Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

Hello, Love! The land emotions AJ

Summer means only one thing: camp with friends! But this year is different for Olivia: she has broken her ankle and she cant play with her friends. And they seem to be having so much fun! Have they all forgotten about her? Olivia isnt alone, though, and she will soon find out. You can feel lonely even when you are surrounded by people, and you can feel loved even if you are alone. Love knows no distance! Léto znamená jediné: tábor s přáteli! Ale tento rok je pro Olivii jiný: zlomila si kotník a nemůže si hrát si s ostatními svými kamarády. A kamaádi se velmi baví a užívaji si léto! Zapomněli na ni všichni? Olivia však není sama a brzy to zjistí. Můžete se cítit osamělí, i když jste obklopeni jinými lidmi, a můžete se cítit milováni, i když jste sami. Na knize spolupracovala autorka textu Ana Serna s dětským psychologem Henarem Iñigem. Kniha krom prvního a čtení a větších písmen, také učí děti jak zvládnout osamělost. Kniha je doprovázena krásnými ilustracemi Kasandry. Je vhodná i pro genetikou metodu čtení.

Podívejte se také This Land: The Struggle for the Left (0141994398)

cena 268.0 Kč

Hello, happiness! The land emotions AJ

Olivia is a happy frog, but today things dont really go as planned. Her best friend, Berta the Lizard, is moving with her family. Olivia is very sad, and she doesnt really know how to cheer up. She will soon discover that even if things dont always go the way we want, there are many chances to be happy. Žabka Olívie je velmi veselá a zažívá mnohá dobrodružství se svými kamarády. Ale ne všechny dny jsou růžové. Jednoho dne se stane, že Olívie zjistí, že se její kamarádka ještěrka Berta stěhuje pryč. Olívii opustí všechno veselí. Začne se zase smát? Vysvětlí jí kamarádi a rodiče, že nemusí být smutná, že si mohou psát dopisy a vidět se o prázdninách? Na knize spolupracovala autorka textu Ana Serna s dětským psychologem Henarem Iñigem. Kniha krom prvního a čtení a větších písmen, také učí děti jak zvládnout smutek. Kniha je doprovázena krásnými ilustracemi Kasandry. Je vhodná i pro genetikou metodu čtení.

Podívejte se také Carey Mariah: Emotions - LP (0194397763713)

cena 268.0 Kč

Hello, optimism! The land emotions AJ

A chilles the Snail is a super smart student, so when he fails an exam, nothing is the same anymore. All of a sudden, everything turns to grey. But how do you let go of negativity? Sometimes things dont go the way we planned. We cant change that, but what we can do is look from another perspective. První čtení O hlemýždi Hynkovi, Hlemýžď Hynek je dobrý student. Rád se učí. Doma má mnoho knih a zajímá se o vesmír. Chtěl by být astronautem. Ale jednou se stane něco nečekaného, Hynek dostane pětku z testu. Zhroutí se mu svět, všechno vidí černě. Zvládne spolu ostatními kamarády z lesa svůj problém vyřešit, naučí se látku do školy, přestane být smutný a začne se zase smát? Na knize spolupracovala autorka textu Ana Serna s dětským psychologem Henarem Iñigem. Kniha krom prvního a čtení a větších písmen, také učí děti jak se vypořádat se různými těžkými situacemi, se kterými se setkají poprvé. Kniha je doprovázena krásnými ilustracemi Kasandry. Je vhodná i pro genetikou metodu čtení.

Podívejte se také The Land of the Vine Leaf (978-80-748-7126-9)

cena 268.0 Kč

Hello, confidence! The land emotions AJ

Rob the Hedgehog has a brother now, but hes not that happy about it. His parents only seem to care about the little one. What about Rob? Luckily, he has really good friends who will help him overcome his jealousy. Changes are always difficult to adjust to, but once we accept them, we will also see the good things they bring along. Když přijde do rodiny sourozenec , všechno se změní. Své o tom ví i ježeček Jenda, kterému se narodil malý bratříček. Rodiče mu věnují tolik pozornosti. A Jenda má pocit, že si už tolik nevšímají. Jak to Jenda zvládne? Pomohou mu rodiče a kamarádi z lesa bojovat s dětskou žárlivostí a zjistit, že i malý bráška mu může přinést spoustu radosti? Na knize spolupracovala autorka textu Ana Serna s dětským psychologem Henarem Iñigem. Kniha krom prvního a čtení a větších písmen, také učí děti jak zvládnout žárlivost. Kniha je doprovázena krásnými ilustracemi Kasandry. Je vhodná i pro genetikou metodu čtení.

Objev podobné jako Hello, confidence! The land emotions AJ

cena 268.0 Kč

The Colour Monster: The Feelings Doctor and the Emotions Toolkit - Anna Llenas

A new addition to The Colour Monster series that discusses consent, mental health and wellbeing.

