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Born to Run - Michael Morpurgo

A tale of kindness triumphing over cruelty, of resilience, friendship and the value of looking forward rather than behind you – from a master storyteller‘Pitch perfect’ Daily MailWhen Patrick saves a greyhound puppy from drowning in the canal, he gives his beloved new pet the only name that feels right: Best Mate.But despite Patrick’s promise to look after Best Mate forever, it isn''t long before the greyhound is thrust into a new life and threatened with a fate he will have to fight to escape. In the face of constant danger, Best Mate finds a way to survive. The real challenge will be finding a home . . .

Podívejte se také Born to Run Zrozeni k běhu: Zapomenutý národ a tajemství nejlepších a nejšťastnějších běžců světa (978-80-204-5947-3)

cena 236.0 Kč

Springsteen Bruce: Born to Run - LP (0888750142412)

LP vinyl - Born to Run je třetí studiové album amerického písničkáře Bruce Springsteen. Born to Run je třetí studiové album amerického písničkáře Bruce Springsteen. Rok vydání : 1975 (3.album) Rok reedice : 2015 Seznam stop LP Thunder Road / Tenth Avenue Freeze Out / Night / Backstreets / Born To Run / She's The One / Meeting Across The River / Jungleland

Podívejte se také L.O.L. Surprise! B.B.s BORN TO TRAVEL - PS5 (5060528037853)

cena 619.0 Kč

Born to Run - Zrozeni k běhu - Christopher McDougall

Autor knihy se jako miliony jiných amatérských běžců aspoň jednou ročně vážně zranil. Po cyklech bolestí, injekcí a střídání běžeckých bot chtěl na doporučení lékařů s běháním skoncovat. Místo toho se však vydal do kaňonů v Mexiku, kde žijí Tarahumarové – nejtajemnější, nejzdravější a nejšťastnější běžci na planetě. Běhání v extrémních podmínkách jen v sandálech je pro ně stejně přirozené a snadné jako dýchání. Čtivý příběh o běžcích na stokilometrové trati autor doplňuje o nejnovější vědecké poznatky.

Podívejte se také L.O.L. Surprise! B.B.s BORN TO TRAVEL - PS4 (5060528037419)

cena 402.0 Kč

Born to Run Zrozeni k běhu - Christopher McDougall

"Nejlepší kniha o běhání, jakou jste kdy četli… Výborná a dokonale povzbuzující k životu.“ Autor knihy se jako miliony jiných amatérských běžců aspoň jednou ročně vážně zranil. Po cyklech bolestí, injekcí a střídání běžeckých bot chtěl na doporučení lékařů s běháním skoncovat. Místo toho se však vydal do kaňonů v Mexiku, kde žijí Tarahumarové – nejtajemnější, nejzdravější a nejšťastnější běžci na planetě. Běhání v extrémních podmínkách jen v sandálech je pro ně stejně přirozené a snadné jako dýchání. Čtivý příběh o běžcích na stokilometrové trati autor doplňuje o nejnovější vědecké poznatky.

Objev podobné jako Born to Run Zrozeni k běhu - Christopher McDougall

cena 357.0 Kč

Michael Morpurgo´s Tales from Shakespeare - Michael Morpurgo

Ten stunning Shakespeare retellings from the master storyteller, with an introduction by Benedict CumberbatchFeaturing re-tellings of ten of Shakespeare’s plays, and beautifully written with Michael Morpurgo’s warm, accessible and inimitable style, this wonderful collection offers a new generation of readers the chance to discover the magic of Shakespeare – the perfect introduction to the Bard and an unmissable book for children.Stunningly illustrated throughout with contributions from ten different artists, each with a special connection to the author, and published in a beautiful hardback edition, Tales from Shakespeare is a glorious tribute to both Shakespeare and Michael Morpurgo, making this the perfect gift.A contemporary Lamb’s Tales for a new generation.Featuring:Macbeth, illustrated by Dapo AdeolaThe Taming of the Shrew, illustrated by Joelle AvelinoRomeo and Juliet, illustrated by Peter BaileyThe Tempest, illustrated by BarrouxTwelfth Night, illustrated by Ian BeckHenry V, illustrated by Christian BirminghamA Midsummer Night''s Dream, illustrated by Alona MillgramHamlet, illustrated by Tom Clohosy ColeKing Lear, illustrated by Michael ForemanThe Winter''s Tale, illustrated by Sam Usher

Objev podobné jako Michael Morpurgo´s Tales from Shakespeare - Michael Morpurgo

cena 591.0 Kč

Born to Run - Zrozeni k běhu - Christopher McDougall - e-kniha

eBook: Autor knihy se jako miliony jiných amatérských běžců aspoň jednou ročně vážně zranil. Po cyklech bolestí, injekcí a střídání běžeckých bot chtěl na doporučení lékařů s běháním skoncovat. Místo toho se však vydal do kaňonů v Mexiku, kde žijí Tarahumarové – nejtajemnější, nejzdravější a nejšťastnější běžci na planetě. Běhání v extrémních podmínkách jen v sandálech je pro ně stejně přirozené a snadné jako dýchání. Čtivý příběh o běžcích na stokilometrové trati autor doplňuje o nejnovější vědecké poznatky.

