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Mina Fossati - Mina Fossati (CD)

Typ: CD;Digipak Země interpreta: Itálie Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;1970 - 1979;1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009;1960 - 1969;1980 - 1989 Balení obsahuje: CD Složení setu: 1 ks Země původu: Evropská unie Subžánr: Vocal;Chanson Datum vydání: 2019-11-22 Žánr: Pop Vydavatelství: Sony Music Varianta: Mina Fossati (CD) Rok vydání: 2019.0 Interpret / Téma: Mina Fossati

Podívejte se také Diář 2023 B6 LYRA týdenní Whales

cena 651.2 Kč

Mina Fossati - Mina Fossati (Deluxe Hardcover Book) (CD)

Interpret / Téma: Mina Fossati Rok vydání: 2019.0 Varianta: Mina Fossati (Deluxe Hardcover Book) (CD) Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;1990 - 1999;1960 - 1969;1970 - 1979;1980 - 1989;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Žánr: Pop Datum vydání: 2019-11-22 Vydavatelství: Sony Music Subžánr: Chanson;Vocal Balení obsahuje: CD Typ: CD;Rezervovat;Luxusní edice Země původu: Evropská unie Země interpreta: Itálie Složení setu: 1 ks

Podívejte se také Diář 2023 A5 LYRA týdenní Whales

cena 748.0 Kč

Echosmith: Lonely Generation - CD (0189099912)

Hudební CD - V pořadí druhé studiové album americké kapely Echosmith z roku 2020. V pořadí druhé studiové album americké kapely Echosmith z roku 2020. Echosmith je americká rocková a indie popová kapela, která se zformovala v roce 2009. Kapelu tvoří čtyři sourozenci: Graham, Sydney, Noah, a Jamie Sierotovi. Mediální pozornost na sebe kapela strhla hlavně díky skladbě „Cool Kids”, která se umístila na 13. příčce v hitparádě Billboard Hot 100. Jejich debutové album s názvem „Talking Dreams” bylo vydáno v říjnu 2013. Seznam stop Lonely generation / Diamonds / Cracked / Shut up and kiss me / Stuck / Last forever / Everyone cries / Scared to be alone / Lost somebody / Love you better / Follow you / I don't wanna lose my love

Podívejte se také Orbison Roy: Sings Lonely And Blue - LP (0888837747714)

cena 339.0 Kč

-123 min. - Les (CD)

Po deseti letech přichází -123min. s novou nahrávkou. Novinka obsahuje devět skladeb a poprvé za celou existenci kapely se jedná o desku zpívanou v češtině. LES natáčely „Minuty“ v legendárním studiu Sono Records a jako hosta ke spolupráci přizvaly i geniálního jazzového trumpetistu Erika Trufazze. „Album je příběhem přátelství, který jsme znovu našli v Minutách,” říká frontman Zdeněk Bína. Trio uznávaných muzikantů se na scénu vrátilo v roce 2016 a nyní vydává i dlouho očekávanou desku, kterou pokřtí 25. září v Lucerna Music Baru v Praze. Následovat bude celorepublikové turné a během podzimu kapela navštíví přes dvacet českých měst. Velkým překvapením pro posluchače je i radikální změna, kterou tvoří texty v českém jazyce. Avšak hudebně nová nahrávka navazuje na „Minuty“ tak, jak je známe. Síla kapely spočívá především v živých energických vystoupeních, které jsou z velké části tvořeny improvizací. Propojují žánry jako soul, groove, jazz, blues, funky či world music. Formaci tvoří trio uznávaných muzikantů; zpěvák, kytarista a autor písní Zdeněk Bína, baskytarista Fredrik Janáček a výjimečný bubeník Dano Šoltis.

Objev podobné jako -123 min. - Les (CD)

cena 299.0 Kč

Jedenáct minut (MP3-CD) - audiokniha

Coelhův román Jedenáct minut je odvážným a nekonvenčním vyprávěním o všech podobách lásky. Čte: Dana Černá. Proslulý brazilský spisovatel se ve svém románu inspiroval příběhem mladé Brazilky. Venkovská dívka podepíše v Rio de Janeiru s evropským podnikatelem smlouvu, která jí má zajistit kariéru tanečnice, když však pozná skutečné podmínky práce v ženevském podniku, dá přednost svobodnějšímu životu prostitutky. Tak předčasně vyzrává a vzdaluje se ideálům mládí, místo snů má cíl: našetřit peníze na koupi statku v Brazílii. Je zklamána citovými i sexuálními "vzory" a představa harmonického tělesného i duševního splynutí dvou lidí jí připadá zcela utopická. Jakmile však symbolicky vkročí na starobylou poutnickou Svatojakubskou cestu, která Ženevou prochází, rázem se její tělo i duše začínají působením lásky opět shledávat.

Objev podobné jako Jedenáct minut (MP3-CD) - audiokniha

cena 309.0 Kč

-123 min.: Dream - CD (MAM456-2)

Hudební CD - Album kapely -123 min neztrácí nic ze svého stylu a přidává etnicko jazzové groovy. Album kapely -123 min neztrácí nic ze svého stylu a přidává etnicko jazzové groovy. "Minuty" se odpoutaly od čistě rockových postupů daleko více než dřív. Rock, jazz, funky i etno se podařilo díky neutuchající energii celého tria autorovi hudby Zdeňku Bínovi skloubit do skvěle fungujícího celku. Do kapely dokonale zapadá i bubeník Miloš Dvořáček, který přišel do - 123 min později. Sehranost a instrumentální zručnost způsobuje, že skupina neměla potřebu si do studia zvát další hosty, hostoval jen Milan Žáček na flétny. Nahrávalo se ve Studiu Ariston, výsledná nahrávka splňuje všechny přísné požadavky kapely a zní opravdu skvěle. Obsah: Subterranean Wonderground Sea Or Sure Self-implosion You Can't Hide Love Sol Your Satellite High Treason

Objev podobné jako -123 min.: Dream - CD (MAM456-2)

cena 269.0 Kč

-123 min.: Home? - CD (MAM183-2)

Hudební CD - Třetí album zaujme rockově soulovým feelingem, který dokreslují hostující perkuse Imrana Musa Zangiho a náladotvorné klávesy Poláka Andrzeje Wasniewského. Třetí album zaujme rockově soulovým feelingem, který dokreslují hostující perkuse Imrana Musa Zangiho a náladotvorné klávesy Poláka Andrzeje Wasniewského. 12 nových písniček posunuje melodické a zvukové hranice této hudby zase o kus dál. Obsah: Amy Break time Holes Home? Lethal lullaby Petrified Seeing My Face Unfair Chess While The World Spins Around Won't Get Higher

Objev podobné jako -123 min.: Home? - CD (MAM183-2)

cena 219.0 Kč

-123 min.: Try - CD (INT003-2)

Hudební CD - Album jedné z nejlepších „živých” kapel u nás - skupiny -123 min. Album jedné z nejlepších „živých” kapel u nás - skupiny -123 min. Seznam stop Try / I See You Shine / Hey, Son / You Chose This Way / Chocolate Jam / Fool Of Moral Sense / Mojo Bride / Failure / Seriously / Faiture / Seriously / Runnin' On / Low / Sadorealism / Blue Sunday / Soul Surgery

Objev podobné jako -123 min.: Try - CD (INT003-2)

cena 219.0 Kč

-123 min.: XL live - CD (MAM233-2)

