Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Darkness Visible - William Styron
This is a story of depression a condition that reduced William Styron from a person enjoying life and success as an acclaimed writer, to a man engulfed and menaced by mental anguish. With profound insight and remarkable candor, Styron tracks the progress of his madness, from the smothering misery and exhaustion, to the agony of composing his own suicide note and his eventual, hard-won recovery. Illuminating an illness that affects millions but which remains widely misunderstood, this book is about the darkness of depression, but it is also ultimately about survival and redemption.
Podívejte se také Darkness ()
Dlouhý pochod - William Styron
Autor líčí v této obsáhlé povídce dlouhý cvičný pochod amerických záložníků a působivě zachycuje nejen duševní stavy a rozpad psychických i tělesných sil pochodujících, ale i tupost a bezohlednost vojenské mašinérie, jež je nesmyslným rozkazem přivodí. Novela vzniklá ze zážitků z vojenského výcvikového tábora v Severní Karolíně, kde Styron působil po povolávacím rozkaze v době Korejské války.
Podívejte se také Heart of Darkness
Viditelná temnota - William Styron
Kniha známého spisovatele autentickým a odvážným způsobem zaznamenává jako jedna z prvních svého druhu jeho postupný propad do deprese a následnou cestu k uzdravení. Popisuje události od jeho cesty do Paříže v roce 1985, kdy se začal jeho stav povážlivě zhoršovat, a formou koláže zážitků, sebereflexí, spekulací a reportážního líčení odhaluje příčiny a důsledky deprese, poukazuje na roli této nemoci v životě jiných spisovatelů (Camus, Levi, Gary) a osobností, a vůbec otevírá mnohá do té doby spíše přehlížená témata spojená s depresí. Naléhavost umělecké výpovědi je spojena s mnoha praktickými postřehy a úvahami, a i proto se Viditelná temnota, poslední velké dílo Williama Styrona, stala svého druhu klasikou.
Podívejte se také Princ William - maska celebrit (5060229970602)
Podívejte se také
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- Made in Abyss: Binary Star Falling into Darkness - PS4 (5056280435648)
- Maxwell & Williams Dezertní talíř 20 cm WILLIAM KILBURN, Daydream (WK04520)
- William Charles: Love Is A Very Special Thing - CD (6430077097766)
- Johnny Cash I see a darkness (978-3-551-76837-7)
- Made in Abyss: Binary Star Falling into Darkness - Collectors Edition - PS4 (5056280435709)
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Sophie´s choice - William Styron
Stingo, an inexperienced 22 year old Southerner, takes us back to the summer of 1947 and a boarding house in a leafy Brooklyn suburb. There, he meets Nathan, a fiery Jewish intellectual; and Sophie, a beautiful and fragile Polish Catholic. Ultimately, he arrives at the dark core of Sophie's past: her memories of pre-war Poland, and her choice.
Objev podobné jako Sophie´s choice - William Styron
Sophiina volba - William Styron - audiokniha
Audiokniha: „Nikdy se nemohla vymanit z dusivého vědomí, že v jejím životě byla doba, kdy hrála roli účastnice na plánovaném zločinu.“ V patře jednoho brooklynského penzionu v létě 1947 zatím nic nenasvědčuje tomu, že už by se civilizace otřepala z tragédie, kterou jí způsobila největší válka v dějinách. Přisprostlý Nathan se tu propadá stále hloub do spárů paranoie, kdežto jeho milenku Sophii nepřestávají trýznit zážitky, jimiž si jako polská katolička prošla v osvětimském koncentračním táboře, kde ji sadističtí esesáci přinutili k osudovému rozhodnutí. Co všechno se o jejich patologickém vztahu i o hrůzách holokaustu dozví jejich soused Stingo, jenž v hotýlku pracuje na své prvotině a současně procitá z naivity mládí? Lze vůbec ještě po Osvětimi normálně žít, smát se, věřit ve vyšší dobro nebo psát básně? A jak jinak porazit morální dilemata zplozená Zlem, které nepřišlo shůry, nýbrž se rodí v našem světě a mají ho na svědomí konkrétní lidé? Podle knižní předlohy, která se podle deníku Le Monde řadí mezi sto nejvýznamnějších románů 20. století, natočil roku 1982 režisérAlan J. Pakula stejnojmenný film s Meryl Streepovou (Sophie; za roli oceněna Oscarem), Kevinem Klinem (Nathan) a Peterem MacNicolem (Stingo). Dílo ve formě opery (2002) zhudebnil britský skladatel Nicolas Maw.
