Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

Extraterrestrial : The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth - Avi Loeb

'VISIONARY' Stephen GreenblattHarvard's top astronomer takes us inside the mind-blowing story of the first interstellar visitor to our solar system In late 2017, scientists at a Hawaiian observatory glimpsed a strange object soaring through our inner solar system. Astrophysicist Avi Loeb conclusively showed it was not an asteroid; it was moving too fast along a strange orbit, and leaving no trail of gas or debris in its wake. There was only one conceivable explanation: the object was a piece of advanced technology created by a distant alien civilization. In Extraterrestrial, Loeb takes readers inside the thrilling story of the first interstellar visitor to be spotted in our solar system. He outlines his theory and its profound implications: for science, for religion, and for the future of our planet. A mind-bending journey through the furthest reaches of science, space-time, and the human imagination, Extraterrestrial challenges readers to aim for the stars-and to think critically about what's out there, no matter how strange it seems.

Podívejte se také Morning Of The Earth , Soundtrack: Morning Of The Earth - LP (5054197111921)

cena 334.0 Kč

Interstellar: The Search for Extraterrestrial Life and Our Future Beyond Earth - Avi Loeb

Loeb has a joy in conjecture and an omnivorous spirit of inquiry that are more reminiscent of 20th-century thinkers such as Freeman Dyson or Carl Sagan than most of his peers' The TimesCould we build space craft that could travel to distant stars? Could we augment human biology for spaceflight? Could the search for extraterrestrials be brought into the mainstream of scientific research?Avi Loeb tells us that in each case, the real question is not could we, but will we choose to? With an approach that is firmly grounded in cutting-edge science, he explores the potential for non-rocket space launch, deep space probes, and the technological preservation of human civilisation. He examines the evidence for UFOs and UAPs, and argues that the search for further evidence, using existing scientific technologies, is long overdue.Urgent and important, Noah's Spaceship is a mission statement and a blueprint for the future of humanity. Loeb explains why becoming interstellar is imperative for our civilization to survive - and how we can accomplish it.'One of the more imaginative and articulate scientists around' New York Times

Podívejte se také Pell Axel Rudi: Sign of the Times (limited) - CD (0886922415401)

cena 473.0 Kč

Extraterrestrial - Avi Loeb

Špičkový astronom z Harvardu přichází se svou odvážnou a kontroverzní teorií, že naši sluneční soustavu nedávno navštívila mimozemská technologie z dalekého vesmíru. Na podzim 2017 vědci z havajské observatoře zahlédli objekt prolétávající naší vnitřní sluneční soustavou, pohyboval se tak rychle, že mohl přicházet pouze od jiné hvězdy. Astrofyzik Avi Loeb dokazuje, že se nejednalo o asteroid ani kometu; těleso se pohybovalo příliš rychle po podivné dráze a nenechalo za sebou ani plyn ani zbytky kamení. Existovalo jen jedno myslitelné vysvětlení: objekt byl vyspělou technologií stvořenou jinou vesmírnou civilizací. V knize Extraterrestrial Loeb zavádí čtenáře na vzrušující cestu za prvním mezihvězdným návštěvníkem, který byl v naší sluneční soustavě spatřen. Předkládá svou neortodoxní hypotézu o původu objektu, který vešel ve známost jako ‘Oumuamua, a popisuje jeho zásadní dopady na vědu, náboženství i budoucnost našeho druhu a naší planety. Extraterrestrial je ohromující cestou po nejvzdálenějších končinách vědy, časoprostoru a lidské představivosti. Vyzývá čtenáře, aby se vydali ke hvězdám - a kriticky přemýšleli o tom, co tam někde je, bez ohledu na to, jak podivné se to zdá.

Podívejte se také Beyond the Wand: The Magic and Mayhem of Growing Up a Wizard (9781529149425)

cena 330.0 Kč

Other Minds : The Octopus and the Evolution of Intelligent Life - Peter Godfrey-Smith

SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2017 ROYAL SOCIETY SCIENCE BOOK PRIZE What if intelligent life on Earth evolved not once, but twice? The octopus is the closest we will come to meeting an intelligent alien. What can we learn from the encounter? In Other Minds, Peter Godfrey-Smith, a distinguished philosopher of science and a skilled scuba diver, tells a bold new story of how nature became aware of itself – a story that largely occurs in the ocean, where animals first appeared. Tracking the mind’s fitful development from unruly clumps of seaborne cells to the first evolved nervous systems in ancient relatives of jellyfish, he explores the incredible evolutionary journey of the cephalopods, which began as inconspicuous molluscs who would later abandon their shells to rise above the ocean floor, searching for prey and acquiring the greater intelligence needed to do so – a journey completely independent from the route that mammals and birds would later take. But what kind of intelligence do cephalopods possess? How did the octopus, a solitary creature with little social life, become so smart? What is it like to have eight tentacles that are so packed with neurons that they virtually ‘think for themselves’? By tracing the question of inner life back to its roots and comparing human beings with our most remarkable animal relatives, Godfrey-Smith casts crucial new light on the octopus mind – and on our own.

