Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

Consider the Lobster - David Foster Wallace

Do lobsters feel pain? Did Franz Kafka have a sick sense of humour? What is John Updike's deal anyway? And who won the Adult Video News' Female Performer of the Year Award the same year Gwyneth Paltrow won her Oscar? David Foster Wallace answers these questions and more in his new book of hilarious non-fiction. For this collection, David Foster Wallace immerses himself in the three-ring circus that is the presidential race in order to document one of the most vicious campaigns in recent history. Later he strolls from booth to booth at a lobster festival in Maine and risks life and limb to get to the bottom of the lobster question.Then he wheedles his way into an L.A. radio studio, armed with tubs of chicken, to get the behind-the-scenes view of a conservative talkshow featuring a host with an unnatural penchant for clothing that only looks good on the radio. In what is sure to be a much-talked-about exploration of distinctly modern subjects, one of the sharpest minds of our time delves into some of life's most delicious topics.

Podívejte se také Bowie David: The Man Who Sold The World - LP (9029513293)

cena 329.0 Kč

Infinite Jest - David Foster Wallace

Somewhere in the not-so-distant future the residents of Ennet House, a Boston halfway house for recovering addicts, and students at the nearby Enfield Tennis Academy are ensnared in the search for the master copy of INFINITE JEST, a movie said to be so dangerously entertaining its viewers become entranced and expire in a state of catatonic bliss . . . 'Wallace's exuberance and intellectual impishness are a delight, and he has deep things to say about the hollowness of contemporary American pleasure . . . sentences and whole pages are marvels of cosmic concentration . . . Wallace is a superb comedian of culture' James Wood, GUARDIAN.

Podívejte se také Bílý BELIANI FOSTER (beliani_155809)

cena 357.0 Kč

Krátké rozhovory s odpornými muži - David Foster Wallace

V Krátkých rozhovorech s odpornými muži (1999) podává David Foster Wallace zprávu o lidských bytostech zasažených úzkostí, nejistotou a osamoceností. Formálně rozmanitý soubor povídek je jakousi verbální anatomií vztahu mezi pohlavími, výpravou do světa myslí a těl "prozacového národa". Titulní cyklus, který prorůstá celou knihou, má podobu přepisu rozhovorů s 18 muži, jejichž promluvy jsou formovány nepřítomností tázající osoby. Strach mužů z ženských soudů tu ústí v egománii, mizogynii a objektivizaci svého protějšku. Wallacovy prozaické útvary jsou obydleny personalizovanými postoji, s nimiž by se málokdo chtěl identifikovat, které se ale mnohým budou zdát až znepokojivě povědomé. Mluví tu přízraky, nebo skutečné osoby v nás?

Podívejte se také BELIANI FOSTER černý (beliani_73596)

cena 322.0 Kč

String Theory: David Foster Wallace on Tennis. A Library of America Special Publication (1598534807)

Kniha - autor David Foster Wallace, 138 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá A classic work from the late author of "Infinite Jest", this collects his 5 essays on tennis. Once a 'near-great junior tennis player' himself, he profiles Roger Federer and Tracy Austin and writes about tennis with the authority of an insider.

Objev podobné jako String Theory: David Foster Wallace on Tennis. A Library of America Special Publication (1598534807)

cena 432.0 Kč

Neobyvatelná Země - David Wallace-Wells - e-kniha

eBook: Je to mnohem horší, než jste si mysleli… Snad nejzrádnější stránkou klimatické krize je její nenápadnost a zdánlivá pomalost. Roční období se střídají, moře zůstává na svém místě, někdy prší méně, někdy více. To jen v médiích se míhá kaleidoskop apokalypsy: tající permafrost, hořící lesy, ubývající ledovce, města bez vody. Oteplování planety se z hlediska každodenního života zdá být nahodilým označením nespojitých katastrof. Mezinárodní bestseller Neobyvatelná Země tento dojem nemilosrdně vyvrací. Novinář David Wallace-Wells přečetl stovky analýz a vyzpovídal desítky vědců, aby obyvatelům Země vystavil drsný účet: nejenže všechno souvisí se vším, ale krize se brzy projeví i v oné zatím nedotčené každodennosti. Wallace-Wellsův cestopis po blízké budoucnosti tak líčí pandemie, nedostatek potravin a politický kolaps — je to volání po změně, které už nelze ignorovat. ––– Pokud nechceme, aby nás vnoučata proklínala, tak bychom si raději měli přečíst tuhle knihu.– Timothy Snyder, historik Ať už jste zprávy o klimatických změnách zaspali, nebo se jim vyhýbáte, tato kniha vás probere. A jestli jste do současného klimatického dramatu ponořeni, Wallace-Wellsův hlas a perspektiva vás ještě víc vyburcuje.– The Guardian Nejlepší kniha roku podle The New Yorker, Time, The Economist, The New York Times a dalších médií

Objev podobné jako Neobyvatelná Země - David Wallace-Wells - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Neobyvatelná Země - Život po oteplení - David Wallace-Wells

Je to mnohem horší, než jste si mysleli… Možná nejzrádnější stránka klimatické krize je její nenápadnost a zdánlivá pomalost. Roční období se střídají, moře zůstává na svém místě, někdy prší méně, někdy více. To jen v médiích se míhá kaleidoskop apokalypsy: tající permafrost, hořící lesy, ubývající ledovce, města bez vody a tak dále. Zahřívání planety se z hlediska každodenního života zdá být nahodilým označením nespojitých katastrof. Mezinárodní bestseller Neobyvatelná Země tento dojem nemilosrdně bourá. Novinář David Wallace-Wells přečetl stovky analýz a vyzpovídal desítky vědců, aby předložil obyvatelům Země drsný účet: nejenže všechno souvisí se vším, ale brzy se krize projeví i v oné zatím nedotčené každodennosti. Wallace-Wellsův cestopis po blízké budoucnosti tak lemují nedostatek potravin, pandemie, politický kolaps — a volání po změně, které už nelze ignorovat.

