Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
First Certificate Star: Practice Book without Key - Luke Prodromou
First Certificate Star není jen přípravným kurzem na FCE. Většina testových úloh má stejný formát jako budoucí státní maturita, proto je vhodné ji zařadit na závěr studia na gymnáziu. Studenti tak budou připraveni na maturitní zkoušku i na FCE a na státní základní jazykovou zkoušku. Školy připravující studenty na nižší úroveň maturity mohou využít nižší úroveň Rising Star Pre-FCE. Popis: First Certificate Star není jen přípravným kurzem na FCE. Většina testových úloh má stejný formát jako budoucí státní maturita, proto je vhodné ji zařadit na závěr studia na gymnáziu. Studenti tak budou připraveni na maturitní zkoušku i na FCE a na státní základní jazykovou zkoušku. Školy připravující studenty na nižší úroveň maturity mohou využít nižší úroveň Rising Star Pre-FCE.Učebnice First Certificate Star slouží pro přípravu na FCE a/nebo vyšší úroveň státní maturitiy. SPŠ, SOŠ a SOU mohou uvažovat také o Rising Star Pre-FCE a Rising Star Intermediate pro přípravu na nižší úroveň státní maturity. Na rozdíl od jiných učebnic byla FCE Star vytvořena až po zavedení nové verze zkoušky FCE do praxe, takže kromě nových typů cvičení simulujících novou verzi zkoušky zohledňuje také problémy studentů, které se objevily až při samotné zkoušce. Využití učebnice není omezeno pouze na přípravu na FCE. Lze ji s úspěchem použít i pro přípravu na maturitní zkoušku (studenti si zvyknou na typy cvičení, které simulují zkoušku, cvičení v běžných učebnicích se od testů v mnohém liší) a na státní základní jazykovou zkoušku (ta se co do formátu v mnohém shoduje s FCE).Učebnici doporučujeme do posledních ročníků gymnázií a pro pomaturitní přípravné kursy na různé zkoušky. Každý oddíl exam practice je jasně označen a každá část zkoušky se procvičuje minimálně třikrát. FCE Star motivuje a snadno se používá. Ačkoli je kniha zaplněna textem, uspořádání do dvou sloupců zaručuje přehlednost.Star je komplexní učebnice. Zahrnuje gramatiku do značné šíře a důsledně se také věnuje slovní zásobě. Každá lekce obsahuje sekci věnovanou slovům, která si studenti často pletou. Velká pozornost je věnována také frázovým slovesům. V každé z 22 lekcí se studenti naučí nejméně 6 a vzadu v knize najdou slovníček frázových sloves, jejichž definice jsou převzaty z Cobuild Pharasal Verb Dictionary. Slovníček také zahrnuje frázová slovesa s podobným a opačným významem a jejich formální ekvivalenty.
Podívejte se také Cambridge English First Result Student´s Book with Online Practice Test (9780194511926)
Complete Key for Schools Second edition Student´s Book without answers with Online Practice
Complete Key for Schools is the most thorough preparation for the revised A2 Key for Schools. Complete is trusted by millions of candidates worldwide. This course allows you to maximise students' performance with the Complete approach to language development and exam training. It creates a stimulating learning environment with eye-catching images, easy-to-navigate units and fun topics. Students are able to build confidence through our unique understanding of the exam and insights from previous candidate performance, and the Complete exam journey for successful and stress-free outcomes. Online Practice accompanying each Student's Book offers additional practice in grammar and vocabulary. Downloadable Class Audio containing the listening material for this course is provided with the Teacher's Book.
Podívejte se také Oxford Academic Vocabulary Practice: Lower-Intermediate B1 with Key (9780194000888)
Compact Key for Schools Student´s Book without Answers with Online Practice - Emma Heyderman, Susan White
Fast, focused exam preparation - a 50 to 60 hour course for the A2 Key for Schools exam from 2020.Compact Key for Schools Student's Book offers intensive revision and practice to quickly maximise performance. You will consolidate language and skills for exam success through clear, concise training. Compact help you build confidence with its unique step-by-step approach and teaches essential exam strategies through user-friendly Exam tips. The exam-specific Grammar sections and Grammar reference deepen understanding of language structures, while the Speaking bank and Writing bank extend proficiency in productive skills. Online Practice accompanying each Student's Book offers additional practice in grammar and vocabulary. Downloadable Class Audio for listening activities is provided with the Teacher's Book.
