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Born A Crime : Stories from a South African Childhood - Trevor Noah

WINNER OF THE THURBER PRIZEThe compelling, inspiring, (often comic) coming-of-age story of Trevor Noah, set during the twilight of apartheid and the tumultuous days of freedom that followed.One of the comedy world's brightest new voices, Trevor Noah is a light-footed but sharp-minded observer of the absurdities of politics, race and identity, sharing jokes and insights drawn from the wealth of experience acquired in his relatively young life. As host of the US hit show The Daily Show with Trevor Noah, he provides viewers around the globe with their nightly dose of biting satire, but here Noah turns his focus inward, giving readers a deeply personal, heartfelt and humorous look at the world that shaped him. Noah was born a crime, son of a white Swiss father and a black Xhosa mother, at a time when such a union was punishable by five years in prison. Living proof of his parents' indiscretion, Trevor was kept mostly indoors for the first years of his life, bound by the extreme and often absurd measures his mother took to hide him from a government that could, at any moment, take him away.A collection of eighteen personal stories, Born a Crime tells the story of a mischievous young boy growing into a restless young man as he struggles to find his place in a world where he was never supposed to exist. Born a Crime is equally the story of that young man's fearless, rebellious and fervently religious mother - a woman determined to save her son from the cycle of poverty, violence and abuse that ultimately threatens her own life.Whether subsisting on caterpillars for dinner during hard times, being thrown from a moving car during an attempted kidnapping, or just trying to survive the life-and-death pitfalls of dating in high school, Noah illuminates his curious world with an incisive wit and an unflinching honesty. His stories weave together to form a personal portrait of an unlikely childhood in a dangerous time, as moving and unforgettable as the very best memoirs and as funny as Noah's own hilarious stand-up. Born a Crime is a must read.

Podívejte se také South and West: From a Notebook (1524732796)

cena 268.0 Kč

It´s Trevor Noah: Born a Crime - Trevor Noah

Trevor Noah, host ofThe Daily Show, shares his remarkable story of growing up in South Africa, with a black South African mother and a white European father at a time when it was against the law for a mixed-race child like him to exist. But he did exist -- and from the beginning, the often-misbehaved Trevor used his keen smarts and humour to navigate a harsh life under a racist government. This compelling memoir blends drama, comedy and tragedy to depict the day-to-day trials that turned a boy into a young man. In a country where racism barred blacks from social, educational, and economic opportunity, Trevor surmounted staggering obstacles and created a promising future for himself, thanks to his mom's unwavering love and indomitable will. It's Trevor Noah: Born a Crime not only provides a fascinating and honest perspective on South Africa's racial history, but it will also astound and inspire young readers looking to improve their own lives.

Podívejte se také Induction: Born From Fire - CD (5054197286773)

cena 268.0 Kč

Once Upon a Crime - Robin Stevensová

A thrilling new short story collection in the number-one bestselling, award-winning Murder Most Unladylike series. Featuring six marvellous mini-mysteries, including four original, brand-new and never-seen-before stories:The Case of the Second Scream: set aboard the ship carrying Daisy and Hazel back from Hong KongThe Case of the Uninvited Guest: Uncle Felix and Aunt Lucy's wedding is the target for an unlikely threatThe Hound of Weston School: the Junior Pinkertons investigate a mysterious arrival The Case of the Deadly Flat: introducing Hazel's little sister May, who's determined to be the greatest spy everThe Case of the Missing Treasure: the detectives crack fiendish codes to catch a daring thief who is targeting London's famous museumsThe Case of the Drowned Pearl: murder follows the Detective Society wherever they go, even on holiday... The perfect book for all Detective Society fans and avid readers of the Murder Most Unladylike series.Praise for Murder Most Unladylike'Ripping good fun' The Times'Plotting is what sets this book apart' Telegraph'Enormous fun' Irish Times 'A skilful blend of golden era crime novel and boarding school romp . . .Top class' Financial Times 'I absolutely loved it' Susie Day

Podívejte se také Stories from Old Jewish Prague (978-80-7428-323-9)

cena 236.0 Kč

Delphin Samolepky - Night fishing is not a crime - 7x7cm

Vysoce kvalitní nálepky s rybářskými motivy určené do exteriéru i interiéru. Pomocí nich si každý rybář může vylepšit své auto, krabici s příslušenstvím, či jiné věci. Fantazii se meze nekladou! Vysoce kvalitní nálepky s rybářskými motivy určené do exteriéru i interiéru. Pomocí nich si každý rybář může vylepšit své auto, krabici s příslušenstvím, či jiné věci. Fantazii se meze nekladou! Nálepka černé siluety rybáře je vytištěna na transparentním podkladu a následně ořezaná blízko hranic tisku, díky čemuž odpadá náročné lepení pomocí přenášecí fólie. Přibližný rozměr 7x7cm. Nálepka Night fishing is not a crime je věnována aktuální tématice. Plnobarevný potisk. Rozměr 7x7cm, rádiusy v rozích. Nálepka Chyť a pusť pro každého vyznavače sportovního rybolovu. Plnobarevný potisk. Rozměr 7x7cm, rádiusy v rozích. Upozornění: Podklad před lepením řádně očistěte a následně nechte vyschnout. Nálepka je určena na hladké povrchy.

Objev podobné jako Delphin Samolepky - Night fishing is not a crime - 7x7cm

cena 26.0 Kč

Delphin rybářská nálepka night fishing is not a crime

Nálepka Night fishing is not a crime je věnována aktuální tématice. Plnobarevný potisk. Rozměr 7x7cm, rádiusy v rozích.

