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Gangsta Granny Strikes Again! - David Walliams, Tony Ross

The new children's book from No. 1 bestselling author David Walliams - an extraordinarily brilliant and rollicking mystery adventure illustrated by artistic genius, Tony Ross, and the sequel to the much-loved and bestselling Gangsta Granny.Ben is getting used to life without his beloved granny. She was a cabbage enthusiast, a Scrabble partner... and an international jewel thief known as The Black Cat. Now, only the memory of their extraordinary adventure to steal the Crown Jewels lives on. Then something inexplicable happens. World-famous treasures are stolen in the dead of night and the clues point to none other than The Black Cat? But that's impossible...?Expect the unexpected in this wonderfully entertaining and laugh-out-loud adventure, which will have readers on the edge of their seats as they join Ben on his quest to unravel the mystery of the return of The Black Cat.This first ever sequel from David Walliams will delight new fans, as well as the millions of readers that have loved Gangsta Granny.

Podívejte se také Ross Diana: Diana Ross - LP (4789985)

cena 389.0 Kč

Gangsta Granny: Strikes again! - David Walliams, Stewart Ross

Ben is getting used to life without his beloved granny. She was a cabbage enthusiast, a Scrabble partner… and an international jewel thief known as The Black Cat. Now, only the memory of their extraordinary adventure to steal the Crown Jewels lives on. Then something inexplicable happens. World-famous treasures are stolen in the dead of night and the clues point to none other than The Black Cat? But that's impossible…? Expect the unexpected in this wonderfully entertaining and laugh-out-loud adventure, which will have readers on the edge of their seats as they join Ben on his quest to unravel the mystery of the return of The Black Cat. This first ever sequel from David Walliams will delight new fans, as well as the millions of readers that have loved Gangsta Granny.

Podívejte se také Bowie David: Space Oddity (Tony Visconti 2019 Mix) - With O-card - CD (9029540573)

cena 232.0 Kč

Gangsta Granny Strikes Again!

Kniha - autor David Walliams; Tony Ross, 368 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá - autor David Walliams; Tony Ross, 368 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá The new children's book from No. 1 bestselling author David Walliams - an extraordinarily brilliant and rollicking mystery adventure illustrated by artistic genius, Tony Ross, and the sequel to the much-loved and bestselling Gangsta Granny. Ben is getting used to life without his beloved granny. She was a cabbage enthusiast, a Scrabble partner... and an international jewel thief known as The Black Cat. Now, only the memory of their extraordinary adventure to steal the Crown Jewels lives on. Then something inexplicable happens. World-famous treasures are stolen in the dead of night and the clues point to none other than The Black Cat? But that's impossible...?

Podívejte se také MoMi ROSS růžové (5900495863911)

cena 370.0 Kč

Gangsta Granny - David Walliams

Another hilarious and moving novel from David Walliams, number one bestseller and fastest growing children's author in the country. A story of prejudice and acceptance, funny lists and silly words, this new book has all the hallmarks of David's previous bestsellers. Our hero Ben is bored beyond belief after he is made to stay at his grandma's house. She's the boringest grandma ever: all she wants to do is to play Scrabble, and eat cabbage soup. But there are two things Ben doesn't know about his grandma. 1) She was once an international jewel thief. 2) All her life, she has been plotting to steal the Crown Jewels, and now she needs Ben's help…

Objev podobné jako Gangsta Granny - David Walliams

cena 214.0 Kč

Worlds Worst Children 2 - David Walliams, Tony Ross

The brilliant follow-up to the bestselling The World's Worst Children! Ten more stories about hilariously horrible kids! Do you dare to meet the worst children in the world? Be warned! Inside are five ghastly girls and five badder-than-bad boys! Like Humbert the hungry baby, who literally eats his parents out of house and home. And Gruesome Griselda who likes to play tricks on everyone with her vast collection of creepy-crawlies. From number one bestselling author David Walliams come ten more wonderfully wicked tales, illustrated throughout by artistic genius Tony Ross. David Walliams' book 'SPACEBOY' was a No.1 Sunday Times bestseller w/c 28-11-2022.

Objev podobné jako Worlds Worst Children 2 - David Walliams, Tony Ross

cena 223.0 Kč

The World's Worst Children 1, 2 & 3 Box Set - David Walliams, Tony Ross

An entire world of hilariously horrible and delightfully dreadful children in one incredible box set! From the phenomenal number-one bestseller David Walliams, these cautionary tales are illustrated in glorious and gruesome colour by artistic genius, Tony Ross. THE WORLD'S WORST CHILDREN Are you ready to meet the World's Worst Children? Five beastly boys and five gruesome girls! Like Sofia Sofa - a TV super-fan so stuck to the sofa that she's turning into one! Or Dribbling Drew - a boy whose drool gets him into trouble on a school trip! And not forgetting Blubbering Bertha - a girl who bawls and tells terrible tales! THE WORLD'S WORST CHILDREN 2 Ready for more? The beastly boys and gruesome girls in this book are even ruder, even more disgusting and WORSE than you could ever imagine! The gruesome characters will make you snort with laughter and thank your lucky stars that you don't know anyone like Gruesome Griselda or Fussy Frankie in real life. It also features a special appearance from fan-favourite Raj! THE WORLD'S WORST CHILDREN 3 Just when you thought it was safe to go back to your bookshelf, 10 more horrendously hilarious stories about the absolute worst children ever! From ten-year old Hank and his endless pranks on his poor, long-suffering family, to Tandy and her titanic tantrums - this compendium of catastrophically horrid boys and girls is the perfect companion to books 1 and 2.

