Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

Assassin's Creed: The Resurrection Plot - Kate Heartfield

The conspiracies of the Templars reverberate across nineteenth century Europe as they seize control of the future, and only the Brotherhood of Assassins can hold them back, in this globetrotting adventure from Assassin’s Creed.Cairo, 1869. When a bomb goes off at the Khedivial Opera House celebrating the opening of the new Suez Canal, visiting Assassin Pierrette Arnaud investigates, only to uncover a plot to eradicate free will… To her surprise, her old friend and teacher Simeon Price arrives in Egypt on the same trail, seven years after they allied to stop the Templars in London. But there’s no time to reminisce as the Templars maneuver Europe and Africa like pieces on a chessboard, wreaking havoc on a global scale. As Simeon and Pierrette race to stop further attacks, they unearth plans suggesting a mysterious tower is the key to the ultimate Templar takeover… and with the puzzling Engine of History in their grasp, the Assassins might be outmatched at last.

Podívejte se také Assassin´s Creed Origins (978-80-7449-594-6)

cena 294.0 Kč

Assassin´s Creed 10 Assassin´s Creed (978-80-7398-380-2)

Kniha - autor Oliver Bowden, 288 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Díky revoluční technologii, která odemkne jeho genetické vzpomínky, prožije Callum Lynch dobrodružství svého předka, Aguilara, v 15. století ve Španělsku. Callum odhalí, že patří k tajemné tajné společnosti, k asasínům, a získá neuvěřitelné znalosti a dovednosti, aby se v současnosti mohl postavit mocné, tyranské organizaci templářů.

Podívejte se také Assassin´s Creed Odhalení (978-80-7398-208-9)

cena 113.0 Kč

Assassin´s Creed: Underworld - Oliver Bowden

*Brand new tie in book to the new Assassin's Creed: Syndicate*A disgraced Assassin. A deep-cover agent. A quest for redemption.1862, and with London in the grip of the Industrial Revolution, the world's first underground railway is under construction. When a body is discovered at the dig, it sparks the beginning of the latest deadly chapter in the centuries-old battle between the Assassins and Templars.Deep undercover is an Assassin with dark secrets and a mission to defeat the Templar stranglehold on the nation's capital.Soon the Brotherhood will know him as Henry Green, mentor to Jacob and Evie Frye. For now, he is simply The Ghost.Assassin's Creed: Underworld is the eighth gripping novel from Oliver Bowden set in the immersive world of Assassin's Creed.

Podívejte se také Assassin´s Creed Podsvětí: 8 (978-80-7398-345-1)

cena 239.0 Kč

Hrnek Assassin´s Creed - Hieroglyphs 320 ml

Hrnek Assassin´s Creed - Hieroglyphs 320 ml Hrnek Assassin´s Creed Origins obsahuje Bayeka s orlem Sinu.Objem: 320 mlMateriál: keramikaVhodný pro bezpečné mytí v myčce a k použití v mikrovlnné troubě.

Objev podobné jako Hrnek Assassin´s Creed - Hieroglyphs 320 ml

cena 241.0 Kč

Assassin´s Creed Origins: Pouštní přísaha - Oliver Bowden

Egypt, 70 p. n. l. Zemí se plíží nemilosrdný zabiják. Jeho úkolem je vypátrat a zničit poslední členy starověkého řádu Medžajů - vyhladit pokrevní linii. Mírumilovnou Síwu znenadání opustí její ochránce, který na místě zanechá svého mladého syna Bayeka. Ten má spoustu otázek na budoucnost a snaží se dát svému životu nějaký smysl, vyrazí proto hledat odpovědi a během své bouřlivé cesty podél Nilu a skrze celý Egypt bude muset čelit řadě nebezpečí a odhalit tajemství Medžajů.

Objev podobné jako Assassin´s Creed Origins: Pouštní přísaha - Oliver Bowden

cena 268.0 Kč

Assassin´s Creed Origins (978-80-7449-594-6)

Kniha - autor Anne Tooleová; Anthony Del Col, 112 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Egypt – bouřlivá poslední léta éry Ptolemaiovců.Nebezpečný tajný spolek začíná prosazovat svoji moc, Aya, původem z Alexandrie, se proto rozhodla zasvětit svůj život vybudování Bratrstva, které by mu mohlo vzdorovat.Jeho členové, známí jako „Skrytí“, pracují ve stínech a zabíjejí ty, kteří by se mohli pokusit ovládnout svobodnou vůli lidí.Za svoji základnu si Aya zvolila Řím a vybrala si nový cíl – diktátora Julia Caesara, který stále víc prahne po moci… Vydejte se s námi na cestu k samotným začátkům asasínského Bratrstva ve vzrušujícím dobrodružství autorů Anthonyho Del Cola (Kill Shakespeare) a PJ Kaiowy (Pacific Rim), založeném na veleúspěšné videohře z dílny Ubisoftu.Obsahuje Assassin’s Creed Origins č.1–4.

Objev podobné jako Assassin´s Creed Origins (978-80-7449-594-6)

cena 229.0 Kč

Assassin´s Creed Odhalení (978-80-7398-208-9)

Kniha - autor Oliver Bowden, 272 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Začíná šestnácté století. Templáři v čele s rodem Borgiů byli sice navenek poraženi, ale přesto se stále nevzdávají šance získat opět moc. Prostředkem by se měla stát tajemná knihovna zapečetěná kdysi dávným asasínským Strážcem Altairem Ibn-La'Ahádem v syrské pevnosti Masyaf. Tu templáři ovládají a jejich cíl je jediný - knihovnu odpečetit a dostat se k Altairovu odkazu. Cestu k němu dláždí zisk několika knih, rozesetých před lety Niccolem Polem po různých místech Konstantinopole. Stárnoucí asasínský Strážce Ezio Auditore cítí, že konec života se blíží, přesto ví, že jeho úkol ještě nebyl dokončen. Vydává se tak až do Byzancie, aby sám odhalil tajemství, které by mohlo změnit nejen jeho vlastní náhled na svět, ale i celkovou rovnováhu sil v boji mezi věčnými nepřáteli - asasíny a templáři. Uspěje, nebo jeho celoživotní snaha zůstane nenaplněna?

