Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

Degrees of Separation Bohumil Kubišta and the European Avant-Garde (Defekt) - Marie Rakušanová

In Beyond the Avant Garde, scholars from Czechia, Canada, Germany, and Hungary take a new approach to exploring the work of one of Central Europe’s most interesting modernist painters -- Bohumil Kubišta. While many art historians have consigned Kubišta’s work into an idealized Czech canon, Kubišta did not identify with a nation state clearly defined by ethnicity, language, and territorial reach. Although born and raised in the Czech lands of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, he traveled widely, maintained important international contacts, and served as a successful artillery officer in Austro-Hungarian army during World War I. Taking a transnational approach that incorporates thorough topographical research, the authors of Beyond the Avant-Garde: Bohumil Kubišta and European Modern Art attempt to redraw the current map of European modernism by exploring the artist’s subversive approach to the stylistic currents of his time. The book reveals the complex artistic, cultural, and historical relationships within early twentieth-century Europe, as Kubišta and other Central Europan artists tried to balance their admiration for the dominant artistic trends coming out of Paris with their desire to find alternative forms expression, arising from local artistic and intellectual sources. It traces Kubišta's steps through the boulevards and cafes of Paris and other cities, such as Florence and Pula, while also using cartographic techniques to record the progress of his artwork between various artistic points on Europe’s artistic map. In addition to the twenty scholarly chapters, the book features a wealth of documentation, including: high quality images of the artist’s work; an exhaustive 160-page timeline with notes from and about the artist, as well as documentary support; a comprehensive inventory of 363 Kubišta works; an exhibition list from 1907 to 2019.

Podívejte se také Karel Teige Captain of the Avant-Garde (978-80-7437-246-9)

cena 319.0 Kč

Bohumil Kubišta a Evropa - Marie Rakušanová

Kniha nabízí nové zhodnocení díla významného českého moderního umělce Bohumila Kubišty, a to způsobem, který přesahuje tradiční formát uměleckohistorické monografie. Jeho tvorbu sleduje prostřednictvím rozkrývání složitých uměleckých, kulturních a historických vztahů v rámci Evropy počátku 20. století. Nejen Kubišta, ale také další středoevropští umělci zprvu balancovali mezi obdivem k modernistickému universalismu uměleckých směrů pařížského centra a snahou nalézt alternativní moderní výraz, vyrůstající z lokální umělecké a intelektuální tradice. Kubištovo zarputilé úsilí iniciovat vznik silné, nadčasové a svébytné moderní kultury však naráželo na nepochopení domácího publika, které vygradovalo vzájemnými konflikty dravě se prosazujících frakcí pražského modernismu a definitivně se roztříštilo v chaosu první světové války. Monografie zároveň krok za krokem sleduje Kubištův pohyb po pařížských bulvárech a kavárnách či městech jako Florencie a Pula, kde se v hodnosti setníka účastnil první světové války. Využívá kartografických postupů, aby přesně zaznamenala přesuny jeho děl mezi středoevropskými centry i regionálními kulturními středisky. V Kubištově síti kontaktů totiž nefigurují jen významní evropští umělci a spolky, ale také slavná umělecká díla, která autonomně vstupují do stále nových situací a nerespektují antropocentrickou perspektivu tradičních dějin umění.

Podívejte se také Three Degrees: The Album - CD (4260134478007)

cena 1611.0 Kč

Karel Teige Captain of the Avant-Garde (978-80-7437-246-9)

Kniha - autor Rea Michalová, 800 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Karel Teige ovlivnil českou kulturu v mnoha oblastech a jednoznačně patří k mimořádným osobnostem českého moderního umění. Jeho tvorba je však paradoxně známa a uznávána více v zahraničí než u nás. Kniha Karel Teige – Kapitán avantgardy je dalším příspěvkem k odčinění tohoto dluhu. Její autorka, historička umění Rea Michalová, se navrací ad fontes a především na základě přímých citací známých i zapomenutých Teigeho textů, prací jeho generačních souputníků, autentických vzpomínek i dokumentů zprostředkovává fascinující příběh myšlenkového vývoje a názorového zrání jednoho z nejinspirativnějších, byť v mnoha ohledech rozporuplných tvůrců české moderní kultury.

Podívejte se také Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra: Legends of the Bolshoi - Highlights from European Operas - CD (4600383160702)

cena 2260.0 Kč

Bohumil Kubišta a Evropa (978-80-246-4721-0)

Kniha - autor Marie Rakušanová, 700 stran, česky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Kniha nabízí nové zhodnocení díla významného českého moderního umělce Bohumila Kubišty, a to způsobem, který přesahuje tradiční formát uměleckohistorické monografie. Jeho tvorbu sleduje prostřednictvím rozkrývání složitých uměleckých, kulturních a historických vztahů v rámci Evropy počátku 20. století. Nejen Kubišta, ale také další středoevropští umělci zprvu balancovali mezi obdivem k modernistickému universalismu uměleckých směrů pařížského centra a snahou nalézt alternativní moderní výraz, vyrůstající z lokální umělecké a intelektuální tradice. Kubištovo zarputilé úsilí iniciovat vznik silné, nadčasové a svébytné moderní kultury však naráželo na nepochopení domácího publika, které vygradovalo vzájemnými konflikty dravě se prosazujících frakcí pražského modernismu a definitivně se roztříštilo v chaosu první světové války. Monografie zároveň krok za krokem sleduje Kubištův pohyb po...

Objev podobné jako Bohumil Kubišta a Evropa (978-80-246-4721-0)

cena 1435.0 Kč

Orient Star Sports Avant-Garde Skeleton RE-AV0A02S

Pánské hodinky Orient Star Sports Avant-Garde Skeleton RE-AV0A02S jsou novou podobou úspěšné sportovní kolekce Orient Star, nabízí nepřehlédnutelný design a vlastnosti sportovních hodinek, které však oceníte i při každodenním nošení. Pouzdro hodinek Orient RE-AV0A02S je vyrobeno z oceli. Je ochranou vlastnímu upravenému mechanickému strojku s automatickým nátahem z dílny Orient, kalibru Orient F6F44, který je vybaven funkcí zastavení vteřinové ručky při nařizování času, tzv. hackingem a možností nátahu…

Objev podobné jako Orient Star Sports Avant-Garde Skeleton RE-AV0A02S

cena 29900.0 Kč

Orient Star Sports Avant-Garde Skeleton RE-BZ0001S

Pánské hodinky Orient Star Sports Avant-Garde Skeleton RE-BZ0001S jsou novou podobou úspěšné sportovní kolekce Orient Star, nabízí nepřehlédnutelný design a vlastnosti sportovních hodinek, které však oceníte i při každodenním nošení. Pouzdro hodinek Orient RE-BZ0001S je vyrobeno z oceli. Je ochranou vlastnímu upravenému mechanickému strojku s automatickým nátahem z dílny Orient, kalibru Orient F8F64 s rezervou chodu až 60 hodin, který je vybaven funkcí zastavení vteřinové ručky při nařizování času, tzv.…