Hudební CD - Skupina vyslyšela mnohaleté volání svých fanoušků po záznamu žhavé koncertní atmosféry, která vystoupení -123 minut od vzniku kapely provází. Skupina vyslyšela mnohaleté volání svých fanoušků po záznamu žhavé koncertní atmosféry, která vystoupení -123 minut od vzniku kapely provází. Živé album je na světě, a to hned v rozšířené sestavě s hostujícími muzikanty. Funkyjazzrocková mašina to žhaví na plnou páru a hezký digipack podtrhuje mimořádnost tohoto projektu. Seznam stop SO TRE MA PO / Won't Get Higher / Unfair Chess / Holes / Hey, Son / September / Lethal Lullaby / Amy / Dada Blues / Break time

Objev podobné jako -123 min.: XL live - CD (MAM233-2)

cena 249.0 Kč

Serious Black: Vengeance Is Mine - CD (0884860415323)

Hudební CD - Páté studiové album Melodic-Power-Metal hrdinů z Mnichova jménem Serious Black. Páté studiové album Melodic-Power-Metal hrdinů z Mnichova jménem Serious Black. Rok vydání : 2022 (5.album) Seznam stop CD Rock With Us Tonight / Out Of The Ashes / Fallen Hero / Senso Della Vita / Ray Of Light / Soul Divider / Tonight I'm Ready To Fight / Just For You / Soldiers Of Eternal Light / The Story / Queen Of Lies / Album Of Our Life / Alea Iacta Est

Objev podobné jako Serious Black: Vengeance Is Mine - CD (0884860415323)

cena 459.0 Kč

-123 min.: Shooba Dooba - CD (MAM162-2)

Hudební CD - -123 min je česká hudební skupina, která ve své hudbě propojuje více žánrů, zejména ovšem jazz, blues, funky a world music. -123 min je česká hudební skupina, která ve své hudbě propojuje více žánrů, zejména ovšem jazz, blues, funky a world music. Seznam stop Illusion / Tilagetcha / Play, My Finger / Tutti-Frutti In Realtime / Hookered / No More Day / She Won't Care / Your Song / C'mon, Back! / To Move On / I'm In You / I Haven't Got A Lady / I'm Gonna Leave You Right Now / Right Now / September / Dance Or Die

Objev podobné jako -123 min.: Shooba Dooba - CD (MAM162-2)

cena 219.0 Kč

The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club (Box Set) (6 CD)

Žánr: Rock;Pop Subžánr: Rock;Pop Rock;Pop Typ: CD;Box Set;Luxusní edice Balení obsahuje: CD;DVD;Blu-ray Složení setu: 6 ks Země původu: Evropská unie Varianta: Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club (Box Set) (6 CD) Dekáda interpreta: 1960 - 1969;1950 - 1959;1970 - 1979 Interpret / Téma: The Beatles Vydavatelství: Apple Records Země interpreta: Spojené království

Objev podobné jako The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club (Box Set) (6 CD)

cena 2696.0 Kč

Džusový Brouk: Necelých 44 min. - CD (310587-2)

Hudební CD - Skupina Džusový Brouk a jejich album Necelých 44 Min z roku 2003. Skupina Džusový Brouk a jejich album Necelých 44 Min z roku 2003. Seznam stop CD Bára / Grafitová / Ahoj Luu / Letím Tmou / Noční / Letní / Paseky / Nechávám / Po Přechodu / Velká dáma / Žáby

Objev podobné jako Džusový Brouk: Necelých 44 min. - CD (310587-2)

cena 189.0 Kč

Minuta ticha: Život v obrazech - CD (MAM283-2)

Hudební CD - Život v obrazech je debutovým albem hip-hopové kapely Minuta Ticha, pocházející z Karviné. Život v obrazech je debutovým albem hip-hopové kapely Minuta Ticha, pocházející z Karviné. CD obsahuje dvacet skladeb, jeden remix a tři skity, na kterých se vyřádil havířovský Dj Fukkel a Dj Kika z Ostravy. Kluci toho mají hodně na srdci a délka alba 77 minut mluví za vše. Seznam stop Intro / Hledám / Cirkus / Obrazy / Hranice / Dvě tváře / Můza / Skit / Recepty / Dobrý / Špatný den / Nemoc / Živote / Ze srdce / Potok / Bolest / Skit-Jeden Z tisíce / Koloběh / Dám ti sílu / Uvnitř stále stejní / Cesta / Nebudu čekat na dny / Dám ti sílu / remix / Mezi kapkami deště / Autobus / Outro

Objev podobné jako Minuta ticha: Život v obrazech - CD (MAM283-2)

cena 219.0 Kč

Boll Bunny 6 Whales

Batůžek Bunny je určený pro předškolní děti s výškou od 90 cm do 120 cm a je vhodný do školky, na kroužky i do přírody. Díky velmi nízké hmotnosti, optimálnímu objemu, nepromokavé látce a kvalitnímu zádovému systému s bederním a hrudním popruhem je spolehlivým společníkem na výlety v každém terénu a do každého počasí. ergonomicky tvarované ramenní popruhy, které nesklouzávají z ramen polstrovaný a vyztužený zádový panel pro pohodlí a ochranu zad nastavitelný hrudní a bederní popruh pro optimální rozložení váhy a zvýšení stability na zádech hlavní komora se síťovanou kapsou na zip boční síťované kapsy na láhev bezpečnostní reflexní body vepředu i vzadu, aby vaše dítě bylo lépe vidět poutka na zavěšení přívěsků nebo plyšáků velmi lehký a nepromokavý materiál s PU zátěrem nízká hmotnost

Objev podobné jako Boll Bunny 6 Whales

cena 674.0 Kč

Why the Whales Came - Michael Morpurgo

A stunning story of friendship and our natural world set against the backdrop of the First World War. From the nation’s favourite storyteller, Michael Morpurgo.Gracie and her friend Daniel have always been warned to stay away from the Birdman and his side of the island. But then they find a message in the sand and discover the Birdman is not who they thought.But his warnings to stay away from the abandoned and cursed Samson Island stay with them. And when those warnings seem to be coming true, Gracie and Daniel must find out what the Birdman knows – before it''s too late …Why the Wales Came is a gripping historical tale full of adventure and friendship, from the author of War Horse.Michael Morpurgo has written more than one hundred books for children and won the Whitbread Award, the Smarties Award, the Circle of Gold Award, the Children’s Book Award and has been short-listed for the Carnegie Medal four times.

Objev podobné jako Why the Whales Came - Michael Morpurgo

cena 236.0 Kč

Veselka Ladislava Kubeše: Bábinko má, čas minul docela - CD (491027-2)

Hudební CD - Pod jménem Veselka Ladislava Kubeše kapela veřejně vystupuje a studiově natáčí od roku 1981, kdy v něm pod vedením Ladislava Kubeše mladšího, po léta kontrabasisty operního orchestru prestižního Národního divadla v Praze, začali hrát jeho profesionální kolegové, samí špičkoví hudebníci. Pod jménem Veselka Ladislava Kubeše kapela veřejně vystupuje a studiově natáčí od roku 1981, kdy v něm pod vedením Ladislava Kubeše mladšího, po léta kontrabasisty operního orchestru prestižního Národního divadla v Praze, začali hrát jeho profesionální kolegové, samí špičkoví hudebníci. Také pěvečtí sólisté patří k nejlepším, kteří v České republice v žánru dechové hudby působí. Dramaturgie a repertoár orchestru vychází především z autorského odkazu Ladislava Kubeše otce a obecněji vůbec z melodiky jihočeského folklóru, jehož byl sběratelem a pilným upravovatelem, rozšiřuje se však o jeho hudební následovníky, ať už dávno známé, nebo iniciativně vyhledávané....