Objev podobné jako The World's Worst Children 1, 2 & 3 Box Set - David Walliams, Tony Ross

cena 1020.0 Kč

Gangsta Granny (9780007371464)

Kniha - autor David Walliams, 304 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Another hilarious and moving novel from David Walliams, number one bestseller and fastest growing children's author in the country. A story of prejudice and acceptance, funny lists and silly words, this new book has all the hallmarks of David's previous bestsellers. Our hero Ben is bored beyond belief after he is made to stay at his grandma's house. She's the boringest grandma ever: all she wants to do is to play Scrabble, and eat cabbage soup. But there are two things Ben doesn't know about his grandma. 1) She was once an international jewel thief. 2) All her life, she has been plotting to steal the Crown Jewels, and now she needs Ben's help… Another hilarious and moving novel from bestselling, critically acclaimed author David Walliams, the natural successor to Roald Dahl. A story of prejudice and acceptance, funny lists and silly words, this new book has all the hallmarks of...

Objev podobné jako Gangsta Granny (9780007371464)

cena 192.0 Kč

Darebák David čaruje - Francesca Simon, Tony Ross

V zábavném vyprávění se znovu sejdeme s Darebákem Davidem a jeho kamarády. V nových příbězích budeme s Davidem stavět sněhuláka, navštívíme jeho kosmetický salon, popereme se s jeho bratrem o dálkový ovladač k televizi, zajdeme do školy Náladové Nely a zavítáme na oslavu Vzorného Vítka. S Darebákem Davidem se člověk nikdy nenudí, tenhle kluk totiž vzbudí i mrtvého.

Objev podobné jako Darebák David čaruje - Francesca Simon, Tony Ross

cena 223.0 Kč

Darebák David a duchové - Francesca Simon, Tony Ross

Vítejte u Davidova ujetého i úžasného, darebného i důvtipného populárně-naučného průvodce vším, co jste kdy chtěli vědět o DUCHÁCH.Věděli jste, že duchové jsou přízraky lidí, co umřeli, a vracejí se strašit na místa, která opustili? Nebo že na některých místech v Anglii můžete často potkat Bílou paní?Nebo že v Číně mají hladové duchy, jimž lidé musejí připravovat spousty jídla? Knížka nabitá bizarními informacemi i nahodilými maličkostmi je dokonalou příručkou o všem, co jste vždycky chtěli vědět (i o spoustě věcí, které jste možná vůbec vědět nechtěli) o duchách – ve stylu Darebáka Davida! Zábavné čtení pro malé zvídavé čtenáře.

Objev podobné jako Darebák David a duchové - Francesca Simon, Tony Ross

cena 178.0 Kč

Darebák David chystá léčku - Francesca Simon, Tony Ross

Další sbírka vyprávění o nenapravitelném rebelovi Davidovi přináší dvanáct příběhů, v nichž se setkáváme s Davidem, jeho rodinou a spolužáky třeba na pěším výletě, v nóbl restauraci, na fotbale nebo o Vánocích. Náš hrdina nikdy nezklame a svým chováním vždycky dělá čest svému jménu – Darebák David.

Objev podobné jako Darebák David chystá léčku - Francesca Simon, Tony Ross

cena 223.0 Kč

Darebák David a zvířata - Francesca Simon, Tony Ross

Vítejte u Davidova ujetého i úžasného, darebného i důvtipného populárně-naučného průvodce vším, co jste kdy chtěli vědět o ZVÍŘATECH. Věděli jste, že nejmenší savec na světě je tři centimetry dlouhý netopýrek? Nebo že čtverzubci se dokážou ve vodě nafouknout jako balon? Nebo že býci nereagují při zápasech na rudou barvu, protože jsou ve skutečnosti barvoslepí? Knížka nabitá bizarními informacemi i nahodilými maličkostmi je dokonalou příručkou o všem, co jste vždycky chtěli vědět (i o spoustě věcí, které jste možná vůbec vědět nechtěli) o zvířatech – ve stylu Darebáka Davida! Zábavné čtení pro malé zvídavé čtenáře.

Objev podobné jako Darebák David a zvířata - Francesca Simon, Tony Ross

cena 178.0 Kč

Darebák David a tělo - Francesca Simon, Tony Ross

Vítejte u Davidova ujetého i úžasného, darebného i důvtipného populárně-naučného průvodce vším, co jste kdy chtěli vědět o TĚLE. Věděli jste, že kdybyste si z těla vysoukali střeva, omotala by několikrát tenisový kurt? Nebo že děti mrkají jednou nebo dvakrát za minutu, kdežto dospělí desetkrát? Nebo že pokaždé, když uděláte krok, pohne se vám na noze víc než 90 svalů? Knížka nabitá bizarními informacemi i nahodilými maličkostmi je dokonalou příručkou o všem, co jste vždycky chtěli vědět (i o spoustě věcí, které jste možná vůbec vědět nechtěli) o tělech – ve stylu Darebáka Davida!

