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Drawing Basics and Beyond - Sorie Kim

Take your sketching practice to the next level with this practical and inspiring guide to drawing what you see…and beyond. Sketching from life is critical to learning how to draw. It’s also an invaluable source of creative inspiration. In Drawing Basics and Beyond, artist and popular instructor Sorie Kim breaks down her compelling approach to drawing from direct observation to make it fun and easy for artists of all levels. Sorie guides you through the why and how of sketching from life, including different approaches and the eight elements of sketching. She then shares pages from her sketchbooks captured at a variety of locations as a jumping-off point for sharing innovative tips and techniques. Finally, Sorie provides guidance to take the information gathered from and inspired by sketching to create original, imaginative art. This informative and entertaining guide reveals: The benefits of sketching from life and how it impacts your artwork. Sorie’s seven favorite types of sketchbooks, including the “ugly sketchbook,” and when to use them. Strategies for sketching in any location, from parks, to cities, to zoos, to museums, and more. An inside look at Sorie’s fascinating sketchbooks and how she uses them in a wide variety of locations. Approaches to adding imagination to your sketches through experimenting with mediums, pushing boundaries, abstraction, and doodling. No matter your chosen art medium, style, or subject matter, sketching will improve your drawing skills and observation abilities and increase your creativity. Drawing Basics and Beyond is the inspirational and encouraging guide that will help you on that path, whether you’re just getting started or want to step up your sketching game.

Podívejte se také kim kardashian

cena 627.0 Kč

Drawing and Painting - Kate Wilson

A comprehensive reference covering an extensive range of painting and drawing styles. Bursting with practical techniques, engaging artist profiles and inspirational galleries, Drawing and Painting combines an authoritative approach with a contemporary aesthetic guaranteed to appeal to all artists. The book's up-to-date approach is a far cry from the dry instructions and dated artwork that feature in more traditional art books.In contrast to other, project-orientated titles, Drawing and Painting places the emphasis on the techniques themselves, encompassing drawing, sketching and a range of painting styles. From pen and ink to oils and acrylics, specially commissioned photography and artwork accompanies step-by-step techniques, while profiles of contemporary artists provide insight into various working methods, materials and techniques. Acknowledging the growing interest in digital tools as a medium, information is provided throughout the book on how effects can be created using Smart Pens, tablets and apps.

Podívejte se také Kim Čijong — ročník 82 ()

cena 742.0 Kč

Drawing and Painting Fungi - Claire Kathleen Ward

This comprehensive book delves into the magical and secretive world of fungi and lichens. It includes a thorough guide to the safe collection and identification of wild specimens and explains how to draw and paint them in the field and the studio, in sketchbooks and finished artworks with line, form, texture, tone, colour and composition all in mind. With over 350 illustrations, this book is an essential companion for mycophiles, artists, illustrators and journallers, as well as all those who love nature.

Podívejte se také Němý křik: Případy Kim Stoneové

cena 738.0 Kč

Cretacolor Black Box - sada 20ks Charcoal and Drawing

Kreslířská sada Black Box od výrobce Cretacolor. Sada obsahuje celkem 20 materiálů pro kresbu, od přesných a jemných detailních prací až po vykrývání velkých ploch. V sadě najdete: uhly v tužce - měkké, střední a tvrdé grafitové tužky - měkké, střední a tvrdé monolith graphite v tvrdostech 6B a 9B syntetické uhly - měkké, střední a tvrdé přírodní uhly v tloušťkách 4mm a 6mm skicovací uhel plastickou pryž papírovou těrku Nenalezli jste zde odpověď na to co Vás k tomuto produktu zajímá? Neváhejte nás kontaktovat a my Váš dotaz rádi zodpovíme.

Objev podobné jako Cretacolor Black Box - sada 20ks Charcoal and Drawing

cena 1255.0 Kč

Cretacolor Silver Box - sada 17ks Graphite and Drawing

Kreslířská sada Black Box od výrobce Cretacolor. Sada obsahuje celkem 17 materiálů pro kresbu, od přesných a jemných detailních prací až po vykrývání velkých ploch. V sadě najdete: grafitové tužky tvrdostí 2H, HB, 2B a 4B grafitové akvarelové tužky tvrdostí HB a 8B monolith graphite tvrdostí 2B, 6B a 9B grafitové uhly 7x7mm tvrdostí 2B, 4B a 6B grafitové uhly 7x14mm tvrdostí 4B a 6B papírovou těrku pryž monolith ořezávátko Nenalezli jste zde odpověď na to co Vás k tomuto produktu zajímá? Neváhejte nás kontaktovat a my Váš dotaz rádi zodpovíme.

Objev podobné jako Cretacolor Silver Box - sada 17ks Graphite and Drawing

cena 941.0 Kč

Beyond Good and Evil (0141395834)

Kniha - autor Friedrich Nietzsche, 304 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá

Objev podobné jako Beyond Good and Evil (0141395834)

cena 369.0 Kč

The God and the Gumiho - Kim Sophie

They'll do anything to outsmart each other. Anything, except fall in love.Kim Hani - the once-terrible gumiho known as the Scarlet Fox - spends her days working at a cafe and trying not to let a certain customer irk her.Seokga - a trickster god thrown from the heavens for his attempt at a coup - spends his days hunting demons and irking a particular gumiho.When a demon of darkness escapes the underworld, and the Scarlet Fox emerges from hiding before quickly vanishing, Seokga is offered a chance at redemption: kill them both, and his sins will be forgiven.But Hani is prepared to do anything to prevent Seokga from bringing her to justice, even trick her way into his investigation. Anything, that is - except fall in love . . .

Objev podobné jako The God and the Gumiho - Kim Sophie

cena 411.0 Kč

Beyond Good and Evil - Friedrich Nietzsche

Rejects the tradition of Western thought with its notions of truth and God, good and evil. This work demonstrates that the Christian world is steeped in a false piety and infected with a 'slave morality'. It promotes a philosophy that celebrates the present and demands that the individual imposes their own 'will to power' upon the world.