Objev podobné jako Assassin´s Creed Odhalení (978-80-7398-208-9)

cena 110.0 Kč

Assassin´s Creed Kacířství (978-80-7398-372-7)

Kniha - autor Christie Golden, 288 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Simon Hathaway, člen templářské Vnitřní svatyně, vnáší coby nový šéf do oddělení historického výzkumu Abstergo Industry chladný rozum a nezaujatý přístup. Jenže Simon je rovněž neukojitelně zvědavý a fascinovaný představou, že by historické dění zažil na vlastní kůži, prostřednictvím svého předka, Gabriel Laxarta, který bojoval po boku legendární Johanky z Arku. Když se zúčastní pilotního projektu nově vytvořeného Animu, odhalí Simon něco, na co nebyl připraven: Jak hluboko do minulosti konflikt mezi templáři a asasíny vlastně sahá. A co všechno je Gabriel ochotný udělat pro ženu, kterou miluje a které si hluboce váží. A přijde také na nejnebezpečnější pravdu ze všech: Kdo je kacíř… a kdo skutečný věřící.

Objev podobné jako Assassin´s Creed Kacířství (978-80-7398-372-7)

cena 113.0 Kč

Assassin´s Creed Jednota (978-80-7398-300-0)

Kniha - autor Oliver Bowden, 288 stran, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Rok 1789: V nádherné Paříži nadchází úsvit Velké francouzské revoluce. Lidé se bouří proti útlaku aristokracie a dlážděnými ulicemi teče krev. Ale revoluční spravedlnost má vysokou cenu… V době, kdy je rozkol mezi bohatými a chudými největší a národ rve sám sebe na kusy, se dva mladí lidé pouštějí do boje, aby pomstili, co ztratili. Arno a Élise jsou brzy vtaženi do stovky let trvající války mezi asasíny a templáři – do světa, v němž jim hrozí větší nebezpečí, než si vůbec uměli představit.

Objev podobné jako Assassin´s Creed Jednota (978-80-7398-300-0)

cena 105.0 Kč

Assassin´s Creed Podsvětí: 8 (978-80-7398-345-1)

Kniha - autor Oliver Bowden, 288 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Píše se rok 1862 a v Londýně, kde je Průmyslová revoluce v plném proudu, se staví první podzemní dráha. Když je na stavbě objevena mrtvola, znamená to začátek nejnovější smrtící kapitoly ve staletí dlouhé bitvě mezi asasíny a templáři. Temnými tajemstvími obestřený asasín pracuje hluboko v utajení, aby ukončil nadvládu templářů nad hlavním městem. Bratrstvo ho brzy pozná jako Henryho Greena, učitele Jacoba a Evie Fryeových. Prozatím je však znám pouze jako Duch…

Objev podobné jako Assassin´s Creed Podsvětí: 8 (978-80-7398-345-1)

cena 113.0 Kč

Assassin´s Creed Zapadající slunce (978-80-7449-441-3)

Kniha - 128 stran, česky Charlotta se pokouší nalézt stopy tajného hackerského kolektivu Erudito, který by asasínům mohl pomoci zmařit plány templářů. Tajemství se však ukrývá hluboko ve vzpomínkách jejích předchůdců – Inků! A ti žili v zatraceně nebezpečném světě...

Objev podobné jako Assassin´s Creed Zapadající slunce (978-80-7449-441-3)

cena 253.0 Kč

Assassin´s Creed: Blade of Shao Jun 4 - Minoji Kurata

A gripping manga based on Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China video game, featuring iconic Assassin Shao Jun. Unveil a tale that will engulf the world.Shao Jun, the last Assassin in China, has returned to her homeland with vengeance on her mind. The Templar Order's machinations must be stopped, and only Shao Jun stands ready for the battle to come. As she eliminates her foes one by one, the Templar Order's plans for the Great Ming Empire begin to come to light...1526 A.D. This is it. This moment is truly Shao Jun's last chance. Her foes lay dead in her wake, her target is just ahead, and her best friend is within arm's reach. Shao Jun was trained by the greatest of the Assassins, and has desperately fought her way toward victory. It will take all her skills to survive this final mission!

Objev podobné jako Assassin´s Creed: Blade of Shao Jun 4 - Minoji Kurata

cena 349.0 Kč

Assassin´s Creed: Blade of Shao Jun 3 - Minoji Kurata

A gripping manga based on Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China video game, featuring iconic Assassin Shao Jun. Unveil a tale that will engulf the world. 1526 AD-China is ruled by the Great Ming Empire. Though the empire flourishes, the winds of the new emperor's political purge are sweeping over the land, and turmoil is brewing. With the decimation of her comrades, Shao Jun has become China's last Assassin. After escaping to Europe, she has now returned alone to her homeland. Her purpose: vengeance!... Shao Jun, the last Assassin in China, has returned to her homeland with vengeance on her mind. The Templar Order's machinations must be stopped, and only Shao Jun stands ready for the battle to come. Shao Jun has found great success on her mission so far, but now the enemy plans to take the lives of her loved ones. Finding and killing Lord Wei Bin is going to prove to be a true challenge!

Objev podobné jako Assassin´s Creed: Blade of Shao Jun 3 - Minoji Kurata

cena 312.0 Kč

Assassin´s Creed Origins: Pouštní přísaha (978-80-7594-015-5)

Kniha - autor Oliver Bowden, 320 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Egypt, 70 p. n. l. Zemí se plíží nemilosrdný zabiják. Jeho úkolem je vypátrat a zničit poslední členy starověkého řádu Medžajů - vyhladit pokrevní linii.Mírumilovnou Síwu znenadání opustí její ochránce, který na místě zanechá svého mladého syna Bayeka. Ten má spoustu otázek na budoucnost a snaží se dát svému životu nějaký smysl, vyrazí proto hledat odpovědi a během své bouřlivé cesty podél Nilu a skrze celý Egypt bude muset čelit řadě nebezpečí a odhalit tajemství Medžajů.

Objev podobné jako Assassin´s Creed Origins: Pouštní přísaha (978-80-7594-015-5)

cena 119.0 Kč

The Valkyrie - Kate Heartfield

*The Embroidered Book shortlisted for the Aurora Award for Best Novel*From SUNDAY TIMES bestselling author Kate Heartfield comes a glorious, lyrical retelling of one of Norse mythology’s greatest epicsBrynhild is a Valkyrie: shieldmaiden of the Allfather, chooser of the slain. But now she too has fallen, flightless in her exile.Gudrun is a princess of Burgundy, a daughter of the Rhine, a prize for an invading king – a king whose brother Attila has other plans, and a dragon to call upon.And in the songs to be sung, there is another hero: Sigurd, a warrior with a sword sharper than the new moon.As the legends tell, these names are destined to be lovers, fated as enemies. But here on Midgard, legends can be lies…For not all heroes are heroic, nor all monsters monstrous. And a shieldmaiden may yet find that love is the greatest weapon of all.

