Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Bored of Lunch Healthy Slow Cooker: Even Easier - Nathan Anthony
FROM THE INSTANT NO.1 BESTSELLING SENSATION, BORED OF LUNCHAll new ''even easier'' slow cooker recipes to enjoy delicious, healthy and budget-friendly food every day.From Nathan Anthony, the home cook with over 3 million followers, comes another book of recipes to transform your weeknight cooking. Filled with all your favourite fakeaways, pastas, pies, soups and curries, as well as a whole chapter on meal prep recipes, you will be amazed what you can make in a slow cooker.Here are recipes with hardly any prep, fewer ingredients and clever time-saving tips, making it a must-have for any busy home-cook. Every recipe is 500 calories or under, providing a hassle-free way to enjoy lighter versions of your family favourites.As a lower-energy alternative to a conventional oven, slow cookers are a cost-efficient way to save on your household bill. And with a focus on everyday, easy-to-find ingredients, this is food you can cook without breaking the bank.With a photo for every recipe, dishes include Teriyaki Beef Bowls, Chicken Pad Thai, Tomato and Mascarpone Risotto with Sticky Halloumi and Carrot Cake Overnight Oats.Healthy, satisfying food has never been so easy.Instant Official UK Top 50 Number One, January 2024
Podívejte se také Lauben Slow Cooker 3500SB (LBNSC3500SB )
Bored of Lunch: The Healthy Air Fryer Book - Nathan Anthony
NUMBER ONE BESTSELLING AIR FRYER BOOK OF ALL TIMEWhether you''re an air fryer fanatic or new to these time- and money-saving appliances, hugely popular healthy-eating platform, Bored of Lunch, will revolutionise your cooking packed with recipes that are quick, healthy and completely delicious.Air fryers are becoming the go-to kitchen gadget for making super tasty fuss-free food.As a lower energy alternative to a conventional oven, air fryers are a cost efficient way to make all your favourite dishes and save on your household bill. And, as a low-oil cooking method, they''re ideal if you''re keeping an eye on your calories, too.With a photo for every recipe, this book features fan-favourites such as Honey Chilli Beef and Cream Egg Croissant Balls as well as brand new recipes such as Sweet Potato Katsu Curry, Fish Tacos and Buffalo Chicken and Cheese Taquitos. Chapters include Starters and Snacks, Speedy Lunches, Fakeaways, Weekday Dinners and Sweet Treats; making this food for every day and every occasion.Bored of Lunch: Number 1 Sunday Times bestseller, January 2024The Bored of Lunch series has sold over one million copies [Nielsen BookScan, April 2024]Bored of Lunch: The Healthy Airfryer Book, Bestselling Airfryer Cook Book [Nielsen BookScan, April 2024]
Podívejte se také Zelmer Healthy ( ZIR3200 Healthy)
Lauben Slow Cooker 3500SB (LBNSC3500SB )
Pomalý hrnec s objemem 3,5 l, funkce: vhodné do myčky, časovač, udržení teploty, vyjímatelná nádoba a odložený start, příkon 200 W Pomalu a chutně s Lauben Slow Cooker 3500SBPomalý hrnec Lauben Slow Cooker 3500SB vám ušetří spoustu času i financí. Stačí do něj vložit suroviny a na nižší teplotní stupeň za vás pomaličku vykouzlí luxusní a šťavnaté pokrmy. Ideální je především na polévky, omáčky či ragú. Vnitřní keramická nádoba s kapacitou 3,5 l dokonale drží teplo a nic se v ní nepřipálí, nezanáší se a můžete ji mýt v myčce. Hrnec v kuchyni nezabere příliš místa, ale připravíte v něm jídlo pro celou rodinu. Snadné je také jeho ovládání, a to pomocí panelu s tlačítky. Jistě oceníte i praktické funkce jako odložený start a udržování teploty. Pořízením pomocníka, jakým je Lauben Slow Cooker 3500SB, budete vládnout kuchyni, aniž byste v ní museli trávit hodiny. S pomalým hrncem snížíte náklady, ale určitě ne úroveň připravovaných pokrmů. Pro...
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Lauben Slow Cooker 3500SB pomalý hrnec
Hrnec na pomalé vaření Lauben Slow Cooker 3500SB disponuje nádobou o objemu 3,5 l, ve které bez námahy a připalování připravíte mnoho pokrmů.