Objev podobné jako Sophiina volba - William Styron - audiokniha
Darkness Visible: Philip Pullman and His Dark Materials - Nicholas Tucker
What do Philip Pullman and J.K. Rowling have in common that has made both of their stories so successful? What does Pullman listen to while he writes – and who, or what, is Dust? Pullman’s award-winning trilogy His Dark Materials has been appreciated by readers of all ages. It is now set to welcome new fans as it is adapted for television by the BBC in 2018, and the first part of his new trilogy, The Book of Dust, at last sees publication. Nicholas Tucker, a leading authority on children’s literature, writes about the man he knows as a friend. Unpacking and examining Pullman’s life and the sources he drew on for his masterpiece, he explores the world of science, theology, imagination and adventure that Pullman has created. Including a personal interview with Pullman himself, Darkness Visible offers a unique exploration of the author’s work – and its controversies. “Enigmas from His Dark Materials are unraveled… Unmissable for all Pullman readers" Sussex Express Nicholas Tucker is the author of nine books about children, childhood and reading, including The Child and the Book, (Cambridge University Press, 1981 and 1990). He has also written six books for children, broadcasts frequently and reviews in the national press. He lives in Lewes, East Sussex and sometimes finds himself reading aloud the same books to some of his eight grandchildren as he once did to their mothers and father.
Objev podobné jako Darkness Visible: Philip Pullman and His Dark Materials - Nicholas Tucker
Darkness ()
Audiokniha MP3 - autor Bram Stoker a Edward Frederic Benson, čte Courtney Claar, Roy McCrerey, Sam Kellett a Alex Went Nine steps have led us to the final stage – right into the heart of the DarknessNine steps have led us to the final stage – right into the heart of the Darkness. Aptly enough, the iconic author from Ireland is on the doorstep; Bram Stoker – and with his Dracula to boot. Well, wait a second – not exactly, to be honest. Dracula’s Guest is one of the stories published only after Stoker’s death, and even though Dracula is in the title, he will not make it into the story. Interestingly enough, Jonathan Harker, the actual guest – also does not appear. This short story is actually an original introduction to Dracula. It is a slightly altered version of a chapter of the novel that was discarded during preparations for print.The final story is The Room in the Tower, by Edward Frederic Benson. Strange, unsettling atmosphere is present right from the...
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Kožený pásek Visible
Kožený pásek Visible
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Pruhované pyžamo Visible
Pruhované pyžamo Visible
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Heart of Darkness
Audiokniha MP3 Joseph Conrad, čte Rodilý mluvčí Audiokniha Heart of Darkness namluvená rodilým mluvčím. Jazyková úroveň C2 pro posluchače experty. Marlow, a man who has spent his life at sea, tells the story of a journey up the River Congo which changed his life. His journey upriver to find Kurtz, the charismatic head of a colonial trading station, takes him into the very heart of Africa and leads Marlow to question both Kurtz’s dubious methods and his own very nature. Conrad’s dark and powerfully evocative tale is a compelling study of inner conflict and a devastating critique of European imperialism.
Objev podobné jako Heart of Darkness
Darkness II (4172)
Hra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: střílečky, The Darkness II zavede hráče na brutální cestu Jackieho Estacady, nositele Temnoty, starobylé a bezohledné síly chaosu a destrukce. The Darkness II není jen obyčejnou FPS střílečkou, její námět hledejte v komiksové sérii vytvořené Top Cow Productions, Inc. Ve hře budete moci předměty sbírat či vrhat na nepřátele pomocí svých démonických paží a zároveň střílet dvěma zbraněmi. Zpracování je postaveno na protikladu světla a tmy v rámci temného vyprávění, které je zobrazeno ručními kresbami ve stylu noir, takže je hra věrná své komiksové předloze.The Darkness II zavede hráče na brutální cestu Jackieho Estacady, nositele Temnoty, starobylé a bezohledné síly chaosu a destrukce. The Darkness II není jen obyčejnou FPS střílečkou, její námět hledejte v komiksové sérii vytvořené Top Cow Productions, Inc. Ve hře budete moci předměty sbírat či vrhat na nepřátele pomocí svých démonických paží a zároveň...
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Celio Visible Pyžamo Modrá
Visible Pyžamo - Celio - Modrá.
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Celio Visible Pyžamo Modrá
Visible Pyžamo - Celio - Modrá.
