Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

And the Mountains Echoed - Khaled Hosseini

Ten-year-old Abdullah would do anything for his younger sister. In a life of poverty and struggle, with no mother to care for them, Pari is the only person who brings Abdullah happiness. For her, he will trade his only pair of shoes to give her a feather for her treasured collection. When their father sets off with Pari across the desert to Kabul in search of work, Abdullah is determined not to be separated from her. Neither brother nor sister know what this fateful journey will bring them.

Podívejte se také Armstrong Louis: And the Good Book + Louis and the Angels - CD (8436563184369)

cena 178.0 Kč

And the Mountains Echoed - Khaled Hosseini

THE RICHARD & JUDY NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER‘Magnificent’ Mail on Sunday‘Gripping’ New York Times‘A master storyteller’ The Times‘Epic’ Sunday TelegraphTen-year-old Abdullah would do anything for his younger sister. In a life of poverty and struggle, with no mother to care for them, Pari is the only person who brings Abdullah happiness. For her, he will trade his only pair of shoes to give her a feather for her treasured collection. When their father sets off with Pari across the desert to Kabul in search of work, Abdullah is determined not to be separated from her. Neither brother nor sister know what this fateful journey will bring them.

Podívejte se také O.G. And The Odd Gifts: O.G. And The Odd Gifts - CD (100P019)

cena 295.0 Kč

The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini

The number one bestseller, chosen as a Book of the Decade by The Times, Daily Telegraph and Guardian Afghanistan, 1975: Twelve-year-old Amir is desperate to win the local kite-fighting tournament and his loyal friend Hassan promises to help him. But neither of the boys can foresee what will happen to Hassan that afternoon, an event that is to shatter their lives. After the Russians invade and the family is forced to flee to America, Amir realises that one day he must return to Afghanistan under Taliban rule to find the one thing that his new world cannot grant him: redemption.

Podívejte se také The Witcher - Geralt and the Griffon - hrnek (3665361087571)

cena 214.0 Kč

The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini

Afghanistan, 1975: Twelve-year-old Amir is desperate to win the local kite-fighting tournament and his loyal friend Hassan promises to help him. But neither of the boys can foresee what will happen to Hassan that afternoon, an event that is to shatter their lives. After the Russians invade and the family is forced to flee to America, Amir realises that one day he must return to Afghanistan under Taliban rule to find the one thing that his new world cannot grant him: redemption.

Objev podobné jako The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini

cena 295.0 Kč

Sea Prayer - Khaled Hosseini

A deeply moving, gorgeously illustrated short story for people of all ages from the international bestselling author of The Kite Runner, brought to life by Dan Williams's beautiful illustrations 'The book may be brief, but it is beautiful, poetic – a distillation of his strengths' Sunday Times On a moonlit beach a father cradles his sleeping son as they wait for dawn to break and a boat to arrive. He speaks to his boy of the long summers of his childhood, recalling his grandfather's house in Syria, the stirring of olive trees in the breeze, the bleating of his grandmother's goat, the clanking of her cooking pots. And he remembers, too, the bustling city of Homs with its crowded lanes, its mosque and grand souk, in the days before the sky spat bombs and they had to flee. When the sun rises they and those around them will gather their possessions and embark on a perilous sea journey in search of a new home.

Objev podobné jako Sea Prayer - Khaled Hosseini

cena 299.0 Kč

Lovec draků - Khaled Hosseini

Strhující drama ze současného Afghanistánu. Autor, kalifornský lékař, inspirován vlastními vzpomínkami, vypráví příběh osudových zvratů, jimiž jeho hrdina Amír prochází od dětství na cestě k dospělému zmoudření nejprve za mírových posledních let afghánské monarchie a poté za sovětské válečné okupace, na útěku z vlasti a při hledání nového života v emigraci. Události těžko pochopitelné krutosti i bezmezné oddanosti a očistné lásky se v tomto bravurně napsaném románu střídají bez sentimentu, bez jediného zbytečného slova. Svou opravdovostí zasáhl čtenáře ve více než padesáti zemích světa a v milionových nákladech stále zůstává hlavní literární událostí knižních žebříčků. Podle knihy byl natočen i úspěšný film.

Objev podobné jako Lovec draků - Khaled Hosseini

cena 133.0 Kč

Lovec draků - Khaled Hosseini

Afghánistán, 1975: dvanáctiletý Amír zoufale touží po vítězství v místním turnaji papírových draků a jeho věrný přítel Hasan mu slíbí pomoc. Ani jeden z nich však netuší, že toho odpoledne potká Hasana neštěstí, které jim oběma změní život navždy. Amírova rodina po ruské invazi do Afghánistánu uteče do Ameriky, jednoho dne si však Amír uvědomí, že se do rodné země ovládané Tálibánem musí vrátit, aby našel to jediné, co ve světě nezíská: vykoupení.

