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Birds, Beasts and a World Made New - Guillaume Apollinaire, Velimir Khlebnikov

A revelatory volume of two of the twentieth century's great poetic innovators, Guillaume Apollinaire and Velimir Khlebnikov, in vibrant new translations by Robert ChandlerGuillaume Apollinaire and Velimir Khlebnikov never met, but they have much in common. Both inventive luminaries of Modernism, they played a central role in the avant-garde movements of their time and worked closely with the most important visual artists around them. Written with exhilarating freedom and creativity, their verse has continued to inspire poets to the present day.Acclaimed translator and poet Robert Chandler offers a unique selection from both poets' work in vivid new translations. Showcasing their most direct, heartfelt verse alongside their form-breaking innovations, this volume reveals the deep insight with which these two poets wrote about love, friendship, art, revolution, famine and war.

Podívejte se také Ohňostroj -baterie výmetnic new world 90 ran (8595596316540)

cena 325.0 Kč

Birds, Beasts and Bedlam - Derek Gow

‘One of the most remarkable figures in British conservation.’ Observer‘Gow reinvents what it means to be a guardian of the countryside.’ Guardian‘Courageous, visionary, funny.’ Isabella Tree‘A brilliant read.’ Benedict Macdonald‘He gets stuff done. . . . Highly entertaining but also a heartfelt plea for a wilder, more inspiring Britain.’ Hugh Fearnley-WhittingstallBirds, Beasts and Bedlam recounts the adventures of Britain’s favourite maverick rewilder, Derek Gow, and his single-minded mission to save our rarest wildlife – one species at a time.Author of Bringing Back the Beaver and Hunt for the Shadow Wolf, Derek shares his personal, courageous and highly entertaining tales in Birds, Beasts and Bedlam, including how he raised a sofa-loving wild boar piglet, transported a raging bison bull across the UK, got bitten by a Scottish wildcat and, together with Isabella Tree and Charlie Burrell, restored the ancient white stork to the pioneering Knepp Estate.After a Shetland ewe captured his heart as a boy, Derek grew up to become a farmer with a passion for ancient breeds. When he realised how many of our species were close to extinction – even on his own land – Derek tore down fences literally and metaphorically, transforming his traditional Devon farm into a 300-acre rewilding haven for beavers, water voles, lynx, wildcats, harvest mice, wild boar and more. A project that is still ongoing today.Birds, Beasts and Bedlam continues the rich tradition of great British nature writing and is a natural bedfellow to Gerald Durrell’s A Zoo in My Luggage. Passionate, subversive and unforgettable, Birds, Beasts and Bedlam will leave you imagining a rewilded landscape filled with our lost native birds and wildlife.‘A do-er, not a dreamer, Gow has become one of our most outspoken rewilders.’ Countryfile Magazine‘In this warm and funny autobiography, [Gow] writes with a whimsical fluency about the moments of humour and pathos in an unusual life.’ Country Life

Podívejte se také A Faraway World

cena 384.0 Kč

Kaligramy - Guillaume Apollinaire

Apollinairovy Kaligramy jsou obrazové básně, verše zapsané do obrazů, které mají znázorňovat. Mnoho básní by bez výtvarného uspořádání bylo pro čtenáře nepochopitelných. K tomuto ojedinělému pokusu o zapsání poezie vedlo Apollinaira jeho kubistické a futorologické přesvědčení, které hlásal v předválečné Paříži v kruhu umělců, i jeho úzké přátelství s Pablem Picassem. Apollinairova hra s překvapivými obrazy a souvislostmi v mnohém ovlivnila poezii 20. století.

Podívejte se také Parsons Alan: From The New World (Coloured) - LP (8024391124055)

cena 268.0 Kč

Kaligramy - Guillaume Apollinaire - e-kniha

eBook: Apollinairovy Kaligramy jsou obrazové básně, verše zapsané do obrazů, které mají znázorňovat. Mnoho básní by bez výtvarného uspořádání bylo pro čtenáře nepochopitelných. K tomuto ojedinělému pokusu o zapsání poezie vedlo Apollinaira jeho kubistické a futorologické přesvědčení, které hlásal v předválečné Paříži v kruhu umělců, i jeho úzké přátelství s Pablem Picassem. Apollinairova hra s překvapivými obrazy a souvislostmi v mnohém ovlivnila poezii 20. století.

Objev podobné jako Kaligramy - Guillaume Apollinaire - e-kniha

cena 209.0 Kč

Básně Guillauma Apollinaira - Guillaume Apollinaire - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Guillaume Apollinaire (*26. srpna 1880 Řím – † 9. listopadu 1918 Paříž) byl francouzský básník, prozaik a dramatik; po matce, šlechtičně Angelice Kostrowicke, polského původu. Jeho literární začátky se datují na přelom 19. a 20. století Je považován za jednoho ze zakladatelů moderní francouzské poezie a hlavním propagátorem avantgardních směrů v malířství, především kubismu, zároveň i dalších výtvarných směrů - fauvismu a futurismu. V první dekádě 20. století stává určující osobností moderní francouzské poezie a naprosto zásadní postavou francouzské i evropské umělecké avantgardy. Ve své tvorbě vychází ze změn, které na přelomu 19. a 20. století ve světě a v nazírání člověka na svět probíhaly. V jeho poezii mizí klasický, vázaný verš, interpunkce i rytmus ztrácí na důležitosti, básně plynou volnou asociací. U nás byl překládán mnoha básníky - Karlem Čapkem, Vítězslavem Nezvalem, Konstantinem Bieblem aj. Naše nahrávka z roku 1965 obsahuje Apollinairovy verše přeložené Milanem Kunderou a recitované Václavem Voskou, ale také ve francouzském jazyce - přednes Paul André Lecler.

Objev podobné jako Básně Guillauma Apollinaira - Guillaume Apollinaire - audiokniha

cena 59.0 Kč

Zlá je naděje - Guillaume Apollinaire, Alexandra Švolíková

Básnická sbírka Gillauma Apollinaira Alkoholy (1913) se stala mezníkem ve vývoji francouzské poezie a vytyčila cestu modernímu umění, které vycházelo z nové skutečnosti a z nových životních pocitů na přelomu 19. a 20. století. Apollinaire ve svých básních spojil tradici francouzských šansonů, německých romantických písní a okultní inspirace. Náš výběr obsahuje i snad nejznámější autorovu báseň Pásmo, která ovlivnila celou řadu umělců, u nás např. J. Wolkera, V. Nezvala či K. Biebla.