Objev podobné jako The Colour Monster: The Feelings Doctor and the Emotions Toolkit - Anna Llenas

cena 236.0 Kč

How Emotions Are Made : The Secret Life of the Brain - Lisa Feldman Barrett

'How Emotions Are Made did what all great books do. It took a subject I thought I understood and turned my understanding upside down' Malcolm GladwellWhen you feel anxious, angry, happy, or surprised, what's really going on inside of you?Many scientists believe that emotions come from a specific part of the brain, triggered by the world around us. The thrill of seeing an old friend, the fear of losing someone we love - each of these sensations seems to arise automatically and uncontrollably from within us, finding expression on our faces and in our behaviour, carrying us away with the experience.This understanding of emotion has been around since Plato. But what if it is wrong? In How Emotions Are Made, pioneering psychologist and neuroscientist Lisa Feldman Barrett draws on the latest scientific evidence to reveal that our common-sense ideas about emotions are dramatically, even dangerously, out of date - and that we have been paying the price. Emotions aren't universally pre-programmed in our brains and bodies; rather they are psychological experiences that each of us constructs based on our unique personal history, physiology and environment.This new view of emotions has serious implications: when judges issue lesser sentences for crimes of passion, when police officers fire at threatening suspects, or when doctors choose between one diagnosis and another, they're all, in some way, relying on the ancient assumption that emotions are hardwired into our brains and bodies. Revising that conception of emotion isn't just good science, Barrett shows; it's vital to our well-being and the health of society itself.

Objev podobné jako How Emotions Are Made : The Secret Life of the Brain - Lisa Feldman Barrett

cena 268.0 Kč

The Land Breakers - Ehle John

Set deep in the Appalachian wilderness between the years of 1779 and 1784, The Land Breakers is a saga like the Norse sagas or the book of Genesis, a story of first and last things, of the violence of birth and death, of inescapable sacrifice and the faltering emergence of community. Mooney and Imy Wright, twenty-one, former indentured servants, long habituated to backbreaking work but not long married, are traveling west. They arrive in a no-account settlement in North Carolina and, on impulse, part with all their savings to acquire a patch of land high in the mountains. With a little livestock and a handful of crude tools, they enter the mountain world--one of transcendent beauty and cruel necessity--and begin to make a world of their own. Mooney and Imy are the first to confront an unsettled country that is sometimes paradise and sometimes hell. They will soon be followed by others. John Ehle is a master of the American language. He has an ear for dialogue and an eye for nature and a grasp of character that have established The Land Breakers as one of the great fictional reckonings with the making of America.

Objev podobné jako The Land Breakers - Ehle John

cena 411.0 Kč

The Lie of the Land - Guy Shrubsole

The Sunday Times bestselling author of The Lost Rainforests of Britain reveals how landowners wreck the countryside, and how the public can restore it''Brave and brilliant’ George Monbiot‘Urgent and essential … should be required reading’Caroline LucasFor centuries we’ve been sold a lie: that you need to own the land to care for it.Just 1% of the population own half of England, and this tiny landowning elite like to present themselves as the rightful custodians of the countryside. They’re even paid billions of pounds of public money to be good stewards. But what happens when they just don’t care?A small number of landowners have laid waste to some of our most treasured landscapes, leaving our forests bare, our rivers polluted, our moorlands burned, and our fenlands drained. Here Guy Shrubsole journeys all over Britain to expose the damage done to our land, and meet the communities fighting back: the river guardians, small farmers and trespassing activists restoring our lost wildlife. Full of rage and hope, this is a bold vision for our nation’s wild places, and how we can treat them with the awe and attention they deserve.It’s time to demand better for nature. We can start by replacing the lie of the land with a profound truth: that any of us can care for the countryside, regardless of whether you own it.''The unjust impositions of historic land ownership blight all our lives – here Guy shows why’Chris Packham''Both dynamite and medicine'' Amy-Jane Beer

Objev podobné jako The Lie of the Land - Guy Shrubsole

cena 650.0 Kč

The Land of Maybe - Tim Ecott

''In this excellent book, Ecott''s evocative telling makes me want to go to this weird and wonderful place.'' - PAUL THEROUX''I never want to leave the remote island world so atmospherically, precisely educed between the covers of this book. Ecott''s prose has the power of tides, his perception is as searching as the Atlantic wind, and he has the soul of a natural-born naturalist. A masterpiece.'' - JOHN LEWIS-STEMPLEFollowing the natural cycle of the year, The Land of Maybe captures the essence of ''slow life'' on the 18 remote, mysterious islands which make up the Faroes in the North Atlantic. Closer to the UK than Denmark, this fast disappearing world is home to a close-knit society where just 50,000 people share Viking roots and a language that is unlike any other in Scandinavia.We follow the arrival of the migratory birds, the over-wintering of the sheep and the way food is gathered and eaten in tune with the seasons. Buffeted by the weather and the demands of a volatile natural environment, people still hunt seabirds and herd pilot whales for a significant portion of their basic food needs.This is not a travelogue, but a deeper exploration of how ''to be'' in a tough landscape; a study of a people and a way of life that represents continuity and a deep connection to the past. The Land of Maybe offers not just a refuge from the freneticism of modern life, but lessons about where we come from and how we may find a balance in our lives.