Objev podobné jako Darebák David a tělo - Francesca Simon, Tony Ross

cena 178.0 Kč

Darebák David a podivná zvířata - Francesca Simon, Tony Ross

Vítejte u Davidova ujetého i úžasného, darebného i důvtipného populárně-naučného průvodce vším, co jste kdy chtěli vědět o zvířecích POTVŮRKÁCH. Věděli jste, že tučňák kroužkový krade kameny z hnízd svých sousedů? Nebo že chřestýši jsou nebezpeční ještě hodinu po tom, co sami umřou? Nebo že se sledi mezi sebou dorozumívají pšoukáním? Knížka nabitá bizarními informacemi i nahodilými maličkostmi je dokonalou příručkou o všem, co jste vždycky chtěli vědět (i o spoustě věcí, které jste možná vůbec vědět nechtěli) o potvůrkách - ve stylu Darebáka Davida! Zábavné čtení pro malé zvídavé čtenáře.

Objev podobné jako Darebák David a podivná zvířata - Francesca Simon, Tony Ross

cena 178.0 Kč

Darebák David - králové a královny - Francesca Simon, Tony Ross

Vítejte u Davidova ujetého i úžasného, darebného i důvtipného populárně-naučného průvodce vším, co jste kdy chtěli vědět o KRÁLÍCH.Věděli jste, že anglická královna Alžběta má devět královských trůnů? Nebo že francouzský král Karel VI. si myslel, že je ze skla? Nebo že anglický král Richard II. vynalezl kapesník? Knížka nabitá bizarními informacemi i nahodilými maličkostmi je dokonalou příručkou o všem, co jste vždycky chtěli vědět (i o spoustě věcí, které jste možná vůbec vědět nechtěli) o králích i královnách – ve stylu Darebáka Davida! Zábavné čtení pro malé zvídavé čtenáře.

Objev podobné jako Darebák David - králové a královny - Francesca Simon, Tony Ross

cena 178.0 Kč

Darebák David: Hurá do oblak! - Francesca Simon, Tony Ross

Darebák David se vrací a zlobí ještě víc než dříve! Přesvědčí vás o tom v nové knížce od Francesky Simonové, autorky nejprodávanějších knížek pro děti. Najdete v ní čtyři zbrusu nové příběhy, ve kterých Darebák David napáchá spoušť v letadle, musí napsat sloh o Tudorovcích, sabotuje školní hru a proklouzne na zakázaný tobogan. Tyto nadčasové skopičiny jednoho z nejoblíbenějších dětských hrdinů dětem s úspěchem poslouží jako první krok ke čtení pro radost.

Objev podobné jako Darebák David: Hurá do oblak! - Francesca Simon, Tony Ross

cena 178.0 Kč

Warner Bros BATMAN STRIKES AGAIN Chlapecké triko, světle zelená, velikost

Chlapecké triko Warner Bros BATMAN STRIKES AGAIN s dlouhým rukávem vyniká atraktivním potiskem na hrudníku, který si děti jistě zamilují. Příjemný bavlněný materiál poskytuje pohodlné nošení během volného času.

Objev podobné jako Warner Bros BATMAN STRIKES AGAIN Chlapecké triko, světle zelená, velikost

cena 199.0 Kč

Warner Bros BATMAN STRIKES AGAIN Chlapecké triko, světle zelená, velikost

Chlapecké triko Warner Bros BATMAN STRIKES AGAIN s dlouhým rukávem vyniká atraktivním potiskem na hrudníku, který si děti jistě zamilují. Příjemný bavlněný materiál poskytuje pohodlné nošení během volného času.

Objev podobné jako Warner Bros BATMAN STRIKES AGAIN Chlapecké triko, světle zelená, velikost

cena 199.0 Kč

Warner Bros BATMAN STRIKES AGAIN Chlapecké triko, světle zelená, velikost

Chlapecké triko Warner Bros BATMAN STRIKES AGAIN s dlouhým rukávem vyniká atraktivním potiskem na hrudníku, který si děti jistě zamilují. Příjemný bavlněný materiál poskytuje pohodlné nošení během volného času.

Objev podobné jako Warner Bros BATMAN STRIKES AGAIN Chlapecké triko, světle zelená, velikost

cena 199.0 Kč

Warner Bros BATMAN STRIKES AGAIN Chlapecké triko, světle zelená, velikost

Chlapecké triko Warner Bros BATMAN STRIKES AGAIN s dlouhým rukávem vyniká atraktivním potiskem na hrudníku, který si děti jistě zamilují. Příjemný bavlněný materiál poskytuje pohodlné nošení během volného času.