Objev podobné jako Lovec draků - Khaled Hosseini

cena 356.0 Kč

Tisíce planoucích sluncí - Khaled Hosseini

Druhá kniha a světový bestseler Khaleda Hosseiniho přináší příběh dvou žen, jejich zamotaných, dramatických a více či méně tragických životů na pozadí válečných konfliktů v Afghánistánu. Z jejich počáteční nedůvěry se postupně stává láska na život a na smrt. Marjam je harámí, dítě hříchu, která celý život hledá vztah, který by jí poskytl pocit lásky a bezpečí. Vyrůstá se zatrpklou matkou, zbožňovaný "návštěvní" otec ji nakonec zradí a provdá za Rašída, muže o třicet let staršího, který se čím dál víc podvoluje svým násilnickým sklonům. O dvacet let mladší Lajla je neporovnatelně šťastnější, má milující rodiče i nejlepšího kamaráda Tárika. To všechno však zmizí, když jí do života vstoupí válka a Lajla se náhle ocitá bez rodičů, zato těhotná v Marjamině a Rašídově domácnosti. Po počátečním odmítání Marjam s Lajlou sblíží jejich společný osud, osud obětí Rašídovy prchlivosti, osud bezprávných žen v Tálibánem ovládaném Afghánistánu. Ale Lajla s Marjam se svému osudu vzepřou.

Objev podobné jako Tisíce planoucích sluncí - Khaled Hosseini

cena 437.0 Kč

Mořská modlitba - Khaled Hosseini, Dan Williams

Na měsícem osvětlené pláži otec drží svého spícího syna a čeká, až pro ně s rozbřeskem připluje loď. Hovoří k němu o dávných létech svého dětství, vzpomíná na dědečkův dům v Sýrii, vítr ve větvích olivovníků, mečení babiččiny kozy a hlomoz z kuchyně. Vzpomíná také na rušné město Homs s jeho přeplněnými uličkami, mešitou a velkým tržištěm, ve dnech před tím, než obloha vybuchla bombami a všichni museli utéct. Svůj výnos z této knihy daruje Khaled Hosseini Úřadu Vysokého komisaře OSN pro uprchlíky (UNHCR) a neziskové nadaci The Khaled Hosseini Foundation, aby pomohl financovat úsilí o záchranu života uprchlíkům po celém světě. Khaled Hosseini, nejprodávanější spisovatel dle žebříčku New York Times, autor knih Lovec draků, A hory odpověděly a Tisíce planoucích sluncí reaguje na současnou uprchlickou krizi touto hluboce dojemnou, nádherně ilustrovanou krátkou novelou pro lidi celého světa a všech věkových kategorií.

Objev podobné jako Mořská modlitba - Khaled Hosseini, Dan Williams

cena 177.0 Kč

A Thousand Splendid Suns - Khaled Hosseini

THE RICHARD & JUDY NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER‘A suspenseful epic’ Daily Telegraph‘A triumph’ Financial Times‘Heartbreaking’ Mail on Sunday‘Deeply moving’ Sunday TimesMariam is only fifteen when she is sent to Kabul to marry Rasheed. Nearly two decades later, a friendship grows between Mariam and a local teenager, Laila, as strong as the ties between mother and daughter. When the Taliban take over, life becomes a desperate struggle against starvation, brutality and fear. Yet love can move a person to act in unexpected ways, and lead them to overcome the most daunting obstacles with a startling heroism.

Objev podobné jako A Thousand Splendid Suns - Khaled Hosseini

cena 295.0 Kč

A Thousand Splendid Suns - Khaled Hosseini

THE RICHARD & JUDY NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER`A suspenseful epic' Daily Telegraph`A triumph' Financial Times`Heartbreaking' Mail on Sunday`Deeply moving' Sunday TimesMariam is only fifteen when she is sent to Kabul to marry Rasheed. Nearly two decades later, a friendship grows between Mariam and a local teenager, Laila, as strong as the ties between mother and daughter. When the Taliban take over, life becomes a desperate struggle against starvation, brutality and fear. Yet love can move a person to act in unexpected ways, and lead them to overcome the most daunting obstacles with a startling heroism.

Objev podobné jako A Thousand Splendid Suns - Khaled Hosseini

cena 214.0 Kč

Cybex Fusak WE THE BEST DJ Khaled 2021

Cybex Priam fusak v krásné kolekci We The Best by DJ Khaled s příjemnou fleecovou podšívkou. Voděodolné materiály chrání před chladem, větrem a deštěm. Vlastnosti: velmi snadné uchycení ke kočárku velikost lze upravit v horní části fusaku ideální volba pro ochranu vašeho dítěte