Objev podobné jako Other Minds : The Octopus and the Evolution of Intelligent Life - Peter Godfrey-Smith

cena 286.0 Kč

Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth – The Collection (149895)

Hra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: strategie a závodní, Tento balíček obsahuje plnou verzi hry Civilization: Beyond Earth, mapy Exoplanets a expanzi Rising Tide. Objevte nový svět možnosti při kolonizaci cizích planet a vytváření nových vizí pro lidstvo.VypnutoTento balíček obsahuje plnou verzi hry Civilization: Beyond Earth, mapy Exoplanets a expanzi Rising Tide. Objevte nový svět možnosti při kolonizaci cizích planet a vytváření nových vizí pro lidstvo.Klíčové vlastnostiNové dobrodružství: Určete si kulturní identitu výběrem jednoho z osmi různých sponzorů expedice s vlastními vůdci a unikátními herními bonusy. Sestavte si vlastní vesmírnou loď, náklad a kolonisty pomocí série voleb, které přímo ovlivní vaše startovní podmínky po příletu na novou planetu.Kolonizace mimozemských světů: Prozkoumejte nebezpečí a přínosy nové planety zaplněné nebezpečným terénem, záhadnými surovinami a nepřátelskými formami života, které na...

Objev podobné jako Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth – The Collection (149895)

cena 1299.0 Kč

Living Planet : The Web of Life on Earth - David Attenborough

Nowhere on our planet is devoid of life. Plants and animals thrive or survive within every extreme of climate and habitat that it offers. Single species, and often whole communities adapt to make the most of ice cap and tundra, forest and plain, desert, ocean and volcano. These adaptations can be truly extraordinary: fish that walk or lay eggs on leaves in mid-air; snakes that fly; flightless birds that graze like deer; and bears that grow hair on the soles of their feet.In The Living Planet, David Attenborough's searching eye, unfailing curiosity and infectious enthusiasm explain and illuminate the intricate lives of the these colonies, from the lonely heights of the Himalayas to the wild creatures that have established themselves in the most recent of environments, the city. By the end of this book it is difficult to say which is the more astonishing - the ingenuity with which individual species contrive a living, or the complexity of their interdependence on each other and on the habitations provided by our planet.In this new edition, the author, with the help of zoologist Matthew Cobb, has added all the most up-to-date discoveries of ecology and biology, as well as a full-colour 64-page photography section. He also addresses the urgent issues facing our living planet: climate change, pollution and mass extinction of species.

Objev podobné jako Living Planet : The Web of Life on Earth - David Attenborough

cena 268.0 Kč

Living Planet : The Web of Life on Earth (Defekt) - David Attenborough

A new, fully updated narrative edition of David Attenborough’s seminal biography of our world, The Living Planet. Nowhere on our planet is devoid of life. Plants and animals thrive or survive within every extreme of climate and habitat that it offers. Single species, and often whole communities adapt to make the most of ice cap and tundra, forest and plain, desert, ocean and volcano. These adaptations can be truly extraordinary: fish that walk or lay eggs on leaves in mid-air; snakes that fly; flightless birds that graze like deer; and bears that grow hair on the soles of their feet.In The Living Planet, David Attenborough’s searching eye, unfailing curiosity and infectious enthusiasm explain and illuminate the intricate lives of the these colonies, from the lonely heights of the Himalayas to the wild creatures that have established themselves in the most recent of environments, the city. By the end of this book it is difficult to say which is the more astonishing – the ingenuity with which individual species contrive a living, or the complexity of their interdependence on each other and on the habitations provided by our planet.In this new edition, the author, with the help of zoologist Matthew Cobb, has added all the most up-to-date discoveries of ecology and biology, as well as a full-colour 64-page photography section. He also addresses the urgent issues facing our living planet: climate change, pollution and mass extinction of species.

Objev podobné jako Living Planet : The Web of Life on Earth (Defekt) - David Attenborough

cena 79.0 Kč

Death at the Sign of the Rook - Kate Atkinsonová

THE #1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERDISCOVER THE NEW JACKSON BRODIE NOVEL, FROM THE BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF SHRINES OF GAIETY''How delicious to have Jackson Brodie back, this time in a story that starts off in Agatha Christie''s world but soon becomes a landscape that could only have been crafted from the pen of the incomparable Kate Atkinson'' Ian Rankin''Christie would be proud . . . I defy you not to snort with laughter as the novel progresses to its farcical denouement. Atkinson is brilliant'' Observer**SPECIAL FIRST EDITION PRINT RUN: With an exclusive design underneath the dust jacket and Author Q&A, available while stocks last*******Welcome to Rook Hall.The stage is set. The players are ready. By night’s end, a murderer will be revealed. Ex-detective Jackson Brodie is staving off a bad case of midlife malaise when he is called to a sleepy Yorkshire town, and the seemingly tedious matter of a stolen painting. But one theft leads to another, including the disappearance of a valuable Turner from Burton Makepeace, home to Lady Milton and her family. Once a magnificent country house, Burton Makepeace has now partially been converted into a hotel, hosting Murder Mystery weekends.As paying guests, a vicar, an ex-army officer, impecunious aristocrats, and old friends converge, we are treated a fiendishly clever mystery; one that pays homage to the masters of the genre—from Agatha Christie to Dorothy Sayers.Brilliantly inventive, with all of Atkinson’s signature wit, wordplay and narrative brio, Death at the Sign of the Rook may be Jackson Brodie’s most outrageous and memorable case yet.****''Sharp, droll and knowing as ever, Atkinson has huge fun with the set-up;the supporting cast is terrific, and the rueful Brodie, ever more mindful of the passing years,feels like an old friend.'' Guardian‘Delicious character studies… fine writing, wit, originality and eccentricity – even as it induces a warm glow’ Telegraph‘Another brilliant addition to her impressive oeuvre, Atkinson masterfully blends intricate plotting with rich character development, delivering a mystery that is both intellectually stimulating and emotionally engaging.’ Glamour‘The set-up is a delight, paying homage to traditional Agatha Christie-style murder mysteries – the characters are well-drawn, their stories unfolding alongside each other until gradually the strands unite, keeping the reader guessing how they will ultimately tie together. A great read.’ PA Media‘Superior writing...a highly entertaining read’ GraziaKate Atkinson, Sunday Times bestseller, August 2024