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Celio Visible Pyžamo Modrá
Visible Pyžamo - Celio - Modrá.
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Darkness Falls - Robert Bryndza
Kate Marshall's detective agency takes off when she and her partner Tristan are hired to investigate a cold case from over a decade ago. Twelve years previously, a determined young journalist called Joanna Duncan exposed a political scandal that had major repercussions. In the fallout she disappeared without trace and was never found.When Kate and Tristan examine the case files, they find the trail long cold, but they discover the names of two young men who also vanished at that time. As she begins to connect their last days, Kate realizes that Joanna may have been onto something far more sinister than anyone first believed: the identity of a serial killer preying on the people who few will ever miss.But the closer Kate comes to finding the killer, the darker things become . . .
Objev podobné jako Darkness Falls - Robert Bryndza
Darkness: Motorheart - CD (0711297530520)
Hudební CD - Motorheart je sedmé studiové album britské hardrockové skupiny The Darkness vydané v roce 2021. Motorheart je sedmé studiové album britské hardrockové skupiny The Darkness vydané v roce 2021. Rok vydání : 2021 Seznam stop CD Welcome Tae Glasgae / It's Love, Jim / Motorheart / The Power and the Glory of Love / Jussy's Girl / Sticky Situations / Nobody Can See Me Cry / Eastbound / Speed of the Nite Time
Objev podobné jako Darkness: Motorheart - CD (0711297530520)
Dreadbox Darkness Modulární systém
DARKNESS je Granular Pitch Shifter, následuje slavný veľký Reverb nalezený na drukizátore Typhon a končí gate generátorom. Okrem toho exisuj jako mikro looper, který dokáže otřást 150 ms vstupního signálu k vytvoření efektu chladu. Adaptér 9VDC style center pin negative 2.1mm. Napájecí zdroj není součástí balení. Napájení: Adaptér Ovládání: Kontrola;Decay;Mix;Momentary On/Off Šířka (cm): 10.0 Typy efektů: Reverb;Filter;Pitch Shifter Sound Engine: Digitální Typ: Reverb Balení obsahuje: Manuál Vstupy: Unbalanced Jack 6,3 mm TS Výška (cm): 14.0 Hloubka (cm): 5.6 Výstupy: Unbalanced Jack 6,3 mm TS Sluchátkový výstup: Ne Barva: Modrá;Tmavá modrá Bluetooth: Ne Provoz na baterie: Ne Země původu: Čína Adaptér součástí: Ne Aftertouch: Ne Arpeggiator: Ne Filtr: Ano Displej: Ne
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Darkness Falls - Knight Alex
Twenty years ago, her brother was murdered. Tonight, she's found his killer.Thessaly Hanlon is four hours into a long drive home through the night when she pulls into a 24-hour roadside diner to take a break. She's exhausted, but when she hears a chillingly familiar voice from the next booth, she wonders if he'll ever sleep again.The voice is unmistakable. It belongs to Casper Sturgis, the man who murdered Thessaly's brother two decades before, and then disappeared without a trace.Thessaly makes the decision to follow the killer. As Thessaly begins to unravel the second life of Casper Sturgis, she finds that digging into the past can have deadly consequences...
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The Visible World - Mark Slouka
'My mother knew a man during the war. Theirs was a love story, and like any good love story, it left blood on the floor and wreckage in its wake'. As a boy growing up in New York, his parents' memories of their Czech homeland seem to belong to another world, as distant and unreal as the fairy tales his father tells him. It is only as an adult, when he makes his own journey to Prague, that he is finally able to piece together the truth of his parents' past: what they did, who his mother loved, and why they were never able to forget.
Objev podobné jako The Visible World - Mark Slouka
Moby: All Visible Objects - CD (8717931337809)
Hudební CD - 17. album hudebního génia a žánrového chameleona Mobyho. 17. album hudebního génia a žánrového chameleona Mobyho. Seznam stop Morningside / My Only Love / Refuge / One Last Time / Power Is Taken / Rise Up In Love / Forever / Too Much Change / Separation / Tecie / All Visible Objects
Objev podobné jako Moby: All Visible Objects - CD (8717931337809)
The Visible World (Defekt) - Mark Slouka
'My mother knew a man during the war. Theirs was a love story, and like any good love story, it left blood on the floor and wreckage in its wake'. As a boy growing up in New York, his parents' memories of their Czech homeland seem to belong to another world, as distant and unreal as the fairy tales his father tells him. It is only as an adult, when he makes his own journey to Prague, that he is finally able to piece together the truth of his parents' past: what they did, who his mother loved, and why they were never able to forget.
