladší sestra - díl II. - Jane Austenová, Catherine Austenová- Hubbacková - e-kniha

eBook: Ve druhém díle trojsvazkového románu se opět setkáváme se čtyřmi dcerami pana Watsona – nejstarší, laskavou Elizabeth, její krásnou mladší sestrou a naší titulní hrdinkou Emmou, marnivou Margaret a svéhlavou Penelopou. Po smrti svého otce, reverenda Watsona, jsou nuceny odejít ke svému bratru Robertovi a jeho nelaskavé ženě Jane do Croydonu. Penelopa a Margaret směřují ke splnění vysněného cíle – manželství – s rozhodností, jež nedbá na city jejich okolí a vlastně ani jich samých. Elizabeth posléze potkává štěstí v podobě ovdovělého Georga Millara, zatímco Emma, stále vzpomínající na pana Howarda, marně hledá únik z domu Roberta a Jane Watsonových, který se pro ni zvolna mění v rafinované vězení. Její švagrová Jane si je dobře vědoma toho, jak schopnou a hlavně levnou guvernantku pro svou dceru Žanetu v ní našla, a brání Emmě byť jen pomyslet na odchod. Ani to však nemůže zabránit mužům v Emmině okolí, aby neskládali hold její kráse a neobdivovali její intelekt. Na scénu tak vstupují nejen sir William Gordon (který ale miluje slečnu Osbornovou a posléze se stává jejím manželem), ale také směšný floutek Alfred Freemantle či prohnaný a elegantní doktor Morgan. Právě ten vymyslí ďábelskou lest, jak Emmě zlomit srdce a pak ji opustit, jak bývá v podobných případech jeho zvykem… Postavy, které jsme poznali v prvním díle – Emmin neohrabaný nápadník lord Osborne, jeho matka, jeho sestra Rosa, její přítelkyně slečna Carrová, bezohledný Tom Musgrove, jehož Margaret považuje za svého nastávajícího, tajná Emmina láska pan Howard či jeho sestra a synovec – pozorují ve druhém díle hemžení postav na scéně jaksi z povzdálí. O to víc se můžeme těšit na to, jak v závěrečné části vstoupí do děje. Zapomenout nesmíme ani na Emmě dosud neznámého bratra Sama – setkání s ním (byť při smutné příležitosti otcova skonu) jí udělá velkou radost a vynahradí jí chlad a vypočítavost staršího bratra Roberta, pod jehož ochranu se osiřelé dívky musí uchýlit. Ani Robert však není zcela bez citu… Ohlas první části románu Jane Austenové a Catherine Austenové Hubbackové nás přesvědčil v tom, že dílo velké spisovatelky, dokončené její talentovanou neteří, je stále živé. Tím víc nás těší, že je právě naše Nakladatelství ČAS vydává ve vůbec prvním českém překladu. Na třetí, závěrečný díl se můžete těšit na podzim roku 2011.

Objev podobné jako Mladší sestra - díl II. - Jane Austenová, Catherine Austenová- Hubbacková - e-kniha

cena 74.0 Kč

Jane Austenová: Slova a cit - Catherine Bell - e-kniha

eBook: Ve Steventonu v hrabství Hampshire se píše rok 1795 a bystrá dcerka tamního faráře Jane touží po jediném: po psaní. S rukama umazanýma od inkoustu se noc co noc probouzí a snaží se proklestit si cestu do světa svých hrdinek, Elinor a Marianny Dashwoodových.Bohužel se jí to však nedaří. Hrdinky vidí jen jako v mlze a má pocit, že ji od nich cosi odděluje – jakási neviditelná stěna jí stojí v cestě. A co víc, její sestra Cass se bude brzo vdávat a Jane má podezření, že pokud bude po maminčině, podobný osud potká v nejbližší budoucnosti i ji. Mladí páni ze vsi jsou však Jane naprosto lhostejní, v lepším případě poslouží coby přijatelní taneční partneři na plesech, které tak zbožňuje.Má se však vše změnit s příjezdem sousedčina synovce, sečtělého pana Toma Lefroye? A najde Jane konečně cestu ke svým milovaným hrdinkám? Janino srdce však musí znovu a znovu snášet zklamání a spolu s rodinou se musí vyrovnat s nejrůznějšími ranami osudu. O to neúnavněji se Jane pokouší uskutečnit svůj největší sen: vydat román.