Objev podobné jako Born to Run - Zrozeni k běhu - Christopher McDougall - e-kniha

cena 279.0 Kč

Born to Run - Zrozeni k běhu (978-80-204-5947-3)

Elektronická kniha - autor Christopher McDougall, 280 stran, česky Zrozeni k běhu – Born to Run je kniha plná fantastických postav, ohromujících sportovních výkonů, nadčasové vědy, a především inspirace. Epickým příběhem odpovídá na jednoduchou otázku: Jak to, že mě při běhání bolí nohy? Při hledání odpovědi se Christopher McDougall vydal za kmenem nejlepších dálkových běžců na světě a získal jejich tajemství. Zároveň nám dokazuje, že všechno, co jsme dosud o běhání věděli nebo si mysleli, že víme, je špatně. Strážci ztraceného umění jsou indiáni kmene Tarahumarů z oblasti mexických Copper Canyons – Měděných kaňonů. Žijí v jednom z nejdivočejších krajů Severní Ameriky a dlouhá staletí používají techniky, které jim dovolují běhat bez odpočinku stovky mil a honit cokoli, jelenem počínaje a olympijským maratoncem konče, přičemž si ještě dokážou každou uběhnutou míli pěkně vychutnat. Jejich takřka nadlidskému nadání se vyrovná snad jen jejich neochvějné zdraví a...

Objev podobné jako Born to Run - Zrozeni k běhu (978-80-204-5947-3)

cena 279.0 Kč

Born to Run 2 - Zrozeni k běhu 2 - Christopher McDougall - e-kniha

eBook: Bestsellerový autor Christopher McDougall a renomovaný trenér Eric Orton přetavili své bohaté sportovní zkušenosti do ultimátního tréninkového plánu, se kterým si svůj běžecký sen splní úplně každý. Ať už patříte mezi amatéry, nebo ultramaratonce, 90denní tréninkový plán Run Free vám předá vše potřebné pro úspěch. Jídlo, kondice, forma, obuv, soustředění, zábava a rodina – to jsou oblasti, které teď vyladíte k dokonalosti. Běhejte rychleji, dál a s větší radostí! Tato ilustrovaná příručka vám ukáže cestu.

Objev podobné jako Born to Run 2 - Zrozeni k běhu 2 - Christopher McDougall - e-kniha

cena 389.0 Kč

Born to Run 2 - Zrozeni k běhu 2 - Christopher McDougall, Eric Orton

Bestsellerový autor Christopher McDougall a renomovaný trenér Eric Orton přetavili své bohaté sportovní zkušenosti do ultimátního tréninkového plánu, se kterým si svůj běžecký sen splní úplně každý. Ať už patříte mezi amatéry, nebo ultramaratonce, 90denní tréninkový plán Run Free vám předá vše potřebné pro úspěch. Jídlo, kondice, forma, obuv, soustředění, zábava a rodina – to jsou oblasti, které teď vyladíte k dokonalosti. Běhejte rychleji, dál a s větší radostí! Tato ilustrovaná příručka vám ukáže cestu.

Objev podobné jako Born to Run 2 - Zrozeni k běhu 2 - Christopher McDougall, Eric Orton

cena 491.0 Kč

Cobweb - Michael Morpurgo

A powerful, moving adventure inspired by the extraordinary true story of the French Drummer Boy of Waterloo, COBWEB is a stunning tale of courage and kindness – a book about humanity, animals, and the heartbreak of war, from a writer at the height of his powers.“They call me Cobweb. I’ll tell you why later. I may be a dog, but I know and understand a lot more than people think I do.”Britain. 1815. After years of loss and sacrifice, the end of the war with Napoleon is approaching.Cobweb knows nothing of the war – he loves being a young puppy and playing with his owner, Bethan, exploring the countryside and chasing rabbits.But when he is taken away from Bethan and sold, Cobweb must learn to become a Drover’s Dog – herding sheep and cattle for hundreds of miles on the long, treacherous journey to London.And after the Napoleonic wars finally come to an end with the Battle of Waterloo, Cobweb meets an unexpected stranger with an incredible tale to tell on his journey home . . .

Objev podobné jako Cobweb - Michael Morpurgo

cena 443.0 Kč

Beowulf - Sir Michael Morpurgo

The epic Anglo-Saxon legend is brilliantly recreated by an award-winning author/illustrator team.In fifth-century Denmark, a murderous monster stalks the night, and only the great prince of the Geats has the strength and courage to defeat him. Beowulf''s terrifying quest to destroy Grendel, the foul fiend, a hideous sea-hag and a monstrous fire-dragon is the oldest surviving epic in British literature. Artfully retold and magnificently illustrated, this companion volume to Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is made instantly accessible to children by a formidable children''s book partnership.

Objev podobné jako Beowulf - Sir Michael Morpurgo

cena 236.0 Kč

Kensuke's Kingdom - Michael Morpurgo

Michael Morpurgo’s children’s classic is now a major movie animation that The Sunday Times calls ‘bold, charming and beautiful’ starring Cillian Murphy, Sally Hawkins and Ken Watanabe. With screen play by children’s laureate, Frank Cottrell-Boyce. From the award-winning author of War Horse.‘A dazzling adventure’ – The Times‘I heard the wind above me in the sails. I remember thinking, this is silly, you haven’t got your safety harness on, you haven’t got your lifejacket on. You shouldn’t be doing this … I was in the cold of the sea before I could even open my mouth to scream.’Washed up on an island in the Pacific, Michael struggles to survive on his own. With no food and no water, he curls up and closes his eyes ready for the end. When he wakes, there is a plate beside him of fish, of fruit, and a bowl of fresh water. He is not alone …Kensuke''s Kingdom is a gripping adventure of survival and true friendship from the author of War Horse.Michael Morpurgo has written more than one hundred books for children and won the Whitbread Award, the Smarties Award, the Circle of Gold Award, the Children’s Book Award and has been short-listed for the Carnegie Medal four times.Kensuke’s Kingdom was shortlisted for the Whitbread Prize and won the FCB Award.