Objev podobné jako The Land of Maybe - Tim Ecott

cena 325.0 Kč

The Land of Roar - Jenny McLachlan

The first in a new children’s fantasy adventure series, full of imagination, humour and heart, and with echoes of Peter Pan, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Neverending Story and Jumanji.The Land of Roar is perfect for children aged 8 to 12, and can sit on their bookshelf next to Nevermoor, Wizards of Once and How to Train Your Dragon. Readers can bring their fantasy world to life and meet dragons, unicorns, mermaids and more in this beautifully illustrated children’s book.Believing is just the beginning …When Arthur and Rose were little, they were heroes in the Land of Roar, an imaginary world that they found by climbing through the folding bed in their grandad’s attic. Roar was filled with things they loved – dragons, mermaids, ninja wizards and adventure – as well as things that scared them (including a very creepy scarecrow…)Now the twins are eleven, Roar is just a memory. But when they help Grandad clean out the attic, Arthur is horrified as Grandad is pulled into the folding bed and vanishes. Is he playing a joke? Or is Roar … real?''This funny, captivating story is filled with the painful pangs of growing up and the transporting qualities of imagination'' Guardian''A vividly imagined adventure, […] full of heart, humour and a terrifying villain'' Fiona Noble, The Bookseller‘This is proof, not that it’s needed, that Jenny McLachlan is a writer of enormous heart and versatility. I’m a really big fan’ Phil Earle, award-winning author of Being Billy and co-author of Get Me Out of Here! with Andy McNab‘Roar is an exhilarating, hilarious, vividly drawn tribute to the power of the childhood imagination, the love of family and the magic we risk losing as we grow up. If you plan to visit one new place in 2019, make it Roar’ Sarah Driver, author of The Huntress trilogyJenny McLachlan is the author of several acclaimed teen novels including Flirty Dancing, Stargazing for Beginners and Truly, Wildly, Deeply. Before Jenny became a writer, she was Head of English in a secondary school; she now loves visiting schools as an author and delivering funny and inspiring talks and workshops. When Jenny isn’t thinking about stories or writing stories, she enjoys living by the seaside, cycling and running over the South Downs. The Land of Roar is Jenny’s middle-grade debut.Ben Mantle began his illustration career early, picking up his first award in a local library colouring-in competition aged seven. He went on to study Animation at the Surrey Institute of Art & Design before working as an animator. Ben has illustrated a number of children’s books including Rudey’s Windy Christmas (HarperCollins) and Callum’s Incredible Construction Kit (Egmont) which won the 2013 Bishop’s Stortford Picture Book Award. He is also the creator of the award-winning The Best Birthday Present Ever! and The Best Christmas Present Ever! published by Macmillan Children’s Books. Ben lives and works in Brighton.

Objev podobné jako The Land of Roar - Jenny McLachlan

cena 236.0 Kč

The Book of Human Emotions: An Encyclopaedia of Feeling from Anger to Wanderlust (1781251304)

Kniha - autor Tiffany Watt-Smith, 308 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Tiffany Watt-Smith, 308 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A gleeful, thoughtful collection of 156 feelings, both rare and familiar. Each has its own story, and reveals the strange forces which shape our rich and varied internal worlds. Now in paperback.

Objev podobné jako The Book of Human Emotions: An Encyclopaedia of Feeling from Anger to Wanderlust (1781251304)

cena 302.0 Kč

The Prodigy - The Fat of the Land (2 LP)

Barva: Černá Subžánr: Elektronický;Hardcore;Leftfield;Alternative;Techno;Big Beat;Breakbeat;Drum n Bass Žánr: Elektronický;Pop Rok nahrávky: 1997.0 Barva podle výrobce: Black Rok vydání: 2015.0 Interpret / Téma: The Prodigy Vydavatelství: XL Recordings Složení setu: 2 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země původu: Evropská unie Varianta: The Fat of the Land (2 LP) Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;1980 - 1989;1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009 Typ: Album;LP deska Balení obsahuje: LP Hmotnost: 180 g Země interpreta: Spojené království

Objev podobné jako The Prodigy - The Fat of the Land (2 LP)

cena 777.0 Kč

Living off the Land - in West Ireland

In an age when foods come highly processed, and ever more people suffer from food allergies and intolerances, interest in local and organic foods and healthful eating is skyrocketing. This is where Living off the Land in West Ireland comes in. The Connemara region of Ireland is one of the country s most picturesque areas. Oscar Wilde once called it a savage beauty. With its rugged hills, post-card-pretty heaths and moors, and rocky western coastline, the region boasts a variety of striking vistas. Here it is still possible to live in harmony with nature, tapping the natural resources and native produce that the land offers up. Living off the Land in West Ireland takes you to Screebe House, an historic manor in western Ireland famous for its hospitality, comfort, and exquisite cuisine. The book shows how you can use local products to create outstanding dishes with a modicum of cooking skill, along with classics like a full Irish breakfast and afternoon scones. Recipes and special sections teach you how to prepare and cook fish, shellfish, and lamb chops and introduce you to Irish cheese. Breathtaking landscape photography from the region rounds out the book perfectly and sweeps you away on the trip of a lifetime to the western coast of Ireland.

Objev podobné jako Living off the Land - in West Ireland

cena 707.0 Kč

The Land of Lost Things - Andy Griffiths

Adventures Unlimited: The Land of Lost Things is the first book in the fun and exciting illustrated series from the author behind the multi-million bestselling Treehouse series, Andy Griffiths, illustrated by Bill Hope.Remember the time we flew to the moon without a rocket? And the time we went to the bottom of the ocean and fought a high-voltage octopus? And how about the time we got lost in the Land of Lost Things? That was one of our most exciting adventures yet! It all started like this . . .Lose yourself in The Land of Lost Things – you’ll never want to be found!