Objev podobné jako Orient Star Sports Avant-Garde Skeleton RE-BZ0001S

cena 56900.0 Kč

Orient Star Sports Avant-Garde Skeleton RE-BZ0002B

Pánské hodinky Orient Star Sports Avant-Garde Skeleton RE-BZ0002B jsou novou podobou úspěšné sportovní kolekce Orient Star, nabízí nepřehlédnutelný design a vlastnosti sportovních hodinek, které však oceníte i při každodenním nošení. Pouzdro hodinek Orient RE-BZ0002B je vyrobeno z oceli s černou PVD úpravou povrchu. Je ochranou vlastnímu upravenému mechanickému strojku s automatickým nátahem z dílny Orient, kalibru Orient F8F64 s rezervou chodu až 60 hodin, který je vybaven funkcí zastavení vteřinové…

Objev podobné jako Orient Star Sports Avant-Garde Skeleton RE-BZ0002B

cena 56900.0 Kč

Orient Star Sports Avant-Garde Skeleton RE-AV0A01B

Pánské hodinky Orient Star Sports Avant-Garde Skeleton RE-AV0A01B jsou novou podobou úspěšné sportovní kolekce Orient Star, nabízí nepřehlédnutelný design a vlastnosti sportovních hodinek, které však oceníte i při každodenním nošení. Pouzdro hodinek Orient RE-AV0A01B je vyrobeno z oceli. Je ochranou vlastnímu upravenému mechanickému strojku s automatickým nátahem z dílny Orient, kalibru Orient F6F44, který je vybaven funkcí zastavení vteřinové ručky při nařizování času, tzv. hackingem a možností nátahu…

Objev podobné jako Orient Star Sports Avant-Garde Skeleton RE-AV0A01B

cena 31900.0 Kč

Orient Star Sports Avant-Garde Skeleton RE-AV0A04B

Pánské hodinky Orient Star Sports Avant-Garde Skeleton RE-AV0A04B jsou novou podobou úspěšné sportovní kolekce Orient Star, nabízí nepřehlédnutelný design a vlastnosti sportovních hodinek, které však oceníte i při každodenním nošení. Pouzdro hodinek Orient RE-AV0A04B je vyrobeno z oceli s bronzovou a černou PVD úpravou povrchu. Je ochranou vlastnímu upravenému mechanickému strojku s automatickým nátahem z dílny Orient, kalibru Orient F6F44, který je vybaven funkcí zastavení vteřinové ručky při nařizování…

Objev podobné jako Orient Star Sports Avant-Garde Skeleton RE-AV0A04B

cena 34900.0 Kč

Orient Star Sports Avant-Garde Skeleton RE-AV0A03B

Pánské hodinky Orient Star Sports Avant-Garde Skeleton RE-AV0A03B jsou novou podobou úspěšné sportovní kolekce Orient Star, nabízí nepřehlédnutelný design a vlastnosti sportovních hodinek, které však oceníte i při každodenním nošení. Pouzdro hodinek Orient RE-AV0A03B je vyrobeno z oceli s černou PVD úpravou povrchu. Je ochranou vlastnímu upravenému mechanickému strojku s automatickým nátahem z dílny Orient, kalibru Orient F6F44, který je vybaven funkcí zastavení vteřinové ručky při nařizování času, tzv.…

Objev podobné jako Orient Star Sports Avant-Garde Skeleton RE-AV0A03B

cena 34900.0 Kč

M. Micallef Avant-Garde parfémovaná voda pro muže 30 ml

M. Micallef Avant-Garde, 30 ml, Parfémované vody pro muže, Zapomeňte na starosti a nechte čas jen tak plynout. Parfémovaná voda M. Micallef Avant-Garde se stane ideálním doplňkem muže, který nedá dopustit na ležérní styl a vždy následuje své instinkty. chypre vůně dřevitá vůně kožená vůně vynikne na muži, který se nebojí být sám sebou vůně vhodná pro každodenní nošení luxusní vůně pro náročné

Objev podobné jako M. Micallef Avant-Garde parfémovaná voda pro muže 30 ml

cena 2257.0 Kč

M. Micallef Avant-Garde parfémovaná voda pro muže 100 ml

M. Micallef Avant-Garde, 100 ml, Parfémované vody pro muže, Zapomeňte na starosti a nechte čas jen tak plynout. Parfémovaná voda M. Micallef Avant-Garde se stane ideálním doplňkem muže, který nedá dopustit na ležérní styl a vždy následuje své instinkty. chypre vůně dřevitá vůně kožená vůně vynikne na muži, který se nebojí být sám sebou vůně vhodná pro každodenní nošení luxusní vůně pro náročné

Objev podobné jako M. Micallef Avant-Garde parfémovaná voda pro muže 100 ml

cena 4541.0 Kč

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Defekt) - Joanne K. Rowlingová

Dark times have come to Hogwarts. After the Dementors' attack on his cousin Dudley, Harry Potter knows that Voldemort will stop at nothing to find him. There are many who deny the Dark Lord's return, but Harry is not alone: a secret order gathers at Grimmauld Place to fight against the Dark forces. Harry must allow Professor Snape to teach him how to protect himself from Voldemort's savage assaults on his mind. But they are growing stronger by the day and Harry is running out of time.These new editions of the classic and internationally bestselling, multi-award-winning series feature instantly pick-up-able new jackets by Jonny Duddle, with huge child appeal, to bring Harry Potter to the next generation of readers. It's time to PASS THE MAGIC ON …

Objev podobné jako Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Defekt) - Joanne K. Rowlingová

cena 139.0 Kč

The Power Law: Venture Capital and the Art of Disruption (Defekt) - Sebastian Mallaby

From an award-winning financial historian comes the gripping, character-driven story of venture capital and the world it madeInnovations rarely come from "experts." Jeff Bezos was not a bookseller; Elon Musk was not in the auto industry. When it comes to innovation, a legendary venture capitalist told Sebastian Mallaby, the future cannot be predicted, it can only be discovered. Most attempts at discovery fail, but a few succeed at such a scale that they more than make up for everything else.That extreme ratio of success and failure is the power law that drives venture capital, Silicon Valley, the tech sector, and, by extension, the world. Drawing on unprecedented access to the most celebrated venture capitalists of all time, award-winning financial historian Sebastian Mallaby tells the story of this strange tribe of financiers who have funded the world's most successful companies, from Google to SpaceX to Alibaba. With a riveting blend of storytelling and analysis, The Power Law makes sense of the seeming randomness of success in venture capital, an industry that relies, for good and ill, on gut instinct and personality rather than spreadsheets and data.We learn the unvarnished truth about some of the most iconic triumphs and infamous disasters in the history of tech, from the comedy of errors that was the birth of Apple to the venture funding that fostered hubris at WeWork and Uber to the industry's notorious lack of women and ethnic minorities. Now the power law echoes around the world: it has transformed China's digital economy beyond recognition, and London is one of the top cities for venture capital investment. By taking us so deeply into the VCs' game, The Power Law helps us think about our own future through their eyes.