Objev podobné jako Kensuke's Kingdom - Michael Morpurgo

cena 236.0 Kč

Little Foxes - Michael Morpurgo

A spellbinding animal story from War Horse author and former Children''s Laureate, Michael Morpurgo.Bullied at school, nagged in Aunty May''s tenth-floor council flat, there''s only one place ten-year-old Billy really feels alive – in the wilderness by the canal. There he watches a cygnet on the water and protects a family of fox cubs. Then his secret place is discovered and the fox family decimated. Unwanted and unloved, Billy and the last fox run for their lives …A gripping and poignant animal adventure from the master storyteller of An Eagle in the Snow, Listen to the Moon, Shadow, and An Elephant in the Garden. –––Former Children''s Laureate Michael Morpurgo needs no introduction. He is one of the most successful children''s authors in the country, loved by children, teachers and parents alike. Michael has written more than forty books for children including the global hit War Horse, which was made into a Hollywood film by Steven Spielberg in 2011.Several of his other stories have been adapted for screen and stage, including My Friend Walter, Why the Whales Came and Kensuke''s Kingdom. Michael has won the Whitbread Award, the Smarties Award, the Circle of Gold Award, the Children''s Book Award and has been short-listed for the Carnegie Medal four times.

Objev podobné jako Little Foxes - Michael Morpurgo

cena 236.0 Kč

Kensuke's Kingdom - Michael Morpurgo

An utterly magical of one boy’s desert island adventure – full of friendship, trust and humanity. From the nation’s favourite storyteller.‘A dazzling adventure’ – The Times‘I heard the wind above me in the sails. I remember thinking, this is silly, you haven’t got your safety harness on, you haven’t got your lifejacket on. You shouldn’t be doing this … I was in the cold of the sea before I could even open my mouth to scream.’Washed up on an island in the Pacific, Michael struggles to survive on his own. With no food and no water, he curls up and closes his eyes ready for the end. When he wakes, there is a plate beside him of fish, of fruit, and a bowl of fresh water. He is not alone …Kensuke''s Kingdom is a gripping adventure of survival and true friendship from the author of War Horse.Michael Morpurgo has written more than one hundred books for children and won the Whitbread Award, the Smarties Award, the Circle of Gold Award, the Children’s Book Award and has been short-listed for the Carnegie Medal four times.Kensuke’s Kingdom was shortlisted for the Whitbread Prize and won the FCB Award.

Objev podobné jako Kensuke's Kingdom - Michael Morpurgo

cena 236.0 Kč

Flamingo Boy - Michael Morpurgo

A heart-lifting story of hope and courage in a time of war, set in the South of France‘The storytelling is, as always, irresistible and the characters clasp your heart’ Sunday Times, Children’s Book of the WeekThere are lots of things Lorenzo doesn’t understand, but he does understand animals – especially the flamingos in the salt flats of his Camargue home, which the Second World War has barely touched.But then the soldiers come, and Lorenzo’s world is threatened. Amongst the Germans, though, is a kind sergeant, and he and Lorenzo may be able to mend what is broken . . .

Objev podobné jako Flamingo Boy - Michael Morpurgo

cena 236.0 Kč

Private Peaceful - Michael Morpurgo

Heroism or cowardice? A stunning story of the First World War from a master storyteller‘Full of warmth as well as grief, conveying vividly how precious it is to be alive’ Sunday TimesAs young Thomas Peaceful looks back over his childhood from the battlefields of the First World War, his memories are full of family life deep in the countryside.But the clock is ticking, and every moment Tommo spends remembering how things used to be, means another moment closer to something that will change his life for ever.

Objev podobné jako Private Peaceful - Michael Morpurgo

cena 236.0 Kč

War Horse - Michael Morpurgo

Before the Steven Spielberg film, before the National Theatre production, there was the classic children’s novel – War Horse. From the nation’s favourite storyteller, Michael Morpurgo.In the deadly chaos of the First World War, one horse witnesses the reality of battle from both sides of the trenches. Bombarded by artillery, with bullets knocking riders from his back, Joey tells a powerful story of the truest friendships surviving in terrible times. One horse has the seen the best and the worst of humanity. The power of war and the beauty of peace. This is his story.War Horse was adapted by Steven Spielberg as a major motion picture with Jeremy Irvine, Emily Watson, and Benedict Cumberbatch. The National Theatre production opened in 2007 and has enjoyed successful runs in the West End and on Broadway.A great way of introducing young readers to the realities of WWI. Look out for Morpurgo’s other war fiction including Friend or Foe, Waiting for Anya, King of the Cloud Forests and An Eagle in the Snow.War Horse is a story of universal suffering for a universal audience by a writer who ‘has the happy knack of speaking to both child and adult readers’ (The Guardian).Michael Morpurgo has written more than one hundred books for children and won the Whitbread Award, the Smarties Award, the Circle of Gold Award, the Children’s Book Award and has been short-listed for the Carnegie Medal four times.

Objev podobné jako War Horse - Michael Morpurgo

cena 236.0 Kč

Running Wild - Michael Morpurgo

The epic and heart-rending jungle adventure from a master storyteller‘One of those novels that you know from the start is going to break your heart’ The TimesAfter his father is killed in Iraq, a surprise trip to Indonesia seems the perfect escape for Will and his mum. That is, until the elephant he is riding along the beach, Oona, spooks. As Will sees a huge wave crashing in, Oona runs into the jungle with Will holding on for dear life.With nothing but the clothes on his back and both parents surely lost, Will wonders if there is much left for him in the world. But with Oona beside him, the jungle might turn out not to be so lonely . . .