Objev podobné jako Cybex Fusak WE THE BEST DJ Khaled 2021

cena 5284.0 Kč

Cybex Collaboration Priam korba Lux We the best Blue by DJ Khaled

Není kompatibilní s podvozkem 2021! WE THE BEST od DJe Khaleda – hudebního magnáta oceněného Grammy. DJ Khaled věří, že rodina je vždy na prvním místě. Přesně to odráží i jeho nová spolupráce s CYBEX. Společně se svou manželkou a inspirovaný jejich dvěma malými dětmi – Khaled navrhl kolekci, která zachycuje bohatou krásu tropické džungle a exotickou říši zvířat ve znamení živých lvů, papoušků a zeber. MIOS LUX CARRY COT Od narození až do 9 kg (cca 6 měsíců). Vanička LUX Carry Cot pro nový kočárek MIOS umožňuje důmyslné a pohodlné rodinné cestování. Pyšní se štědrým vnitřním prostorem a maximální úrovní pohodlí. PANORAMATICKÉ A STŘEŠNÍ OKNO Obě okna lze samostatně otevírat a zavírat, poskytují optimální ventilaci a ten nejlepší výhled. Prodyšná MATRACE Nový, měkký pěnová matrace nabízí maximální pohodlí a zdravé prostředí pro vaše dítě. INTEGROVANÉ MADLO NA NOŠENÍ Pro pohodlné nošení je madlo součástí sluneční stříšky. SLUNEČNÍ STŘÍŠKA Dokonalá ochrana s UPF50 +. Útulné prostředí. Vnitřek vaničky je 100% z bavlny. PAMĚŤOVÁ TLAČÍTKA Pro snadné nasazování a odnímání vaničky z podvozku. Vlastnosti: prostorná panoramatické a střešní okno prodyšná matrace integrované madlo na nošení sluneční stříška s UPF50 + interiér 100% bavlna sluneční stínítko paměťová tlačítka Technické parametry: váha: 4,2 kg rozměry (vč. stříšky): 830 × 410 × 580 mm (dx š xv)

Objev podobné jako Cybex Collaboration Priam korba Lux We the best Blue by DJ Khaled

cena 11644.0 Kč


Grammy oceněný hudební magnát DJ Khaled věří, že rodina je vždy první. Právě to odráží jeho nová snaha s CYBEX! Spolu se svou manželkou a inspirovaný jejich dvěma malými králi – Khaled navrhl kolekci, která zachycuje bohatou krásu tropické džungle a exotické zvířecí říše živých lvů, papoušků a zeber. Na každém kousku je vyraženo vlastní logo „My nejlepší“ a symbolický klíč na zipu představuje to, o čem je úspěch a mít „klíče ke království“ PRIAM SEAT PACK od narození do 22 kg Vlastnosti: Široký výběr barev dle kolekce Roztahovací XXL sluneční stříška: S UPF50+ ochranou před sluncem a síťovanou vložkou pro lepší cirkulaci vzduchu. Pohodlná vnitřní vložka: Poskytuje vhodnou oporu a výjimečné pohodlí. Polstrované pásy: Pro dodatečné pohodlí. Základní informace: rozměry ve složeném stavu: D 950 mm / Š 600 mm / V 365 mm rozměry v kompaktním složeném stavu (bez sport. sezení a kol): D 845 mm / Š 510 mm / V 290 mm váha: 12,9 kg obsah balení – PRIAM Seat Pack (vč. stříšky, polstrování pásů, vnitřní vložky)

Objev podobné jako Cybex Barevný set PRIAM 4.0 SEAT PACK WE THE BEST BLUE BY DJ KHALED

cena 11690.0 Kč


Není kompatibilní s podvozkem 2021! Seat Pack ke kočárku Cybex Mios v krásné kolekci We The Best by DJ Khaled obsahuje stříšku, polstrování pásů, vnitřní vložku a potah opěrky nohou. Prostřednictvím této barevné stříšky a polstrování si můžete přizpůsobit kočárek Mios dle vašeho vkusu. Vlastnosti: roztahovací XXL sluneční stříška s okénkem a UPF50+ ochranou před sluncem síťovaná opěrka zad zajistí dítěti dokonalou cirkulaci vzduchu i v horkých letních dnech pohodlná vnitřní vložka polstrované pásy

Objev podobné jako Barevný set Cybex MIOS 3.0 SEAT PACK WE ARE THE BEST BLUE BY DJ KHALED

cena 11690.0 Kč

Hory moje hory: The Mountains My Mountains (80-88817-25-0)

Kniha - autor Vladimír Bárta; Vladimír Bárta, 160 stran, slovensky, pevná s přebalem matná Veľká, exkluzívna, celofarebná a obsahovo najširšia obrazová kniha o hradoch. Na 160 stranách predstavuje okolo 80 objektov, z toho 20 zachovaných, muzeálne sprístupnených, hradov a ďalších polozrúcaných hradov a pevností. Skúsení autori fotografií, Vladimír Bárta a Vladimír Barta sa zamerali nielen na dokumentáciu slovenských hradov, ale snažili sa oživiť objekty nevšednými umeleckými pohľadmi. Fotografie, v premenách dňa a ročných období, doslova dýchajú zvláštnou atmosférou, farebnosťou i zaujímavým osvetlením. Texty v slovenčine a angličtine.