Podívejte se také Metal Earth 3D puzzle Star Wars: Přilba Luke Skywalkera (32309033182)
Podívejte se také
- Frajer Luke - DVD (W01226)
- Metal Earth 3D puzzle Star Wars: First Order Treadspeeder (32309064186)
- COMPASS LUKE-A green (06311)
- Funko POP! Star Wars The Book of Boba Fett - Krrsantan (889698686518)
- Funko POP! Star Wars The Book of Boba Fett - Majordomo (889698686532)
- ROJAPLAST Zahradní domek LUKE A (LUKEA)
- COMPASS LUKE-A dark grey (8591686063073)
- ROJAPLAST Zahradní domek LUKE B (LUKEB)
- Konferenční stolek Luke, 45 cm (HA00189)
- ZILDJIAN 10" Reflexx Practice Pad (HN228470)
- Practice Dual síť na házenou (40502)
- Kennedy Dermot: Without Fear - CD (7798774)
- Elgato Key Light (10GAK9901)
- Howard Luke: All Of Us - LP (3599826)
- VIC-FIRTH VF Practice Pad 12" (HN227392)
- VIC-FIRTH VF Practice Pad 6" (HN227391)
- ZILDJIAN 6" Travis Barker Practice Pad (HN155950)
- Funko POP! Star Wars The Book of Boba Fett - Mando with Pouch (889698686549)
- Funko POP! Star Wars The Book of Boba Fett - Grogu with armor (889698686501)
- Elgato Key Light Air (10LAB9901)
Language Practice for B2 First 5th edition Student´s Book with Key Pack - Michael Vince
Language Practice for B2 First 5th edition Student´s Book with Key Pack je ucelený výukový materiál pro studenty, kteří se připravují na úroveň B2 First zkoušky. Obsahuje bohatou sbírku cvičení a aktivit zaměřených na posílení dovedností v anglickém jazyce potřebných pro úspěšné složení zkoušky. Díky obsaženému klíči mohou studenti okamžitě ověřit své odpovědi, což jim umožní sledovat svůj pokrok a lépe se připravit na zkoušku. Kombinace praktických cvičení, užitečných rad a jasných instrukcí činí z tohoto učebnice skvělý nástroj pro zdokonalení jazykových dovedností na úroveň B2 a dosažení požadovaného certifikátu. S touto knihou si studenti mohou v klidu a efektivně procvičit gramatiku, slovní zásobu, čtení a psaní a zvýšit tak svou jistotu a úspěšnost při zkoušce.
Objev podobné jako Language Practice for B2 First 5th edition Student´s Book with Key Pack - Michael Vince
Agatha Oddly - First Book - Secret Key - Lena Jones
Meet thirteen-year-old Agatha Oddly – a bold, determined heroine, and the star of a stylish new detective series. Agatha Oddlow has been a detective for as long as she can remember – she’s just been waiting for her first big case. And nothing gets bigger than saving the City of London from some strange goings-on. With a scholarship to the prestigious St Regis School, a cottage in the middle of Hyde Park, a room full of beloved sleuthing novels, and a secret key that gives her access to a whole hidden side of London, Agatha is perfectly poised to solve the mystery of what’s going on. But just who can she trust when no one is quite who they seem…
Objev podobné jako Agatha Oddly - First Book - Secret Key - Lena Jones
Compact First for Schools B2 Student´s Book without Answers with Digital Pack,3rd
Compact First for Schools offers intensive revision and practice to quickly maximise performance. Consolidate language and skills for exam success through clear, concise training. Build confidence with Compact's unique step-by-step approach and learn essential exam strategies through user-friendly Exam tips. The exam-specific Grammar sections and Grammar reference deepen understanding of language structures, while the Speaking and Writing banks develop productive skills. Access the Cambridge One Digital Pack, optimised for a range of devices, for your bank of learning resources, including eBook. Interactive practice includes Practice Extra, and Test &Train to build strategies and skills for exam success.
Objev podobné jako Compact First for Schools B2 Student´s Book without Answers with Digital Pack,3rd
Compact First for Schools Student´s Book without Answers with CD-ROM withTestbank - Barbara Thomas
A focused, 50â??60 hour course for the revised Cambridge English: First (FCE) for Schools exam from 2015.
Objev podobné jako Compact First for Schools Student´s Book without Answers with CD-ROM withTestbank - Barbara Thomas
Cambridge English First Result Student´s Book with Online Practice Test (9780194511926)
Kniha - autor P.A. Davies; T. Falla,, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Fully updated for the revised 2015 exam Cambridge: English First Result is fully updated to prepare students for success in the new 2015 exam. The contemporary topics, lively texts and vibrant design keep students motivated and the online practice and online practice test provide plenty of opportunities for further learning outside class. The Teacher’s Book includes unit tests, progress tests and a Speaking DVD showing students doing Speaking tests in exam-like conditions, which teachers can play to reassure their class about what to expect on exam day. Key Features Fully updated for the new 2015 exam Online Practice and online practice test provide plenty of extra practice opportunities outside class Contemporary topics, lively texts and vibrant design to keep your students motivated Focus on developing dictionary skills for exam tasks encourages independent study Workbook...