Objev podobné jako Running Wild - Michael Morpurgo

cena 236.0 Kč

Kensuke's Kingdom - Michael Morpurgo

Kensuke’s Kingdom is a true children’s classic by former Children''s Laureate Michael Morpurgo, the creator of War Horse.I heard the wind above me in the sails. I remember thinking, this is silly, you haven’t got your safety harness on, you haven’t got your lifejacket on. You shouldn’t be doing this … I was in the cold of the sea before I could even open my mouth to scream.Washed up on an island in the Pacific, Michael struggles to survive on his own. With no food and no water, he curls up to die. When he wakes, there is a plate beside him of fish, of fruit, and a bowl of fresh water. He is not alone …From the author of War Horse, Private Peaceful, An Eagle in the Snow, Listen to the Moon, and I Believe in Unicorns comes a stunning children’s story – loved by kids, teachers and parents alike. One of the best books for children aged 10 and up. Michael Morpurgo has written more than one hundred books and won the Whitbread Award, the Smarties Award, the Circle of Gold Award, the Children’s Book Award and has been short-listed for the Carnegie Medal four times. Reviewed as ‘A dazzling adventure’ by The Times.

Objev podobné jako Kensuke's Kingdom - Michael Morpurgo

cena 325.0 Kč

Kensuke's Kingdom - Michael Morpurgo

I disappeared on the night before my twelfth birthday.Washed up on an island in the Pacific, Michael struggles to survive on his own. With no food and no water, he curls up to die. When he wakes, there is a plate beside him of fish, of fruit, and a bowl of fresh water. He is not alone …From the author of the internationally acclaimed War Horse, this is a spellbinding adventure story about friendship and survival.Kensuke’s Kingdom was shortlisted for the Whitbread Prize and won the FCB Award.‘A dazzling adventure’ – The Times

Objev podobné jako Kensuke's Kingdom - Michael Morpurgo

cena 236.0 Kč

The Puffin Keeper - Michael Morpurgo

It was Benjamin Postlethwaite''s job all his long life to make sure the light shone brightly high up in the lighthouse on Puffin Island. Not once in all his years as the lighthouse keeper had he ever let his light go out. But sometimes even the brightest light on a lighthouse cannot save a ship.This is a story of a life-changing friendship, a lost puffin, and a lonely artist. It''s the story of an entire lifetime, and how one event can change a life forever. From masterful storyteller, Michael Morpurgo, and world-class illustrator, Benji Davies, comes a magical new story. This truly beautiful tale will enchant readers of all ages.

Objev podobné jako The Puffin Keeper - Michael Morpurgo

cena 236.0 Kč

Billy the Kid - Michael Morpurgo

Billy has just been picked to play for Chelsea when WWII breaks out . . . Master storyteller Michael Morpurgo weaves a powerful tale of triumph and tragedy on the pitch and off it.Billy''s no kid – he''s eighty today. He''s enjoying watching the boys in the park knock a football around and this afternoon he''ll be cheering on his team, Chelsea, as he has done all his life. In 1939 Billy was picked for Chelsea. Not quite nineteen, and his dreams had come true: ''Billy! Billy the Kid!'' they shouted as he scored goal after goal. Surely life could get no better. But in 1939 too, the Second World War began and Billy''s life would never be the same again . . .From the world renowned author War Horse, War Boy, War Game and Farm Boy and the creators of The Boy Who Would Be King and There Once Is a Queen.Full colour artwork throughout, from world-renowned illustrator Michael Foreman.

Objev podobné jako Billy the Kid - Michael Morpurgo

cena 325.0 Kč

The Butterfly Lion - Michael Morpurgo

A lyrical and moving tale of a young boy growing up in Africa, and his lifelong friendship with a white lion, from a master storyteller‘Will touch all hearts – both young and old’ Virginia McKenna, Born Free FoundationWhen Bertie rescues an orphaned white lion cub from the African veld, the pair are inseparable – until Bertie is sent to boarding school far away in England and the lion is sold to a circus.Bertie swears that one day they will see one another again, but it is the butterfly lion which ensures that their friendship will never be forgotten.

Objev podobné jako The Butterfly Lion - Michael Morpurgo

cena 236.0 Kč

Long Way Home - Michael Morpurgo

A heartfelt tale of an orphaned boy in search of family from War Horse author and former Children''s Laureate, Michael Morpurgo.Another summer. Another foster family. George has already made up his mind to run away, back to the children’s home. None of the previous families have wanted him. Why should the Dyers be any different? But George begins to feel at ease with Tom Dyer and his sister Storme, even happy, and changes his mind. He could even feel at home with them – couldn’t he?Long Way Home is a thoughtful tale about orphans, family, love and finding a place one can call home.

Objev podobné jako Long Way Home - Michael Morpurgo

cena 236.0 Kč

Billy the Kid - Michael Morpurgo

A moving story combining war and football: the game with the ability to link nations and generations‘Told with all the author’s open-hearted clarity, and richly illustrated’ Philip PullmanBilly’s no kid – he’s eighty today. And this afternoon he’ll be cheering on his team, Chelsea, as he has done all his life.In 1939, Billy was picked for Chelsea. Not quite nineteen, and his dreams had already come true. But later that year the Second World War would begin, and would transform Billy’s life again – along with everyone else’s – forever . . .