Objev podobné jako Zlá je naděje - Guillaume Apollinaire, Alexandra Švolíková

cena 135.0 Kč

A World Apart and Other Stories - Hayes Kathleen - e-kniha

eBook: “It grew dark and a mist spread over the countryside like a curtain. We were at the Bohemian border. Customs control, shouting, the din of the station, and finally the train moved on with a monotonous drone. ‘It was right here that I met Teresa Elinson,’ Marta said, in the corner of the cozy compartment. I replied: ‘Who is Teresa Elinson? I don’t remember you ever mentioning her.’ ‘No, never. It was a kind of adventure. That time too the train hurtled into the dark, where red sparks flew and lights flashed, scattering in the mist...’” Thus begins the story by Růžena Jesenská that gives this book its name. In this anthology, Kathleen Hayes has selected and translated eight stories by Czech female authors at the turn of the 19th and 20th century: a period of female political emancipation and impressive literary development. All of the writers included in the present volume were recognized in their own day and constitute a cross-section of the literary styles of the period. Tilschová’s “A Sad Time” is written in a Naturalist style; Jesenská’s “A World Apart” presents themes and motifs that appealed to the Decadents. Malířová’s “The Sylph” is both diaristic and satirical, while Svobodová’s ironical “A Great Passion”, with its rural setting and folklore motifs, reminds one of the writings of Karel Jaromír Erben. Preissová’s short story may be read as a celebration of folk culture. Benešová’s “Friends” is interesting for its psychological presentation of a child’s point of view and its implicit criticism of anti-Semitism. The book is accompanied by the biographies of each author and an introduction by Kathleen Hayes.

Objev podobné jako A World Apart and Other Stories - Hayes Kathleen - e-kniha

cena 260.0 Kč

A World Transformed: Slavery in the Americas and the Origins of Global Power - James Walvin

A major study of how slavery and enslaved people shaped the modern worldFor the best part of four centuries, enslaved Africans were the human cogs in a vast machine which transformed the face of the Americas, enhanced the well-being of the Western world, and created cultural habits we are familiar with today. In A World Transformed, celebrated historian James Walvin presents a comprehensive history of slavery and its shaping of the world we know. It is a global story that ranges from the capitalist economy, labour and the environment to social culture and ideas of family, beauty and taste.Arguing that slavery can be fully understood only by stepping back from traditional national histories, A World Transformed collects the most recent scholarship to illustrate just how thoroughly slavery is responsible for the making of the modern world. The enforced transportation and labour of millions of Africans became a massive social and economic force, promoting the rapid development of multiple new and enormous trading systems which had profound global consequences which reverberate down to the present day. The labour and products of enslaved people changed the consumption habits of millions - in India and Asia, Europe and Africa, in colonised and Indigenous American societies. Across time, slavery shaped many of the dominant features of Western taste: items and habits or rare and costly luxuries, some of which might seem, at first glance, utterly removed from the horrific reality of slavery. A World Transformed traces the global impacts of slavery over centuries, far beyond its legal or historical limits, confirming that the world created by slave labour lives on today.

Objev podobné jako A World Transformed: Slavery in the Americas and the Origins of Global Power - James Walvin

cena 473.0 Kč

A World of Curiosities - Louise Pennyová

Book 18 in the acclaimed and number one-bestselling Three Pines series featuring the beloved Chief Inspector Armand Gamache. It's spring and Three Pines is re-emerging after the harsh winter. But not everything buried should come alive again.Not everything lying dormant should return. But something has. As the villagers prepare for a special celebration, Armand Gamache and Jean-Guy Beauvoir find themselves increasingly worried.A young man and woman have reappeared in the Surete du Quebec investigators' lives after many years. The two were young children when their troubled mother was murdered, leaving them damaged, shattered. Now they've arrived in the village of Three Pines.But to what end? Gamache and Beauvoir's memories of that tragic case, the one that first brought them together, come rushing back. Did their mother's murder hurt them beyond repair? Have those terrible wounds, buried for decades, festered and are now about to erupt? As Chief Inspector Gamache works to uncover answers, his alarm grows when a letter written by a long dead stone mason is discovered. In it the man describes his terror when bricking up an attic room somewhere in the village.Every word of the 150-year-old letter is filled with dread. When the room is found, the villagers decide to open it up. As the bricks are removed, Gamache, Beauvoir and the villagers discover a world of curiosities.But the head of homicide soon realizes there's more in that room than meets the eye. There are puzzles within puzzles, and hidden messages warning of mayhem and revenge. In unsealing that room, an old enemy is released into their world.

Objev podobné jako A World of Curiosities - Louise Pennyová

cena 268.0 Kč

The Internet in Everything: Freedom and Security in a World with No Off Switch - Laura Denardis

A compelling argument that the Internet of things threatens human rights and security"Sobering and important."―Financial Times, "Best Books of 2020: Technology" The Internet has leapt from human-facing display screens into the material objects all around us. In this so-called Internet of things―connecting everything from cars to cardiac monitors to home appliances―there is no longer a meaningful distinction between physical and virtual worlds. Everything is connected. The social and economic benefits are tremendous, but there is a downside: an outage in cyberspace can result not only in loss of communication but also potentially in loss of life. Control of this infrastructure has become a proxy for political power, since countries can easily reach across borders to disrupt real-world systems. Laura DeNardis argues that the diffusion of the Internet into the physical world radically escalates governance concerns around privacy, discrimination, human safety, democracy, and national security, and she offers new cyber-policy solutions. In her discussion, she makes visible the sinews of power already embedded in our technology and explores how hidden technical governance arrangements will become the constitution of our future.