Objev podobné jako Cambridge English First Result Student´s Book with Online Practice Test (9780194511926)
Compact First Student´s Book with Answers with Practice Extra, 3rd - Peter May
Fast, focused exam preparation for the B2 First exam. Compact First Student's Book offers intensive revision and practice to quickly maximise performance. Consolidate language and skills for exam success through clear, concise training. Compact helps you build confidence with its unique step-by-step approach and teaches essential exam strategies through user-friendly Exam tips. The exam-specific Grammar sections and Grammar reference deepen understanding of language structures, while the Speaking bank and Writing bank extend proficiency in productive skills. Access the Cambridge One Digital Pack, optimised for a range of devices, for your bank of learning resources. Interactive practice includes a digital test environment to build strategies and skills for exam success.
Objev podobné jako Compact First Student´s Book with Answers with Practice Extra, 3rd - Peter May
Grammar Practice for Pre-Intermediate Students´ Book w/ CD-ROM Pack (w/ key) - Steve Elsworth
Your students * will gain confidence thanks to the short, simple explanations and plenty of practice exercises. * be motivated by the variety of interesting and stimulating exercise types. * be able to find their way around easily thanks to clear signposting, plus a detailed contents page and grammar index. * learn more than just grammar with the new vocabulary sections, including word building. * be able to assess their progress regularly with the new scored self-check pages * be able to do further practice and self-testing with the brand new CD-ROM.
Objev podobné jako Grammar Practice for Pre-Intermediate Students´ Book w/ CD-ROM Pack (w/ key) - Steve Elsworth
Cambridge B2 First 4 (FCE) Authentic Practice Tests Student´s Book with Answers & Audio Download
Four authentic Cambridge English Language Assessment examination papers for the B2 First exam. Inside B2 First you'll find four complete examination papers from Cambridge Assessment English. Be confident on exam day by working through each part of the exam and scoring system so you can familiarise yourself with the format and practise your exam technique. The book contains transcripts, sample Writing answers, scripts for the Speaking test, and sample answer sheets. Download the audio for the Listening tests, example Speaking test video and answer keys with extra explanations (instructions on inner front cover), or access your audio and video directly via QR codes in the book.
Objev podobné jako Cambridge B2 First 4 (FCE) Authentic Practice Tests Student´s Book with Answers & Audio Download
Funko POP! Star Wars The Book of Boba Fett - Luke (TRNG) (889698686525)
Figurka - soška, postavička, sběratelská, výška 9 cm, materiál vinyl, nepohyblivá Funko POP! jsou čím dál populárnější malé vinylové figurky s ikonickým roztomilým vzhledem, který je charakterizován velkou hlavou a malým tělem postavičky. Poprvé byly představeny v roce 2010, kombinují tradiční výrobu sošek s moderními prvky a barvami a jsou uznávané i jako sběratelské předměty. Každý si v dnes už tisících figurek najde tu svoji, vyráběny jsou v mnoha různých tématech, jako jsou filmy, televizní seriály, hry, komiksy a další pop-kulturní ikony. I tato figurka, Funko POP! Star Wars The Book of Boba Fett - Luke (TRNG), o výšce 9 cm se stane skvělým kouskem do vaší sbírky, či veselou hračkou pro vaše dítko. Hlavní vlastnosti figurky Funko POP! Star Wars The Book of Boba Fett - Luke (TRNG) Figurka Funko potěší každého sběratele Figurka ze série Star Wars se bude vyjímat ve sbírce díky svému kvalitnímu zpracování Materiálem využitým při výrobě je vinyl Funko POP!...
Objev podobné jako Funko POP! Star Wars The Book of Boba Fett - Luke (TRNG) (889698686525)
Ready for First (4th edition) Student's Book + Digital SB + Stundet App with key - Roy Norris
The bestselling Ready for... series has been helping students prepare for their exams for over twenty years. This revised Fourth edition of Ready for B2 First continues to provide the in-depth exam training for which the course is known. It keeps all the popular features of the 3rd edition whilst adding innovative digital support, updated reading and listening texts, new pronunciation sections and improved page design for easy navigation. Ready for sections focus on each paper of the exam in more detail ensuring that students feel fully confident before taking their exam. In each unit, all four language skills are systematically developed and practised, so even if students are not taking the exam, they will develop the language skills necessary for their future lives.