Objev podobné jako Hory moje hory: The Mountains My Mountains (80-88817-25-0)

cena 859.0 Kč

Slovenské hory: Hory moje hory The Mountains, My Mountains (80-89270-07-7)

Kniha - autor Vladimír Bárta, 160 stran, slovensky, pevná s přebalem lesklá Publikácia Hory, moje hory predstavuje na 160 stranách pôsobivý autorský pohľad na slovenské hory objektívom popredného slovenského " krajinárskeho " fotografa Vladimíra Bártu.Prostredníctvom takmer stovky farebných fotografií predstavuje Vysoké, Nízke, Západné, Belianske Tatry, Veľkú a Malú Fatru, Slovenské rudohorie, Malé Karpaty, Kremnické, Chočské, Strážovské, Štiavnické vrchy a iné významnejšie horstvá Slovenska. Doplňujúce texty sú preložené aj do anglického jazyka.

Objev podobné jako Slovenské hory: Hory moje hory The Mountains, My Mountains (80-89270-07-7)

cena 1076.0 Kč

At the Mountains of Madness (0241341310)

Kniha - autor H. P. Lovecraft, 128 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako At the Mountains of Madness (0241341310)

cena 193.0 Kč

When the Mountains Roared - Jess Butterworth

A vivid, warm and atmospheric adventure set in the mountains of India, about a girl who is determined to protect the wild leopards of the mountain from poachers, perfect for fans of Katherine Rundell.I thought we''d live here forever ... but then, I thought Mum would be here forever too.When Ruby''s dad uproots her from Australia to set up a hotel in the mountains of India, Ruby is devastated. Not only are they living in a run-down building in the middle of the wilderness surrounded by scorpions, bears and leopards, but Ruby is sure that India will never truly feel like home - not without her mum there.Ever since her mum died, Ruby has been afraid. Of cars. Of the dark. Of going to sleep and never waking up. But then the last remaining leopards of the mountain are threatened and everything changes. Ruby vows to do all she can to protect them - if she can only overcome her fears...

Objev podobné jako When the Mountains Roared - Jess Butterworth

cena 236.0 Kč

The Wizard and the Prophet: Science and the Future of Our Planet (1509884181)

Kniha - autor Charles C. Mann, 616 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako The Wizard and the Prophet: Science and the Future of Our Planet (1509884181)

cena 422.0 Kč

DJ Khaled - Major Key (2 LP)

Barva: Černá Balení obsahuje: LP Typ: Album;LP deska Upozornění pro rodiče: Nevhodný obsah pro děti a nezletilé Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Žánr: Trap;Hip Hop;Rap;R&B Rok nahrávky: 2016.0 Interpret / Téma: DJ Khaled Vydavatelství: Epic Barva podle výrobce: Black Země interpreta: USA Složení setu: 2 ks Rok vydání: 2016.0 Subžánr: Hip Hop;R&B;Trap Varianta: Major Key (2 LP) Země původu: Evropská unie Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM

Objev podobné jako DJ Khaled - Major Key (2 LP)

cena 1363.0 Kč

The Mountains Sing - Nguyen Phan Que Mai

An intimate, stirring portrait of a country at war and a family's battle to survive

Objev podobné jako The Mountains Sing - Nguyen Phan Que Mai

cena 295.0 Kč

Burlesque and the Art of the Teese / Fetish and the Art of Teese (0060591676)

Kniha - autor Dita von Teese, 256 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá - autor Dita von Teese, 256 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá The "Queen of the New Burlesque" reinvents the world of pin-ups, stripteases, and sexual role play in this beautifully designed double-sided look at modernAmerican burlesque and fetish. Color photos.

Objev podobné jako Burlesque and the Art of the Teese / Fetish and the Art of Teese (0060591676)

cena 953.0 Kč

Venice: The Lion, the City and the Water

The great Dutch author and traveller Cees Nooteboom (author of Roads to Santiago and The Following Story) sheds new light on the city, its history and its treasures VENICE: "A dream of palaces and churches, of power and money, dominion and decline, a paradise of beauty." By the author of Roads to Santiago and Roads to BerlinWith this treasury of his time spent in Venice over a period of fifty-five years, Nooteboom makes himself the indispensable companion for all lovers of "the sailing, amphibious city", and for every new visitor.Because he is a master storyteller with an inexhaustible curiosity, and always with a suitcase of books (to which new discoveries are added), he brings vividly and poetically to life not only the tumultuous history of the Republic but along the way its doges, its villains, its heroes, its magnificent painters, its architects, its scholars, its skies, its canals and piazzas and alleyways, and on his expeditions its "bronze voices of time".Those who know and love this city and its literature will recognise Nooteboom - in Laura Watkinson's fine translation - as the dazzling heir and companion to Montaigne, Thomas Mann, Rilke, Ruskin, Proust, Brodsky, and Donna Leon. His homage to Venice is a generous introduction, learned and enchanting, and worthy of its magnificent subject."His writing is lyrical and densely textured. He is a poet of time and memory" - COLIN THUBRONTranslated from the Dutch by Laura Watkinson

Objev podobné jako Venice: The Lion, the City and the Water

cena 357.0 Kč

The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse (1529105102)

Kniha - 128 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá

Objev podobné jako The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse (1529105102)

cena 445.0 Kč

The Power and the Glory (0099286092)

Kniha - autor Graham Greene, 240 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Graham Greene, 240 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Vintage Classic edition.