Objev podobné jako The Internet in Everything: Freedom and Security in a World with No Off Switch - Laura Denardis

cena 797.0 Kč

A World of Flavour: A Celebration of Food and Recipes from Around the Globe - Langholtz Gabrielle

nspire children to read, learn, and cook their way around the world with this vibrant collection of authentic recipes and fascinating food facts In this innovative cookbook, children are invited to explore more than forty countries through the universal language of food. Through fun facts and fascinating information, unique ingredients, and culinary customs from across all five continents are celebrated. Also featured are over 40 authentic, kid-friendly recipes inspired by country cuisines around the world, from Vietnamese pho and Mexican salsa verde cruda to Italian focaccia and Nigerian jollof rice.Each entry includes a recipe with simple, step-by-step instructions and lively illustrations of the finished dish. Accessible to all skill levels, the book includes a beginner-friendly section teaching key kitchen vocabulary and skills. There are plenty of recipes made in under thirty minutes, as well as more hands-on projects to excite ambitious young chefs.Peppered throughout are pages dedicated to widely beloved foods such as dumplings, rice, and frozen desserts, revealing ingredients and dishes we share around the world and the unique ways they are enjoyed by children everywhere. Through delicious recipes, fascinating facts, and irresistible illustrations, A World of Flavour is so much more than a cookbook: it’s a mouth-watering road trip for the mind and the taste buds, teaching curious kids about the many ways cultures and cuisines are unique – and how much they have in common. Countries and recipes featured: Afghanistan (plov); Algeria (sandwich aux merguez); Argentina (chimichurri); Australia (pavlova); Bangladesh (shondesh); Brazil (feijoada); China (dumplings); Democratic Republic of the Congo (poulet moambe); Ethiopia (nit’ir qibe); France (truffettes); Germany (cabbage and bratwurst); India (masoor dal); Indonesia (gado gado); Iran (borani ghogondar); Italy (focaccia); Japan (onigiri); Mexico (salsa verde cruda); Middle East (pita bread); Middle East and North Africa (baba ganoush); Morocco (harira); Myanmar (mohinga); New Zealand (lamb chops); Nigeria (jollof rice); North Africa (shakshuka); Pakistan (halwa); Peru (ceviche); Philippines (adobo); Poland (zupa ogórkowa); Russia (blini); Senegal (bissap); South Africa (potele); South Korea (haemul pajeon); Spain (tortilla de patatas); Sudan (salata tomatim bel daqua); Syria and Lebanon (tabbouleh); Tanzania (ndizi kanga); Thailand (pad thai); The Caribbean (pastelillos de guayaba); Uganda (mandazi); Ukraine (borshch); United Kingdom (scones); United States of America (chili con carne); Vietnam (pho).

Objev podobné jako A World of Flavour: A Celebration of Food and Recipes from Around the Globe - Langholtz Gabrielle

cena 737.0 Kč

Beasts and Beauty - Soman Chainani

You think you know these stories, don’t you?You are wrong.You don’t know them at all.Twelve tales, twelve dangerous tales of mystery, magic, and rebellious hearts. Each twists like a spindle to reveal truths full of warning and triumph, truths that free hearts long kept tame, truths that explore life . . . and death.A prince has a surprising awakening . . .A beauty fights like a beast . . .A boy refuses to become prey . . .A path to happiness is lost . . . then found again.New York Times bestselling author Soman Chainani respins old stories into fresh fairy tales for a new era and creates a world like no other. These stories know you. They understand you. They reflect you. They are tales for our times. So read on, if you dare.

Objev podobné jako Beasts and Beauty - Soman Chainani

cena 443.0 Kč

PEKR | Level 6: A World of Homes CLIL - Nicole Taylor

There are old homes, new homes, and mobile homes."Green" homes, intelligent homes, and strange homes, too! There's a home made from bottles.A treehouse made from glass.Palaces for kings and queens.And people living in rocks! So, what is a home, and what are homes made of?

Objev podobné jako PEKR | Level 6: A World of Homes CLIL - Nicole Taylor

cena 191.0 Kč

Knížka home & lifestyle A World of Yoga by Leo Lourdes, English

Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Svět jógy: 700 ásan pro vědomí a pohodu.

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cena 1799.0 Kč

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them/Illustr. Ed. (1408885263)

Kniha - autor J. K. Rowlingová, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá This glorious new edition of Newt Scamander s Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (considered a classic throughout the wizarding world) features an extraordinary array of magical creatures, from Acromantula to Yeti via ten different breeds of dragon, all beautifully illustrated in full colour.This new edition features the fully updated 2017 text, which includes new profiles of six magnificent beasts that inhabit North America and a new foreword by J.K. Rowling, writing as Newt Scamander.

Objev podobné jako Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them/Illustr. Ed. (1408885263)

cena 633.0 Kč

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: Hogwarts Library Book (9781408880715)

Kniha - autor Joanne K. Rowlingová, 480 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá A brand new edition of J.K. Rowling's hugely successful title and companion to the "Harry Potter" stories. Features a new foreword from J.K. Rowling and a beautiful jacket by Jonny Duddle. 'No wizarding household is complete without a copy', Albus Dumbledore. Ages: 9-11yrs

Objev podobné jako Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: Hogwarts Library Book (9781408880715)

cena 374.0 Kč

Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men (1784706280)

Kniha - autor Caroline Criado-Perez, 304 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná *THE SUNDAY TIMES NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER* 'HELL YES. This is one of those books that has the potential to change things - a monumental piece of research' Caitlin Moran Imagine a world where... · Your phone is too big for your hand · Your doctor prescribes a drug that is wrong for your body · In a car accident you are 47% more likely to be injured. If any of that sounds familiar, chances are you're a woman. From government policy and medical research, to technology, workplaces, and the media. Invisible Women reveals how in a world built for and by men we are systematically ignoring half of the population, often with disastrous consequences. Caroline Criado Perez brings together for the first time an impressive range of case studies, stories and new research from across the world that illustrate the hidden ways in which women are forgotten, and the profound impact this has...