Objev podobné jako Ready for First (4th edition) Student's Book + Digital SB + Stundet App with key - Roy Norris
New Headway Advanced Workbook Without Key (Defekt) - John Soars
Six-level general English course for adultsThe world's best-selling adult English course - a perfectly-balanced syllabus, strong grammar focus, and full support at all six levels.Each unit covers language input - language focus, vocabulary, spoken English - and skills development (reading, speaking, listening, and writing) to create a complete syllabus for students.Throughout the book, Music of English and Spoken English help students' speaking.These features show learners how to use tone, stress, and informal phrases to express the right meaning and sound natural in conversation. Key features Integrated-skills syllabus and a clear grammar focus Everyday English in every unit Music of English feature - for stress and intonation Spoken English - for informal phrases in speech 12 units Tapescripts, grammar reference, extra material, and phonetic symbols
Objev podobné jako New Headway Advanced Workbook Without Key (Defekt) - John Soars
AQA Level 2 Certificate Further Maths Complete Study and Practice (5-9) - Trevor Senior
Exam board: AQALevel: GCSE Level 2Subject: MathsNext exams: June 2025Packed with worked examples, graded practice and exam-style questions for Grades 5-9 this book helps high achievers prepare for the AQA Level 2 Further Maths exams with confidence.Easy to use with all content in one book and clear specification matchConsolidate and model learning with clear worked examples and key pointsAim for the highest grades with practice at Grades 5-9Prepare for assessment with up to date exam-style questions with marks shownMotivate and challenge students with higher level practice for a smoother transition to A Level MathsCheck your answers at the back of the bookThe qualification emphasises higher order technical proficiency, rigorous argument and problem solving skills. It also gives an introduction to calculus and matrices and develops further skills in trigonometry, functions and graphs.
Objev podobné jako AQA Level 2 Certificate Further Maths Complete Study and Practice (5-9) - Trevor Senior
Happy Handwriting - Practice Book 4 - Whitney Chris
Happy Handwriting is a whole-school handwriting course that supports children in becoming confident, fluent writers. It consists of teacher guides, practice books and whiteboard slides with letter formation animations, providing a clear plan for frequent and discrete direct teaching. A Collins handwriting font licence is also supplied.Practice Book 4 contains short, focused activities to teach the diagonal and horizonal joins and increase the legibility, consistency and quality of handwriting. This is a write-in book.
Objev podobné jako Happy Handwriting - Practice Book 4 - Whitney Chris
New Headway Pre-intermediate Workbook Without Key (3rd) - John Soars, Liz Soars
The third edition of the best-selling course, maintaining the successful core content but updated and refreshed. Language levels: Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper Intermediate Key features •Streamlined units, now at eight pages. They are easy to navigate, with clearly divided sections. •Fresh modern design, with an emphasis on maximum clarity on the page. •Every aspect of the previous edition has been reviewed. There are small changes to make activities run more smoothly, as well as major changes to text and topic. •The clear, systematic, effective grammar syllabus has been retained, but has been modified where necessary for even greater clarity. •Grammar Spots highlight key areas, getting students to analyse form and use. •Up-to-date texts with global appeal reflect changing trends and the use of English worldwide. •Challenging reading and listening texts from a variety of authentic sources develop comprehension skills and integrate speaking practice, usually personalised. •Writing now has a separate section at the back of the book, with a fuller syllabus, providing models and follow-up activities.
Objev podobné jako New Headway Pre-intermediate Workbook Without Key (3rd) - John Soars, Liz Soars
New Headway Upper Intermediate Workbook Without Key (3rd) - John Soars, Liz Soars
Expanding vital core grammar in exploratory language focus sections, this title includes texts from a variety of sources that aim to provide the rich vocabulary input that learners need at this level.
Objev podobné jako New Headway Upper Intermediate Workbook Without Key (3rd) - John Soars, Liz Soars
New Headway Intermediate 3rd Ed. - maturita workbook (without key) - John Soars, Liz Soars, McAndrew R.
The third edition of the best-selling course, maintaining the successful core content but updated and refreshed. Language levels: Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper Intermediate Key featuresStreamlined units, now at eight pages. They are easy to navigate, with clearly divided sections.Fresh modern design, with an emphasis on maximum clarity on the page.Every aspect of the previous edition has been reviewed. There are small changes to make activities run more smoothly, as well as major changes to text and topic.The clear, systematic, effective grammar syllabus has been retained, but has been modified where necessary for even greater clarity.Grammar Spots highlight key areas, getting students to analyse form and use.Up-to-date texts with global appeal reflect changing trends and the use of English worldwide.Challenging reading and listening texts from a variety of authentic sources develop comprehension skills and integrate speaking practice, usually personalised.Writing now has a separate section at the back of the book, with a fuller syllabus, providing models and follow-up activities.
Objev podobné jako New Headway Intermediate 3rd Ed. - maturita workbook (without key) - John Soars, Liz Soars, McAndrew R.
Power Maths 2nd Edition Practice Book 3A - Josh Lury, Tony Staneff
Ages: 7–11 Level: KS2 Subject: Maths Power Maths is a leading primary maths mastery scheme, developed in partnership with White Rose Maths. This edition is fully aligned with the new White Rose Maths schemes of learning (version 3.0) and has been updated in response to current mastery best practice and feedback from teachers. For children who are following either the Power Maths or White Rose Maths scheme, the Practice Books provide additional practice for each lesson that children can complete independently. About: The practice questions progress in small steps to build fluency and move children on in their thinking. All questions are carefully developed to reveal misconceptions and deepen understanding. ‘Reflect'' questions prompt children to explain their learning in their own way. Lovable characters model ‘growth mindset'' characteristics to build resilience. This book can be used with the corresponding Textbook and Teacher Guide. Answers can be downloaded from our website.