Objev podobné jako Veselka Ladislava Kubeše: Bábinko má, čas minul docela - CD (491027-2)

cena 179.0 Kč

T-TOMI látkové pleny, Blue Whales (8594166540590)

Látkové pleny - dětské, flanelové, rozměry 76 × 76 cm , 4 kusy v balení, motiv zvířata, bílá a modrá barva Kvalita pro vaše dítě? Látkové pleny s moderním potiskem jsou vyrobené z kvalitní bavlny.Kvalita pro vaše dítě? Látkové pleny s moderním potiskem jsou vyrobené z kvalitní bavlny. Jsou spojené s jemným flanelem a hodí se pro klasické použití i jako podklad do kočárků a postýlek, na přebalovací pult a jiné. Výhodou je využití jako dětská osuška na cestách. Materiál je velmi měkký, savý a příjemný k dětské pokožce. Děti zaujme originální potisk s dětskými motivy.Hlavní přednostimateriál 100% bavlnavysoká gramáž bavlny 167g/m2 zajišťuje vysokou savostpovrchová úprava z jemného flanelurozměr 76 × 76 cmbalení obsahuje 4ks plen s moderním designem

Objev podobné jako T-TOMI látkové pleny, Blue Whales (8594166540590)

cena 369.0 Kč

Národní třída: CD mp3 2hodiny 47 minut (859-4-694-8019-0)

Audiokniha na CD - autor Jaroslav Rudiš, čte Hynek Čermák obsah: Klub osamělých rváčů. Hlavní hrdina, přezdívaný Vandam, vypráví příběh svých životních soubojů s městem, nedávnou minulostí a rodinnými démony. Drsná a zároveň melancholická novela ze sídliště, kde lidé a domy vzdorují přírodě i neodvratnému zániku. Nový Rudiš zasáhne čtenáře přímo na solar. Inspirováno skutečnými událostmi. "Vždycky může vyhrát jen jeden. Takhle a ne jinak funguje svět. A když zkusíš někoho zmlátit, tak pochopíš, jak to funguje a nebudeš mít už potřebu dál pátrat a tápat. Někoho poučíš o životě a sám budeš taky poučenej." popis: Hrají: Hynek Čermák a Kristýna Frejová Režie: Michal Bureš

Objev podobné jako Národní třída: CD mp3 2hodiny 47 minut (859-4-694-8019-0)

cena 209.0 Kč

IVE - I've Mine (1st Mini Album / 92pg) (4 Versions) (Random Shipping) (CD)

Země původu: Německo Vydavatelství: Starship Entertainment Interpret / Téma: IVE Rok vydání: 2023.0 Datum vydání: 2023-05-27 Žánr: Pop Varianta: I've Mine (1st Mini Album / 92pg) (Photobook / 4 Versions) (CD) Balení obsahuje: CD Subžánr: K-Pop Typ: CD Složení setu: 1 ks

Objev podobné jako IVE - I've Mine (1st Mini Album / 92pg) (4 Versions) (Random Shipping) (CD)

cena 726.0 Kč

Lonely Planet Kids Mysterious World - Lonely Planet, Lonely Planet Kids

Uncover our planet''s most sensational secrets with this mind-boggling atlas of mysteries that''s packed with more than 100 strange and unexplained enigmas.What happened to the Bermuda Triangle? Where have Bigfoot, the Yeti, and the Yowie been sighted? Why does the legend of Area 51 fascinate us? Bursting with stories about ghostly hauntings, bizarre disappearances, and curious cryptids, this awesome guide to the unusual is the ultimate fact-packed mystery book for readers all over the world.Inside Mysterious World: More than 100 famous and obscure mysteries from across the planetProvides a global view of all that is unexplained with continent-based chapters that take an in-depth look at each thrilling taleFascinating fun facts for kids to impress their friends and family with, plus historic photographs, maps, illustrations, and bespoke original art throughoutContents include: North America - Roswell, USA; The Oak Island Mystery, Canada; Pacal the Great, Mexico. South America - El Dorado, Colombia; Nazca Lines, Peru; The Devil''s Lagoon, Chile. Europe - The Missing Lighthouse Keepers, UK; The Crooked Forest, Poland; The Tatzelwurm, Central Europe. Africa - The Curse of Tutankhamun, Egypt; Kongamato, Zambia; The Dogon and Sirius, Mali. Asia - The Mongolian Death Worm, Mongolia; The Sky Caves, Nepal; Naga Fireballs, Thailand. Oceania - The Yowie, Australia; The Kaikōura Lights, New Zealand; The Giant Heads of Rapa NuiWritten by Laura Knowles, author of It Starts with a Seed, which won the 2017 Margaret Mallett Award for Children''s Nonfiction Mysterious World is the much-anticipated follow up to Lonely Planet Kids’ Hidden Wonders. If it''s unexplained, peculiar and strange, it''s in this book…

Objev podobné jako Lonely Planet Kids Mysterious World - Lonely Planet, Lonely Planet Kids

cena 443.0 Kč

Lonely Planet Kids The Rocks Book - Lonely Planet, Lonely Planet Kids

The ultimate introduction to rocks, minerals, and gemstones for kids - and grown-ups too!What are rocks? How do fossils form? Are rocks different across the world? The Rocks Book has all the answers for curious readers, budding geologists - and petrologists! Learn about rocks from space, tips on how to collect rocks sustainably, and discover an epic directory of rocks and minerals to help kids identify treasures found on rock hunting trips.Inside The Rocks Book:An incredible breadth of knowledge about the planet''s many rocks and minerals written in an engaging and informative way for children and grown-ups alikeRocks around the world are explored continent by continent across North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia, Oceania, Antarctica, and even Under the SeaFun sections and features including Rock Detectives and Be a Rock Collector! keep kids entertained and aid learningFascinating ''Directory of Rocks and Minerals'' provides in-depth coverage of basalt, obsidian, sandstone, marble, gold, copper, and many moreWritten by Nancy Dickmann, author of Lonely Planet Kids'' Amazing Night Sky Atlas and Amazing Ancient History Atlas Find out what the world is made of, from top to bottom, with The Rocks Book - the latest addition to Lonely Planet Kids'' The Fact Book series. This is the ultimate study of rocks for geology-loving kids and the perfect gift for curious children who want to learn more about our planet.

Objev podobné jako Lonely Planet Kids The Rocks Book - Lonely Planet, Lonely Planet Kids

cena 473.0 Kč

Lonely Planet Istanbul - Lonely Planet

Lonely Planet''s Istanbul is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Shop in the colourful bazaars, visit the majestic Aya Sofya basilica, or take a ferry to the Black Sea; all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Istanbul and begin your journey now!Inside Lonely Planet''s Istanbul Travel Guide:Up-to-date information - all businesses were rechecked before publication to ensure they are still open after 2020’s COVID-19 outbreakColour maps and images throughoutHighlights and itineraries help you tailor your trip to your personal needs and interestsInsider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spotsEssential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, pricesHonest reviews for all budgets - eating, sleeping, sightseeing, going out, shopping, hidden gems that most guidebooks missCultural insights give you a richer, more rewarding travel experience - history, people, music, landscapes, wildlife, cuisine, politicsOver 30 mapsCovers Sultanahmet, Bazaar District, Western Districts, Beyoglu, Besiktas, Ortakoy, Kurucesme and moreThe Perfect Choice: Lonely Planet''s Istanbul, our most comprehensive guide to Istanbul, is perfect for both exploring top sights and taking roads less travelled.Looking for more extensive coverage? Check out Lonely Planet’s Turkey for a comprehensive look at all the country has to offer.Looking for just the highlights of Istanbul? Check out Pocket Istanbul, a handy-sized guide focused on the can''t-miss sights for a quick trip.About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet is a leading travel media company, providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973. Over the past four decades, we''ve printed over 145 million guidebooks and phrasebooks for 120 languages, and grown a dedicated, passionate global community of travellers. You''ll also find our content online, and in mobile apps, videos, 14 languages, armchair and lifestyle books, ebooks, and more, enabling you to explore every day. ''Lonely Planet. It''s on everyone''s bookshelves, it''s in every traveller''s hands. It''s on mobile phones. It''s on the Internet. It''s everywhere, and it''s telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.'' - Fairfax Media''Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.'' - New York Times

Objev podobné jako Lonely Planet Istanbul - Lonely Planet

cena 443.0 Kč

Lonely Planet Korea - Lonely Planet

Lonely Planet's Korea is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Explore the dramatic landscape of Jeju-do, feast on bibimbap in Jeonju, and wander the streets of Bukchon; all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Korea and begin your journey now!