Objev podobné jako Death at the Sign of the Rook - Kate Atkinsonová

cena 650.0 Kč

Death at the Sign of the Rook - Kate Atkinsonová

The stage is set. Marooned overnight by a snowstorm in a grand country house are a cast of characters and a setting that even Agatha Christie might recognize - a vicar, an Army major, a Dowager, a sleuth and his sidekick - except that the sleuth is Jackson Brodie, and the 'sidekick' is DC Reggie Chase. The crumbling house - Burton Makepeace and its chatelaine the Dowager Lady Milton - suffered the loss of their last remaining painting of any value, a Turner, some years ago. The housekeeper, Sophie, who disappeared the same night, is suspected of stealing it. Jackson, a reluctant hostage to the snowstorm, has been investigating the theft of another painting: The Woman with a Weasel, a portrait, taken from the house of an elderly widow, on the morning she died.The suspect this time is the widow's carer, Melanie. Is this a coincidence or is there a connection? And what secrets does the Woman with a Weasel hold? The puzzle is Jackson's to solve.And let's not forget that a convicted murderer is on the run on the moors around Burton Makepeace. All the while, in a bid to make money, Burton Makepeace is determined to keep hosting a shambolic Murder Mystery that acts as a backdrop while the real drama is being played out in the house. A brilliantly plotted, supremely entertaining, and utterly compulsive tour de force from a great writer at the height of her powers.

Objev podobné jako Death at the Sign of the Rook - Kate Atkinsonová

cena 447.0 Kč

Strokes - First Impressions of Earth (LP)

Typ: LP deska;Barevná;Album;Číslovaná edice;Nové vydání;Limitovaná edice Datum vydání: 2017-02-10 Dekáda interpreta: 1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Interpret / Téma: Strokes Rok vydání: 2017.0 Rok nahrávky: 2006.0 Subžánr: Indie Rock Barva podle výrobce: Red Země interpreta: USA Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 1 ks Země původu: Evropská unie Varianta: First Impressions of Earth (Vinyl LP) Hmotnost: 140 g Vydavatelství: RCA Balení obsahuje: LP Barva: Červená Žánr: Rock

Objev podobné jako Strokes - First Impressions of Earth (LP)

cena 853.1 Kč

The Sign of Four - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

As a dense yellow fog swirls through the streets of London, a deep melancholy has descended on Sherlock Holmes, who sits in a cocaine-induced haze at 221B Baker Street. His mood is only lifted by a visit from a beautiful but distressed young woman - Mary Morstan, whose father vanished ten years before. Four years later she began to receive an exquisite gift every year: a large, lustrous pearl. Now she has had an intriguing invitation to meet her unknown benefactor and urges Holmes and Watson to accompany her. And in the ensuing investigation - which involves a wronged woman, a stolen hoard of Indian treasure, a wooden-legged ruffian, a helpful dog and a love affair - even the jaded Holmes is moved to exclaim, ''Isn''t it gorgeous!''

Objev podobné jako The Sign of Four - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

cena 236.0 Kč

Strokes: First Impressions Of Earth - LP (0194398688015)

LP vinyl - First Impressions of Earth je třetí studiové album americké rockové kapely The Strokes. To bylo vydáno v roce 2005. First Impressions of Earth je třetí studiové album americké rockové kapely The Strokes. To bylo vydáno v roce 2005. Rok vydání : 2005 (3.album) Rok reedice: 2021 Seznam stop LP A1 You Only Live Once / A2 Juicebox / A3 Heart In A Cage / A4 Razorblade / A5 On the Other Side / A6 Vision Of Division / A7 Ask Me Anything / B1 Electricityscape / B2 Killing Lies / B3 Fear Of Sleep / B4 15 Minutes / B5 Ize Of The World / B6 Evening Sun / B7 Red Light

Objev podobné jako Strokes: First Impressions Of Earth - LP (0194398688015)

cena 619.0 Kč

Eloderm Balm From the First Day of Life tělové mléko pro děti od narození 200 ml

Eloderm Balm From the First Day of Life, 200 ml, Dětská tělová péče pro děti, Přípravek Eloderm Balm jemně pečuje o dětskou pokožku a dodává jí potřebnou hydrataci. Vlastnosti: má zklidňující účinky hloubkově hydratuje pokožku zabraňuje vysušování pokožky zjemňuje a zvláčňuje okamžitě ulevuje od svědění podporuje přirozené funkce pokožky Jak používat: Přiměřené množství přípravku jemně vmasírujte do čisté a suché pokožky a nechte vstřebat.