Objev podobné jako Power Maths 2nd Edition Practice Book 3A - Josh Lury, Tony Staneff
Power Maths 2nd Edition Practice Book 5A - Josh Lury, Tony Staneff
Ages: 7–11 Level: KS2 Subject: Maths Power Maths is a leading primary maths mastery scheme, developed in partnership with White Rose Maths. This edition is fully aligned with the new White Rose Maths schemes of learning (version 3.0) and has been updated in response to current mastery best practice and feedback from teachers. For children who are following either the Power Maths or White Rose Maths scheme, the Practice Books provide additional practice for each lesson that children can complete independently. About: The practice questions progress in small steps to build fluency and move children on in their thinking. All questions are carefully developed to reveal misconceptions and deepen understanding. ‘Reflect'' questions prompt children to explain their learning in their own way. Lovable characters model ‘growth mindset'' characteristics to build resilience. This book can be used with the corresponding Textbook and Teacher Guide. Answers can be downloaded from our website.
Objev podobné jako Power Maths 2nd Edition Practice Book 5A - Josh Lury, Tony Staneff
Power Maths 2nd Edition Practice Book 1A - Josh Lury, Tony Staneff
Ages: 5–7 Level: KS1 Subject: Maths Power Maths is a leading primary maths mastery scheme, developed in partnership with White Rose Maths. This edition is fully aligned with the new White Rose Maths schemes of learning (version 3.0) and has been updated in response to current mastery best practice and feedback from teachers. For children who are following either the Power Maths or White Rose Maths scheme, the Practice Books provide additional practice for each lesson that children can complete independently. About: The practice questions progress in small steps to build fluency and move children on in their thinking. All questions are carefully developed to reveal misconceptions and deepen understanding. ‘Reflect'' questions prompt children to explain their learning in their own way. Lovable characters model ‘growth mindset'' characteristics to build resilience. This book can be used with the corresponding Textbook and Teacher Guide. Answers can be downloaded from our website.
Objev podobné jako Power Maths 2nd Edition Practice Book 1A - Josh Lury, Tony Staneff
Power Maths 2nd Edition Practice Book 1C - Josh Lury, Tony Staneff
Ages: 5–7 Level: KS1 Subject: Maths Power Maths is a leading primary maths mastery scheme, developed in partnership with White Rose Maths. This edition is fully aligned with the new White Rose Maths schemes of learning (version 3.0) and has been updated in response to current mastery best practice and feedback from teachers. For children who are following either the Power Maths or White Rose Maths scheme, the Practice Books provide additional practice for each lesson that children can complete independently. About: The practice questions progress in small steps to build fluency and move children on in their thinking. All questions are carefully developed to reveal misconceptions and deepen understanding. ‘Reflect'' questions prompt children to explain their learning in their own way. Lovable characters model ‘growth mindset'' characteristics to build resilience. This book can be used with the corresponding Textbook and Teacher Guide. Answers can be downloaded from our website.
Objev podobné jako Power Maths 2nd Edition Practice Book 1C - Josh Lury, Tony Staneff
Power Maths 2nd Edition Practice Book 6A - Josh Lury, Tony Staneff
Ages: 7–11 Level: KS2 Subject: Maths Power Maths is a leading primary maths mastery scheme, developed in partnership with White Rose Maths. This edition is fully aligned with the new White Rose Maths schemes of learning (version 3.0) and has been updated in response to current mastery best practice and feedback from teachers. For children who are following either the Power Maths or White Rose Maths scheme, the Practice Books provide additional practice for each lesson that children can complete independently. About: The practice questions progress in small steps to build fluency and move children on in their thinking. All questions are carefully developed to reveal misconceptions and deepen understanding. ‘Reflect'' questions prompt children to explain their learning in their own way. Lovable characters model ‘growth mindset'' characteristics to build resilience. This book can be used with the corresponding Textbook and Teacher Guide. Answers can be downloaded from our website.
Objev podobné jako Power Maths 2nd Edition Practice Book 6A - Josh Lury, Tony Staneff
Power Maths 2nd Edition Practice Book 4A - Josh Lury, Tony Staneff
Ages: 7–11 Level: KS2 Subject: Maths Power Maths is a leading primary maths mastery scheme, developed in partnership with White Rose Maths. This edition is fully aligned with the new White Rose Maths schemes of learning (version 3.0) and has been updated in response to current mastery best practice and feedback from teachers. For children who are following either the Power Maths or White Rose Maths scheme, the Practice Books provide additional practice for each lesson that children can complete independently. About: The practice questions progress in small steps to build fluency and move children on in their thinking. All questions are carefully developed to reveal misconceptions and deepen understanding. ‘Reflect'' questions prompt children to explain their learning in their own way. Lovable characters model ‘growth mindset'' characteristics to build resilience. This book can be used with the corresponding Textbook and Teacher Guide. Answers can be downloaded from our website.