Objev podobné jako Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men (1784706280)

cena 279.0 Kč

Third Millennium Thinking: Creating Sense in a World of Nonsense - Saul Perlmutter

In our deluge of information, it's getting harder and harder to distinguish the revelatory from the contradictory. How do we make health decisions in the face of conflicting medical advice? How can we navigate the next uncomfortable discussion with family members, who follow completely different experts on climate?In Third Millennium Thinking, a physicist, a psychologist, and a philosopher introduce readers to the tools and frameworks that scientists use to keep from fooling themselves, to understand the world, and to make decisions. We can all borrow from these trust-building techniques that scientists have tested and developed for more than two millennia to tackle problems both big and small.Readers will learn:- How to gain a solid understanding of the facts that shape our modern world- How to navigate through a multitude of possibilities and make informed choices- How to collaborate effectively in tackling the challenges we encounter today- And much moreThrough engaging thought exercises, clear language free from technical jargon, and compelling illustrations drawn from history, everyday life, and insider stories of scientists, Third Millennium Thinking presents a fresh approach for readers to untangle the confusing and make sense of it all.

Objev podobné jako Third Millennium Thinking: Creating Sense in a World of Nonsense - Saul Perlmutter

cena 447.0 Kč

Incredibuilds: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: Swooping Evil Deluxe Book and Model Set - Jody Revensonová

Kids can build their own customizable model with this thrilling hardcover book and 3D wood model set from IncrediBuilds. This "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find The"m themed book and wood model set brings the world of the upcoming film to life. Filled with incredible illustrations and unit photography, the guidebook provides fascinating behind-the-scenes facts about the film and the creatures from the Warner Bros. archive and includes a do-it-yourself 3D wood model of the Swooping Evil, one of the many magical creatures seen in the film. Skill Level: Intermediate"

Objev podobné jako Incredibuilds: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: Swooping Evil Deluxe Book and Model Set - Jody Revensonová

cena 528.0 Kč

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them : Illustrated Edition - Joanne K. Rowlingová

Celebrate 20 years of Harry Potter magic! This glorious new edition of Newt Scamander's Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (considered a classic throughout the wizarding world) features an extraordinary array of magical creatures, from Acromantula to Yeti via ten different breeds of dragon – all beautifully illustrated in full colour by the brilliantly inventive, Greenaway Medal shortlisted Olivia Lomenech Gill.Famed Magizoologist Newt Scamander's years of adventure and exploration have yielded a work of unparalleled importance, admired by scholars, devoured by young witches and wizards, and even made available to Muggles in the early years of this century. With this dazzling illustrated edition, readers can explore the magical fauna of five continents from the comfort of their own armchairs. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is essential reading at Hogwarts.This new edition features the fully updated 2017 text – which includes new profiles of six magnificent beasts that inhabit North America and a new foreword by J.K. Rowling, writing as Newt Scamander.

Objev podobné jako Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them : Illustrated Edition - Joanne K. Rowlingová

cena 626.0 Kč

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: The Original Screenplay - Joanne K. Rowlingová

When Magizoologist Newt Scamander arrives in New York, he intends his stay to be just a brief stopover. However, when his magical case is misplaced and some of Newt's fantastic beasts escape, it spells trouble for everyone . . . Inspired by the original Hogwart's textbook by Newt Scamander, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: The Original screenplay marks the screenwriting debut of J.K. Rowling, author of the beloved and internationally bestselling Harry Potter books. A feat of imagination and featuring a cast of remarkable characters and magical creatures, this is epic adventure-packed storytelling at its very best. Whether an existing fan or new to the wizarding world, this is a perfect addition for any film lover or reader's bookshelf.

Objev podobné jako Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: The Original Screenplay - Joanne K. Rowlingová

cena 241.0 Kč

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them - Hogwarts Library Book - Joanne K. Rowlingová

A brand new edition of this essential companion to the Harry Potter stories, with a new foreword from J.K. Rowling, an irresistible new jacket by Jonny Duddle, illustrations by Tomislav Tomic and six new beasts!An approved textbook at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry since publication, Newt Scamander's masterpiece has entertained wizarding families through the generations. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is an indispensable introduction to the magical beasts of the Wizarding World. In this comprehensively updated edition, eagle-eyed readers will spot a number of new beasts and an intriguing new author's note. Scamander's years of travel and research have created a tome of unparalleled importance. Some of the beasts will be familiar to readers of the Harry Potter books – the Hippogriff, the Basilisk, the Hungarian Horntail ... Others will surprise even the most ardent amateur Magizoologist. Dip in to discover the curious habits of magical beasts across five continents …

Objev podobné jako Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them - Hogwarts Library Book - Joanne K. Rowlingová

cena 429.0 Kč

The Personal MBA: A World-class Business Education in a Single Volume - Josh Kaufman

This revised and expanded edition of the bestselling book, The Personal MBA by Josh Kaufman, gives you everything you need to transform your business, your career or your working life forever. An MBA at a top school is an enormous investment in time, effort and cold, hard cash. And if you don't want to work for a consulting firm or an investment bank, the chances are it simply isn't worth it. Josh Kaufman is the rogue professor of modern business education. Feted by everyone from the business media to Seth Godin and David Allen, he's torn up the rulebook and given thousands of people worldwide the tools to teach themselves everything they need to know. The Personal MBA teaches simple mental models for every subject that's key to commercial success. From the basics of products, sales & marketing and finance to the nuances of human psychology, teamwork and creating systems, this book distils everything you need to know to take on the MBA graduates and win. 'File this book under: NO EXCUSES' Seth Godin, author of Purple Cow and Linchpin 'Well on its way to becoming a business classic. You're pretty much guaranteed to get your money's worth - if not much, much more' Jason Hesse, Real Business 'Josh Kaufman has synthesized the most important topics in business into a book that truly lives up to its title. It's rare to find complicated concepts explained with such clarity. Highly recommended' Ben Casnocha, author of My Start-Up Life Josh Kaufman is an acclaimed blogger and consultant who helps people improve their business skills. He previously worked at Proctor & Gamble. Since 2005 Josh has been helping people learn about business without remortgaging their lives through his website, www.PersonalMBA.com

Objev podobné jako The Personal MBA: A World-class Business Education in a Single Volume - Josh Kaufman

cena 357.0 Kč

Toxic Positivity : Keeping It Real in a World Obsessed with Being Happy - Whitney Goodman