Objev podobné jako The Visible World (Defekt) - Mark Slouka
The Beauty of Darkness (1250115310)
Kniha - autor Mary E. Pearson, 688 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The third and final book in the New York Times-bestselling Remnant Chronicles. Lia has survived Venda?but so has a great evil bent on the destruction of Morrighan. And only Lia can stop it. With war on the horizon, Lia has no choice but to assume her role as First Daughter, as soldier?as leader. While she struggles to reach Morrighan and warn them, she finds herself at cross-purposes with Rafe and suspicious of Kaden, who has hunted her down. In this heart-stopping conclusion to the Remnant Chronicles trilogy that started with The Kiss of Deception and The Heart of Betrayal, traitors must be rooted out, sacrifices must be made, and impossible odds must be overcome as the future of every kingdom hangs in the balance. New York Times-bestselling author Mary E. Pearson's combination of intrigue, suspense, romance, and action makes this a riveting YA page-turner for teens. Read all...
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The Darkness Outside Us (0062888285)
Kniha - autor Eliot Schrefer, 416 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá They Both Die at the End meets The Loneliest Girl in the Universe in this mind-bending sci-fi mystery and tender love story about two boys aboard a spaceship sent on a rescue mission, from two-time National Book Award finalist Eliot Schrefer. Stonewall Honor Award winner! Two boys, alone in space. Sworn enemies sent on the same rescue mission. Ambrose wakes up on the Coordinated Endeavor with no memory of a launch. There's more that doesn't add up: evidence indicates strangers have been on board, the ship's operating system is voiced by his mother, and his handsome, brooding shipmate has barricaded himself away. But nothing will stop Ambrose from making his mission succeed-not when he's rescuing his own sister. In order to survive the ship's secrets, Ambrose and Kodiak will need to work together and learn to trust each other . . . especially once they discover what they are truly up...
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Out of Darkness - Alex Gray
***Your favourite Scottish detective returns in this brand new mystery in the Sunday Times bestselling series***PRAISE FOR ALEX GRAY''Warm-hearted, atmospheric . . . with a very interesting twist'' ANN CLEEVES''An exciting procedural'' SUNDAY TIMES''Convincing Glaswegian atmosphere and superior writing'' THE TIMES__________DSI William Lorimer and his wife Maggie are taking their first extended holiday for the first time in years, and they''re looking for an adventure. What better place than Zimbabwe, with its bustling cities and beautiful scenery?Back in Glasgow, PC Daniel Kohi, former inspector with the Zimbabwean police, finds himself uncomfortably close to a murder investigation. Why did the murdered man appear at Daniel''s house just hours before he was killed? And how he is connected to the troubled family history of Netta Gordon, Daniel''s dear friend and lodger?But it''s not just Netta''s history that''s about to resurface. For in Zimbabwe, rumours are circulating about Daniel Kohi, and the couple from Scotland who appear to know him. Rumours which could place the Lorimers in unimaginable peril.__________ ''One of the best is Alex Gray'' LITERARY REVIEW''Immensely exciting and atmospheric'' ALEXANDER MCCALL SMITH''Move over Rebus'' DAILY MAIL''Relentless and intriguing'' PETER MAY
Objev podobné jako Out of Darkness - Alex Gray
Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad
HarperCollins is proud to present its range of best-loved, essential classics.`The reaches opened before us and closed behind, as if the forest had stepped leisurely across the water to bar the way for our return. We penetrated deeper and deeper into the heart of darkness.'At the peak of European Imperialism, steamboat captain Charles Marlow travels deep into the African Congo on his way to relieve the elusive Mr Kurtz, an ivory trader renowned for his fearsome reputation. On his journey into the unknown Marlow takes a terrifying trip into his own subconscious, overwhelmed by his menacing, perilous and horrifying surroundings.The landscape and the people he meets force him to reflect on human nature and society, and in turn Conrad writes revealingly about the dangers of imperialism.