Objev podobné jako Eloderm Balm From the First Day of Life tělové mléko pro děti od narození 200 ml

cena 170.0 Kč

Pell Axel Rudi: Sign of the Times - CD (0886922415425)

Hudební CD - Axel Rudi Pell je německý kytarista, a zakládající člen stejnojmenné hudební skupiny. Na hudební scénu vstoupil roku 1984 jako člen kapely Steeler. Axel Rudi Pell je německý kytarista, a zakládající člen stejnojmenné hudební skupiny. Na hudební scénu vstoupil roku 1984 jako člen kapely Steeler. Seznam stop The Black Serenade (intro) / Gunfire / Bad Reputation / Sign Of The Times / The End Of The Line / As Blind As A Fool Can Be / Wings Of The Storm / Waiting For Your Call / Living In A Dream / Into The Fire

Objev podobné jako Pell Axel Rudi: Sign of the Times - CD (0886922415425)

cena 429.0 Kč

Sodom Tričko In The Sign Of Evil Black 2XL

Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;1980 - 1989;1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009 Země původu: Čína Subžánr: Speed Metal;Thrash Metal;Metal Země interpreta: Německo Interpret / Téma: Sodom Pohlaví: Pánské;Unisex Barva podle výrobce: Black Žánr: Thrash Metal;Metal Dodavatel: Plastic Head Věková skupina: Dospělý Délka rukávu: Dlouhé Velikost: 2XL Barva: Černá Specifikace materiálu: Bavlna Typ: Dlouhé rukávy Materiál: Bavlna

Objev podobné jako Sodom Tričko In The Sign Of Evil Black 2XL

cena 851.0 Kč

Sodom Tričko In The Sign Of Evil Black L

Věková skupina: Dospělý Barva: Černá Pohlaví: Unisex;Pánské Délka rukávu: Dlouhé Velikost: L Subžánr: Metal;Speed Metal;Thrash Metal Žánr: Metal;Thrash Metal Dodavatel: Plastic Head Barva podle výrobce: Black Interpret / Téma: Sodom Země interpreta: Německo Materiál: Bavlna Dekáda interpreta: 1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009;1980 - 1989;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Typ: Dlouhé rukávy Specifikace materiálu: Bavlna Země původu: Čína

Objev podobné jako Sodom Tričko In The Sign Of Evil Black L

cena 1036.0 Kč

The History of Space Exploration: Discoveries from the Ancient World to the Extraterrestrial Future - Launius

For centuries humanity has engaged in a virtual exploration of space through astronomical observation, aided by astounding scientific and technological advances. In more than sixty years since the launch of Sputnik 1 in 1957, more than 6,000 functioning satellites have been launched into Earth’s orbit and beyond – some to the farthest reaches of the Solar System – and more than 540 people have travelled into space. Unprecedented in its chronological and geographical scope, this book charts the history of space exploration from the first gunpowder rockets through the Moon landings, and into a future of space tourism. Numerous sidebars focus on the key individuals and inventions that brought us closer to the farthest reaches of the universe. Filled with astonishing images from the Smithsonian, NASA archives and other international collections, this is the first in-depth, fully illustrated survey of this universal human journey.Table of Contents1. Laying the Foundations for Space Exploration • 2. WWII Paves the Way for Space Exploration • 3. Making Space Exploration Real • 4. The Space Age Dawns • 5. The Race to the Moon • 6. New Nations/New Missions • 7. Spaceplanes and Orbital Stations • 8. The Lure of the Red Planet • 9. Beyond Mars • 10. Transterrestrial Expectations

Objev podobné jako The History of Space Exploration: Discoveries from the Ancient World to the Extraterrestrial Future - Launius

cena 778.0 Kč

A Study in Scarlet & The Sign of the Four - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

With an Introduction by David Stuart Davies.''Doctor Watson, Mr Sherlock Holmes'' - The most famous introduction in the history of crime fiction takes place in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle''s A Study in Scarlet, bringing together Sherlock Holmes, the master of science detection, and John H. Watson, the great detective''s faithful chronicler. This novel not only establishes the magic of the Holmes myth but also provides the reader with a dramatic adventure yarn which ranges from the foggy, gas-lit streets of London to the burning plains of Utah.The Sign of the Four, the second Holmes novel, presents the detective with one of his greatest challenges. The theft of the Agna treasure in India forms a catalyst for treachery, deceit and murder.With these two classic novels, A Study in Scarlet and The Sign of the Four, you have the brilliant foundation of the Sherlock Holmes canon. Reading pleasure rarely comes any finer.

Objev podobné jako A Study in Scarlet & The Sign of the Four - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

cena 118.0 Kč

Pell Axel Rudi: Sign of the Times (limited) - CD (0886922415401)

Hudební CD - Axel Rudi Pell je německý kytarista, a zakládající člen stejnojmenné hudební skupiny. Na hudební scénu vstoupil roku 1984 jako člen kapely Steeler. Axel Rudi Pell je německý kytarista, a zakládající člen stejnojmenné hudební skupiny. Na hudební scénu vstoupil roku 1984 jako člen kapely Steeler. Seznam stop The Black Serenade (intro) / Gunfire / Bad Reputation / Sign Of The Times / The End Of The Line / As Blind As A Fool Can Be / Wings Of The Storm / Waiting For Your Call / Living In A Dream / Into The Fire