Objev podobné jako The Power and the Glory (0099286092)

cena 269.0 Kč

The Sound and the Fury (0099475014)

Kniha - autor William Faulkner, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A towering, intense novel of family from the winner of the Nobel Prize for LiteratureWith an introduction by Richard HughesEver since the first furore was created on its publication in 1929, The Sound and the Fury has been considered one of the key novels of this century. Depicting the gradual disintegration of the Compson family through four fractured narratives, The Sound and the Fury explores intense, passionate family relationships where there is no love, only self-centredness. At its heart this is a novel about lovelessness - 'only an idiot has no grief; only a fool would forget it. What else is there in this world sharp enough to stick to your guts?'Born in 1897 in New Albany, Mississippi, William Faulkner was the son of a family proud of their prominent role in the history of the south. He grew up in Oxford, Mississippi, and left high school at fifteen to work in his grandfather's...

Objev podobné jako The Sound and the Fury (0099475014)

cena 308.0 Kč

The Iliad and the Odyssey - Homér

Translated by George Chapman, with Introductions by Jan Parker.Hector bidding farewell to his wife and baby son, Odysseus bound to the mast listening to the Sirens, Penelope at the loom, Achilles dragging Hector''s body round the walls of Troy - scenes from Homer have been reportrayed in every generation. The questions about mortality and identity that Homer''s heroes ask, the bonds of love, respect and fellowship that motivate them, have gripped audiences for three millennia.Chapman''s Iliad and Odyssey are great English epic poems, but they are also two of the liveliest and readable translations of Homer. Chapman''s freshness makes the everyday world of nature and the craftsman as vivid as the battlefield and Mount Olympus. His poetry is driven by the excitement of the Renaissance discovery of classical civilisation as at once vital and distant, and is enriched by the perspectives of humanist thought.

Objev podobné jako The Iliad and the Odyssey - Homér

cena 148.0 Kč

The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me - Roald Dahl

"The Pelican spread his huge white wings and flew down on to the road beside me. ''Hop in,'' he said, opening his enormous beak . . ."MEET BILLY. A kid with a dream. He wants to turn an old wooden house into an incredible sweetshop full of treats!AND MEET THE LADDERLESS WINDOW-CLEANING COMPANY: Monkey, Pelican (Pelly) and Giraffe (who needs ladders when you''ve got a giraffe?!).They have just landed a big break cleaning all six hundred and seventy-seven windows of the mansion owned by the richest man in all of England! All they need now is a little help from Billy.Can these unlikely new friends make Billy''s wildest dreams come true and take him on an adventure he''ll never forget . . .?The text in this edition of The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me was updated in 2022 for young independent readers.

Objev podobné jako The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me - Roald Dahl

cena 223.0 Kč

At the Mountains of Madness - Howard P. Lovecraft

'To that flash of semi-vision can be traced a full half of the horror which has ever since haunted us' An expedition to Antarctica goes horribly wrong as a group of explorers stumbles upon some mysterious ancient ruins, with devastating consequences. At the Mountains of Madness ranks among Lovecraft's most terrifying novellas, and is a firm favourite among fans of classic horror. The Penguin English Library - collectable general readers' editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century to the end of the Second World War.

Objev podobné jako At the Mountains of Madness - Howard P. Lovecraft

cena 236.0 Kč

In the Mountains - Elizabeth von Arnim - e-kniha

eBook: The story is written in first person as a journal. Our narrator is a tired English woman who, after WWI, escapes ambiguous personal troubles in London and seeks refuge at her chalet among the Swiss Alps. As she starts to gain strength, two English women, also of ambiguous personal circumstances, show up literally on her doorstep.

Objev podobné jako In the Mountains - Elizabeth von Arnim - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

The Fork, the Witch, and the Worm - Christopher Paolini

It's been a year since Eragon departed Alagaësia in search of the perfect home to train a new generation of Dragon Riders. Now he is struggling with an endless sea of tasks: constructing a vast dragonhold, wrangling with suppliers, guarding dragon eggs and dealing with belligerent Urgals and haughty elves. Then a vision from the Eldunarí, unexpected visitors and an exciting Urgal legend offer a much-needed distraction and a new perspective. This volume features three original stories set in Alagaësia, interspersed with scenes from Eragon's own unfolding adventure. Included is an excerpt from the memoir of the unforgettable witch and fortune-teller Angela the herbalist, penned by Angela Paolini, the inspiration for the character, herself! Relish the incomparable imagination of Christopher Paolini in this thrilling new collection of stories based in the world of the Inheritance Cycle.