Objev podobné jako Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad
Mapping the Darkness - Kenneth Miller
The astonishing true story behind sleep science: from staying awake for 115 consecutive hours to living in a cave for 32 days
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Darkness at Noon - Arthur Koestler
A brilliant new translation of Koestler''s long-lost original manuscript. A chilling and unforgettable 20th century classic.From a prison cell in an unnamed country run by a totalitarian government Rubashov reflects. Once a powerful player in the regime, mercilessly dispensing with anyone who got in the way of his party’s aims, Rubashov has had the tables turned on him. He has been arrested and he’ll be interrogated, probably tortured and certainly executed.Darkness at Noon is as gripping as a thriller and a seminal work of twentieth-century literature. Published in Great Britain in 1940, it was feted by George Orwell, went on to be translated into thirty languages and is considered the finest work of pre-eminent European master, Arthur Koestler. And yet the novel’s worldwide reputation has, for over seventy years, been based on the first incomplete and inexpert English translation – Koestler’s original manuscript was lost when he fled the German occupation of Paris in 1940.In 2016, a student discovered that long-lost manuscript in a Zurich archive. At last, with the publication of this new translation of the rediscovered original, Koestler’s masterpiece can be experienced afresh and in its entirety for the first time.THE NEW TRANSLATION BY PHILIP BOEHM
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Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad
Marlow, a seaman and wanderer, recounts his physical and psychological journey in search of the infamous ivory trader Kurtz: dying, insane, and guilty of unspeakable atrocities. Travelling upriver to the heart of the African continent, he gradually becomes obsessed by this enigmatic, wraith-like figure.
Objev podobné jako Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad
The Darkness - Pinewood Smile (LP)
Subžánr: Rock;Hard Rock Žánr: Rock;Hard Rock Země původu: Německo Balení obsahuje: LP Barva: Černá Země interpreta: Spojené království Typ: Album;Gatefold Sleeve;LP deska Barva podle výrobce: Black Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Vydavatelství: Cooking Vinyl Interpret / Téma: The Darkness Datum vydání: 2017-10-06 Rok vydání: 2017.0 Varianta: Pinewood Smile (LP) Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Složení setu: 1 ks
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William Blake - William Blake
'To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour' William BlakeWilliam Blake was a poet and artist. Born in Soho in the eighteenth century, the son of a shopkeeper, he is now acclaimed as a radical left-field artist. Most recently, the Tate held an exhibition of his work: 'Magnificent ...reveal's Blake's vision at its most vivid and strange' GUARDIANBlake's written work was equally vivid. A major poet of the Romantic age, the full range of his poetry includes the joyful and sorrowful, the childlike and complex - and illustrates his original and prophetic vision. Considered mad by contemporaries for his idiosyncratic opinions, he is now revered for the depth of his poetry and art, and the philosophical undercurrents intrinsic to all his creative work.'If the Sun and Moon should ever doubt, they'd immediately go out''The imagination is not a state; it is the human existence itself'
Objev podobné jako William Blake - William Blake
William Morris ABC - Morris William
Learn first words with William Morris'' iconic designs in this beautifully illustrated board book. Starting with a for apple and ending with z for zebra, this is a stylish introduction to first words for very young children - the perfect gift for art and design-loving parents. Published in association with the V&A Museum, your purchase helps the V&A to enrich people''s lives as the world''s leading museum of art and design.
Objev podobné jako William Morris ABC - Morris William
William Shakespeare - William Shakespeare - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Původní LP komplet DV 15192 s ukázkami z her WILLIAMA SHAKESPEARA (*asi 23.4.1564 - †23. 4. 1616) vydal Supraphon v roce 1963. K výročí 400 let od jeho úmrtí vydáváme tento titul poprvé digitálně. Komplet obsahuje ukázky z her Král Lear, Hamlet, Bouře, Macbeth, Kupec benátský, Večer tříkrálový aneb cokoli chcete, Zkrocení zlé ženy, Julius Caesar, Jak se vám líbí, Othello, Veselé Windsorské paničky a Sen noci svatojánské. Jsou zde zachyceny skvělé herecké výkony Zdeňka Štěpánka, Eduarda Kohouta, Radovana Lukavského, Otomara Krejči, Ladislava Boháče, Jana Pivce, Dany Medřické, Vlasty Fabianové a mnoha dalších, dnes již legendárních umělců.