Objev podobné jako Lonely Planet Korea - Lonely Planet

cena 509.0 Kč

Lonely Planet Peru - Lonely Planet

Lonely Planet's Peru is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Explore the ancient Inca citadel of Machu Picchu, hike to the dramatic peaks of the Cordillera Blanca, and traverse three climatic zones in the Amazonian Parque Nacional Manu; all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Peru and begin your journey now!

Objev podobné jako Lonely Planet Peru - Lonely Planet

cena 473.0 Kč

Lonely Planet Japan - Lonely Planet

Lonely Planet''s local travel experts reveal all you need to know to plan the trip of a lifetime to Japan.Discover popular and off the beaten track experiences from visiting Yoshino for Japan''s most famous cherry-blossom-viewing festival to sipping sake at a 300-year-old brewery in Niigata, and exploring the Unesco-listed streetscapes of Hagi. Build a trip to remember with Lonely Planet''s Japan Travel Guide:Our classic guidebook format provides you with the most comprehensive level of information for planning multi-week tripsUpdated with an all new structure and design so you can navigate Japan and connect experiences together with easeCreate your perfect trip with exciting itineraries for extended journeys combined with suggested day trips, walking tours, and activities to match your passionsGet fresh takes on must-visit sights including climbing Mt Fuji, visiting Senso-ji, Tokyo''s oldest temple, and experiencing the extravagant shrine of Tosho-guSpecial features on onsen etiquette, Japanese food, and the 88 sacred temples pilgrimageExpert local recommendations on when to go, eating, drinking, nightlife, shopping, accommodation, adventure activities, festivals, and moreEssential information toolkit containing tips on arriving; transport; making the most of your time and money; LGBTIQ+ travel advice; useful words and phrases; accessibility; and responsible travelConnect with Japanese culture through stories that delve deep into local life, history, and traditions Inspiring full-colour travel photography and maps including a pull out map of TokyoCovers Tokyo, Mt Fuji & around Tokyo, Central Honshu & the Japan Alps, Kyoto, Kansai, Hiroshima & Western Honshu, Northern Honshu, Sapporo & Hokkaido, Shikoku, Kyushu, Okinawa & the Southwest Islands Create a trip that''s uniquely yours and get to the heart of this extraordinary country with Lonely Planet''s Japan.

Objev podobné jako Lonely Planet Japan - Lonely Planet

cena 591.0 Kč

Hračky do písku Liewood Dante Whales Beach Set

Hračky na pískoviště z kolekce Liewood. Vyrobeno z bezpečného, netoxického silikonu.

Objev podobné jako Hračky do písku Liewood Dante Whales Beach Set

cena 549.0 Kč

Fighting the Whales - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha

eBook: Suddenly fatherless, young Bob Ledbury must find work so he can support himself and his mother. Struggling to find employment, Bob’s life changes forever when he meets old Tom Lokins, who recognises the desperate situation and invites Bob to join his whaling ship. There is plenty of fun in-store for the pair on the high-seas, as we follow them on their nautical adventures.

Objev podobné jako Fighting the Whales - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

Lonely Planet Pocket Prague - Lonely Planet

Lonely Planet's Pocket Prague is your guide to the city's best experiences and local life - neighbourhood by neighbourhood; Grab a coffee in the Old Town Square, admire Prague Castle from Charles Bridge and wander through the old Jewish Cemetery; all with your trusted travel companion. Uncover the best of Prague and make the most of your trip!Inside Lonely Planet's Pocket Prague: Full-colour maps and travel photography throughoutHighlights and itineraries help you tailor a trip to your personal needs and interestsInsider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spotsEssential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, pricesHonest reviews for all budgets - eating, sightseeing, going out, shopping, hidden gems that most guidebooks missConvenient pull-out Prague map (included in print version), plus over 13 colour neighbourhood mapsUser-friendly layout with helpful icons, and organised by neighbourhood to help you pick the best spots to spend your timeCovers Hradcany, Mala Strana, Stare Mesto, Nove Mesto, Petrin Hill, Old Town Square, Wenceslas Square, Vinohrady, Zizkov and moreThe Perfect Choice: Lonely Planet's Pocket Prague, an easy-to-use guide filled with top experiences - neighbourhood by neighbourhood - that literally fits in your pocket. Make the most of a quick trip to Prague with trusted travel advice to get you straight to the heart of the city.Looking for more extensive coverage? Check out Lonely Planet's Prague & Czech Republic guide for a comprehensive look at all that the city and country has to offer. About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet is a leading travel media company, providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973. Over the past four decades, we've printed over 145 million guidebooks and phrasebooks for 120 languages, and grown a dedicated, passionate global community of travellers.You'll also find our content online, and in mobile apps, videos, 14 languages, armchair and lifestyle books, ebooks, and more, enabling you to explore every day. 'Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.' - New York Times'Lonely Planet. It's on everyone's bookshelves; it's in every traveller's hands.It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet. It's everywhere, and it's telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.' - Fairfax Media (Australia)

Objev podobné jako Lonely Planet Pocket Prague - Lonely Planet

cena 250.0 Kč

Lonely Planet Pocket Ibiza - Lonely Planet

Inside Lonely Planet's Pocket Ibiza: Up-to-date information - all businesses were rechecked before publication to ensure they are still open after 2020's COVID-19 outbreak Full-colour maps and travel photography throughout Highlightsand itineraries help you tailor a trip to your personal needs and interests Insider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots Essential infoat your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, prices Honest reviews for all budgets - eating, sightseeing, going out, shopping, hidden gems that most guidebooks miss Convenient pull-out Ibizamap (included in print version), plus over 18 colour neighbourhood maps User-friendly layout with helpful icons, and organised by neighbourhood to help you pick the best spots to spend your time Covers Ibiza Town, Santa Eularia des Riu, Sant Antoni de Portmany, Formentera and more The Perfect Choice:Lonely Planet's Pocket Ibiza, an easy-to-use guide filled with top experiences - neighbourhood by neighbourhood - that literally fits in your pocket. Make the most of a quick trip to Ibiza with trusted travel advice to get you straight to the heart of the island. eBook Features: (Best viewed on tablet devices and smartphones) Downloadable PDF and offline maps prevent roaming and data charges Effortlessly navigate and jump between maps and reviews Add notes to personalise your guidebook experience Seamlessly flip between pages Bookmarksand speedy search capabilities get you to key pages in a flash Embedded links to recommendations' websites Zoom-in maps and photos Inbuilt dictionary for quick referencing About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet is a leading travel media company, providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973.Over the past four decades, we've printed over 145 million guidebooks and phrasebooks for 120 languages, and grown a dedicated, passionate global community of travellers. You'll also find our content online, and in mobile apps, videos, 14 languages, armchair and lifestyle books, ebooks, and more, enabling you to explore every day. 'Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.' - New York Times 'Lonely Planet.It's on everyone's bookshelves; it's in every traveller's hands. It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet.It's everywhere, and it's telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.' - Fairfax Media (Australia)