Moving past 'good vibes only' to make space for authentic emotions and connection, from the therapist behind the popular Instagram account @sitwithwhit 'I really felt like I came away with a new perspective. This book will make you want to bin your gratitude journal in the best possible way' Stylist 'This trailblazing book will help you transform your perspective about positivity' Nedra Glover Tawwab, bestselling author of Set Boundaries, Find Peace'Finally a book that explains exactly why 'positivity at all costs' backfires, and teaches us how to process our pain instead of pretending it doesn't exist.' Caroline Dooner, author of The F*uck It Diet'The counterbalance to a world that preaches 'look on the bright side' whenever life gets tough' Elizabeth Earnshaw, relationship expert and author of I Want This To WorkEvery day, we're bombarded with pressure to be positive. From 'good vibes only' and 'life is good' memes, to endless advice, to 'look on the bright side,' we're constantly told that the key to happiness is silencing negativity wherever it crops up, in ourselves and in others. Even when faced with illness, loss, breakups, and other challenges, there's little space for talking about our real feelings-and processing them so that we can feel better and move forward.But if all this positivity is the answer, why are so many of us anxious, depressed, and burned out?In this refreshingly honest guide, sought-after therapist Whitney Goodman shares the latest research along with everyday examples and client stories that reveal how damaging toxic positivity is to ourselves and our relationships, and presents simple ways to experience and work through difficult emotions. The result is more authenticity, connection, and growth - and ultimately, a path to showing up as you truly are.

Objev podobné jako Toxic Positivity : Keeping It Real in a World Obsessed with Being Happy - Whitney Goodman

cena 402.0 Kč

Quiet - The power of introverts in a world that can't stop talking - Susan Cainová

Quiet by Susan Cain will change how you think about introverts foreverOur lives are driven by a fact that most of us can't name and don't understand. It defines who our friends and lovers are, which careers we choose, and whether we blush when we're embarrassed.That fact is whether we're an introvert or an extrovert.The introvert/extrovert divide is the most fundamental dimension of personality. And at least a third of us are on the introverted side. Some of the world's most talented people are introverts. Without them we wouldn't have the Apple computer, the theory of relativity and Van Gogh's sunflowers.Yet extroverts have taken over. Shyness, sensitivity and seriousness are often seen as being negative. Introverts feel reproached for being the way they are.In Quiet, Susan Cain shows how the brain chemistry of introverts and extroverts differs, and how society misunderstands and undervalues introverts. She gives introverts the tools to better understand themselves and take full advantage of their strengths.

Objev podobné jako Quiet - The power of introverts in a world that can't stop talking - Susan Cainová

cena 294.0 Kč

Alchemy: The Magic of Original Thinking in a World of Mind-Numbing Conformity - Rory Sutherland

‘A breakthrough book. Wonderfully applicable to everything in life, and funny as hell.’ Nassim Nicholas TalebWhy is Red Bull so popular – even though everyone hates the taste? Why do countdown boards on platforms take away the pain of train delays? And why do we prefer stripy toothpaste?Discover the alchemy behind original thinking, as TED Talk superstar and Ogilvy advertising legend Rory Sutherland reveals why abandoning logic and casting aside rationality is the best way to solve any problem. In his first book he blends cutting-edge behavioural science, jaw-dropping stories and a touch of branding magic on his mission to turn us all into idea alchemists. He shows how economists, businesses and governments have got it all wrong: we are not rational creatures who make logical decisions based on evidence. Instead, the big problems we face every day, whether as an individual or in society, could very well be solved by thinking less logically. To be brilliant, you have to be irrational.

Objev podobné jako Alchemy: The Magic of Original Thinking in a World of Mind-Numbing Conformity - Rory Sutherland

cena 268.0 Kč

Ten Birds That Changed the World - Moss Stephen

For the whole of human history, we have lived alongside birds. We have hunted and domesticated them for food; venerated them in our mythologies, religion and rituals; exploited them for their natural resources; and been inspired by them for our music, art and poetry.In Ten Birds that Changed the World, naturalist and author Stephen Moss tells the gripping story of this long and eventful relationship through ten key species from all seven of the world’s continents. From Odin’s faithful raven companions to Darwin’s finches, and from the wild turkey of the Americas to the emperor penguin as potent symbol of the climate crisis, this is a fascinating, eye-opening and endlessly engaging work of natural history.

Objev podobné jako Ten Birds That Changed the World - Moss Stephen

cena 325.0 Kč

How the World Made the West - Josephine Quinn

A Guardian, Financial Times, New Statesman, The Rest is Politics and Waterstones Highlight for 2024''Quinn has done a lot more than reinvent the wheel. What we have here is a truly encyclopaedic and monumental account of the ancient world'' THE TIMES''A work of great confidence, empathy, learning and imagination'' RORY STEWART''Bold, beautifully written and filled with insights . . . Extraordinary'' PETER FRANKOPAN''One of the most fascinating and important works of global history to appear for many years'' WILLIAM DALRYMPLEThe West, the story goes, was built on the ideas and values of Ancient Greece and Rome, which disappeared from Europe during the Dark Ages and were then rediscovered by the Renaissance. But what if that isn’t true?In a bold and magisterial work of immense scope, Josephine Quinn argues that the real story of the West is much bigger than this established paradigm leads us to believe. So much of our shared history has been lost, drowned out by the concept – developed in the Victorian era – of separate ‘civilisations’.Moving from the Bronze Age to the Age of Exploration, How the World Made the West reveals a new narrative: one that traces the millennia of global encounters and exchange that built what is now called the West, as societies met, tangled and sometimes grew apart. From the creation of the alphabet by Levantine workers in Egypt, who in a foreign land were prompted to write things down in their own language for the first time, to the arrival of Indian numbers in Europe via the Arab world, Quinn makes the case that understanding societies in isolation is both out-of-date and wrong. It is contact and connections, rather than solitary civilisations, that drive historical change. It is not peoples that make history – people do.

Objev podobné jako How the World Made the West - Josephine Quinn

cena 886.0 Kč

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: Movie-Making News - The Stories Behind the Magic - Jody Revensonová

Inspired by the very newspapers seen in the Fantastic Beasts films, and produced on newsprint paper to mimic their appearance, Movie-Making News reveals previously untold behind-the-scenes stories from the first film and offers a sneak-peek at what’s to come in the exciting next instalment. Bursting with scoops, exclusives and candid insights from the actors and filmmakers that it wasn’t possible to reveal until now, Movie-Making News celebrates Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them with features and snippets on the characters, beasts, costumes, special effects, plus a host of filmmaking facts to tantalise readers. Written in a breezy, accessible style, and designed to mimic a real newspaper, it will also include a colour ‘Late Edition’ that offers early photos and insight into what the future holds for Newt, Jacob, Tina & Queenie in Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald.