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DEF Visible Layer T-Shirt pink/white - S
DEF100% Original GuaranteedHigh ComfortImported
Objev podobné jako DEF Visible Layer T-Shirt pink/white - S
KATY PERRY Katy Perry's Indi Visible EdP
Parfémovaná voda - dámská, květinová vůně Rádi byste si pořídili parfémovanou vodu, kterou si vaše okolí nebude moct vynachválit? KATY PERRY Katy Perry's Indi Visible EdP nabízí dokonalou vůni pro ženy. Pro tuto parfémovanou vodu je charakteristická květinová příměs, ve které nechybí tóny růží, jasmínu nebo i fialky. Neméně podstatnou součástí parfémované vody je vůně mošusu, tedy takzvaného pižma, jež vyzdvihuje ostatní tóny. Tato parfémovaná voda se hodí pro běžný den, nejlépe ale sedí během letních dní. KATY PERRY Katy Perry's Indi Visible EdP je originálně z Ameriky. Podstatné přednosti parfémované vody KATY PERRY Katy Perry's Indi Visible EdP Parfémovaná voda ideální pro ženy Hlavním aroma je květinová vůně Vedlejší vůně KATY PERRY Katy Perry's Indi Visible EdP: mošusová Tato parfémovaná voda vznikla v Americe
Objev podobné jako KATY PERRY Katy Perry's Indi Visible EdP
DEF Visible Layer T-Shirt blue/white - S
DEF100% Original GuaranteedHigh ComfortImported
Objev podobné jako DEF Visible Layer T-Shirt blue/white - S
DEF Visible Layer T-Shirt black/white - S
DEF100% Original GuaranteedHigh ComfortImported
Objev podobné jako DEF Visible Layer T-Shirt black/white - S
Katy Perry Indi Visible - EDP 100 ml
Indi Visible od Katy Perry je výrazná orientální vůně pro ženy. Hlavu tvoří růžový pepř, rum a švestka. Srdce patří kokosu, gardénii a fazoli tonka. V základu se rozvoní pačuli, santalové dřevo a pižmové akordy. S touto vůní vás už nikdo nepřehlédne. Vůně byla uvedena na trh v roce 2018.
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Darkness Positive: Pre Vás - LP (8588008957264)
LP vinyl - 10 let na scéně, během kterých kapela vydala 4 studiová alba, jeden živák a jejich fanouškovská základna se pomalu ale jistě rozrůstá díky nenapodobitelnému stylu hraní, skvělým koncertem a textům, které trefným způsobem reflektují banální i vážná témata. 10 let na scéně, během kterých kapela vydala 4 studiová alba, jeden živák a jejich fanouškovská základna se pomalu ale jistě rozrůstá díky nenapodobitelnému stylu hraní, skvělým koncertem a textům, které trefným způsobem reflektují banální i vážná témata. Aktuální album ,,Pre vás,, je k dispozici na CD i LP. Rok vydání 2023 Seznam stop Broke / Opálená / Dramaqueen / 14 dní / Horny Morning / Štvorkolesová / 10 rokov / Rozmaznané Pussies
Objev podobné jako Darkness Positive: Pre Vás - LP (8588008957264)
Darkness Positive: Pre Vás - CD (8588008957257)
Hudební CD - 10 let na scéně, během kterých kapela vydala 4 studiová alba, jeden živák a jejich fanouškovská základna se pomalu ale jistě rozrůstá díky nenapodobitelnému stylu hraní, skvělým koncertem a textům, které trefným způsobem reflektují banální i vážná témata. 10 let na scéně, během kterých kapela vydala 4 studiová alba, jeden živák a jejich fanouškovská základna se pomalu ale jistě rozrůstá díky nenapodobitelnému stylu hraní, skvělým koncertem a textům, které trefným způsobem reflektují banální i vážná témata. Aktuální album ,,Pre vás,, je k dispozici na CD i LP. Rok vydání 2023 Seznam stop Broke / Opálená / Dramaqueen / 14 dní / Horny Morning / Štvorkolesová / 10 rokov / Rozmaznané Pussies
Objev podobné jako Darkness Positive: Pre Vás - CD (8588008957257)
Lust For Darkness - PC DIGITAL (1604422)
Hra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: dobrodružná, Propojení dvou světůPsychologický horor na hranici dvou propletených světů. Zajímavá zápletka s erotickými a okultními tématy provází postavu hráče viktoriánským sídlem Yelvertonů a zvrácenou zemí inspirovanou Lovecraftovými díly a obrazy Zdzisława Beksińského. Viktoriánské sídlo zveJonathan Moon obdrží dopis od své manželky, která se před rokem ztratila. Po informacích ze zprávy míří do odlehlého sídla, kde se odehrává okultní obřad Eldritch. Brány do jiného světa - světská, zvrácená země Lusst’ghaa se otevírá. Doporučené HW požadavkyOperační systémWindows 7 / 8 / 10ProcesorIntel Core i5-8400, AMD Ryzen 5 1600GrafikaRadeon RX 580 / Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 6GBDirectX11.0RAM16 GBHDD15 GB Minimální HW požadavkyOperační systémWindows 7/ 8 /...