Objev podobné jako Lonely Planet Pocket Ibiza - Lonely Planet

cena 269.0 Kč

Lonely Planet Kids A Treasury of Traditional Tales - Lonely Planet, Lonely Planet Kids

Meet brave princesses, kind giants, magical elves, and vengeful serpents in this beautifully illustrated collection of traditional tales from around the world.From African animal fables to Native American trickster tales, curious readers will find 20 spellbinding retellings of ancient stories from across the continents. Take a peek into the memories, fears, and dreams of the people who first told these stories hundreds - or even thousands - of years ago.Inside A Treasury of Traditional Tales:20 traditional tales from around the world passed down over the years and retold from authors who represent the heritage of each tale''s regionImportant lessons on living your best life, facing dangers, being brave, and respecting nature can be found within the storiesArranged continent-by-continent with stunning illustrations by Bulgarian born, Finland-based artist, Teo GeorghievStories include: North America - Raven Brings Light to the World (Haida Gwaii, Canada); The Uktena''s Diamond (Cherokee Nation, USA); Sisimites (Mexico); Tata Duende (Belize). South America - Nine-Night (Guyana); Iara (Brazil); Pachakamaq and Pachamama (Peru). Africa - The Spider and the Turtle (Nigeria); The Love of a Hippo (Kenya); Why the Owl Flies at Night (Zimbabwe). Europe - The Bear Princess (England); Branwen (Wales); The Seven Wishes (Sweden). Oceania - The Rainbow Serpent (Australia); Māui Discovers Fire (New Zealand); Tigilau Versus Seia (Samoa). Asia - The Merchant and the Parrot (Ancient Persia); The King, the Queen and the Bee (Ancient Israel); The King, the Beetle and the Silk Thread (India); The Magic Dragon Boat (China) A Treasury of Traditional Tales is the much-anticipated follow-up to Lonely Planet Kids'' Myths and Legends of the World and Spooky Stories of the World. This is the ultimate collection of stories for readers who love tales filled with magic, mystery, travel, and adventure.

Objev podobné jako Lonely Planet Kids A Treasury of Traditional Tales - Lonely Planet, Lonely Planet Kids

cena 443.0 Kč

Lonely Planet Kids Your Ultimate Travel Adventure List - Lonely Planet, Lonely Planet Kids

The ultimate adventure awaits in this guide to the coolest, weirdest, and most exciting super trips on the planet! Where would kids go on holiday if they were in charge? It''s time to find out…Discover creepy vampire legends in Transylvania; visit the world''s largest toy shop in London; eat a futuristic meal at a robot restaurant in China! This must-read book for budding globetrotters is packed with brain-busting knowledge, facts, and photos, to encourage an even greater love for our awesome planet.Inside Your Ultimate Travel Adventure List:Bursting with bucket-list experiences that showcase our planet''s most incredible placesEntertaining and experiential approach means children learn about the history of each place as well as the fantastically fun things you can do thereVibrant photos and amazing facts keep readers engaged on every pageFind favourite experiences with ease using the handy shortcuts to super trips: 8 Amazing Activities; 5 Great Ways to Get Wet; 6 Iconic Landmarks; 6 Incredible Rides; 10 Special Cities; 8 Fun-Packed Museums; and moreAdventures include: The Americas - Experience movie magic (Hollywood, USA); Enjoy treetop adventures (Costa Rica). Europe - Jump in a husky sled (Norway); Watch volcanoes explode (Italy). Africa - Discover the secrets of the pharaohs (Egypt); Marvel at an alien landscape (Ethiopia). Asia - Climb to the top of the world''s tallest building (Dubai); Watch snow monkeys enjoy a hot bath (Japan). Oceania & Antarctica - Feed jumping crocodiles (Australia); Swim alongside manta rays (Fiji).Written by Anna Brett, an author and editor of children''s books who has penned a number of Lonely Planet Kids'' books including: Daredevils'' Guide to Dangerous Places, Daredevil''s Guide to Outer Space, World''s Coolest Jobs, and The Incredible Human Body Tour Explore all that our awesome world has to offer in this epic adventure list for kids. This is the ultimate children''s travel book to ignite young reader''s curiosity about our planet.

Objev podobné jako Lonely Planet Kids Your Ultimate Travel Adventure List - Lonely Planet, Lonely Planet Kids

cena 473.0 Kč

Ullenboom Dětská deka Waffle Pique Blue Whales 70x100 cm

Podrobnosti o produktu: Lehká deka bez podšívky Snadno se skládá a čistí na cestách Lze použít na obou stranách Lze použít i jako plyšovou deku Rozměry: 70x100 cm Barva: modrá Materiál a péče: Materiál: 100% bavlna Lze prát při teplotě do 30 °C Bavlněné tkaniny certifikované podle normy OEKO-TEX® Standard 100, třída výrobků I (zejména pro děti a kojence).

Objev podobné jako Ullenboom Dětská deka Waffle Pique Blue Whales 70x100 cm

cena 880.0 Kč

Lonely Planet Fast Talk German - Lonely Planet

Although you can get by in Germany without speaking the language, knowing just a few essential phrases can help you make friends, enjoy service with a smile, and discover richer, more rewarding travel experiences. Fast Talk German is the concise language guide that is guaranteed to get you talking with confidence. Order schnitzel at a restaurant, buy tickets for the opera or chat with locals over a beer. Essential phrases to meet all your travel needs How to get local recommendations Easy-to-use pronunciation guides Expert tips to boost your confidence About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet is a leading travel media company, providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973. Over the past four decades, we''ve printed over 145 million guidebooks and phrasebooks for 120 languages, and grown a dedicated, passionate global community of travellers. You''ll also find our content online, and in mobile apps, videos, 14 languages, armchair and lifestyle books, ebooks, and more, enabling you to explore every day. ''Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.'' New York Times ''Lonely Planet. It''s on everyone''s bookshelves; it''s in every traveller''s hands. It''s on mobile phones. It''s on the Internet. It''s everywhere, and it''s telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.'' Fairfax Media (Australia)

Objev podobné jako Lonely Planet Fast Talk German - Lonely Planet

cena 118.0 Kč

Lonely Planet Tanzania - Anthony Ham, Lonely Planet

Lonely Planet''s Tanzania is our most comprehensive guide that extensively covers all the country has to offer, with recommendations for both popular and lesser-known experiences. Watch wildebeest stampede across the Serengeti, explore the alleyways of Zanzibar, or track chimpanzees in Tanzania''s parks; all with your trusted travel companion.Inside Lonely Planet''s Tanzania Travel Guide: Lonely Planet''s Top Picks - a visually inspiring collection of the destination''s best experiences and where to have themItineraries help you build the ultimate trip based on your personal needs and interestsLocal insights give you a richer, more rewarding travel experience - whether it''s history, people, music, landscapes, wildlife, politicsEating and drinking - get the most out of your gastronomic experience as we reveal the regional dishes and drinks you have to tryToolkit - all of the planning tools for solo travellers, LGBTQIA+ travellers, family travellers and accessible travelColour maps and images throughoutLanguage - essential phrases and language tipsInsider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spotsCovers Dar es Salaam, Zanzibar, Southeastern Tanzania, Southern Highlands, Western Tanzania, Lake Victoria, Central Tanzania, Northern Tanzania, Northeastern Tanzania, and moreAbout Lonely Planet:Lonely Planet, a Red Ventures Company, is the world''s number one travel guidebook brand. Providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973, Lonely Planet reaches hundreds of millions of travellers each year online and in print and helps them unlock amazing experiences. Visit us at lonelyplanet.com and join our community of followers on Facebook (facebook.com/lonelyplanet), Twitter (@lonelyplanet), Instagram (instagram.com/lonelyplanet), and TikTok (@lonelyplanet).''Lonely Planet. It''s on everyone''s bookshelves; it''s in every traveller''s hands. It''s on mobile phones. It''s on the Internet. It''s everywhere, and it''s telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.'' Fairfax Media (Australia)