Objev podobné jako Billy the Kid - Michael Morpurgo

cena 207.0 Kč

Útěk do pralesa - Michael Morpurgo

Dojemné i napínavé dobrodružství z džungle od Michaela Morpurga, celosvětově oblíbeného autora dětských knih a autora předlohy k filmu Stevena Spielberga Válečný kůň. Pro chlapce Willa a jeho matku není cesta do Indonésie "pouhou" dovolenou. Je to útěk od starého života, nový začátek, šance oklepat se a dát znovu dohromady. Rodina má totiž za sebou velikou ztrátu, jakou je smrt Willova otce ve válce v Iráku. Zprvu se zdá, že indonéské moře a slunce jsou přesně to, co potřebovali. Will se projíždí po pláži na slonici Ooně, která se znenadání začne chovat podivně. Znervózní a běží pryč, směrem od moře. Za pár okamžiků spláchne pobřeží děsivá vlna tsunami; tato katastrofa se o Vánocích 2004 skutečně odehrála. Slonice Oona zběsile pádí dál a dál do pralesa, s Willem na hřbetě… Will se musí naučit přežít v divočině bez výdobytků civilizace, jen s lahví vody a tím, co má právě na sobě. Naštěstí na to není úplně sám. Má Oonu!

Objev podobné jako Útěk do pralesa - Michael Morpurgo

cena 223.0 Kč

Carnival of the Animals - Michael Morpurgo

A stunning gift collection of animal poems from master storyteller Michael Morpurgo, celebrating with heart and humour the creatures with whom we share our planet.Collaborating once more with iconic artist, Michael Foreman, Morpurgo''s poems are inspired by The Carnival of the Animals – a humorous musical by the French composer Camille Saint-Saëns. Building on this classic framework, Michael has added many more animals – they speak in their own voices, full of humour and brio, to tell of their lives and the impact of humanity on their habitats.With full colour illustrations throughout, this celebrated partnership has created a gift book with a strong ecological message that will also ignite a love of poetry in young readers and will appeal to fans of The Lost Words. Above all it is a celebration of the natural world in verse, a book to treasure and to inspire.Michael Morpurgo has sold over 35 million books globally, many of them illustrated by Michael Foreman.

Objev podobné jako Carnival of the Animals - Michael Morpurgo

cena 384.0 Kč

The Ogre Who Wasn't - Michael Morpurgo

"Light-hearted and rambunctious . . . a fairytale with a difference" — Guardian Best Children's Books of 2023The Ogre Who Wasnt is a fresh and funny story of a little princess who hates the stuffy palace, but loves the creatures she meets in the garden.From Sir Michael Morpurgo (Children's Laureate 2003-4) and Emily Gravett, the award-winning duo behind the bestselling picture book, A Song of Gladness.In this classic fairytale with a modern twist, meet Clara: a small, strong-willed princess who likes running wild, jumping ditches and climbing trees . . . but most of all, collecting creepy-crawlies and making them her friends. That’s not easy with a bossy butler and a pernickety nanny always on your case.When Clara discovers that an ogre she keeps in her shoe under her bed isn’t an ogre at all, he offers her a way out of her predicament. There’s only one thing she needs to do . . .

Objev podobné jako The Ogre Who Wasn't - Michael Morpurgo

cena 266.0 Kč

Listen to the Moon - Michael Morpurgo

A heart-wrenching and beautiful First World War novel where, in the face of fear and division, love, courage and kindness allow life to go on after unthinkable tragedyShortlisted for the Costa Book Awards‘Our national treasure . . . Hugely moving’ New StatesmanWhen Alfie Wheatcroft and his father find an injured girl alone on one of Scilly’s uninhabited islands, they have no idea where she’s come from or who she is. Able to speak only one word, ‘Lucy’, the girl is a mystery to everyone – even herself.While the Wheatcrofts love her as one of their own, their fellow islanders are filled with wartime suspicion. As hostility mounts and hope dwindles, the key to Lucy’s lost memories may lie just beyond the shoreline . . .

Objev podobné jako Listen to the Moon - Michael Morpurgo

cena 236.0 Kč

Why the Whales Came - Michael Morpurgo

A stunning story of friendship and our natural world set against the backdrop of the First World War. From the nation’s favourite storyteller, Michael Morpurgo.Gracie and her friend Daniel have always been warned to stay away from the Birdman and his side of the island. But then they find a message in the sand and discover the Birdman is not who they thought.But his warnings to stay away from the abandoned and cursed Samson Island stay with them. And when those warnings seem to be coming true, Gracie and Daniel must find out what the Birdman knows – before it''s too late …Why the Wales Came is a gripping historical tale full of adventure and friendship, from the author of War Horse.Michael Morpurgo has written more than one hundred books for children and won the Whitbread Award, the Smarties Award, the Circle of Gold Award, the Children’s Book Award and has been short-listed for the Carnegie Medal four times.

Objev podobné jako Why the Whales Came - Michael Morpurgo

cena 236.0 Kč

Born to Run: The Hidden Tribe, the Ultra-Runners, and the Greatest Race the World Has Ever Se (9781861978776)

Kniha - autor Christopher McDougall, 288 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Christopher McDougall, 288 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The Tarahumara are a remote, mysterious tribe of Mexican Indians, who came to the attention of the sport world in 1993, when one of them, aged 57, came first in a prestigious 100-mile race, wearing a toga and sandals. A small group of runners - as well as the author - make the treacherous journey into the canyons to learn the secrets of incredible running. 'A fascinating and inspiring true adventure story... destined to become a classic' Ranulph Fiennes