Objev podobné jako Lust For Darkness - PC DIGITAL (1604422)
Sigur Rós - Variations On Darkness (LP)
Žánr: Rock Typ: LP deska;Album Subžánr: Rock Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009;2020 - 2029 Hmotnost: 180 g Složení setu: 1 ks Balení obsahuje: LP Barva podle výrobce: Black Země interpreta: Island Barva: Černá Země původu: Evropská unie Rok vydání: 2019.0 Datum vydání: 2019-09-08 Vydavatelství: Krunk Varianta: Variations On Darkness Interpret / Téma: Sigur Rós
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BAAGL Skate Darkness Školní set Šedá
Skate Darkness Školní set - BAAGL - Šedá.
Objev podobné jako BAAGL Skate Darkness Školní set Šedá
Darkness Kompendium - Kniha 4 - Phil Hester
Velkoformátová kniha o 640 stranách obsahuje dalších 26 dílů velmi úspěšné série Darkness.Jackie Estacado byl proklet i obdarován temnou silou Darkness. Díky ní dokáže vstupovat do jiných dimenzí a využívat tamní démony i temnou energii, avšak žádná věc na světě není zadarmo a není horších démonů, než jsou ti, které si člověk nosí sám v sobě. Jackie získává nového zaměstnavatele a bude se muset postavit celým hordám nepřátel, a to jak přirozených, tak i z hlubin pekelných.Svazek obsahuje:- sešity 67–89 série Darkness a 3 povídky Darkness: Lodbookova paže, Oheň a stín a Řezník- 640 barevných stran- unikátní, nikdy nepublikovanou obálku- galerii bonusů- unikátní číslo výtisku- speciální stranu se jmény všech kupujících, kteří knihu zakoupili v předprodeji
Objev podobné jako Darkness Kompendium - Kniha 4 - Phil Hester
Darkness: Easter In Cancelled - CD (0711297523621)
Hudební CD - The Darkness je britská glam rocková a glam metalová skupina, která působila v letech 2000 až 2007. Vydala dvě úspěšná alba, několik singlů a vrátila do hry zapomenutý glam rock. V roce 2011 oznámila comeback doprovázený novým albem a turné. The Darkness je britská glam rocková a glam metalová skupina, která působila v letech 2000 až 2007. Vydala dvě úspěšná alba, několik singlů a vrátila do hry zapomenutý glam rock. V roce 2011 oznámila comeback doprovázený novým albem a turné. Seznam stop Rock and Roll Deserves to Die / How Can I Lose Your Love / Live 'Til I Die / Heart Explodes / Deck Chair / Easter is Cancelled / Heavy Metal Lover / In Another Life / Choke on It / We Are the Guitar Men Bonus Laylow / Different Eyes / Confirmation Bias / Sutton Hoo
Objev podobné jako Darkness: Easter In Cancelled - CD (0711297523621)
A Darkness Returns - Raymond Elias Feist
As worlds collide… Hatushaly, last scion of the Firemane dynasty, his beloved Hava, and their dubious friend Donte have been transported across space and time from the war-torn world of Garn to the relative peace of Midkemia. There, on Sorcerer's Isle, under the guidance of the magician Magnus and his erstwhile father Pug, in his reincarnated form, Hatu will explore and expand his unique magical abilities. With the evil Pride Lords defeated, the Church of the One has risen to bring death and destruction to his home world.The Church is sending forces against Marquensas, where Daylon is now king, and Declan Smith finds himself suddenly and unexpectedly raised to the status of prince and war commander. But an even greater menace than the Church of the One lies in wait, a creature from the Void, bent on the destruction of all living things. Pug, Nakor and Magnus will need to join forces with Hatu, Hava and Declan if they are to save the worlds of Midkemia and Garn from everlasting darkness… A spectacular new epic series from the globally bestselling author of MAGICIAN.