Objev podobné jako Jane Austenová: Slova a cit - Catherine Bell - e-kniha

cena 289.0 Kč

Láska a přátelství - Jane Austenová, Josef Snětivý - e-kniha

eBook: Láska a přátelství, novela v dopisech, bývá občas zaměňována s obdobným dílem Jane Austenové: s Lady Susan. Přispívá k tomu nejen stejná literární forma, ale také film Láska a přátelství, který navzdory názvu vychází právě z Lady Susan. „Naše“ kniha, tedy Láska a přátelství, je však samostatným dílkem světoznámé autorky, pozoruhodným už tím, že je psala mezi jedenáctým a čtrnáctým rokem svého věku. Snad právě díky mládí, které bývá bezohledné, se v něm vysmála mnohým klišé romantické literatury: jmenujme jen „scény plné omdlévání“, „nečekaná zjevení dosud neznámých příbuzných“, „vznešené city versus přízemní realita“ či „povinný odpor proti rodičovskému despotismu“. Nad tím vším se vznáší nepřekonatelná ironie Jane Austenové, její břitký humor – ale také city, vášeň a láska, byť podané tak, že občas nevíme, zda se smát, či plakat. Smích je každopádně na místě, vždyť autorka psala tyto fiktivní dopisy pro pobavení rodinného kruhu; i tak ale budete líčení krásné a nesnázemi stíhané Laury číst se zatajeným dechem a neubráníte se obdivu vůči vypravěčským schopnostem mladinké Jane, která se později stala jednou z nejoblíbenějších a nejuznávanějších spisovatelek všech dob. Z anglického originálu přeložil Josef Pepson Snětivý.

Objev podobné jako Láska a přátelství - Jane Austenová, Josef Snětivý - e-kniha

cena 74.0 Kč

Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austenová

A tour de force of wit and sparkling dialogue, Pride and Prejudice shows how the headstrong Elizabeth Bennet and the aristocratic Mr Darcy must have their pride humbled and their prejudices dissolved before they can acknowledge their love for each other. Jane Austen's best-loved novel is an unforgettable story about the inaccuracy of first impressions, the power of reason, and above all the strange dynamics of human relationships and emotions. Gorgeously illustrated by the celebrated Hugh Thomson, this Macmillan Collector's Library edition also includes an afterword by author and critic Henry Hitchings. Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.

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cena 178.0 Kč

Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austenová

A special edition featuring beautiful heritage wallpaper patterns from her own home in Hampshire, these collectable paperbacks are a must for all Jane Austen fans. From Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning classics that make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. Jane Austen's best-loved novel is an unforgettable story about the inaccuracy of first impressions, the power of reason and, above all, the strange dynamics of human relationships and emotions. A tour de force of wit and sparkling dialogue, Pride and Prejudice shows how the headstrong Elizabeth Bennet and the aristocratic Mr Darcy must have their pride humbled and their prejudices dissolved before they can acknowledge their love for each other. With original illustrations by the celebrated Hugh Thomson, this Macmillan Collector's Library edition also features bonus material by Jane Austen expert and curator of Jane Austen's House Sophie Reynolds.

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cena 268.0 Kč

Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austenová

HarperCollins is proud to present its range of best-loved, essential classics.`It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.'Austen's best-loved tale of love, marriage and society in class-conscious Georgian England still delights modern readers today with its comedy and characters. It follows the feisty, quick-witted Elizabeth Bennet as her parents seek to ensure good marriages for her and her sisters in order to secure their future. The protagonists Darcy and Elizabeth learn much about themselves and those around them and Austen's expertly crafted comedy characters of Mrs Bennet and Mr Collins demonstrate her great artistry as a writer.