Objev podobné jako Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: Movie-Making News - The Stories Behind the Magic - Jody Revensonová

cena 384.0 Kč

Wet n Wild Alice in Wonderland In a World of My Own lak na nehty 2x13 ml

Wet n Wild Alice in Wonderland In a World of My Own, 2x13 ml, Laky na nehty pro ženy, Lak na nehty Wet n Wild Alice in Wonderland vám během pár chvil zajistí krásné a upravené nehty. Vlastnosti: zářivá a sytá barva zajišťuje vysoký lesk pohodlně se nanáší má dlouhotrvající výdrž Jak používat: Lak nanášejte pomocí štětečku na odlakované odmaštěné nehty. Pro lepší výsledný efekt aplikujte 2 vrstvy.

Objev podobné jako Wet n Wild Alice in Wonderland In a World of My Own lak na nehty 2x13 ml

cena 74.0 Kč

STFU: The Power of Keeping Your Mouth Shut in a World That Won’t Stop Talking - Dan Lyons

Would our lives, relationships and careers be better if we just STFU for a while? We live in a world that doesn’t just encourage overtalking, but practically demands it. When success is measured by how much attention we can attract, how long we can hold on to the mic, it’s no wonder that we feel compelled to spout endlessly on Twitter, to document every detail of our lives on Instagram, start that podcast, or lead that conference. And yet, oddly enough, the most powerful and accomplished people in the world aren’t part of that chorus―they’re reserved, they listen, and when they do speak they’re considered. Tim Cook, President Obama, the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg all have seemed to understand the secret golden rule: talk less, get more. There are entire industries designed to help us amplify our voices, experts who are just dying to coach us on how to talk better, but nobody is teaching us how to STFU for a while. Former Forbes journalist Dan Lyons takes us on a sharp, funny, fascinating deep dive through our incessant noise-making – talking to communications experts, neuroscientists, psychiatrists and Silicon Valley executive coaches the world over to understand the science and culture behind why we can’t stop talking, and how ultimately we can learn to speak less – and with more intention – to improve our lives.

Objev podobné jako STFU: The Power of Keeping Your Mouth Shut in a World That Won’t Stop Talking - Dan Lyons

cena 402.0 Kč

The New Silk Roads : The Present and Future of the World - Peter Frankopan

A brand new book from the Sunday Times and internationally bestselling author of The Silk Roads 'Masterly mapping out of a new world order' – Evening Standard Revised and updated edition The New Silk Roads takes a fresh look at the relationships being formed along the length and breadth of the ancient trade routes today. The world is changing dramatically and in an age of Brexit and Trump, the themes of isolation and fragmentation permeating the western world stand in sharp contrast to events along the Silk Roads, where ties are being strengthened and mutual cooperation established. This prescient contemporary history provides a timely reminder that we live in a world that is profoundly interconnected. Following the Silk Roads eastwards from Europe through to China, by way of Russia and the Middle East, Peter Frankopan assesses the global reverberations of continual shifts in the centre of power – all too often absent from headlines in the west. The New Silk Roads asks us to re-examine who we are and where we stand in the world, illuminating the themes on which all our lives and livelihoods depend. The Silk Roads, a major reassessment of world history, has sold over 1 million copies worldwide.

Objev podobné jako The New Silk Roads : The Present and Future of the World - Peter Frankopan

cena 399.0 Kč

Apollinaire - Julia Hartwigová

Tato kniha o uměleckém životě bohémské Paříže počátku minulého století nedává nahlédnout pouze do života Guillauma Apollinaira - básníka s naprosto novou imaginací a převratnou poetickou vizí - ale propojuje jeho příběh s osudy řady literátů, malířů a dalších umělců, kteří tvořili okruh jeho nejbližších známých. Před očima se zde čtenáři rozvíjejí životní osudy tak notoricky známých osobností jako Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, Alfred Jarry či Henri Rousseau. Ústřední postavou je zde přesto proslulý básník, jehož dílo se promítlo do tvorby několika generací autorů a i k nám pronikly jeho překlady velmi rychle - známá báseň Pásmo hned krátce po první světové válce, tedy záhy po svém vzniku. Není bez zajímavosti, že Apollinaire počátkem minulého století navštívil Prahu, což v jeho díle zanechalo stopy nejen v samotném Pásmu, ale například i v povídce Pražský chodec. Příběh tohoto francouzského básníka s polskými kořeny - občanským jménem byl Kostrowicki - zde autorka rozhodně nepředkládá jako sérii suchých faktů, ale čtivě nám zprostředkovává pohled do životem tepající metropole uměleckého světa.

Objev podobné jako Apollinaire - Julia Hartwigová

cena 360.0 Kč

Free Your Mind: The new world of manipulation and how to resist it - Laura Dodsworth, Patrick Fagan

Learn how to recognise and resist the daily attempts to control and manipulate your mind. There is a war on for your mind. You may not notice, but you are surrounded by manipulators: advertisers, politicians, big tech, even the humble waiter who asks, ‘Still or sparkling?’ Free Your Mind is your field manual to surviving the information battlefield.In this indispensable book, Laura Dodsworth and Patrick Fagan draw on interviews with mind-control experts ranging from monks to magicians, infiltrate cults and forums to uncover their most deceptive techniques and expose the hidden tactics used to influence you, from social media to subliminal messages. Learn how to recognise the nudges, dispel efforts to brainwash you and always question those who say the choice is yours. If you don’t control your mind, someone else will.