Objev podobné jako The Valkyrie - Kate Heartfield

cena 295.0 Kč

The Chatelaine - Kate Heartfield

Winner of the Aurora Award for Best Novel Hell is empty and all the devils are here. The Chatelaine has come. The year is 1328 and Hell has overrun Bruges.Demons stalk the streets and revenants swarm the walls. The city's men have fallen and only widows remain. But Hell should fear them.Margriet de Vos killed her first soldier when she was eleven. She has buried six children and will fight for the daughter left to her. Their only wealth is gone, taken into the inferno.And she will not be stolen from. The Devil be damned. Together with a man-at-arms with unfinished business, a widow and her forgehammer, and a alderman's wife who escapes with her children, Margriet will raise a raiding party like Hell has never seen.

Objev podobné jako The Chatelaine - Kate Heartfield

cena 268.0 Kč

The Embroidered Book - Kate Heartfield

‘Power is not something you are given. Power is something you take. When you are a woman, it is a little more difficult, that’s all’ 1768. Charlotte, daughter of the Habsburg Empress, arrives in Naples to marry a man she has never met. Her sister Antoine is sent to France, and in the mirrored corridors of Versailles they rename her Marie Antoinette. The sisters are alone, but they are not powerless. When they were only children, they discovered a book of spells – spells that work, with dark and unpredictable consequences. In a time of vicious court politics, of discovery and dizzying change, they use the book to take control of their lives. But every spell requires a sacrifice. And as love between the sisters turns to rivalry, they will send Europe spiralling into revolution. Brimming with romance, betrayal, and enchantment, The Embroidered Book reimagines a dazzling period of history as you have never seen it before.

Objev podobné jako The Embroidered Book - Kate Heartfield

cena 357.0 Kč

The Embroidered Book - Kate Heartfield

1768. Charlotte, daughter of the Habsburg Empress, arrives in Naples to marry a man she has never met. Her sister Antoine is sent to France, and in the mirrored corridors of Versailles they rename her Marie Antoinette.The sisters are alone, but they are not powerless. When they were only children, they discovered a book of spells - spells that work, with dark and unpredictable consequences.In a time of vicious court politics, of discovery and dizzying change, they use the book to take control of their lives.But every spell requires a sacrifice. And as love between the sisters turns to rivalry, they will send Europe spiralling into revolution.Brimming with romance, betrayal, and enchantment, The Embroidered Book reimagines a dazzling period of history as you have never seen it before.

Objev podobné jako The Embroidered Book - Kate Heartfield

cena 259.0 Kč

The Tapestry of Time - Kate Heartfield

Love, heroism and the supernatural collide in the midst of war.There''s a tradition in the Sharp family that some possess the Second Sight. But is it superstition, or true psychic power?Kit Sharp is in Paris, where she is involved in a love affair with the stunning Evelyn Larsen, and working as an archivist, having inherited her historian father''s fascination with the Bayeux Tapestry. He believes that parts of the tapestry were made before 1066, and that it was a tool for prediction, not a simple record of events.The Nazis are also obsessed with the tapestry: convinced that not only did it predict the Norman Conquest of England, but that it will aid them in their invasion of Britain.Ivy Sharp has joined the Special Operations Executive – the SOE – a secret unit set up to carry out espionage, sabotage and reconnaissance. Having demonstrated that she has extraordinary powers of perception, she is dropped into Northern France on a special mission.With the war on a knife edge, the Sharp Sisters face certain death. Can their courage and extrasensory gifts prevent the enemy from using the tapestry to bring about a devastating victory against the Allied Forces?

Objev podobné jako The Tapestry of Time - Kate Heartfield

cena 502.0 Kč

Abysse Corp Kšiltovka Assassin Creed

Kšiltovka Assassin Creed materiál: polyester barva: černá s šedou univerzální velikost Připojte se k Bratrstvu s touto šedou kšiltovkou se symbolem oblíbené série videoher Assassin Creed.

Objev podobné jako Abysse Corp Kšiltovka Assassin Creed

cena 549.0 Kč

Abysse Corp Ponožky Crest - Assassin Creed

Ponožky Crest - Assassin Creed velikost: UNI

Objev podobné jako Abysse Corp Ponožky Crest - Assassin Creed

cena 289.0 Kč

Abysse Corp Batoh Assassin Creed - Crest

Batoh Assassin Creed - Crest Vnější a vnitřní kapsy Nastavitelné ramenní popruhy Velmi pohodlný prošívaný hřbet Materiál: polyester Rozměry: 42 x 31 x 14 cm Objem: 18 litrů Praktický batoh s logem Assassins Creed. Materiál 100% polyester. Má polstrovaná záda a polstrované a nastavitelné ramenní popruhy.

Objev podobné jako Abysse Corp Batoh Assassin Creed - Crest

cena 1459.0 Kč

Abysse Corp Hrnek Assassin Creed - Group 320 ml

Hrnek Assassin Creed - Group Oslavte své vítězství v oblíbené řadě videoher Assassasins Creed společně s tímto stylovým assassínským hrníčkem! obsah: 320 ml

Objev podobné jako Abysse Corp Hrnek Assassin Creed - Group 320 ml

cena 359.0 Kč

Abysse Corp Hrnek Assassin Creed - Valhalla 320 ml

Hrnek Assassin Creed - Valhalla Oslavte své vítězství v oblíbené řadě videoher Assassasins Creed společně s tímto stylovým assassínským hrníčkem! obsah: 320 ml

Objev podobné jako Abysse Corp Hrnek Assassin Creed - Valhalla 320 ml

cena 359.0 Kč

The Assassin´s Blade: The Throne of Glass Prequel Novellas - Sarah J. Maasová

‘One of the best fantasy book series of the past decade’ TIMEThe twist of a knife. The birth of a legend. Step into the world of the #1 bestselling Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas with this collection of prequel novellas. Celaena Sardothien is her kingdom’s most feared assassin. Though she works for the powerful Assassin’s Guild and its scheming master, Arobynn Hamel, she yields to no one and trusts only her fellow killer-for-hire, Sam. But when Arobynn dispatches her on missions that take her from remote islands to hostile deserts, Celaena finds herself acting independently of his wishes and questioning her own allegiance. If she hopes to escape Arobynn’s clutches, Celaena will have to put her faith in her wits and her blade ... knowing that if she fails, she’ll lose not just a chance at freedom but her life. A prequel to the New York Times bestselling Throne of Glass, this collection of five novellas explores the history of this cunning assassin and her enthralling — and deadly — world. Included in this volume: The Assassin and the Pirate LordThe Assassin and the HealerThe Assassin and the DesertThe Assassin and the UnderworldThe Assassin and the Empire

Objev podobné jako The Assassin´s Blade: The Throne of Glass Prequel Novellas - Sarah J. Maasová

cena 268.0 Kč

Dracula: The Resurrection (PC) DIGITAL (196176)

Hra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: adventura, 70 % Strašidelné a nabyté hutnou atmosférou, která se vás ale (zaplať pánbůh) nesnaží děsit za každou cenu. Na co se můžete těšit ve hře Dracula: The ResurrectionPerfektně ztvárněný svět Brama Stokera vás skvěle vtáhne do děje, který se odehrává v srdci samotné TransylvánieZjistíte, že pohled z první osoby atmosféře i hratelnosti dost pomáháMozkové závity vám zaměstnají nejrůznější hádanky a rébusy V roli Jonathana Harkera jste se s Drákulou vypořádali už před celými sedmi lety. Nebo tomu aspoň věříte. Teď ale začíná vše nasvědčovat tomu, že s proradným hrabětem ještě není konec. Jako...