Objev podobné jako Power Maths 2nd Edition Practice Book 4A - Josh Lury, Tony Staneff
English for Everyone Practice Book Level 1 Beginner: French language edition
Practice makes perfect with this exciting guide to learning English. Work your way up with the ultimate self-study course that is easy to use and quick to learn. This practice book has a huge variety of bite-sized, attractively presented exercises to drill the language skills taught in English for Everyone Course Book Level 1 Beginner.Hundreds of activities and accompanying audio cover listening, speaking, reading, and writing to reinforce language skills. You'll expand your English vocabulary with topics like introducing yourself, your job, and hobbies and interests. Get to grips with grammar rules, including using apostrophes and joining sentences, and perfect your pronunciation with audio exercises by native speakers.Eye-catching illustrations and step-by-step explanations keep content simple and straightforward for easy learning. Practice Book Level 1 Beginner is part of DK's best-selling English for Everyone series. It is suitable for all levels of English language learners and provides the perfect reading companion for study, exams, work, or travel.With audio material available on the accompanying website and Android/iOS app, there has never been a better time to learn English.
Objev podobné jako English for Everyone Practice Book Level 1 Beginner: French language edition
Criminology Book One for the WJEC Level 3 Applied Certificate & Diploma - Annie Townend, Rob Webb
Endorsed by the WJEC Eduqas exam board as providing high quality support for students studying for the Level 3 Applied Certificate or Diploma in Criminology, this updated new edition of Criminology Book One provides everything students need for success.
Objev podobné jako Criminology Book One for the WJEC Level 3 Applied Certificate & Diploma - Annie Townend, Rob Webb
KS1 Mental Maths Year 1 Daily Practice Book: Autumn Term - CGP Books
Daily practice is the best way to improve children''s Mental Maths skills - that''s why we''ve written this fantastic Daily Practice workbook for the Year 1 Autumn Term! Packed with colourful characters and engaging activities, there''s a page of Mental Maths practice for every school day of the term. It''s all matched to the National Curriculum and perfect for use in class or at home!For each day, there''s a short explanation of what to do, followed by a selection of Mental Maths questions. New topics are introduced gradually, then revisited throughout the book - the questions increase in difficulty through each week, and also through the term. Score boxes at the end of each page make it easy to track children''s progress and there are answers to every question at the back.For complete coverage of Year 1, check out our books for the Spring (9781789087635) and Summer (9781789087659) terms too!
Objev podobné jako KS1 Mental Maths Year 1 Daily Practice Book: Autumn Term - CGP Books
English for Everyone English Grammar Guide Practice Book: English language grammar exercises (024137975X)
Kniha - 320 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako English for Everyone English Grammar Guide Practice Book: English language grammar exercises (024137975X)
Oxford Academic Vocabulary Practice: Lower-Intermediate B1 with Key (9780194000888)
Kniha - 144 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá The academic vocabulary covered by the series is sourced from the Academic Word List, and the Oxford Corpus of Academic English. The Corpus is an 85-million-word corpus of academic sources, developed by Oxford University Press, the world's authority on the English language. The Corpus shows how words are used across the four main subject areas of physical sciences, life sciences, social sciences, and humanities.
Objev podobné jako Oxford Academic Vocabulary Practice: Lower-Intermediate B1 with Key (9780194000888)
Peppa Pig: Peppa´s First Pet My First Storybook Book
Splish, splash! Oh dear, Peppa Pig's pet fish, Goldie, isn't well.Join Peppa, George and Mummy Pig in this delightful boardstorybook, based on the number one and award-winning preschoolchildren's TV show on Channel 5 and Nickelodeon, as they take anexciting bus ride to the vet to find out why Goldie isn't eatingher food. Be sure to look out for the extra little picture storyrunning throughout the book. Every Peppa fan from 2-5 years oldwill enjoy this 'first experience' story about caring for your pet,and they will love looking at the colourful pictures and joining inthe adventure with Peppa and George, and their friends. A storyperfect for sharing at school or for snuggling up at bedtime!
Objev podobné jako Peppa Pig: Peppa´s First Pet My First Storybook Book
Click On 2 - Student´s Book without CD - Neil O' Sullivan, Virginia Evans
Určeno pro úplné začátečníky až středně pokročilé. Rozvoj všech 4 jazykových dovedností. Každá lekce je zaměřená na 1 téma a obsahuje dialogy z každodenního života, slovní zásobu, gramatické úlohy, procvičování poslechu, hry, písničky, množství zajímavých textů atd. Na každý díl se doporučuje 65 až 70 vyučovacích hodin. Doplňkem učebnice je elektronický anglickočeský slovník, který Vám bude zaslán emailem.