Objev podobné jako The Power Law: Venture Capital and the Art of Disruption (Defekt) - Sebastian Mallaby

cena 179.0 Kč

The Christian roots of European identity. A central European perspective - Karel Sládek

The multi-authored monograph The Christian Roots of European Identity: A Central European Perspective offers views on European identity from academics based at universities in Central Europe: Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, the University of Prešov, Slovakia, and the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, Poland. Because of the high relevance of Islam in Europe today, a specialist from the Ludwig Maximillian University in Munich, Germany, was also invited to contribute to the book. These perspectives on European identity are rooted in countries whose membership of the Soviet bloc for much of the twentieth century set them on a different political trajectory from that of Western Europe, and where the relationship between Christianity and European identity became key, especially after the fall of the iron curtain and the re-establishment of religious freedoms.

Objev podobné jako The Christian roots of European identity. A central European perspective - Karel Sládek

cena 241.0 Kč

The Psychology of Social and Cultural Diversity (Defekt)

Promoting a scholarly understanding of the psychology of social and cultural diversity in the early stages of 21st century, this volume encourages an in-depth appreciation of the value in diversity while directly addressing social intervention and policy implications. Offers, for the very first time, an integrated approach to the issues raised by increasingly complex representations of social identityExplores the psychological implications and applications of new forms of social and cultural diversityIncludes research from a diverse range of scholars that covers a broad spectrum of sub-disciplinesDiscusses how the applications of multiculturalism and diversity research can encourage more positive intergroup relationsDevelops an in depth understanding and appreciation of the value of social and cultural diversity

Objev podobné jako The Psychology of Social and Cultural Diversity (Defekt)

cena 319.0 Kč

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Defekt) - Joanne K. Rowlingová

Prepare to be spellbound by Jim Kay's dazzling full-colour illustrations in this stunning new edition of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Breathtaking scenes, dark themes and unforgettable characters – including Dobby and Gilderoy Lockhart – await inside this fully illustrated edition. With paint, pencil and pixels, award-winning illustrator Jim Kay conjures the wizarding world as we have never seen it before. Fizzing with magic and brimming with humour, this inspired reimagining will captivate fans and new readers alike, as Harry and his friends, now in their second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, seek out a legendary chamber and the deadly secret that lies at its heart … “Seeing Jim Kay's illustrations moved me profoundly. I love his interpretation of Harry Potter's world, and I feel honoured and grateful that he has lent his talent to it” – J.K. Rowling“Kay's illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is a triumph – a book so alive it seems to jump, explode and slither out of your hands as you read” – Praise for Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Illustrated Edition, Telegraph“It is stunning … with full colour illustrations throughout from Greenaway Medal winner Kay, who breathes incredible life into these much loved characters and locations, staying faithful to Rowling's vision but revitalising the story for a new generation” – Praise for Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Illustrated Edition: Bookseller

Objev podobné jako Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Defekt) - Joanne K. Rowlingová

cena 429.0 Kč

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Defekt) - Joanne K. Rowlingová

The Triwizard Tournament is to be held at Hogwarts. Only wizards who are over seventeen are allowed to enter - but that doesn't stop Harry dreaming that he will win the competition. Then at Hallowe'en, when the Goblet of Fire makes its selection, Harry is amazed to find his name is one of those that the magical cup picks out. He will face death-defying tasks, dragons and Dark wizards, but with the help of his best friends, Ron and Hermione, he might just make it through - alive! These new editions of the classic and internationally bestselling, multi-award-winning series feature instantly pick-up-able new jackets by Jonny Duddle, with huge child appeal, to bring Harry Potter to the next generation of readers. It's time to PASS THE MAGIC ON ...

Objev podobné jako Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Defekt) - Joanne K. Rowlingová

cena 229.0 Kč

The Devil´s Sanctuary (Defekt) - Marie Hermanson

Is this Heaven ...or Hell? Estranged identical twins Daniel and Max have a complex relationship, so when Daniel goes to visit his bi-polar brother in a remote and expensive Swiss 'recovery' clinic, he has no idea what really lies in wait for him. Lulled by the routine and peacefulness of the clinic, Daniel finds himself unquestioningly accepting Max's plea for help in taking care of some business, and the brothers swap places for a few days. But soon Daniel realises Max isn't coming back, and that the clinic is far from a place of recovery. Struggling to get anyone to believe who he really is, Daniel finds himself trapped in a cruel and highly secretive prison: this is no sanctuary, it's a living nightmare ...With the atmosphere of Shutter Island and the intensity of Jussi Adler-Olsen, immerse yourself in this relentlessly compelling psychological thriller from one of Sweden's bestselling crime authors.

Objev podobné jako The Devil´s Sanctuary (Defekt) - Marie Hermanson

cena 119.0 Kč

Litter on the Shores of Bohemia: Environmental Justice, European Enlargement, and Illegal Waste Dumping in the Czech Republic - Vail Benjamin

Nakládání s odpady je téma, o kterém lidé příliš nepřemýšlí. Většinou jen hodí odpadky do koše a nezajímá je, co se s nimi děje dál. Jenže moderní společnost by bez efektivního systému nakládání s odpadem nebyla schopna fungovat. Vzpomeňte si na situaci ve městech, když systém svozu odpadu nefunguje, jak by měl. Stávka zaměstnanců nebo jiné narušení systému učiní život ve městech nesnesitelným. Všude je cítit pach odpadu a množí se mouchy, krysy a další škůdci. Právě proto je důležité, aby se sociologové tímto skrytým, avšak velmi důležitým aspektem moderního života zabývali a pomohli nám porozumět ekologickým důsledkům „vyhazovací společnosti“.