Objev podobné jako Dracula: The Resurrection (PC) DIGITAL (196176)

cena 129.0 Kč

The Assassin - Tom Fletcher

‘A diplomatic genius’ Gordon Brown‘Tom Fletcher is the essential diplomat, and was my support and sounding board about virtually every country on earth’ David CameronHow far will he go to save a future he may never see?Having been made High Commissioner in Nairobi, Ed Barnes is keeping his head down and staying out of trouble. But when his daughter, Stephanie, is kidnapped following a security crisis for which he is blamed, his attempts at normality fall apart once again. He finds himself at the heart of a complex negotiation with a dangerous Somali terrorist group, in an effort to avert a regional security crisis and free his daughter.Meanwhile, across the globe a series of political assassinations have been shaking the world of business and government. Tensions boil over when a Chinese envoy is murdered in Jordan, only days before a crucial climate change conference, sparking a diplomatic crisis and the threat of US/China confrontation.In the search for his daughter, Barnes follows the trail of violence from Kenya, through the highest levels of the UN in Geneva, to the Dead Sea in Jordan. With the world on the brink of ecological crisis, Barnes must uncover the terrible truth about the assassinations, prevent a global conflict and save the climate deal. But how much is he prepared to sacrifice to be a good ancestor?The explosive sequel to The Ambassador from former No.10 advisor Tom Fletcher, The Assassin is perfect for fans of Robert Peston, Ken Follett and Tom Bradby.Praise for The Diplomat Thrillers''The author can draw authenticity from a career spent at the coal face of diplomacy and intelligence, which is why it is a page turner’ Frederick Forsyth''I read it in one go'' Kim Stanley Robinson''A call for all of us to reflect on friendship, family and trust. What do we stand for, and what will we do to defend it?’ Sir Graeme Lamb, former Commander of the SAS''Vivid and atmospheric... rockets around the world with intoxicating verve. Hugely engaging'' Daily Mail

Objev podobné jako The Assassin - Tom Fletcher

cena 561.0 Kč

Assassins Creed The Ezio Collection - PS4 (3307215977422)

Hra na konzoli - PS4 / PS4 Pro, PS5 (s mechanikou), krabicová verze, žánr: akční a RPG, - HD remake třech nejlepších dílů série Assasin Creed - dvojky, Brotherhood and Revelations, neobsahuje multiplayer! Ezio Auditore da Firenze je hrdina legendární série Assassin's Creed. Remaster přináší hned tři původní díly v HD grafice, díky které bude hra na Xbox One zcela unikátní zážitek.Legendární série Assassin's Creed provází hráče už docela dlouho, takže nastal ten správný čas na pořádný remaster, který umožní prožít skvělé příběhy i na nové herní konzoli PlayStation 4. Jedná se totiž o celkově desítky hodin řádně napínavého vyprávění, kde se vše točí kolem hlavní postavy. Tou není samozřejmě nikdo jiný než Ezio Auditore da Firenze.Obsah kolekceAssassin’s Creed IIAssassin’s Creed BrotherhoodAssassin’s Creed RevelationsČeské titulkyHD remasterHry neobsahují multiplayerovou částVelkolepá herní sérieEpický příběh se z části odehrává v prostředí...

Objev podobné jako Assassins Creed The Ezio Collection - PS4 (3307215977422)

cena 499.0 Kč

Assassin's Creed: The Golden City - Jaleigh Johnson

A young emperor’s life hangs in the balance in ancient Constantinople, and only the Brotherhood of Assassins can save him, in this action-packed historical adventure from the award-winning Assassin’s Creed universeConstantinople, 867 – A murderous plot is afoot. Assisted by the Order of the Ancients, the emperor schemes to assassinate his son and throw the city into chaos. In response, the Hidden Ones have dispatched Assassin acolyte Hytham to join his mentor, Basim Ibn Ishaq, to infiltrate the palace and foil the emperor’s plan. But that is not his only mission… Hytham’s brotherhood have entrusted him with uncovering where Basim’s true loyalties lie and whether the master Assassin’s personal obsessions outweigh his sense of duty. For Hytham to succeed, he must tread carefully, for Constantinople is a city of shadows, and danger hides in all of them.

Objev podobné jako Assassin's Creed: The Golden City - Jaleigh Johnson

cena 294.0 Kč

The Paperback Sleuth - Ashram Assassin - Cartmel Andrew

Humorous cosy-crime caper in which a feisty, amoral book dealer uses her unique skills to catch a murderer, desperate to hide the secrets kept by the yoga-obsessed staff and students of a West London ashram.

Objev podobné jako The Paperback Sleuth - Ashram Assassin - Cartmel Andrew

cena 295.0 Kč

Assassins Creed The Ezio Collection - Xbox One (3307215977606)

Hra na konzoli - Xbox One S / Xbox One X, Xbox Series X, krabicová verze, žánr: akční a RPG, - HD remake třech nejlepších dílů série Assasin Creed - dvojky, Brotherhood and Revelations, neobsahuje multiplayer! Ezio Auditore da Firenze je hrdina legendární série Assassin's Creed. Remaster přináší hned tři původní díly v HD grafice, díky které bude hra na Xbox One zcela unikátní zážitek.Legendární série Assassin's Creed provází hráče už docela dlouho, takže nastal ten správný čas na pořádný remaster, který umožní prožít skvělé příběhy i na nové herní konzoli Xbox One. Jedná se totiž o celkově desítky hodin řádně napínavého vyprávění, kde se vše točí kolem hlavní postavy. Tou není samozřejmě nikdo jiný než Ezio Auditore da Firenze.Obsah kolekceAssassin’s Creed IIAssassin’s Creed BrotherhoodAssassin’s Creed RevelationsČeské titulkyHD remasterHry neobsahují multiplayerovou částVelkolepá herní sérieEpický příběh se z části odehrává v prostředí...