Objev podobné jako Lauben Slow Cooker 3500SB pomalý hrnec
Lauben Slow Cooker 3500SB – Hrnec na pomalé vaření
Lauben Slow Cooker 3500SB je pomalý hrnec, se kterým ušetříte spoustu času a i z levnějších surovin vykouzlíte luxusní, šťavnaté pokrmy. Poradí si se všemi jídly, kde je ideální nižší teplotní stupeň a více času, jako jsou polévky, ragú nebo omáčky a to bez nutnosti vašeho zásahu. Vnitřní keramická nádoba o kapacitě 3,5 l perfektně drží teplo, nezanáší se, nikdy v ní nic nepřipálíte a lze mýt v myčce nádobí. Velikost je naprosto dostatečná pro velký rodinný oběd či sešlost s přáteli, ale díky kompaktnímu tvaru nezabírá zbytečně moc místa. Hrnec se snadno ovládá pomocí přehledného ovládacího panelu s tlačítky. Samozřejmostí je funkce odloženého startu nebo udržování teploty. Lauben Slow Cooker 3500SB je ideálním pomocníkem do kuchyně právě pro vás, pokud chcete mít na talíři vždy perfektní výsledek a nechce se vám obětovat hodiny strávené u sporáku. S pomalým hrncem Lauben snížíte vaše náklady, ne vaši laťku. A protože inspirace není nikdy dost, přidali jsme do balení i kuchařku s recepty.Pomalé vaření uspoří čas strávený v kuchyni. Zní to nepravděpodobně, ale je to tak. Pomalý hrnec totiž vaří sice pomalu, ale sám. Do hlavní nádoby umístíte všechny ingredience, stisknete tlačítko a o zbytek se postará hrnec. Už jste někdy připravili guláš bez stání u plotny za neustálého hlídání a míchání? Představte si, že stisknete večer tlačítko, jdete si číst nebo cvičit, o kuchyň se nestaráte, a ráno je oběd hotový a ještě ke všemu perfektní. S Lauben Slow Cooker 3500SB se tato představa stává realitou.Hrnec Lauben disponuje technologií SlowHeat, která zajišťuje rovnoměrné rozložení ohřevu a konstantní teplotu uvnitř hrnce během vaření. Díky tomu dostanete z pomalého vaření ty nejlepší výsledky. Zároveň se jedná o vaření, při kterém nedochází k odpařování tekutin, všechny chutě a vitaminy zůstávají uvnitř a nic se nepřipaluje. Nespornou výhodou pomalého vaření je zaručená šťavnatost finálního pokrmu. O tu se stará technologie Thermeffect®, která během vaření mění pojivové tkáně a tužší části masa na želatinu. I z těch běžně sušších a levnějších kusů masa tak vykouzlíte gurmánský zážitek. Pokud potřebujete inspiraci, součástí balení je brožurka s recepty, které můžete s pomocí hrnce připravit. Bezpečnost je při vaření na prvním místě. Technologie Cool Touch zajišťuje, že se o vnější plášť hrnce nikdy nespálíte, ani uprostřed doby vaření. Hrnec jistě oceníte i stran snadné údržby. Vnitřní nádobu i poklici z tvrzeného skla lze totiž bez problému mýt v myčce nádobí. Hrnec je navíc kompaktní, takže ho můžete vozit s sebou třeba na chatu. Ani doma vám díky modernímu minimalistickému designu neudělá ostudu.Obsah balení: vnitřní nádoba slow cooker poklice z tvrzeného skla kuchařka s recepty
Objev podobné jako Lauben Slow Cooker 3500SB – Hrnec na pomalé vaření
Russell Hobbs 25630-56 Sous Vide Slow Cooker (5038061101331)
Pomalý hrnec s objemem 6,5 l, materiál hrnce: keramika, funkce: vhodné do myčky, displej, vyjímatelná nádoba a automatické programy, příkon 350 W Vaříte rádi? Zároveň si ceníte svého času a zdraví? Pomalý hrnec Russell Hobbs 25630-56 Sous Vide pro vás bude tou správnou volbou. Nabízí 3 způsoby přípravy jídla v jednom. Můžete jej využít pro pomalé vaření, při němž si potraviny zachovají vitamíny. Dále umožňuje pečení a vaření za pomoci metody sous-vide. Pomalý hrnec Russell Hobbs má objem 6,5 litrů, je vybaven teplotní jehlou, digitálním ovládacím panelem s LCD displejem, tvrzenou a zároveň uzamykatelnou skleněnou poklicí a extra velkými rukojeťmi, které se nezahřívají. Vnitřní keramický hrnec je odnímatelný a spolu s poklicí vhodný do myčky na nádobí. Dále se přístroj Russell Hobbs může pochlubit mřížkou, s níž pro vás bude příprava jednotlivých porcí ještě pohodlnější. Klíčové vlastnosti pomalého hrnce Russell Hobbs 25630-56 Sous...