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cena 79.0 Kč

Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austenová

Sense and Sensibility is famously characterised as the story of two Dashwood sisters who embody the conflict between the oppressive nature of 'civilised' society and the human desire for romantic passion. However, there is far more to this story of two daughters made homeless by the death of their father. Elinor, 19, and Marianne, 17, initially project the opposing roles with Elinor cautious and unassuming about romantic matters, while Marianne is wild and passionate when she falls hopelessly in love with the libertine Mr Willoughby. But the lessons in love and life see the two characters develop and change with sense and sensibility needing to be compromised as a matter of survival.Written when Austen was just nineteen, this story has been read as a biographical reflection of her relationship with her own sister Cassandra, with the younger Jane being the victim of 'sensibility.' However, the novel is far more than a simple case of passion versus manners, and depicts the romantic complications of two women made highly vulnerable by the loss of their father and estate. With a raw and intense quality Austen creates a romantic masterpiece on the backdrop of a fragile social context. ABOUT THE SERIES: Alma Evergreens is a series of popular classics. All the titles in the series are provided with an extensive critical apparatus, extra reading material including a section of photographs and notes. The texts are based on the most authoritative edition (or collated from the most authoritative editions or manuscripts) and edited using a fresh, intelligent editorial approach. With an emphasis on the production, editorial and typographical values of a book, Alma Classics aspires to revitalize the whole experience of reading the classics

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cena 214.0 Kč

Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austenová

HarperCollins is proud to present its range of best-loved, essential classics. 'Oh! Mama, how spiritless, how tame was Edward's manner in reading to us last night! I felt for my sister most severely. Yet she bore it with so much composure, she seemed scarcely to notice it. I could hardly keep my seat.' Spirited and impulsive, Marianne Dashwood is the complete opposite to her controlled and sensible sister, Elinor. When it comes to matters of the heart, Marianne is passionate and romantic and soon falls for the charming, but unreliable Mr Willoughby. Elinor, in contrast, copes stoically with the news that her love, Edward Ferrars is promised to another. It is through their shared experiences of love that both sisters come to learn that the key to a successful match comes from finding the perfect mixture of rationality and feeling.

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cena 79.0 Kč

Love and Friendship - Jane Austenová

'Love and Friendship' and 'Lesley Castle' provide parodies of the gentry and the fashionable idea of sensibility of the time. 'A History of England' supplies us with a lively chronicle of English monarchic history. Also included in this collection are 'The Three Sisters', 'Catharine', the series of vignettes known as 'A Collection of Letters' and 'Lady Susan', an epistolary story which was recently adapted for the cinema. Taken together, these pieces display all the wry humour, shrewd observation and satirical insight of Emma or Pride and Prejudice.These inventive and entertaining pieces display the early sparkles of wit and imagination of Jane Austen's mature fiction. Written when she was only in her teens, they are by turns amusing, acerbic and occasionally downright silly. This volume is part of The Jane Austen Collection, a comprehensive collection of Austen's best and much-loved works.Alma Classics is committed to make available the widest range of literature from around the globe. All the titles are provided with an extensive critical apparatus, extra reading material including a section of photographs and notes. The texts are based on the most authoritative edition (or collated from the most authoritative editions or manuscripts) and edited using a fresh, intelligent editorial approach. With an emphasis on the production, editorial and typographical values of a book, Alma Classics aspires to revitalize the whole experience of reading the classics.

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cena 241.0 Kč

Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austenová

Introduction and Notes by Professor Stephen Arkin, San Francisco University. 'Young women who have no economic or political power must attend to the serious business of contriving material security'. Jane Austen's sardonic humour lays bare the stratagems, the hypocrisy and the poignancy inherent in the struggle of two very different sisters to achieve respectability. Sense and Sensibility is a delightful comedy of manners in which the sisters Elinor and Marianne represent these two qualities. Elinor's character is one of Augustan detachment, while Marianne, a fervent disciple of the Romantic Age, learns to curb her passionate nature in the interests of survival. This book, the first of Austen's novels to be published, remains as fresh a cautionary tale today as it ever was.

Objev podobné jako Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austenová

cena 107.0 Kč

Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austenová

Pride and Prejudice, which opens with one of the most famous sentences in English Literature, is an ironic novel of manners. In it the garrulous and empty-headed Mrs Bennet has only one aim - that of finding a good match for each of her five daughters. In this she is mocked by her cynical and indolent husband.With its wit, its social precision and, above all, its irresistible heroine, Pride and Prejudice has proved one of the most enduringly popular novels in the English language.