Objev podobné jako Assassins Creed The Ezio Collection - Xbox One (3307215977606)

cena 399.0 Kč

Assassins Creed The Ezio Collection - Nintendo Switch (3307216220886)

Hra na konzoli - Nintendo Switch, krabicová verze, žánr: arkády, - Zažijte oceňovanou sérii Assassin's Creed a staňte se Eziem Auditore da Firenze, nejslavnějším a nejikoničtějším mistrem asasínem v této sérii. Poznejte způsoby asasínů a snažte se pomstít za zradu své rodiny. Odstartujte díky Assassins Creed Ezio Collection Nintendo Switch legendární příběhProměňte se v Assassin’s Creed II do mladíka Ezia obývajícího renesanční Itálii. Tomu se během chvíle zhroutí svět. Přidejte se k tajemnému společenství Asasínů a odstartujte vražednou pomstu proti všem, kteří vám zničili život. Assassins Creed Ezio Collection vás vezme do Věčného městaVydejte se v Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood s Eziem do Říma. Obrovského města, které čeká pouze na vás. Lovte v něm své cíle. Pracujte s informacemi. Účastněte se konspirací a vytvořte...

Objev podobné jako Assassins Creed The Ezio Collection - Nintendo Switch (3307216220886)

cena 999.0 Kč

Assassins Creed: The Ezio Collection - Xbox Digital (G3Q-00227)

Hra na konzoli - Xbox One S / Xbox One X, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, elektronická licence, klíč pro Xbox Live, žánr: akční,. Ezio Auditore da Firenze je hrdina legendární série Assassin's Creed. Remaster přináší hned tři původní díly v HD grafice, díky které bude hra na Xbox One zcela unikátní zážitek.Legendární série Assassin's Creed provází hráče už docela dlouho, takže nastal ten správný čas na pořádný remaster, který umožní prožít skvělé příběhy i na nové herní konzoli Xbox One. Jedná se totiž o celkově desítky hodin řádně napínavého vyprávění, kde se vše točí kolem hlavní postavy. Tou není samozřejmě nikdo jiný než Ezio Auditore da Firenze.Obsah kolekceAssassin’s Creed IIAssassin’s Creed BrotherhoodAssassin’s Creed RevelationsČeské titulkyHD remasterHry neobsahují multiplayerovou částVelkolepá herní sérieEpický příběh se z části odehrává v prostředí renesanční Itálie. Ezio se spřátelí s Leonardem da Vincim a postupně se pustí se...

Objev podobné jako Assassins Creed: The Ezio Collection - Xbox Digital (G3Q-00227)

cena 1349.0 Kč

Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker -- The Art Of Resurrection - Among The Stars- - Square Enix

The official art book for Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker, presenting hundreds of pages of full-color art and an exclusive bonus item code! (NOTE: E-book edition does not include bonus item code.)This deluxe volume showcases artwork created during the development of the global hit game, featuring illustrations of the new jobs sage and reaper, new locations such as Old Sharlayan and Radz-at-Han, dungeons, trials, equipment, and more. Offering concept art, reference images, and messages from the artists, The Art of Resurrection -Among the Stars- commemorates the thrilling conclusion to the tale of Hydaelyn and Zodiark.Includes an exclusive bonus item code for a Wind-up Ragnarok minion!The eighth volume in the line of Final Fantasy XIV official art books.

Objev podobné jako Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker -- The Art Of Resurrection - Among The Stars- - Square Enix

cena 894.0 Kč

Final Fantasy Xiv: Endwalker -- The Art Of Resurrection - Beyond The Veil- - Square Enix

Featuring roughly 800 pieces of artwork created during the development of the critically acclaimed Endwalker expansion, The Art of Resurrection –Beyond the Veil– is a visual feast for players and fans of Final Fantasy XIV! This deluxe, large-format volume covers content through Patch 6.5, including Myths of the Realm, Pandamonium, and Island Sanctuary. It also features detailed illustrations of characters, equipment, dungeons, trials, and more across hundreds of pages. Volume two of a two-volume set with The Art of Resurrection –Among the Stars–.

Objev podobné jako Final Fantasy Xiv: Endwalker -- The Art Of Resurrection - Beyond The Veil- - Square Enix

cena 894.0 Kč

The Arctic Railway Assassin - M. G. Leonardová, Sam Sedgman

The bestselling, prize-winning Adventures on Trains series embarks on a thrilling sixth adventure as Harrison Beck and Uncle Nat climb aboard the night train to Narvik, travelling to the Arctic Circle to see the northern lights for Christmas.'A thrilling and hugely entertaining adventure story' – David Walliams on The Highland Falcon Thief, the first journey in the series.As their train leaves Stockholm, Hal and Uncle Nat realize they’re being followed by a sinister figure, and Hal’s powers of observation are tested when Uncle Nat’s past comes back to haunt him. Journeying into the never ending night of the arctic winter, our railway detectives must outsmart an assassin in their most chilling adventure yet, in which nothing is as it seems.The Arctic Railway Assassin can be read as a stand-alone novel, or enjoyed as part of the award-winning Adventures on Trains series written by M. G. Leonard and Sam Sedgman. Join Hal and Uncle Nat on more stops in this thrilling series with: Murder on the Safari Star, Danger at Dead Man's Pass and Sabotage on the Solar Express.Praise for the series:'Like Murder on the Orient Express but better!' – Frank Cottrell-Boyce on The Highland Falcon Thief'A first class choo-choo-dunnit!' – David Solomons on Kidnap on the California Comet'A high-speed train journey worth catching . . .The best yet' – The Times on Murder on the Safari Star'This series just gets better and better' – Maz Evans on Danger at Dead Man's Pass

Objev podobné jako The Arctic Railway Assassin - M. G. Leonardová, Sam Sedgman

cena 236.0 Kč

The Plot - Jean Hanff Korelitzová

The autumn's most thrilling page-turner from the author of The Undoing, the major series on HBO and Sky When a young writer dies before completing his first novel, his teacher, Jake, (himself a failed novelist) helps himself to its plot. The resulting book is a phenomenal success. But what if somebody out there knows?Somebody does. And if Jake can't figure out who he's dealing with, he risks something far worse than the loss of his career.What readers are saying'It builds to a legitimately great ending that I may never forget. Highly recommended.''This book is thrilling, exciting and totally nerve-racking! It definitely had me on the edge of my seat and reading well past my bedtime.''Addictive . . . I read it quickly without coming up much for air.''Wow! This book blew me away- I read it so fast and the ending is so good! No spoilers- just read it.''I was pleasantly surprised to find that the best plot ever really is THAT good.'