Objev podobné jako Click On 2 - Student´s Book without CD - Neil O' Sullivan, Virginia Evans
English File Intermediate Workbook without Answer Key (4th) - Christina Latham-Koenig
The English File fourth edition Workbook reinforces what is learned in each English File lesson, and can be used as extra practice during class, or set as homework.
Objev podobné jako English File Intermediate Workbook without Answer Key (4th) - Christina Latham-Koenig
Destination B2: Student's book with Key (2022)
Učebnice anglické gramatiky a slovíček Destination B1, Destination B2 a Destination C1 & C2 jsou určeny ke komplexnímu procvičení a zdokonalení slovní zásoby a gramatiky v příslušné úrovni dle Evropského referenčního rámce. Verze s klíčem je vhodná pro samouky. V učebnici jsou střídavě zařazeny lekce na procvičení gramatiky a lekce na výuku slovní zásoby. Cvičení mají stejný formát jako testové úlohy u příslušné zkoušky. Tento titul doporučujeme pro přípravu na zkoušky v pokročilosti B2 dle ERR. Jedná so například o zkoušky FCE, City & Guilds Communicator a maturitu. 28 lekcí + 14 opakovacích lekcí a 2 postupové testy 212 stran doplňkový materiál: přehled nepravidelných sloves přehled slov na -ful a -ing se změnou významu tvoření nepřímé řeči výkladový slovníček přehled frázových sloves seznam frází a kolokací přehled tvoření slov rozdíly mezi britskou a americkou angličtinou
Objev podobné jako Destination B2: Student's book with Key (2022)
First Sticker Book Zoo - Sam Taplin
A fun and lively sticker book with busy zoo scenes to fill. Favourite zoo scenes include the lions and tigers, the aquarium, the elephants and the reptile house. Contains over 100 colourful stickers.
Objev podobné jako First Sticker Book Zoo - Sam Taplin
My First Book of Woodland Animals
The perfect gift for any young animal-lover, this beautifully illustrated spotter guide is an ideal introduction to wild woodland animals.Illustrated in a bright, contemporary style, this modern guide to the most common woodland animals is packed with information and fun facts – everything you need to know to help you learn about and identify our forest friends. With key facts about size, habitat, diet and population, there are detailed descriptions of each animal and tips to help you find and track them in the natural world.
Objev podobné jako My First Book of Woodland Animals
First Sticker Book Bugs - Caroline Youngová
Butterflies, dragonflies, caterpillars, spiders - the world is full of amazing bugs of all shapes and sizes. Find out which ones live in jungles, deserts, swamps and gardens by adding over 170 stickers to the colourful scenes in this book. Includes simple facts, the names of all the bugs and links to recommended websites to find out more.
Objev podobné jako First Sticker Book Bugs - Caroline Youngová
First Sticker Book Nature - Felicity Brooks
A simple sticker book which will allow little children to build their own countryside scenes. As they fix hundreds of stickers of animals, plants, bugs, birds and flowers to add to a range of habitats, children will be learning about the natural world - as well as practising vital motor skills that are essential for learning to write.
Objev podobné jako First Sticker Book Nature - Felicity Brooks
First Sticker Book Cars - Simon Tudhope
A fun sticker book for car-loving kids. Vroom vroom! Start your engines for an exciting ride into the world or cars. Add over 100 stickers of all kinds of cars to the busy scenes, including a racetrack, a bustling city and a car factory.With race cars, camper vans, ambulances and more, as well as a special page of cars throughout history. A perfect gift for any young car enthusiast and ideal for learning and talking about different vehicles.
Objev podobné jako First Sticker Book Cars - Simon Tudhope
First Sticker Book Nativity - Felicity Brooks
Little children can bring the Nativity story to life with this enchanting sticker book. There are colourful scenes of Mary and Joseph's journey to Bethlehem, Jesus' birth, the arrival of the shepherds and the Three Wise Men , and 230 stickers of people, animals and angels to add to the pages. A lovely introduction to the Christmas story.
Objev podobné jako First Sticker Book Nativity - Felicity Brooks
First Sticker Book Dinosaurs - Hannah Watson
Journey back to prehistoric times and meet lots of amazing dinosaurs, from the toothy T-Rex to the powerful Diplodocus, with this bright and colourful sticker book. Learn how the Maiasaura protected her eggs, which gigantic prehistoric animals lived underwater and more whilst decorating the scenes using the 200+ stickers provided.