Objev podobné jako The Land of Lost Things - Andy Griffiths

cena 384.0 Kč

The Land Where Lemons Grow - Helena Attlee

''4 stars. Attlee, who knows and loves Italy and the Italians, takes the reader through the country''s scented gardens with her sharp descriptions, pertinent stories and quotes and intriguing recipes. I was there with her'' Anna del Conte, Sunday TelegraphA delightful book about Italy''s unexpected history, told through its citrus fruitsThe story of citrus runs through the history of Italy like a golden thread, and by combining travel writing with history, recipes, horticulture and art, Helena Attlee takes the reader on a unique and rich journey through Italy''s cultural, moral, culinary and political past.''Fascinating . . . A distinguished garden writer, Attlee fell under the spell of citrus over ten years ago and the book, like the eleventh labour of Hercules to steal the golden fruit of the Hesperides, is the result. She writes with great lucidity, charm and gentle humour, and wears her considerable learning lightly . . . Helena Attlee''s elegant, absorbing prose and sure-footed ability to combine the academic with the anecdotal, make The Land Where Lemons Grow a welcome addition to the library of citrologists and Italophiles alike'' The Times Literary Supplement ''A paradise of citrus is how I always think of Italy too: a place where ice-cold limoncello is sipped from tiny glasses on piazzas, and everything from ricotta cake to osso bucco is enlivened with zest. What a joy, therefore, to read Helena Attlee''s The Land Where Lemons Grow, which tells the story of Italy through its citrus fruit'' Bee Wilson, Telegraph

Objev podobné jako The Land Where Lemons Grow - Helena Attlee

cena 325.0 Kč

The Land of Lost Things - John Connolly

Phoebe, an eight-year-old girl, lies comatose following a car accident. She is a body without a spirit, a stolen child. Ceres, her mother, can only sit by her bedside and read aloud to Phoebe the fairy stories she loves in the hope they might summon her back to this world.But it is hard to keep faith, so very hard.Now an old house on the hospital grounds, a property connected to a book written by a vanished author, is calling to Ceres.Something wants her to enter, and to journey - to a land coloured by the memories of Ceres's childhood, and the folklore beloved of her father, to a land of witches and dryads, giants and mandrakes; to a land where old enemies are watching, and waiting.To the Land of Lost Things.

Objev podobné jako The Land of Lost Things - John Connolly

cena 402.0 Kč

The Land of Lost Things - John Connolly

Twice upon a time - for that is how some stories should continue . . .Phoebe, an eight-year-old girl, lies comatose following a car accident. She is a body without a spirit, a stolen child. Ceres, her mother, can only sit by her bedside and read aloud to her the fairy stories she loves in the hope they might summon her back to this world.But it is hard to keep faith, so very hard . . .Now an old house on the hospital grounds, a property connected to a book written by a vanished author, is calling to Ceres. Something wants her to enter, and to journey - to a land coloured by the memories of Ceres's childhood, and the folklore beloved of her father, to a land of witches and dryads, giants and mandrakes; to a land where old enemies are watching, and waiting. To the Land of Lost Things.

Objev podobné jako The Land of Lost Things - John Connolly

cena 268.0 Kč

Winnie-the-Pooh: Hello Pooh, Hello You! - Jane Riordan, Disney

A round little bear,Whose name is Pooh.Where is he going?Can we come too?Hello Pooh, Hello You! is a charming board book that introduces babies and toddlers to Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends from the Hundred Acre Wood.Young babies and toddlers love to gaze at human faces and the mirror surprise on the final page will be a source of fascination and encourage self-recognition. In the simple rhyming text, Pooh is looking for his friends in the forest and he also finds the reader in the surprise mirror on the final page.Look out for other early learning experiences with Pooh in:H is for Honey (an ABC book)10 Busy Bees (a Counting book)Winnie-the-Pooh ColoursWinnie-the-Pooh How are You? (a book about feelings).Milne’s classic children’s stories – featuring Tigger, Piglet, Eeyore, Christopher Robin and, of course, Pooh himself – are both heart-warming and funny, teaching lessons of friendship and reflecting the power of a child’s imagination like no other story before or since.Pooh ranks alongside other beloved character such as Paddington Bear, and Peter Rabbit as an essential part of our literary heritage. Whether you’re 5 or 55, Pooh is the bear for all ages.

Objev podobné jako Winnie-the-Pooh: Hello Pooh, Hello You! - Jane Riordan, Disney

cena 236.0 Kč

The Land of the Living and the Dead - Shauna Lawless

With war on the horizon, everything is at stake in this scintillating new novel from Shauna Lawless, the next volume in the critically acclaimed GAEL SONG historical fantasy series.THE OLD WORLD WILL DIE IN FLAMES...Ireland, 1011 AD. The mortal kingdoms rise up against High King Brian Boru as they seek to wrest his crown from him. Yet the real struggle is between the two magical races of Ireland, the Fomorians and the Descendants, eternal enemies who both now seek dominion over the mortal world.Gormflaith, queen of King Brian, remains unmasked as the powerful Fomorian she is. Gormflaith plans to establish control over Ireland and destroy the Descendants in one fell swoop... but she cannot do it alone.The Descendants are divided, for not all their kind wish to dominate the mortals. Fódla, a Descendant who was once part of King Brian''s inner circle, must use this division to thwart treacherous plots that have been long in the making – even if it means sacrificing herself. But with other lives on the line, can Fódla reveal the evil in time?As secret schemes come to deadly fruition, the only possible outcome is war. Ireland has bled red and often, but the coming clash will change the course of history for ever.Reviewers on Shauna Lawless'' Gael Song series''Lawless blends fantasy with historical fiction to great effect.'' SFX''Lawless''s writing is absolutely luminous.'' Irish Independent''Swept me along and refused to be put down.'' H.M. Long

Objev podobné jako The Land of the Living and the Dead - Shauna Lawless

cena 591.0 Kč

Explosion of EMOTIONS

Nechte se vtáhnout do světa umění Digitální umění jako obraz na stěnu pro moderní interiér obydlí či kancelář. Nadčasový motiv zachycen na plátno ze 100% bavlny nejvyšší kvality. Vysoce kvalitní fototisk. Ekologický výrobek s použitím přírodních materiálů. Dřevěný rám tloušťky 2 cm, 100% bavlněné plátno a ekologické barvy bez zápachu. Originalita a sběratelská hodnota potvrzena certifikátem originality, který je vystaven ke každému obrazu dané série. Každá série sestává z limitovaného počtu obrazů. Každý obraz je při tom originál díky neopakovatelnému přidělenému kódu. Jedinečnost a originalita potvrzena podpisem TOM LORIS.