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cena 266.0 Kč

Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austenová

"He began to feel the danger of paying Elizabeth too much attention." Pride and Prejudice , one of the most famous love stories of all time, has also proven itself as a treasured mainstay of the English literary canon. With the arrival of eligible young men in their neighbourhood, the lives of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet and their five daughters are turned inside out and upside down. Pride encounters prejudice, upward-mobility confronts social disdain, and quick-wittedness challenges sagacity. Misconceptions and hasty judgements bring heartache and scandal, but eventually lead to true understanding, self-knowledge, and love.It''s almost impossible to open Pride and Prejudice without feeling the pressure of so many readers having known and loved this novel already. Will you fail the test - or will you love it too? As a story that celebrates more unflinchingly than any of Austen''s other novels the happy meeting-of-true-minds, and one that has attracted the most fans over the centuries, Pride and Prejudice sets up an echo chamber of good feelings in which romantic love and the love of reading amplify each other.

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cena 177.0 Kč

Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austenová

This is the "Penguin English Library Edition" of "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen. 'No sooner had he made it clear to himself and his friends that she had hardly a good feature in her face, than he began to find it was rendered uncommonly intelligent by the beautiful expression of her dark eyes...' When Elizabeth Bennet first meets eligible bachelor Fitzwilliam Darcy, she thinks him arrogant and conceited; he is indifferent to her good looks and lively mind. When she later discovers that Darcy has involved himself in the troubled relationship between his friend Bingley and her beloved sister Jane, she is determined to dislike him more than ever. In the sparkling comedy of manners that follows, Jane Austen shows the folly of judging by first impressions and superbly evokes the friendships, gossip and snobberies of provincial middle-class life. "The Penguin English Library" - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War.

Objev podobné jako Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austenová

cena 196.0 Kč

Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austenová

Chiltern Publishing creates the most beautiful editions of the World's finest literature. Your favourite classic titles in a way you have never seen them before; the tactile embossed layers, fine details and beautiful colours of these remarkable covers make these titles feel extra special and will look striking on any shelf.

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cena 591.0 Kč

Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austenová

Two sisters of opposing temperament but who share the pangs of tragic love provide the subjects for Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility. Elinor, practical and conventional, the epitome of sense, desires a man who is promised to another woman. Marianne, emotional and sentimental, the epitome of sensibility, loses her heart to a scoundrel who jilts her. A powerful drama of family life and growing up, the novel is at once a subtle comedy of manners and a striking critique of early nineteenth-century society.Gorgeously illustrated by the celebrated Hugh Thomson, this Macmillan Collector's Library edition also includes an afterword by author and critic Henry Hitchings.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.

Objev podobné jako Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austenová

cena 312.0 Kč

Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austenová

Pride and Prejudice, which opens with one of the most famous sentences in English Literature, is an ironic novel of manners. In it the garrulous and empty-headed Mrs Bennet has only one aim - that of finding a good match for each of her five daughters. In this she is mocked by her cynical and indolent husband. With its wit, its social precision and, above all, its irresistible heroine, Pride and Prejudice has proved one of the most enduringly popular novels in the English language.

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cena 443.0 Kč

Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austenová

Part of Penguin's beautiful hardback Clothbound Classics series, designed by the award-winning Coralie Bickford-Smith, these delectable and collectible editions are bound in high-quality colourful, tactile cloth with foil stamped into the design.Marianne Dashwood wears her heart on her sleeve, and when she falls in love with the dashing but unsuitable John Willoughby she ignores her sister Elinor's warning that her impulsive behaviour leaves her open to gossip and innuendo. Meanwhile Elinor, always sensitive to social convention, is struggling to conceal her own romantic disappointment, even from those closest to her. Through their parallel experience of love - and its threatened loss - the sisters learn that sense must mix with sensibility if they are to find personal happiness in a society where status and money govern the rules of love.

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cena 447.0 Kč

Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austenová

Sense and Sensibility is a delightful comedy of manners in which the sisters Elinor and Marianne represent these two qualities. Elinor''s character is one of Augustan detachment, while Marianne, a fervent disciple of the Romantic Age, learns to curb her passionate nature in the interests of survival.