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The Instruments of Darkness - John Connolly
''John Connolly is the creator of a unique blend of thriller and horror who receives rave reviews every time'' Sunday Telegraph''A moving entry in a remarkable series'' Irish TimesA Child Missing. A Mother Accused. Charlie Parker Is Their Only Hope.In Maine, Colleen Clark stands accused of the worst crime a mother can commit: the abduction and possible murder of her child. Everyone - ambitious politicians in an election season, hardened police, ordinary folk - has an opinion on the case, and most believe she is guilty.But most is not all. Defending Colleen is the lawyer Moxie Castin, and working alongside him is the private investigator Charlie Parker, who senses the tale has another twist, one involving a husband too eager to accept his wife''s guilt, a disgraced psychic seeking redemption, and an old crooked house deep in the Maine woods, a house that should never have been built.A house, and what dwells beneath.''Dark and dangerous ... but where there is also kindness, loyalty, love. Ultimately, it''s a story of hope'' IRISH EXAMINER
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The Darkness Within Us - Tricia Levensellerová
Chrysantha Stathos has won. By hiding her intelligence and ambition behind the mask of a beautiful air-headed girl, she has become a wealthy duchess. And, once her elderly husband dies, she will have all the freedom, money, and safety she's ever wanted. Or so she thought. A man claiming to be the estranged grandson of Chrysantha's lecherous late husband has turned up to steal her inheritance. To make matters worse, her little sister is going to be queen and is rubbing it in her face. Chrysantha decides that the only thing to do is upstage Alessandra at her own wedding. And as for this grandson, he has to go. Never mind that he's extremely handsome and secretive with mysterious powers...No, Chrysantha wants Eryx Demos dead, and in the end, a Stathos girl always gets what she wants.
Objev podobné jako The Darkness Within Us - Tricia Levensellerová
The Masters of Darkness - Joe Dever
You have achieved the impossible and escaped the shadowy void of the Daziarn. But there is no time to rest. Poised to conquer Magnamund, their victory all but assured, you must travel to the heart of the Darklands and confront the MASTERS OF DARKNESS. Archlord Gnaag awaits you in the Black City, and your battle against this overlord of evil will determine the fate of your world! The ultimate challenge lies ahead in the Magnakai saga’s exciting and terrifying climax!The DEFINITIVE EDITION series from Holmgard Press is the first time Joe Dever''s epic 32-book saga has been produced in one consistent format. Drawing on the best artwork from across the years, edited by dedicated Lone Wolf scholars at Scriptarium and Project Aon - and with new additional material compiled by Authors August Hahn, Vincent Lazzari, and Joe''s son Ben Devere - the DEFINITIVE EDITION series is the authoritative lasting testament to the world of Lone Wolf.
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Everything the Darkness Eats - Eric LaRocca
An insidious darkness threatens to devastate a rural New England village when occult forces are conjured and when bigotry is left unrestrained. After a recent string of disappearances in a small Connecticut town, a grieving widower with a grim secret is drawn into a dangerous ritual of dark magic by a powerful and mysterious older gentleman named Heart Crowley. Meanwhile, a member of local law enforcement tasked with uncovering the culprit responsible for the bizarre disappearances soon begins to learn of a current of unbridled hatred simmering beneath the guise of the town's idyllic community - a hatred that will eventually burst and forever change the lives of those who once found peace in the quiet town of Henley's Edge.From the Bram Stoker Award (R)-nominated author of the viral sensation, Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke, Everything the Darkness Eats is a haunting supernatural thriller from a new and exciting voice in genre fiction.
Objev podobné jako Everything the Darkness Eats - Eric LaRocca
Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Audiokniha Heart of Darkness namluvená rodilým mluvčím. Jazyková úroveň C2 pro posluchače experty. Marlow, a man who has spent his life at sea, tells the story of a journey up the River Congo which changed his life. His journey upriver to find Kurtz, the charismatic head of a colonial trading station, takes him into the very heart of Africa and leads Marlow to question both Kurtz’s dubious methods and his own very nature. Conrad’s dark and powerfully evocative tale is a compelling study of inner conflict and a devastating critique of European imperialism.
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The Darkness Within Us - Tricia Levensellerová
Chrysantha Stathos has won.By hiding her intelligence and ambition behind the mask of a beautiful air-headed girl, she has become a wealthy duchess. And, once her elderly husband dies, she will have all the freedom, money, and safety she's ever wanted.Or so she thought.A man claiming to be the estranged grandson of Chrysantha's lecherous late husband has turned up to steal her inheritance. To make matters worse, her little sister is going to be queen and is rubbing it in her face.Chrysantha decides that the only thing to do is upstage Alessandra at her own wedding. And as for this grandson, he has to go.Never mind that he's extremely handsome and secretive with mysterious powers . . .No, Chrysantha wants Eryx Demos dead, and in the end, a Stathos girl always gets what she wants.
Objev podobné jako The Darkness Within Us - Tricia Levensellerová
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