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A Storm of Swords - George R.R. Martin
THE BOOK BEHIND THE THIRD SEASON OF GAME OF THRONES, AN ORIGINAL SERIES NOW ON HBO. Here is the third volume in George R. R. Martin s magnificent cycle of novels that includes "A Game of Thrones" and "A Clash of Kings." As a whole, this series comprises a genuine masterpiece of modern fantasy, bringing together the best the genre has to offer. Magic, mystery, intrigue, romance, and adventure fill these pages and transport us to a world unlike any we have ever experienced. Already hailed as a classic, George R. R. Martin s stunning series is destined to stand as one of the great achievements of imaginative fiction. A STORM OF SWORDS Of the five contenders for power, one is dead, another in disfavor, and still the wars rage as violently as ever, as alliances are made and broken. Joffrey, of House Lannister, sits on the Iron Throne, the uneasy ruler of the land of the Seven Kingdoms. His most bitter rival, Lord Stannis, stands defeated and disgraced, the victim of the jealous sorceress who holds him in her evil thrall. But young Robb, of House Stark, still rules the North from the fortress of Riverrun. Robb plots against his despised Lannister enemies, even as they hold his sister hostage at King s Landing, the seat of the Iron Throne. Meanwhile, making her way across a blood-drenched continent is the exiled queen, Daenerys, mistress of the only three dragons still left in the world. . . . But as opposing forces maneuver for the final titanic showdown, an army of barbaric wildlings arrives from the outermost line of civilization. In their vanguard is a horde of mythical Others--a supernatural army of the living dead whose animated corpses are unstoppable. As the future of the land hangs in the balance, no one will rest until the Seven Kingdoms have exploded in a veritable storm of swords. . .
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A Storm of Swords, part 1: Steel and Snow - George R.R. Martin
HBO's hit series A GAME OF THRONES is based on George R R Martin's internationally bestselling series A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE, the greatest fantasy epic of the modern age. A STORM OF SWORDS: STEEL AND SNOW is the FIRST part of the third volume in the series. Winter approaches Westeros like an angry beast. The Seven Kingdoms are divided by revolt and blood feud. In the northern wastes, a horde of hungry, savage people steeped in the dark magic of the wilderness is poised to invade the Kingdom of the North where Robb Stark wears his new-forged crown. And Robb's defences are ranged against the South, the land of the cunning and cruel Lannisters, who have his younger sisters in their power. Throughout Westeros, the war for the Iron Throne rages more fiercely than ever, but if the Wall is breached, no king will live to claim it.
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A Storm of Swords, part 2: Blood and Gold - George R.R. Martin
HBO's hit series A GAME OF THRONES is based on George R R Martin's internationally bestselling series A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE, the greatest fantasy epic of the modern age. A STORM OF SWORDS: BLOOD AND GOLD is the SECOND part of the third volume in the series. 'Colossal, staggering ...one of the greats' SFX The Starks are scattered. Robb Stark may be King in the North, but he must bend to the will of the old tyrant Walder Frey if he is to hold his crown. And while his youngest sister, Arya, has escaped the clutches of the depraved Cersei Lannister and her son, the capricious boy-king Joffrey, Sansa Stark remains their captive. Meanwhile, across the ocean, Daenerys Stormborn, the last heir of the Dragon King, delivers death to the slave-trading cities of Astapor and Yunkai as she approaches Westeros with vengeance in her heart.
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A Storm of Swords, part 1: Steel and Snow - George R.R. Martin
The third volume, part one of A Song of Ice and Fire, the greatest fantasy epic of the modern age. GAME OF THRONES is now a major TV series from HBO, featuring a stellar cast. Winter approaches Westeros like an angry beast. The Seven Kingdoms are divided by revolt and blood feud. In the northern wastes, a horde of hungry, savage people steeped in the dark magic of the wilderness is poised to invade the Kingdom of the North where Robb Stark wears his new-forged crown. And Robb’s defences are ranged against the South, the land of the cunning and cruel Lannisters, who have his younger sisters in their power. Throughout Westeros, the war for the Iron Throne rages more fiercely than ever, but if the Wall is breached, no king will live to claim it.
Objev podobné jako A Storm of Swords, part 1: Steel and Snow - George R.R. Martin
A Storm of Swords, part 2: Blood and Gold - George R.R. Martin
HBO's hit series A GAME OF THRONES is based on George R R Martin's internationally bestselling series A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE, the greatest fantasy epic of the modern age. A STORM OF SWORDS: BLOOD AND GOLD is the SECOND part of the third volume in the series. The Starks are scattered. Robb Stark may be King in the North, but he must bend to the will of the old tyrant Walder Frey if he is to hold his crown. And while his youngest sister, Arya, has escaped the clutches of the depraved Cersei Lannister and her son, the capricious boy-king Joffrey, Sansa Stark remains their captive. Meanwhile, across the ocean, Daenerys Stormborn, the last heir of the Dragon King, delivers death to the slave-trading cities of Astapor and Yunkai as she approaches Westeros with vengeance in her heart.