Objev podobné jako Russell Hobbs 25630-56 Sous Vide Slow Cooker (5038061101331)
Poppy Cooks: The Actually Delicious Slow Cooker Cookbook - Poppy O'Toole
Professional chef turned TikTok star and Sunday Times bestselling author, Poppy O''Toole shows you how to get the most out of your slow cooker in her brand new book. Featuring 90 mouth-watering recipes that focus on ease and convenience without breaking the bank or sacrificing flavour, this is the book you need to get great food on the table at the end of a busy day.With recipes for family favourites, curries, soups, pastas and a chapter dedicated to potatoes, Poppy elevates each recipe with hacks, tips and flavour ideas so it becomes something actually delicious. The get-ahead recipes include: Creamy sweetcorn soup, Laksa, Puttanesca, Tomato and paneer curry, Chicken tikka masala, Chipotle beef taco, the Ultimate chilli con carne, Lamb tagine, Honey-glazed pigs in blankets, Pulled turkey buns, Boulangere potatoes and Posh orange chocolate brioche bread and butter pudding.With more of us relying on quick, affordable, low-energy cooking than ever before, Poppy Cooks is the only companion you need for mastering your slow cooker.------------------------Love this? Check out Poppy Cooks: The Actually Delicious Air Fryer Cookbook
Objev podobné jako Poppy Cooks: The Actually Delicious Slow Cooker Cookbook - Poppy O'Toole
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: Accessible Easier Edition
Enjoy Every Cherry’s adaptation of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz featuring illustrations, sensory features and glossary descriptions to aid reading comprehension and accessibility. Our shorter versions of the text allow for the same great stories to be delivered in a condensed but still equally fun and entertaining edition of L. Frank Baum’s classic.
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Shock of the Fall - Nathan Filer
Objev podobné jako Shock of the Fall - Nathan Filer
Obědová krabička Luckies of London lunch bot
Obědová krabička z kolekce Luckies of London. Model vyroben z kovu.
Objev podobné jako Obědová krabička Luckies of London lunch bot
Crypt of the Moon Spider - Nathan Ballingrud
A young woman, committed to an asylum, undergoes a bizarre treatment that unlocks a vast well of power in this cosmic horror novella, perfect for fans of T. Kingfisher.
Objev podobné jako Crypt of the Moon Spider - Nathan Ballingrud
Clash of Legions - Anthony Riches
Marcus Aquila and his patron Rutlius Scaurus are tasked with rooting out a spy ring operating in the lands into which their imperial master Severus''s armies are advancing.The quest to find and subvert their foes'' informers will place the two friends at great risk, with torture and death the price of any mistake. While success will put them in the front rank against battle-hardened legions, hungry for revenge, in a bloody struggle to determine the fate of Asia''s loyalty.-----''This is fast-paced and gripping "read-through-the-night" fiction, with marvellous characters and occasional moments of dark humour. Some authors are better historians than they are storytellers. Anthony Riches is brilliant at both.'' Conn Iggulden on Empire''A master of the genre'' The Times
Objev podobné jako Clash of Legions - Anthony Riches
Obědová krabička Luckies of London TV Lunch Box
Obědová krabička z kolekce Luckies of London. Model vyroben z kovu.
Objev podobné jako Obědová krabička Luckies of London TV Lunch Box
Obědová krabička Luckies of London Food Truck Lunch Box
Obědová krabička z kolekce Luckies of London. Model vyroben z kovu.
Objev podobné jako Obědová krabička Luckies of London Food Truck Lunch Box
Dogs of the Deadlands - Anthony McGowan
Chernobyl 1986. Those left behind must fight to survive.
Objev podobné jako Dogs of the Deadlands - Anthony McGowan
The Path of Peace - Anthony Seldon
Blackwell''s Non-Fiction Book of the Month''A formidable achievement'' Rory Stewart''Thoughtful [and] heartfelt'' Observer''Profound [and] compelling'' Spectator''A noble endeavour'' New StatesmanWithout a permanent home, a wife or a job, and with no clear sense of where his life was going, Anthony Seldon set out on a 35-day pilgrimage from the French-Swiss border to the English Channel.The route of his 1,000 kilometre journey was inspired by a young British soldier of the First World War, Alexander Douglas Gillespie, who dreamed of creating a ''Via Sacra'' that the men, women and children of Europe could walk to honour the fallen. Tragically, Gillespie was killed in action, his vision forgotten for a hundred years, until a chance discovery in the archive of one of England''s oldest schools galvanised Anthony into seeing the Via Sacra permanently established.Tracing the historic route of the Western Front, he traversed some of Europe''s most beautiful and evocative scenery, from the Vosges, Argonne and Champagne to the haunting trenches of Arras, the Somme and Ypres. Along the way, he wrestled heat exhaustion, dog bites and blisters as well as a deeper search for inner peace and renewed purpose. Touching on grief, loss and the legacy of war, The Path of Peace is the extraordinary story of Anthony''s epic walk, an unforgettable act of remembrance and a triumphant rediscovery of what matters most in life.***A WATERSTONES BEST BOOKS OF 2022 PICK***____________________________________________''The Western Front Way, an idea that waited 100 years for its moment, is the simplest and fittest memorial yet to the agony of the Great War. Anthony Seldon''s account of how he walked it, and what it means to all of us, will be an inspiration to younger generations.'' Sebastian Faulks''A deeply informed meditation on the First World War, an exploration of walking''s healing power, a formidable physical achievement... and above all a moving enactment of a modern pilgrimage.'' Rory Stewart''A journey of self-discovery and a pilgrimage of peace... A remarkable book by a remarkable man.'' Michael Morpurgo''An incredible journey that will move and inspire.'' Bear Grylls
Objev podobné jako The Path of Peace - Anthony Seldon
Luckies of London soubor Slow Fashion
Sada z kolekce Luckies of London. Model vyroben z umělohmotného materiáliu.