Objev podobné jako Warner Bros BATMAN STRIKES AGAIN Chlapecké triko, světle zelená, velikost

cena 199.0 Kč

Warner Bros BATMAN STRIKES AGAIN Chlapecké triko, světle zelená, velikost

Chlapecké triko Warner Bros BATMAN STRIKES AGAIN s dlouhým rukávem vyniká atraktivním potiskem na hrudníku, který si děti jistě zamilují. Příjemný bavlněný materiál poskytuje pohodlné nošení během volného času.

Objev podobné jako Warner Bros BATMAN STRIKES AGAIN Chlapecké triko, světle zelená, velikost

cena 199.0 Kč

The World’s Worst Pets - David Walliams

BE WARNED! AWFUL ANIMALS LURK INSIDE…Millions of readers have loved The World’s Worst Children, The World’s Worst Teachers and The World’s Worst Parents – now they will delight in this ludicrously laugh-out-loud collection of pets, brought to you by the phenomenal Number One bestselling author David Walliams, with every story illustrated in vibrant colour by Adam Stower.These ten tales of the world’s craziest creatures will have you shaking with laughter. You’ll never look at pets in the same way again!Marvel at Houdini, the magician’s rabbit. Take a trip around the world with Zoom, the supersonic tortoise. Gasp at the chaos created by Griselda, a grizzly bear with a big secret. And RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! It’s Furp, the monstrous goldfish!Good pets, bad pets, supervillain pets, pets as big as a house and pets that could eat you in one gulp – these are the most hilarious and horrendous animals around.David Walliams was most recently Children’s #1 bestseller for six weeks with Gangsta Granny Strikes Again! (TCM chart: from 20 Nov 2021)

Objev podobné jako The World’s Worst Pets - David Walliams

cena 443.0 Kč

The World's Worst Pets - David Walliams, Adam Stower

BE WARNED! AWFUL ANIMALS LURK INSIDE... Millions of readers have loved The World's Worst Children, The World's Worst Teachers and The World's Worst Parents - now they will delight in this ludicrously laugh-out-loud collection of pets, brought to you by the phenomenal Number One bestselling author David Walliams, with every story illustrated in vibrant colour by Adam Stower. These ten tales of the world's craziest creatures will have you shaking with laughter. You'll never look at pets in the same way again! Marvel at Houdini, the magician's rabbit. Take a trip around the world with Zoom, the supersonic tortoise. Gasp at the chaos created by Griselda, a grizzly bear with a big secret. And RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! It's Furp, the monstrous goldfish! Good pets, bad pets, supervillain pets, pets as big as a house and pets that could eat you in one gulp - these are the most hilarious and horrendous animals around. David Walliams was most recently Children's #1 bestseller for six weeks with Gangsta Granny Strikes Again! (TCM chart: from 20 Nov 2021)

Objev podobné jako The World's Worst Pets - David Walliams, Adam Stower

cena 399.0 Kč

The World's Worst Pets (Defekt) - David Walliams, Adam Stower

BE WARNED! AWFUL ANIMALS LURK INSIDE... Millions of readers have loved The World's Worst Children, The World's Worst Teachers and The World's Worst Parents - now they will delight in this ludicrously laugh-out-loud collection of pets, brought to you by the phenomenal Number One bestselling author David Walliams, with every story illustrated in vibrant colour by Adam Stower. These ten tales of the world's craziest creatures will have you shaking with laughter. You'll never look at pets in the same way again! Marvel at Houdini, the magician's rabbit. Take a trip around the world with Zoom, the supersonic tortoise. Gasp at the chaos created by Griselda, a grizzly bear with a big secret. And RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! It's Furp, the monstrous goldfish! Good pets, bad pets, supervillain pets, pets as big as a house and pets that could eat you in one gulp - these are the most hilarious and horrendous animals around. David Walliams was most recently Children's #1 bestseller for six weeks with Gangsta Granny Strikes Again! (TCM chart: from 20 Nov 2021)

Objev podobné jako The World's Worst Pets (Defekt) - David Walliams, Adam Stower

cena 179.0 Kč

Robodog - David Walliams

Robodog is the hilarious new action-packed comic caper from David Walliams - due for release in March 2023. Bedlam by name and Bedlam by nature - enter one of the most dangerous cities on earth! Home to a host of dangerous criminals and wicked villains where nobody is safe! But every City needs a resident superhero to save the day and Bedlam is no different! Meet Robodog - the newest recruit at the Police Dog School. Supercharged and ready for action and adventure, can Robodog stop the most feared criminal duo in Bedlam and thwart their evil plans to destroy the city? Pick up your copy to find out...

Objev podobné jako Robodog - David Walliams

cena 357.0 Kč

Grannysaurus - David Walliams

A boisterously funny new picture book from David Walliams and Adam Stower, perfect for young dinosaur fans! One night, Spike creeps downstairs in his pyjamas to find that his granny has turned into a dinosaur – GRANNYSAURUS! There are dinosaurs BOOGYING in the living room. With Brontosaurus, Stegosaurus and Giganotosaurus, it’s a DINO DISCO! Spike wants to stay up and party too! How will Grannysaurus ever get him back to bed? Perhaps her next guest, Tyrannosaurus Rex, can help? Children will love to dance their way to bedtime with this exciting story full of spectacular surprises! David Walliams' book 'SPACEBOY' was a No.1 Sunday Times bestseller w/c 28-11-2022.