Objev podobné jako Litter on the Shores of Bohemia: Environmental Justice, European Enlargement, and Illegal Waste Dumping in the Czech Republic - Vail Benjamin

cena 203.0 Kč

Art of the Extreme: The European Art World 1905-1914 - Philip Hook

The ten years leading up to the First World War were the most exciting, frenzied and revolutionary in the history of art. They were the crucible of Modernism, when Fauvism, Expressionism, Cubism, Futurism and Abstract Art all burst forth. Simultaneously the Old Master market boomed, and art itself was politically weaponised in advance of approaching war.What was the conventional art against which Modernism was rebelling? Why did avant-garde artists become so obsessed with themselves? What persuaded a few bold collectors to buy difficult modern art? And why did others pay so much money for Old Masters?Art expert Philip Hook brings to bear a unique perspective on the art of a unique and extreme decade.

Objev podobné jako Art of the Extreme: The European Art World 1905-1914 - Philip Hook

cena 867.0 Kč

Nicky & Vera : A Quiet Hero of the Holocaust and the Children He Rescued (Defekt) - Petr Sís

In 1938, twenty-nine-year-old Nicholas Winton saved the lives of almost 700 children trapped in Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia-a story he never told and that remained unknown until an unforgettable TV appearance in the 1980s reunited him with some of the children he saved. Czech-American artist, MacArthur Fellow and Andersen Award winner Peter Sis dramatises Winton's story in this distinctive and deeply personal picture book. He intertwines Nicky's efforts with the story of one of the children he saved-a young girl named Vera, whose family enlisted Nicky's aid when the Germans occupied their country. As the war passes and Vera grows up, she must find balance in her dual identities-one her birthright, the other her choice. Nicky & Vera is a masterful tribute to a humble man's courageous efforts to protect Europe's most vulnerable, and a timely portrayal of the hopes and fears of those forced to leave their homes and create new lives.

Objev podobné jako Nicky & Vera : A Quiet Hero of the Holocaust and the Children He Rescued (Defekt) - Petr Sís

cena 199.0 Kč

The Storyteller : Tales of Life and Music (Defekt) - Dave Grohl

So, I've written a book. Having entertained the idea for years, and even offered a few questionable opportunities ('It's a piece of cake! Just do four hours of interviews, find someone else to write it, put your face on the cover, and voila!'), I have decided to write these stories just as I have always done, in my own hand. The joy that I have felt from chronicling these tales is not unlike listening back to a song that I've recorded and can't wait to share with the world, or reading a primitive journal entry from a stained notebook, or even hearing my voice bounce between the Kiss posters on my wall as a child. This certainly doesn't mean that I'm quitting my day job, but it does give me a place to shed a little light on what it's like to be a kid from Springfield, Virginia, walking through life while living out the crazy dreams I had as young musician. From hitting the road with Scream at 18 years old, to my time in Nirvana and the Foo Fighters, jamming with Iggy Pop or playing at the Academy Awards or dancing with AC/DC and the Preservation Hall Jazz Band, drumming for Tom Petty or meeting Sir Paul McCartney at Royal Albert Hall, bedtime stories with Joan Jett or a chance meeting with Little Richard, to flying halfway around the world for one epic night with my daughters...the list goes on. I look forward to focusing the lens through which I see these memories a little sharper for you with much excitement.

Objev podobné jako The Storyteller : Tales of Life and Music (Defekt) - Dave Grohl

cena 129.0 Kč

Seventy Eight Degrees of Wisdom - Rachel Pollack

This classic book is a complete but concise guide to the origins, meaning and psychological applications of the Tarot. Its aim is to demystify and to make Tarot symbolism an effective and accessible means of self-enlightenment.Volumes 1 and 2 have now been combined and completely updated into one volume.

Objev podobné jako Seventy Eight Degrees of Wisdom - Rachel Pollack

cena 443.0 Kč

Something Deeply Hidden: Quantum Worlds and the Emergence of Spacetime (Defekt) - Sean B. Carroll

INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLEROne of Publishers Weekly’s “Most Anticipated Books of the Fall”As you read these words, copies of you are being created. Sean Carroll, theoretical physicist and one of this world’s most celebrated writers on science, rewrites the history of 20th century physics. Already hailed as a masterpiece, Something Deeply Hidden shows for the first time that facing up to the essential puzzle of quantum mechanics utterly transforms how we think about space and time. His reconciling of quantum mechanics with Einstein’s theory of relativity changes, well, everything.Most physicists haven’t even recognized the uncomfortable truth: physics has been in crisis since 1927. Quantum mechanics has always had obvious gaps—which have come to be simply ignored. Science popularizers keep telling us how weird it is, how impossible it is to understand. Academics discourage students from working on the "dead end" of quantum foundations. Putting his professional reputation on the line with this audacious yet entirely reasonable book, Carroll says that the crisis can now come to an end. We just have to accept that there is more than one of us in the universe. There are many, many Sean Carrolls. Many of every one of us. Copies of you are generated thousands of times per second. The Many Worlds Theory of quantum behavior says that every time there is a quantum event, a world splits off with everything in it the same, except in that other world the quantum event didn't happen. Step-by-step in Carroll's uniquely lucid way, he tackles the major objections to this otherworldly revelation until his case is inescapably established. Rarely does a book so fully reorganize how we think about our place in the universe. We are on the threshold of a new understanding—of where we are in the cosmos, and what we are made of.

Objev podobné jako Something Deeply Hidden: Quantum Worlds and the Emergence of Spacetime (Defekt) - Sean B. Carroll

cena 269.0 Kč

The Mask of Mirrors : Rook and Rose 1 (Defekt) - Carrick M. A.

Darkly magical and beautifully imagined, The Mask of Mirrors is the unmissable start to the Rook & Rose trilogy, a rich and dazzling fantasy adventure in which a con artist, a vigilante, and a crime lord must unite to save their city.Nightmares are creeping through the city of dreams . . .Renata Virdaux is a con artist who has come to the sparkling city of Nadezra -- the city of dreams -- with one goal: to trick her way into a noble house and secure her fortune and her sister's future.But as she's drawn into the aristocratic world of House Traementis, she realises her masquerade is just one of many surrounding her. And as corrupted magic begins to weave its way through Nadezra, the poisonous feuds of its aristocrats and the shadowy dangers of its impoverished underbelly become tangled -- with Ren at their heart.