Objev podobné jako Delphin rybářská nálepka night fishing is not a crime

cena 22.0 Kč

Vinný od narodenia - Trevor Noah

Trevor Noah sa narodil ako syn juhoafrickej matky z kmeňa Xhosa a švajčiarskeho občana. V čase apartheidu boli vzťahy medzi partnermi odlišnej farby pleti neakceptovateľné a pokladali sa za trestný čin. Trevor bol dieťa, ktoré sa vlastne nemalo narodiť, a tak ho museli skrývať. Zažil chudobu, prejavy rasizmu, ale aj odvážnu vzburu svojich "farboslepých rodičov", ktorí sa s dôvtipom snažili prekonať etnické a rasové predsudky. Dnes je z neho obľúbený moderátor s vlastnou show, cestuje po celom svete a vystupuje ako stand-up komik pred vypredanými sálami. Jeho rozprávanie sledujeme v navzájom prepojených príbehoch, mnohé sú zábavné či dramatické, iné zasa hlboko dojemné. Trevorova kniha sa pokladá za najúspešnejšiu autobiografiu 21. storočia, keďže nám s dôvtipom a úprimnosťou približuje nezvyčajný svet, na ktorý by sme najradšej zabudli. Spoznávame ťažké detstvo, keď jeho jedálniček pozostával čisto z húseníc, alebo keď ho pri únose vyhodili z idúceho minibusu. Autor nevynechá ani spomienky na sladké trápenie, čo mu pripravili stredoškolské lásky. Celou knihou sa vinie jeho neutíchajúci zmysel pre humor a satiru aj krásne puto k nebojácnej a milujúcej matke. Chránila svojho syna pred kolotočom chudoby, násilia a týrania a ukázala mu cestu k slobode, vzdelaniu a dôstojnému životu.

Objev podobné jako Vinný od narodenia - Trevor Noah

cena 478.0 Kč

Shakespeare medzi Veľkým treskom a South Parkom - Jana B. Wild

Editorka medzinárodnej zbierky Jana B. Wild oslovila na spoluprácu nielen divadelných vedcov a kusthistorikov, ale aj vedcov a tvorcov, ktorí sa v shakespearovských ani vedeckých diskurzoch bežne neobjavujú. Shakespeare sa tu ocitá v medzipriestoroch kultúr, médií, dôb.Kniha prináša pohľady z oblasti filozofie a astrofyziky, informačných technológií a dejín divadla, stredoškolskej pedagogiky, antropológie a sociológie, kultúrnych štúdií a japonistiky, výtvarného umenia, filmu, tanca a opery, performancie a videoartu, z popkultúry a televízie, ako aj zo súčasnej drámy.Autorky a autori textov uvažujú o renesančnej astronómii a filozofii; o vnútornej slobode človeka v škrupinke mysle; o Veľkom tresku; o všadeprítomnosti všetkých minulostí; o kultúrnych kódoch a stereotypoch; o virtuálnych svetoch aj o materiálnom telesnom princípe; o slovách a obrazoch; o komikse; o vulgárnosti v rôznych jazykoch a médiách; o rituáloch; o nevysloviteľnom a (ne)viditeľnom; o apropriácii v rozličných kultúrach Európy a Ázie; o národných dejinách a národných animozitách; o hudbe, tele a pohybe; o inakosti; o ženskom princípe; o Rómoch; o legendách a mýtoch; o kultúrnej pamäti; o zabudnutých či nedokončených projektoch; o nových paradigmách; o rozdelenom aj globalizovanom svete.Zbierka s odporúčaním dvoch zahraničných recenzentov vyšla aj v angličine (Shakespeare in Between, VŠMU Bratislava 2018).

Objev podobné jako Shakespeare medzi Veľkým treskom a South Parkom - Jana B. Wild

cena 322.0 Kč

PER | Level 6: Man from the South and Other Stories Bk/MP3 Pack - Roald Dahl

Contemporary / British English Roald Dahl is the master of the unexpected. Things are not always what they seem and nobody should be trusted. In this collection of his short stories we learn some strange lessons about the dangerous world we live in. But you will have to wait until the final pages of each story to discover the last, terrible twist! This Pack contains a Book and MP3

Objev podobné jako PER | Level 6: Man from the South and Other Stories Bk/MP3 Pack - Roald Dahl

cena 269.0 Kč

Vinný od narodenia - Trevor Noah - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Presvedčivý, inšpiratívny a komicky vznešený príbeh dospievania v doznievajúcom apartheide a búrlivých dňoch slobody, ktoré nasledovali. Zázračná cesta Trevora Noaha z juhoafrického apartheidu k pracovnému stolu The Daily Show sa začala kriminálnym činom: jeho narodením. Trevor je potomkom belocha a černošskej matky. V tom čase im za takéto spojenie hrozilo päť rokov väzenia. Bol živým dôkazom nerozvážnosti svojich rodičov, preto musel stráviť prvých päť rokov života schovaný vnútri, aby ho matka ochránila pred vládnymi úradníkmi, ktorí ho kedykoľvek mohli odviesť. Trevorove zážitky sú veselé a dramaticky pôsobivé. Či už večeria húsenice, lebo časy sú ťažké, alebo ho počas únosu vyhodia z idúceho auta, Trevor opisuje svoj zvláštny svet vtipne a pravdivo. Výsledkom je dojemný a smutno zábavný portrét chlapca, ktorého dnes vďaka televíznym obrazovkám pozná celý svet. „Potešenie obohacujúce dušu… obrovský dar.“ - Denník USA Today „Presvedčivý a neodolateľný životopis... Chvíľami smutný, chvíľami zábavný príbeh prináša znepokojivý obraz Južnej Afriky počas apartheidu cez prizmu netypickej rodiny... Kniha Vinný od narodenia nie je iba tiesnivým opisom dospievania v časoch krutého diskriminačného režimu, ale aj vyznaním lásky autorovej pozoruhodnej matke.“ - New York Times „Nezabudnuteľná kniha... Noah vyrastá pod ostražitým dohľadom svojej obdivuhodnej, nebojácnej matky… Ich intenzívne puto osviežuje a povznáša celý príbeh.“ - People „Toto nie je tuctový životopis jedného komika – je to jedinečný portrét muža, ktorého formovala jeho kultúra, a zároveň prenikavo výstižný ponor do sveta, kde bola časť populácie dlho odstrkovaná a zažila veľmi temné časy.“ - Refinery29 „Trevorov životopis je výnimočný... povinné čítanie v každom ohľade. Ťažko si predstaviť, že by to niekto napísal lepšie.“ - Seattle Times „Noahov príbeh o prežití a ceste k úspechu je ohromujúci.“ - Cosmopolitan „Talentovaný rozprávač so schopnosťou šikovne pretkať dojímavé príbehy zábavnou iróniou.“ - Entertainment Weekly „Dojemná autobiografia je úprimným vyznaním lásky a vďačnosti matke.“ - Washington Post

Objev podobné jako Vinný od narodenia - Trevor Noah - audiokniha

cena 361.0 Kč

Into the Uncut Grass - Trevor Noah

'What will we find in the uncut grass? 'It depends on what we're looking for.' From the author of the #1 bestselling Born a Crime comes a gorgeously illustrated fable about a young child's journey into the world beyond the shadow of home, an enchanted landscape where he discovers the secrets of solidarity, connection, and finding peace with the people we love. Infused with the author's signature wit and imagination, in collaboration with masterful artist Sabina Hahn, it's a tale for readers of all ages - to be read aloud or read alone.