Objev podobné jako Neobyvatelná Země - Život po oteplení - David Wallace-Wells

cena 330.0 Kč

The Maiden - Kate Foster

The Times Bestseller'A masterpiece' - Janice Hallett, bestselling author of The Appeal 'Exceptional - a tense, thrilling investigation, with a decidedly feminist slant' - Daily MailInspired by a real-life case, Kate Foster's The Maiden is a remarkable story with a feminist revisionist twist, giving a voice to women otherwise silenced by history. Winner of the Bloody Scotland Pitch Perfect Award 2022 and the Bloody Scotland Crime Debut of the Year 2023. In the end, it did not matter what I said at my trial. No one believed me.Edinburgh, October 1679. Lady Christian is arrested and charged with the murder of her lover, James Forrester. News of her imprisonment and subsequent trial is splashed across the broadsides, with headlines that leave little room for doubt: Adulteress. Whore. Murderess. Only a year before, Lady Christian was newly married, leading a life of privilege and respectability. So, what led her to risk everything for an affair? And does that make her guilty of murder? She wasn't the only woman in Forrester's life, and certainly not the only one who might have had cause to wish him dead . . .'Riveting . . . the tension persists until the last page' - The Times

Objev podobné jako The Maiden - Kate Foster

cena 268.0 Kč

Mít vše hotovo pro teenagery - David Allen, Mark Wallace, Mike Williams

Zorganizuj si život ve světě plném rozptylování. Objev dokonalé metody, se kterými zvládneš bez stresu školu, sport, rodinu, přátele i zábavu. Tato kniha tě zbaví nesoustředěnosti, pomůže ti vytvořit si plán a navíc díky ní pochopíš mnohé o tom, jak funguje naše mysl. Mít vše hotovo pro teenagery není obyčejná knížka. Je to chytrý průvodce a balík skvělých nástrojů pro život – pro tvůj úspěšný život. Původní kniha Davida Allena Mít vše hotovo je velmi slavná: po celém světě na ni nedají dopustit miliony lidí, kteří se rozhodli lépe si uspořádat život. Mít vše hotovo pro teenagery ji přizpůsobuje potřebám tvé generace. Svět je čím dál složitější a naučit se zvládat změny bude tvou superschopností! S Mít vše hotovo pro teenagery se naučíš: Jak si pomocí jednoduchých pravidel uspořádat všechny své úkoly a aktivity, abys na nic nezapomněl či nezapomněla Jak se nenechat rozhodit, když se věci zdánlivě vymykají kontrole Proč je užitečné stanovovat si cíle a jak se připravit na jejich změnu Jak se vyhnout úzkosti a pocitu zahlcení povinnostmi Mít dobrý pocit z toho, co děláš, i z toho, co neděláš S knížkou můžeš pracovat sám či sama, společně s kamarádem nebo s někým dospělým. Vyzkoušej z ní různé tipy, zkus přijít na to, co pro tebe funguje nejlépe, a stavěj na tom dál. Když se tvůj svět stane složitějším, přečti si knihu znovu, protože je plná nápadů, které ti pomohou projít všemi etapami života. Užij si to dobrodružství!

Objev podobné jako Mít vše hotovo pro teenagery - David Allen, Mark Wallace, Mike Williams

cena 321.0 Kč

The Bravest Word - Kate Foster

A rescue story of love and trust between a boy and a dog from the talented author of Paws.Matt is a football superstar. He can handle anything. Except lately his chest feels empty and his head is screaming. He can’t concentrate in school or enjoy football any more, and he is so, so tired. When Matt stumbles across an abandoned dog, there’s no doubt in his mind that he has to save him.But maybe the dog isn’t the only one who needs help.

Objev podobné jako The Bravest Word - Kate Foster

cena 236.0 Kč

The King's Witches - Kate Foster

'A masterpiece . . . I literally didn't look up from the first page to the last' – Janice Hallett, bestselling author of The AppealThe King’s Witches by Kate Foster is a compelling and beautiful historical novel that gives voices to the women at the heart of the real-life witch trials in sixteenth-century Scotland. Women whisper secrets to each other; it is how we survive.1589. Princess Anna of Denmark is betrothed to King James VI of Scotland. Before they can wed, Anna must pass the trial period: one year of marriage to prove herself worthy of being Scotland's new Queen. Determined to fulfil her duties to King and country, Anna resolves to be the perfect royal bride. Until she meets Lord Henry . . .By her side is Kirsten Sorenson, her loyal and pious lady-in-waiting. But, whilst tending to Anna's every need, Kirsten has her own secret motives for the royal marriage to succeed . . .Meanwhile, in North Berwick, young housemaid Jura practises the healing charms taught to her by her mother. When she realizes she is no longer safe, she escapes to Edinburgh, only to find herself caught up in the witchcraft mania that has gripped not just the capital, but the new queen . . .'Enthralling, compelling and at times chilling . . . An utterly timely tale' – D. V. Bishop, prize-winning author of Ritual of Fire'A beautifully written tale of love and duty, fear and courage' – Jenny Ashcroft, bestselling author of The Echoes of Love'A gripping, poignant novel that gives voices to those so often unheard in historical accounts' – Elizabeth Lee, author of Cunning Women*The Maiden was longlisted for the Women's Prize for Fiction on 05/03/2024

Objev podobné jako The King's Witches - Kate Foster

cena 502.0 Kč

The People of the River - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

eBook: Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace (April 1, 1875 – February 10, 1932) was an English crime writer, journalist, novelist, screenwriter, and playwright, who wrote 175 novels, 24 plays, and numerous articles in newspapers and journals. Over 160 films have been made of his novels. In the 1920s, one of Wallace\'s publishers claimed that a quarter of all books read in England were written by him. He is most famous today as the co-creator of King Kong, writing the early screenplay and story for the movie, as well as a short story \"King Kong\" (1933) credited to him and Draycott Dell. He was known for the J. G. Reeder detective stories, The Four Just Men, The Ringer, and for creating the Green Archer character during his lifetime. (wikipedia.org) THE PEOPLE OF THE RIVER is set in Colonial Africa, British colonial official Sanders fights for British power and to protect his colonial charges set against the backdrop of mostly-unexplored Africa.

Objev podobné jako The People of the River - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Depeche Mode – Kompletní příběh - Andy Jones, Matthew Lindsay, David McElroy, Wyndham Wallace

Zářivá hvězda britských králů elektronické hudby vystřelila na orbitu začátkem osmdesátých let, a i když prošla řadou pozoruhodných vývojových fází, dodnes neztratila nic z podmanivého lesku. Na následujících stranách najdete podrobný a zasvěcený pohled na kariéru Depeche Mode, jedné z nejoriginálnějších, nejvýraznějších a nejvytrvalejších kapel všech dob. Připomeneme její nejslavnější hity včetně ikonických nahrávek Enjoy the Silence a Personal Jesus, zaměříme se na přelomová alba Construction Time Again, Black Celebration nebo Music for the Masses a vydáme se po stopách nejpamátnějších koncertních turné. Oprávněnou zmínku věnujeme také méně známým pokladům v rozsáhlé diskografii těchto hudebních inovátorů. A to vše přímo od zdroje, z unikátního archivu britského magazínu Classic Pop: Slovo dostane Daniel Miller, zakladatel hudebního vydavatelství Mute Records, které sehrálo v kariéře nadaných kluků z Basildonu formativní roli. Scházet nesmí ani pocta nedávno zesnulému členu kapely Andy Fletcherovi, s nímž se Dave Gahan a Martin Gore v roce 2023 rozloučili velkolepým albem Memento Mori. V neposlední řadě si zvláštní pozornost zaslouží komunita oddaných fanoušků z celého světa, k níž se hrdě hlásí zástupci již několika generací. Magická moc hudby Depeche Mode totiž dokáže oslovit posluchače bez ohledu na věk či bydliště. Na nic nečekejte, nalaďte se na romantickou vlnu, oblečte se do černého a nechte se unést hypnotickými tóny syntezátorů!