Objev podobné jako The Fork, the Witch, and the Worm - Christopher Paolini

cena 399.0 Kč

The Good, The Bad and The History - Jodi Taylor

BOOK 14 IN THE CHRONICLES OF ST MARY'S SERIES, FROM THE MILLION-COPY BESTSELLER JODI TAYLOR. 'Brilliant, hilarious, keeps you on your toes' Reader review 'The characters make me come back time and time again' Reader review 'I have not found another author who can tell a story involving time travel as well' Reader review St Mary's is under investigation. Their director has been shot and Max is Number One Suspect.Can things get any worse? We all know the answer to that one. Max needs to get away - fast - and a Brilliant Idea soon leads her to a full-scale uprising in twentieth-century China. If she can come by a historical treasure or two in the process, even better.That is, if she makes it out alive. Then there's the small matter of Insight - the sinister organisation from the future hell bent on changing History for their own dark ends. Having successfully infiltrated their ranks, Max is perfectly placed to stop them.But she knows her cover will soon be blown - because it's already happened. Can Max take down Insight before they come after her? The circle is closing, and only one can survive... For fans of Terry Pratchett, Jasper Fforde, Richard Osman's Thursday Murder Club series and Doctor Who.

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cena 268.0 Kč

DJ Khaled Father of Asahd (2 LP)

Typ: LP deska Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Upozornění pro rodiče: Nevhodný obsah pro děti a nezletilé Varianta: Father of Asahd (2 LP) Rok vydání: 2019.0 Interpret / Téma: DJ Khaled Žánr: Hip Hop;Rap;R&B;Trap Země interpreta: USA Subžánr: R&B;Trap;Hip Hop Barva podle výrobce: Black Rok nahrávky: 2019.0 Složení setu: 2 ks Vydavatelství: Epic Balení obsahuje: LP Země původu: Evropská unie Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva: Černá

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cena 597.6 Kč

The Cop and the Anthem and Other Stories - O. Henry

O. Henry was a master of the short story and one of the most popular American writers of the twentieth century. This selection of tales from across his writing career ranges from New York apartments to the cattle-lands of Texas, taking in con men, clerks, hustlers, shop assistants, tramps and tricksters. They all highlight his ironic, comic eye, his gift for evoking speech and setting, and his unique approach to life's quirks of fate. The Penguin English Library - collectable general readers' editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century to the end of the Second World War.

Objev podobné jako The Cop and the Anthem and Other Stories - O. Henry

cena 249.0 Kč

The Old Man and the Sea (9780099273967)

Kniha - autor Ernest Hemingway, 112 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Set in the Gulf Stream off the coast of Havana, Hemingway's magnificent fable is the tale of an old man, a young boy and a giant fish. This story of heroic endeavour won Hemingway the Nobel Prize for Literature. It stands as a unique and timeless vision of the beauty and grief of man's challenge to the elements.

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cena 200.0 Kč

The Lost and the Damned - Guy Haley

On the thirteenth day of Secundus, the bombardment of Terra began... With the solar defences overcome through the devastating strength of the Traitor armada and the power of the warp, Horus launches his assault on the Throneworld in earnest. After withstanding a ferocious barrage of ordnance, an immense ground war commences outside the Palace with every inch gained paid for in the lives of billions. The front lines are beyond horrific and the very air is reduced to poison and blood. Bodies are thrown into the meatgrinder but the outer redoubts cannot possibly hold for long, even with the loyal primarchs to reinforce them. For Horus has his own generals to call upon... Between the plague weapons of Mortarion and the fury of Angron, the defenders face a losing battle.

Objev podobné jako The Lost and the Damned - Guy Haley

cena 232.0 Kč

The Girl and the Mountain - Mark Lawrence

Second novel in the chilling and epic new fantasy series from the bestselling and critically-acclaimed author of PRINCE OF THORNS and RED SISTER. 'If you like dark you will love Mark Lawrence. And when the light breaks through and it all makes sense, the contrast is gorgeous' ROBIN HOBB On Abeth there is only the ice. And the Black Rock. For generations the priests of the Black Rock have reached out from their mountain to steer the ice tribes’ fate. With their Hidden God, their magic and their iron, the priests’ rule has never been challenged.But nobody has ever escaped the Pit of the Missing before. Yaz has lost her friends and found her enemies. She has a mountain to climb and even if she can break the Hidden God’s power her dream of a green world lies impossibly far to the south across a vast emptiness of ice. Before the journey can even start she has to find out what happened to the ones she loves and save those that can be saved. Abeth holds its secrets close, but the stars shine brighter for Yaz and she means to unlock the truth. To touch the sky, be prepared to climb

Objev podobné jako The Girl and the Mountain - Mark Lawrence

cena 268.0 Kč

Beauty and the Beast: The Enchantment - Geron

This 8×8 storybook with foil is filled with film stills and features a beautiful scene from the Walt Disney Studios’ film, Beauty and the Beast.