Objev podobné jako Into the Uncut Grass - Trevor Noah

cena 502.0 Kč

Platters South African Wine Guide 2024 - Philip van Zyl

This 44th edition of the authoritative South African wine guide features Five Star wines out of over 8,000 wines reviewed. Platter's features descriptions of over 900 producers across the vibrant wine regions of South Africa.

Objev podobné jako Platters South African Wine Guide 2024 - Philip van Zyl

cena 707.0 Kč

Shakespeare medzi Veľkým treskom a South Parkom (978-80-89666-70-6)

Kniha - autor Jana B. Wild, 248 stran, slovensky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Editorka medzinárodnej zbierky Jana B. Wild oslovila na spoluprácu nielen divadelných vedcov a kusthistorikov, ale aj vedcov a tvorcov, ktorí sa v shakespearovských ani vedeckých diskurzoch bežne neobjavujú. Shakespeare sa tu ocitá v medzipriestoroch kultúr, médií, dôb. Kniha prináša pohľady z oblasti filozofie a astrofyziky, informačných technológií a dejín divadla, stredoškolskej pedagogiky, antropológie a sociológie, kultúrnych štúdií a japonistiky, výtvarného umenia, filmu, tanca a opery, performancie a videoartu, z popkultúry a televízie, ako aj zo súčasnej drámy. Autorky a autori textov uvažujú o renesančnej astronómii a filozofii; o vnútornej slobode človeka v škrupinke mysle; o Veľkom tresku; o všadeprítomnosti všetkých minulostí; o kultúrnych kódoch a stereotypoch; o virtuálnych svetoch aj o materiálnom telesnom princípe; o slovách a obrazoch; o komikse; o vulgárnosti v...

Objev podobné jako Shakespeare medzi Veľkým treskom a South Parkom (978-80-89666-70-6)

cena 300.0 Kč

Best Crime Stories of the Year Volume 4

Internationally bestselling author and acclaimed screenwriter Anthony Horowitz, creator of Magpie Murders, together with founder of Mysterious Press, Otto Penzler, selects the very best of the year''s crime and mystery tales in this latest collection perfect for crime fiction lovers. Featuring stories from Jeffery Deaver and L. Frank Baum among many others!These twenty tales represent the best of short form crime and mystery fiction from over the past twelve months. With a variety of fiendishly twisty plots, and featuring murder and mischief in evilly evocative settings, this collection is perfect for crime fiction lovers. Also includes a bonus short mystery story from the Golden Age of Crime Fiction, by the fabled L. Frank Baum.Featuring stories by:Ace AtkinsMichael BrackenFleur BradleyShelley CostaDoug CrandellJeffery DeaverJohn FloydNils GilbertsonPeter HayesShells LegoullonVictor MethosLeonardo PaduraDan PopeAnnie ReedCameron SandersAnna ScottiArcher SullivanAndrew Welsh-HugginsStacy Woodson

Objev podobné jako Best Crime Stories of the Year Volume 4

cena 591.0 Kč

Elvis Presley - Jailhouse Rock & His South African Hits (Blue Vinyl) (LP)

Složení setu: 1 ks Země interpreta: USA Typ: Barevná;LP deska Země původu: Německo Balení obsahuje: LP Barva: Modrá Subžánr: Vocal;Rockabilly;Blues;Gospel;Country Rock;Rock and Roll;Pop;Country Žánr: Rock;Blues;Gospel;Rock and Roll;Country;Pop Barva podle výrobce: Blue Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Dekáda interpreta: 1960 - 1969;1970 - 1979;1950 - 1959 Varianta: Jailhouse Rock & His South African Hits (Blue Vinyl) (LP) Vydavatelství: Dol Interpret / Téma: Elvis Presley Rok vydání: 2021.0

Objev podobné jako Elvis Presley - Jailhouse Rock & His South African Hits (Blue Vinyl) (LP)

cena 507.6 Kč

PJ Harvey - Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea (180g) (LP)

Rok vydání: 2021.0 Varianta: Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea (180 g) (Vinyl LP) Subžánr: Folk Rock;Indie Rock;Art Rock;Alternative Rock Interpret / Téma: PJ Harvey Žánr: Pop;Rock Datum vydání: 2021-02-26 Vydavatelství: Island Records Barva: Černá Hmotnost: 180 g Barva podle výrobce: Black Dekáda interpreta: 1990 - 1999;2020 - 2029;2000 - 2009;1980 - 1989;2010 - 2019 Země interpreta: Velká Británie Balení obsahuje: LP Složení setu: 1 ks Typ: Album;LP deska Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země původu: Německo

Objev podobné jako PJ Harvey - Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea (180g) (LP)

cena 1039.0 Kč

South and West: From a Notebook (1524732796)

Kniha - autor Joan Didion, 126 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá

Objev podobné jako South and West: From a Notebook (1524732796)

cena 599.0 Kč

Narozený mimo zákon - Příběhy z dětství v Jižní Africe - Trevor Noah

Trevor Noah je oblíbeným komikem a moderátorem z Jižní Afriky. Uvádí populární satirický pořad v americké televizi, ale především vystupuje ve vlastní stand-up comedy show. V ní s břitkým humorem líčí historky ze svého dětství a mládí a ve stejném duchu koncipuje i tuto knihu.Narozený mimo zákon je sbírkou veselých, dramatických a někdy také dojemných příběhů, které se vzájemně proplétají a prolínají a dohromady vytvářejí obraz pro nás nezvyklého a neznámého světa.Trevorova pozoruhodná životní pouť začala zločinem: příchodem na svět. Narodil se totiž černošské matce a bílému otci v době, kdy Jihoafrickou republiku sužoval apartheid a vztahy mezi partnery odlišné barvy pleti byly pokládány za trestný čin.Pád apartheidu znamenal v tomto ohledu vysvobození, ale život v Jižní Africe ani pak nebyl procházkou růžovým sadem. Ač se musel Trevor živit housenkami, byl vyhozen z jedoucího auta nebo se jen snažil přežít nástrahy randění, odhodlaně se vrhal vstříc dalším dobrodružstvím vyzbrojen důvtipem, smyslem pro humor a bezpodmínečnou láskou své nekonvenční matky.