Objev podobné jako The Plot - Jean Hanff Korelitzová

cena 299.0 Kč

The Burial Plot - Elizabeth Macneal

From Elizabeth Macneal, the Sunday Times bestselling author of The Doll Factory, The Burial Plot is a spellbinding Gothic thriller about murder and manipulation. London, 1839.With the cemeteries full and money to be made in death, tricksters Crawford and Bonnie survive on wicked schemes and ill-gotten coin. But one blistering evening, their fortunes flip. A man lies in a pool of blood at Bonnie’s feet and now she needs to disappear.Crawford secures her a position as lady’s maid in a grand house on the Thames. As Bonnie comes to understand the family – the eccentric Mr Moncrieff, obsessively drawing mausoleums for his dead wife, and their peculiar daughter Cissie, scribbling imaginary love letters to herself – she begins to question what secrets are lying behind the house’s paper-thin walls and whether her own presence here was planned from the beginning. Because Crawford is watching, and perhaps he is plotting his greatest trick yet . . .

Objev podobné jako The Burial Plot - Elizabeth Macneal

cena 561.0 Kč

Assassin´s Apprentice - Robin Hobb

'Fantasy as it ought to be written' George R.R. Martin The kingdom of the Six Duchies is on the brink of civil war when news breaks that the crown prince has fathered a bastard son and is shamed into abdication. The child's name is Fitz, and his is despised. Raised in the castle stables, only the company of the king's fool, the ragged children of the lower city and his unusual affinity with animals provide Fitz with any comfort. To be useful to the crown, Fitz is trained as an assassin; and to use the traditional magic of the Farseer family. But his tutor, allied to another political faction, is determined to discredit, even kill him. Fitz must survive: for he may be destined to save the kingdom.

Objev podobné jako Assassin´s Apprentice - Robin Hobb

cena 259.0 Kč

The Stalker - Kate Rhodes

‘Chillingly compelling and expertly assembled. An immersive piece of thriller writing of the sort late-night-reading binges are made of’ B. P. WALTER ‘Dark, intense, and expertly crafted. Kate Rhodes delivers exactly what I look for in a gripping thriller’ RACHEL ABBOTT She thinks she understand stalkers. Until she becomes a target . . . Elly is an expert in stalking – an academic at Cambridge University and a popular media pundit. She knows the subject intimately: what motivates a stalker, how they behave, how to rehabilitate them. But now it’s personal. Someone is following her, making silent phone calls and sending her ominous notes. The message is always the same – me or you. Elly can’t trust anyone – not her family, her friends or her colleagues. She knows that her stalker must be someone close to her. And when they suddenly turn violent, she realizes she’s running out of time to find out who it is. Because it looks like only one of them will survive.A terrifying cat-and-mouse chase, told from the perspective of the stalker and the stalked – a roller-coaster ride with an ending you won’t see coming. ‘Terrifying and tense, as unpredictable as it is compelling' LESLEY KARA ‘A classy, edge-of-the-seat thriller which will keep you guessing throughout!’ B.A. PARIS ‘Pacy, tense and unsettling . . . Kate keeps you guessing until the end, then hits you with a chapter that will stay with you long after you close the book’ MARI HANNAH ‘Stylish and atmospheric, with a final page that is sure to chill your bones. Loved it’ CAZ FREAR 'The tension never lets up. Just when you think you’ve unravelled the mystery, Rhodes masterfully delivers a twist that leaves you breathless’ JO JAKEMAN 'A bloody good read. Tense and intense' KATE EVANS ‘Pacy and chilling. I binged it’ EMMA BAMFORD ‘A classic whodunnit wrapped up in a psychological thriller, with an ending you won’t see coming. Kate Rhodes always delivers an entertaining read but this standalone novel really packs a punch’ RUSS THOMAS ‘Gripping . . . I just couldn't put this down’ SIMON McCLEAVE 'A creepy slow-burn of a thriller – one that will have you looking over your own shoulder as you read late into the night’ SARAH PEKKANEN ‘Superb plotting. The very best in psychological crime writing’ JANE ISAAC ‘Irresistible’ CRIME TIME

Objev podobné jako The Stalker - Kate Rhodes

cena 295.0 Kč

The Stalker - Kate Rhodes

‘Chillingly compelling and expertly assembled. An immersive piece of thriller writing of the sort late-night-reading binges are made of’ B. P. WALTER ‘Dark, intense, and expertly crafted. Kate Rhodes delivers exactly what I look for in a gripping thriller’ RACHEL ABBOTT She thinks she understand stalkers. Until she becomes a target . . . Elly is an expert in stalking – an academic at Cambridge University and a popular media pundit. She knows the subject intimately: what motivates a stalker, how they behave, how to rehabilitate them. But now it’s personal. Someone is following her, making silent phone calls and sending her ominous notes. The message is always the same – me or you. Elly can’t trust anyone – not her family, her friends or her colleagues. She knows that her stalker must be someone close to her. And when they suddenly turn violent, she realizes she’s running out of time to find out who it is. Because it looks like only one of them will survive.A terrifying cat-and-mouse chase, told from the perspective of the stalker and the stalked – a roller-coaster ride with an ending you won’t see coming. ‘Terrifying and tense, as unpredictable as it is compelling' LESLEY KARA ‘A classy, edge-of-the-seat thriller which will keep you guessing throughout!’ B.A. PARIS ‘Pacy, tense and unsettling . . . Kate keeps you guessing until the end, then hits you with a chapter that will stay with you long after you close the book’ MARI HANNAH ‘Stylish and atmospheric, with a final page that is sure to chill your bones. Loved it’ CAZ FREAR 'The tension never lets up. Just when you think you’ve unravelled the mystery, Rhodes masterfully delivers a twist that leaves you breathless’ JO JAKEMAN 'A bloody good read. Tense and intense' KATE EVANS ‘Pacy and chilling. I binged it’ EMMA BAMFORD ‘A classic whodunnit wrapped up in a psychological thriller, with an ending you won’t see coming. Kate Rhodes always delivers an entertaining read but this standalone novel really packs a punch’ RUSS THOMAS ‘Gripping . . . I just couldn't put this down’ SIMON McCLEAVE 'A creepy slow-burn of a thriller – one that will have you looking over your own shoulder as you read late into the night’ SARAH PEKKANEN ‘Superb plotting. The very best in psychological crime writing’ JANE ISAAC ‘Irresistible’ CRIME TIME

Objev podobné jako The Stalker - Kate Rhodes

cena 650.0 Kč

The Honeymoon - Kate Gray

''A page-turner full of secrets and lies, this is a totally addictive read'' HEAT ''An addictive, jaw-dropping read. I loved it'' CLAIRE DOUGLAS''A nerve-jangling tale of tension, suspicion and betrayal'' T.M. LOGAN''Tense, pacy, twisty . . . It''s going to be HUGE'' ISABELLE BROOM ***You''re on the honeymoon of a lifetime with your new husband. Isn''t everything perfect? You''re enjoying dinner at a luxury restaurant with another newlywed couple. Until the night ends with a dead body. All four of you are innocent. Aren''t you? . . .THE HONEYMOON IS OVER. THE NIGHTMARE HAS JUST BEGUN. A totally addictive thriller that will have you on the edge of your sunbed in summer 2024. Perfect for fans of Lucy Clarke, T.M. Logan and Catherine Cooper.