Objev podobné jako Grannysaurus - David Walliams

cena 357.0 Kč

Krysburger - David Walliams

Další zábavná, ale i dojemná knížka Davida Walliamse, autora, jehož hvězda na nebi dětské literatury stoupá už od jeho prvotiny Babička drsňačka. Jak je u Walliamse obvyklé, nemají to jeho hrdinové v životě zrovna snadné. Ani Zoe není výjimkou. Její táta se po smrti Zoeiny mámy podruhé oženil, ale neměl v tomhle směru zrovna štěstí. Sheila je uječená a bezkonkurenčně nejlínější osoba pod sluncem, nebo aspoň v činžáku, kde rodina bydlí. Svoji nevlastní dceru bytostně nesnáší. A aby toho nebylo málo, největší násilnice ve škole si chudáka Zoe vybrala za terč svých nejapných žertů. Zoe se cítí osamělá a nešťastná. Proto se zaraduje, když jednoho dne do jejího pokoje zabloudí roztomilé krysí mládě - neděste se, může se to stát i v lepších rodinách. Holčička si ho rychle ochočí a začne ho učit cirkusovým kouskům. Na malého krysáka však číhá velké nebezpečí. Má na něj spadeno majitel firmy na výrobu... Čeho? To si snadno odvodíte z názvu knížky.

Objev podobné jako Krysburger - David Walliams

cena 288.0 Kč

Megamonster - David Walliams

On a volcanic island, in the middle of shark-infested waters, stands The Cruel School. The lessons are appalling, the school dinners are revolting and the teachers are terrifying - especially the mysterious Science teacher Doctor Doktur.When Larker is sent to the school, she quickly realises something very odd is going on... something involving Doctor Doktur, a pair of strange spectacles, and a 'Monsterfication Machine'. And ultimately she finds herself face to face with a real life Megamonster.There seems to be no escape - but for Larker, nothing is impossible...

Objev podobné jako Megamonster - David Walliams

cena 399.0 Kč

Spaceboy - David Walliams

Go back to the Space Race with No.1 bestselling author David Walliams for a breathless cinematic adventure full of mystery, action, laughs and surprises - and a secret that could change the course of history... America. The 1960s. Stuck on a remote farm with her awful aunt, twelve-year-old orphan Ruth spends every night gazing at the stars, dreaming of adventure. One night she spots a flying saucer blazing across the sky... before crash-landing in a field. When the spaceship opens and reveals a mysterious alien, all Ruth's dreams come true. But does this visitor from another planet have a giant secret? Spaceboy is a hilarious and action-packed tale for readers in any solar system.

Objev podobné jako Spaceboy - David Walliams

cena 223.0 Kč

Robopes - David Walliams

Seznamte se s Robopsem, poslední nadějí v boji se zločinem! Zlotřilov je jedním z nejnebezpečnějších míst planety. Město ovládá banda všehoschopných padouchů. Každý se před nimi třese strachy a jen opravdový superhrdina by je dokázal zneškodnit. Jenže kde ho vzít? Přichází Robopes! Nováček psí policejní akademie má úžasné schopnosti a prahne po dobrodružství. Ale nebude na nejobávanější zločineckou dvojici krátký? Podaří se mu překazit její plány na zničení Zlotřilova?

Objev podobné jako Robopes - David Walliams

cena 309.0 Kč

Geronimo - David Walliams

The brand-new HEARTWARMINGLY HILARIOUS children’s picture book from NUMBER ONE bestselling David Walliams. Illustrated by artistic genius Tony Ross. Meet Geronimo – the baby penguin who has one dream and one dream only – and that is to fly! But everyone knows penguins can’t fly… or can they? With a little help from his dad and friends, baby Geronimo discovers that even the wildest of dreams can come true. A delightfully topsy-turvy book with an uplifting message about following your dreams – another blockbusting classic from David Walliams and Tony Ross! There are lots of funny pictures of penguins in this book, but please note any mention of ‘free’ penguins on the back cover is a joke and as such should be taken lightly.

Objev podobné jako Geronimo - David Walliams

cena 214.0 Kč

Astrochimp - David Walliams

From million-copy bestselling author David Walliams comes a laugh-out-loud animal space adventure.Chump the chimpanzee was always being silly. He would:- make rude noises from BOTH ENDS…- pick his nose with his little toe…- eat the skins of bananas, hurling out the tasty part inside.NASA’s scientists thought he’d be the PERFECT chimp to send into space. Little did Chump know that he had been selected for a deadly-dangerous mission. If a chimp could orbit Earth, then chances were a human could too.With Chump the chimp at the controls of a spacecraft, what could possibly go wrong? As it turned out, EVERYTHING.Blast off with Chump, and encounter dog space pirates, evil insects, and the silliest chimpanzee who ever lived in this wildly funny space opera, fully illustrated in fantastic colour.David Walliams was most recently Children’s number one bestseller with The Blunders TCM Chart, 14 October 2023).