Objev podobné jako Pell Axel Rudi: Sign of the Times (limited) - CD (0886922415401)

cena 459.0 Kč

The Last Kids on Earth and the Cosmic Beyond - Max Brallier

The newest installment in this New York Times bestselling series introduces new monsters, new bad guys, and tons of new laughs - Diary of a Wimpy Kid meets The Waking Dead!It's the first winter after the Monster Apocalypse. For Jack and his buddies, that means sled catapults, epic snowball battles, and one monstrous Christmas celebration. But their winter wonderland turns dark when a villainess begins hunting them. And this villainess is different - she's a human.When the villainess steals Jack's prized monster-slaying tool, the Louisville Slicer, he vows to get it back. But it won't be easy. Jack and his friends soon discover that the Louisville Slicer is the key to a dark plan that threatens the entire world - and beyond ...'Terrifyingly fun! Max Brallier's The Last Kids on Earth delivers big thrills and even bigger laughs.' Jeff Kinney, author of Diary of a Wimpy KidThe third book in a hilarious monster adventure series. With fresh, funny illustrations on every page, this is perfect for fans of comics and graphic novels aged 8 and over.

Objev podobné jako The Last Kids on Earth and the Cosmic Beyond - Max Brallier

cena 214.0 Kč

Morning Of The Earth , Soundtrack: Morning Of The Earth - LP (5054197111921)

LP vinyl - Vinylová reedice soundtracku k filmu z roku 1071, který natočili Alby Falzon a David Elfick. O hudební složku snímku se postarali Tamam Shud, John J. Francis, Brian Cadd, Mike Rudd a G. Wayne Thomas. Jedná se o první soundtrack, jenž se v Austrálii dočkal zlatého certifikátu. Vinylová reedice soundtracku k filmu z roku 1071, který natočili Alby Falzon a David Elfick. O hudební složku snímku se postarali Tamam Shud, John J. Francis, Brian Cadd, Mike Rudd a G. Wayne Thomas. Jedná se o první soundtrack, jenž se v Austrálii dočkal zlatého certifikátu. V roce 2010 byl zařazen mezi 100 nejlepších australských alb. Seznam stop Morning of the Earth / I'll Be Alright / First Things First / Sure Feels Good / Open up Your Heart / Simple Ben / Bali Waters / Making It on Your Own / Day Comes / Sea That Swells / I'm Alive / Come with Me

Objev podobné jako Morning Of The Earth , Soundtrack: Morning Of The Earth - LP (5054197111921)

cena 669.0 Kč

Knížka The School of Life Press The School of Life, The School of Life

Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Sbírka nejlepších a nejpronikavějších citátů ze série Škola života o vztazích, smutku, úzkosti, práci, přátelích, rodině, cestování a smyslu života.

Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press The School of Life, The School of Life

cena 559.0 Kč

A Study in Scarlet & The Sign of the Four (Collector's Edition) - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

''Doctor Watson, Mr Sherlock Holmes'' - The most famous introduction in the history of crime fiction takes place in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle''s A Study in Scarlet, bringing together Sherlock Holmes, the master of science detection, and John H. Watson, the great detective''s faithful chronicler. This novel not only establishes the magic of the Holmes myth but also provides the reader with a dramatic adventure yarn which ranges from the foggy, gas-lit streets of London to the burning plains of Utah. The Sign of the Four, the second Holmes novel, presents the detective with one of his greatest challenges. The theft of the Agna treasure in India forms a catalyst for treachery, deceit and murder. With these two classic novels, A Study in Scarlet and The Sign of the Four, you have the brilliant foundation of the Sherlock Holmes canon. Reading pleasure rarely comes any finer.

Objev podobné jako A Study in Scarlet & The Sign of the Four (Collector's Edition) - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

cena 266.0 Kč

Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth (67519)

Hra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: akční, strategie a simulátor, Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth je sci-fi přírůstek do cenami ověnčené série Civilization.VypnutoSid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth je sci-fi přírůstek do cenami ověnčené série Civilization. Hra je zasazená do budoucnosti, kdy celosvětové události narušily rovnováhu světového pořádku zapříčinily kolaps moderní společnosti, nový světový pořádek a nejistou budoucnost lidstva. Jak se lidská rasa snaží zotavit, nově vytvořené národy se zaměřují na cestování vesmírem, aby pro lidi zajistily nový začátek.Klíčové vlastnostiNové dobrodružství: Určete si kulturní identitu výběrem jednoho z osmi různých sponzorů expedice s vlastními vůdci a unikátními herními bonusy. Sestavte si vlastní vesmírnou loď, náklad a kolonisty pomocí série voleb, které přímo ovlivní vaše startovní podmínky po příletu na novou planetu.Kolonizace mimozemských...

Objev podobné jako Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth (67519)

cena 699.0 Kč

The Pillars of the Earth (1509886060)

Kniha - 1082 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako The Pillars of the Earth (1509886060)

cena 219.0 Kč

Knížka The School of Life Press Varieties of Melancholy, The School of Life

Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Kniha, která oslavuje tu nejvíce opomíjenou, a přesto drahocennou emoci, kterou můžeme cítit – melancholii, přechodný stav mezi zoufalstvím a naivním optimismem.

Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press Varieties of Melancholy, The School of Life

cena 519.0 Kč

Knížka The School of Life Press Insomnia, The School of Life

Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Úvahy o nespavosti.

Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press Insomnia, The School of Life

cena 339.0 Kč

Knížka The School of Life Press Calm, The School of Life

Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Procvičování schopnosti zachovat klid a jasnou mysl ve stresových situacích.

Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press Calm, The School of Life

cena 519.0 Kč

The Legend of the First Unicorn - Don Lari

A captivating, beautifully illustrated story of the first unicorn in Scotland, filled with magic, love and folklore charm. From the creators of The Treasure of the Loch Ness Monster.

Objev podobné jako The Legend of the First Unicorn - Don Lari

cena 236.0 Kč

Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth (MAC) (84079)

Hra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: strategie a závodní, Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth je sci-fi přírůstek do cenami ověnčené série Civilization.VypnutoSid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth je sci-fi přírůstek do cenami ověnčené série Civilization. Hra je zasazená do budoucnosti, kdy celosvětové události narušily rovnováhu světového pořádku zapříčinily kolaps moderní společnosti, nový světový pořádek a nejistou budoucnost lidstva. Jak se lidská rasa snaží zotavit, nově vytvořené národy se zaměřují na cestování vesmírem, aby pro lidi zajistily nový začátek.Hra je určena pro MAC.Klíčové vlastnostiNové dobrodružství: Určete si kulturní identitu výběrem jednoho z osmi různých sponzorů expedice s vlastními vůdci a unikátními herními bonusy. Sestavte si vlastní vesmírnou loď, náklad a kolonisty pomocí série voleb, které přímo ovlivní vaše startovní podmínky po příletu na novou planetu.Kolonizace mimozemských světů:

Objev podobné jako Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth (MAC) (84079)

cena 909.0 Kč

Knížka The School of Life Press The Good Enough Parent, The School of Life

Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Kompendium znalostí o tom, jak funguje dětská mysl.

Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press The Good Enough Parent, The School of Life

cena 519.0 Kč

Knížka The School of Life Press Bold Truths, The School of Life

Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Sbírka moudrosti v podobě ilustrací, které jsou dokonalou kombinací krásy a užitečnosti, kterou můžete používat každý den.

Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press Bold Truths, The School of Life

cena 566.0 Kč

The Bookshop at the Back of Beyond - Amy Sparkes

Adventurous, magical and brilliantly funny next book in the House at the Edge of Magic series.Nine and her friends have cured the house's hiccups and are off to the strange and utterly unpredictable Back of Beyond in search of Professor Dish – Spoon's best friend and partner in all things alchemy.When they find Dish trapped by the greedy witch Ophidia in the basement of a particularly marvellous shop, it soon becomes clear they're going to need something more than Flabberghast's dicey magic and Nine's quick thinking to triumph this time. What they really need is a rather clever witch – one particularly good at curses...A new instalment in the brilliantly funny, magical and commercial series for readers age 8+.

Objev podobné jako The Bookshop at the Back of Beyond - Amy Sparkes

cena 205.0 Kč

The Wretched of the Earth - Frantz Fanon

''This century''s most compelling theorist of racism and colonialism'' Angela DavisWritten at the height of the Algerian war for independence from French colonial rule and first published in 1961, Frantz Fanon''s Wretched of the Earth has provided inspiration for anti-colonial movements ever since, analysing the role of class, race, national culture and violence in the struggle for freedom. With power and anger, Fanon makes clear the economic and psychological degradation inflicted by imperialism. It was Fanon, himself a psychotherapist, who exposed the connection between colonial war and mental disease, who showed how the fight for freedom must be combined with building a national culture, and who showed the way ahead, through revolutionary violence, to socialism.''In clear language, in words that can only have been written in the cool heat of rage, he showed us the internal theatre of racism'' Deborah Levy

Objev podobné jako The Wretched of the Earth - Frantz Fanon

cena 295.0 Kč

The Pillars of the Earth - Ken Follett

A spellbinding epic tale of ambition, anarchy and absolute power set against the sprawling medieval canvas of twelfth-century England, The Pillars of the Earth is Ken Follett's classic historical masterpiece.A MASON WITH A DREAM 1135 and civil war, famine and religious strife abound. With his family on the verge of starvation, mason Tom Builder dreams of the day that he can use his talents to create and build a cathedral like no other.A MONK WITH A BURNING MISSIONPhilip, prior of Kingsbridge, is resourceful, but with money scarce he knows that for his town to survive it must find a way to thrive, and so he makes the decision to build within it the greatest Gothic cathedral the world has ever known.A WORLD OF HIGH IDEALS AND SAVAGE CRUELTYAs Tom and Philip meet so begins an epic tale of ambition, anarchy and absolute power. In a world beset by strife and enemies that would thwart their plans, they will stop at nothing to achieve their ambitions in a struggle between good and evil that will turn church against state, and brother against brother . . .The Pillars of the Earth is the first in The Kingsbridge Novels series, followed by World Without End and A Column of Fire.More than 175 million copies sold worldwide. Published in over eighty territories and thirty-seven languages. The international No. 1 bestselling phenomenon returns.