Objev podobné jako Depeche Mode – Kompletní příběh - Andy Jones, Matthew Lindsay, David McElroy, Wyndham Wallace

cena 268.0 Kč

The Secret of the Moat Farm - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

eBook: Known across the UK as ‘The Moat Farm Murder,’ ‘The Secret of Moat Farm’ sees Wallace as his investigative-journalist best. At the age of 28, the author was sent to cover the developments in this true-crime story. In 1903, Camille Holland and Samuel Dougal apparently went on a shopping trip. However, suspicions arose when Dougal returned alone, saying that Camille had caught a train to London. Wallace offers insights into the criminal mind, alongside all the facts that made this one of the most gripping and tragic stories of its time. A must for fans of true-crime such as Netflix\'s ´Night Stalker: The Hunt For a Serial Killer´, and those who want an introduction to Wallace’s work. Born in London, Edgar Wallace (1875 – 1932) was an English writer so prolific that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England. Leaving school at the age of 12, Wallace made his first steps into the literary world by selling newspapers on the corner of Fleet Street. He worked as a war correspondent after joining the army at age 21, which honed his writing abilities. This led to the creation of his first book ‘The Four Just Men.’ Wallace is best remembered as the co-creator of ‘King Kong,’ which has been adapted for film 12 times (most notably directed by ‘Lord of the Rings’ director, Peter Jackson, and starring Jack Black and Naomi Watts). However, he leaves behind an extensive body of work, including stories such as ‘The Crimson Circle’ and ‘The Flying Squad’.

Objev podobné jako The Secret of the Moat Farm - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

The Keepers of the King's Peace - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

eBook: In the midst of an epidemic, Commissioner Sanders hears of a local woman with a remarkable gift that could transcend the limits of modern medicine. He, along with his trusted advisors, examine a series of miraculous cases tied to this extraordinary figure. In The Keepers of the King’s Peace, Sanders embraces the unknown encountering new and surprising obstacles. Within the Belgian Congo, stories of a woman healer called M\'lama are spreading among the native people. Soon, military men begin to question their validity and M’lama’s powerful influence. Commissioner Sanders seeks to uncover the truth about her rumored ability to cure the sick and even raise the dead. It’s a curious expedition that blurs the line between the physical and supernatural realm. With The Keepers of the King’s Peace, Edgar Wallace highlights a cultural clash between Africans and Europeans during the colonial period. Sanders and his crew must step outside their comfort zones to fully explore native customs and spiritual practices. This illuminating story was originally published in The Windsor Magazine in 1917 as an entry in the Sanders of the River series. With an eye-catching new cover, and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of The Keepers of the King’s Peace is both modern and readable. Since our inception in 2020, Mint Editions has kept sustainability and innovation at the forefront of our mission. Each and every Mint Edition title gets a fresh, professionally typeset manuscript and a dazzling new cover, all while maintaining the integrity of the original book. With thousands of titles in our collection, we aim to spotlight diverse public domain works to help them find modern audiences. Mint Editions celebrates a breadth of literary works, curated from both canonical and overlooked classics from writers around the globe.

Objev podobné jako The Keepers of the King's Peace - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

Mít vše hotovo pro teenagery - David Allen, Mark Wallace, Mike Williams - e-kniha

eBook: „Kdybych měl svému mladšímu já něco vzkázat, tak by to bylo: Nauč se co nejdřív řídit sám sebe! A GTD je metoda, která mě v oblasti sebeřízení ovlivnila nejvíc ze všeho.“ – Petr Mára O knizeObjev dokonalé metody, se kterými zvládneš bez stresu školu, sport, rodinu, přátele i zábavu. Tato kniha tě zbaví nesoustředěnosti, pomůže ti vytvořit si plán a navíc díky ní pochopíš mnohé o tom, jak funguje naše mysl. Mít vše hotovo pro teenagery není obyčejná knížka. Je to chytrý průvodce a balík skvělých nástrojů pro život – pro tvůj úspěšný život.Původní kniha Davida Allena Mít vše hotovo je velmi slavná: po celém světě na ni nedají dopustit miliony lidí, kteří se rozhodli lépe si uspořádat život. Mít vše hotovo pro teenagery ji přizpůsobuje potřebám tvé generace. Svět je čím dál složitější a naučit se zvládat změny bude tvou superschopností! S Mít vše hotovo pro teenagery se naučíš:- Jak si pomocí jednoduchých pravidel uspořádat všechny své úkoly a aktivity, abys na nic nezapomněl či nezapomněla- Jak se nenechat rozhodit, když se vě ci zdánlivě vymykají kontrole- Proč je užitečné stanovovat si cíle a jak se připravit na jejich změnu- Jak se vyhnout úzkosti a pocitu zahlcení povinnostmi- Mít dobrý pocit z toho, co děláš, i z toho, co nedělášS knížkou můžeš pracovat sám či sama, společně s kamarádem nebo s někým dospělým. Vyzkoušej z ní různé tipy, zkus přijít na to, co pro tebe funguje nejlépe, a stavěj na tom dál. Když se tvůj svět stane složitějším, přečti si knihu znovu, protože je plná nápadů, které ti pomohou projít všemi etapami života. Užij si to dobrodružství!O autoroviDavid Allen je považován za jednoho z nejvlivnějších světových myslitelů v oblasti osobní produktivity. Pracuje pro organizace, jako je pojišťovna New York Life, Světová banka, Fordova nadace, obchodní společnost L.L. Bean nebo americké námořnictvo, a vede také své vlastní workshopy pro jednotlivce i organizace po celém světě. Je předsedou Společnosti Davida Allena a má více než pětatřicetiletou praxi manažerského konzultanta a kouče. O jeho práci píší periodika jako Fast Company, Fortune, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Wall Street Journal a mnoho jiných. Jeho kniha Mít vše hotovo byla kromě Spojených států vydána ve více než třiceti dalších zemích – včetně České republiky. Allen žije v nizozemském hlavním městě Amsterdamu.Více o knizewww.melvil.cz/kniha-mit-vse-hotovo-pro-teenagerySdílejte s hashtagem #GTDproteenagery

Objev podobné jako Mít vše hotovo pro teenagery - David Allen, Mark Wallace, Mike Williams - e-kniha

cena 239.0 Kč

Foster The People Sacred Hearts Club (LP)