Objev podobné jako Born to Run: The Hidden Tribe, the Ultra-Runners, and the Greatest Race the World Has Ever Se (9781861978776)

cena 279.0 Kč

There Once is a Queen - Michael Morpurgo

From the Nation's Favourite Storyteller Sir Michael Morpurgo comes a poetic celebration of our Queen and longest reigning monarch, beautifully illustrated in watercolour by acclaimed artist Michael Foreman. Created in partnership with the Jubilee Pageant Committee.There once was a little girl, born a princess. While she was still a young woman, she became a queen, our Queen Elizabeth. Now, seventy years later, her reign as the longest serving female monarch in history has seen her stand steadfast through triumph and tribulation, and through the monumental changes that have shaped our world. This remarkable queen has remained devoted to crown, to country . . . and a corgi or two!Beginning with the queen as a little girl, planting an oak tree with her father, There Once is a Queen follows her incredible story in a way that will bring this historic reign vividly to life for readers, big and small, around the globe. An exquisite gift book and commemoration of the Platinum Jubilee, it marks a unique moment in our shared history and will be a treasured keepsake for generations to come.

Objev podobné jako There Once is a Queen - Michael Morpurgo

cena 357.0 Kč

The White Horse of Zennor - Michael Morpurgo

A thrilling collection of myths, legends and ghost stories from War Horse author and Britain’s best-loved storyteller Michael Morpurgo.Since the beginning of time, strange and mysterious things have happened here … At the furthest edge of Britain, where the sea gently washes over the land and myths brush against reality, lies Zennor.Set in a church town where men become beats and ghosts roam freely, these are haunting and unforgettable tales where magic lies around every corner.

Objev podobné jako The White Horse of Zennor - Michael Morpurgo

cena 236.0 Kč

The Ghost of Grania O'Malley - Michael Morpurgo

A gripping ghost story from Britain’s best-loved children''s storyteller, full of friendship, adventure and a pirate queen. ''You’re not . . . you’re not Grania O’Malley, are you?''''Who else would I be?'' she said.Everyone knows the Big Hill is full of gold, and now the islanders are intent on cutting the top off it and making themselves rich. Jessie and Jake are determined to save the Big Hill but what can they do? A plan is needed, and fast.Could the ghost of Grania O''Malley, the pirate queen, be the answer? You don''t know what you can do until you try.Michael Morpurgo has written more than one hundred books for children and won the Whitbread Award, the Smarties Award, the Circle of Gold Award, the Children’s Book Award and has been shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal four times.

Objev podobné jako The Ghost of Grania O'Malley - Michael Morpurgo

cena 236.0 Kč

Arthur High King of Britain - Michael Morpurgo

An enchanting take on the legend of King Arthur from War Horse author and former Children''s Laureate, Michael Morpurgo.Marooned on a sandbank, a boy faces certain death. With the sea closing in and the current about to drag him to a watery grave, his final wish is to see heaven. Waking in a strange bed, the boy meets an old man sitting by the fire with his dog. It is Arthur, the great warrior king of legend, and from his lips the boy hears of Camelot, chivalry, magic, evil and betrayal.Arthur, High King of Britain is a gripping historical adventure from the master storyteller of An Eagle in the Snow, Listen to the Moon, Shadow, and An Elephant in the Garden. Michael Morpurgo has written more than forty books and won the Whitbread Award, the Smarties Award, the Circle of Gold Award, the Children’s Book Award and has been short-listed for the Carnegie Medal four times.

Objev podobné jako Arthur High King of Britain - Michael Morpurgo

cena 236.0 Kč

Born To Run: The Hidden Tribe, The Ultra-Runners, And The Greatest Race The World Has Never Seen - Christopher McDougall

At the heart of Born to Run lies a mysterious tribe of Mexican Indians, the Tarahumara, who live quietly in canyons and are reputed to be the best distance runners in the world; in 1993, one of them, aged 57, came first in a prestigious 100-mile race wearing a toga and sandals. A small group of the world's top ultra-runners (and the awe-inspiring author) make the treacherous journey into the canyons to try to learn the tribe's secrets and then take them on over a course 50 miles long. With incredible energy and smart observation, McDougall tells this story while asking what the secrets are to being an incredible runner. Travelling to labs at Harvard, Nike, and elsewhere, he comes across an incredible cast of characters, including the woman who recently broke the world record for 100 miles and for her encore ran a 2:50 marathon in a bikini, pausing to down a beer at the 20 mile mark.

Objev podobné jako Born To Run: The Hidden Tribe, The Ultra-Runners, And The Greatest Race The World Has Never Seen - Christopher McDougall

cena 312.0 Kč

The Boy Who Would Be King - Michael Morpurgo

A beautifully illustrated full-colour tribute to King Charles III, published to mark his coronation. There once was a boy who was going to be king one day... From the Nation's Favourite Storyteller Sir Michael Morpurgo comes a poetic celebration of our new monarch, King Charles III, beautifully illustrated in watercolour by acclaimed artist Michael Foreman. There once was a little boy, born a prince. Encouraged by his parents, he grew up with a passion for the countryside, wanting to look after it. Then, as the longest-serving Prince of Wales in British history, he dedicated decades of his life to raising awareness for conservation. Now our king, his devoted work will continue to inspire the protection of our planet for future generations. This allegorical story tells how - with the help of a tiny acorn - a wise old woman gives a lonely boy, who would be king, the courage and determination to change the world for the better, for everyone. An exquisite companion to There Once is a Queen, this commemoration of King Charles III's coronation is a gift book truly to be treasured.