Objev podobné jako Lonely Planet Tanzania - Anthony Ham, Lonely Planet

cena 502.0 Kč

Lonely Planet Flight-Free Europe - Lonely Planet

Discover how to explore Europe sustainably with this ultimate collection of 80 no-fly itineraries. Featuring trips that range from a weekend to a month, we show you how to avoid chaotic airports and reduce the carbon footprint of your travel with detailed route maps and transport connection information for trains, buses, ferries and more.Embark on a Norwegian rail odyssey; island-hop across Croatia by ferry; hike into the wild heartland of Scotland; or combine wine, surf and easy-going cycling along France’s Atlantic Coast. Each itinerary is plotted step-by-step on a map with the transport logistics of how to get to the next destination along with details of the duration between each stop. Whether you’re looking for a city escape, to explore natural wonders or indulge in delicious eating and drinking experiences, there’s expert recommendations for all interests about day trips to take along the way.Inside Flight-Free Europe: - 80 no-fly itineraries each of which features suggested ways to get to the start of the route, comprehensive transport connection guidance, vibrant photography, a map and fact box which details the trip’s carbon count, suggested duration and transport budget - Recommended forms of transport include train, bus, ferry, bicycle and electric/hybrid car- Activity themes for each trip are indicated by icons and encompass food and drink; wellness and relaxation; sights and history; adventure; arts and culture; and nature- Covers Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia & Hercegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, England, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Morocco, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Scotland, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, WalesIf you’re motivated to travel more sustainably while still enjoying the best experiences that Europe has to offer, this book will show you how to discover Europe’s edges and everywhere in between via more climate-friendly forms of travel.About Lonely PlanetLonely Planet, a Red Ventures Company, is the world''s number one travel guidebook brand. Providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973, Lonely Planet reaches hundreds of millions of travellers each year online and in print and helps them unlock amazing experiences. Visit us at lonelyplanet.com and join our community of followers on Facebook (facebook.com/lonelyplanet), Twitter (@lonelyplanet), Instagram (instagram.com/lonelyplanet), and TikTok (@lonelyplanet).''Lonely Planet. It''s on everyone''s bookshelves; it''s in every traveller''s hands. It''s on mobile phones. It''s on the Internet. It''s everywhere, and it''s telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.'' – Fairfax Media (Australia)

Objev podobné jako Lonely Planet Flight-Free Europe - Lonely Planet

cena 591.0 Kč

Lonely Planet Pocket Florence & Tuscany - Lonely Planet

Lonely Planet''s Pocket Florence and Tuscany is your guide to the city''s best experiences and local life - neighbourhood by neighbourhood. Marvel at the Duomo, sample traditional Italian food and climb the Tower of Pisa; all with your trusted travel companion. Uncover the best of Florence and Tuscany and make the most of your trip!Inside Lonely Planet''s Pocket Florence and Tuscany:Full-colour maps and travel photography throughoutHighlightsand itineraries help you tailor a trip to your personal needs and interestsInsider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spotsEssential infoat your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, pricesHonest reviews for all budgets - eating, sightseeing, going out, shopping, hidden gems that most guidebooks missConvenient pull-out map (included in print version), plus colour neighbourhood mapsUser-friendly layout with helpful icons, and organised by neighbourhood to help you pick the best spots to spend your timeCovers Florence, Pisa, Siena, Fiesole, Lucca, Chianti and moreThe Perfect Choice:Lonely Planet''s Pocket Florence and Tuscany, an easy-to-use guide filled with top experiences - neighbourhood by neighbourhood - that literally fits in your pocket. Make the most of a quick trip to Florence and Tuscany with trusted travel advice to get you straight to the heart of the city.Looking for a comprehensive guide that recommends both popular and offbeat experiences, and extensively covers all of Florence and Tuscany''s neighbourhoods? Check out Lonely Planet''s Florence and Tuscany guide.Looking for more extensive coverage? Check out Lonely Planet''s Italy guide for a comprehensive look at all that the country has to offer.About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet is a leading travel media company, providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973. Over the past four decades, we''ve printed over 145 million guidebooks and phrasebooks for 120 languages, and grown a dedicated, passionate global community of travellers. You''ll also find our content online, and in mobile apps, videos, 14 languages, armchair and lifestyle books, ebooks, and more, enabling you to explore every day.''Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.'' New York Times''Lonely Planet. It''s on everyone''s bookshelves; it''s in every traveller''s hands. It''s on mobile phones. It''s on the Internet. It''s everywhere, and it''s telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.'' Fairfax Media (Australia)

Objev podobné jako Lonely Planet Pocket Florence & Tuscany - Lonely Planet

cena 295.0 Kč

Lonely Planet The Travel Book - Lonely Planet

Get ready for a journey through every country in the world.In this fourth edition of The Travel Book each country features an all-new profile that includes details of when to visit, what to see and do, and how to learn more about the country’s culture from its film, music, food and drink.All brand new, incredible photography illustrates each country, depicting what life is like in each nation from photographic portraits of people, to beautiful landscapes and vibrant scenes of street life. Supported by colourful and detailed mapping, this title will bring the world to life for a new generation of travellers. As a premium 416-page hardback package it will inspire wanderlust and make an impressive gift!About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet is a leading travel media company, providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973. Over the past four decades, we''ve printed over 145 million guidebooks and phrasebooks for 120 languages, and grown a dedicated, passionate global community of travellers. You''ll also find our content online, and in mobile apps, videos, 14 languages, armchair and lifestyle books, ebooks, and more, enabling you to explore every day. ''Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.'' – New York Times''Lonely Planet. It''s on everyone''s bookshelves; it''s in every traveller''s hands. It''s on mobile phones. It''s on the Internet. It''s everywhere, and it''s telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.'' – Fairfax Media (Australia)

Objev podobné jako Lonely Planet The Travel Book - Lonely Planet

cena 1181.0 Kč

Lonely Planet Montenegro - Peter Dragicevich, Lonely Planet

Lonely Planet''s local travel experts reveal all you need to know to plan the trip of a lifetime to Montenegro.Discover popular and off the beaten track experiences from clambering through the enigmatic ruins of Stari Bar to exploring the craggy scenery of Lovćen National Park, and catching a water taxi from Čanj on the Bar Riviera to the pretty pink sands of Queen''s Beach.Build a trip to remember with Lonely Planet''s Montenegro Travel Guide:Our classic guidebook format provides you with the most comprehensive level of information for planning multi-week tripsUpdated with an all new structure and design so you can navigate Montenegro and connect experiences together with easeCreate your perfect trip with exciting itineraries for extended journeys combined with suggested day trips, walking tours, and activities to match your passionsGet fresh takes on must-visit sights including Croatia''s number-one tourist attraction - Dubrovnik''s City Walls; climb Mt Orjen; and explore Kotor’s churches and cathedralsSpecial features on touring Stari Bar, finding your perfect beach, rafting and hiking guideExpert local recommendations on when to go, eating, drinking, nightlife, shopping, accommodation, adventure activities, festivals, and moreEssential information toolkit containing tips on arriving; transport; making the most of your time and money; LGBTIQ+ travel advice; useful words and phrases; accessibility; and responsible travelConnect with Montenegrin culture through stories that delve deep into local life, history, and traditions Inspiring full-colour travel photography and mapsCovers Bay of Kotor, Adriatic Coast, Central Montenegro, Northern Mountains, Dubrovnik (Croatia) Create a trip that''s uniquely yours and get to the heart of this extraordinary country with Lonely Planet''s Montenegro.