Objev podobné jako Luckies of London soubor Slow Fashion
The Elephants of Thula - Francoise Malby-Anthony
An entertaining and inspirational account of one woman's fight to save the endangered wildlife on her game reserve by conservationist Francoise Malby-Anthony. Francoise Malby-Anthony is the owner of a game reserve in South Africa with a remarkable family of elephants whose adventures have touched hearts around the world. The herd's feisty matriarch Frankie knows who's in charge at Thula Thula, and it's not Francoise.But when Frankie becomes ill, and the authorities threaten to remove or cull some of the herd if the reserve doesn't expand, Francoise is in a race against time to save her beloved elephants . . .The joys and challenges of a life dedicated to conservation are vividly described in this charming and moving book. The search is on to get a girlfriend for orphaned rhino Thabo - and then, as his behaviour becomes increasingly boisterous, a big brother to teach him manners. Francoise realizes a dream with the arrival of Savannah the cheetah - an endangered species not seen in the area since the 1940s - and finds herself rescuing meerkats kept as pets.But will Thula Thula survive the pandemic, an invasion from poachers and the threat from a mining company wanting access to its land?As Francoise faces her toughest years yet, she realizes once again that with their wisdom, resilience and communal bonds, the elephants have much to teach us.
Objev podobné jako The Elephants of Thula - Francoise Malby-Anthony
The Traitor: Book Three of the Covenant of Steel - Anthony Ryan
The Traitor concludes the ruthless and gripping epic fantasy series from New York Times bestseller Anthony Ryan, whose books have sold more than a million copies worldwide. It's been a long journey for Alwyn Scribe. Born a bastard and raised an outlaw, he's now a knight and the most trusted advisor to Lady Evadine Courlain.Together they've won countless battles and helped to bring order to a fractured kingdom. Yet Evadine is not the woman Alwyn once knew. As puritanical fury increasingly replaces her benevolent faith, Alwyn begins to question what her true motives really are.As the kingdom braces itself for one final battle, Alwyn's conscience fights its own war with his heart. Now, more than ever, he must decide whose side he's really on. Praise for the series'A gritty, heart-pounding tale of betrayal and bloody vengeance' John Gwynne 'The Pariah is Anthony Ryan at his best.A fast-paced, brutal fantasy novel with larger-than-life characters and a plot full of intrigue and suspense' Grimdark Magazine'This is Anthony Ryan's best book yet' Michael Fletcher'Fantastic writing, an amazing world, a plot that won't quit, and an unforgettable character . . .Anthony Ryan is one of the best epic fantasy authors out there' Bookworm Blues'Gritty and well-drawn, this makes a rich treat for George R. R. Martin fans' Publishers Weekly (starred review)
Objev podobné jako The Traitor: Book Three of the Covenant of Steel - Anthony Ryan
Tales of all Countries - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha
eBook: Tales of All Countries is a collection of stories in two volumes; the first was published in 1861, the second in 1863. In a variety of settings, the stories bring into consideration the societies and cultures of various countries, the fidelity of human nature, and the existence of universal ethics and values. An Unprotected Female at the Pyramids, The Man Who Kept His Money in a Box, and Mrs. General Talboys are some of the works included in this collection.
Objev podobné jako Tales of all Countries - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha
Ruination: A League of Legends Novel - Anthony Reynolds
The first ever novel set in the blockbuster universe of League of Legends, one of the most popular video games of all time, Ruination is an epic tale of magic, revenge, and an empire on the verge of ruin.Camavor is a brutal land with a bloody legacy. Where the empire's knights go, slaughter follows.Kalista seeks to change that. When her young and narcissistic uncle, Viego, becomes king, she vows to temper his destructive instincts, as his loyal confidant, advisor and military general. But her plans are thwarted when an assassin's poisoned blade strikes Viego's wife, Isolde, afflicting her with a malady for which there is no cure.As Isolde's condition worsens, Viego descends into madness and grief, threatening to drag Camavor down with him. Kalista makes a desperate gambit to save the kingdom: she searches for the long lost Blessed Isles, rumoured to hold the queen's salvation, if only Kalista can find them.But corruption grows in the Blessed Isles' capital, where a vengeful warden seeks to ensnare Kalista in his cruel machinations. She will be forced to choose between her loyalty to Viego and doing what she knows is right - for even in the face of utter darkness, one noble act can shine a light that saves the world.