Žánr: Indie;Pop;Rock;Elektronický Subžánr: Indie Rock;Indietronica;Indie Pop;Pop;Rock Rok vydání: 2017.0 Interpret / Téma: Foster The People Rok nahrávky: 2017.0 Datum vydání: 2017-08-11 Vydavatelství: Columbia Varianta: Sacred Hearts Club (Vinyl LP) Země interpreta: USA Typ: LP deska;Album Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029;2000 - 2009 Barva podle výrobce: Black Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 1 ks Hmotnost: 180 g Země původu: Evropská unie Balení obsahuje: LP Barva: Černá

Objev podobné jako Foster The People Sacred Hearts Club (LP)

cena 564.3 Kč

The Million Dollar Story - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

eBook: Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace was a British writer of sensational detective, gangster, adventure and sci-fi novels, plays and stories. Born into poverty as an illegitimate London child, Wallace left school at the age of 12. He joined the army at age 21 and was a war correspondent during the Second Boer War for Reuters and the Daily Mail. Struggling with debt, he left South Africa, returned to London and began writing thrillers to raise income, publishing books including The Four Just Men (1905). Drawing on his time as a reporter in the Congo, covering the Belgian atrocities, Wallace serialised short stories in magazines such as The Windsor Magazine and later published collections such as Sanders of the River (1911). He signed with Hodder and Stoughton in 1921 and became an internationally recognised author.

Objev podobné jako The Million Dollar Story - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

The Man Called McGinnice - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

eBook: While this might be one of Wallace’s shorter tales, he packs it with plenty of character and an unusual amount of darkness. Tam is interrogated over his role in the crashing of an artillery bus. However, the questioning leads to a chain of events with a rather unhappy ending for one character. With more than a whiff of ‘Catch 22,’ by Joseph Heller, and ‘Trainspotting,’ by Irvine Welsh, \'The Man Called McGinnice\' is a superb read for those who like their short stories, wry, dry, and unsentimental. Born in London, Edgar Wallace (1875 – 1932) was an English writer so prolific that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England. Leaving school at the age of 12, Wallace made his first steps into the literary world by selling newspapers on the corner of Fleet Street. He worked as a war correspondent after joining the army at age 21, which honed his writing abilities. This led to the creation of his first book ‘The Four Just Men.’ Wallace is best remembered as the co-creator of ‘King Kong,’ which has been adapted for film 12 times (most notably directed by ‘Lord of the Rings’ director, Peter Jackson, and starring Jack Black and Naomi Watts). However, he leaves behind an extensive body of work, including stories such as ‘The Crimson Circle’ and ‘The Flying Squad’.

Objev podobné jako The Man Called McGinnice - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

Sanders of the River - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

eBook: The first book in the ´Sanders of the River´ series and set in the Edwardian era, \'Sanders of the River\' focuses on the eponymous Governor of Nigeria. Commissioner Sanders struggles to balance the requests of The Crown against the needs of the natives. As he strives to juggle the demands from both parties, Sanders finds himself facing political turmoil that might push his colony to the brink of war. As a story, the reader is introduced to the struggles faced by an invading force. As a historical piece of fiction, this is an important document of the impact British colonialism had on West Africa. An excellent introduction to one of the most opinionated minds of the 20th Century.\'Sanders of the River\' is ideal for those interested in literature with a British Colonial setting. Prior to the success of ´King Kong´, which he co-created, Edgar Wallace published a selection of tales about Commissioner Sanders and his adventures in Africa under British rule.

Objev podobné jako Sanders of the River - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

Jam for the Enemy - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

eBook: Between 1904 and 1918, Wallace collected tales about life in the British Army and the escapades and adventures of the troops. These led him to create the eponymous character, ‘Smithy.’ However, ‘Jam for the Enemy’ shines the spotlight on his equally scurrilous partner in crime, Nobby Clark. In this short story, Nobby comes up with a plan to use a crate of jam to scupper the advancing German army. However, as with all Nobby’s plans, the end result isn’t quite what he expected. A light-hearted look at life in the lower ranks, ´Jam for the Enemy´ is perfect for those interested in WWI stories. Born in London, Edgar Wallace (1875 – 1932) was an English writer so prolific that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England. Leaving school at the age of 12, Wallace made his first steps into the literary world by selling newspapers on the corner of Fleet Street. He worked as a war correspondent after joining the army at age 21, which honed his writing abilities. This led to the creation of his first book ‘The Four Just Men.’ Wallace is best remembered as the co-creator of ‘King Kong,’ which has been adapted for film 12 times (most notably directed by ‘Lord of the Rings’ director, Peter Jackson, and starring Jack Black and Naomi Watts). However, he leaves behind an extensive body of work, including stories such as ‘The Crimson Circle’ and ‘The Flying Squad’.

Objev podobné jako Jam for the Enemy - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

Smithy and the Hun - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

eBook: Between 1904 and 1918, Wallace collected tales about life in the British Army and the escapades and adventures of the troops. These led him to create the eponymous character, ‘Smithy.’ The third book in the series, ‘Smithy and the Hun’ sees the eponymous soldier and his two mates, Nobby Clark, and Spud Murphy, sent to fight in the First World War. However, rather than blood and bullets, this story focuses on our hapless heroes’ hilarious antics. Light-hearted and fun for Wallace fans of all ages. Initially published in the Daily Mail, the ´Smithy´ series features a bunch of short stories about the everyday life of the soldiers in the British military. Born in London, Edgar Wallace (1875 – 1932) was an English writer so prolific, that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England. Leaving school at the age of 12, Wallace made his first steps into the literary world by selling newspapers on the corner of Fleet Street. He worked as a war correspondent after joining the army at age 21, which honed his writing abilities. This led to the creation of his first book, ‘The Four Just Men.’ Wallace is best remembered as the co-creator of ‘King Kong,’ which has been adapted for film 12 times (most notably directed by ‘Lord of the Rings’ director, Peter Jackson, and starring Jack Black and Naomi Watts). However, he leaves behind an extensive body of work, including stories such as ‘The Crimson Circle’ and ‘The Flying Squad.’

Objev podobné jako Smithy and the Hun - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

Sandi the King-Maker - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

eBook: The ninth instalment in the \'Sanders of the River\' series, ´Sandi the King-Maker´ provides a fitting end for our eponymous hero.When a missionary and his daughter go missing in Africa, Commissioner Sanders is sent there to find out what happened. However, what he uncovers will challenge even his pragmatic and idealistic approach. Set in the days of British Colonialism, \'Sandi the King-Maker\' offers a fascinating look at life under the British Empire while packing in plenty of adventure. ´Sandi the King-Maker´ is the ideal read for Wallace fans and those with an interest in colonial history.Prior to the success of ´King Kong´, which he co-created, Edgar Wallace published a selection of tales about Commissioner Sanders and his adventures in Africa under British rule.