Objev podobné jako Narozený mimo zákon - Příběhy z dětství v Jižní Africe - Trevor Noah

cena 348.0 Kč

Illustrated Stories from China

Discover magical princesses, mighty dragons, mischievous monkeys and more in this captivating collection of Chinese stories, specially retold for readers today. The book features stunning traditional-style brush and ink illustrations by Chinese artist Li Weiding, and includes links to websites to find out more about Chinese folk tales and art.

Objev podobné jako Illustrated Stories from China

cena 429.0 Kč

Illustrated Stories from Aesop

This new collection of Aesop's fables is sumptuously illustrated by Giuliano Ferri and presented as a hardback gift edition to be read again and again. Each of these timeless stories conveys a message about how to behave towards others. Stories include The Fox and the Crow, The Hare and the Tortoise, The Boy who cried Wolf and The Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs.

Objev podobné jako Illustrated Stories from Aesop

cena 312.0 Kč

Short Stories from the Nineteenth Century

Selected and Introduced by David Stuart Davies.Short Stories from the Nineteenth Century is a wonderful collection of classic stories specially selected and introduced by David Stuart Davies. These are tales from the golden age of the great storytellers presenting evocative snapshots from that bygone era while at the same time providing engaging entertainment and stimulation for the modern reader.All emotions are catered for in the offerings by Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde, H.G.Wells, Arthur Conan Doyle, Robert Louis Stevenson, Bram Stoker, Mrs Gaskell, O Henry, Anthony Trollope, Thomas Hardy, Wilkie Collins, Guy de Maupassant, Anton Chekhov, Charlotte Perkins Gillman and Charles Lamb. Through their words the rich pageant of yesterday springs to vibrant life. Each story has its own introduction and there is a set of informative notes. This volume is ideal reading for the student as well as those who relish a good tale well told.

Objev podobné jako Short Stories from the Nineteenth Century

cena 118.0 Kč

Illustrated Stories from Shakespeare - Lesley Sims

A wonderful collection of six of Shakespeare's best-loved plays, including Twelfth Night, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Hamlet, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet and The Tempest as well as a short biography of the bard himself.

Objev podobné jako Illustrated Stories from Shakespeare - Lesley Sims

cena 502.0 Kč

Parallel Lines : A Journey from Childhood to Belsen - Lantos Peter

This is a story of a young boy's journey from a sleepy provincial town in Hungary during the Second World War to the concentration camp in Bergen-Belsen. After a winter in Bergen-Belsen where his father died, he and his mother were liberated by the Americans outside a small German village, and handed over to the Red Army. They escaped from the Russians, and travelled, hiding on a goods train, through Prague to Budapest.Unlike other books dealing with this period, this is not a Holocaust story, but a child's recollection of a journey full of surprise, excitement, bereavement and terror. Yet this remains a testimony of survival, overcoming obstacles which to adults may seem insurmountable but to a child were just part of an adventure and, ultimately, recovery.After having established a career in the West, the author decided to revisit the stages on his earlier journeys, reliving the past through the perspective of the present. Along the way, ghosts from the past are finally laid to rest by the kindness of new friends.

Objev podobné jako Parallel Lines : A Journey from Childhood to Belsen - Lantos Peter

cena 268.0 Kč

Stories from Old Jewish Prague - Magdalena Wagnerová

The long and thorny past of the Prague Jewish diaspora has left us with many monuments and even more stories that have won their unique place among other old Prague legends. When was the foundation stone of the Old New Synagogue laid? Was it really brought from Jerusalem by angels on their snow-white wings? Was the Golem the first artificial man in the world, or was he a man of flesh and bone, like any other mortal man? These and similar stories from the times when the Jewish ghetto began to form in the town, from the times when Josefov was thriving, and also from the times of the mediaeval Jewish pogroms, are contained in the book by M. Wagnerová mapping the history of the old Jewish Prague.

Objev podobné jako Stories from Old Jewish Prague - Magdalena Wagnerová

cena 268.0 Kč

The Clanlands Almanac: Seasonal Stories from Scotland (1529372186)

Kniha - autor Sam Heughan; Graham McTavish, 352 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A seasonal meander through the wilds of Scotland. 'If Clanlands was a gentle road trip through Scotland, this almanac is a top down, pedal to the metal up and down odyssey through the many byways of a Scottish year. An invitation to anyone who picks up the book to join us on a crazy camper van exploration over 12 glorious, whisky fuelled months. Mountains, battles, famous (and infamous) Scots, the alarming competitiveness of Men in Kilts, clans, feuds, flora, fauna, with a healthy sprinkling of embarrassing personal reminiscences thrown in. Much is explored, all is shared. It is a camper van cornucopia of all things Alba'. From First Footing to Samhain, Fringe Festival follies to whisky lore, Sam & Graham guide readers through a year of Scottish legends, traditions, historical and contemporary events, sharing personal stories and tips as only these two...

Objev podobné jako The Clanlands Almanac: Seasonal Stories from Scotland (1529372186)

cena 422.0 Kč

The Eternal City: Recipes + stories from Rome - Maria Pasquale

Discover Rome’s incredible food through the city’s stories and its people. The Eternal City is a maze of winding cobblestone streets, where ancient history waits at every turn. Within these storied laneways, Rome’s culinary traditions are honoured and transformed by local chefs, pizza makers, cheesemongers, butchers, wine experts, bakers and more – who make Rome one of the great food capitals of the world. Visit the places where Romans eat every day, from the trattoria to the home kitchen, through the dishes that define these locations. With 70 recipes shared by iconic eateries, chefs, and Maria’s family and friends, The Eternal City is a love letter to Rome that takes you past the monuments, and into the lives of modern-day Romans. This is an invitation to their tables. Embrace la dolce vita and pull up a chair.

Objev podobné jako The Eternal City: Recipes + stories from Rome - Maria Pasquale

cena 752.0 Kč

Stories from Old Jewish Prague (978-80-7428-323-9)

Kniha - autor Magdalena Wagnerová, 144 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá The long and thorny past of the Prague Jewish diaspora has left us with many monuments and even more stories that have won their unique place among other old Prague legends. When was the foundation stone of the Old New Synagogue laid? Was it really brought from Jerusalem by angels on their snow-white wings? Was the Golem the first artificial man in the world, or was he a man of flesh and bone, like any other mortal man? These and similar stories from the times when the Jewish ghetto began to form in the town, from the times when Josefov was thriving, and also from the times of the mediaeval Jewish pogroms, are contained in the book by M. Wagnerová mapping the history of the old Jewish Prague.