Objev podobné jako Explosion of EMOTIONS

cena 1958.0 Kč

This Land: The Struggle for the Left (0141994398)

Kniha - 36 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako This Land: The Struggle for the Left (0141994398)

cena 356.0 Kč

The Land of Painted Caves - Jean M. Auelová

#1 "NEW YORK TIMES" BESTSELLER In this, the extraordinary conclusion of the ice-age epic series, Earth s Children(r), Ayla, Jondalar, and their infant daughter, Jonayla, are living with the Zelandonii in the Ninth Cave. Ayla has been chosen as an acolyte to a spiritual leader and begins arduous training tasks. Whatever obstacles she faces, Ayla finds inventive ways to lessen the difficulties of daily life, searching for wild edibles to make meals and experimenting with techniques to ease the long journeys the Zelandonii must take while honing her skills as a healer and a leader. And there are the Sacred Caves that Ayla s mentor takes her to see. They are filled with remarkable paintings of mammoths, lions, and bears, and their mystical aura at times overwhelms Ayla. But all the time Ayla has spent in training rituals has caused Jondalar to drift away from her. The rituals themselves bring her close to death, but through them Ayla gains A Gift of Knowledge so important that it...

Objev podobné jako The Land of Painted Caves - Jean M. Auelová

cena 232.0 Kč

The Land of Lost Things (Defekt) - John Connolly

Phoebe, an eight-year-old girl, lies comatose following a car accident. She is a body without a spirit, a stolen child. Ceres, her mother, can only sit by her bedside and read aloud to Phoebe the fairy stories she loves in the hope they might summon her back to this world.But it is hard to keep faith, so very hard.Now an old house on the hospital grounds, a property connected to a book written by a vanished author, is calling to Ceres.Something wants her to enter, and to journey - to a land coloured by the memories of Ceres's childhood, and the folklore beloved of her father, to a land of witches and dryads, giants and mandrakes; to a land where old enemies are watching, and waiting.To the Land of Lost Things.

Objev podobné jako The Land of Lost Things (Defekt) - John Connolly

cena 79.0 Kč

Enchantress Returns - The Land of Stories - Chris Colfer

Alex and Conner Bailey have not been back to the magical Land of Stories since their adventures in The Wishing Spell ended. But one night, they learn the famed Enchantress has kidnapped their mother. Against the will of their grandmother (the one and only Fairy Godmother), the twins must find their own way into the Land of Stories to rescue their mother and save the fairy tale world from the greatest threat it's ever faced.

Objev podobné jako Enchantress Returns - The Land of Stories - Chris Colfer

cena 349.0 Kč

Grimm Warning - The Land of Stories - Chris Colfer

Conner Bailey thinks his fairy-tale adventures are behind him - until he discovers a mysterious clue left by the famous Brothers Grimm. With help from his classmate Bree and the outlandish Mother Goose, Conner sets off on a mission across Europe to crack a two-hundred-year-old code.Meanwhile, Alex Bailey is training to become the next Fairy Godmother . . . but her attempts at granting wishes never go as planned. Will she ever be truly ready to lead the Fairy Council?When all signs point to disaster for the Land of Stories, Conner and Alex must join forces with their friends and enemies to save the day. But nothing can prepare them for the coming battle . . . or for the secret that will change the twins' lives forever.The third book in the bestselling Land of Stories series puts the twins to the test as they must bring two worlds together!

Objev podobné jako Grimm Warning - The Land of Stories - Chris Colfer

cena 236.0 Kč

Bomb Cosmetics Dárková sada The Land of Nod

Dopřejte si hydratační koupel, během které můžete inhalovat bylinné, ovocné nebo květinové příměsi. Váš zážitek bude umocněn o jedinečnou přehlídku během rozpouštění bomby ve vaně. Každá z nich je na jednu koupel. Všechny koupelové bomby Bomb Cosmetics jsou vyrobeny z přírodních ingrediencí dovážených z celého světa, díky čemuž jsou šetrné i pro citlivou pokožku a dokonale změkčují vodu. Obsahují také čisté éterické oleje, které vyživují vaši pokožku a dokonale zlepšují vaši náladu. Sada obsahuje: 2x šumivá bomba do koupele, 1x glycerinové mýdlo, 2x špalíček do koupele, 1x malá kulička do koupele. Aktivní látky: přírodní esenciální oleje, bambucké a kakaové máslo. Vlastnosti: hydratuje a zvláčňuje pokožku, uvolňuje tělo, mysl i duši, jedinečný zážitek z každé koupele, ručně vyrobené z přírodních surovin, testováno, nevhodné pro dětí do 3 let, obsahuje malé části, nebezpečí vdechnutí. Jak používat: Vhoďte do teplé lázně a sledujte jak šumí a zároveň hydratuje vaše tělo.

Objev podobné jako Bomb Cosmetics Dárková sada The Land of Nod

cena 380.0 Kč

The Land of the Vine Leaf - Jan Kostrhun - e-kniha

eBook: This book describes fascinating natural landscapes of south Moravia and river Dyje (the area partially protected by UNESCO). It talks about people and yearly events in the region. The stories are characteristic of its poetics, style and beautiful language.