Objev podobné jako A Storm of Swords, part 2: Blood and Gold - George R.R. Martin
A Storm of Swords, part 2 Blood and Gold (978-0-07-54826-2)
Kniha – autor George R.R. Martin, 264 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá - autor George R.R. Martin, 264 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá HBO's hit series A GAME OF THRONES is based on George R R Martin's internationally bestselling series A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE, the greatest fantasy epic of the modern age. A STORM OF SWORDS: BLOOD AND GOLD is the SECOND part of the third volume in the series. The Starks are scattered. Robb Stark may be King in the North, but he must bend to the will of the old tyrant Walder Frey if he is to hold his crown. And while his youngest sister, Arya, has escaped the clutches of the depraved Cersei Lannister and her son, the capricious boy-king Joffrey, Sansa Stark remains their captive. Meanwhile, across the ocean, Daenerys Stormborn, the last heir of the Dragon King, delivers death to the slave-trading cities of Astapor and Yunkai as she approaches Westeros with vengeance in her heart.
Objev podobné jako A Storm of Swords, part 2 Blood and Gold (978-0-07-54826-2)
Darebáci - George R.R. Martin, Gardner R. Dozois
Pokud jste si oblíbili fantastiku, která není pouze černobílá, pak vás antologie veleúspěšného spisovatele George R. R. Martina a uznávaného editora Gardnera Dozoise odmění množstvím jemných odstínů šedi. Jedenadvacet zcela nových povídek od autorských hvězd vás potěší i ohromí záludnými zvraty, dobrodružstvím i napětím. Sám George R. R. Martin nabídne zbrusu nový příběh, mapující osudy jednoho z největších ničemů z historie jeho Písně ledu a ohně a Patrick Rothfuss nám odkryje tajemství jedné z oblíbených postav své Kroniky královraha. Ovšem dočkáme se i u nás dosud nevydaných příběhů z pera mnoha dalších mistrů fantastického žánru, mezi něž bezesporu patří kupříkladu Neil Gaiman, Joe Abercrombie, Scott Lynch, Cherie Priestová, Garth Nix, Daniel Abraham, Michael Swanwick a Connie Willisová. Každý, kdo v dobrodružných příbězích z fantastických světů občas držel palce sympatickým darebákům, si rozhodně přijde na své. . .
Objev podobné jako Darebáci - George R.R. Martin, Gardner R. Dozois
A Song of Ice and Fire 03. Storm of Swords 1 (0006479901)
Kniha - autor George R.R. Martin, 688 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná "Split into two books for the paperback, this is George R.R. Martin's third novel in the "A Song Of Ice & Fire" fantasy trilogy. "The sheer, mind-boggling scope of this epic has sent other fantasy writers away shaking their heads" "The Guardian""
Objev podobné jako A Song of Ice and Fire 03. Storm of Swords 1 (0006479901)
Hon na lovce - George R.R. Martin, Daniel Abraham, Gardner R. Dozois
Na útěku před chudobou a beznadějí nastoupí Ramon Espejo na jednu z velkých vesmírných lodí záhadných, odpudivých Enyánců. Ale nový život, který nalezne na odlehlé planetě Sao Paulo, není o nic lepší než ten, který odvrhl. Když nad ním jedné noci zvítězí vztek a přemíra alkoholu, následují chvíle vražedného násilí, po nichž Ramon musí prchnout do divočiny.V téméř spokojeném osamění - daleko od hlučícího, hemžícího se lidstva, které nesnáší se sociopatickým zápalem - má smolařský prospektor konečně možnost pátrat po drahocenných rudách, které by ho jednou provždy finančně zajistily. Jenže místo vzácných kovů objeví zástupce vyspělé cizí rasy: zoufalé uprchlíky skrývající se jako on v nehostinném prostředí cizí planety. A poté, co se odhalí jejich nebezpečné tajemství a zaplete se do dechberoucí štvanice na nepřátelské, nevyzpytatelné planetě, musí Ramon napřed utéct... a nějakým způsobem i přežít.A jeho nejnesmiřitelnějším nepřítelem je on sám.