Objev podobné jako The Pillars of the Earth - Ken Follett

cena 357.0 Kč

Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth Classics Bundle (76170)

Hra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: strategie a závodní, Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth Classics Bundle představuje ideální start v sérii cenami ověnčených tahových strategií obsahující Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth, Exoplanets Map Pack a tři klasické, skvěle prodávané Civilization hry: Civilization III Complete, Civilization IV a Civilization V za úžasnou cenu.VypnutoSid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth Classics Bundle představuje ideální start v sérii cenami ověnčených tahových strategií obsahující Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth, Exoplanets Map Pack a tři klasické, skvěle prodávané Civilization hry: Civilization III Complete, Civilization IV a Civilization V za úžasnou cenu.Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth Classics Bundle obsahujeCivilization III CompleteCivilization IVCivilization VSid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth

Objev podobné jako Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth Classics Bundle (76170)

cena 999.0 Kč

The School of Life Guide to Modern Manners - The School of Life Press

Modern life is full of minor but acute dilemmas: we get stuck at a gathering with someone unusually boring and wonder how to move on without causing offence; in the course of introducing one friend to another, we realise that we have forgotten one of the party's names; we run into an ex while on an early date with a new partner; we spill red wine across a host's sofa...Such dilemmas might - at one level - seem desperately insignificant. But theyactually belong to some of the largest and most serious themes in social existence: how can you pursue our own agenda for happiness while at the same time honouring the sensitivities and wishes of others; how can you convey goodwill with sincerity; how can you be kind without being supine or sentimental? These dilemmas were once covered by books on etiquette or manners. The modern age often doesn't seem to value manners, equating them with an old fashioned stuffiness, instead we are advised to communicate our feelings and tell it the way it really is.But the result, in practice, is that we are often confused as to how to act around others and discharge our obligations to them. This book puts good manners back at the centre our lives. It features twenty case-studies on common social dilemmas and our possible responses to them, contributing to a new and original philosophy of graceful conduct. Manners are far from negligible fancies; they stand at the day-to-day end of a hugely grand and dignified mission which The School of Life is committed to: the creation of a kinder and more considerate world.

Objev podobné jako The School of Life Guide to Modern Manners - The School of Life Press

cena 359.0 Kč

Knížka The School of Life Press Screen-Free Fun, The School of Life

Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. 80 návrhů her pro děti, které stimulují rozvoj a kreativitu.

Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press Screen-Free Fun, The School of Life

cena 459.0 Kč

Poetry of the First World War - Clapham Marcus

The First World War was one of the deadliest conflicts in modern history and produced horrors undreamed of by the young men who cheerfully volunteered for a war that was supposed to be over by Christmas. Whether in the patriotic enthusiasm of Rupert Brooke, the disillusionment of Charles Hamilton Sorley, or the bitter denunciations of Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen, the war produced an astonishing outpouring of powerful poetry. The major poets are all represented in this beautiful Macmillan Collector's Library anthology, Poetry of the First World War, alongside many others whose voices are less well known, and their verse is accompanied by contemporary motifs.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.This anthology is edited by author and editor Marcus Clapham.

Objev podobné jako Poetry of the First World War - Clapham Marcus

cena 299.0 Kč

Women of the White House: The Illustrated Story of the First Ladies of the United States of America - Amy Russo

Women of the White House looks at the work, lives and times of the 47 women officially recognized as America's first lady.Through portraits, photographs, accounts and profiles, the book examines their contributions to the presidencies they supported and to the 230-year history of the role. The women who have held the position have evolved it from White House hostess to campaigner for social causes and a game-changing leadership position. A role model for the world, a powerful political player, a traditional yet modern woman - the position of first lady of the United States is many-faceted, complex and beyond high profile.Amy Russo explores how the social platforms these women established - from Mary Todd Lincoln's work for slaves and soldiers after the Civil War to Michelle Obama's fight for girls' education - have not only made the role iconic but also shaped America.

Objev podobné jako Women of the White House: The Illustrated Story of the First Ladies of the United States of America - Amy Russo

cena 402.0 Kč

The History of Middle-Earth 04: Shaping of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien

The fourth volume that contains the early myths and legends which led to the writing of Tolkien's epic tale of war, The Silmarillion. In this fourth volume of The History of Middle-earth, the shaping of the chronological and geographical structure of the legends of Middle-earth and Valinor is spread before us. We are introduced to the hitherto unknown Ambarkanta or "Shape of the World", the only account ever given of the nature of the imagined Universe, ccompanied by maps and diagrams of the world before and after the cataclyusms of The War of the Gods and the Downfall of Numenor. The first map of Beleriend is also reproduced and discussed. In The Annals of Valinor and The Annals of Beleriend we are shown how the chronology of the First Age was moulded: and the tale is told of Aelfwine, the Englishman who voyaged into the True West and came to Tol Eressea, Lonely Isle, where he learned the ancient history of Elves and Men. Also included are the original 'Silmarillion' of 1926, and the Quenta Noldorinwa of 1930 -- the only version of the myths and legends of the First Age that J R R Tolkien completed to their end.

Objev podobné jako The History of Middle-Earth 04: Shaping of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien

cena 349.0 Kč

Plakát The Lord of the Rings - Middle Earth

Plakát The Lord of the Rings - Middle Earth se hodí na každou zeď Tištěno na kvalitní papír, snadno sbalitelné do tubusu Rozměry plakátu: 61 x 91,5 cm

Objev podobné jako Plakát The Lord of the Rings - Middle Earth

cena 189.0 Kč

Knížka The School of Life Press How to Get Married, The School of Life

Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Odvážné myšlenky o jednom z nejdůležitějších a nejoblíbenějších rituálů lidstva.

Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press How to Get Married, The School of Life

cena 629.0 Kč

Knížka The School of Life Press How to Find Love, The School of Life

Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Kniha poskytuje klíčový soubor tipů, které vám pomohou učinit bezpečnější, kreativnější a úspěšnější milostná rozhodnutí.

Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press How to Find Love, The School of Life

cena 339.0 Kč

Shogun : The First Novel of the Asian saga - James Clavell

This is James Clavell's tour-de-force; an epic saga of one Pilot-Major John Blackthorne, and his integration into the struggles and strife of feudal Japan. Both entertaining and incisive, SHOGUN is a stunningly dramatic re-creation of a very different world. Starting with his shipwreck on this most alien of shores, the novel charts Blackthorne's rise from the status of reviled foreigner up to the heights of trusted advisor and eventually, Samurai. All as civil war looms over the fragile country.

Objev podobné jako Shogun : The First Novel of the Asian saga - James Clavell

cena 357.0 Kč

Trees of the Earth - Tomáš Míček

Why do trees fascinate us so much? Maybe because a tree highlights for us humans the "center" of creation: It is still "nature", and yet already on the way to becoming an individual. You can meet a tree, communicate with it. While at the same time you are grateful that it remains quiet or, more precisely, that it speaks to you through its presence. Whenever you get tired of human chatter, you are only too happy to sit down under an old oak tree or maybe an even older olive tree to listen carefully to its eloquent silence. Tomáš Míček is a photographer whose many photo books have delighted his readers and who has captured the "presence" of trees and their magic in an almost mystical way, combining this intuitive approach with the highest level of technical photography.

Objev podobné jako Trees of the Earth - Tomáš Míček

cena 1334.0 Kč

Sid Meier's Starships + Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth (89220)

Hra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: strategie a závodní, Tento balíček obsahuje jak Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth, tak i Sid Meier’s Starships.VypnutoTento balíček obsahuje jak Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth, tak i Sid Meier’s Starships.Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond EarthSid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth je novým sci-fi přírůstkem do oceňované série Civilization. Prozkoumávejte a kolonizujte cizí planety, vyvíjejte nové technologie, vybudujte mocné armády, stavte Divy světa a vtiskněte tvář novému světu. Během své cesty musíte učinit řadu kritických rozhodnutí. Ať už je to volba sponzora a podoby kolonizace nebo ultimátní cesty vaší civilizace, každá volba otevírá řadu možností.Sid Meier’s StarshipsVe hře Sid Meier’s Starships budujete federaci planet, vylepšujete svou flotilu a bráníte svou domovskou planetu, zatímco se pokoušíte udržet v galaxii mír a svou vizi lidstva. Sid Meier’s...

Objev podobné jako Sid Meier's Starships + Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth (89220)

cena 999.0 Kč

Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth Exoplanets Map Pack (84371)

Herní doplněk / DLC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: Strategie, pro uplatnění je vyžadována základní hra Balíček map Exoplanets obsahuje šest herních map inspirovaných skutečnými exoplanetami. VypnutoBalíček map Exoplanets obsahuje šest herních map inspirovaných skutečnými exoplanetami. Speciální skripty náhodně upravují geografický povrch s každým zahájením nové hry a tím se výrazně navyšuje znovuhratelnost na těchto cizích světech.Klíčové vlastnostiKepler 186f: jedna z nejstarších známých planet podobných Zemi je pokryta bujným lesem;Rigil Khantoris Bb: obíhá hvězdu nejbližší naší sluneční soustavě, historické záznamy osidlování této vyprahlé kontinentální planety jsou dobře zachovány;Tau Ceti d: planeta moří a souostroví nabízí vzkvétající biodiverzitu a bohatství přírodních zdrojů;Mu Arae f: díky uzamčení ve vázané rotaci kolem slabé hvězdy je jižní hemisféra tvořena rozpálenou pouští, kde...

Objev podobné jako Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth Exoplanets Map Pack (84371)

cena 79.0 Kč

Beyond the Door of No Return - David Diop

'A gripping, galloping narrative that challenges perceptions to the very last page', Marie Claire 'David Diop has opened up a new way of thinking about the eighteenth century and its hideous cruelties', Abdulrazak Gurnah, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature 'It's hard to imagine a more gripping or fertile subject', Guardian_____ Prais, 1806. The renowned botanist Michel Adanson is dying. His last word is a woman's name: Maram. But who was she?Searching for the answer, Adanson's daughter discovers a journal of his youthful travels in Senegal, which tells a story of wild adventure and impossible desires. It reveals how he heard of a young woman sold into slavery who did the impossible and returned. How he became obsessed with finding her, whatever the cost. And how a man who longed to solve the mysteries of natural instead found himself grappling with the impulses of the heart.

Objev podobné jako Beyond the Door of No Return - David Diop

cena 295.0 Kč

Mahavishnu Orchestra - Visions of the Emerald Beyond (LP)

Balení obsahuje: LP Složení setu: 1 ks Typ: Nové vydání;Album;LP deska Země původu: Evropská unie Hmotnost: 180 g Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země interpreta: USA Varianta: Visions of the Emerald Beyond (Vinyl LP) Žánr: Rock;Jazz Subžánr: Fusion Barva: Černá Interpret / Téma: Mahavishnu Orchestra Datum vydání: 2019-01-03 Dekáda interpreta: 1970 - 1979;1980 - 1989 Vydavatelství: Music On Vinyl Rok vydání: 2019.0 Barva podle výrobce: Black

Objev podobné jako Mahavishnu Orchestra - Visions of the Emerald Beyond (LP)

cena 766.0 Kč

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