Objev podobné jako Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austenová

cena 266.0 Kč

Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austenová

This special edition invites fans inside the world of Pride and Prejudice with the inclusion of gorgeous, removable replicas of 19 letters from the story. Step inside the world of Pride and Prejudice, one of the most beloved novels of all time. Jane Austen’s classic tale follows the ups and downs of the relationship between Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy, two unforgettable characters who come alive in their letters and other writings. Nothing captures Jane Austen's vivid emotion and keen wit better than her characters' correspondence. As you read this deluxe edition of the novel, you will find pockets throughout containing replicas of all 19 significant letters from the story, re-created with beautiful calligraphy and painstaking attention to historical detail. These powerful epistles include Lydia's announcement of her elopement, Mr. Collins's obsequious missives, and of course Darcy's painfully honest letter to Elizabeth. Pull out each one, peruse its contents, and allow yourself to be transported straight to the drawing room at Netherfield or the breakfast table at Longbourn. For anyone who loves Jane Austen, and for anyone who still cherishes the joy of letter writing, this book illuminates a favorite story in a whole new way. BELOVED STORY: Pride and Prejudice has been passed down from generation to generation, and several beloved film adaptions over the years have welcomed new fans to the story. Revisit Austen's original text and experience it in a unique way with physical ephemera that links you directly to the world of Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy. UNIQUE FORMAT: From the masterful calligraphy to the painstaking attention to historical detail, to the hand-folding of the letters, to the quality of the materials—each book is an object made by fans for fans. This edition offers an immersive experience of the story, stands apart on the shelf, and makes for a truly lovely gift and keepsake. Additional titles in Barbara Heller's meticulously crafted series include Persuasion, Little Women, and Anne of Green Gables. NOSTALGIC APPEAL, TIMELESS STORY: Pride and Prejudice is one of the most celebrated novels in the English language, with fervent fans of all ages across many generations. This edition allows longtime fans to experience their beloved novel anew, while inviting first-time readers to lose themselves in the story completely.Perfect for: Diehard Jane Austen fans and Fans of the many Pride and Prejudice film adaptions Mother's Day, birthday, or holiday gifts for moms, daughters, grandmothers, and girlfriends Book clubbers, letter writers, and collectors of vintage ephemera Adding to the shelf with books like What Would Jane Do?: Quips and Wisdom from Jane Austen, Jane-a-Day: 5 Year Journal with 365 Witticisms by Jane Austen, and The Real Jane Austen: A Life in Small Things

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cena 886.0 Kč

Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austenová

Little treasures, the FLAME TREE COLLECTABLE CLASSICS are chosen to create a delightful and timeless home library. Each stunning, gift edition features deluxe cover treatments, ribbon markers, luxury endpapers and gilded edges. The unabridged text is accompanied by a Glossary of Victorian and Literary terms produced for the modern reader.Love and betrayal are the key themes of the comic satire Sense and Sensibility, a much loved, and much filmed evocation of romantic anxiety. Mrs Dashwood and her daughters live on the edge of poverty, desperate to marry well, for love at best, for sustenance at least, balancing the need for common sense against the desires and pressures of frantic emotion. Marianne falls for the wreckless Willoughby, Elinor falls in love with the shy Edward, but after the death of Mr Dashwood the family's fate seems cast from their control.In the end Colonel Brandon successfully courts Marianne, and Edward meekly asks for the hand of Elinor, heralding the happy-ever-after for both couples.

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cena 294.0 Kč

Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austenová

When the Dashwood family estate passes to the eldest son John and his wife, Mrs. Dashwood and her daughters Elinor, Marianne and Margaret must find a new home. Moving to a cottage in Devonshire, the Dashwood women begin adjusting to a new life and a new social circle. Soon, Elinor is being courted by the gentlemanly Edward Ferrars and Marianne finds herself torn between two suitors: the brooding Colonel Brandon and the social-climbing scoundrel John Willoughby. The love and heartbreaks that they all endure are shaped by the temperament of their time and place and the sense and sensibility of their society.Originally published in 1811, Jane Austen's first published novel is revered as a classic novel about manners. This volume is one of Barnes & Noble's `Collectible Editions' classics. Each volume features authoritative texts by the world's greatest authors in an exquisitely designed foil-stamped binding, with distinctive coloured edging and an attractive ribbon bookmark. Decorative, durable and collectible, these books offer hours of pleasure to readers young and old and are an indispensable cornerstone for any home library.Originally published in 1811, Jane Austen's first published novel is revered as a classic romance of manners. This volume is one of Barnes & Noble's Collectible Editions classics. Each volume features authoritative texts by the world's greatest authors in an exquisitely designed foil-stamped binding, with distinctive coloured edging and an attractive ribbon bookmark. Decorative, durable, and collectible, these books offer hours of pleasure to readers young and old and are an indispensable cornerstone for any home library.