Objev podobné jako The Boy Who Would Be King - Michael Morpurgo

cena 357.0 Kč

Alone on a Wide Wide Sea - Michael Morpurgo

How far would you go to find yourself? The lyrical, life-affirming novel from the nation’s favourite storyteller‘Michael Morpurgo’s best book in years’ ObserverWhen six-year-old Arthur is shipped to Australia after the Second World War, he loses everything he knows. Subjected to brutal hardship on a working farm before finding a home with the eccentric Aunty Megs, Arthur is eventually called back to the sea.Now Arthur has built a yacht for his daughter, Allie, who is determined to sail to England to find her father’s long-lost sister. Will love stretch across time and oceans and reveal how Arthur’s life began?

Objev podobné jako Alone on a Wide Wide Sea - Michael Morpurgo

cena 236.0 Kč

The Fox and the Ghost King - Michael Morpurgo

A warm and funny story for younger readers, about two foxes, a ghost and one of the biggest archaeological discoveries in living memory…‘A heartwarming tale for animal lovers and football fans alike’ GuardianIn a cosy den under a garden shed lives a family of foxes. They love to watch football, all foxes do. One day, they are surprised by a ghostly voice coming from deep underground. The stranger promises to grant the foxes their dearest wish if they only set him free.With their favourite football team on a losing streak, the foxes know exactly what to wish for. But can they trust the mysterious stranger?

Objev podobné jako The Fox and the Ghost King - Michael Morpurgo

cena 236.0 Kč

Finding Alfie: A D-Day Story - Michael Morpurgo

Aunty Iris always treasured her small painting of a boat, paintedby her close friend Alfie many years before. Her nephew, Michael,is inspired to try and find out what actually happened to Alfiein World War II.

Objev podobné jako Finding Alfie: A D-Day Story - Michael Morpurgo

cena 443.0 Kč

This Morning I Met a Whale - Sir Michael Morpurgo

A fictional account of the day a whale swam up the Thames, in which the whale makes an environmental plea to the boy who first sees him.At sunrise, young Michael spots a whale on the shores of the Thames and thinks he must be dreaming. But the creature is real and it has a message for him – one that only an open-minded child can deliver to the rest of the world. The whale warns that the earth’s days are numbered and that humans must put right the damage they are doing, but how can Michael fulfil his promise to tell others when neither his teacher nor his classmates will believe his story? Within hours, the city and the wider world have learned of London’s remarkable visitor, and all eyes are on the whale’s struggle against the receding tide. Michael must now join his new friend in a race against time to reach the ocean, and hold fast to his promise in the race to save the world itself.

Objev podobné jako This Morning I Met a Whale - Sir Michael Morpurgo

cena 236.0 Kč

When Fishes Flew : The Story of Elena´s War - Michael Morpurgo

This first new novel in two years from the Nation's Favourite Storyteller is a sweeping story of love and rescue - an unforgettable journey to the Greek island of Ithaca, and back in time to World War Two...Australian-Greek girl Nandi travels to her ancestors' home in Ithaca, and discovers - through a friendship with an extremely unusual flying fish - the extraordinary story of her great-aunt Elena; of how she fell in love, in the hardest of times, and how of how she became an unsung hero of World War Two.But Elena has gone missing, and Nandi has to find her. In her search, she will discover that Elena was an even greater hero than she thought - and still is...Nandi's story is a beautiful and inspiring tale of personal discovery, of love and place and belonging, threaded through with the quiet heroism of everyday people. Stunningly illustrated throughout by acclaimed artist George Butler, and full of magic, myth and mystery, it is a classic Morpurgo novel that will move and thrill every reader who loved Private Peaceful and War Horse, and combines all the hallmarks of this beloved Master Storyteller.

Objev podobné jako When Fishes Flew : The Story of Elena´s War - Michael Morpurgo

cena 214.0 Kč

Katerina the Cat and Other Tales from the Farm - Michael Morpurgo

A charming story collection from Michael Morpurgo and illustrated by Guy Parker-Rees – full of friendship and adventure, and perfect to read togetherTake part in the heroic rescue of a fishing boat in trouble, meet a boy who makes an extraordinary discovery in the vegetable patch, and find out how a farm cat forms a very special connection with a young Ukrainian girl.These three uplifting stories capture the wonder, muck and magic of a city child’s week on the farm.From Michael Morpurgo, co-founder of the charity Farms for City Children, and illustrated by Guy Parker-Rees, this charming story collection for young readers celebrates the countryside and the way its landscape and animals can leave an impression on a child’s heart forever.

Objev podobné jako Katerina the Cat and Other Tales from the Farm - Michael Morpurgo

cena 207.0 Kč

How To Run Britain - Robert Peston

THE MUST-READ BOOK FROM ITV''S ROBERT PESTON AND KISHAN KORIA, REVISED AND UPDATED FOLLOWING THE GENERAL ELECTION *Previously published as Bust?*---------Britain is facing uncertainty, threats and risk: new Prime Minister, new government, new political landscape, at home and abroad. But how much should change? And how much will change? How To Run Britain is a plea from Robert Peston and Kishan Koria to own what''s gone wrong and make courageous reforms to everything, from the way we manage the economy to how we vote. We all know that, over the past fifteen years, British living standards have stagnated, inequality between - and within - communities has grown rampant, politicians have lost credibility and the trust of the nation. Millions say they are unheard and disenfranchised, victimised even. A far-right racist minority feels entitled to riot. But what do those problems really mean - and how do we fix them? How can politicians win the trust back from voters, from teachers, doctors, students, pensioners - all those who feel left behind by those who purport to act in their best interest?Peston and Koria''s argument is simple: first, we must interrogate everything that has gone wrong, and build solutions from there. This is not the time to shy away from the recent past, nor should we indulge in it. Instead, we should take the lessons learned over the past fifteen years and build a future-focused, strategic plan for restoring economic, political and social security to the country we know and love.How To Run Britain is a manifesto for change in its simplest, clearest form, from the minds of two people who have seen it all.This is an updated, retitled edition of Bust? by Robert Peston and Kishan Koria, published in 2023.