Objev podobné jako Stories from Old Jewish Prague (978-80-7428-323-9)

cena 209.0 Kč

Brainstorm : Detective Stories From the World of Neurology - Suzanne O'Sullivanová

The brain is the most complex structure in the universe. In Brainstorm the Wellcome Prize-winning author of It's All in Your Head uncovers the most eye-opening symptoms medicine has to offer.'Powerfully life-affirming... Brainstorm is testament to O'Sullivan's unshowy clarity of thought and her continued marvelling at the mysteries of the brain' GuardianBrainstorm examines the stories of people whose symptoms are so strange even their doctor struggles to know how to solve them. A man who sees cartoon characters running across the room; a teenager who one day arrives home with inexplicably torn clothes; a girl whose world turns all Alice in Wonderland; another who transforms into a ragdoll whenever she even thinks about moving. The brain is the most complex structure in the universe, and neurologists must puzzle out life-changing diagnoses from the tiniest of clues - it's the ultimate in medical detective work. In this riveting book, one of the UK's leading neurologists takes you with her as she follows the trail of her patients' symptoms: feelings of déjà vu lead us to a damaged hippocampus; spitting and fidgeting to the right temporal lobe; fear of movement to a brain tumour; a missed heart beat to the limbic system.It's a journey that will open your eyes to the unfathomable intricacies of the brain, and the infinite variety of human capacity and experience.

Objev podobné jako Brainstorm : Detective Stories From the World of Neurology - Suzanne O'Sullivanová

cena 299.0 Kč

PER | Level 3: Stories from Shakespeare Bk/MP3 Pack - William Shakespeare

These are the stories of some of Shakespeare’s most famous plays. We travel to Venice, Greece, Denmark and Rome, and meet many different people. There is a greedy money-lender, a fairy king and queen, some Roman politicians and a young prince who meets the ghost of his murdered father.

Objev podobné jako PER | Level 3: Stories from Shakespeare Bk/MP3 Pack - William Shakespeare

cena 247.0 Kč

Pool Boy - 11 Erotic Stories from Erika Lust - Various authors - e-kniha

eBook: Ever since she moved into her new flat two weeks ago, the heatwave has been smothering the city. And the situation only got worse when she caught the first glimpse of the incredibly hot man living in the flat below hers. Since then, she hasn't been able to stop daydreaming about him. One day she finally finds an excuse to contact him. She invites him to her scorching hot rooftop terrace to help assemble her furniture. And he is happy to help because on some level they both know that she wants him for something completely different.

Objev podobné jako Pool Boy - 11 Erotic Stories from Erika Lust - Various authors - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

No Control - and Other Erotic Short Stories from Cupido - Cupido - e-kniha

eBook: Surrender to seduction and delve into a provocative world of desire and submission with 'No Control - and Other Erotic Short Stories from Cupido'.A curated collection of sexy story compilations which explores the pleasure of losing control and being dominated, it will leave you craving for more.This collection includes compilations such as 'Law's Lengthy... ', 'No Control', 'Fuckbitch', 'The Countess', 'Silky Dreams', 'The Boy with the Motorbike', and many more!

Objev podobné jako No Control - and Other Erotic Short Stories from Cupido - Cupido - e-kniha

cena 250.0 Kč

Naked Service - and Other Erotic Short Stories from Cupido - Cupido - e-kniha

eBook: Dive into a realm of intoxicating passion where fantasies become reality in 'Naked Service - and Other Erotic Short Stories from Cupido'.From the allure of steamy sauna encounters to the thrilling restraint of bondage, this collection of sexy stories from a variety of Cupido compilations explore a world of pleasure that will leave you breathless.This collection includes compilations such as 'The Temptress', 'Sauna pleasures', 'A Midsummer Night', 'Lover Unknown', 'The Mistress', 'Naked Service', 'Tie Me Up & Set Me Free!', and many more!

Objev podobné jako Naked Service - and Other Erotic Short Stories from Cupido - Cupido - e-kniha

cena 250.0 Kč

Sauna Pleasures – and other erotic short stories from Cupido - Cupido - e-kniha

eBook: 'Sauna Pleasures – and other erotic short stories from Cupido' is a collection of hot and steamy tales that will take the reader from the titular sauna to the darkness of a cinema in a series of stories that explore exhibitionism in public places and other sexual fantasies. Some of the titles included in this collection:Sailing tripBed & BreakfastLover UnknownThe Horny FlasherThe Big HandsSauna pleasuresThe TemptressFather ChristmasJealousyDaily routineUncovered sexThe Boy with the MotorbikeBoy Sex at WorkSimon SaysParents-In-LawRed LightCousin on VacationThe CountessHeaven and HellFuckbitch

Objev podobné jako Sauna Pleasures – and other erotic short stories from Cupido - Cupido - e-kniha

cena 250.0 Kč

Ballymaloe Desserts. Iconic Recipes and Stories from Ireland - David Tanis, JR Ryall

'Ballymaloe Desserts is an extraordinary cookbook'. – David Tanis Attainable, reliable, and inspirational recipes for the home baker from the acclaimed pastry chef at the iconic Ballymaloe House in Ireland Ballymaloe House, in County Cork, Ireland, is heralded as the birthplace of modern Irish cuisine. There, visitors are treated to acclaimed pastry chef JR Ryall's daily array of seasonally inspired treats, wheeled through the dining room on a vintage dessert trolley. In Ballymaloe Desserts, Ryall presents 130 recipes for his award-winning confections, tested and perfected for the home baker. Eye-catching, elegant, and a bit magical, these inspiring yet accessible recipes range from the delightfully retro Ice Cream Bomb to the showstopping Irish Coffee Meringue Gâteau to a Classic Strawberry Shortcake made modern with an edgy geometric presentation. Ryall is an excellent teacher, providing clear, detailed instructions for each dish. Recipes are built to be adaptable, highlighting Ballymaloe's commitment to seasonality and fresh local ingredients. His thoughtful advice appears throughout the book, revealing the best method for whisking egg whites, serving tips for adding major & 'wow' factor, and more. Chapters and recipes include: Fruit : Compote of Green Gooseberry and Elderflower; Sugared Peaches Meringues : Almond Meringue Gâteau with Chocolate and Rum Cream Mousses, Set Creams, Jellies and Fruit Fools : Orange Mousse with Chocolate Wafers Puddings : Old-Fashioned Rice Pudding Some Biscuits and Petit Fours : Strawberries Almandine Frozen Desserts : Blackcurrant Ice Cream; Blood Orange and Passion Fruit Sorbet Pastries : Rhubarb and Custard Tart Cakes : Irish Apple Cake; Chocolate Mousse Gâteau