Objev podobné jako Sandi the King-Maker - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

The River of Stars - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

eBook: Commissioner Sanders is back again! However, this adventure sees him set against the backdrop of London rather than Africa. When a bunch of small-time crooks decide to try and steal a diamond mine, Sanders must decide whether he\'s up to the job, or whether to hand it over to someone more qualified. Full of twists and turns, \'The River of Stars\' sees our hero at his most vulnerable and introduces a bevy of fascinating characters. A film adaptation of \'The River of Stars\' was made in 1921.This is a superb read for fans of the ´Sanders of the River´ series. Prior to the success of ´King Kong´, which he co-created, Edgar Wallace published a selection of tales about Commissioner Sanders and his adventures in Africa under British rule.

Objev podobné jako The River of Stars - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Bosambo of the River - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

eBook: Another exciting title in the Sanders of the River adventure series, featuring Commissioner Sanders.

Objev podobné jako Bosambo of the River - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

The Thief in the Night and Other Stories - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

eBook: Fast-paced and fun, ‘The Thief in the Night and Other Stories’ is a collection of six tales from the pen of one of the 20th Century’s most prolific writers. The title story follows Inspector Jack Danton as he investigates a proliferation of poison pen letters and thefts to and from wealthy young debutantes. Other novelettes, such as ‘Findings are Keepings’ and ‘The Compleat Criminal,’ are laced with Wallace’s trademark wit and critical appraisal of life in the upper echelons during the early 20th century. A superb read for fans of Wallace's body of work.

Objev podobné jako The Thief in the Night and Other Stories - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

Consider Phlebas - Iain M. Banks

War rages across the galaxy. Billions have died, billions more are doomed. Moons, planets, the very stars themselves, face cold-blooded, brutal destruction.The Idirans fight for their Faith; the Culture for its moral right to exist. Principles are at stake. There can be no surrender.Within this cosmic conflict, a crucial battle of wits is waged. Deep within a fabled labyrinth, on a Planet of the Dead forbidden to mortals, lies a fugitive Mind. Both the Culture and the Idirans desperately seek it.It is the fate of Horza, the Changer, and his motley crew of unpredictable mercenaries, human and machine, to actually find it - and with it their own destruction.

Objev podobné jako Consider Phlebas - Iain M. Banks

cena 330.0 Kč

The Murder on Yarmouth Sands - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

eBook: On July 15th, 1912, the body of Dora Grey was found on Yarmouth Beach. Apparently strangled, this became known as ‘The Bootlace Murder,’ believed by investigators to be the work of a serial killer. ‘The Murder in Yarmouth’ is a collection of Wallace’s writings as a journalist at the time of the murder. Chasing the clues and the suspects, he gives us insight into the forensic and psychological procedures of the time. However, was the wrong man punished? A superb read for fans of true crime and those with an interest in the police protocols of yesteryear. Born in London, Edgar Wallace (1875 – 1932) was an English writer so prolific that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England. Leaving school at the age of 12, Wallace made his first steps into the literary world by selling newspapers on the corner of Fleet Street. He worked as a war correspondent after joining the army at age 21, which honed his writing abilities. This led to the creation of his first book ‘The Four Just Men.’ Wallace is best remembered as the co-creator of ‘King Kong,’ which has been adapted for film 12 times (most notably directed by ‘Lord of the Rings’ director, Peter Jackson, and starring Jack Black and Naomi Watts). However, he leaves behind an extensive body of work, including stories such as ‘The Crimson Circle’ and ‘The Flying Squad’.

Objev podobné jako The Murder on Yarmouth Sands - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

The Price a Woman Pays - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

eBook: While Wallace could never be accused of being a run-of-the-mill author, \'The Price a Woman Pays\' is one of his more unusual tales. A gripping and fun short story, it follows the concerns of Dr Beechington who, down on his luck, wants to ensure that his daughter marries into money. Will she follow his request, or go her own way? An unexpected religious twist sets this story apart from the majority of Wallace\'s works.Fast-paced and with a liberal sprinkling of wry humour, this is an ideal read for Wallace fans or those who want an introduction to his writing.-

Objev podobné jako The Price a Woman Pays - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

Star Wars: The High Republic: The Lightsaber Collection - Daniel Wallace, Lukasz Liszko, Ryan Valle

Discover more than 50 lightsabers from the golden age of the Jedi with this essential guide to the elegant weapons from Star Wars: The High Republic.

Objev podobné jako Star Wars: The High Republic: The Lightsaber Collection - Daniel Wallace, Lukasz Liszko, Ryan Valle

cena 827.0 Kč

The Murder Book of J. G. Reeder - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

eBook: Laying the foundations for the likes of \'Silence of the Lambs,\' starring Anthony Hopkins, \'The Murder Book of J.G. Reeder\' follows an investigator with the mind of a criminal. From the outside, our hero looks downtrodden and unremarkable. However, beneath his docile demeanour operates a fiendish brain; one that could be employed for good or for evil. In this book, Wallace gives us an anti-hero that is initially hard to like but becomes completely understandable towards the end.\'The Murder Book of J.G. Reeder\' is a great read for fans of the characters Hannibal Lecter and Sherlock Holmes.-

Objev podobné jako The Murder Book of J. G. Reeder - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

The Complete Guide to Middle-earth: The Definitive Guide to the World of J.R.R. Tolkien - Foster Robert

A peerless A–Z guide to the names, places and events in the world of J.R.R. Tolkien, fully illustrated in colour throughout by acclaimed Tolkien artist, Ted Nasmith. J.R.R. Tolkien’s works of epic adventure and fantasy, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion have delighted many millions of fans since they were first published, and are now more popular than ever before. The Complete Guide to Middle-earth has been compiled to enhance the reader’s enjoyment of Tolkien’s books by bringing together in an A-Z sequence all the key facts and information about names, places, languages and events from The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion. Accompanied with numerous genealogical tables and a unique Chronology of the First Age, it will provide an indispensable aid to every reader’s discovery of Tolkien’s world. The first, and definitive, encyclopedia, The Complete Guide to Middle-earth is now reissued to complement the illustrated hardbacks of The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales, and is lavishly illustrated with more than 50 full-colour paintings by acclaimed Tolkien artist, Ted Nasmith, with many appearing exclusively in this edition.

Objev podobné jako The Complete Guide to Middle-earth: The Definitive Guide to the World of J.R.R. Tolkien - Foster Robert

cena 1099.0 Kč

The Unpublished David Ogilvy - David Ogilvy

First collected by his devoted family and colleagues as a 75th birthday present, The Unpublished David Ogilvy collects a career''s worth of public and private communications - memos, letters, speeches, notes and interviews - from the ''Father of Advertising'' and founder of Ogilvy & Mather. Still fizzing with energy and freshness more than 25 years after it was first published, its success outside the private circle of friends and colleagues it was created for was, in the words of one of its editors: ''because so often he spoke out on important matters long before the crowd caught up to him; because all of what he says, he says so well; because so little of what he says in the book had ever before appeared in print''. It includes The Theory and Practice of Selling the AGA Cooker, described by Fortune magazine as ''the finest sales instruction manual ever written'', and an interview in which he makes disclosures that even long-standing associates had never heard before.This is a business book unlike any other: a straightforward and incisive look at subjects such as salesmanship, management and creativity, presented in his trademark crisp prose. Whether carefully prepared for a lecture or as a private joke to a friend, his writing always underlines the importance of the rule, ''it pays an agency to be imaginative and unorthodox''.