Objev podobné jako Beyond Good and Evil - Friedrich Nietzsche

cena 295.0 Kč

Beyond Good and Evil - Friedrich Nietzsche

A deluxe, high-quality edition of Friedrich Nietzsche’s seminal work Beyond Good and Evil is one of the final books by German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. This landmark work continues to be one of the most well-known and influential explorations of moral and ethical philosophy ever conceived. Expanding on the concepts from his previous work Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Nietzsche adopts a polemic approach to past philosophers who, in his view, lacked critical sense in accepting flawed premises in their consideration of morality. The metaphysics of morality, Nietzsche argues, should not assume that a good man is simply the opposite of an evil man, rather merely different expression of humanity’s common basic impulses. Controversial in its time, as well as hotly debated in the present, Nietzsche’s work moves beyond conventional ethics to suggest that a universal morality for all human beings in non-existent – perception, reason and experience are not static, but change according to an individual’s perspective and interpretation. The work further argues that philosophic traditions such as “truth,” “self-consciousness” and “free will” are merely inventions of Western morality and that the “will to power” is the real driving force of all human behaviour. This volume: Critiques the belief that actions, including domination or injury to the weak, can be universally objectionable Explores themes of religion and “master and slave” morality Includes a collection of stunning aphorisms and observations of the human condition Part of the bestselling Capstone Classics Series edited by Tom Butler-Bowdon,this collectible, hard-back edition of Beyond Good and Evil provides an accessible and insightful Introduction by leading Nietzsche authority Dr Christopher Janaway. This deluxe volume is perfect for anyone with interest in philosophy, psychology, science, history and literature.

Objev podobné jako Beyond Good and Evil - Friedrich Nietzsche

cena 354.0 Kč

The Laws Guide to Nature Drawing and Journaling - John Muir Laws

A potent combination of art, science, and boundless enthusiasm, this art instruction book from John Muir Laws (author of The Laws Guide to Drawing Birds) is a how-to guide for becoming a better artist and a more attentive naturalist. In straightforward text complemented by step-by-step illustrations, dozens of exercises lead the hand and mind through creating accurate reproductions of plants and animals as well as landscapes, skies, and more. Laws provides clear, practical advice for every step of the process for artists at every level, from the basics of choosing supplies to advanced techniques. While the book’s advice will improve the skills of already accomplished artists, the emphasis on seeing, learning, and feeling will make this book valuable—even revelatory—to anyone interested in the natural world, no matter how rudimentary their artistic abilities.

Objev podobné jako The Laws Guide to Nature Drawing and Journaling - John Muir Laws

cena 738.0 Kč

Rhetoric in European Culture and Beyond - Jiří Kraus - e-kniha

eBook: Kniha Rétorika v evropské kultuře i ve světě vymezuje postavení rétoriky v systému kultury a vzdělanosti od starověku po dnešek. Zkoumá pokles jejího významu v období racionalismu a osvícenství, uvádí příčiny, v jejichž důsledku byly rétorice (redukované na soustavu řečnických triků) přisuzovány negativní konotace, a vysvětluje, proč si rétorika ve 20. století dokázala své pozice znovu vydobýt. Dokládá, že prestiž rétoriky prudce klesá, když je redukována na recept k rafinovanému klamání publika, a naopak stoupá, když se chápe jako vědecká disciplína, která se vydává napříč humanitními obory – filozofií, logikou, sémiotikou, literární vědou, lingvistikou, naukou o médiích apod. V tomto pojetí rétorika usiluje o všestranné poznávání a kultivování řečového projevu, mluveného i psaného, a to nejen jeho produkce, ale i recepce a interpretace. V takové renesanci zájmu se rétorika jeví ne jako pouhý návod k řečové dovednosti, ale jako komplexní teoretický obor zkoumající chování člověka ve společenské komunikaci. Kapitoly 1–9 charakterizují vývoj rétoriky od jejích řeckých, helénistických a římských počátků k rétorice v kontextu křesťanské kultury středověku, dále k období humanismu, osvícenství, baroka; závěrečné kapitoly se pak věnují rétorice v 18., 19, a 20. století. Přitom se uplatňuje zřetel geografický, zahrnující dějiny rétoriky ve Francii, Španělsku, Itálii, Německu, Anglii, Skotsku, Polsku, v Rusku, v Čechách, na Moravě a na Slovensku, od 19. století pak i ve Spojených státech. Poslední, 10. kapitola předkládá odpověď na otázku, zdali se odpovídající systémy rétorických poznatků utvářely i za hranicemi středomořské antiky. Na vybraných příkladech teoretických prací o „umění řeči“ pocházejících z území Indie, Blízkého východu, Číny, Koreje a Japonska se ukazuje, že každé jazykové společenství si vytváří svou vlastní představu, teorii a praxi přesvědčivého a sugestivního řečového vystupování. Mnohdy se takové poznatky spíš než na návody k stylizaci a přednesu mluvených projevů soustřeďují na analýzu písemných památek, v nichž lze nalézt jak specifické kategoriální prostředky dané kultury (tak je tomu např. u komentářů k staroindickým védským textům), tak tropy a figury charakteristické pro rétoriku řeckou a římskou, např. u hebrejských a aramejských textů Starého zákona.

Objev podobné jako Rhetoric in European Culture and Beyond - Jiří Kraus - e-kniha

cena 280.0 Kč

Frida the Rock-and-Roll Moth - Kim Hillyard

A NEW picture book from the winner of the Best Illustrated Book, Waterstones Children''s Prize 2023.Frida is a musical moth who loves to rock out - she puts on her pointy boots and plays her purple guitar really LOUD! But when the Big Bright Light is switched on, more moths appear, ready to rock together, and Frida starts to feel that everyone is much better than her. Perhaps she isn''t so rock-and-roll after all . . .With the help of her biggest fan, Auntie Edna, Frida learns to reclaim her style, find her confidence and get up and rock on once more!This positive picture book will inspire readers to find what makes them feel good and let their inner confidence shine.Kim Hillyard creates positive, heart-warming stories that are designed to empower and inspire young readers. Each picture book focuses on a different feeling or belief to help children navigate the world around them.Also available from Kim Hillyard:Mabel and the Mountain: a story about believing in yourselfNed and the Great Garden Hamster Race: a story about kindnessGretel The Wonder Mammoth: a story about overcoming anxietyFlora and Nora Hunt for Treasure: a story about the power of friendship

Objev podobné jako Frida the Rock-and-Roll Moth - Kim Hillyard

cena 236.0 Kč

Beyond Good and Evil - PC DIGITAL (1244623)

Hra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Uplay, žánr: akční, Ve hře Beyond Good and Evil PC si zahrajete za mladou reportérku. Nenechte se zastrašit a odhalte strašlivé vládní spiknutí. Zachraňte obyvatele Jen vy a váš přítel Pey´j máte šanci zachránit nejen obyvatele, ale celou planetu. Odhalte pravduVaše planeta byla po staletí bombardována mimozemskou rasou. Vláda není schopna tomu zabránit. Jade je ozbrojena svým fotoaparátem a odhodlaností. Pomozte jí odhalit šokující důkazy...