Objev podobné jako Hon na lovce - George R.R. Martin, Daniel Abraham, Gardner R. Dozois
Země trvá - George. R. Stewart
Chata byla pro Isherwooda Williamse vždy zvláštním místem, útočištěm před požadavky společnosti. Jednoho dne ho však při túře uštknul chřestýš a samota, po které tolik toužil, nabyla hrozivého významu.Několik dní byl nemocný a blouznil. V jednu chvíli se probudil a zjistil, že na něj ze dveří chaty hledí dva cizí lidé. Kupodivu mu však nenabídli pomoc, ale vyděšeně utekli. Nedlouho poté začal Ish kašlat. Trpěl zimnicí a horečkou a na kůži se mu objevila vyrážka podobná spalničkám.Byl jedním z mála, kteří tuto zvláštní nemoc přežili, ale to ještě nevěděl. Když se konečně cítil být zdráv, zamířil domů – a téměř okamžitě si všiml, že je něco jinak. Bylo to zlověstné. Na silnici ho nepředjížděla auta, nedaleká benzínka vypadala opuštěně a na kraji silnice poblíž malého městečka uviděl mrtvolu.Bez rádia a telefonu neměl Ish o náhlém zániku lidstva ani tušení. Unikl smrti, ale nemohl uniknout katastrofě – a nyní si uvědomil, že ho zajímá, jak dlouho bude trvat, než z povrchu země zmizí všechny stopy civilizace.
Objev podobné jako Země trvá - George. R. Stewart
Země trvá - George. R. Stewart - e-kniha
eBook: Chata byla pro Isherwooda Williamse vždy zvláštním místem, útočištěm před požadavky společnosti. Jednoho dne ho však při túře uštknul chřestýš a samota, po které tolik toužil, nabyla hrozivého významu.Několik dní byl nemocný a blouznil. V jednu chvíli se probudil a zjistil, že na něj ze dveří chaty hledí dva cizí lidé. Kupodivu mu však nenabídli pomoc, ale vyděšeně utekli. Nedlouho poté začal Ish kašlat. Trpěl zimnicí a horečkou a na kůži se mu objevila vyrážka podobná spalničkám.Byl jedním z mála, kteří tuto zvláštní nemoc přežili, ale to ještě nevěděl. Když se konečně cítil být zdráv, zamířil domů – a téměř okamžitě si všiml, že je něco jinak. Bylo to zlověstné. Na silnici ho nepředjížděla auta, nedaleká benzínka vypadala opuštěně a na kraji silnice poblíž malého městečka uviděl mrtvolu.Bez rádia a telefonu neměl Ish o náhlém zániku lidstva ani tušení. Unikl smrti, ale nemohl uniknout katastrofě – a nyní si uvědomil, že ho zajímá, jak dlouho bude trvat, než z povrchu země zmizí všechny stopy civilizace.
Objev podobné jako Země trvá - George. R. Stewart - e-kniha
A Game of Thrones - George R.R. Martin
HBO’s hit series A GAME OF THRONES is based on George R R Martin’s internationally bestselling series A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE, the greatest fantasy epic of the modern age. A GAME OF THRONES is the first volume in the series.‘So vivid that you’ll be hooked within a few pages’ The TimesSummers span decades. Winter can last a lifetime. And the struggle for the Iron Throne has begun.As Warden of the north, Lord Eddard Stark counts it a curse when King Robert bestows on him the office of the Hand. His honour weighs him down at court where a true man does what he will, not what he must … and a dead enemy is a thing of beauty.The old gods have no power in the south, Stark’s family is split and there is treachery at court. Worse, the vengeance-mad heir of the deposed Dragon King has grown to maturity in exile in the Free Cities. He claims the Iron Throne.
Objev podobné jako A Game of Thrones - George R.R. Martin
Deka a ohlávka, Lisa a Storm
Deka a ohlávka od Schleich Horse Club je sada doplňků pro koně Lisa a Storm.
Objev podobné jako Deka a ohlávka, Lisa a Storm
Children of Hurin - J. R. R. Tolkien
TOLKIEN'S NEW WORK: A Parable on Humanity's Inability to Conquer Evil Without a Redeemer "Already the reviews are pouring in, and most are favorable for J. R. R. Tolkien's The Children of Hurin. Rather than focus on the usual stuff of criticism, I want to look directly at Tolkien the Catholic author and what he does with this material. The man who talked about the necessity for a happy ending and the triumph of good over evil has produced a tale of woe, betrayal, and tragedy that turns the most optimistic of us to tears. Therein lies the genius of this work. Born out of the despair of World War I, treasured in his heart for his entire life but never really given final form, a window into the complex heart of this Catholic author, The Children of Hurin is a brilliant portrayal of the power of evil even in the midst of God's providence and ultimate conquest of this dark force. Almost a century old in its genesis, the tale is parable for our times and a cautionary warning about the pride of humanity. In our world, we like to think of ourselves as the masters of creation, flawed but not really sinful. Ask a friend if he or she sins and they will tell you they make mistakes but "sin?"--not so much. The Western world values "niceness" above all other virtues and raises tolerance to an almost oppressive level. We must accept anything and everything because each of us is the ultimate decider of what is right and wrong. Ambiguity rules our hearts and assuages our consciences. What is good for you may be wrong for me and vice versa. Too much reflection and we may think badly of ourselves. The problem is: not enough reflection and when our sins come home to roost and we must face them, then we may just give in to despair.