Objev podobné jako Ruination: A League of Legends Novel - Anthony Reynolds
Deserts of the World - Anthony Ham, Susanne Mack
Imagine a sea of sand dunes the size of a European country, a world in motion, exquisite ridge lines perfectly sculpted by the winds and stretching to a layered horizon. Or a remote mountain massif in black rock or sandstone, hewn by the elements and marked in red ochre with the passage of ancient rock artists. Or a salt pan shimmering to a seemingly endless horizon. Welcome to the world's deserts, a realm of astonishing and dramatic beauty, as much places of the soul and the imagination as actual physical terrain.
Objev podobné jako Deserts of the World - Anthony Ham, Susanne Mack
Big Gorilla: A Book of Opposites - Anthony Browne
Learn all about opposites through internationally renowned master picture book-maker Anthony Browne''s beloved primates.What''s the opposite of old? Young! What''s the opposite of sad? Happy! But what''s the opposite of opposite...?Featuring a range of exquisite primates, from gorillas to chimpanzees, white-faced capuchins to orangutans, Anthony Browne has created a wonderfully unique first book of opposites, with his striking palette and quirky flair for facial expressions sure to charm readers of all ages.
Objev podobné jako Big Gorilla: A Book of Opposites - Anthony Browne
The Macdermots of Ballycloran - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha
eBook: Set in County Leitrim in Ireland, 'The Macdermots of Ballycloran' was the first novel Anthony Trollope wrote. When a traveller stumbles across the abandoned estate of Ballycloran, he learns from local residents of the unfortunate fate of the Macdermot family who once inhabited it. A gripping tale which explores themes of poverty, honour, crime and murder.-
Objev podobné jako The Macdermots of Ballycloran - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha
The Vicar of Bullhampton - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha
eBook: Frank Fenwick, the vicar of the title and a likeable and energetic clergyman, sets out to prove a young man's innocence in a murder and to prevent the eviction of a prostitute from her home. Choosing a prostitute as a central female character, Trollope addresses a topical question of his time: how women should maintain due and proper regard for themselves without adopting either the manners of a prostitute or the political excesses of a feminist.
Objev podobné jako The Vicar of Bullhampton - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha
The Twist of a Knife (Defekt) - Anthony Horowitz
In New York Times bestselling author Anthony Horowitz’s ingenious fourth literary whodunit following The Word is Murder, The Sentence is Death, and A Line to Kill, Horowitz becomes the prime suspect in a murder investigation—and only one man can prove his innocence: his newly estranged partner in solving crime, Detective Hawthorne. “I’m sorry but the answer’s no.” Reluctant author, Anthony Horowitz, has had enough. He tells ex-detective Daniel Hawthorne that after three books he’s splitting and their deal is over. The truth is that Anthony has other things on his mind. His new play, a thriller called Mindgame, is about to open at the Vaudeville Theater in London’s West End. Not surprisingly, Hawthorne declines a ticket to the opening night. The play is panned by the critics. In particular, Sunday Times critic Margaret Throsby gives it a savage review, focusing particularly on the writing. The next day, Throsby is stabbed in the heart with an ornamental dagger which turns out to belong to Anthony, and has his fingerprints all over it. Anthony is arrested by an old enemy . . . Detective Inspector Cara Grunshaw. She still carries a grudge from her failure to solve the case described in the second Hawthorne adventure, The Sentence is Death, and blames Anthony. Now she’s out for revenge. Thrown into prison and fearing for both his personal future and his writing career, Anthony is the prime suspect in Throsby’s murder and when a second theatre critic is found to have died in mysterious circumstances, the net closes in. Ever more desperate, he realizes that only one man can help him. But will Hawthorne take the call?
Objev podobné jako The Twist of a Knife (Defekt) - Anthony Horowitz
Frankenstein: Accessible Easier Edition
Enjoy Every Cherry’s new adaptation of Easier Classics’ Frankenstein featuring illustrations, sensory features and glossary descriptions to aid in reading comprehension and accessibility.
Objev podobné jako Frankenstein: Accessible Easier Edition
Sada vonných kadidel Luckies of London slow burners
Sada vonných kadidel z kolekce Luckies of London. Model vyroben z dřeva a keramiky.
Objev podobné jako Sada vonných kadidel Luckies of London slow burners
The Slow Regard of Silent Things - Patrick Rothfuss
This is a stunning new novella in the Kingkiller universe, and a genuine must-read for fans, showing us a little of the world from the perspective of Auri, one of its best-loved characters.
Objev podobné jako The Slow Regard of Silent Things - Patrick Rothfuss
The House of Heine Brothers - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha
eBook: Set in Munich, this is a delightful short story from much-loved author Anthony Trollope. Young English bank clerk Herbert Onslow is working for small German banking firm Heine Brothers, where he encounters the beautiful and strong-willed Isa Heine, daughter of one of the banks partners. Love inevitably follows, but the path to their happiness will not be smooth.