Objev podobné jako The Unpublished David Ogilvy - David Ogilvy

cena 384.0 Kč

Funko POP! Animation Wallace & Gromit S2 - Wallace (889698476935)

Figurka - soška, postavička, sběratelská, výška 9 cm, materiál vinyl, nepohyblivá Funko POP! jsou čím dál populárnější malé vinylové figurky s ikonickým roztomilým vzhledem, který je charakterizován velkou hlavou a malým tělem postavičky. Poprvé byly představeny v roce 2010, kombinují tradiční výrobu sošek s moderními prvky a barvami a jsou uznávané i jako sběratelské předměty. Každý si v dnes už tisících figurek najde tu svoji, vyráběny jsou v mnoha různých tématech, jako jsou filmy, televizní seriály, hry, komiksy a další pop-kulturní ikony. I tato figurka, Funko POP! Animation Wallace & Gromit S2 - Wallace, o výšce 9 cm se stane skvělým kouskem do vaší sbírky, či veselou hračkou pro vaše dítko. Zásadní vlastnosti figurky Funko POP! Animation Wallace & Gromit S2 - Wallace Figurka Funko přinese radost sběratelům Použitým materiálem je vinyl Funko POP! Animation Wallace & Gromit S2 - Wallace představuje dekorativní sošku Balení obsahuje jednu figurku Figurka...

Objev podobné jako Funko POP! Animation Wallace & Gromit S2 - Wallace (889698476935)

cena 387.0 Kč

Making Sense of the Troubles - David McKittrick, David McVea

COMPLETELY REVISED AND UPDATED EDITION -- THE ESSENTIAL HISTORY OF THE TROUBLES''Compellingly written and very even-handed. By far the clearest account of what happened in the Northern Ireland conflict and more importantly why it happened'' Irish News''Extraordinarily well-balanced, sane, comprehensive and rich in sober understatement'' Glasgow Herald__________________________First published two decades ago, Making Sense of the Troubles is widely regarded as the most ''comprehensive, considered and compassionate'' (Irish Times) history of the Troubles in Northern Ireland. Written by a distinguished journalist and a teacher of history in Northern Ireland, it surveys the roots of the problems from 1921 onwards, the descent into violence in the late 60s, and the three terrible decades that followed.In this fully revised and updated version, McKittrick and McVea take into account the momentous events of the ten years that followed their first publication, including the disbanding of the IRA, Ian Paisley''s deal with the Republicans and the historic power-sharing government in Belfast.__________________________''An updated reissue of a collaborative study published 12 years ago to rave reviews as a frank, accurate and authoritative narrative of events which should be required reading for anyone hoping to understand what had been going on in the North'' Irish Independent''I would strongly advocate that it be made compulsory reading for everyone in Northern Ireland because for the first time it is our history, all of it warts and all, presented in a clear and understandable way'' Irish News

Objev podobné jako Making Sense of the Troubles - David McKittrick, David McVea

cena 502.0 Kč

The Company of the Wolf - David Wragg

Full of David Wragg’s unique blend of humour, heart, and high stakes, The Company of the Wolf is the epic next instalment in the Tales of the Plains trilogy.Seeking a better life, Ree and Javani have travelled west into the mountains, and left their pasts – and their troubles – behind. But new places bring new problems, and when they stumble across a lone traveller under bandit attack, they make the mistake of lending a hand.Forced to take refuge in the traveller''s village, they quickly find allies among the lush, wooded hills. But then the true nature of the bandits is revealed.With winter approaching and a vengeful company of mercenaries circling like wolves, Ree and Javani must uncover the secrets of this peaceful valley … or risk the ruin of it all."Gritty, sharp, and yet criminally funny!" Sunyi Dean, Sunday Times bestselling author of The Book Eaters"Wragg''s brand of fantasy deserves its own name: grassroots fantasy. Small in scale, large in heart, with underdog heroes you can''t help but root for." Amber A. Logan, author of The Secret Garden of Yanagi Inn"A tale full of heart: heart warming, wrenching and stopping in equal measure. I love Wragg''s wild, western-inspired world and its rabble of humorously and sensitively crafted characters, the kind that keep you company long after reading." Cari Thomas, Sunday Times bestselling author of Threadneedle"A story about growing up, growing old, dreams, betrayal, greed and consequences, all wrapped up in a neat package of action and tied off with a perky bow of banter. I enjoyed hating the villain almost as much as I enjoyed rooting for Ree and Javani." Peter Newman, Gemmell Award-winning author of The Vagrant and The Deathless

Objev podobné jako The Company of the Wolf - David Wragg

cena 502.0 Kč

The Boy in the Dress - David Walliams

The sparkling debut children's novel from David Walliams, number one bestseller and fastest growing children's author in the country, with sparkling new cover look to tie in with later books. Dennis was different. Why was he different, you ask? Well, a small clue might be in the title of this book... Charming, surprising and hilarious - The Boy in the Dress is everything you would expect from the co-creator of Little Britain. David Walliams's beautiful first novel will touch the hearts (and funny bones) of children and adults alike.

Objev podobné jako The Boy in the Dress - David Walliams

cena 232.0 Kč

The Bear and the Piano - David Litchfield

The first book in the best-selling, award-winning ‘Bear and the Piano’ trilogy. Winner of the Waterstones Children's Book Prize, Illustrated Book Category for 2016 Over 120,000 copies have been sold of The Bear and the Piano in the UK. One day, a young bear stumbles upon something he has never seen before in the forest. As time passes, he teaches himself how to play the strange instrument, and eventually the beautiful sounds are heard by a father and son who are picnicking in the woods. The bear goes with them on an incredible journey to New York, where his piano playing makes him a huge star. He has fame, fortune and all the music in the world, but he misses the friends and family he has left behind. A moving tale of exploration and belonging from best-selling and critically acclaimed author David Litchfield. The Sunday Times –‘The influence of the great illustrators Jon Klasen and Shaun Tan are detectable in David Litchfield’s opulent The Bear and the Piano.’The Guardian –‘This book is full of breath-taking scenes, from the stunning forest to the rich New York skyline.'Huffington Post —‘A heart-warming and beautifully illustrated tale of music, friendship and adventure.’The Daily Mail —‘A sumptuous treat… [Litchfield] weaves magic with light and space...The ending will have your heart soaring like a soprano’s top C.’The Bookseller —‘One of the most impressive debuts of the autumn, this is a really stunning picture book with both critical and commercial appeal […] Distinctive, atmospheric and uplifting, it's my picture book of the year.’ **Don't miss David Litchfield's other books:The Bear and the Piano [1] The Bear, the Piano, The Dog and the Fiddle [2]The Bear, the Piano and Little Bear’s Concert [3] Grandad's Secret Giant Lights on Cotton Rock