Objev podobné jako Free Your Mind: The new world of manipulation and how to resist it - Laura Dodsworth, Patrick Fagan

cena 268.0 Kč

Bavlněná látka Birds and flowers mosaic digital print

Výrobce: Evropský výrobce, Certifikace: OEKO-TEX Standard 100 class I., Barva: barevná, Gramáž: 110 g/m2, Motív: Geo vzory, Šířka: 148 cm, Složení: 100%CO, Ošetrování: 7

Objev podobné jako Bavlněná látka Birds and flowers mosaic digital print

cena 229.0 Kč

Úplet Bears and birds design A digital print

Výrobce: Evropský výrobce, Barva: barevná, Gramáž: 210 g/m2, Motív: Zvířatá, Šířka: 150 cm, Složení: 95%CO + 5%EL, Ošetrování: 2

Objev podobné jako Úplet Bears and birds design A digital print

cena 170.0 Kč

Úplet Bears and birds design B digital print

Výrobce: Evropský výrobce, Barva: barevná, Gramáž: 210 g/m2, Motív: Zvířatá, Šířka: 150 cm, Složení: 95%CO + 5%EL, Ošetrování: 2

Objev podobné jako Úplet Bears and birds design B digital print

cena 170.0 Kč

National Trust: Robins, Wrens and other British Birds

Other titles in the series include: Hedgehogs, Hares and other British Animals Sharks, Seahorses and other British Sea Creatures Beetles, Butterflies and other British Minibeasts Horses, Hens and other British Farm Animals Bluebells, Birch Trees and other British Plants

Objev podobné jako National Trust: Robins, Wrens and other British Birds

cena 148.0 Kč

Apollinaire (Defekt) - Julia Hartwigová

Tato kniha o uměleckém životě bohémské Paříže počátku minulého století nedává nahlédnout pouze do života Guillauma Apollinaira - básníka s naprosto novou imaginací a převratnou poetickou vizí - ale propojuje jeho příběh s osudy řady literátů, malířů a dalších umělců, kteří tvořili okruh jeho nejbližších známých. Před očima se zde čtenáři rozvíjejí životní osudy tak notoricky známých osobností jako Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, Alfred Jarry či Henri Rousseau. Ústřední postavou je zde přesto proslulý básník, jehož dílo se promítlo do tvorby několika generací autorů a i k nám pronikly jeho překlady velmi rychle - známá báseň Pásmo hned krátce po první světové válce, tedy záhy po svém vzniku. Není bez zajímavosti, že Apollinaire počátkem minulého století navštívil Prahu, což v jeho díle zanechalo stopy nejen v samotném Pásmu, ale například i v povídce Pražský chodec. Příběh tohoto francouzského básníka s polskými kořeny - občanským jménem byl Kostrowicki - zde autorka rozhodně nepředkládá jako sérii suchých faktů, ale čtivě nám zprostředkovává pohled do životem tepající metropole uměleckého světa.

Objev podobné jako Apollinaire (Defekt) - Julia Hartwigová

cena 99.0 Kč

Brave New World (0099518473)

Kniha - anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná WITH INTRODUCTIONS BY MARGARET ATWOOD AND DAVID BRADSHAWFar in the future, the World Controllers have created the ideal society. Through clever use of genetic engineering, brainwashing and recreational sex and drugs all its members are happy consumers. Bernard Marx seems alone harbouring an ill-defined longing to break free. A visit to one of the few remaining Savage Reservations where the old, imperfect life still continues, may be the cure for his distress...Huxley's ingenious fantasy of the future sheds a blazing light on the present and is considered to be his most enduring masterpiece.

Objev podobné jako Brave New World (0099518473)

cena 279.0 Kč

The Boy Who Made the World Disappear - Ben Miller

Turn the page, share the adventure in an out-of-this world story from bestselling author, Ben Miller. ‘A sheer delight for all kids both big AND small’ Ruth Jones 'Bubbles with warmth and mischievous humour . . . irresistible' Alexander Armstrong 'Wonderful, funny, magical' Chris Evans*BRAND NEW ADVENTURE ROBIN HOOD AGED 10 3/4 AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER NOW* Harrison tries his best to be good. He doesn’t steal, he always shares with his sister and he never cheats at board games, but Harrison also has a BIG flaw . . . He can't control his temper! So when he’s given a black hole instead of a balloon at a party, Harrison jumps at the chance to get rid of everything that makes him cross. But when it’s not just things he hates that are disappearing into the black hole but things he loves, too, Harrison starts to realize that sometimes you should be careful what you wish for...An epic time-travel story of twists and trouble, from master storyteller Ben Miller, with beautiful illustrations from Daniela Jaglenka Terrazzini. Praise for Ben Miller:'A magical adventure' Sunday Express on The Day I Fell Into a Fairytale'Great for reading aloud' The Week Junior on The Day I Fell Into a Fairytale'A fire-side gem of a story' Abi Elphinstone on The Night I Met Father Christmas'Fabulous' Sunday Express on The Boy Who Made the World Disappear'Enchanting, funny and intriguing in equal measure' Philip Ardagh on The Night I Met Father Christmas'Each of [Ben’s] five books is joyous and thoughtful' Red Magazine

Objev podobné jako The Boy Who Made the World Disappear - Ben Miller

cena 236.0 Kč

Welcome to the New World

THE GROUNDBREAKING GRAPHIC NOVELA story about ordinary people navigating a strange land, in even stranger times.On the eve of the US elections, a Syrian family leave their world behind for a chance at the American dream. But as the first day of their new life dawns, they are greeted by the news of Donald Trump's victory. It's as if they arrived in one country, and woke up in another. What does that mean for their past, their future... their home?Welcome to the New World began as a ground-breaking comic strip in the New York Times. Every week, the Aldabaan family's experiences would be retold as a cartoon strip - keeping step as events unfolded in real life. One Pulitzer Prize later, this stunning graphic novel fills in the gaps, gradually revealing an America which is full of contradictions: foreign yet familiar, ignorant but kind, cruel yet generous. It's also an intimate portrait of family dynamics and everyday fortitude, from the first day at a new school to getting a new job (any job!) against the clock. It seems that if you can't turn back, the only way to go is onwards.