Objev podobné jako Ballymaloe Desserts. Iconic Recipes and Stories from Ireland - David Tanis, JR Ryall

cena 1244.0 Kč

Through the Prism: Untold rock stories from the Hipgnosis archive - Aubrey Powell

Intriguing stories of creative endeavour, volatile relationships, excessive lifestyles and bizarre events from the world of rock, as told by Hipgnosis co-founder, creative designer, photographer and filmmaker Aubrey Powell Founded in 1968 by Aubrey “Po” Powell, Storm Thorgerson and Peter Christopherson, graphic design firm Hipgnosis gained a legendary status by transforming the look of album art through their designs for AC/DC, Black Sabbath, The Police, Genesis, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Paul McCartney, Syd Barrett, and The Who. In this lively volume, Powell presents brutally honest, entertaining and revealing insider stories from the world of rock, featuring an eclectic cast of pop stars, comedians, actors, managers, gangsters, and inspirational world figures from 1966 on. His thrilling narrative is packed with anecdotes - from the founding of Hipgnosis to surviving drugs busts, and from the creative process behind the most iconic album artworks of all time to mounting the Pink Floyd exhibition, Their Mortal Remains - and is richly illustrated with Hipgnosis artwork and Powell’s own photographs. Drama and creativity are the common threads throughout these amazing stories. With candor and insightful reflection, Powell reveals how he and Storm became an effective creative partnership despite their volatile relationship; how the final colour artwork for Led Zeppelin’s Houses Of The Holy was created; how the most iconic album cover of all time – The Dark Side Of The Moon – came about; and how the 2017 Pink Floyd retrospective became the largest and most successful music exhibition ever mounted by the Victoria and Albert Museum – despite the deeply antagonistic and dysfunctional relationship between Roger Waters and David Gilmour. Throughout, Powell exposes how the trappings of fame and glory upset the balance of everyday life, bringing creativity and destruction in equal measure. Packed with exciting insider stories and anecdotes featuring famous musicians, managers, and actors, Through the Prism is a must-have for music and pop-culture fans.With 253 illustrations

Objev podobné jako Through the Prism: Untold rock stories from the Hipgnosis archive - Aubrey Powell

cena 886.0 Kč

White Dreams – And Other Erotic Short Stories from Cupido - Cupido - e-kniha

eBook: 'White Dreams – And Other Erotic Short Stories from Cupido' is a collection of sexy stories written and translated by LUST authors.In the titular erotica 'White Dreams', a nervous man visits his doctor for a medical certificate. However, his anxiousness soon turns to horniness when the male doctor begins to touch his body and check him over... Other titles included in the collection:Three's Not a CrowdThe AmbushAt the BarA Trip into TownPlenty of Spaces Up FrontA Tempting CarpenterSometimes Stuff HappensThis Is Not An EggshellThe Beauty of Africa

Objev podobné jako White Dreams – And Other Erotic Short Stories from Cupido - Cupido - e-kniha

cena 139.0 Kč

Beach Joys - A Collection of Erotic Short Stories from Cupido - Cupido - e-kniha

eBook: \'Beach Joys - A Collection of Erotic Short Stories from Cupido\' is the perfect collection of erotica for your summer holiday. From nudist beaches and camping sites to sex on the beach, from poolside fun to singles holidays full of sun, sea and sex, these short stories are packed with ocean waves of pleasure. The collection contains \'Beach Joys\', \'Girlfriends and a Little Extra\', \'Girlsex 1\', \'Hot on the Beach\', \'Tropical Heat\', \'The Holiday\', \'A World Apart\', \'Cote de Pussy\', \'A Journey for Two\', \'Summer Heat 1\', \'Cosmic Babe Blues\', \'Make Love\', \'A Yellow Balloon\', \'A Day by the Sea\', \'Hot Nights\', \'The Beach Beyond\', \'Singles holiday\', \'Cabin Holiday\', \'Our Trip to the Beach\', \'The Temptations of Summer\', \'Summer and Sun\', \'Summer, sun and sails\', \'An \'Innocent\' Trip to the Beach\', \'A Contribution to Art History?\', \'\"S\" As In?\', \'Strange Waves\', \'An Afternoon Swim\', \'Along The Coastal Path\' and \'The Trial Voyage\'.

Objev podobné jako Beach Joys - A Collection of Erotic Short Stories from Cupido - Cupido - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Manu: Recipes and Stories from My Brazil - Alex Atala, Dominique Crenn, Manoella Buffara

The story, inspiration, and recipes behind Latin America’s Best Female Chef (2022) and her eponymous restaurant in Curitiba In this much anticipated book, award-winning chef Manoella Buffara (known as Manu) invites readers to discover how her love for her native Brazil became her greatest motivation. Through 60 never-before-published recipes and four evocative 'menu' collections, a set of welcome drinks, and petit-fours, Manu tells the story of a culinary career founded on a commitment to indigenous ingredients and underserved communities, as showcased within her restaurant Manu. Forewords by Dominique Crenn and Manu's mentor, Alex Atala give further insight into the work of this inspiring chef. The book features specially commissioned photographs taken across a single year – of plated food, the land and sea that drive Buffara’s culinary vision, and the communities and ingredients that inspire her. This, her debut cookbook, presents an evocative reflection of the personal journey of the chef and the story of her community, life, and land, encapsulating the ambitions and values of one of the world’s most highly creative and globally respected chefs.