Objev podobné jako Beyond Good and Evil - PC DIGITAL (1244623)

cena 86.0 Kč

Cambodia: From Pol Pot to Hun Sen and Beyond - Sebastian Strangio

A fascinating analysis of the recent history of the beautiful but troubled Southeast Asian nation of CambodiaTo many in the West, the name Cambodia still conjures up indelible images of destruction and death, the legacy of the brutal Khmer Rouge regime and the terror it inflicted in its attempt to create a communist utopia in the 1970s. Sebastian Strangio, a journalist based in the capital city of Phnom Penh, now offers an eye-opening appraisal of modern-day Cambodia in the years following its emergence from bitter conflict and bloody upheaval.In the early 1990s, Cambodia became the focus of the UN's first great post-Cold War nation-building project, with billions in international aid rolling in to support the fledgling democracy. But since the UN-supervised elections in 1993, the nation has slipped steadily backward into neo-authoritarian rule under Prime Minister Hun Sen. Behind a mirage of democracy, ordinary people have few rights and corruption infuses virtually every facet of everyday life. In this lively and compelling study, the first of its kind, Strangio explores the present state of Cambodian society under Hun Sen's leadership, painting a vivid portrait of a nation struggling to reconcile the promise of peace and democracy with a violent and tumultuous past.

Objev podobné jako Cambodia: From Pol Pot to Hun Sen and Beyond - Sebastian Strangio

cena 384.0 Kč

How to Raise the Perfect Dog: Through Puppyhood and Beyond (0307461300)

Kniha - autor Cesar Millan, 304 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Cesar Millan, 304 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná From the author of the #1 "New York Times" bestseller "Cesar's Way" and star of "The Dog Whisperer" comes this friendly, accessible work that is packed with information about how to raise the perfect puppy.

Objev podobné jako How to Raise the Perfect Dog: Through Puppyhood and Beyond (0307461300)

cena 391.0 Kč

Miss Kim Knows and Other Stories - Cho Nam-Joo

FROM THE AUTHOR OF KIM JIYOUNG, BORN 1982 Eight women. Eight stories. One reality. A woman is born. A woman is filmed in public without consent. A woman suffers domestic violence. A woman is gaslit. A woman is discriminated against at work. A woman grows old. A woman becomes famous. A woman is hated, and loved, and then hated again. Written in Cho Nam-Joo's masterful, razor-sharp prose, Miss Kim Knows brings together the lives of eight Korean women, aged 10 to 80. Contained in each of these biographies is a microcosm of contemporary Korea, and the challenges and injustices that women face from childhood to old age. As with Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982, the fates of these eight women are the fates of women the world over. And under Cho Nam-Joo's precise, unveiled gaze, nothing and nobody escapes scrutiny--not even herself.

Objev podobné jako Miss Kim Knows and Other Stories - Cho Nam-Joo

cena 357.0 Kč

Into the Void: From Birth to Black Sabbath - and Beyond - Geezer Butler

The new autobiography from Geezer Butler, bassist and lyricist of heavy metal music pioneers Black Sabbath With over 70 million records sold, heavy metal pioneers Black Sabbath are one of the most influential bands of all time. From the very beginning, Geezer Butler was at the heart of their success. He named the group, provided the bass behind their distinctive sound and wrote the lyrics that resonated so powerfully with fans around the world. At long last, Geezer is ready to tell his side of the Sabbath story, from early days as a scrappy blues quartet through to the many lineup changes, the record-breaking tours and the international hell-raising with Ozzy Osbourne, Tony Iommi and Bill Ward. Featuring Geezer’s candid reflections on his working-class childhood in Luftwaffe-battered Birmingham, his almost-life as an accountant and his fascination with horror, religion and the occult, Into the Void reveals the softer side of the heavy metal legend, while holding nothing back. Like Geezer’s bass lines and the story of Black Sabbath themselves, Into the Void is original, dramatic and one hell of a ride.

Objev podobné jako Into the Void: From Birth to Black Sabbath - and Beyond - Geezer Butler

cena 133.0 Kč

Beyond Good and Evil - Friedrich Nietzsche - e-kniha

eBook: Friedrich Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil is translated from the German by R.J. Hollingdale with an introduction by Michael Tanner in Penguin Classics.Beyond Good and Evil confirmed Nietzsche's position as the towering European philosopher of his age. The work dramatically rejects the tradition of Western thought with its notions of truth and God, good and evil. Nietzsche demonstrates that the Christian world is steeped in a false piety and infected with a 'slave morality'. With wit and energy, he turns from this critique to a philosophy that celebrates the present and demands that the individual imposes their own 'will to power' upon the world.This edition includes a commentary on the text by the translator and Michael Tanner's introduction, which explains some of the more abstract passages in Beyond Good and Evil.Frederich Nietzsche (1844-1900) became the chair of classical philology at Basel University at the age of 24 until his bad health forced him to retire in 1879. He divorced himself from society until his final collapse in 1899 when he became insane. A powerfully original thinker, Nietzsche's influence on subsequent writers, such as George Bernard Shaw, D.H. Lawrence, Thomas Mann and Jean-Paul Sartre, was considerable.