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cena 133.0 Kč

The Hungry and the Fat - Timur Vermes

By the author of Look Who's Back, a radical and bold satire in inequitable times.REFUGEE CAMPS IN AFRICA ARE SWELLINGAnd Europe has closed its borders. The refugees have no future, no hope, and no money to pay the vast sums now demanded by people smugglers. But what they do have is time.AND THEN AN ANGEL ARRIVES FROM REALITY T.V.When German model and star presenter Nadeche Hackenbusch comes to film at the largest of the camps, one young refugee sees a unique opportunity: to organise a march to Europe, in full view of the media. Viewers are gripped as the vast convoy moves closer, but the far right in Germany is regrouping and the government is at a loss. Which country will halt the refugees in their tracks?THE HUNGRY AND THE FATA devastating, close-to-the-knuckle satire about the haves and have-nots in our divided world by one of Europe's finest and most perceptive writers, in which an outlandish conceit follows a kind of impeccable logic to a devastating conclusion.Translated from the German by Jamie Bulloch

Objev podobné jako The Hungry and the Fat - Timur Vermes

cena 357.0 Kč

The Cat and the City - Nick Bradley

In Tokyo - one of the world's largest megacities - a stray cat is wending her way through the back alleys. And, with each detour, she brushes up against the seemingly disparate lives of the city-dwellers, connecting them in unexpected ways. But the city is changing. As it does, it pushes her to the margins where she chances upon a series of apparent strangers - from a homeless man squatting in an abandoned hotel, to a shut-in hermit afraid to leave his house, to a convenience store worker searching for love. The cat orbits Tokyo's denizens, drawing them ever closer.In Tokyo - one of the world's largest megacities - a stray cat is wending her way through the back alleys. And, with each detour, she brushes up against the seemingly disparate lives of the city-dwellers, connecting them in unexpected ways. But the city is changing. As it does, it pushes her to the margins where she chances upon a series of apparent strangers - from a homeless man squatting in an abandoned hotel, to a shut-in hermit afraid to leave his house, to a convenience store worker searching for love. The cat orbits Tokyo's denizens, drawing them ever closer.

Objev podobné jako The Cat and the City - Nick Bradley

cena 286.0 Kč

The Elephant and the Sea - Ed Vere

From the award-winning author-illustrator Ed Vere comes a lyrical tale that reminds us all to chase our dreams.Meet Gabriel. A young elephant who lives in a village by the sea.He has one dream and it’s to join the lifeboat crew. He wants to help people in the water, bravely sailing out to sea! But elephants don’t fit in lifeboats. He’s too big to help the sailors. But one STORMY, WINDY day, the lifeboat crew run into trouble and Gabriel might be the only one who can help. Can Gabriel save the day?One growing elephant. One smallish lifeboat. One BIG dream . . ."A charming winner about purpose, bravery, and making one’s dreams come true." - Kirkus Reviews

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cena 236.0 Kč

The Gecko and the Echo - Rachel Bright

A flamboyantly fun tropical tale of love, fame, friendship from the creators of the international bestseller The Lion Inside.Goldy wants one thing, and one thing only - to be a STAR. On the sunny island this gecko calls home, it''s always THE GOLDY SHOW, morning ''til night.But when you''re dazzled by the limelight, it''s easy to lose sight of the world around you. And when Goldy''s performance starts to go wrong, the little gecko discovers that friendship means so much more than fame. Because when you treat the world with love, then love will come echoing back.This funny and touching rhyming story is perfect for sharing, reminding us all that treating others with kindness makes the whole world a better and happier place.Shortlisted for the Laugh Out Loud Book Awards 2024!

Objev podobné jako The Gecko and the Echo - Rachel Bright

cena 236.0 Kč

The Dagger and the Flame - Catherine Doyleová

From the number one bestselling author Catherine Doyle comes the most fiery enemies-to-lovers romantasy of the year. Perfect for fans of Sarah J. Maas, Leigh Bardugo and Stephanie Garber. In the dark underbelly of a beautiful city, two rival assassins are pitted against each other in a deadly game of revenge, where the most dangerous mistake of all is falling in love… In Fantome, a kingdom of cobbled streets, flickering lamplight, beautiful buildings, and secret catacombs, Shade-magic is a scarce and deadly commodity controlled by two enemy guilds: the Cloaks and the Daggers – the thieves and the assassins. On the night of her mother’s murder, 17-year-old Seraphine runs for her life. Seeking sanctuary with the Cloaks, Sera’s heart is set on revenge. But are her secret abilities a match for the dark-haired boy whose quicksilver eyes follow her around the city? Nothing can prepare Sera for the moment she finally comes face-to-face with Ransom, heir to the Order of Daggers. And Ransom is shocked to discover that this unassuming farmgirl wields a strange and blazing magic he has never seen before… Among rumours of monsters stalking the streets and the rival guilds grappling for control of Fantome’s underworld, Sera and Ransom are drawn together by something more than just magic and must face a deadly choice - forgiveness or vengeance? Kiss or kill? Dagger or Flame?