Objev podobné jako Children of Hurin - J. R. R. Tolkien
A Clash of Kings (Reissue) - George R.R. Martin
HBO's hit series A GAME OF THRONES is based on George R R Martin's internationally bestselling series A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE, the greatest fantasy epic of the modern age. A CLASH OF KINGS is the second volume in the series. 'Nobody does fantasy quite like Martin' Sunday Times Throughout Westeros, the cold winds are rising. From the ancient citadel of Dragonstone to the forbidding lands of Winterfell, chaos reigns as pretenders to the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms stake their claims through tempest, turmoil and war. As a prophecy of doom cuts across the sky - a comet the colour of blood and flame - five factions struggle for control of a divided land. Brother plots against brother and the dead rise to walk in the night. Against a backdrop of incest, fratricide, alchemy and murder, the price of glory is measured in blood.
Objev podobné jako A Clash of Kings (Reissue) - George R.R. Martin
The Worlds of George RR Martin - Tom Huddleston
In the many realms of modern fantasy there is only one true King, and his name is George Raymond Richard Martin. With A Song of Ice and Fire, Martin has created a world on a scale almost unrivalled by any other single writer. Approaching two million words and still evolving, this genuinely epic series of novels, with its deeply interlocking narratives, finely crafted drama and enormous range of characters, is a creation of extraordinary breadth. So how did a writer best known for short stories come to craft such a gigantic sequence of novels, and what is the key to their extraordinary success? What sources – historical, literary and personal – did Martin draw upon in the writing, and what inspiration did they give him? The Worlds of George R.R. Martin is an in-depth bringing together of the enormous range of inspirations behind Martin’s work – from historical borrowings as wide-ranging as the Roman empire, the Wars of the Roses and the Mongol conquests, to diverse literary and mythological texts, and Martin’s own family experience and biography.
Objev podobné jako The Worlds of George RR Martin - Tom Huddleston
Farmer Giles of Ham - J. R. R. Tolkien
A commemorative 75th anniversary edition of Tolkien’s classic book, including a revised introduction, a map, a copy of Tolkien’s unpublished short story which he expanded for publication, his notes for an aborted sequel, and the original first edition illustrations by Pauline Baynes.Farmer Giles of Ham did not look like a hero. He was fat and red-bearded and enjoyed a slow, comfortable life.Then one day a rather deaf and short-sighted giant blundered on to his land. More by luck than skill, Farmer Giles managed to scare him away. The people of the village cheered: Farmer Giles was a hero.His reputation spread far and wide across the kingdom. So it was natural that when the dragon Chrysophylax visited the area it was Farmer Giles who was expected to do battle with it!
Objev podobné jako Farmer Giles of Ham - J. R. R. Tolkien
Smith of Wootton Major - J. R. R. Tolkien
A charming new pocket edition of one of Tolkien's major pieces of short fiction, and his only finished work dating from after publication of The Lord of the Rings.What began as a preface to The Golden Key by George MacDonald eventually grew into this charming short story, so named by Tolkien to suggest an early work by P.G. Wodehouse. Composed almost a decade after The Lord of the Rings, and when his lifelong occupation with the `Silmarillion' was winding down, Smith of Wootton Major was the product of ripened experience and reflection. It was published in 1967 as a small hardback, complete with charming black and white illustrations by Pauline Baynes, and would be the last work of fiction to be published in Tolkien's own lifetime.Now, almost 50 years on, this enchanting tale of a wanderer who finds his way into the perilous realm of Faery is being published once again as a pocket hardback. Contained here are many intriguing links to the world of Middle-earth, as well as to Tolkien's other tales, and this new edition is enhanced with a facsimile of the illustrated first edition, a manuscript of Tolkien's early draft of the story, notes and an alternate ending, and a lengthy essay on the nature of Faery.
Objev podobné jako Smith of Wootton Major - J. R. R. Tolkien
R/C závodní auto Fire Storm
Závodní R/C auto je vyroben v měřítku 1:32 a ovládá se dálkově pomocí přiloženého ovladače. Vůz má maximální rychlost 12 km za hodinu. Auta jsou ve dvou různých provedeních.