Objev podobné jako Astrochimp - David Walliams

cena 443.0 Kč

Marmalade - David Walliams

Cuddle up and laugh with this heart-warming and funny new children’s picture book from number-one bestselling author David Walliams, gloriously illustrated by the awesome Adam Stower!One morning, deep in the forest, a beautiful baby panda was born. The panda was different to all the others, as he had dazzling orange fur.“I will call you Marmalade,” his mummy whispered. . .Meet Marmalade, the little panda who goes on a big adventure as he sets off to explore the forest one day to find where he belongs. Along the way, he meets all sorts of animals . . . until he sees he has come full circle and is back home with his mum, which is where he always did belong, of course!This gorgeous and endearing story is a celebration of family love, being yourself and finding your place in the world. It is the perfect story to share with your special someone – big or little.

Objev podobné jako Marmalade - David Walliams

cena 236.0 Kč

Megamonster - David Walliams

The mega funny kid's book by multi-million bestselling author David Walliams The hilarious children's book from No. 1 bestselling author David Walliams - a timeless adventure illustrated by artistic genius, Tony Ross. On a volcanic island, in the middle of shark-infested waters, stands The Cruel School. The lessons are appalling, the school dinners are revolting and the teachers are terrifying - especially the mysterious Science teacher Doctor Doktur. When Larker is sent to the school, she quickly realises something very odd is going on… something involving Doctor Doktur, a pair of strange spectacles, and a ‘Monsterfication Machine'. And ultimately she finds herself face to face with a real life Megamonster. There seems to be no escape - but for Larker, nothing is impossible… David Walliams' book 'SPACEBOY' was a No.1 Sunday Times bestseller w/c 28-11-2022.

Objev podobné jako Megamonster - David Walliams

cena 232.0 Kč

Fing - David Walliams

Meet the Meeks! Myrtle Meek has everything she could possibly want. But everything isn't enough. She wants more, more, more! When Myrtle declares she wants a FING, there's only one problem… What is a FING? Mr and Mrs Meek will do anything to keep their darling daughter happy, even visit the spooky library vaults to delve into the dusty pages of the mysterious Monsterpedia. Their desperate quest leads to the depths of the jungliest jungle where the rarest creatures can be found. But will they ever find a FING? An explosively funny, totally surreal Tall Story about two perfectly nice parents and their unbelievably monstrous daughter from the phenomenal bestselling author David Walliams and illustrated by artistic genius, Tony Ross.

Objev podobné jako Fing - David Walliams

cena 229.0 Kč

Robodog - David Walliams

Enter a world of superheroes and villains in this action-packed comic caper from No.1 bestselling author David Walliams – and meet Robodog: the future of crime fighting! Welcome to the city of Bedlam. Enter if you dare! Bedlam is one of the most dangerous places on Earth – home to a host of wicked villains. Nothing and nobody is safe from these evil criminals.The city needs its own superhero to defeat the supervillains. But who? Robodog! He’s the newest recruit at the Police Dog School, and supercharged for adventure. But can he stop the most feared duo in Bedlam, and their evil plans to ruin the city..?

Objev podobné jako Robodog - David Walliams

cena 223.0 Kč

Astrochimp - David Walliams

Chump the chimpanzee was always being silly. He would:- make rude noises from BOTH ENDS...- pick his nose with his little toe...- eat the skins of bananas, hurling out the tasty part inside. NASA's scientists thought he'd be the PERFECT chimp to send into space. Little did Chump know that he had been selected for a deadly-dangerous mission.If a chimp could orbit Earth, then chances were a human could too.With Chump the chimp at the controls of a spacecraft, what could possibly go wrong? As it turned out, EVERYTHING. Blast off with Chump, and encounter dog space pirates, evil insects, and the silliest chimpanzee who ever lived in this wildly funny space opera, fully illustrated in fantastic colour.

Objev podobné jako Astrochimp - David Walliams

cena 357.0 Kč

Slime - David Walliams

The hilarious children's book from No. 1 bestselling author David Walliams - a fantastically funny tale illustrated by artistic genius Tony Ross. WELCOME TO THE ISLE OF MULCH...This little island is home to a large number of HORRIBLE grown-ups who like nothing more than making children miserable. The most AWFUL one of all is Aunt Greta Greed who owns the whole island. Something needs to be done about them.But who could be brave enough? Meet Ned - an extraordinary boy with a special power. SLIMEPOWER! David Walliams was most recently Children's #1 bestseller with The World's Worst Pets (TCM chart: 30 April 2022)

Objev podobné jako Slime - David Walliams

cena 223.0 Kč

Kosmokluk - David Walliams

Píšou se 60. léta minulého století. Amerika a Rusko závodí o to, kdo dobude vesmír. Dvanáctiletá Ruth je sirotek a žije u své příšerné tety na odlehlé farmě. Je doslova posedlá vesmírem - hltá komiksy i filmy, v nichž svět přepadají Marťani. Každou noc starým, otlučeným dalekohledem pozoruje noční oblohu a sní o dobrodružstvích. Jednou zahlédne létající talíř, jak se řítí po nočním nebi... a havaruje v poli. Když se kosmická loď otevře a vystoupí z ní záhadný mimozemšťan, Ruth se splní všechny její sny. Ale návštěvník z jiné planety má jedno velké tajemství, které by mohlo změnit běh dějin..