Objev podobné jako Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austenová

cena 536.0 Kč

Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austenová

One of the BBC's '100 Novels That Shaped Our World'Part of Penguin's beautiful hardback Clothbound Classics series, designed by the award-winning Coralie Bickford-Smith, these delectable and collectible editions are bound in high-quality colourful, tactile cloth with foil stamped into the design.When Elizabeth Bennet first meets eligible bachelor Fitzwilliam Darcy, she thinks him arrogant and conceited; he is indifferent to her good looks and lively mind. When she later discovers that Darcy has involved himself in the troubled relationship between his friend Bingley and her beloved sister Jane, she is determined to dislike him more than ever. In the sparkling comedy of manners that follows, Jane Austen shows the folly of judging by first impressions and superbly evokes the friendships,gossip and snobberies of provincial middle-class life.

Objev podobné jako Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austenová

cena 447.0 Kč

Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austenová

Introduction and Notes by Dr Ian Littlewood, University of Sussex. Pride and Prejudice, which opens with one of the most famous sentences in English Literature, is an ironic novel of manners. In it the garrulous and empty-headed Mrs Bennet has only one aim - that of finding a good match for each of her five daughters. In this she is mocked by her cynical and indolent husband. With its wit, its social precision and, above all, its irresistible heroine, Pride and Prejudice has proved one of the most enduringly popular novels in the English language.

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cena 107.0 Kč

Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austenová

One of the BBC''s ''100 Novels That Shaped Our World''''The best-loved book by our best-loved novelist'' IndependentWith its ''light and bright and sparkling'' dialogue, its romantic denouement and its lively heroine, Pride and Prejudice is Jane Austen''s most perennially popular novel. The love story of Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy, who misjudge, then challenge and change each other, is also a novel about the search for happiness and self- knowledge in a world of strict social rules, where a woman must marry well to survive.Edited with an introduction and notes by VIVIEN JONES

Objev podobné jako Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austenová

cena 236.0 Kč

Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austenová

A special edition featuring beautiful heritage wallpaper patterns from her own home in Hampshire, these collectable paperbacks are a must for all Jane Austen fans. From Macmillan Collector’s Library; a series of stunning classics that make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover.Two sisters of opposing temperament but who share the pangs of tragic love provide the subjects for Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility. Elinor, practical and conventional, the epitome of sense, desires a man who is promised to another woman. Marianne, emotional and sentimental, the epitome of sensibility, loses her heart to a scoundrel who jilts her. A powerful drama of family life and growing up, Sense and Sensibility is at once a subtle comedy of manners and a striking critique of early nineteenth-century society.With original illustrations by the celebrated Hugh Thomson, this Macmillan Collector’s Library edition also features bonus material by Jane Austen expert and curator of Jane Austen's House Sophie Reynolds.

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cena 268.0 Kč

Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austenová

Elinor and Marianne Dashwood are sisters. Both are intelligent, sensitive, charming, and beautiful, but there the similarities end. Elinor values propriety and common sense; she is prudent and cautious with a strong sense of duty. Marianne, by contrast, has extravagant Romantic ideas; she is excessive and spontaneous. Both sisters fall in love early in the story, but both love stories are problematic. In this brilliant novel, Jane Austen explores two different ways of thinking and acting – the ‘sense’ of Elinor and the ‘sensibility’ of Marianne – as they try to find happiness in a world full of hypocrisy, vulgarity, and self-interest. Dossier:Money and Marriage