Objev podobné jako The Honeymoon - Kate Gray

cena 266.0 Kč

The Peepshow - Kate Summerscale

‘Once more, Kate Summerscale shatters our preconceptions of a classic crime’ Val McDermid''A gripping account of murder, misogyny and spectatorship'' Sarah Waters, author of FingersmithFrom Britain''s top-selling true crime writer and author of Sunday Times #1 bestseller THE SUSPICIONS OF MR WHICHER...London, 1953. Police discover the bodies of three young women hidden in a wall at 10 Rillington Place, a dingy terrace house in Notting Hill. On searching the building, they find another body beneath the floorboards, then an array of human bones in the garden. But they have already investigated a double murder at 10 Rillington Place, three years ago, and the killer was hanged. Did they get the wrong man?A nationwide manhunt is launched for the tenant of the ground-floor flat, a softly spoken former policeman named Reg Christie. Star reporter Harry Procter chases after the scoop. Celebrated crime writer Fryn Tennyson Jesse begs to be assigned to the case. The story becomes an instant sensation, and with the relentless rise of the tabloid press the public watches on like never before. Who is Christie? Why did he choose to kill women, and to keep their bodies near him? As Harry and Fryn start to learn the full horror of what went on at Rillington Place, they realise that Christie might also have engineered a terrible miscarriage of justice in plain sight.In this riveting true story, Kate Summerscale mines the archives to uncover the lives of Christie’s victims, the tabloid frenzy that their deaths inspired, and the truth about what happened inside the house.''A forensic reappraisal of a grimy episode in postwar British history ... Shocking, impeccably researched, lucidly written and always utterly compelling'' Graeme Macrae Burnet, author of His Bloody Project''A masterclass in true crime storytelling ... As relevant now as it was in the 1950s'' Jennie Godfrey, author of The List of Suspicious Things

Objev podobné jako The Peepshow - Kate Summerscale

cena 650.0 Kč

The Cloisters - Katy Hays

THE SUNDAY TIMES TOP 5 BESTSELLER . . . IN HARDBACK AND NOW IN PAPERBACK!The Secret History meets Ninth House . . . the discovery of a mysterious deck of tarot cards lays bare shocking secrets within a close-knit circle of researchers at New York''s famed Met Cloisters museum.-------''Glamour, power, seduction, ambition – The Cloisters has it all. I adored this deliciously gothic, beautifully written novel.'' LOUISE O''NEILL,''Dark and enigmatic . . . a story of academic obsession, Renaissance magic and the ruthless pursuit of power. Captivating in every sense.'' SARAH PEARSE''Elegant and atmospheric and suffused with brooding menace.'' LUCY CLARKE''Sultry and sinister . . . teems with sexual tension, the secrets of divination, and scholarly obsessiveness . . . jaw-dropping.'' SARAH PENNER‘Beguiling and atmospheric, an entrancing and gripping tale.’ KATE MOSSE-------Ann Stilwell arrives in New York City, hoping to spend her summer working at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Instead, she is assigned to The Cloisters, a gothic museum and garden renowned for its collection of medieval and Renaissance art.Drawn into a small circle of charismatic but enigmatic researchers, Ann happy to indulge some of their more outlandish theories, including the museum''s curator who is fixated on tarot and the real possibility of predicting the future.But when Ann discovers a mysterious, once-thought lost deck of 15th-century Italian tarot cards she finds herself at the centre of a dangerous game of power, toxic friendship and ambition.And as the game being played within the Cloisters spirals out of control, Ann must decide who she trusts . . .Instant Sunday Times bestseller, February 2024

Objev podobné jako The Cloisters - Katy Hays

cena 295.0 Kč

The Maiden - Kate Foster

The Times Bestseller'A masterpiece' - Janice Hallett, bestselling author of The Appeal 'Exceptional - a tense, thrilling investigation, with a decidedly feminist slant' - Daily MailInspired by a real-life case, Kate Foster's The Maiden is a remarkable story with a feminist revisionist twist, giving a voice to women otherwise silenced by history. Winner of the Bloody Scotland Pitch Perfect Award 2022 and the Bloody Scotland Crime Debut of the Year 2023. In the end, it did not matter what I said at my trial. No one believed me.Edinburgh, October 1679. Lady Christian is arrested and charged with the murder of her lover, James Forrester. News of her imprisonment and subsequent trial is splashed across the broadsides, with headlines that leave little room for doubt: Adulteress. Whore. Murderess. Only a year before, Lady Christian was newly married, leading a life of privilege and respectability. So, what led her to risk everything for an affair? And does that make her guilty of murder? She wasn't the only woman in Forrester's life, and certainly not the only one who might have had cause to wish him dead . . .'Riveting . . . the tension persists until the last page' - The Times

Objev podobné jako The Maiden - Kate Foster

cena 268.0 Kč

The Girl in the Red Coat - Kate Hamer

Eight-year-old Carmel has always been different - sensitive, distracted, with an heartstopping tendency to go missing. Her mother Beth, newly single, worries about her daughter's strangeness, especially as she is trying to rebuild a life for the two of them on her own.