Objev podobné jako Kosmokluk - David Walliams

cena 329.0 Kč

Malý miliardář - David Walliams

Joe je boháč, přesně řečeno nejbohatší dvanáctiletý kluk v celé Británii. Má všechno, nač si vzpomene: vůz formule 1, kino, pět set párů sportovních bot, orangutana jako sluhu. A přece mu něco důležitého chybí: kamarád… Poprosí proto tátu, aby směl chodit (světe, div se!) do docela obyčejné školy, inkognito! Tím rozpoutá sérii bláznivých situací a neuvěřitelných trapasů, na jejímž konci Joe zjišťuje, že peníze a bohatství ke štěstí nestačí. David Walliams vypráví o věcech, které jsou k pláči, tak brilantně a s takovou dávkou skvělého humoru, že budete plakat smíchy. Právem je kritiky označován za nového Roalda Dahla.

Objev podobné jako Malý miliardář - David Walliams

cena 213.0 Kč

Ďábelská zubařka - David Walliams

Nový příběh dnes již etablovaného autora dětských knih čtenáře opět dojme i pobaví. Ale pozor: Tentokrát se budete BÁT! Na město padá noc a v temnotě se začínají dít podivné, hrůzné věci. Malé děti večer před spaním uloží nic zlého netušíce pod polštář mléčný zub pro zoubkovou vílu, a ráno - ó hrůzo! - pod ním najdou mrtvého slimáka, živého pavouka nebo stovky lezoucích odporných švábů. Kdosi zlý a podlý se tomu ďábelsky chechtá. Ale KDO?

Objev podobné jako Ďábelská zubařka - David Walliams

cena 348.0 Kč

Megamonster (Defekt) - David Walliams

On a volcanic island, in the middle of shark-infested waters, stands The Cruel School. The lessons are appalling, the school dinners are revolting and the teachers are terrifying - especially the mysterious Science teacher Doctor Doktur.When Larker is sent to the school, she quickly realises something very odd is going on... something involving Doctor Doktur, a pair of strange spectacles, and a 'Monsterfication Machine'. And ultimately she finds herself face to face with a real life Megamonster.There seems to be no escape - but for Larker, nothing is impossible...

Objev podobné jako Megamonster (Defekt) - David Walliams

cena 159.0 Kč

Billionaire Boy - David Walliams

A hilarious, touching and extraordinary new fable from David Walliams, number one bestseller and one of the fastest growing children's author across the globe. Joe has a lot of reasons to be happy. About a billion of them, in fact. You see, Joe's rich. Really, really rich. Joe's got his own bowling alley, his own cinema, even his own butler who is also an orangutan. He's the wealthiest twelve-year-old in the land. Yes, Joe has absolutely everything he could possibly want. But there's just one thing he really needs: a friend...

Objev podobné jako Billionaire Boy - David Walliams

cena 232.0 Kč

Super Sleuth - David Walliams

From million-copy bestselling author David Walliams comes his first ever murder mystery - with thrills, spills and laughs galore. Dilly loves a good murder. Not a REAL murder. A made-up murder.One you would find in a murder-mystery novel.Sherlock Holmes is her favourite detective. She even named her dog Watson after his faithful companion, and trained him to sniff out clues and follow trails.So far, Dilly and Watson haven't cracked many cases - beyond lost cats, or missing biscuits that turned out to have been eaten all along.But now the detective duo find themselves on a luxury ocean liner bound for London. A thousand passengers.A thousand miles of ocean around them. It's the perfect place for a murder... Or two. Or three. Or four. Or MORE!

Objev podobné jako Super Sleuth - David Walliams

cena 357.0 Kč

Bad Dad - David Walliams

Read David Walliams’ latest bestselling children’s book, Bad Dad, a fast and furious adventure for boys and girls aged 7–12. Beautifully illustrated by artistic genius Tony Ross. David Walliams’ riches-to-rags story will have you on the edge of your seat and howling with laughter! Bad Dad is a fast and furious, heart-warming new children’s book about a father and son on an adventure – and a thrilling mission to break an innocent man into prison . . . It’s a high-speed cops-and-robbers adventure with heart and soul about a father and son taking on the villainous Mr Big – and winning! Dads come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. There are fat ones and thin ones, tall ones and short ones.There are young ones and old ones, clever ones and stupid ones.There are silly ones and serious ones, loud ones and quiet ones.Of course, there are good dads, and bad dads . . . Bestselling author David Walliams raced to the top of the book charts once again with Bad Dad, his tenth children’s novel. Now available in paperback!