Objev podobné jako The Dagger and the Flame - Catherine Doyleová

cena 502.0 Kč

The Weird and the Eerie - Mark Fisher

What exactly are the Weird and the Eerie? In this new essay, Mark Fisher argues that some of the most haunting and anomalous fiction of the 20th century belongs to these two modes. The Weird and the Eerie are closely related but distinct modes, each possessing its own distinct properties. Both have often been associated with Horror, yet this emphasis overlooks the aching fascination that such texts can exercise. The Weird and the Eerie both fundamentally concern the outside and the unknown, which are not intrinsically horrifying, even if they are always unsettling. Perhaps a proper understanding of the human condition requires examination of liminal concepts such as the weird and the eerie. These two modes will be analysed with reference to the work of authors such as H. P. Lovecraft, H. G. Wells, M.R. James, Christopher Priest, Joan Lindsay, Nigel Kneale, Daphne Du Maurier, Alan Garner and Margaret Atwood, and films by Stanley Kubrick, Jonathan Glazer and Christoper Nolan."

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cena 266.0 Kč

The Sleeping and the Dead - Ann Cleevesová

The Sleeping and The Dead is a tense psychological thriller from Ann Cleeves, author and creator of the three astounding TV series: Shetland, Vera and The Long Call.Detective Peter Porteous is called to Cranwell Lake where the body of a teenager has been discovered.After trawling through the missing persons files, he comes to the conclusion that the corpse is Michael Grey, an enigmatic and secretive young man who was reported missing by his foster parents in 1972.The news report that a body has been found leaves prison officer Hannah Morton in shock. Michael had been her boyfriend, and she had been with him the night he disappeared. And now the discovery is bringing back dreaded and long buried memories from her past . . .

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cena 399.0 Kč

The Hollow and the Haunted - Camilla Raines

In this darkly magical fantasy debut set in Washington State, a closeted teenage psychic foresees the death of his sworn enemy, and is forced to work with him to save his life. Sparks fly, but some ghosts don't want to stay buried...

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cena 295.0 Kč

The Snail and the Whale - Julia Donaldsonová

"How I long to sail!" said the tiny snail.The Snail and the Whale is a delightful tale of adventure and friendship by the unparalleled picture book partnership of Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler, creators of The Gruffalo. One little snail longs to see the world and hitches a lift on the tail of an enormous whale. Together they go on an amazing journey, past icebergs and volcanoes, sharks and penguins, and the little snail feels so small in the vastness of the world. But when disaster strikes and the whale is beached in a bay, it's the tiny snail's big plan that saves the day!This handy board book format is perfect for younger readers. It features the classic story with a stunning redesigned cover and beautiful finish, making it a must-have for even the smallest Donaldson and Scheffler fans! Also available in board book format and with striking redesigned covers are: The Gruffalo, The Gruffalo's Child, Room on the Broom, The Smartest Giant in Town, Monkey Puzzle, Charlie Cook's Favourite Book, and A Squash and a Squeeze.

Objev podobné jako The Snail and the Whale - Julia Donaldsonová

cena 236.0 Kč

The Smeds and the Smoos - Julia Donaldsonová

Soar into space with this glorious love story of alienfolk, from the creators of The Gruffalo and StickMan.The Smeds (who are red) never mix with the Smoos (who are blue).So when a young Smed and Smoo fall in love, their families stronglydisapprove.But peace is restored and love conquers all in this happiest oflove stories. There's even a gorgeous purple baby to celebrate!

Objev podobné jako The Smeds and the Smoos - Julia Donaldsonová

cena 178.0 Kč

The Heart and the Bottle - Oliver Jeffers

Award-winning picture book star Oliver Jeffers explores themes of love and loss in this life-affirming and uplifting tale.Once there was a girl whose life was filled with wonder at the world around her…Then one day something happened that made the girl take her heart and put it in a safe place. However, after that it seemed that the world was emptier than before. But would she know how to get her heart back?In this deeply moving story, Oliver Jeffers deals with the weighty themes of love and loss with an extraordinary lightness of touch and shows us, ultimately, that there is always hope.

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cena 178.0 Kč

The Maid and the Crocodile - Jordan Ifueko

A romantic standalone fantasy set in the world of Raybearer, from New York Times bestselling author Jordan IfuekoTHE SMALLEST SPARK CAN BIND TWO HEARTS . . . OR START A REVOLUTION. In the magic-soaked capital city of Oluwan, Small Sade needs a job - preferably as a maid, with employers who don't mind her unique appearance and unlucky foot. But before she can be hired, she accidentally binds herself to a powerful being known only as the Crocodile, a god rumoured to devour pretty girls. Small Sade entrances the Crocodile with her secret: she is a Curse Eater, gifted with the ability to alter people's fates by cleaning their houses. The handsome god warns that their fates are bound, but Small Sade evades him, launching herself into a new career as the Curse Eater of a swanky inn. She is determined to impress the wealthy inhabitants and earn her place in Oluwan City . . . assuming her secret-filled past - and the revolutionary ambitions of the Crocodile - don't catch up with her. But maybe there is more to Small Sade. And maybe everyone in Oluwan City deserves more too - from the maids all the way to the Anointed Ones.

Objev podobné jako The Maid and the Crocodile - Jordan Ifueko

cena 295.0 Kč

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