Objev podobné jako The Mask of Mirrors : Rook and Rose 1 (Defekt) - Carrick M. A.

cena 139.0 Kč

L'ORÉAL PARIS Color Riche Intense Volume Matte Slim 336 Le Rouge Avant-Garde rtěnka 1,8 gr (30147973)

Rtěnka - červená, hydratační, plné krytí, krémová textura, vydrží po dobu 12 hodin Dobře udržované a upravené rty jsou vizitkou každé ženy. Správně vybraná barva je slušivá a mnohdy ji lze použít i na oční víčka či tváře. Rtěnka L'Oréal Paris vyniká vysokou pigmentací a výborným krytím, takže pro zakrytí přirozené barvy vám postačí jedna vrstva. Díky krémovému složení se jednoduše nanáší. Rty nejen barví, ale také hydratuje. Proti rozpití okrajů je dobré ji olemovat konturovací tužkou. Červená rtěnka L'Oréal Paris vás nadchne odstínem, který si na první pohled zamilujete. Zásadní přednosti rtěnky L'ORÉAL PARIS Color Riche Intense Volume Matte Slim 336 Le Rouge Avant-Garde rtěnka 1,8 gr Rtěnka L'Oréal Paris vytvoří krásné smyslné rty a líčení dotáhne k dokonalosti Sytá pigmentace zajistí plné krytí Díky krémovému složení se snadno nanáší Suchým rtům zaručí perfektní hydrataci Barva rtěnky L'Oréal Paris je červená

Objev podobné jako L'ORÉAL PARIS Color Riche Intense Volume Matte Slim 336 Le Rouge Avant-Garde rtěnka 1,8 gr (30147973)

cena 269.0 Kč

The Adventures of Vaclav the Magnificent and his lovely assistant Lena (Defekt) - Tanner Haley

Funny, heartbreaking, rich and wise, this is a story with the power to cast a spell all of its own.Vaclav and Lena seem destined for each other. They first meet as children at their English class in Brooklyn. Vaclav dreams of becoming a famous magician with Lena as his lovely assistant. But then Lena disappears; it seems that life can play cruel tricks too. Vaclav says goodnight to Lena every night for seven years to keep her safe, and then discovers why she was taken from him. Is their connection strong enough to survive the truth, or is happily ever after only an illusion?

Objev podobné jako The Adventures of Vaclav the Magnificent and his lovely assistant Lena (Defekt) - Tanner Haley

cena 39.0 Kč

L’Oréal Paris Color Riche Intense Volume Matte Slim dlouhotrvající rtěnka s matným efektem 336 ROUGE AVANT-GARDE 1 ks

L’Oréal Paris Color Riche Intense Volume Matte Slim, 1 ks, Rty pro ženy, Krásné zvýrazněné rty nikdy nevyjdou z módy. Rtěnka L’Oréal Paris Color Riche Intense Volume Matte Slim pokryje povrch vašich rtů souvislou vrstvou neodolatelné syté barvy, a perfektně tak podtrhne jakékoli líčení, ať už se chystáte do práce, na schůzku či třeba večírek. Umožní vám však rty nejen zvýraznit, ale také jim dodat žádoucí tvar, případně jim i dopomoci k plnějšímu vzhledu. Během chvilky vám zkrátka pomůže dosáhnout nádherně zbarvených a dokonale tvarovaných rtů, které doslova přitahují pohledy a svádí k polibkům. Vlastnosti: rty vypadají plně a zdravě dlouhotrvající výdrž vysoká pigmentace snadno se nanáší matný efekt Jak používat: Rtěnku naneste jemnými tahy na rty od středu ke koutkům.

Objev podobné jako L’Oréal Paris Color Riche Intense Volume Matte Slim dlouhotrvající rtěnka s matným efektem 336 ROUGE AVANT-GARDE 1 ks

cena 199.0 Kč

The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed out of the Window and Disappeared (Defekt) - Jonas Jonasson

Sitting quietly in his room in an old people's home, Allan Karlsson is waiting for a party he doesn't want to begin. His one-hundredth birthday party to be precise. The Mayor will be there. The press will be there. But, as it turns out, Allan will not . . . Escaping (in his slippers) through his bedroom window, into the flowerbed, Allan makes his getaway. And so begins his picaresque and unlikely journey involving criminals, several murders, a suitcase full of cash, and incompetent police. As his escapades unfold, Allan's earlier life is revealed. A life in which - remarkably - he played a key role behind the scenes in some of the momentous events of the twentieth century.

Objev podobné jako The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed out of the Window and Disappeared (Defekt) - Jonas Jonasson

cena 139.0 Kč

Judicial Law-Making and Judicial Interpretation in Central European Countries: How Can Courts Strengthen or Weaken the Unity of Law? - Pavel Ondřejek

eBook: This book reflects on the changing role of the judiciary in Central Europe. From among the many problems associated with the position of courts in contemporary states, the authors focus on various questions of how the courts’ decision-making can reinforce the overall coherence of the law, rather than contribute to its fragmentation. These questions are as follows, for example: What role can be played by the way judges use interpretation methods in terms of strengthening or weakening the law as a system? Is it legitimate for the courts to formulate, in their decisions, general principles and rules which have a potential to impact a very broad circle of future cases? What is the role of courts in strengthening the unity of law in relation to the other branches of government, and to international bodies and institutions? The first part of the book focuses on the theoretical and doctrinal foundations of judicial law-making in Central European countries. The authors deal with topics concerning the relationship among the judiciary, the constitution and statutory law; legal casuistry, as opposed to a systemic approach to law; judge’s decision-making in a situation where there is no a priori regulation; and the role of settled practice in terms of the traditional doctrine on the sources of law. The second part then deals with pro-systemic and anti-systemic effects of judge-made law and judicial interpretation; this part also tackles the issues of maximalism and minimalism in judicial decision-making; judicial law-making with regard to constitutional complaints; coherence of law in connection with retrospective effects of case law; and finally, the legitimacy of evolutive interpretation in the light of the principles of human rights protection developed by the European Court of Human Rights.

Objev podobné jako Judicial Law-Making and Judicial Interpretation in Central European Countries: How Can Courts Strengthen or Weaken the Unity of Law? - Pavel Ondřejek

cena 835.0 Kč

Myths and Traditions of Central European University Culture (978-80-210-9412-3)

Elektronická kniha - ze série Spisy Filozofické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity, autor Jiří Hanuš, 245 stran, anglicky Publikace si klade za cíl kulturní analýzu univerzitního prostředí, přičemž jejím hlavním analytickým nástrojem je pojem „mýtus“. Autoři chápou mýtus jako kulturní jev spojující současnost akademické sféry s minulostí a jako archetyp ve smyslu psychologie Carla Gustava Junga. Mýtus je podle autorů pevně vázán na symboly, rituály, hierarchické znaky a tradice nejrůznějšího druhu. Kniha představuje americkému a západoevropskému čtenáři univerzitní kulturu vlastní tzv. humboldtovskému okruhu akademické tradice, přičemž v centru pozornosti stojí prostředí českého vysokého školství ve srovnání se situací v Německu, Polsku, Rakousku a dalších zemích. Významným aspektem je proto charakteristika středoevropských univerzit, které prošly ve 20. století diskontinuitním vývojem. Specifikem knihy je preference náhledu akademické kultury...