Objev podobné jako Beyond Good and Evil - Friedrich Nietzsche - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Ways of Drawing: Artists’ Perspectives and Practices - Julian Bell, Julia Balchin, Claudia Tobin

A lavishly illustrated collection of essays on drawing as a vital intellectual, artistic and life practice, by the artists of the Royal Drawing School. Drawing is among the most profound ways of engaging with the world. It is absorbing, instinctive – a way not just of seeing, but of understanding what we see. Ways of Drawing brings together a range of reflections and creative propositions by contemporary artists and teachers associated with the Royal Drawing School, generously illustrated with images by alumni of the School and the work of significant artists past and present. From explorations of artistic development to short, imaginative strategies for seeing the world afresh, it repositions this art form as a vital force in the contemporary world. Advocating passionately for drawing as both deeply personal and utterly essential, this book is an invaluable companion for artists with all levels of experience looking for new inspirations for their practice.

Objev podobné jako Ways of Drawing: Artists’ Perspectives and Practices - Julian Bell, Julia Balchin, Claudia Tobin

cena 799.0 Kč

Weird Maths: At the Edge of Infinity and Beyond - David Darling, Agnijo Banerjee

Is anything truly random? Does infinity actually exist? Could we ever see into other dimensions?In this delightful journey of discovery, David Darling and extraordinary child prodigy Agnijo Banerjee draw connections between the cutting edge of modern maths and life as we understand it, delving into the strange - would we like alien music? - and venturing out on quests to consider the existence of free will and the fantastical future of quantum computers. Packed with puzzles and paradoxes, mind-bending concepts and surprising solutions, this is for anyone who wants life's questions answered - even those you never thought to ask.

Objev podobné jako Weird Maths: At the Edge of Infinity and Beyond - David Darling, Agnijo Banerjee

cena 299.0 Kč

Beyond Words : What Animals Think and Feel - Carl Safina

I wanted to know what they were experiencing, and why to us they feel so compelling, and so close. This time I allowed myself to ask them the question that for a scientist was forbidden fruit: Who are you? Weaving decades of field observations with exciting new discoveries about the brain, Carl Safina's landmark book offers an intimate view of animal behavior to challenge the fixed boundary between humans and animals. Travelling to the threatened landscape of Kenya to witness struggling elephant families work out how to survive poaching and drought, then on to Yellowstone National Park to observe wolves sort out the aftermath of one pack's personal tragedy, the book finally plunges into the astonishingly peaceful society of killer whales living in the crystalline waters of the Pacific Northwest. Beyond Words brings forth powerful and illuminating insight into the unique personalities of animals through extraordinary stories of animal joy, grief, jealousy, anger, and love. The similarity between human and nonhuman consciousness, self-awareness and empathy calls us to re-evaluate how we interact with animals. Wise, passionate, and eye-opening at every turn, Beyond Words is ultimately a graceful examination of humanity's place in the world.

Objev podobné jako Beyond Words : What Animals Think and Feel - Carl Safina

cena 268.0 Kč

How to Win at Chess: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners and Beyond - Levy Rozman

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Learn chess from International Master and YouTube’s top chess teacher Levy Rozman (aka GothamChess) in this refreshing and fun guide for beginner and intermediate players.Clever and informative, How to Win at Chess teaches you everything you need to know about the game, including all the important moves and strategies to start off strong and keep you thinking several steps ahead.Full of Levy Rozman's signature charm and humor that have made him beloved by millions of fans, the first half of this unique guide introduces rising players (0-800 Elo rating) to the four key areas to consider when playing chess—openings, endings, tactics, and strategy—and the second half builds upon these core skills for more experienced players (800-1300 Elo rating). Brimming with practical and easy-to-follow tips for improving your game, How to Win at Chess includes over 500 instructional gameplay illustrations to help you better visualize the board, as well as chapter-specific QR codes for exclusive bonus content on Chessly, Rozman’s teaching platform.

Objev podobné jako How to Win at Chess: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners and Beyond - Levy Rozman

cena 569.0 Kč

Dream Theater: Lost Not Forgotten Archives: ...and Beyond - Live in Japan, 2017 - CD (0194399941522)

Hudební CD - Živé album skupiny Dream Theater tentokrát Japonsko 2017. Živé album skupiny Dream Theater tentokrát Japonsko 2017. Dream Theater je americká progresivní metalová skupina založená v roce 1985 pod názvem Majesty Johnem Petruccim , Johnem Myungem a Mikem Portnoyem , když navštěvovali Berklee College of Music v Bostonu , Massachusetts . Rok vydání : 2022 Seznam stop CD The Dark Eternal Night / The Bigger Picture / Hell's Kitchen / The Gift of Music / Our New World / Portrait of Tracy / As I Am / Breaking All Illusions

Objev podobné jako Dream Theater: Lost Not Forgotten Archives: ...and Beyond - Live in Japan, 2017 - CD (0194399941522)

cena 349.0 Kč

Living with Leonardo: Fifty years of sanity and insanity in the art world and beyond - Martin J. Kemp

Martin Kemp, described by The Times as ‘the world’s leading authority on Leonardo’, relates his fifty-year relationship with the most famous artist of all time In Living with Leonardo, world-renowned Leonardo da Vinci expert Martin Kemp relates his fifty-year relationship with the work of the most famous artist of all time. Through an engaging personal narrative inter-woven with historical research, we learn of Kemp’s encounters with the vast population that surrounds Leonardo: great and lesser academics, collectors and curators, devious dealers and unctuous auctioneers, major scholars and authors, pseudo-historians and fantasists. He shares how he has grappled with swelling legions of ‘Leonardo loonies’, walked on the eggshells of vested interests in academia and museums, and fended off fusillades of non-Leonardos, sometimes more than one a week. Examining the greatest masterpieces, from the Last Supper to Salvator Mundi, through the expert’s eye, we learn first-hand of the thorny questions that surround attribution, the scientific analyses that support the experts’ interpretations, and the continuing importance of connoisseurship. Throughout, from the most scholarly interpretations to the popularity of Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code, we are reminded of Leonardo’s unique genius and wonder at how an artist from 500 years ago continues to make such compelling posthumous demands on all those who engage with him. Contents List Preface and Acknowledgements Introduction: Art History in Action Prologue: a Sketch of Leonardo 1. The Last Supper and the First Steps 2. The “Original” Last Supper 3. Looking at Lisa 4. The Stolen Madonna 5. The Beautiful Princess 6. Ugly Arguments 7. The Saviour 8. Science and Seeing 9. Codices and Computers 10. Exhibitions 11. Codes and Codswallop Martin Kemp is professor emeritus of the history of art at Oxford University