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The History of Middle-Earth 03: Lays of Beleriand - J. R. R. Tolkien
The third volume that contains the early myths and legends which led to the writing of Tolkien's epic tale of war, The Silmarillion. This, the third volume of The History of Middle-earth, gives us a priviledged insight into the creation of the mythology of Middle-earth, through the alliterative verse tales of two of the most crucial stories in Tolkien's world -- those of Turien and Luthien. The first of the poems is the unpublished Lay of The Children of Hurin, narrating on a grand scale the tragedy of Turin Turambar. The second is the moving Lay of Leithian, the chief source of the tale of Beren and Luthien in The Silmarillion, telling of the Quest of the Silmaril and the encounter with Morgoth in his subterranean fortress. Accompanying the poems are commentaries on the evolution of the history of the Elder Days. Also included is the notable criticism of The Lay of The Leithian by CS Lewis, who read the poem in 1929.
Objev podobné jako The History of Middle-Earth 03: Lays of Beleriand - J. R. R. Tolkien
The World of Ice and Fire - George R.R. Martin
Collected within this volume is the accumulated knowledge, scholarly speculation, and inherited folk tales of maesters and septons, maegi and singers, including over 170 full-colour illustrations and maps, family trees for the Houses Stark, Lannister and Targaryen, and in-depth explanations of the history and culture of Westeros.
Objev podobné jako The World of Ice and Fire - George R.R. Martin
A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms - George R.R. Martin
A century before A GAME OF THRONES, two unlikely heroes wandered Westeros... A KNIGHT OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS compiles the first three official prequel novellas to George R.R. Martin's ongoing masterwork, A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE.
Objev podobné jako A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms - George R.R. Martin
The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien
Continuing the story begun in The Hobbit, all three parts of the epic masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings, in one paperback. Features the definitive edition of the text, fold-out flaps with the original two-colour maps, and a revised and expanded index. Sauron, the Dark Lord, has gathered to him all the Rings of Power – the means by which he intends to rule Middle-earth. All he lacks in his plans for dominion is the One Ring – the ring that rules them all – which has fallen into the hands of the hobbit, Bilbo Baggins. In a sleepy village in the Shire, young Frodo Baggins finds himself faced with an immense task, as the Ring is entrusted to his care. He must leave his home and make a perilous journey across the realms of Middle-earth to the Crack of Doom, deep inside the territories of the Dark Lord. There he must destroy the Ring forever and foil the Dark Lord in his evil purpose. Since it was first published in 1954, The Lord of the Rings has been a book people have treasured. Steeped in unrivalled magic and otherworldliness, its sweeping fantasy has touched the hearts of young and old alike.
Objev podobné jako The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien
Fellowship of the Ring (1) - J. R. R. Tolkien
Continuing the story begun in The Hobbit, this is the first part of Tolkien's epic masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings, featuring a striking black cover based on Tolkien's own design, the definitive text, and a detailed map of Middle-earth. Sauron, the Dark Lord, has gathered to him all the Rings of Power - the means by which he intends to rule Middle-earth. All he lacks in his plans for dominion is the One Ring - the ring that rules them all - which has fallen into the hands of the hobbit, Bilbo Baggins. In a sleepy village in the Shire, young Frodo Baggins finds himself faced with an immense task, as his elderly cousin Bilbo entrusts the Ring to his care. Frodo must leave his home and make a perilous journey across Middle-earth to the Cracks of Doom, there to destroy the Ring and foil the Dark Lord in his evil purpose. Part of a set of three paperbacks, this popular edition is once again available in its classic black livery designed by Tolkien himself.
Objev podobné jako Fellowship of the Ring (1) - J. R. R. Tolkien
The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien
Begin your journey into Middle-earth. A New Legend Begins on Prime Video, in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. Middle-earth, a world of magic and adventure. A land full of tales spanning thousands of years. Sauron, the Dark Lord, has gathered to him all the Rings of Power – the means by which he intends to rule Middle-earth. All he lacks in his plans for dominion is the One Ring – the ring that rules them all – which has fallen into the hands of the hobbit, Bilbo Baggins. In a sleepy village in the Shire, young Frodo Baggins finds himself faced with an immense task, as the Ring is entrusted to his care. He must leave his home and make a perilous journey across the realms of Middle-earth to the Crack of Doom, deep inside the territories of the Dark Lord. There he must destroy the Ring forever and foil the Dark Lord in his evil purpose.