Objev podobné jako Lonely Planet Montenegro - Peter Dragicevich, Lonely Planet

cena 502.0 Kč

Lonely Planet German Phrasebook & Dictionary - Lonely Planet

Lonely Planet''s German Phrasebook and Dictionary is your handy passport to culturally enriching travels with the most relevant and useful German phrases and vocabulary for all your travel needs. Order a beer at Oktoberfest, buy a ticket to the opera or chat with locals; all with your trusted travel companion. Get More From Your Trip with Easy-to-Find Phrases for Every Travel Situation! Feel at ease with essential tips on culture, manners, idioms and multiple meanings Order with confidence, explain food allergies, and try new foods with the menu decoder Save time and hassles with vital phrases at your fingertips Never get stuck for words with the 3500-word two-way, quick-reference dictionary Be prepared for both common and emergency travel situations with practical phrases and terminology Meet friends with conversation starter phrases Get your message across with easy-to-use pronunciation guides Inside Lonely Planet''s German Phrasebook and Dictionary: Full-colour throughout User-friendly layout organised by travel scenario categories Survival phrases inside front cover for at-a-glance, on-the-fly cues Convenient features 5 Phrases to Learn Before You Go 10 Ways to Start a Sentence 10 Phrases to Sound like a Local Listen For - phrases you may hear Look For - phrases you may see on signs Shortcuts - easy-to-remember alternatives to the full phrases QandA - suggested answers to questions asked Covers Basics - time, dates, numbers, amounts, pronunciation, reading tips, grammar rules Practical - travel with kids, disabled travellers, sightseeing, business, banking, post office, internet, phones, repairs, bargaining, accommodation, directions, border crossing, transport Social - meeting people, interests, feelings, opinions, going out, romance, culture, activities, weather Safe Travel - emergencies, police, doctor, chemist, dentist, symptoms, conditions Food - ordering, at the market, at the bar, dishes, ingredients The Perfect Choice: Lonely Planet''s German Phrasebook and Dictionary, a pocket-sized comprehensive language guide, provides on-the-go language assistance; great for language students and travellers looking to interact with locals and immerse themselves in local culture. About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet is a leading travel media company, providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973. Over the past four decades, we''ve printed over 145 million guidebooks and phrasebooks for 120 languages, and grown a dedicated, passionate global community of travellers. You''ll also find our content online, and in mobile apps, videos, 14 languages, armchair and lifestyle books, ebooks, and more, enabling you to explore every day. ''Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.'' New York Times ''Lonely Planet. It''s on everyone''s bookshelves; it''s in every traveller''s hands. It''s on mobile phones. It''s on the Internet. It''s everywhere, and it''s telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.'' Fairfax Media (Australia)

Objev podobné jako Lonely Planet German Phrasebook & Dictionary - Lonely Planet

cena 177.0 Kč

Lonely Planet The Travel Book - Lonely Planet

Take a photographic journey through every country in the world with this beautiful paperback edition of our global bestseller that makes the perfect coffee table book. Discover a bounty of breathtaking images on every page; find fun little-known facts; and learn more about the lives and landscapes of those we share our fascinating planet with.Sail on slow boats through the backwaters of the Mekong Delta in Vietnam; seek out Italy''s finest pizza in the cobbled lanes of Naples; spy whale sharks in Australia''s World Heritage-listed Ningaloo Reef - and that''s just for starters. Expert insider knowledge accompanies every country featured in this definitive guide and provides the best time of year to visit as well as must-see and do experiences recommended by Lonely Planet writers. There''s even suggestions on the best books to read, music to listen to, and food to eat, so that readers can get further under the skin of the world we live in.Inside The Travel Book:Features 200 countries, 680 images, and one complete picture of our fascinating planetHandy locator maps accompany every destinationIncludes best time to visit, top things to see and do, fun random facts, news-worthy moments to celebrate, and one word that best represents the country''s cultureOffers insightful recommendations on books to read, music to listen to, film and TV to watch, food to eat, and drinks to try, so that readers can develop a deeper understanding of each country''s identityStunning cover and internal artwork by Taiwanese illustrator, Whooli Chen Bring every corner of the world to life with this ultimate profile of our planet. Find incredible photography, insider knowledge, and exquisite depictions of cultures and communities across the nations in this remarkable book, which makes an impressive gift for seasoned travellers and armchair adventurers alike.About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet, a Red Ventures Company, is the world''s number one travel guidebook brand. Providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973, Lonely Planet reaches hundreds of millions of travellers each year online and in print and helps them unlock amazing experiences. Visit us at lonelyplanet.com and join our community of followers on Facebook (facebook.com/lonelyplanet), Twitter (@lonelyplanet), Instagram (instagram.com/lonelyplanet), and TikTok (@lonelyplanet).

Objev podobné jako Lonely Planet The Travel Book - Lonely Planet

cena 886.0 Kč

Lonely Planet Offbeat North America - Lonely Planet

Get inspired for your next adventure with this incredible collection of 100 unforgettable North American destinations that are far from the tourist trail.From under-the-radar national parks to small towns with big personalities, these remarkable unsung spots have so much to offer. Travelers will also learn more about the heart of each place; its history; and how to support the local community during a visit.Inside Offbeat North America:100 lesser-known places with hidden gems from each of the USA''s 50 states, along with Canada, Mexico, and the Dominican RepublicFeatures 25 additional bonus offbeat destinations to put on your radar including Clear Lake in California, Stehekin in Washington, Boone in North Carolina, and moreGo if you like comparisons offering magnificent alternatives to over-populated sites and landmarksAmazing crowd-free experiences accompany each destinationInsider knowledge on how your visit can make a positive impact on local businessesHelpful tips for first-time travelersExpert advice on why you should go, when you should go and how to get there Presented in a beautiful hardcover format with striking photography, practical planning information and handy locator maps Perfect for curious minds, this inspiring guide is a must-read for anyone dreaming of, or planning, a sustainable adventure in North America. Gift this unique book to the traveler in your life or simply keep these off-the-beaten track destinations all to yourself.

Objev podobné jako Lonely Planet Offbeat North America - Lonely Planet

cena 975.0 Kč

Lonely Planet Pocket Jerusalem & Tel - Lonely Planet

Lonely Planet's Pocket Jerusalem & Tel Aviv is your guide to the city's best experiences and local life - neighbourhood by neighbourhood. Explore holy sights, discover ancient Jaffa, and walk up Mt Zion; all with your trusted travel companion. Uncover the best of Jerusalem & Tel Aviv and make the most of your trip!

Objev podobné jako Lonely Planet Pocket Jerusalem & Tel - Lonely Planet

cena 241.0 Kč

Auna Gramofon Mary Ann 33 ⅓ / 45 / 78 otáček za minutu CD DAB+ UKW BT USB

Gramofon auna Mary Ann je moderní technologie v elegantním retro šatu 50. let. Díky odnímatelným nohám inspiruje jako variabilní designový nábytek ve stylu příručního stolku nebo jako stolová sestava se vzhledem světového přijímače!Stereofonní reproduktory jsou již integrovány v kompaktním pouzdře, takže je okamžitě připraven k přehrávání hudby. Na gramofonu najdou své místo všechny tři standardní velikosti desek. Mary Ann nabízí také několik dalších možností přehrávání: přehrávač CD pro formáty CD, CD-R, CD-RW a MP3 a také rádio DAB+ a FM s automatickým vyhledáváním oblíbených rozhlasových stanic ve vysoké kvalitě bez šumu. K dispozici je port USB pro přehrávání souborů MP3 nebo dokonce pro pohodlné nahrávání z vinylu, CD nebo rádia. Připojení gramofonu přes Bluetooth auna Mary Ann umožňuje streamování ze smartphonu, tabletu nebo počítače.Hudba z designového kusu nábytku: gramofon Mary Ann od společnosti auna oživuje časy velkých černých desek a je ozdobou každého obytného prostoru.