Objev podobné jako Myths and Traditions of Central European University Culture (978-80-210-9412-3)

cena 382.0 Kč

The Mark and the Void (Defekt) - Paul Murray

While marooned at his banking job in the bewilderingly damp and insular realm known as Ireland, Claude Martingale is approached by a down-on-his-luck author, Paul, looking for his next great subject. Claude finds that his life gets steadily more exciting under Paul's fictionalizing influence; he even falls in love with a beautiful waitress.

Objev podobné jako The Mark and the Void (Defekt) - Paul Murray

cena 49.0 Kč

The Wrath and the Dawn (Defekt) - Renéé Ahdiehová

Every dawn brings horror to a different family in a land ruled by a killer. Khalid, the eighteen-year-old Caliph of Khorasan, takes a new bride each night only to have her executed at sunrise. So it is a terrible surprise when sixteen-year-old Shahrzad volunteers to marry Khalid. But she does so with a clever plan to stay alive and exact revenge on the Caliph for the murder of her best friend and countless other girls. Shazi's wit and will get her through to the dawn that no others have seen, but with a catch . . . she may be falling in love with a murderer. Shazi discovers that the villainous boy-king is not all that he seems and neither are the deaths of so many girls. It's up to her to uncover the reason for the murders and to break the cycle once and for all. "So you would have me throw Shazi to the wolves?" "Shazi? Honestly, I pity the wolves."

Objev podobné jako The Wrath and the Dawn (Defekt) - Renéé Ahdiehová

cena 129.0 Kč

The Hungry and the Fat (Defekt) - Timur Vermes

By the author of Look Who's Back, a radical and bold satire in inequitable times.REFUGEE CAMPS IN AFRICA ARE SWELLINGAnd Europe has closed its borders. The refugees have no future, no hope, and no money to pay the vast sums now demanded by people smugglers. But what they do have is time.AND THEN AN ANGEL ARRIVES FROM REALITY T.V.When German model and star presenter Nadeche Hackenbusch comes to film at the largest of the camps, one young refugee sees a unique opportunity: to organise a march to Europe, in full view of the media. Viewers are gripped as the vast convoy moves closer, but the far right in Germany is regrouping and the government is at a loss. Which country will halt the refugees in their tracks?THE HUNGRY AND THE FATA devastating, close-to-the-knuckle satire about the haves and have-nots in our divided world by one of Europe's finest and most perceptive writers, in which an outlandish conceit follows a kind of impeccable logic to a devastating conclusion.Translated from the German by Jamie Bulloch

Objev podobné jako The Hungry and the Fat (Defekt) - Timur Vermes

cena 69.0 Kč

Insomnia : A Guide to and Consolation for the Restless Early Hours (Defekt) - The School of Life Press

Not being able to sleep is deeply frightening. We panic about our ability to cope with the demands of the next day; we panic that we are panicking; the possibility of sleep recedes ever further as the clock counts down to another exhausted, irritable dawn. Our societies have learnt to treat insomnia with the best applied discipline we know: medicine - in particular, with pills powerful enough to wrestle consciousness into submission. But there are other things to do besides, or alongside, medicalising insomnia. We can reflect on our sleeplessness, define it to ourselves and others, try to understand where it springs from in human nature and speculate on what it might - in its own confused way - be trying to tell us. This book is an eloquent guide to, and companion through, the long sleepless hours of the night. We come away from its soothing pages informed, consoled and armed with insights that will make us feel a lot less alone - as we wait for sleep, eventually, to come.

Objev podobné jako Insomnia : A Guide to and Consolation for the Restless Early Hours (Defekt) - The School of Life Press

cena 159.0 Kč

Myths and Traditions of Central European University Culture - Lukáš Fasora, Jiří Hanuš - e-kniha

eBook: Publikace si klade za cíl kulturní analýzu univerzitního prostředí, přičemž jejím hlavním analytickým nástrojem je pojem „mýtus“. Autoři chápou mýtus jako kulturní jev spojující současnost akademické sféry s minulostí a jako archetyp ve smyslu psychologie Carla Gustava Junga. Mýtus je podle autorů pevně vázán na symboly, rituály, hierarchické znaky a tradice nejrůznějšího druhu. Kniha představuje americkému a západoevropskému čtenáři univerzitní kulturu vlastní tzv. humboldtovskému okruhu akademické tradice, přičemž v centru pozornosti stojí prostředí českého vysokého školství ve srovnání se situací v Německu, Polsku, Rakousku a dalších zemích. Významným aspektem je proto charakteristika středoevropských univerzit, které prošly ve 20. století diskontinuitním vývojem. Specifikem knihy je preference náhledu akademické kultury převážně z pozice ne-metropolitních vysokých škol vzniklých v 19. a 20. století. Autoři pojali svou knihu historicky, ale nebrání se významným aktualizacím. Zajímá je zejména rozpor mezi humboldtovským ideálem a „akademickým kapitalismem“, hledání univerzitní jednoty v rámci diverzifikačních tlaků, tendence k oslabování univerzitních svobod a různé podoby univerzitní samosprávy. Autoři se pokouší svou publikací vyvolat debatu nejen v historických kruzích, ale také u zájemců napříč univerzitní komunitou._x000D_ _x000D_

Objev podobné jako Myths and Traditions of Central European University Culture - Lukáš Fasora, Jiří Hanuš - e-kniha

cena 382.0 Kč

Burlesque and the Art of the Teese / Fetish and the Art of Teese (0060591676)

Kniha - autor Dita von Teese, 256 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá - autor Dita von Teese, 256 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá The "Queen of the New Burlesque" reinvents the world of pin-ups, stripteases, and sexual role play in this beautifully designed double-sided look at modernAmerican burlesque and fetish. Color photos.