Objev podobné jako How To Run Britain - Robert Peston

cena 325.0 Kč

Běžecké tričko adidas Performance Designed to Run

Běžecké tričko z kolekce adidas Performance. Model vyroben z recyklovaného materiálu odvádějícího vlhkost.

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cena 679.0 Kč

How to run a business without risk (9781911511144)

Kniha - autor Vladimír John, 248 stran, anglicky The Truth Revealed about Business Risk covers the ten most interesting business topics in interviews with expert advisors. Through the experiences and advice given in this book, entrepreneurs will learn, in a simple and effective way, how to avoid the most frequent mistakes and protect their businesses from risk, crises and even bankruptcy.

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cena 235.0 Kč

How to Run an Indie Label - Alan McGee

A no-holds-barred rampage through gigs, clubs, boardrooms, drugs and booze, mad scenes, brilliant signings, machine gun quotes and a resilient wild spirit.''A true believer in the power of music and more importantly a believer in the people that make music'' Noel Gallagher''McGee was our Malcolm McLaren and Tony Wilson. An instigator and motivator, a born upsetter. I''ve never met anyone like him'' Bobby GillespieMusic is like no other business. It''s about being at the right place at the right time, following your nose and diving in feet first. It''s about being plugged into the mystical electricity and about surfing on the wild energy. It''s about how to fuck up and how to survive and be sustained by the holy grail of the high decibel.No-one captures this wild feral spirit better than Alan McGee whose helter-skelter career through music has made him a major force. Wilder than his bands, more out of control than his most lunatic singer, more driven than his contemporaries and closer in spirit to the rock''n''roll star he could never be himself, McGee was always in a rush. Creation would sign people and not just the music. McGee understood that running an indie label is mainly about the charisma, the game changers, the iconography and the story. It''s about never being boring.His ability to start a raw power ruckus brought the visceral danger back to a moribund mid-eighties music scene. His nose for danger and his ear for classic guitar rock''n''roll brought us The Jesus and Mary Chain, Primal Scream, My Bloody Valentine, Teenage Fanclub and Ride before topping out in the nineties with the biggest band in the world, Oasis.By no means a conventional instruction manual or business book, How To Run an Indie Label tells you everything you need to know about how to be a creative force.

Objev podobné jako How to Run an Indie Label - Alan McGee

cena 591.0 Kč

How to Run a Business Without Risk - Vladimír John - e-kniha

eBook: How to Run a Business Without Risk covers the ten most interesting business topics in interviews with expert advisors. Through the experiences and advice given in this book, entrepreneurs will learn, in a simple and effective way, how to avoid the most frequent mistakes and protect their businesses from risk, crises and even bankruptcy.

Objev podobné jako How to Run a Business Without Risk - Vladimír John - e-kniha

cena 239.0 Kč

How to Run a Business Without Risk (999-00-017-4897-5)

Elektronická kniha - autor Vladimír John, 131 stran How to Run a Business Without Risk covers the ten most interesting business topics in interviews with expert advisors. Through the experiences and advice given in this book, entrepreneurs will learn, in a simple and effective way, how to avoid the most frequent mistakes and protect their businesses from risk, crises and even bankruptcy.

Objev podobné jako How to Run a Business Without Risk (999-00-017-4897-5)

cena 239.0 Kč

Autocracy, Inc: The Dictators Who Want to Run the World - Anne Applebaumová

One of the world's most celebrated historians and journalists uncovers the networks trying to destroy the democratic worldAll of us have in our minds a cartoon image of what an autocratic state looks like, with a bad man at the top. But in the 21st century, that cartoon bears little resemblance to reality. Nowadays, autocracies are run not by one bad guy, but by sophisticated networks composed of kleptocratic financial structures, security services and professional propagandists.The members of these networks are connected not only within a given country, but among many countries. The corrupt, state-controlled companies in one dictatorship do business with corrupt, state-controlled companies in another. The police in one country can arm, equip, and train the police in another.The propagandists share resources—the troll farms that promote one dictator’s propaganda can also be used to promote the propaganda of another—and themes, pounding home the same messages about the weakness of democracy and the evil of America. Unlike military or political alliances from other times and places, this group doesn’t operate like a bloc, but rather like an agglomeration of companies: Autocracy, Inc. Their relations are not based on values, but are rather transactional, which is why they operate so easily across ideological, geographical, and cultural lines.In truth, they are in full agreement about only one thing: Their dislike of us, the inhabitants of the democratic world, and their desire to see both our political systems and our values undermine. That shared understanding of the world—where it comes from, why it lasts, how it works, how the democratic world has unwittingly helped to consolidate it, and how we can help bring it down—is the subject of this book.

Objev podobné jako Autocracy, Inc: The Dictators Who Want to Run the World - Anne Applebaumová

cena 536.0 Kč

How to run a business without risk - The Truth Revealed about Business Risk - Vladimír John

The Truth Revealed about Business Risk covers the ten most interesting business topics in interviews with expert advisors. Through the experiences and advice given in this book, entrepreneurs will learn, in a simple and effective way, how to avoid the most frequent mistakes and protect their businesses from risk, crises and even bankruptcy.

Objev podobné jako How to run a business without risk - The Truth Revealed about Business Risk - Vladimír John

cena 266.0 Kč

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