Objev podobné jako The Girl in the Red Coat - Kate Hamer

cena 44.0 Kč

The Murder After the Night Before - Katy Brent

From the author of How to Kill Men and Get Away With It, don't miss this utterly thrilling and laugh-out-loud novel, perfect for fans of Bella Mackie, Dawn O'Porter and Killing Eve. Available to pre-order now! Something bad happened last night. I've woken up with the hangover from hell, a stranger in my bed, and I've gone viral for the worst reasons.But I can't remember a thing... My best friend Posey is dead. The police think it was a tragic accident.I know she was murdered. There's only thing stopping me from dying of shame. I need to find a killer.Readers LOVE Katy Brent! 'I literally couldn't put this book down.' NetGalley reviewer, 'This book has got to be my favourite so far this year.' NetGalley reviewer, 'There are just so many good things I could say about this book. I absolutely tore (pun intended) through this read. Everyone needs to go read it.' NetGalley reviewer, 'One word!!! AMAZING!!!' NetGalley reviewer, 'This is one of the most clever books I have read in quite a while.' NetGalley reviewer, 'A well-rounded cast of characters, quick pace, and thrilling twists make this one of my favourites of the year!' NetGalley reviewer, 'A twisted but witty read which will keep you up all night.' NetGalley reviewer,

Objev podobné jako The Murder After the Night Before - Katy Brent

cena 241.0 Kč

The New Breed - Darling Kate

A bold, optimistic exploration of the relationship between robots and humans based on our history with animals, from a renowned MIT researcherThe robots are here. They make our cars, they deliver fast food, they mine the sea floor. And in the near-future their presence will increasingly enter our homes and workplaces - making human-robot interaction a frequent, everyday occurrence. What will this future look like? What will define the relationship between humans and robots?Here Kate Darling, a world-renowned expert in robot ethics, shows that in order to understand the new robot world, we must first move beyond the idea that this technology will be something like us. Instead, she argues, we should look to our relationship with animals. Just as we have harnessed the power of animals to aid us in war and work, so too will robots supplement - rather than replace - our own skills and abilities.A deeply original analysis of our technological future and the ethical dilemmas that await us, The New Breed explains how the treatment of machines can reveal a new understanding of our own history, our own systems and how we relate - not just to non-humans, but also to each other.

Objev podobné jako The New Breed - Darling Kate

cena 312.0 Kč

The Memory Library - Kate Storey

‘A gorgeous story full of emotion and a very special library.’ – Evie Woods, bestselling author of The Lost BookshopSome stories stay with us forever…For forty-two years, Sally Harrison has been building a library.Each year, on her daughter’s birthday, she adds a new book to her shelves – with a note in the front dedicated to her own greatest work.But Ella – Sally’s only child – fled to Australia twenty-one years ago after a heated exchange, and never looked back. And though Sally still dutifully adds a new paperback to the shelves every time the clock strikes midnight on July 11th, her hopes of her daughter ever thumbing through the pages are starting to dwindle.Then disaster strikes and Ella is forced to return to the home she once knew.She is soon to discover that when one chapter ends, another will soon follow.All you have to do is turn the page…Journey through the pages of this heartwarming novel, where hope, friendship and second chances are written in the margins. Perfect for book lovers everywhere and fans of Sally Page’s The Keeper of Stories.Praise for The Memory Library:''An absolute joy to read. Uplifting, beautiful, and perfect for any book lovers!'' Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''The Memory Library delivers on its promise of hope, friendship and second chances. It''s a love letter to the written word.'' Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘A powerful and poignant story. There were tears shed.’ Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘I laughed out loud and had more than one glassy eye!’ Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘A real treasure for booklovers everywhere who completely appreciate the joy, knowledge and healing that books can bring.’ Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘There’s page after page of wonderful wisdom in this novel.’ Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘Filled with tender moments of sharing, tears, forgiveness, revelation and healing.’ Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘What a beautiful, moving story this was! It really had me sobbing my eyes out.’ Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Objev podobné jako The Memory Library - Kate Storey

cena 295.0 Kč

The Three Dahlias - Katy Watson

''An absolute treat of a read with all the ingredients of a vintage murder mystery: a country house, mysterious dead bodies and three actresses all keen to catch the killer. Perfect weekend reading!'' Janice Hallett, author of The Appeal''Celebrates and gently satirises Golden Age crime novels in a hugely entertaining country house mystery'' The Times----------Three rival actresses team up to solve a murder at the stately home of the author who made them famous - only to discover the solution lies in the stories themselves. A contemporary mystery with a Golden Age feel, perfect for fans of Agatha Christie and Jessica Fellowes.In attendance: the VIP fans, staying at Aldermere; the fan club president turned convention organiser; the team behind the newest movie adaptation of Davenport''s books; the Davenport family themselves - and the three actresses famous for portraying Lettice''s 1930s detective, Dahlia Lively.National treasure Rosalind King, from the original movies. TV Dahlia for thirteen seasons, Caro Hooper. And ex-child star Posy Starling, fresh out of the fame wilderness (and rehab) to take on the Dahlia mantle for the new movie.Each actress has her own interpretation of the character - but this English summer weekend they will have to put aside their differences, as the crimes at Aldermere turns anything but cosy. When fictional death turns into real bodies, can the three Dahlias find the answers to the murders among the fans, the film crew, the family - or even in Lettice''s books themselves?----------PRAISE FOR THE THREE DAHLIAS''Dame Agatha would approve'' Daily Mail''The perfect holiday read'' Woman and Home''A wonderful celebration of Golden Age crime. . . a read you can sink into, just like the perfect country house weekend. You will definitely love Dahlia in all her guises by the end'' S.J. Bennett, author of The Windsor Knot''A sprightly offering. . . a pleasant summer read'' The Critic''A fun, 1930s style murder-mystery, which makes for perfect holiday reading'' Woman''s Weekly''A cosy whodunnit told with modern flair'' Yours

Objev podobné jako The Three Dahlias - Katy Watson

cena 295.0 Kč

The Walnut Tree - Kate Morgan

''Compulsively readable'' – Times Literary Supplement''An outstanding work'' – Philippa Gregory''A powerful narrative told with frankness and sensitivity'' Helen Fry, historian and author of Women In Intelligence''A woman, a dog and a walnut tree, the more they are beaten, the better they’ll be.''So went the proverb quoted by a prominent MP in the Houses of Parliament in 1853. His words – intended ironically in a debate about a rise in attacks on women – summed up the prevailing attitude of the day, in which violence against women was waved away as a part and parcel of modern living – a chilling seam of misogyny that had polluted both parliament and the law. But were things about to change?In this vivid and essential work of historical non-fiction, Kate Morgan explores the legal campaigns, test cases and individual injustices of the Victorian and Edwardian eras which fundamentally re-shaped the status of women under British law. These are seen through the untold stories of women whose cases became cornerstones of our modern legal system and shine a light on the historical inequalities of the law.We hear of the uniquely abusive marriage which culminated in the dramatic story of the ‘Clitheroe wife abduction’; of the domestic tragedies which changed the law on domestic violence; the controversies surrounding the Contagious Diseases Act and the women who campaigned to abolish it; and the real courtroom stories behind notorious murder cases such as the ‘Camden Town Murder’.Exploring the 19th- and early 20th Century legal history that influenced the modern-day stances on issues such as domestic abuse, sexual violence and divorce, The Walnut Treelifts the lid on the shocking history of women under British law – and what it means for women today.

Objev podobné jako The Walnut Tree - Kate Morgan

cena 591.0 Kč

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