Objev podobné jako Manu: Recipes and Stories from My Brazil - Alex Atala, Dominique Crenn, Manoella Buffara

cena 1244.0 Kč

The Penguin Book of Christmas Stories: From Hans Christian Andersen to Angela Carter (0241455650)

Kniha - 288 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Truman Capote makes whisky-soaked fruitcake in Alabama, Laurie Lee slides across a frozen pond in Gloucestershire, and Shirley Jackson is outwitted by a wily Santa Claus at the bank. Ghosts haunt the Christmases of Muriel Spark and Elizabeth Bowen, while Dostoyevsky, Daphne du Maurier and Italo Calvino take a cynical view of the season and Selma Lagerlof and Angela Carter celebrate its miracles. Ranging from Cork to Lagos to the Wild West, and from Paris to San Paolo to outer space, this is Christmas as imagined by some of the greatest short-story writers of all time.

Objev podobné jako The Penguin Book of Christmas Stories: From Hans Christian Andersen to Angela Carter (0241455650)

cena 399.0 Kč

Seduced in the Library - 11 erotic stories from Erika Lust - Various authors - e-kniha

eBook: She knows that it's not appropriate. She knows that she shouldn't be reading this here, among all these other people. But she can't help herself... "Seduced in the Library" is an erotic short story about a woman who finds pleasure in a romantic erotic story in the library.

Objev podobné jako Seduced in the Library - 11 erotic stories from Erika Lust - Various authors - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

Italian Coastal: Recipes and stories from where the land meets the sea - Amber Guinness

An enchanting and delectable journey to the shimmering waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea, via plates of pasta, baked fish, and glasses of peach-laced white wine - from the author of A House Party in Tuscany.Welcome to the Tyrrhenian Sea, home to la dolce vita, sun-drenched islands and seaside towns where even the simplest trattoria has an effortless glamour. Following on from the success of her first book, A House Party in Tuscany, Amber Guinness travels from the Tuscan coast down through Lazio and Campania via Naples and the Amalfi Coast and on to northern Sicily. Amber delves into the history, stories and flavours that have come home to her kitchen and shaped her food philosophy. Amber's quest for maximum flavour with minimal effort shines through in these delicious and achievable recipes that will bring an authentic mouthful of coastal Italy to your table: crostini with ricotta and 'nduja; zucchini and mint lasagne; tomato linguine with capers; seabass with pistachio and almonds; Neapolitan vinegary fried zucchini; potato and caper salad from Salina; raspberry tiramisu and the ultimate Amalfi lemon cream cake. Inspired by the markets and food of summer holidays by the beach, Italian Coastal is a fusion of recipe book, travelogue, and memoir – with sumptuous food and travel photography throughout – that will transport readers to the sunny Mediterranean.

Objev podobné jako Italian Coastal: Recipes and stories from where the land meets the sea - Amber Guinness

cena 849.0 Kč

Morals Sleep at Night - and Other Erotic Short Stories from Cupido - Cupido - e-kniha

eBook: ‘Morals Sleep at Night - and Other Erotic Short Stories from Cupido’ is an anthology of erotica that centres around the dreamy fantasies of sexual encounters. From lust-filled daydreams and fiery fantasies to weddings and anniversaries, this collection has something for everyone. This book includes the following compilations: Morals sleep at night, The Anniversary, On the Way to the Top, Fantasy Friday, Double Talk, Through the Camera Lens, The wedding, Baking Love, Daydreams, When He and She met Her, Cup Final, Who’s In Charge?, The wedding gift

Objev podobné jako Morals Sleep at Night - and Other Erotic Short Stories from Cupido - Cupido - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Ex-wife in Need - and Other Erotic Short Stories from Cupido - Cupido - e-kniha

eBook: Unleash your inner desires and immerse yourself in the realm of unchecked passion with 'Ex-wife in Need - and Other Erotic Short Stories from Cupido'.With stories ranging from the exhilarating dynamics of threesomes to the tantalizing thrill of public escapades, this collection of sexy stories is sure to satisfy every curiosity.This collection includes compilations such as 'An unexpected threesome', 'Only good neighbours', 'The work trip', 'Ex-wife in Need', 'Revising at the Library', 'The School of Love', 'The Director of Sex Education', and many more!

Objev podobné jako Ex-wife in Need - and Other Erotic Short Stories from Cupido - Cupido - e-kniha

cena 250.0 Kč

More Than Two - A Collection of Erotic Short Stories from Cupido - Cupido - e-kniha

eBook: ‘More Than Two’ as the title suggests is a collection of erotic short stories that explore the joys of open relationships, ethical non-monogamy, threesomes and group fun in the bedroom. This collection from Cupido includes; \'The Game\', \'The Other Man\', \'Come for Coffee\', \'The Massive Surprise\', \'Mojito\', \'Follow the Rules\', \'As Usual\', \'Fantasy or...\', \'The Architect, Me and the Bartender\', \'Naughty Fantasy\', \'She Will Be Here Soon\', \'The Anniversary\', \'A Wonderful Chef\', \'Heat\', \'Two and Two are Four\', \'From Sara Sandmar’s Diary\', \'Photo Session\', \'The Dream\', \'Elisabeth’s Day\', \'Deep Inside\', \'The Mask\', \'Three\', \'You, Me and My Friend\', \'The Hitchhikers\', \'A Rainy Day\', \'The Bathing Spot\', \'Monica’s Mouth\', \'A Massive Friend\', \'Line’s Gang Bang\' and \'Blind Man’s Bluff\'. CUPIDO – the magazine for intimate, horny pleasure – has been publishing erotic fiction based on readers’ everyday fantasies and sexual experiences since 1984.

Objev podobné jako More Than Two - A Collection of Erotic Short Stories from Cupido - Cupido - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Look At Me - A Collection of Erotic Short Stories from Cupido - Cupido - e-kniha

eBook: ‘Look At Me’ is ‘A Collection of Erotic Short Stories’ from Cupido all of which explore the sexual pleasure of voyeurism and exhibitionism; watching someone else or being watched. The collection includes: \'Sweet, Sweet Horny Dreams\', \'Lust\', \'Blind Passion\', \'The Mountain Hike\', \'A Lovely Day in the Sun\', \'A Day on the Beach\', \'Naked on the Beach\', \'Bus Trip\', \'Bus Trip with a Little Extra\', \'Once in a Lifetime\', \'Look at me!\', \'Workout\', \'A Thrilling Custom\', \'The Final Round\', \'Friends\', \'The Hitchhikers\', \'A Rainy Day\', \'The Bathing Spot\', \'Kayak Summer\', \'Caraway Seed\', \'Ikean Conquest\', \'The Game\', \'London Games\', \'The Dryad\', \'A Summer Hike In The Forest\', \'Erotics In The Mountains\', \'The 19th Hole\', \'Exhib\', \'Old Gods\', \'Hole in one\', \'A Walk In The Woods\', \'Vigeland Park\', \'The Mystical Smile\', \'A Summer Dream: Peeping and Skinny-dipping\', \'Preben’s prolapse\', \'Refreshment\', \'Summer Encounter\', \'Carpe Diem\', \'A Cabin Trip in the Easter Sunshine\', \'Stranger Danger\', \'Just a Quickie\', \'Picking Cranberries\', \'Best Friends\', \'Betty and the Black Man\', \'The Christmas Party\' and \'The Christmas Party\'. CUPIDO – the magazine for intimate, horny pleasure – has been publishing erotic fiction based on readers’ everyday fantasies and sexual experiences since 1984.