Objev podobné jako First Sticker Book Dinosaurs - Hannah Watson
Love At First Book - Jenn McKinlayová
The beginningEmily Allen has always been an introvert - but never afraid of adventure. When her favourite author, Siobhan Riordan, offers her a job in her bookstore, she moves to Ireland without a second thought. The middleHelping Siobhan overcome writer’s block and finish the final book in her acclaimed series is a dream come true for Em.If only she didn’t have to deal with Kieran – the grouchy manager of Siobhan’s bookstore who clearly doesn’t want her around. The plot twistEm falls deeply in love with the new life she’s built – and, unexpectedly, with Kieran. But when she discovers the reason for his initial resistance, she finds herself torn between helping Siobhan find closure and what could be a new chapter in her own love story…
Objev podobné jako Love At First Book - Jenn McKinlayová
First Sticker Book Princesses - Caroline Youngová
Join the princesses for a busy day around the castle, as they walk in the gardens, have a tea party, get ready for the ball and dance under glittering chandeliers. With over 200 stickers to choose from, children can use their creativity and imagination to complete each colourful scene.
Objev podobné jako First Sticker Book Princesses - Caroline Youngová
First Sticker Book Holiday - Beecham Alice
Set off on holiday with this cast of friendly animal characters. Join them as they spend a day at the beach, hit the ski slopes and camp beneath the stars. Children will love adding over 100 stickers to the various holiday scenes.
Objev podobné jako First Sticker Book Holiday - Beecham Alice
My First Chess book - Katie Daynes
Learn how to command a chess army in this friendly introduction, with entertaining illustrations on how the pieces move, and tons of tips on attacking, defending and winning. A perfect starting point for young children - and a handy refresher for parents and grandparents! With links to specially selected websites with puzzles and more information.
Objev podobné jako My First Chess book - Katie Daynes
English File Pre-Intermediate Workbook without Answer Key (4th) - Christina Latham-Koenig
The English File fourth edition Workbook reinforces what is learned in each English File lesson, and can be used as extra practice during class, or set as homework.
Objev podobné jako English File Pre-Intermediate Workbook without Answer Key (4th) - Christina Latham-Koenig
Complete Key for Schools Second edition Workbook without answers with Audio Download
Complete Key for Schools is the most thorough preparation for the revised A2 Key for Schools. The Workbook without answers provides further practice of language and vocabulary introduced in the Student's Book. The downloadable Audio contains extra listening material for practice at home, including exam-style tasks.
Objev podobné jako Complete Key for Schools Second edition Workbook without answers with Audio Download
Compact First for Schools Workbook without Answers with Audio - Barbara Thomas
A focused, 50â??60 hour course for the revised Cambridge English: First (FCE) for Schools exam from 2015.
Objev podobné jako Compact First for Schools Workbook without Answers with Audio - Barbara Thomas
Compact First for Schools B2 Student´s Pack without Answers, 3rd
Compact Student's Book offers intensive revision and practice to quickly maximise student performance. With this course, you will consolidate language and skills for exam success through clear, concise training. The Workbook without answers provides further practice of language and vocabulary introduced in the Student's Book. Access the Cambridge One Digital Pack, optimised for a range of devices, for your bank of learning resources including accompanying Audio and eBook. Interactive practice includes Practice Extra, and Test & Train to build skills for exam success.
Objev podobné jako Compact First for Schools B2 Student´s Pack without Answers, 3rd
Key Stage 3 Science Lab Book - Ed Walsh
Help pupils build skills for KS3 Science practical work to be ready for the AQA GCSE 9-1 Required Practicals. Provide a consistent and supportive approach to KS3 Biology, Chemistry and Physics practicals with clear methods, questions that test understanding and applying skills in different contexts.Establish a consistent approach to KS3 Science practicals with everything together in one write-in book. Help build confidence and familiarity from Year 7 upwards with a focus on scientific vocabulary, drawing and analysing graphs, and GCSE 9-1 command words. Cheaper than photocopying, the lab book can be used flexibly with any scheme of learning.Each practical activity:• Explains the purpose of the practical and relates it to the science• Develops core skills including maths skills• States common mistakes and how to avoid them• Supports pupils to record and evaluate results• Checks understanding with key questions• Develops scientific reasoning with spot the mistake questions• Encourages pupils to apply their skills to unfamiliar scientific contexts• Helps pupils to evaluate their learning with self-reflection sectionsDownload the support materials highlighted on page 6 of the book here: www.collins.co.uk/key-stage-3-lab-book
Objev podobné jako Key Stage 3 Science Lab Book - Ed Walsh
High Note 2 Student´s Book with Pearson Practice English App + Active Book - Bob Hastings
Nová řada učebnic High Note nabízí intenzivní jazykový kurz určený dnešním dospívajícím studentům. Učebnice motivuje studenty k hlubokému rozvoji nejen jazykových dovedností, ale také dovedností pro budoucí kariéru a vysokoškolská studia (diskuze, prezentace, projekty). Kniha věnuje prostor také literatuře, kulturním a sociálním tématům. Nechybí ani velké množství autentických článků a video materiálů (4 typy videí: dokumenty, gramatika, komunikace, life skills).
Objev podobné jako High Note 2 Student´s Book with Pearson Practice English App + Active Book - Bob Hastings
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