Objev podobné jako Burlesque and the Art of the Teese / Fetish and the Art of Teese (0060591676)

cena 953.0 Kč

Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra: Legends of the Bolshoi - Highlights from European Operas - CD (4600383160702)

Hudební CD - Nahráno v letech 1947-1964 OPERAS: Ch. Gounod - „FAUST” G. Verdi - „LA TRAVIATA” R. Leoncavallo - „I PAGLIACCI” Conductors: V. Nebolsin (1, 3, 4), B. Khaikin (2), A. Melik-Pashaev (11, 12) Conductor: A. Orlov (5-10) Conductor: S. Samosud (13) Ivan Kozlovsky, tenor Pavel Lisitsian, baritone Elizaveta Shumskaya, soprano Alexander Pirogov, bass Seznam stop GOUNOD, Charles Francois (1818-1893) „FAUST” Valentin's cavatina (Act II) : P. Lisitsian, baritone / Faust's cavatina (Act III) : I. Kozlovsky, tenor (Violin solo: I. Soloduev) / Terzetto (Act IV) : P. Lisitsian, baritone (Valentin); I. Kozlovsky, tenor (Faust); A. Pirogov, bass (Mephisto) / Valentin's death scene (Act IV) : P. Lisitsian, baritone VERDI, Giuseppe (1813-1901) „LA TRAVIATA” he Song at the Table (Act I) : I. Kozlovsky, tenor (Alfredo); E. Shumskaya, soprano (Violetta) / Scene and aria (Act I) : E. Shumskaya, soprano (Violetta); I. Kozlovsky,...

Objev podobné jako Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra: Legends of the Bolshoi - Highlights from European Operas - CD (4600383160702)

cena 239.0 Kč

The Pancreas: An Integrated Textbook of Basic Science, Medicine, and Surgery (Defekt) - Hans G. Beger

The PANCREASThe newest edition of the essential guide to pancreatic medicine The fourth edition of The Pancreas: An Integrated Textbook of Basic Science, Medicine, and Surgery integrates the cutting-edge research of recent years to update its presentation of this fast-growing subject. It details every known disorder of the pancreas, grounding them in a thorough understanding of pancreatic function, enhanced with high quality illustration and graphs. It also includes step-by-step guidance for relevant endoscopic techniques and surgical procedures.The Pancreas readers will also find: New comprehensive insights into three pancreatic diseases: autoimmune pancreatitis, cystic neoplasms, and neuroendocrine tumorsAn editorial team with decades of clinical and research experience in the US, Europe, and AsiaOver 500 downloadable illustrations for use in scientific presentations The Pancreas is a foundational reference for clinicians and researchers in gastroenterology and gastrointestinal surgery.

Objev podobné jako The Pancreas: An Integrated Textbook of Basic Science, Medicine, and Surgery (Defekt) - Hans G. Beger

cena 3199.0 Kč

Bleach 1: The Death and the Strawberry (Defekt) - Tite Kubo

Ičigo Kurosaki byl normální středoškolský student. Tedy, až na to, že měl dvě šílené sestry, ještě šílenějšího otce, že se rád pral a viděl mrtvé lidi. To poslední byl asi tak nejmenší z jeho problémů. Ičigo s mrtvými vycházel docela dobře – alespoň do chvíle, než se mu v životě objevila záhadná Rukia Kučiki, která mu na krk hodila nebezpečný úkol. Už nestačilo jen mrtvé vidět. Bylo třeba i za ně bojovat.

Objev podobné jako Bleach 1: The Death and the Strawberry (Defekt) - Tite Kubo

cena 89.0 Kč

Bleach 1: The Death and the Strawberry (Defekt) - Tite Kubo

Ičigo Kurosaki byl normální středoškolský student. Tedy, až na to, že měl dvě šílené sestry, ještě šílenějšího otce, že se rád pral a viděl mrtvé lidi. To poslední byl asi tak nejmenší z jeho problémů. Ičigo s mrtvými vycházel docela dobře – alespoň do chvíle, než se mu v životě objevila záhadná Rukia Kučiki, která mu na krk hodila nebezpečný úkol. Už nestačilo jen mrtvé vidět. Bylo třeba i za ně bojovat.

Objev podobné jako Bleach 1: The Death and the Strawberry (Defekt) - Tite Kubo

cena 89.0 Kč

The Boy Who Drew Auschwitz : A Powerful True Story of Hope and Survival (Defekt) - Geve Thomas

We felt an urge to document what we had witnessed. If we who had experienced it, I reasoned, did not reveal the bitter truth, people simply would not believe the extent of the Nazis' evil. I wanted to share our life, the events and our struggle to survive.' Thomas Geve was just 15 years old when he was liberated from Buchenwald concentration camp on 11 April 1945. It was the third concentration camp he had survived. Upon arrival at Auschwitz- Birkenau, Thomas was separated from his mother and left to fend for himself in the men's camp of Auschwitz I, at the age of 13. During the 22 months he was imprisoned, he was subjected to, and forced to observe first-hand, the inhumane world of Nazi concentration camps. On his eventual release Thomas felt compelled to capture daily life in the death camps in more than eighty profoundly moving drawings. Infamous scenarios synonymous with this dark period of history were portrayed in poignant but simplistic detail with extraordinary accuracy. Despite the unspeakable events he experienced, Thomas decided to become an active witness and tell the truth about life in the camps. He has spoken to audiences from around the world and continues to raise awareness about the Holocaust. The Boy Who Drew Auschwitz presents a rare living testimony through the eyes of a child who had the unique ability to observe and remember every detail around him and chose to document it all.

Objev podobné jako The Boy Who Drew Auschwitz : A Powerful True Story of Hope and Survival (Defekt) - Geve Thomas

cena 199.0 Kč

Restraint´s Rewards: Limited Sovereignties, Ancient Values, and the Preamble for a European Constitution - Peter McCormic - e-kniha

eBook: Každá ústava EU do sebe zakrátko bude muset začlenit základní evropské etické hodnoty. Avšak identita těchto hodnot a jejich zdroje zůstávají silně kontroverzní. Peter McCormick znovuobjevuje v kulturních počátcích některých hlavních evropských hodnot základní etickou hodnotu uměřeného a kriticky zdůvodněného omezení všech věcí. Zároveň argumentuje, že z této původní etické hodnoty vyplývá obnovené chápání politické, sociální a individuální suverenity, a to nikoli jako bezmála absolutní, nýbrž jako nutně limitované. Odměna pro politická společenství za plné přijetí takové základní etické hodnoty se ukazuje zahrnovat nevyhnutelnost vlády zákona, ústavnost společenského pluralismu a zakotvení osobní důstojnosti. Any EU constitution tomorrow will need to embody basic European ethical values. Yet the identity of such values and their sources remain strongly controversial. Peter McCormick retrieves from cultural origins of some major European values a basic ethical value of a measured and critically reasoned restraint in all things. At the same time he argues that this originary ethical value entails a renewed understanding of political, social, and individual sovereignties no longer as almost absolute but as necessarily limited. The rewards for polities of fully assuming such a basic ethical value turn out to include the ineluctable necessity for the rule of law, the constitutionalisation of social pluralisms, and the entrenchment of personal dignity.