Objev podobné jako Look At Me - A Collection of Erotic Short Stories from Cupido - Cupido - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Dear Brother-in-law - 11 steamy stories from Erika Lust - Various authors - e-kniha

eBook: The house is silent. Jacob and I are the only two who sleep in the main building. I haven't slept in the same bed with Joel for years, because he snores. At least that's what we tell one another. I've always been a sensual person. This summer, in particular, I've been aching for touches and intimacy. There's something about Jacob. Joel's younger brother. Something firm and exciting. A spark that has not yet dwindled. A danger he has not yet learnt to respect.

Objev podobné jako Dear Brother-in-law - 11 steamy stories from Erika Lust - Various authors - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

No Mercy: The brand new novel from the Queen of Crime (1472249445)

Kniha - 416 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako No Mercy: The brand new novel from the Queen of Crime (1472249445)

cena 249.0 Kč

AUTUMN CHILLS: Tales of Intrigue from the Queen of Crime - Agatha Christie

An all-new collection of autumn-themed mysteries from the master of the genre. Autumn is the season of misty mornings and cosy nights in, but as the leaves begin to fall the nights get longer and the shadows grow darker… Secluded cottages, eerie manors and ghostly hauntings and cursed tombs abound in this collection of 12 supernatural mysteries and murderous plots featuring Hercule Poirot, Miss Marple and Agatha Christie’s other favourite detectives. INCLUDES THE STORIES: Murder in the Mews The Case of the Rich Woman While the Light Lasts Triangle at Rhodes Death by Drowning The Bird with the Broken Wing The Lemesurier Inheritance The House of Lurking Death Tape-Measure Murder The Voice in the Dark Four-and-Twenty Blackbirds Witness for the Prosecution

Objev podobné jako AUTUMN CHILLS: Tales of Intrigue from the Queen of Crime - Agatha Christie

cena 443.0 Kč

MS Songs From A Star Is Born And More Movie Musicals

Soundtrack Publikace Songs From A Star Is Born And More Movie Musicals obsahuje výběr skladeb z filmu A Star Is Born a dalších slavných filmových muzikálů v aranžích pro klavír, zpěv a kytaru. Seznam skladeb: Always Remember Us This Way (from A STAR IS BORN) Audition (The Fools Who Dream) (from LA LA LAND) City Of Stars (from LA LA LAND) Evermore (from BEAUTY AND THE BEAST) Fernando (featured in MAMMA MIA! HERE WE GO AGAIN) How Does A Moment Last Forever (from BEAUTY AND THE BEAST) I Dreamed A Dream (from LES MISERABLES) I'll Never Love Again (from A STAR IS BORN) Is That Alright? (from A STAR IS BORN) Look What I Found (from A STAR IS BORN) Mamma Mia (featured in MAMMA MIA!) Maybe It's Time (from A STAR IS BORN) A Million Dreams (from THE GREATEST SHOWMAN) Music To My Eyes (from A STAR IS BORN) On The Steps Of The Palace (Film Version) (from INTO THE WOODS) Shallow (from A STAR IS BORN) Suddenly (from LES MISERABLES) Super Trouper (featured in MAMMA MIA!) This Is Me (from THE GREATEST SHOWMAN) Tomorrow (from the Musical Production ANNIE)

Objev podobné jako MS Songs From A Star Is Born And More Movie Musicals

cena 465.0 Kč

We Are Displaced : My Journey and Stories from Refugee Girls Around the World - Malala Yousafzai

In this powerful and emotional New York Times bestseller, Nobel Peace Prize winner and activist Malala Yousafzai shares various stories of displacement, including her own. Part memoir, part communal storytelling, We Are Displaced introduces readers to some of the incredible girls Malala has met on her many journeys and lets each tell her story - girls who have lost their community, relatives and often the only world they've ever known, but have not lost hope. Longing for home and fear of an uncertain future binds all of these young women, but each is unique. In a time of immigration crises, war and border conflicts, We Are Displaced is an important reminder that every single one of the 79.5 million currently displaced is a person - often a young person - with dreams for a better, safer world. Includes a new Afterword by the author

Objev podobné jako We Are Displaced : My Journey and Stories from Refugee Girls Around the World - Malala Yousafzai

cena 268.0 Kč

Kisses and Spanking: A Collection of Erotic Stories from Erika Lust - LUST authors - e-kniha

eBook: \'Kisses and A Collection of Erotic Stories from Erika Lust\' is a collection of short, sexual fiction that explores passion, intimacy, and BDSM. This collection of Erotic Short Stories includes the \'The Nymph and the Fauns\', \'Dirty Doctor\', \'The Artist\'s Muse\', \'Spanish Summer\', \'Soaring Heights\', \'At My Master\'s Mercy\', \'Lesbian Dreams\', \'Seduced in the Library\', \'The Feminist Man\', \'Memories of You\', \'Car Sex\', \'Dear Brother-in-law\', \'Birthday in Norway\', \'Kisses and Spanking\', \'Voyeur\', \'Mogán\', \'Void\', \'Eat with Me\', \'Memory of Him\', \'Don\'t Touch the Art, Touch Me\', \'My Roommate\'s Toy\', \'Obsessed with Owen Gray\', \'A New Friend\', \'Pool Boy\', \'Brunch and Orgasms\', \'Coffee\', \'The Power Couple\', \'Sex and Sensibility\', \'The Riding Lesson\', \'The Helpful Neighbour\', \'The Woman and the Fisherman\', \'The First Time\', and \'The Ski-Flirt\'.

Objev podobné jako Kisses and Spanking: A Collection of Erotic Stories from Erika Lust - LUST authors - e-kniha

cena 333.0 Kč

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