Objev podobné jako The House of Heine Brothers - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha
The Golden Lion of Granpere - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha
eBook: One of three novels Anthony Trollope published anonymously at the height of his career, ‘The Golden Lion of Granpere’ is a tale of forbidden love. Set in the Alsace region of France, The Lion D’or Inn is the setting for the story. The owners, Michael Voss, his wife, and son George all live there along with Michael Voss’s niece, Marie. George and Marie fall in love, with inevitable consequences and complications. A sweet yet dramatic romance from Victorian author Anthony Trollope.
Objev podobné jako The Golden Lion of Granpere - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha
PER | Level 5: The Prisoner of Zenda - Anthony Hope
Classic / British EnglishRudolf Rassendyll, a daring young Englishman looking for adventure, arrives in Ruritania for the new king’s coronation. The two men meet by chance the day before and are shocked to find that they look exactly the same! A trick leaves Rudolf in the king’s place while the king becomes the Prisoner of Zenda.
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 5: The Prisoner of Zenda - Anthony Hope
The Temptation of Saint Anthony - Gustave Flaubert - e-kniha
eBook: A book that deeply influenced the young Freud and was the inspiration for many artists, The Temptation of Saint Anthony was Flaubert's lifelong work, thirty years in the making. Based on the story of the third-century saint who lived on an isolated mountaintop in the Egyptian desert, it is a fantastical rendering of one night during which Anthony is besieged by carnal temptations and philosophical doubt.This Modern Library Paperback Classic reproduces the distinguished Lafcadio Hearn translation, which translator Richard Sieburth calls "a splendid period piece from one of America's premier translators of nineteenth-century French prose. In Lafcadio Hearn's Latinate rendering, Flaubert's experimental drama of the modern consciousness reads as weirdly as its oneiric original."
Objev podobné jako The Temptation of Saint Anthony - Gustave Flaubert - e-kniha
The Courtship of Susan Bell - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha
eBook: 'The Courtship of Susan Bell' is a short story from Victorian author Anthony Trollope. Set in Saratoga Springs, New York, it charts the story of young Susan Bell who lives there with her widowed mother and sister. When handsome young lodger Aaron Dunn moves in and falls in love with Susan, her overprotective mother and interfering sister complicate the couple's path to true love. A short and sweet Trollope romance.-
Objev podobné jako The Courtship of Susan Bell - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha
The Relics of General Chassé - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha
eBook: 'The Relics of General Chassé' is a humorous short story from Victorian author Anthony Trollope. Set in Antwerp, the story charts the misfortune of the Reverend Augustus Horne, who is holidaying in Belgium where he decides to try on a rather special pair of trousers with disastrous consequences. A comical tale from the much-loved author.-
Objev podobné jako The Relics of General Chassé - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha
The Château of Prince Polignac - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha
eBook: Published in 1861, ‘The Château of Prince Polignac’ is one of Anthony Trollope’s early short stories. Set in Le Puy in the South of France, it follows the story of widowed Englishwoman Mrs Thompson and her two daughters; Lilian who is attending school in the area, and her younger daughter Mimmy. During their stay, Mrs Thompson catches the eye of Frenchman Monsieur Lacordaire, but is the gentleman all that he seems?
Objev podobné jako The Château of Prince Polignac - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha
The Bedtime Book of EVEN MORE Impossible Questions - Isabel Thomas
'The perfect present for any inquisitive child.' The Sunday Times'Top-notch non-fiction from a profoundly accomplished author, it's the sort of book that could ignite lifelong scientific curiosity' The Guardian praise for The Bedtime Book of Impossible Questions – A Guardian Best Children's Book of the YearHas a slug ever been to space? When did life begin? Why do we have two nostrils?The perfect gift for all children! Following on from The Bedtime Book of Impossible Questions, this books provides EVEN MORE answers to the weird, wonderful and sometimes downright dumbfounding questions that buzz around kids' brains at bedtime – covering topics such as philosophy, science, nature, animals, geography, culture and more. With fascinating but short, succinct answers and inviting illustrations, it really is the ideal read for curious kids. Why are parents in charge and not children? Can dogs laugh? Are we all aliens?With engaging, fascinating text by expert science writer Isabel Thomas and dreamy illustrations by Margarida Esteves, The Bedtime Book of EVEN MORE Impossible Questions is the perfect bedside companion to delve into when you are wondering if there really is an answer to everything.