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Auna Gramofon Mary Ann 33 ⅓ / 45 / 78 otáček za minutu CD DAB+ UKW BT USB

Gramofon auna Mary Ann je moderní technologie v elegantním retro šatu 50. let. Díky odnímatelným nohám inspiruje jako variabilní designový nábytek ve stylu příručního stolku nebo jako stolová sestava se vzhledem světového přijímače!Stereofonní reproduktory jsou již integrovány v kompaktním pouzdře, takže je okamžitě připraven k přehrávání hudby. Na gramofonu najdou své místo všechny tři standardní velikosti desek. Mary Ann nabízí také několik dalších možností přehrávání: přehrávač CD pro formáty CD, CD-R, CD-RW a MP3 a také rádio DAB+ a FM s automatickým vyhledáváním oblíbených rozhlasových stanic ve vysoké kvalitě bez šumu. K dispozici je port USB pro přehrávání souborů MP3 nebo dokonce pro pohodlné nahrávání z vinylu, CD nebo rádia. Připojení gramofonu přes Bluetooth auna Mary Ann umožňuje streamování ze smartphonu, tabletu nebo počítače.Hudba z designového kusu nábytku: gramofon Mary Ann od společnosti auna oživuje časy velkých černých desek a je ozdobou každého obytného prostoru.

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Vyhasínání mozku Martina Klein: CD mp3 4 hod. 17 min. (859-0-360-6632-8)

Audiokniha na CD - autor J. Bernfeld, čte Jan Kačer Svědectví člověka, kterému ve stáří postupně zhasíná mozek. Od prvních náhlých příznaků, téměř roztomilé zapomnětlivosti, až k chaotickým koncům, kdy už mozek vnímá z reality jen jakési záblesky a nemocný je zcela odkázán na péči svého okolí. Ale není to příběh jen o chátrání. Jde tu také o partnerskou lásku. O pevné pouto dlouhotrvajícího manželství. popis: Kniha vyšla v Nizozemí poprvé v roce 1984 a od té doby má už za sebou neuvěřitelných padesát vydání. Byla zfilmována i převedena na divadelní jeviště. Je to kniha, která učila a učí lépe chápat stáří a jeho obtíže. Nizozemský spisovatel J. Bernlef (1937–2012), původním jménem Hendrich Jan Marsman, byl komplexní literární talent. Psal poezii, byl známým literárním kritikem, zabýval se jazzem. Román, který vyšel česky pod názvem Vyhasínání mozku Martina Kleina, ho proslavil. Ztrátě paměti a identity, zapomínání, tragice ztráty a nedostatečnosti slov se...

Objev podobné jako Vyhasínání mozku Martina Klein: CD mp3 4 hod. 17 min. (859-0-360-6632-8)

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Kam cestovat a kdy Lonely Planet - Lonely Planet

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Lonely Planet's Where to Go When - Lonely Planet

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Lonely Planet Pocket Bangkok - Lonely Planet, Barbara Woolsey

Lonely Planet''s local travel experts reveal all you need to know to plan the ultimate short trip to Bangkok - and discover twice the city in half the time!Discover Bangkok''s most popular experiences, must-see attractions, and unexpected surprises - neighbourhood by neighbourhood - with our handy-sized Pocket travel guide. From devouring delicious dishes at one of Bangkok''s best under-the-radar street food destinations: Th Convent, to marvelling at one of Thailand''s largest Buddhas in Wat Suthat, and booking a fun free tour at the Museum of Counterfeit Goods.Build a trip to remember with Lonely Planet''s PocketBangkok travel guide:Our Pocket guidebook format provides you with the best insider knowledge and local know-how for planning trips between 1 - 7 days Find what you''re looking for fast with this guide''s all-new structure and design and navigate Bangkok with ease Get fresh takes on must-visit sights including Wat Pho, Thanon Khao San, and Kamthieng HouseExciting Three Perfect Days itineraries help you to create your ideal trip with suggestions of unmissable attractions and activities to match your passions Find the local vibe on foot! Walking tours in every chapter introduce each neighbourhood''s personality and get you to those ''don''t miss'' sights Discover ''A Few Surprises'' in a new feature that showcases Bangkok''s best kept secrets and rising trends Navigate public transport confidently with clear instructions and tips in our ''Getting Around'' sectionMake quick travel decisions using ''Trip Planning'' pages that include top pick lists and tips about what to book in advance Eat, drink, and shop like a local with extensive listings of the top restaurants, bars, markets, and street vendorsEssential information toolkit containing tips on arriving; transport; making the most of your time and money; LGBTIQ+ travel advice; useful words and phrases; accessibility; and responsible travelInspiring full-colour travel photography and maps including a pull out map of BangkokCovers: Ko Ratanakosin & Thonburi; Banglamphu; Chinatown; Siam Square, Pratunam, Phloen Chit & Ratchathewil; Riverside, Silom & Lumphini; Thanon Sukhumvit Get straight to the heart of this extraordinary city - neighbourhood by neighbourhood - and hit the ground running with Lonely Planet''s Pocket Bangkok.

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Lonely Planet Pocket Athens - Lonely Planet, Alexis Averbuck

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Lonely Planet Pocket Valencia - John Noble, Lonely Planet

Lonely Planet’s Pocket Valencia is your guide to the city’s best experiences and local life - neighbourhood by neighbourhood. Wander the lively Mercado Central, sample tapas in Russafa and admire the beauty of La Catedral; all with your trusted travel companion. Uncover the best of Valencia and make the most of your trip!Inside Lonely Planet’s Pocket Valencia: Full-colour maps and travel photography throughoutHighlights and itineraries help you tailor a trip to your personal needs and interestsInsider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spotsEssential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, pricesHonest reviews for all budgets - eating, sightseeing, going out, shopping, hidden gems that most guidebooks missConvenient pull-out Valencia map (included in print version), plus over 15 colour neighbourhood mapsUser-friendly layout with helpful icons, and organised by neighbourhood to help you pick the best spots to spend your timeCovers Barrio del Carmen, L''Eixample, North Ciutat, Russafa, South Ciutat, Northern & Eastern Valencia, Valencia''s Beaches, Western Valencia and moreThe Perfect Choice: Lonely Planet’s Pocket Valencia, an easy-to-use guide filled with top experiences - neighbourhood by neighbourhood - that literally fits in your pocket. Make the most of a quick trip to Valencia with trusted travel advice to get you straight to the heart of the city. Looking for more extensive coverage? Check out Lonely Planet’s Spain guide for a comprehensive look at all that the country has to offer.About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet is a leading travel media company, providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973. Over the past four decades, we''ve printed over 145 million guidebooks and phrasebooks for 120 languages, and grown a dedicated, passionate global community of travellers. You''ll also find our content online, and in mobile apps, videos, 14 languages, armchair and lifestyle books, ebooks, and more, enabling you to explore every day. ''Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.'' – New York Times''Lonely Planet. It''s on everyone''s bookshelves; it''s in every traveller''s hands. It''s on mobile phones. It''s on the Internet. It''s everywhere, and it''s telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.'' – Fairfax Media (Australia)

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