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cena 242.0 Kč

Hledání štěstí (rané a nevydané prózy) - Jane Austenová, Charlotte Brontë - e-kniha

eBook: Nejznámější romány Jane Austenové patří ke zlatému fondu světové literatury. Velmi zajímavé jsou však také juvenilie, které literární vědec Richard Jenkyns označil za „divoké” a připomínající skeče Monty Pythona. Věříme, že už to je dostatečnou pozvánkou k jejich četbě – a navíc většina z nich je v této knize vydána česky vůbec poprvé. Kromě delšího náčrtu románu Catharine, neboli Altánek, Vás potěší čtrnáct textů, které ani na velmi krátké ploše nezapřou autorčino mistrovství a její pověstnou ironii. Také juvenilie Charlotte Brontëové se až dosud nedočkaly českého vydání – a vzhledem ke kráse pohádkového příběhu Hledání štěstí, jejž napsala v pouhých třinácti letech, je to opravdu s podivem. Uvádíme také tři dojemné texty, věnované památce jejích sester Emily a Anne a pseudonymům Currer, Ellis a Acton Bell, pod nimiž tato sesterská trojice vydala svá první díla. Z anglických originálů přeložili Kristýna Julinová (Jane Austenová) a Josef Pepson Snětivý (Charlotte Brontëová).

Objev podobné jako Hledání štěstí (rané a nevydané prózy) - Jane Austenová, Charlotte Brontë - e-kniha

cena 74.0 Kč

Sense and Sensibility and Sea - Jane Austenová

Following the massive success of "Pride Prejudice and Zombies", and the impressive pre-pub sales of "Sense and Sensibility" and "Sea Monsters", this title lets the suspense build as we discover what new monster mayhem will descend upon us this Spring.

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cena 320.0 Kč

Sense and Sensibility (Defekt) - Jane Austenová

HarperCollins is proud to present its range of best-loved, essential classics. 'Oh! Mama, how spiritless, how tame was Edward's manner in reading to us last night! I felt for my sister most severely. Yet she bore it with so much composure, she seemed scarcely to notice it. I could hardly keep my seat.' Spirited and impulsive, Marianne Dashwood is the complete opposite to her controlled and sensible sister, Elinor. When it comes to matters of the heart, Marianne is passionate and romantic and soon falls for the charming, but unreliable Mr Willoughby. Elinor, in contrast, copes stoically with the news that her love, Edward Ferrars is promised to another. It is through their shared experiences of love that both sisters come to learn that the key to a successful match comes from finding the perfect mixture of rationality and feeling.

Objev podobné jako Sense and Sensibility (Defekt) - Jane Austenová

cena 39.0 Kč

Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austenová - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Audiokniha Pride and Prejudice namluvená rodilým mluvčím. Jazyková úroveň B1 pro středně pokročilé posluchače. Mrs Bennet has five daughters and they are all unmarried. When rich, single Mr Bingley comes to live in the area, she is sure that he will be the perfect husband for Jane, the eldest Miss Bennet. Then proud Mr Darcy comes to stay with Bingley. Will any of the Bennet daughters be good enough for him? Lively, intelligent Elizabeth Bennet doesn’t think so. She dislikes Mr Darcy immediately. She prefers handsome soldier George Wickham, but is he all he seems? Why does Mr Darcy dislike him so much? Then Mr Collins comes to stay with the Bennets. Could he be the right man for Elizabeth?

Objev podobné jako Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austenová - audiokniha

cena 149.0 Kč

Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austenová - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Audiokniha Sense and Sensibility namluvená rodilým mluvčím. Jazyková úroveň B1 pro středně pokročilé posluchače. Elinor is careful but Marianne is not. They both meet the man of their dreams, but will they find true happiness? Sense and Sensibility is Jane Austen’s classic story of two sisters who have a lot to learn about love.

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cena 149.0 Kč

Pride and Prejudice + CD - Jane Austenová

Mrs Bennet has five daughters to be married: Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Kitty and Lydia. So, when rich and friendly Mr Bingley comes to live in their village bringing an even richer, but unfriendly, Mr Darcy with him, Mrs Bennet is delighted and hopeful. However, something goes wrong, as Mr Bingley loses interest in Jane and Mr Darcy and Elizabeth clearly dislike each other… or do they?

Objev podobné jako Pride and Prejudice + CD - Jane Austenová

cena 242.0 Kč

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