Objev podobné jako The Bedtime Book of EVEN MORE Impossible Questions - Isabel Thomas
Bored Gay Werewolf - Tony Santorella
Readers love Bored Gay Werewolf''Feels like Buffy meets Euphoria''''With a title like Bored Gay Werewolf, you bet I''m gonna wanna read it''''Sarcastic and hilarious''''One of the best gay werewolf books I''ve ever read!''Brian, an aimless slacker in his twenties, has been struggling to manage his transition to adulthood almost as much as his monthly transitions to a werewolf. Really, he''s not great at the whole werewolf thing, and his recent murderous snaccidents have got his best friends Nik and Darby suspicious, and caught the attention of Tyler, a hot were-entrepreneur with a start-up idea for the mythological wellness market.Tyler wants Brian to be part of his vision, but as Brian gets closer to Tyler and drifts away from Nik and Darby, he realises that Tyler''s plans are much more nefarious than a little lupine enlightenment. To save the world from another rich boy-boss, Brian''s going to need his friends, a steampunk crossbow, and to learn how to be comfortable in his own, shaggy, werewolf pelt...
Objev podobné jako Bored Gay Werewolf - Tony Santorella
Moby Dick: Accessible Easier Edition
Enjoy Every Cherry’s new adaptation of Easier Classics’ Moby Dick featuring illustrations, sensory features and glossary descriptions to aid in reading comprehension and accessibility.
Objev podobné jako Moby Dick: Accessible Easier Edition
Zničení – román ze světa League of Legends (Defekt) - Anthony Reynolds
1. KNIHA Z UNIVERZA LEAGUE OF LEGENDS. JEJÍ RODINA, JEJÍ OSUD. Camavor je brutální země s krvavým dědictvím. Kam se rytíři říše vydají, tam je následuje masakr.Kalista se to snaží změnit. Když se její mladý a narcistický strýc Viego stane králem, přísahá, že jako jeho věrná důvěrnice, rádkyně a generálka bude mírnit jeho ničivé instinkty. Její plány jsou však zmařeny, když vrahova otrávená čepel zasáhne Viegovu ženu Isoldu a nakazí jí chorobou, na niž neexistuje lék.Pouť na zkorumpované Požehnané ostrovy buď zahrání královnu i zem, nebo je obě uvrhne do věčné temnoty…
Objev podobné jako Zničení – román ze světa League of Legends (Defekt) - Anthony Reynolds
The Parson's Daughter of Oxney Colne - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha
eBook: This enjoyable short story from Anthony Trollope follows the arrogant Captain John Broughton as he seeks to cement his place as heir to his wealthy aunt Miss Le Smyrger. Set in Devonshire, love and romance are also in the air for Captain Broughton, but will his ego ultimately be his downfall?
Objev podobné jako The Parson's Daughter of Oxney Colne - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha
Don't Be Bored, Dinosaurs! - Elizabeth Dale
Join Flicky and other dinosaurs in their classroom adventure to the future! What will they find?
Objev podobné jako Don't Be Bored, Dinosaurs! - Elizabeth Dale
Reaper BORED Dámské triko, růžová, velikost
Dámské triko Reaper BORED je vyrobené z příjemného bavlněného materiálu a má polopřiléhavý střih. Na předním díle je originální potisk. Vhodné na běžné nošení a volný čas.
Objev podobné jako Reaper BORED Dámské triko, růžová, velikost
A Day in the Life of Abed Salama: A Palestine Story - Thrall Nathan
A gripping, intimate story of one heartbreaking day in Palestine that reveals lives, loves, enmities, and histories in violent collisionMilad is five years old and excited for his school trip to a theme park on the outskirts of Jerusalem, but tragedy awaits: his bus is involved in a horrific accident. His father, Abed, rushes to the chaotic site, only to find Milad has already been taken away. Abed sets off on a journey to learn Milad's fate, navigating a maze of physical, emotional, and bureaucratic obstacles he must face as a Palestinian.Interwoven with Abed's odyssey are the stories of Jewish and Palestinian characters whose lives and pasts unexpectedly converge: a kindergarten teacher and a mechanic who rescue children from the burning bus; an Israeli army commander and a Palestinian official who confront the aftermath at the scene of the crash; a settler paramedic; ultra-Orthodox emergency service workers; and two mothers who each hope to claim one severely injured boy. A Day in the Life of Abed Salama is a deeply immersive, stunningly detailed portrait of life in Israel and Palestine, and an illumination of the reality of one of the most contested places on earth.