Objev podobné jako The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien
The Fellowship of the Ring - J. R. R. Tolkien
Begin your journey into Middle-earth.A New Legend Begins on Prime Video, in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power.The first part of J. R. R. Tolkien's epic adventure THE LORD OF THE RINGS.In a quiet village in the Shire, young Frodo is about to receive a gift that will change his life forever.Thought lost centuries ago, it is the One Ring, an object of terrifying power once used by the Dark Lord to enslave Middle-earth. Now darkness is rising, and Frodo must travel deep into the Dark Lord's realm, to the one place the Ring can be destroyed: Mount Doom.The journey will test Frodo's courage, his friendships and his heart. Because the ring corrupts all who bear it - can Frodo destroy it, or will it destroy him?
Objev podobné jako The Fellowship of the Ring - J. R. R. Tolkien
The Return of the King - J. R. R. Tolkien
Begin your journey into Middle-earth.A New Legend Begins on Prime Video, in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power.The third part of J.R.R. Tolkien's epic adventure THE LORD OF THE RINGS.The Dark Lord has risen, and as he unleashes hordes of Orcs to conquer all Middle-earth, Frodo and Sam struggle deep into his realm in Mordor.To defeat Sauron, the One Ring must be destroyed in the fires of Mount Doom. But the way is impossibly hard, and Frodo is weakening. The Ring corrupts all who bear it and Frodo's time is running out.Will Sam and Frodo succeed, or will the Dark Lord rule Middle-earth once more?
Objev podobné jako The Return of the King - J. R. R. Tolkien
The Return of the King - J. R. R. Tolkien
Special unjacketed hardback edition of the final part of J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings. This edition features the complete story with a unique cover design embellished with silver foil and the iconic maps appearing in red and black as endpapers.The Companions of the Ring have become involved in separate adventures as the quest continues. Aragorn, revealed as the hidden heir of the ancient Kings of the West, joined with the Riders of Rohan against the forces of Isengard, and took part in the desperate victory of the Hornburg. Merry and Pippin, captured by orcs, escaped into Fangorn Forest and there encountered the Ents.Gandalf returned, miraculously, and defeated the evil wizard, Saruman. Meanwhile, Sam and Frodo progressed towards Mordor to destroy the Ring, accompanied by Sméagol – Gollum, still obsessed by his ‘preciouss’. After a battle with the giant spider, Shelob, Sam left his master for dead; but Frodo is still alive – in the hands of the orcs. And all the time the armies of the Dark Lord are massing.
Objev podobné jako The Return of the King - J. R. R. Tolkien
The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien
For the first time ever, a very special edition of the classic masterpiece, illustrated throughout in colour by the author himself and with the complete text printed in two colours.Since it was first published in 1954, The Lord of the Rings has been a book people have treasured. Steeped in unrivalled magic and otherworldliness, its sweeping fantasy and epic adventure has touched the hearts of young and old alike. Over 150 million copies of its many editions have been sold around the world, and occasional collectors’ editions become prized and valuable items of publishing.This one-volume hardback edition contains the complete text, fully corrected and reset, which is printed in red and black and features, for the very first time, thirty colour illustrations, maps and sketches drawn by Tolkien himself as he composed this epic work. These include the pages from the Book of Mazarbul, marvellous facsimiles created by Tolkien to accompany the famous ‘Bridge of Khazad-dum’ chapter. Also appearing are two removable fold-out maps drawn by Christopher Tolkien revealing all the detail of Middle-earth.Sympathetically packaged to reflect the classic look of the first edition, this new edition of the bestselling hardback will prove irresistible to collectors and new fans alike.
Objev podobné jako The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien
The Adventures of Tom Bombadil - J. R. R. Tolkien
This revised and expanded edition of Tolkien's own Hobbit-inspired poetry includes previously unpublished poems and notes, and is beautifully illustrated by Narnia artist Pauline Baynes.'Here is something that no devotee of the Hobbit epic can afford to miss, while awaiting a further instalment of the history of these fascinating people - a selection [of verses] offered as an 'interim report' to those interested in Hobbit-lore, and to any others who may find amusement in this mixed bag of old confections.'One of the most intriguing characters in The Lord of the Rings, the amusing and enigmatic Tom Bombadil, also appears in verses said to have been written by Hobbits and preserved in the 'Red Book' with stories of Bilbo and Frodo Baggins and their friends. The Adventures of Tom Bombadil collects these and other poems, mainly concerned with legends and jests of the Shire at the end of the Third Age.This special edition has been expanded to include earlier versions of some of Tolkien's poems, a fragment of a prose story with Tom Bombadil, and comprehensive notes by acclaimed Tolkien scholars Christina Scull and Wayne G. Hammond.