Objev podobné jako Living with Leonardo: Fifty years of sanity and insanity in the art world and beyond - Martin J. Kemp

cena 609.0 Kč

The Last Kids on Earth and the Cosmic Beyond - Max Brallier

The newest installment in this New York Times bestselling series introduces new monsters, new bad guys, and tons of new laughs - Diary of a Wimpy Kid meets The Waking Dead!It's the first winter after the Monster Apocalypse. For Jack and his buddies, that means sled catapults, epic snowball battles, and one monstrous Christmas celebration. But their winter wonderland turns dark when a villainess begins hunting them. And this villainess is different - she's a human.When the villainess steals Jack's prized monster-slaying tool, the Louisville Slicer, he vows to get it back. But it won't be easy. Jack and his friends soon discover that the Louisville Slicer is the key to a dark plan that threatens the entire world - and beyond ...'Terrifyingly fun! Max Brallier's The Last Kids on Earth delivers big thrills and even bigger laughs.' Jeff Kinney, author of Diary of a Wimpy KidThe third book in a hilarious monster adventure series. With fresh, funny illustrations on every page, this is perfect for fans of comics and graphic novels aged 8 and over.

Objev podobné jako The Last Kids on Earth and the Cosmic Beyond - Max Brallier

cena 214.0 Kč

Genetically Modified Foods : Basics, Applications, and Controversy (Defekt) - Mahgoub Salah E.O.

An increasingly hot-button issue, genetically modified (GM) food is considered by some as the best way to feed the world's growing population, and by others as an experiment gone wrong on the unsuspecting public. Genetically Modified Foods: Basics, Applications, and Controversy details the basics of biotechnology and its applications in the laboratory and the field. It provides a balanced presentation of the pros and cons of GM foods, examining the arguments of proponents and opponents, and covering regulations governing GM food labeling.The book includes definitions of biotechnology considered from different perspectives; examines different techniques, including their advantages and shortcomings; and highlights the unintended consequences of traditional and modern GM techniques. The text also includes information on the use of biotechnology to produce nutraceuticals and functional foods and biofuels. Discussions of mandatory, non-mandatory, and global labeling; issues of concern, controversy, and consumer welfare; consumer knowledge and right to choose; and the media's actual and expected roles in educating and informing the public round out the coverage.A 360-degree review of GM foods and the issues surrounding them, this book adds to the scientific debate and examines the issues through this lens, giving you information required not only to make an informed decision, but also to be able to discuss your decision with others. It moves this heated debate closer to the day when consumer welfare remains at the heart of the discussion.

Objev podobné jako Genetically Modified Foods : Basics, Applications, and Controversy (Defekt) - Mahgoub Salah E.O.

cena 399.0 Kč

Dream Theater: Lost Not Forgotten Archives: ...and Beyond - Live in Japan, 2017 (2x LP + CD ) - CD-L (0194399941713)

LP vinyl - Živé album skupiny Dream Theater tentokrát Japonsko 2017. Živé album skupiny Dream Theater tentokrát Japonsko 2017. Dream Theater je americká progresivní metalová skupina založená v roce 1985 pod názvem Majesty Johnem Petruccim , Johnem Myungem a Mikem Portnoyem , když navštěvovali Berklee College of Music v Bostonu , Massachusetts . Rok vydání : 2022 Seznam stop CD The Dark Eternal Night / The Bigger Picture / Hell's Kitchen / The Gift of Music / Our New World / Portrait of Tracy / As I Am / Breaking All Illusions LP 1,2 The Dark Eternal Night / The Bigger Picture / Hell's Kitchen / The Gift of Music / Our New World / Portrait of Tracy / As I Am / Breaking All Illusions

Objev podobné jako Dream Theater: Lost Not Forgotten Archives: ...and Beyond - Live in Japan, 2017 (2x LP + CD ) - CD-L (0194399941713)

cena 749.0 Kč

Beyond the Wand: The Magic and Mayhem of Growing Up a Wizard (9781529149425)

Kniha - autor Tom Felton, 304 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu matná They called for a break, and Gambon magicked up a cigarette from out of his beard. He and I were often to be found outside the stage door, having 'a breath of fresh air', as we referred to it. There would be painters and plasterers and chippies and sparks, and among them all would be me and Dumbledore having a crafty cigarette. From Borrower to wizard, Tom Felton's adolescence was anything but ordinary. His early rise to fame saw him catapulted into the limelight aged just twelve when he landed the iconic role of Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter films. Speaking with candour and his own trademark humour, Tom shares his experience of growing up on screen and as part of the wizarding world for the very first time. He tells all about his big break, what filming was really like and the lasting friendships he made during ten years as part of the franchise, as well as the highs and lows of fame...

Objev podobné jako Beyond the Wand: The Magic and Mayhem of Growing Up a Wizard (9781529149425)

cena 409.0 Kč

Interstellar: The Search for Extraterrestrial Life and Our Future Beyond Earth - Avi Loeb

Loeb has a joy in conjecture and an omnivorous spirit of inquiry that are more reminiscent of 20th-century thinkers such as Freeman Dyson or Carl Sagan than most of his peers' The TimesCould we build space craft that could travel to distant stars? Could we augment human biology for spaceflight? Could the search for extraterrestrials be brought into the mainstream of scientific research?Avi Loeb tells us that in each case, the real question is not could we, but will we choose to? With an approach that is firmly grounded in cutting-edge science, he explores the potential for non-rocket space launch, deep space probes, and the technological preservation of human civilisation. He examines the evidence for UFOs and UAPs, and argues that the search for further evidence, using existing scientific technologies, is long overdue.Urgent and important, Noah's Spaceship is a mission statement and a blueprint for the future of humanity. Loeb explains why becoming interstellar is imperative for our civilization to survive - and how we can accomplish it.'One of the more imaginative and articulate scientists around' New York Times