Objev podobné jako The Bear and the Piano - David Litchfield

cena 236.0 Kč

The Colour of the Sun - David Almond

This is a moving, funny and inspirational novel from the bestselling author of Skellig. *Shortlisted for the 2018 Costa Book Awards.* "The day is long, the world is wide, you're young and free." One hot summer morning, Davie steps boldly out of his front door. The world he enters is very familiar - the little Tyneside town that has always been his home - but as the day passes, it becomes ever more mysterious. A boy has been killed, and Davie thinks he might know who is responsible. He turns away from the gossip and excitement and sets off roaming towards the sunlit hills above the town. As the day goes on, the real and the imaginary start to merge, and Davie knows that neither he nor his world will ever be the same again. This an outstanding novel full of warmth and light, from a multi-award-winning author. David Almond says: 'I guess it embodies my constant astonishment at being alive in this beautiful, weird, extraordinary world.'

Objev podobné jako The Colour of the Sun - David Almond

cena 241.0 Kč

The Official Cursed Princess Club Coloring Book - LambCat, WEBTOON Entertainment, Walter Foster Creative Team

Color your favorite moments from the popular WEBTOON Originals Cursed Princess Club series in this uniquely designed book featuring:A carefully curated set of 46 coloring pages, featuring the unconventional princess Gwendolyn, her fellow princesses, supporting characters, and the series’ most beloved and talked-about moments.A unique format, with the original full-color artwork on the left, showcasing the vibrant and evocative scenes as depicted in the series, and the uncolored line art on the right, awaiting your artistic touch.Premium paper that ensures a satisfying coloring experience; allows you to color using markers, gel pens, colored pencils, crayons, and more; and preserves your artistic expressions for years to come.The Official Cursed Princess Club Coloring Book offers you a chance to experience the captivating and hilarious world of Cursed Princess Club in an inspiring new way. This deluxe coloring book has been thoughtfully crafted to capture the essence of the series, allowing you to engage interactively with your favorite characters and scenes.Each page is a new opportunity to celebrate Cursed Princess Club and express your creativity in a tangible and personal way, bringing the art to life with your own choice of colors.Whether you’re an ardent fan of the series or are simply seeking a delightful coloring journey, The Official Cursed Princess Club Coloring Book is a perfect addition to your collection.Enjoy even more WEBTOON art and behind-the-scenes content with:Learn to Draw Cursed Princess Club, The Official Boyfriends. Coloring Book, Learn to Draw Boyfriends., Learn to Draw Morgana and Oz, and The Official Morgana and Oz Coloring Book.

Objev podobné jako The Official Cursed Princess Club Coloring Book - LambCat, WEBTOON Entertainment, Walter Foster Creative Team

cena 325.0 Kč

The Fix - David Baldacci

Amos Decker, David Baldacci's unique special agent, who suffered a head injury that resulted in giving him the gift of a remarkable memory takes on another case in The Fix. Walter Dabney is a family man. A loving husband and the father of four grown daughters, he's built a life many would be proud of. But then the unthinkable happens. Standing outside the FBI Headquarters in Washington, DC, Dabney shoots school teacher Anne Berkshire in cold blood before turning the gun on himself. One of the many witnesses is Amos Decker; a man who forgets nothing and sees what most miss. Baffled by what appears to be a seemingly senseless and random killing, Decker is thrust into the investigation to determine what drove this family man to pull the trigger. As part of an FBI special task force, Decker and the team delve into the lives of Dabney and Berkshire to find a connection that doesn't seem to exist. What they do find are secrets that stretch back a lifetime and reveal a current plot of impending destruction that will send the world reeling, placing Decker and his team squarely in the crosshairs.

Objev podobné jako The Fix - David Baldacci

cena 199.0 Kč

The Edge - David Baldacci

A BRUTAL MURDER Retired from the Army’s most prestigious special ops force, Travis Devine is now part of an elite undercover team in Homeland Security. But when he’s brought in by agent Emerson Campbell to investigate the murder of a young woman, he quickly learns that this case is more personal than most. A SMALL TOWN Four days earlier Jennifer Silkwell was found dead on the rocks of the Maine coastline. A high ranking analyst for the CIA, she had knowledge of national security secrets that would be valuable to a number of enemies. And her senator father once saved Emerson Campbell’s life. A BIG SECRET Knowing how much is riding on the case, Devine packs his bags and heads for the small town of Putnam in Maine. But small towns can harbour big secrets, and not everyone wants to share them with outsiders. Not when there’s a killer on the loose . . .

Objev podobné jako The Edge - David Baldacci

cena 295.0 Kč

The Savage - David Almond

A uniquely presented, touching tale of grief, solace and hope from a master of contemporary storytelling and a visionary artist.Imagine you wrote a story and that story came true. This is exactly what happens to Blue Baker when he writes about a savage living alone in the woods near his home. After his dad’s death, Blue finds comfort in dreaming of a wild kid who survives on a diet of berries and the occasional hapless passer-by. But when the savage pays a night-time visit to the local bully, boundaries become blurred and Blue begins to wonder where he ends and the savage begins. Part novel, part graphic novel, this moving story features striking art from the award-winning Dave McKean.

Objev podobné jako The Savage - David Almond

cena 266.0 Kč

The Disconnect - Keren David

How will a group of teenagers react when they are offered £1,000 to give up their mobile phone in Keren David’s thought-provoking story of perspective and influence.Could you disconnect from your phone for six weeks? An eccentric entrepreneur has challenged Esther''s year group to do just that, and the winners will walk away with GBP1,000. For Esther, whose dad, sister and baby nephew live thousands of miles away in New York, the prize might be her only chance to afford flights for a visit … But can she really stay disconnected for long enough to win? Particularly suitable for struggling, reluctant or dyslexic readers aged 13+