Objev podobné jako The Adventures of Tom Bombadil - J. R. R. Tolkien
Kniha mečů - George R.R. Martin, Scott Lynch, Daniel Abraham, Lavie Tidhar, Gardner R. Dozois, Garth Nix, K.J. Parkerová, C.J. Cherryové, Ellen Kusher
Fantastická literatura je plná nezapomenutelných hrdinů, vzpomeňme barbara Conana Roberta E. Howarda, Elrika z Melniboné Michaela Moorcocka či Fafhrda a Šedého Myšilova Fritze Leibera. A právě dnes už klasické postavy jako jsou tyto, učinily z příběhů meče a magie jeden ze základních kamenů žánru fantasy a inspirovaly nové generace spisovatelů k tvorbě vlastních příběhů plných kouzel a dobrodružství. Uznávaný editor Gardner Dozois nyní ve své Knize mečů představuje dosud nikdy nevydané příběhy hvězdné sestavy moderních mistrů žánru, z nichž mnozí se vracejí do svých nejoblíbenějších světů. Čekají na vás příběhy od George R. R. Martina, K. J. Parkerové, Scotta Lynche, Gartha Nixe, C. J. Cherryhové, Daniela Abrahama, Lavieho Tidhara, Ellen Kusherové a dalších. V jejích příbězích plných akčních scén a seslaných kouzel se představuje přehlídka neohrožených šermířů a bojovníků čelících smrtelným nebezpečím na každém kroku, jimž čelí pouze odvahou, chytrostí a studenou ocelí.
Objev podobné jako Kniha mečů - George R.R. Martin, Scott Lynch, Daniel Abraham, Lavie Tidhar, Gardner R. Dozois, Garth Nix, K.J. Parkerová, C.J. Cherryové, Ellen Kusher
Kniha magie - John Crowley, Tim Powers, George R.R. Martin, Elizabeth Bearová, Scott Lynch, Gardner R. Dozois, Garth Nix, Megan Lindholmová, K.J. Park
V nové antologii navazující na úspěšnou Knihu mečů přichází slavný editor Gardner Dozois s příběhy plnými magie, protože za každého Froda je tu Gandalf… a spolu s ním i Saruman. Za každou Dorotku je tu Glinda… a vedle ní také Zlá čarodějka ze Západu. A kdo by byl Harry Potter bez Albuse Brumbála… či Severuse Snapea? Kouzelníci a čarodějové plni moudrosti, nadaní takřka božskými silami, přesto stále zůstávají pouhými lidmi, a tak mohou dojít nejen slávy, ale i prokletí a zkázy. Kniha magie představuje dosud nikdy nevydané příběhy hvězdné sestavy moderních mistrů žánru, z nichž mnozí se vracejí do svých nejoblíbenějších světů. Čekají na vás příběhy od George R. R. Martina, K. J. Parkerové, Scotta Lynche, Gartha Nixe, Elizabeth Bearové, Tima Powerse, Megan Lindholmové, Johna Crowleyho a dalších. V příbězích plných čar a kouzel navštívíme světy, v nichž vládne magie, světy nepředstavitelně vzdálené… ale i ty, které jsou blíž, než si myslíme.
Objev podobné jako Kniha magie - John Crowley, Tim Powers, George R.R. Martin, Elizabeth Bearová, Scott Lynch, Gardner R. Dozois, Garth Nix, Megan Lindholmová, K.J. Park
Star Trek: Zkouška ohněm - Spock - David R. George III
V jediném okamžiku... se životy trojice mužů navždy změní. Ve zlomku vteřiny, kdy zároveň cosi získají a ztratí, zničí svět, aby ho v zápětí opět stvořili. Mnohé už se stalo dřív, mnohé se ještě stane, nic ale neovlivní jejich životy tolik jako ona chvíle na pokraji věčnosti. V jediném okamžiku... musí Spock, Vulkánec ztracený v čase, přihlížet tomu, jak nejlepší přítel nechá na jeho radu zahynout svou životní lásku, což zajistí, že dějiny Země zůstanou beze změny. Když sám Spock za jiných okolností úmyslně změní historii, neúprosné požadavky logiky ho nutí hledat způsob, jak se vypořádat s výsledným rozporem. V jediném okamžiku... který se mu stále znovu vrací, zachránil Spock dějiny na úkor štěstí svého přítele, Jima Kirka. Teprve Kirkova smrt Spocka přiměje přehodnotit samotné základní kameny svého dosavadního života. Aby se dokázal vzepřít pocitu ztráty a výčitkám svědomí, hledá řešení tam, kde už jednou selhal: v úplném ovládnutí vlastních emocí. Ani dokonalá geometrie naprosté logiky však Spocka neušetří nových ztrát a nové nutnosti čelit nevyhnutelnému utrpení, se kterým se nikdy nedokázal sžít. Kruh se uzavírá.