Objev podobné jako Restraint´s Rewards: Limited Sovereignties, Ancient Values, and the Preamble for a European Constitution - Peter McCormic - e-kniha

cena 110.0 Kč

Sisters of the Moon - Marie-Louise Fitzpatrick

A wonderfully atmospheric story about holistic mysticism, the unexplainable and the power of female friendship. From Carnegie-shortlisted author of On Midnight Beach.Suzy Button is grieving. Grieving for her dead mother, but also for the friends she''s left behind, the father who no longer laughs and the life that she once had. In desperation she finds herself in the garden in the middle of the night, under the light of a supermoon, wishing everything would change.And suddenly, it does.Into school walks Rhiannon, a fearless new girl who makes Suzy her instant best friend. And Rhiannon seems to make things . . . happen. If Suzy wants something, somehow Rhiannon can make it so: friends, beach parties, midnight photoshoots under a moonlit sky . . . Suzy''s life is finally moving forward again.But where did Rhiannon come from? She doesn''t seem to live in Sallycove. Why can''t Suzy go to her house? And why does she never have any stuff? Suzy might be her best friend, but does she really know who Rhiannon is?Marie-Louise Fitzpatrick''s book On Midnight Beach was shortlisted for the CILIP Carnegie Medal in 2021.

Objev podobné jako Sisters of the Moon - Marie-Louise Fitzpatrick

cena 266.0 Kč

Dominican Historical Scholarship of the 19th & 20th Centuries in Outline - A Chapter in the European Intellectual History (anglicky) - Jakub Zouhar

The treatise deals with the historians who were members of the Dominican Order; living personalities were intentionally excluded from the survey. Due to the limited space available, I have focused on selected examples and also indicated internet resources which will allow the identification of more exhaustive bibliographies. I wish to stress that my treatment of the topic makes no claim to be exhaustive.

Objev podobné jako Dominican Historical Scholarship of the 19th & 20th Centuries in Outline - A Chapter in the European Intellectual History (anglicky) - Jakub Zouhar

cena 169.0 Kč

Myths and Traditions of Central European University Culture - Lukáš Fasora, Jiří Hanuš, Fasora L., Hanuš J.

Mýty a tradice středoevropské univerzitní kultury. Publikace si klade za cíl kulturní analýzu univerzitního prostředí, přičemž jejím hlavním analytickým nástrojem je pojem „mýtus“. Autoři chápou mýtus jako kulturní jev spojující současnost akademické sféry s minulostí a jako archetyp ve smyslu psychologie Carla Gustava Junga. Mýtus je podle autorů pevně vázán na symboly, rituály, hierarchické znaky a tradice nejrůznějšího druhu. Kniha představuje americkému a západoevropskému čtenáři univerzitní kulturu vlastní tzv. humboldtovskému okruhu akademické tradice, přičemž v centru pozornosti stojí prostředí českého vysokého školství ve srovnání se situací v Německu, Polsku, Rakousku a dalších zemích. Významným aspektem je proto charakteristika středoevropských univerzit, které prošly ve 20. století diskontinuitním vývojem. Specifikem knihy je preference náhledu akademické kultury převážně z pozice ne-metropolitních vysokých škol vzniklých v 19. a 20. století. Autoři pojali svou knihu historicky, ale nebrání se významným aktualizacím. Zajímá je zejména rozpor mezi humboldtovským ideálem a „akademickým kapitalismem“, hledání univerzitní jednoty v rámci diverzifikačních tlaků, tendence k oslabování univerzitních svobod a různé podoby univerzitní samosprávy. Autoři se pokouší svou publikací vyvolat debatu nejen v historických kruzích, ale také u zájemců napříč univerzitní komunitou.

Objev podobné jako Myths and Traditions of Central European University Culture - Lukáš Fasora, Jiří Hanuš, Fasora L., Hanuš J.

cena 366.0 Kč

The Name of the Wind (Defekt) - Patrick Rothfuss

'I have stolen princesses back from sleeping barrow kings. I burned down the town of Trebon. I have spent the night with Felurian and left with both my sanity and my life. I was expelled from the University at a younger age than most people are allowed in. I tread paths by moonlight that others fear to speak of during day. I have talked to Gods, loved women, and written songs that make the minstrels weep.My name is Kvothe.You may have heard of me'So begins the tale of Kvothe - currently known as Kote, the unassuming innkeepter - from his childhood in a troupe of traveling players, through his years spent as a near-feral orphan in a crime-riddled city, to his daringly brazen yet successful bid to enter a difficult and dangerous school of magic. In these pages you will come to know Kvothe the notorious magician, the accomplished thief, the masterful musician, the dragon-slayer, the legend-hunter, the lover, the thief and the infamous assassin.The Name of the Wind is fantasy at its very best, and an astounding must-read title.

Objev podobné jako The Name of the Wind (Defekt) - Patrick Rothfuss

cena 219.0 Kč

The Tower of the Swallow (Defekt) - Andrzej Sapkowski

Geralt the Witcher races to find his missing ward, Ciri, in this fourth novel in the bestselling Witcher series that inspired the Netflix show and video games.The world has fallen into war. Ciri, the child of prophecy, has vanished. Hunted by friends and foes alike, she has taken on the guise of a petty bandit and lives free for the first time in her life.But the net around her is closing. Geralt, the Witcher, has assembled a group of allies determined to rescue her. Both sides of the war have sent brutal mercenaries to hunt her down. Her crimes have made her famous.There is only one place left to run. The tower of the swallow is waiting...Translated by David French.

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The Name of the Rose (Defekt) - Umberto Eco

The year is 1327. Franciscans in a wealthy Italian abbey are suspected of heresy, and Brother William of Baskerville arrives to investigate. When his delicate mission is suddenly overshadowed by seven bizarre deaths, Brother William turns detective. His tools are the logic of Aristotle, the theology of Aquinas, the empirical insights of Roger Bacon - all sharpened to a glistening edge by wry humor and a ferocious curiosity. He collects evidence, deciphers secret symbols and coded manuscripts, and digs into the eerie labyrinth of the abbey, where "the most interesting things happen at night."

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The Lady of the Lake (Defekt) - Andrzej Sapkowski

After walking through a portal in the Tower of the Swallow, thus narrowly escaping death, the Witcher girl, Ciri, finds herself in a completely different world... a world of the Elves. She is trapped with no way out. Time does not seem to exist and there are no obvious borders or portals to cross back into her home world. But this is Ciri, the child of prophecy, and she will not be defeated. She knows she must escape to finally rejoin the Witcher, Geralt, and his companions - and also to try to conquer her worst nightmare. Leo Bonhart, the man who chased, wounded and tortured Ciri, is still on her trail. And the world is still at war.

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