Objev podobné jako The Land of the Vine Leaf - Jan Kostrhun - e-kniha

cena 135.0 Kč

Harold Land - The Fox (LP)

Složení setu: 1 ks Typ: Stereo;LP deska;Album;Remastered;Nové vydání Barva: Černá Rok vydání: 2024.0 Balení obsahuje: LP Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Varianta: The Fox (LP) Subžánr: Hard Bop;Jazz Interpret / Téma: Harold Land Vydavatelství: Craft Recordings Datum vydání: 2024-04-12 Barva podle výrobce: Black Žánr: Jazz

Objev podobné jako Harold Land - The Fox (LP)

cena 879.0 Kč

The Land of the Vine Leaf (978-80-748-7126-9)

Elektronická kniha - autor Jan Kostrhun, 52 stran This book describes fascinating natural landscapes of south Moravia and river Dyje (the area partially protected by UNESCO). It talks about people and yearly events in the region. The stories are characteristic of its poetics, style and beautiful language.

Objev podobné jako The Land of the Vine Leaf (978-80-748-7126-9)

cena 135.0 Kč

Emily Windsnap and the Land of the Midnight Sun - Liz Kesslerová

Emily is on a secret mission for the King in the fifth magical mermaid adventure in the NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING series, now in a new edition with a gorgeous cover look. Emily and Aaron are sent on a top secret mission by King Neptune. The king has been having nightmares he doesn't understand and he knows only that Emily and Aaron must go to the Land of the Midnight Sun to avoid catastrophe. But when the friends arrive in this icy world of mountains and glaciers, they uncover a mystery more dangerous than they ever imagined. A magical adventure about the power of friendship.

Objev podobné jako Emily Windsnap and the Land of the Midnight Sun - Liz Kesslerová

cena 223.0 Kč

The Land of the Blue Flower - Frances Hodgsonová-Burnettová - e-kniha

eBook: This is the tale of Amor, a young orphaned king in the care of a wise old man who spirits him away from the gloomy city he was born in. When Amor ascends his throne he returns to his city, and mystifies its inhabitants by ordering them to plant and nurture the seeds of a magical blue flower.

Objev podobné jako The Land of the Blue Flower - Frances Hodgsonová-Burnettová - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

Ministry - The Land Of Rape And Honey (2 LP)

Složení setu: 2 ks Žánr: Metal Balení obsahuje: LP Barva podle výrobce: Black Typ: LP deska;Album Varianta: The Land Of Rape And Honey (2 LP) Interpret / Téma: Ministry Vydavatelství: Rhino Records Barva: Černá Subžánr: Alternative Metal;Industrial Metal Datum vydání: 2024-10-04 Rok vydání: 2024.0

Objev podobné jako Ministry - The Land Of Rape And Honey (2 LP)

cena 1008.0 Kč

The Land of Stories: The Ultimate Book Hugger´s Guide - Chris Colfer

A behind-the-scenes look at the world of the Land of Stories - the No.1 New York Times bestselling series, from Golden Globe-winning actor, Chris Colfer. A combination travel guide, encyclopedia, and exciting fan compendium, this ultimate guidebook includes sections such as "Who's Who," "Places to Go," and "Trinkets, Treasures, and Other Things" that explore the backgrounds and histories of the many characters, places, and magic items throughout the beloved Land of Stories series. Perfect for new and mega-fans alike, this full-colour guidebook illustrated by series artist Brandon Dorman captures the magical ins and outs of the Land of Stories we know and love and delivers new, never-before-seen art and information sure to thrill and satisfy readers.

Objev podobné jako The Land of Stories: The Ultimate Book Hugger´s Guide - Chris Colfer

cena 357.0 Kč

Fullmetal Alchemist: The Land of Sand : Second Edition - Hiromu Arakawa

Complete the Fullmetal experience with these best-selling novels featuring original stories. Somewhere between magic, art and science exists a world of alchemy. And into this world travel Edward and Alphonse Elric-two brothers in search of the Philosopher's Stone, the ultimate alchemical treasure! The mining town of Xenotime has seen better days. Once renowned for its skilled goldsmiths, it now lies forgotten in a sea of sand, its mines empty and its fields barren. The townsfolk's only hope lies with the talented state alchemist Edward Elric and his brother, Alphonse. But who is the real Edward Elric? When the Fullmetal Alchemist and his brother arrive in Xenotime searching for the Philosopher's Stone, they discover that two strangers have stolen their names and their reputations! Will the real Elric brothers set things right, or will the battle between the true and false brothers shatter Xenotime's only chance for survival? Plus a bonus story, The Phantom of Warehouse 13!

Objev podobné jako Fullmetal Alchemist: The Land of Sand : Second Edition - Hiromu Arakawa

cena 241.0 Kč

Mitski - The Land Is Inhospitable And So Are We (LP)

Země původu: Německo Barva podle výrobce: Black Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Balení obsahuje: LP Varianta: The Land Is Inhospitable And So Are We (LP) Rok vydání: 2023.0 Vydavatelství: Dead Oceans Interpret / Téma: Mitski Datum vydání: 2023-09-15 Subžánr: Indie Rock Typ: Album;LP deska Barva: Černá Složení setu: 1 ks Žánr: Rock

Objev podobné jako Mitski - The Land Is Inhospitable And So Are We (LP)

cena 924.0 Kč

The Land of Stories: Worlds Collide: Book 6 - Chris Colfer

The epic conclusion to Chris Colfer's No.1 New York Times bestselling series The Land of Stories! In the highly anticipated finale, Conner and Alex must brave the impossible. All of the Land of Stories fairy tale characters - heroes and villains - are no longer confined within their world! With mayhem brewing in the Big Apple, Conner and Alex will have to win their biggest battle yet. Can the twins restore order between the human and fairy-tale world? Breathtaking action mixed with laugh-out-loud moments and lots of heart will make this a gripping conclusion for fans old and new.