Objev podobné jako The Disconnect - Keren David

cena 236.0 Kč

The Wager - David Grann

THE INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES NO. 1 BESTSELLER *LONGLISTED FOR THE 2023 BALLIE GIFFORD PRIZE FOR NON-FICTION* *SELECTED AS ONE OF BARACK OBAMA'S FAVOURITE BOOKS OF 2023*'The beauty of The Wager unfurls like a great sail... one of the finest nonfiction books I’ve ever read' Guardian ‘The greatest sea story ever told’ Spectator‘A cracking yarn… Grann’s taste for desperate predicaments finds its fullest expression here’ ObserverFrom the international bestselling author of KILLERS OF THE FLOWER MOON and THE LOST CITY OF Z, a mesmerising story of shipwreck, mutiny and murder, culminating in a court martial that reveals a shocking truth. On 28th January 1742, a ramshackle vessel of patched-together wood and cloth washed up on the coast of Brazil. Inside were thirty emaciated men, barely alive, and they had an extraordinary tale to tell. They were survivors of His Majesty’s ship the Wager, a British vessel that had left England in 1740 on a secret mission during an imperial war with Spain. While chasing a Spanish treasure-filled galleon, the Wager was wrecked on a desolate island off the coast of Patagonia. The crew, marooned for months and facing starvation, built the flimsy craft and sailed for more than a hundred days, traversing 2,500 miles of storm-wracked seas. They were greeted as heroes. Then, six months later, another, even more decrepit, craft landed on the coast of Chile. This boat contained just three castaways and they had a very different story to tell. The thirty sailors who landed in Brazil were not heroes – they were mutineers. The first group responded with counter-charges of their own, of a tyrannical and murderous captain and his henchmen. While stranded on the island the crew had fallen into anarchy, with warring factions fighting for dominion over the barren wilderness. As accusations of treachery and murder flew, the Admiralty convened a court martial to determine who was telling the truth. The stakes were life-and-death—for whomever the court found guilty could hang.

Objev podobné jako The Wager - David Grann

cena 591.0 Kč

The Forgotten - David Baldacci

The second title in David Baldacci's bestselling series, The Forgotten is a fast-paced action thriller, featuring the hero of Zero Day - John Puller. Criminal investigator John Puller is drawn closer to home when his aunt is found dead in her house in Paradise, Florida. The local police have ruled the death as an accident, but Puller finds evidence to suggest that she may well have been murdered. On the surface the town lives up to its name, but as Puller digs deeper he realizes that this town and its inhabitants are more akin to Hell than Paradise. His belief is confirmed as evidence of strange and inexplicable events come to light. And when Puller learns the truth about what is happening in this once sleepy town, he knows that his discoveries will impact far wider than Paradise.

Objev podobné jako The Forgotten - David Baldacci

cena 178.0 Kč

The Handover - David Runciman

''The Singularity'' is what Silicon Valley calls the idea that, eventually, we will be overrun by machines that are able to take decisions and act for themselves. What no one says is that it happened before. A few hundred years ago, humans started building the robots that now rule our world. They are called states and corporations: immensely powerful artificial entities, with capacities that go far beyond what any individual can do, and which, unlike us, need never die. They have made us richer, safer and healthier than would have seemed possible even a few generations ago - and they may yet destroy us. The Handover distils over three hundred years of thinking about how to live with artificial agency.

Objev podobné jako The Handover - David Runciman

cena 325.0 Kč

The Force - Saul David

December 1943. A German fort sits impregnable atop a mountain. Standing between the Allied forces and their path to Rome is a steep climb up a 200-foot cliff, in the snow, in the middle of the night.As the future of civilisation hangs in the balance, with Axis forces sprawled around the world, a group of highly trained US and Canadian soldiers from humble backgrounds is asked to do the impossible: capture this crucial Nazi stronghold. After completing state-of-the-art training – including skiing, rock climbing and parachuting – they advance upwards, through savage conditions and vicious fighting, into the darkness and towards almost certain defeat‘Every chapter is filled with harrowing adventure, life and death struggle… The amount of new cutting-edge research is impressive. A monumental achievement!’ Douglas Brinkley‘Saul David has both a knack with the pen and a nose for a thrilling tale….Masterly [in] style…Readers should exult in The Force, whose heroic subjects deserve to be forever remembered’ Wall Street Journal

Objev podobné jako The Force - Saul David

cena 325.0 Kč

The Blunders - David Walliams

Meet the Blunders: Bertie, Betsy, their children, Brutus and Bunny, along with their beloved grandma Old Lady Blunder, and their pet ostrich, Cedric.An ostrich is not a sensible pet, but then the Blunders are not sensible people. This family of upper-class twits lives in a crumbling country house named Blunder Hall. When their home comes under threat, they must embark on a series of comic misadventures to save it.Absurd and hilarious, The Blunders is David Walliams’ funniest book yet. A laugh-out-loud tale of the most blundering and lovable family in history.

Objev podobné jako The Blunders - David Walliams

cena 236.0 Kč

The Edge - David Baldacci

A BRUTAL MURDERRetired from the Army’s most prestigious special ops force, Travis Devine is now part of an elite undercover team in Homeland Security. But when he’s brought in by agent Emerson Campbell to investigate the murder of a young woman, he quickly learns that this case is more personal than most.A SMALL TOWNFour days earlier Jennifer Silkwell was found dead on the rocks of the Maine coastline. A high-ranking analyst for the CIA, she had knowledge of national security secrets that would be valuable to a number of enemies. And her senator father once saved Emerson Campbell’s life.A BIG SECRETKnowing how much is riding on the case, Devine packs his bags and heads for the small town of Putnam in Maine. But small towns can harbour big secrets, and not everyone wants to share them with outsiders. Not when there’s a killer on the loose . . . The Edge is the second thriller in the Travis Devine series.The action continues in To Die For.

Objev podobné jako The Edge - David Baldacci

cena 268.0 Kč

The Inverts - David Crystal

1921: a boy, a girl, a moonlit midnight kiss. A terrible, repulsive kiss. Bettina and Bart have grown up as best friends, so surely they will end up together? After all, Bettina is young, rich, headstrong.... and gay. Bart is young, rich, charismatic... and also, definitely, gay. Any doubts are dispelled by, in short order: that ghastly kiss; a torrid encounter for Bettina in the school boiler-rooms; and an eye-opening Parisian visit for Bart. Society will never stand for it. What else can they do but enter into a 'lavender marriage' and carry on indulging their true natures in secret? As the '20s and '30s whizz past in a haze of cigarettes, champagne and casual sex, Bart and Bettina have no idea that they are hurtling, via Hollywood and Egypt, Paris and London, towards tragedy and bloodshed...

Objev podobné jako The Inverts - David Crystal

cena 241.0 Kč

The Director - David Ignatius

A MAN WITH SOMETHING TO CHANGE. Graham Weber, the new director of the CIA, is tasked with revolutionising an agency in crisis. Never intimidated by a challenge, Weber intends to do just that. A HACKER WITH SOMETHING TO EXPOSE. Weber's task greatens when a young computer genius approaches the CIA with proof their systems have been compromised. There is a breach. There is a mole. A WOMAN WITH SOMETHING TO PROVE. The agent who takes this walk-in is K. J. Sandoval - a frustrated yet ambitious base chief desperate to prove her worth to the agency and its new director. Weber must move quickly. And he must choose his allies carefully, if he is to succeed in identifying an enemy that is inside the gates, and out to destroy him.

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