Objev podobné jako Interstellar: The Search for Extraterrestrial Life and Our Future Beyond Earth - Avi Loeb

cena 473.0 Kč

Wacom Drawing Glove

Používejte Wacom Drawing Glove a vyhněte se zbytečným šmouhám a otiskům prstů. Minimalizujte tření z ruky na obrazovku a užijte si přirozený zážitek z kreslení bez jakéhokoli rozptylování. Při práci na grafickém displeji by mělo být vždy středem pozornosti vaše umění. Užijte si ničím nerušený pracovní postup po celé hodiny bez otravných přestávek na čištění displeje a odstraňování šmouh a otisků prstů. *Černá barva *Jedna velikost, perfektně sedí *Pro leváky i praváky *Vyrobeno z 90 % z recyklovaných materiálů *Strečové, odolné a prodyšné *Ekologické balení

Objev podobné jako Wacom Drawing Glove

cena 263.0 Kč

Linux Basics for Hackers: Getting Started with Networking, Scripting, and Security in Kali (1593278551)

Kniha - autor Occupytheweb, 248 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná This practical, tutorial-style book uses the Kali Linux distribution to teach Linux basics with a focus on how hackers would use them. Topics include Linux command line basics, filesystems, networking, BASH basics, package management, logging, and the Linux kernel and drivers. If you're getting started along the exciting path of hacking, cybersecurity, and pentesting, Linux Basics for Hackers is an excellent first step. Using Kali Linux, an advanced penetration testing distribution of Linux, you'll learn the basics of using the Linux operating system and acquire the tools and techniques you'll need to take control of a Linux environment. First, you'll learn how to install Kali on a virtual machine and get an introduction to basic Linux concepts. Next, you'll tackle broader Linux topics like manipulating text, controlling file and directory permissions, and managing user environment...

Objev podobné jako Linux Basics for Hackers: Getting Started with Networking, Scripting, and Security in Kali (1593278551)

cena 758.0 Kč

Sada PanPastel 10ks Drawing

PanPastel je inovativní pojetí pastelu ve formě "pánvičky" s širokou paletou možností. Chová se podobně jako běžný suchý pastel, ale nabízí aplikaci podobnou také malbě. Vhodný jak pro velmi jemné detaily, tak vykrytí velkých ploch. Ukázku najdete na videu v záložce tohoto produktu. Nanášejte na pastelový papír, lepenku, plátno či další běžné umělecké povrchy. Pastel je dobře gumovatelný. Po dokončení práce můžete zafixovat. K pastelům doporučujeme zakoupit také pomůcky od značky PanPastel, najdete zde. Každý z odstínů je testován pro dostatečnou světlostálost a obsahuje jen nutné minimum pojiv (=maximální obsah pigmentu). Jednotlivé odstíny mezi sebou můžete volně míchat a tónovat. Sada 10 odstínů pro kresbu Nenalezli jste zde odpověď na to co Vás k tomuto produktu zajímá? Neváhejte nás kontaktovat a my Váš dotaz rádi zodpovíme.

Objev podobné jako Sada PanPastel 10ks Drawing

cena 1699.0 Kč

Just Work : How to Confront Bias, Prejudice and Bullying to Build a Culture of Inclusivity - Kim Scottová

‘Powerful and perceptive . . . belongs on the shelves – and in the hearts and minds – of leaders everywhere’ – Daniel H. Pink, bestselling author of To Sell is Human From Kim Scott, author of the revolutionary New York Times bestseller Radical Candor, comes Just Work: How to Confront Bias, Prejudice and Bullying to Build a Culture of Inclusivity – that will help you recognize, attack and eliminate workplace injustice – and transform our careers and organizations in the process. We – all of us – consistently exclude, underestimate and under-utilize huge numbers of people in the workforce even as we include, overestimate and promote others, often beyond their level of competence. Not only is this immoral and unjust, it’s bad for business. Just Work is the solution. Just Work by Kim Scott reveals a practical framework for both respecting everyone’s individuality and collaborating effectively. This is the essential guide leaders and their employees need to create more just workplaces and establish new norms of collaboration and respect.

Objev podobné jako Just Work : How to Confront Bias, Prejudice and Bullying to Build a Culture of Inclusivity - Kim Scottová

cena 312.0 Kč

Ara Guler: A Play of Light and Shadow - Kim Knoppers, Ahmet Pola, Claartje van Dijk, Demet Yildiz Dincer

Beautiful monograph on photographer Ara Guler, aka 'The Eye of Istanbul'. Being a testament to Turkey's rich history, A Play of Light and Shadow offers a contemporary view of Guler's work while also providing the opportunity to explore iconic and unknown parts of it. With text contributions by art historian Kim Knoppers, curator and head of photography department at Istanbul Modern, Demet Yildiz Dincer, photographer and filmmaker Ahmet Polat, and Claartje van Dijk, curator and head of exhibitions at Foam in Amsterdam.Publication on the occasion of the exhibition of the same name in Foam, Amsterdam, from 22 June until 8 November 2023.

Objev podobné jako Ara Guler: A Play of Light and Shadow - Kim Knoppers, Ahmet Pola, Claartje van Dijk, Demet Yildiz Dincer

cena 1468.0 Kč

Derwent Drawing sada 12 ks

Barevná paleta pastelek Derwent Drawing vás vezme zpět do přírody. Barvy jsou bohaté a zemité a najdete jejich jemnou texturu a extra široký barevná tuha tužky bude velkým pomocníkem, když se snažíte vytvořit hustou srst nebo peří. Do rozsahu jsme také zahrnuli řadu sépiových tónů, které se vám budou hodit při kreslení portrétů a životních studií. - Sada 12 odstínů Nenalezli jste zde odpověď na to co Vás k tomuto produktu zajímá? Neváhejte nás kontaktovat a my Váš dotaz rádi zodpovíme.