Objev podobné jako The Land of Stories: Worlds Collide: Book 6 - Chris Colfer

cena 223.0 Kč

The Land of Mist - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: Professor Challenger is back - this time with some haunting encounters to handle. Challenger\'s friend Edward Malone, a journalist, begins to investigate spiritualist meetings for his newspaper, along with the professor\'s daughter, Enid. Scepticism is in their DNA, so they attend seances without expectation. But a clutch of creepy moments and spooky scenes leave them questioning everything they believe in. This is ideal for fans of Agatha Christie and \'The Woman in Black\' by Susan Hill. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a British writer and physician who gained global fame for his stories about the London detective \'Sherlock Holmes\'. In all, he wrote four novels and 56 short stories about Holmes and Dr Watson, including the first, \'A Study in Scarlet\'. Conan Doyle also wrote fantasy, science-fiction, humour, poetry, non-fiction, romance and historical novels.

Objev podobné jako The Land of Mist - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

cena 389.0 Kč

Soil to Table: The Land Gardeners - Bridget Elworthy, Henrietta Courtauld

Reflecting on the link between the health of our soils and what we eat, Soil to Table is filled with ideas and wisdom about how to care for your soil and includes recipes from chef Lulu Cox. Soil is a delicate ecosystem made up of minerals, water, air, plant roots, organic matter, insects and a complex web of micro-organisms. We rely on its health for our food and our future - just as caring for the gut flora within our intestines is vital to human wellbeing, so too is caring for the microbes in the soil the essence of soil health. Following on from their bestselling book The Land Gardeners: Cut Flowers, authors and gardeners Bridget Elworthy and Henrietta Courtauld explore the full cycle of soil to table. From the microbes in the soil to the seasoning in your dishes, each plays an important role in contributing to a delicious and nutritious meal. With recipes from chef Lulu Cox and paintings by Nancy Cadogan, Soil to Table is a celebration of the garden and an informative guide to cultivating healthy soil in order to produce glorious food.

Objev podobné jako Soil to Table: The Land Gardeners - Bridget Elworthy, Henrietta Courtauld

cena 1244.0 Kč

invisibobble® HAIRHALO Fall in Love Hello Pumpkin (4063528029706)

Gumičky nezanechává otlak na vlasech, netahá, silné uchopení, vysoký komfort při nošení, voděodolná

Objev podobné jako invisibobble® HAIRHALO Fall in Love Hello Pumpkin (4063528029706)

cena 299.0 Kč

Carey Mariah: Emotions - LP (0194397763713)

LP vinyl - Emotions je druhé studiové album americké písničkářky a producentky Mariah Carey. To bylo vyšlo 17. září 1991. Emotions je druhé studiové album americké písničkářky a producentky Mariah Carey. To bylo vyšlo 17. září 1991. Rok vydání : 1991 (2.album) Rok reedice : 2020 Seznam stop LP Emotions / And You Don't Remember / Can't Let Go / Make It Happen / If It's Over / You're So Cold / So Blessed / To Be Around You / Till The End Of Time / The Wind

Objev podobné jako Carey Mariah: Emotions - LP (0194397763713)

cena 479.0 Kč

Capucon Gautier: Emotions - CD (9029521413)

Hudební CD - Téměř každý interpret klasické hudby zatouží alespoň jednou za kariéru natočit album, které „osloví masy” (a pokud po tom nezatouží sám interpret, jistě po tom zatouží jeho agent nebo vydavatel). Téměř každý interpret klasické hudby zatouží alespoň jednou za kariéru natočit album, které „osloví masy” (a pokud po tom nezatouží sám interpret, jistě po tom zatouží jeho agent nebo vydavatel). Pak jsou samozřejmě i umělci, kteří tomuto lákavému pokušení podlehnou natolik, že se pod rouškou „vážné hudby” vydají směle vstříc nefalšovanému popu nebo celý život balancují na jeho hraně ve formě různých crossoverů. Vynikající francouzský violoncellista Gautier Capuçon patří nepochybně do první skupiny a vzhledem k tomu, co všechno už během svojí umělecké cesty dokázal, si to může s čistým štítem dovolit. Spolu se svým dlouholetým spolupracovníkem, klavíristou a skladatelem Jérôme Ducrosem, sestavili kolekci oblíbených klasických a popových melodií, které...

Objev podobné jako Capucon Gautier: Emotions - CD (9029521413)

cena 389.0 Kč

Obrázkové ponožky 80 Funny emotions

Obrázkové ponožky 80 Funny emotions Skarpol bílá barva z velmi kvalitní bavlny v kombinaci s elastickou přízí ploché švy pohodlné a komfortní

Objev podobné jako Obrázkové ponožky 80 Funny emotions

cena 162.0 Kč

The Battle for Roar (The Land of Roar series, Book 3) - Jenny McLachlan

The final book in the epic and bestselling children's fantasy series that will make you believe in magic ... Perfect for fans of Cressida Cowell's How to Train Your Dragon, Michelle Harrison's A Pinch of Magic, as well as classic children's fantasy adventures, Narnia and Jumanji. Rose and Arthur are back in Roar, on a voyage that takes them further than they've ever been before: beyond The End.It's an amazing adventure - full of secrets, surprises and fairies with fangs - but then a mysterious storm changes everything. Shipwrecked on a strange island, they make a shocking discovery ... Could this be the end of Roar? Jenny McLachlan is the author of several acclaimed teen novels including Flirty Dancing, Stargazing for Beginners and Truly, Wildly, Deeply.Before Jenny became a writer, she was Head of English in a secondary school; she now loves visiting schools as an author and delivering funny and inspiring talks and workshops. The Land of Roar series is Jenny's debut for readers of 8-12. Ben Mantle began his illustration career early, picking up his first award in a local library colouring-in competition aged seven.Ben has illustrated a number of children's books and is the creator of the award-winning The Best Birthday Present Ever! . Ben lives and works in Brighton.