Objev podobné jako Welcome to the New World

cena 402.0 Kč

Brave New World - Aldous Huxley

A sumptuous gift edition to mark the 90th anniversary of first publication. With an Introduction by Yuval Noah Harari. 'A masterpiece of speculation... As vibrant, fresh, and somehow shocking as it was when I first read it' Margaret Atwood, author of The Handmaid's Tale Welcome to New London. Everybody is happy here. Our perfect society achieved peace and stability through the prohibition of monogamy, privacy, money, family and history itself. Now everyone belongs. You can be happy too. All you need to do is take your Soma pills. Discover the brave new world of Aldous Huxley's classic novel, written in 1932, which prophesied a society which expects maximum pleasure and accepts complete surveillance - no matter what the cost.

Objev podobné jako Brave New World - Aldous Huxley

cena 473.0 Kč

Brave New World - Aldous Huxley

WITH INTRODUCTIONS BY MARGARET ATWOOD AND DAVID BRADSHAWFar in the future, the World Controllers have created the ideal society. Through clever use of genetic engineering, brainwashing and recreational sex and drugs all its members are happy consumers. Bernard Marx seems alone harbouring an ill-defined longing to break free. A visit to one of the few remaining Savage Reservations where the old, imperfect life still continues, may be the cure for his distress...Huxley''s ingenious fantasy of the future sheds a blazing light on the present and is considered to be his most enduring masterpiece.**One of the BBC’s 100 Novels That Shaped Our World**

Objev podobné jako Brave New World - Aldous Huxley

cena 295.0 Kč

Brave New World - Aldous Huxley

Welcome to New London. Everybody is happy here. Our perfect society achieves peace and stability by dispensing with monogamy, privacy, money, family and history itself. Now everyone belongs. You can be happy too. All you need to do is take your Soma pills.This is the brave new world of Aldous Huxley's deeply sinister and prophetic novel, a society based on maximum pleasure and complete surveillance - no matter the cost.'A masterpiece of speculation... As vibrant, fresh, and somehow shocking as it was when I first read it' Margaret Atwood, bestselling author of The Handmaid's Tale'A grave warning... Provoking, stimulating, shocking and dazzling' Observer**One of the BBC's 100 Novels That Shaped Our World**INTRODUCED BY MARGARET ATWOOD AND DAVID BRADSHAW

Objev podobné jako Brave New World - Aldous Huxley

cena 295.0 Kč

Depraved New World - John Crace

AS FEATURED IN WATERSTONES BEST BOOKS OF 2023From bestselling author and beloved Guardian columnist John Crace comes a blisteringly hilarious tour through the whirlwind of post-Brexit Britain, from the ousting of Boris to the dawn of a new era . . . sort of. O brave new world, that has such people in’t. Or not. William Shakespeare clearly had never imagined a clusterf*ck on this scale. Given the state of the country right now, he would be in need of a long lie down.Another month, another prime minister – how many have we been through now? But fear not: despite all the nonsense that has spewed forth from Westminster over the past two years, John Crace’s brilliantly lacerating political sketches have provided the nation with some desperately needed relief.Taking in everything from Partygate, BoJo’s drawn-out farewell and the disastrous reign of Liz Truss, to thepsychodrama of the Tory leadership contest(s), the return of Rishi Sunak and the shenanigans of his impressively inept colleagues, Depraved New World is a worryingly funny collection which captures British politics at its most absurd.

Objev podobné jako Depraved New World - John Crace

cena 502.0 Kč

Brave New World - Aldous Huxley

With introductions by Margaret Atwood and David Bradshaw. Far in the future, the World Controllers have created the ideal society. Through clever use of genetic engineering, brainwashing and recreational sex and drugs all its members are happy consumers. Bernard Marx seems alone harbouring an ill-defined longing to break free. A visit to one of the few remaining Savage Reservations where the old, imperfect life still continues, may be the cure for his distress...Huxley's ingenious fantasy of the future sheds a blazing light on the present and is considered to be his most enduring masterpiece.

Objev podobné jako Brave New World - Aldous Huxley

cena 205.0 Kč

RSPB Pocket Birds of Britain and Europe 5th Edition - DK

This easy-to-use RSPB pocket companion to European and British birds is the ideal field guide for novice birdwatchers and experienced birders alike.From frequently seen garden birds to some of the more elusive birds of prey, discover over 300 species of bird found in the UK and Europe with RSPB Pocket Birds of Britain and Europe. Learn all about birds from their calls and feeding behaviour, nesting habits and habitats, and differences in plumage. Crystal clear photographs bring the birds on the page to life, and notes on distinguishing features will help you identify different species of bird wherever you spot them. Maps show where and when you''re likely to see each species, further aiding identification. This edition also includes a web link, where you can hear common bird songs and calls to make identification even easier. This handy book is perfectly portable, making RSPB Pocket Birds of Britain and Europe the perfect companion for taking out in the field.

Objev podobné jako RSPB Pocket Birds of Britain and Europe 5th Edition - DK

cena 295.0 Kč

Iron Maiden - Brave New World (LP)

Datum vydání: 2017-06-23 Rok vydání: 2017.0 Varianta: Brave New World Interpret / Téma: Iron Maiden Žánr: Hard Rock;Heavy Metal;Rock Subžánr: Hard Rock;Heavy Metal;Progressive Rock;Rock Vydavatelství: Parlophone Rok nahrávky: 2000.0 Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;1970 - 1979;2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029;1990 - 1999;1980 - 1989 Složení setu: 2 ks Balení obsahuje: LP Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva: Černá Hmotnost: 180 g Barva podle výrobce: Black Země původu: Evropská unie Typ: Album;LP deska Země interpreta: Spojené království

Objev podobné jako Iron Maiden - Brave New World (LP)

cena 899.0 Kč

Hlubiny - Guillaume Néry

Život člověka se odehrává mezi jeho prvním nádechem a posledním výdechem. Ponory Guillauma Néryho jsou časové intervaly mezi jeho posledním výdechem a prvním nádechem.Kniha slavného potápěče nám umožňuje ponořit se do jeho tréninku, výkonů, technických obtíží, které musí překonávat. Potápění je pro něj víc než sport, je to životní filozofie, způsob, jak se přiblížit sám sobě i jak zkoumat oceán, který je dosud tak málo poznaným šestým světadílem. Tato neobvyklá pouť nás dovede na hranice lidských možností.

Objev podobné jako Hlubiny - Guillaume Néry

cena 312.0 Kč

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