Objev podobné jako Derwent Drawing sada 12 ks

cena 587.0 Kč

Drawing for Illustration - Martin Salisbury

An instructive book that examines the practice of drawing for illustration through case studies and sketchbooks, written by one of the world’s foremost experts and teachers on the subject. This essential handbook explores the subject of drawing for illustration in-depth, with an emphasis on drawing as a skill and fundamental language that every illustrator should master. It aims to encourage students through examples and case studies, by showcasing the often-unseen world of draughtsmanship that underpins the finished graphic. From book illustration to graphic novels, caricatures to commercial design, it draws on contemporary sketchbooks, projects and historical examples to make the connection between the practice of drawing from observation and drawing from imagination. Martin Salisbury sets out by explaining the fundamentals of this exciting discipline, before outlining the basic principles of line, tone, composition and colour through inspiring examples. Different approaches to drawing including anecdotal, sequential and reportage are examined, to enable students to acquire their own personal visual language. Interviews with illustrators also provide invaluable insight into the creative process, as they outline their challenges and motivations, and what drawing personally means for them. Packed with visual inspiration, this book features detailed analysis of works by key illustrators from past and present including George Cruikshank, Egon Schiele, Ronald Searle and Sheila Robinson through to Laura Carlin, Alexis Deacon and Isabelle Arsenault, looking at the differing roles drawing plays in their particular illustrative languages and how styles have changed over time.

Objev podobné jako Drawing for Illustration - Martin Salisbury

cena 990.0 Kč

BEKO Beyond B3WFU57413WCSHWG + BEKO Beyond B3T672490WCSHWG

Set pračka a sušička – energetická třída pračky A, energetická třída sušičky A+++, kapacita pračky (program ECO 40-60 °C) 7 kg, kapacita sušičky 7 kg, váž. spotřeba energie pračky 44 kWh/100 cyklů, odhad. roční spotřeba energie sušičky 159 kWh/annum, funkce pračky parní program, odložený start, rychlý program, displej a ovládaní mobilem, funkce sušičky napojení na odpad, odložený start, parní program, vnitřní osvětlení a systém proti mačkání prádla Přejete si ušetřit spoustu času a práce se špinavým prádlem? Set pračky a sušičky BEKO je pro vás ideální volbou. Oba samostatné přístroje se postarají o vyprání i usušení prádla. Kromě stejného barevného provedení má tento set i stejné technologie, které se navzájem doplňují. Pračka s klasickým plněním zepředu vám umožní se jednoduše dostat do celého bubnu. Díky menší hloubce 45 cm náleží mezi slim pračky, které lze doporučit do místností menších rozměrů. Šířka tohoto modelu je 60 cm. Pračka BEKO patří do...

Objev podobné jako BEKO Beyond B3WFU57413WCSHWG + BEKO Beyond B3T672490WCSHWG

cena 20990.0 Kč

Skicák Fabriano Eco Drawing 200g A4

Fabriano Disegno Ecological paper je všestranný skicák vyráběný ze 100% recyklovaných materiálů. Je také acid free (bez použitých kyselin), díky čemuž má dlouhodobou archivační kvalitu. Papír je výrazně bělejší než běžný recyklovaný papír, má příjemně krémovou barvu. Povrch je s jemnou strukturou (cold pressed) vhodnou na suché techniky jako je tužka, uhel či pastel. Díky vysoké gramáži jej můžete ale použít také pro inkousty či kvaš a temperu. Na každých 80 bloků připadá jeden ušetřený strom. 200 g/m 50 listů rozměr papíru: A4 / 21x29,7 cm lepená vazba vhodný pro kresbu a skicování

Objev podobné jako Skicák Fabriano Eco Drawing 200g A4

cena 239.0 Kč

The Story of Drawing - Susan Owens

Drawing is at the heart of human creativity. The most democratic form of art-making, it requires nothing more than a plain surface and a stub of pencil, a piece of chalk or an inky brush. Our prehistoric ancestors drew with natural pigments on the walls of caves, and every subsequent culture has practised drawing—whether on papyrus, parchment, or paper. Artists throughout history have used drawing as part of the creative process. While painting and sculpture have been shaped heavily by money and influence, drawing has always offered extraordinary creative latitude. Here we see the artist at his or her most unguarded. Susan Owens offers a glimpse over artists’ shoulders—from Michelangelo, Rembrandt, and Hokusai to Van Gogh, Käthe Kollwitz, and Yayoi Kusama—as they work, think, and innovate, as they scrutinise the world around them or escape into imagination. The Story of Drawing loops around the established history of art, sometimes staying close, at other times diving into exhilarating and altogether less familiar territory.

Objev podobné jako The Story of Drawing - Susan Owens

cena 738.0 Kč

Drawing the Female Figure - Hikaru Hayashi

Most life drawing books tend to avoid anything remotely sensual or seductive let alone risque or provocative. That''s not this book. Aimed at manga and comic book artists, Drawing the Female Figure, is here to teach you the tricks of the trade when it comes to sex appeal and sensuality. Learn how to construct a shapely figure, add gesture and capture the alluring. Packed with instruction and profusely illustrated, the contents include how to draw the face, hair, underwear, cleavage and boobs, along with detailed explanations of poses and bone structure. A book full inspiration to help you develop your skills, build your confidence, and most importantly get you drawing!

Objev podobné jako Drawing the Female Figure - Hikaru Hayashi

cena 679.0 Kč

Kaligrafická sada Manuscript Leonardt Drawing & Mapping

Tradiční kaligrafický set pro začátečníky i pokročilé od briského výrobce Manuscript. V sadě najdete základní pomůcky pro kaligrafii - 2 násadky, 5 různě tvarovaných perek a krabičku na perka. Tradiční kvalita v moderním provedení za super cenu. Sada obsahuje perka s jemnou špičkou pro detailní práce. Nenalezli jste zde odpověď na to co Vás k tomuto produktu zajímá? Neváhejte nás kontaktovat a my Váš dotaz rádi zodpovíme.

Objev podobné jako Kaligrafická sada Manuscript Leonardt Drawing & Mapping

cena 320.0 Kč

Litografický inkoust Charbonnel 200ml Drawing Black

Litografický inkoust, intenzivní odstín černé (drawing black). Vysoce kvalitní tiskařská barva od značky Charbonnel. Obsah kovové dózy 200ml. Nenalezli jste zde odpověď na to co Vás k tomuto produktu zajímá? Neváhejte nás kontaktovat a my Váš dotaz rádi zodpovíme.