Objev podobné jako A Day in the Life of Abed Salama: A Palestine Story - Thrall Nathan
The Good Bite’s High Protein Meal Prep Manual - Niall Kirkland, The Good Bite
THE INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLEROrder your copy of The Good Bite''s High Protein, Meal Prep Manual now, for food as tasty as it is good for you.Niall Kirkland, founder of The Good Bite, is on a mission to bridge the gap between healthy and delicious. In this book, he shares 80 calorie-counted, meal-prep, air fryer and slow cooker recipes - with a photo for every one - that will help you fill your fridge with mouth-watering, high-protein dishes that take the stress out of mealtimes.PB&J Protein French ToastPeri-peri Rice Bake with Grilled CornSticky Korean Popcorn ChickenSlow Cooker Sweet Potato Shepherd’s PieCreamy Peanut Noodles with PrawnsHot Honey Halloumi Pittas with Harissa-Lime MayoCreamy Tuscan Butter BeansCookie Dough BitesWith chapters covering breakfast, lunch, dinner, desserts and snacks – as well as essential advice on calculating your ideal protein intake, full nutritional breakdowns and barcodes that feed directly into your food-tracking app for each recipe – this is the ultimate resource for anyone looking to harness the power of protein. Inside you’ll find delicious, nourishing meals packed with flavour, to keep you eating strong all week long.
Objev podobné jako The Good Bite’s High Protein Meal Prep Manual - Niall Kirkland, The Good Bite
The O'Conors of Castle Conor, County Mayo - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha
eBook: I shall never forget my first introduction to country life in Ireland, my first day's hunting there, or the manner in which I passed the evening afterwards. Nor shall I ever cease to be grateful for the hospitality which I received from the O'Conors of Castle Conor. My acquaintance with the family was first made in the following manner. But before I begin my story, let me inform my reader that my name is Archibald Green. I had been for a fortnight in Dublin, and was about to proceed into county Mayo on business which would occupy me there for some weeks. My head-quarters would, I found, be at the town of Ballyglass; and I soon learned that Ballyglass was not a place in which I should find hotel accommodation of a luxurious kind, or much congenial society indigenous to the place itself.
Objev podobné jako The O'Conors of Castle Conor, County Mayo - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha
The Struggles of Brown, Jones, and Robinson - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha
eBook: "The Struggles of Brown, Jones, and Robinson" is a humorous novel by the renowned author Anthony Trollope. George Robinson is a partner in an advertising firm with his partners Mr. Brown and Mr. Jones. Robinson however feels stifled by the idiosyncrasies of his two partners. The book is written in a memoir format tracing the roots of the three partners and how the unlikely trio ended up as partners in the advertising trade.
Objev podobné jako The Struggles of Brown, Jones, and Robinson - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: Accessible Easier Edition
Enjoy Every Cherry’s new adaptation of Easier Classics’ Frankenstein featuring illustrations, sensory features and glossary descriptions to aid in reading comprehension and accessibility.
Objev podobné jako Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: Accessible Easier Edition
PER | Level 5: The Prisoner of Zenda Bk/MP3 Pack - Anthony Hope
Classic / British EnglishRudolf Rassendyll, a daring young Englishman looking for adventure, arrives in Ruritania for the new king’s coronation. The two men meet by chance the day before and are shocked to find that they look exactly the same! A trick leaves Rudolf in the king’s place while the king becomes the Prisoner of Zenda.
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 5: The Prisoner of Zenda Bk/MP3 Pack - Anthony Hope
Summertime, All the Cats Are Bored - Philippe Georget
A COMPELLING AND ADDICTIVE PAGETURNER TO IMMERSE YOURSELF IN THIS SUMMER "He waits joylessly, patiently, and lets himself go. The stone house may end up being his grave. Who's doing what, who's chasing who? Who is the mouse, and who's the cat?" It's the middle of a long hot summer on the French Mediterranean shore and the town is full of tourists. Two tired cops who are being slowly devoured by dull routine and family worries, deal with the day's misdemeanours and petty complaints at the Perpignan police headquarters without a trace of enthusiasm. Out of the blue, a young Dutch woman is brutally murdered on the beach, and another disappears without a trace in the alleys of the city. A serial killer obsessed with Dutch women? The media goes wild. Gilles Sebag finds himself thrust into the middle of a diabolical game. If he intends to salvage something anything he will have to put aside his personal worries, forget his suspicions of his wife's unfaithfulness, ignore his heart murmur, get over his existential angst. WHAT READERS ARE SAYING: "Gilles Sebag is a superb detective. The world of crime is balanced with family life." - Lanna on Amazon "Subtle yet effective in building suspense." - Deb on Goodreads "If you're looking for a good read - whether on holiday or not - you can't do much better than this." - David on Amazon
Objev podobné jako Summertime, All the Cats Are Bored - Philippe Georget
Motivační obraz na zeď Its never gets easier
Obraz na plátně s realistický zobrazeným motivem ve vysoké kvalitě dostupný v různých rozměrech. Moderní obrazy pro moderní bydlení a moderní interiér. Motiv v digitální kvalitě vytištěn na kvalitním plátně, které je natažené na dřevěném rámu. Plátno natažené i po stranách rámu vytváří na stěně neopakovatelný 3D efekt. Ekologický výrobek bez zápachu. Obrazy na stěnu, které Vás prostě inspirují.
Objev podobné jako Motivační obraz na zeď Its never gets easier
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