Objev podobné jako The Battle for Roar (The Land of Roar series, Book 3) - Jenny McLachlan

cena 236.0 Kč

Úplet The promised land PANEL digital print

Výrobce: Evropský výrobce, Certifikace: OEKO-TEX Standard 100 class I., Barva: barevná, Gramáž: 210 g/m2, Motív: Zvířatá, Šířka: 150 cm, Složení: 95%CO + 5%EL, Ošetrování: 2

Objev podobné jako Úplet The promised land PANEL digital print

cena 299.0 Kč

Knížka Assouline Kiss the Past Hello, English

Kniha z kolekce Assouline. Láhev Coca-Coly, která je od svého uvedení na trh v roce 1915 jedním z nejznámějších a nejunikátnějších tvarů na světě, je vlivným symbolem designu, umění a kultury.

Objev podobné jako Knížka Assouline Kiss the Past Hello, English

cena 2199.0 Kč

The Land Gardeners: Cut Flowers - Bridget Elworthy, Henrietta Courtauld, Miranda Brooks

The Land Gardeners show you how to establish organic garden beds and sow, grow and harvest over 100 varieties of cut flowers. In this visual diary of life in the garden, The Land Gardeners share their beliefs on the importance of soil health, introduce you to their favourite blooms and inspire you to create your own cutting garden with expert knowledge on how to grow and what to gather by season. Based in the original walled garden at Wardington Manor, The Land Gardeners have revived the tradition of working with the land to produce abundant, seasonal flowers for clients’ use in decoration, design and events. But for all the frivolous bucolic beauty of the flowers, it is the productivity and health of the soil that truly underpins The Land Gardeners’ philosophy. The book explores lively soil, the joy (and, arguably, necessity) of gathering from our gardens, and the imperative that we care for our soils and live among healthy, vital gardens.

Objev podobné jako The Land Gardeners: Cut Flowers - Bridget Elworthy, Henrietta Courtauld, Miranda Brooks

cena 752.0 Kč

Italian Coastal: Recipes and stories from where the land meets the sea - Amber Guinness

An enchanting and delectable journey to the shimmering waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea, via plates of pasta, baked fish, and glasses of peach-laced white wine - from the author of A House Party in Tuscany.Welcome to the Tyrrhenian Sea, home to la dolce vita, sun-drenched islands and seaside towns where even the simplest trattoria has an effortless glamour. Following on from the success of her first book, A House Party in Tuscany, Amber Guinness travels from the Tuscan coast down through Lazio and Campania via Naples and the Amalfi Coast and on to northern Sicily. Amber delves into the history, stories and flavours that have come home to her kitchen and shaped her food philosophy. Amber's quest for maximum flavour with minimal effort shines through in these delicious and achievable recipes that will bring an authentic mouthful of coastal Italy to your table: crostini with ricotta and 'nduja; zucchini and mint lasagne; tomato linguine with capers; seabass with pistachio and almonds; Neapolitan vinegary fried zucchini; potato and caper salad from Salina; raspberry tiramisu and the ultimate Amalfi lemon cream cake. Inspired by the markets and food of summer holidays by the beach, Italian Coastal is a fusion of recipe book, travelogue, and memoir – with sumptuous food and travel photography throughout – that will transport readers to the sunny Mediterranean.

Objev podobné jako Italian Coastal: Recipes and stories from where the land meets the sea - Amber Guinness

cena 849.0 Kč

80' Factory - Sweet Emotions IV. (CD)

Album 80'Factory Sweet Emotions IV. vás nenechá v klidu. Najdete zde zvukově moderní verze hitů 80. let.

Objev podobné jako 80' Factory - Sweet Emotions IV. (CD)

cena 269.0 Kč

This Land: The Story of a Movement (0241470943)

Kniha - 224 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá

Objev podobné jako This Land: The Story of a Movement (0241470943)

cena 621.0 Kč

Kirby and the Forgotten Land - Nintendo Switch (045496429270)

Hra na konzoli - Nintendo Switch, krabicová verze, žánr: adventura a arkády, - Co čeká Kirbyho na jeho dobdrodružství ve chvílích, kdy bude objevovat opuštěný a záhadami obestřený svět dávných civilizací? Připojte se ke KirbymuRůžový obláček Kirby se v Kirby and the Forgotten Land Nintendo Switch vydává za dobrodružstvím. Cílem vaší výpravy se tentokrát stane obrovský 3D svět, ve kterém bude muset řešit bojové situace i momenty zaměřené především na zapojení mozkových závitů. Osvojte si v Kirby and the Forgotten Land Nintendo Switch praktiky nepřátelBojujte s nepřáteli za pomoci jejich vlastních schopností. Naučte se sledovat jejich kroky a následně je v bitvách použijte proti nim. Zachraňujte jimi uvězněné kamarády a najděte toho, kdo dal k jejich zadržení příkaz. S kamarády jde vše lípKirby...

Objev podobné jako Kirby and the Forgotten Land - Nintendo Switch (045496429270)

cena 999.0 Kč

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