Objev podobné jako Bad Dad - David Walliams

cena 205.0 Kč

Mr. Stink - David Walliams

The second original, touching, twisted, and most of all hilarious novel for children from David Walliams, number one bestseller and fastest growing children's author in the country - beautifully illustrated by Quentin Blake. "Mr Stink stank. He also stunk. And if it was correct English to say he stinked, then he stinked as well..." It all starts when Chloe makes friends with Mr Stink, the local tramp. Yes, he smells a bit. But when it looks like he might be driven out of town, Chloe decides to hide him in the garden shed. Now Chloe's got to make sure no one finds out her secret. And speaking of secrets, there just might be more to Mr Stink than meets the eye...or the nose.

Objev podobné jako Mr. Stink - David Walliams

cena 214.0 Kč

Super Sleuth - David Walliams

From million-copy bestselling author David Walliams comes his first ever murder mystery – with thrills, spills and laughs galore. Dilly loves a good murder. Not a REAL murder.A made-up murder. One you would find in a murder-mystery novel. Sherlock Holmes is her favourite detective.She even named her dog Watson after his faithful companion, and trained him to sniff out clues and follow trails. So far, Dilly and Watson haven’t cracked many cases – beyond lost cats, or missing biscuits that turned out to have been eaten all along. But now the detective duo find themselves on a luxury ocean liner bound for London.A thousand passengers. A thousand miles of ocean around them. It's the perfect place for a murder… Or two.Or three. Or four. Or MORE!

Objev podobné jako Super Sleuth - David Walliams

cena 443.0 Kč

Awful Auntie - David Walliams

From number one bestselling author David Walliams comes another heartfelt but hilarious hoot of an adventureStella Saxby is the sole heir to Saxby Hall. But awful Aunt Alberta and her giant owl will stop at nothing to get it from her. Luckily Stella has a secret – and slightly spooky – weapon up her sleeve…

Objev podobné jako Awful Auntie - David Walliams

cena 223.0 Kč

The Blunders - David Walliams

Meet the Blunders: Bertie, Betsy, their children, Brutus and Bunny, along with their beloved grandma Old Lady Blunder, and their pet ostrich, Cedric.An ostrich is not a sensible pet, but then the Blunders are not sensible people. This family of upper-class twits lives in a crumbling country house named Blunder Hall. When their home comes under threat, they must embark on a series of comic misadventures to save it.Absurd and hilarious, The Blunders is David Walliams’ funniest book yet. A laugh-out-loud tale of the most blundering and lovable family in history.

Objev podobné jako The Blunders - David Walliams

cena 236.0 Kč

Spaceboy (Defekt) - David Walliams

America. The 1960s. Ruth loves climbing trees, making a mess and throwing stones. But the thing she loves most is SPACE. The girl is OBSESSED. She spends her days reading comics about alien invasions, doodling UFOs, watching B-movies about Earth being invaded by creatures from Mars… and gazing at the stars through her old, battered telescope. Until one night, Ruth creeps out of bed in the attic room of her rickety old farmhouse to watch the stars – and is just dozing off when she spots something blazing across the sky. Something that looks like a flying saucer! Is she dreaming? No! And the flying saucer is on fire… But when the UFO crash-lands in the cornfield, and Ruth rushes to help, she finds a mystery – and an adventure – beyond her wildest dreams…

Objev podobné jako Spaceboy (Defekt) - David Walliams

cena 79.0 Kč

Demon Dentist - David Walliams

The latest jaw-achingly funny, number-one bestselling novel from David Walliams - now out in paperback. Make your appointment if you dare...Darkness had come to the town. Strange things were happening in the dead of night. Children would put a tooth under their pillow for the tooth fairy, but in the morning they would wake up to find...a dead slug; a live spider; hundreds of earwigs creeping and crawling beneath their pillow. Evil was at work. But who or what was behind it...? Read this book and find out!

Objev podobné jako Demon Dentist - David Walliams

cena 214.0 Kč

Něfo - David Walliams - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Myrta má všechno, na co si vzpomene. Jenže mít všechno jí pořád ještě není dost. Její rodiče, manželé Marcel a Miriam Mírní jsou velmi milí, zdvořilí, až stydliví. Oba pracují v knihovně a milují knihy. Jejich dcera Myrta je ovšem jejich pravým OPAKEM. Myrtini trpěliví rodiče však udělají cokoli, jen aby jejich dceruška byla šťastná. Když Myrta prohlásí, že chce NĚFO, je tu jen jediný problém… Co je NĚFO? Rodiče Mírní se pustí do pátrání v zaprášených svazcích encyklopedie netvorů v tajných strašidelných sálech knihovny, jen aby to zjistili. Vypraví se dokonce do neprobádaného nitra nejdivočejší džungle, kde se ukrývají nevídaní živočichové. Bude ale jejich zoufalá snaha korunována úspěchem? Další k popukání zábavný, poněkud tajuplný příběh o neuvěřitelně laskavých rodičích a jejich děsivě příšerné dceři napsal fenomenální David Walliams a načetl nepřekonatelný Jiří Lábus.

Objev podobné jako Něfo - David Walliams - audiokniha

cena 269.0 Kč

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