Objev podobné jako Litografický inkoust Charbonnel 200ml Drawing Black

cena 988.0 Kč

Skicák Fabriano Eco Drawing 200g A3

Fabriano Disegno Ecological paper je všestranný skicák vyráběný ze 100% recyklovaných materiálů. Je také acid free (bez použitých kyselin), díky čemuž má dlouhodobou archivační kvalitu. Papír je výrazně bělejší než běžný recyklovaný papír, má příjemně krémovou barvu. Povrch je s jemnou strukturou (cold pressed) vhodnou na suché techniky jako je tužka, uhel či pastel. Díky vysoké gramáži jej můžete ale použít také pro inkousty či kvaš a temperu. Na každých 80 bloků připadá jeden ušetřený strom. 200 g/m 25 listů rozměr papíru: A3 / 29,7x42 cm lepená vazba vhodný pro kresbu a skicování

Objev podobné jako Skicák Fabriano Eco Drawing 200g A3

cena 239.0 Kč

Little Children´s Drawing Book - Mary Cartwright

Join Bee and friends for lots of drawing fun in this bright and friendly first drawing book. Draw stripes on Zebra, add wheels to cars, give Jellyfish long twisty tentacles and discover lots of other fun ways to draw lines, circles, spirals, squiggles and more, all of which are perfect for developing pen control skills.

Objev podobné jako Little Children´s Drawing Book - Mary Cartwright

cena 129.0 Kč

Cretacolor Black&White Box - sada 25pcs Drawing

Kreslířská sada Black Box od výrobce Cretacolor. Sada obsahuje celkem 25 materiálů pro kresbu, od přesných a jemných detailních prací až po vykrývání velkých ploch. V sadě najdete: bílé křídy - měkké, střední a olejové uhly v tužce - měkké, střední a tvrdé grafitové tužky - měkké, střední a tvrdé černou křídu v tužce umělecké uhly - černý a bílý syntetické uhly - měkké, střední a tvrdé přírodní uhly v tloušťkách 4mm a 6mm skicovací uhel plastickou pryž ořezávátko Nenalezli jste zde odpověď na to co Vás k tomuto produktu zajímá? Neváhejte nás kontaktovat a my Váš dotaz rádi zodpovíme.

Objev podobné jako Cretacolor Black&White Box - sada 25pcs Drawing

cena 1255.0 Kč

The Drawing of the three - Stephen King

THE DRAWING OF THE THREE is the second volume in Stephen King's epic Dark Tower series. The Dark Tower is soon to be a major motion picture starring Matthew McConaughey and Idris Elba, due in cinemas August 18, 2017.In the second novel of Stephen King's bestselling fantasy masterpiece, Roland of Gilead, the Last Gunslinger, encounters three mysterious doors which open - for Roland, and Roland alone - to different times in our world. He must draw the three who should accompany him on the road. In 1980s New York, Roland joins forces with defiant Eddie Dean. The second door leads to the 1960s and conflicted civil rights activist Odetta Holmes. The final door reveals Jack Mort, a deadly serial killer, in the 1970s. Mort is stalking Jake, the young boy Roland met in Mid-World.As titanic forces gather, a savage struggle between underworld evil and otherworldly enemies threatens to bring an end to Roland's journey toward the Dark Tower...J

Objev podobné jako The Drawing of the three - Stephen King

cena 279.0 Kč

Step-by-step Drawing Book - Watt Fiona

An easy-to-follow, step-by-step drawing book that helps children master the simple drawing skills required to render a range of animals, people and objects. It comes with plenty of space for doing their own drawings.

Objev podobné jako Step-by-step Drawing Book - Watt Fiona

cena 236.0 Kč

Vitamin D3: Today's Best in Contemporary Drawing

Phaidon's 'Vitamin' series has long proved an extraordinarily accurate predictor of tomorrow's stars. This latest instalment is a cutting-edge and indispensable survey of the very best of contemporary drawing, as chosen by a panel of the world's leading art experts Over the past 50 years, drawing has been elevated from a supporting role to a primary medium, ranking alongside painting as a central art form. Since Phaidon's publication of the first such surveys (Vitamin D in 2005 and D2 in 2013), contemporary artists have continued to explore drawing's possibilities – from intimate to large-scale works, in a diversity of mark-making processes and materials. Vitamin D3 showcases more than 100 such artists, as nominated by a global panel of more than 70 international art experts. The more than 70 nominators include such iconic figures as: Iwona Blazwick, Louisa Buck, Mark Coetzee, Thelma Golden, Laura Hoptman, Geeta Kapur, Pablo León de la Barra, Christine Macel, Kate Macfarlane, Hans Ulrich Obrist, and Zoe Whitley. The more than 100 selected artists include: Miriam Cahn, Robert Crumb, Tom Friedman, Tania Kovats, Claudette Johnson, Rashid Johnson, Otobong Nkanga, Toyin Ojih Odutola, Deanna Petherbridge, Christina Quarles, Qiu Zhijie, Nathaniel Mary Quinn, Wael Shawky, Emma Talbot, and Johanna Unzueta.

Objev podobné jako Vitamin D3: Today's Best in Contemporary Drawing

cena 1118.0 Kč

Ledvinka WOUF Kim

Ledvinka z kolekce WOUF. Model vyroben z textilního materiálu.

Objev podobné jako Ledvinka WOUF Kim

cena 1699.0 Kč

DIVINE - Kim Hargreaves

No 15.

Objev podobné jako DIVINE - Kim Hargreaves

cena 500.0 Kč

Kim - Rudyard Kipling

With a new Introduction by Cedric Watts, Research Professor of English, University of Sussex. Kim is Rudyard Kipling's finest work. Now controversial, this novel is a memorably vivid evocation of the life and landscapes of India in the late nineteenth century.Kim himself is a resourceful lad who befriends a lama, an ageing priest; and both embark on a combined quest. Whereas Kim has an insatiable interest in the varied activities around him, the lama seeks redemption from the 'Wheel of Life'. Kim becomes involved in the 'Great Game':, undertaking espionage for the British rulers.This engrossing and moving novel, with its diversity of memorable characters, offers many insights into political, religious and social tensions.

Objev podobné jako Kim - Rudyard Kipling

cena 99.0 Kč

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