Objev podobné jako Star Trek: Zkouška ohněm - Spock - David R. George III
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring - J. R. R. Tolkien
Special unjacketed hardback edition of the first part of J.R.R. Tolkien's epic masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings. This edition features the complete story with a unique cover design embellished with gold foil and the iconic maps of Middle-earth appearing in red and black as endpapers. Sauron, the Dark Lord, has gathered to him all the Rings of Power - the means by which he intends to rule Middle-earth. All he lacks in his plans for dominion is the One Ring - the ring that rules them all - which has fallen into the hands of the hobbit, Bilbo Baggins. In a sleepy village in the Shire, young Frodo Baggins finds himself faced with an immense task, as his elderly cousin Bilbo entrusts the Ring to his care. Frodo must leave his home and make a perilous journey across Middle-earth to the Cracks of Doom, there to destroy the Ring and foil the Dark Lord in his evil purpose.
Objev podobné jako The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring - J. R. R. Tolkien
The History of Middle-Earth 04: Shaping of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien
The fourth volume that contains the early myths and legends which led to the writing of Tolkien's epic tale of war, The Silmarillion. In this fourth volume of The History of Middle-earth, the shaping of the chronological and geographical structure of the legends of Middle-earth and Valinor is spread before us. We are introduced to the hitherto unknown Ambarkanta or "Shape of the World", the only account ever given of the nature of the imagined Universe, ccompanied by maps and diagrams of the world before and after the cataclyusms of The War of the Gods and the Downfall of Numenor. The first map of Beleriend is also reproduced and discussed. In The Annals of Valinor and The Annals of Beleriend we are shown how the chronology of the First Age was moulded: and the tale is told of Aelfwine, the Englishman who voyaged into the True West and came to Tol Eressea, Lonely Isle, where he learned the ancient history of Elves and Men. Also included are the original 'Silmarillion' of 1926, and the Quenta Noldorinwa of 1930 -- the only version of the myths and legends of the First Age that J R R Tolkien completed to their end.
Objev podobné jako The History of Middle-Earth 04: Shaping of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien
The Fellowship of the Ring (Defekt) - J. R. R. Tolkien
The Fellowship of the Ring is the first part of J.R.R. Tolkien's epic adventure, The Lord of the Rings. Sauron, the Dark Lord, has gathered to him all the Rings of Power - the means by which he intends to rule Middle-earth. All he lacks in his plans for dominion is the One Ring - the ring that rules them all - which has fallen into the hands of the hobbit, Bilbo Baggins. In a sleepy village in the Shire, young Frodo Baggins finds himself faced with an immense task, as his elderly cousin Bilbo entrusts the Ring to his care. Frodo must leave his home and make a perilous journey across Middle-earth to the Cracks of Doom, there to destroy the Ring and foil the Dark Lord in his evil purpose. The text of this edition has been fully corrected and revised in collaboration with Christopher Tolkien and is accompanied by nineteen watercolour paintings from Alan Lee.
Objev podobné jako The Fellowship of the Ring (Defekt) - J. R. R. Tolkien
Legend of Sigurd & Gurdún - J. R. R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien
The world first publication of a previously unknown work by J.R.R. Tolkien, which tells the epic story of the Norse hero, Sigurd, the dragon-slayer, the revenge of his wife, Gudrún, and the Fall of the Nibelungs. In the Lay of the Völsungs is told the ancestry of the great hero Sigurd, the slayer of Fáfnir most celebrated of dragons, whose treasure he took for his own; of his awakening of the Valkyrie Brynhild who slept surrounded by a wall of fire, and of their betrothal; and of his coming to the court of the great princes who were named the Niflungs (or Nibelungs), with whom he entered into blood-brotherhood. In that court there sprang great love but also great hate, brought about by the power of the enchantress, mother of the Niflungs, skilled in the arts of magic, of shape-changing and potions of forgetfulness. In scenes of dramatic intensity, of confusion of identity, thwarted passion, jealousy and bitter strife, the tragedy of Sigurd and Brynhild, of Gunnar the Niflung and Gudrún his sister, mounts to its end in the murder of Sigurd at the hands of his blood-brothers, the suicide of Brynhild, and the despair of Gudrún. In the Lay of Gudrún her fate after the death of Sigurd is told, her marriage against her will to the mighty Atli, ruler of the Huns (the Attila of history), his murder of her brothers the Niflung lords, and her hideous revenge. J.R.R. Tolkien's book 'The Fall of Númenor' was a Sunday Times bestseller w/c 2022-11-07.
Objev podobné jako Legend of Sigurd & Gurdún - J. R. R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien
The Wit and Wisdom of Tyrion Lannister - George R.R. Martin
This book showcases the best and most humorous quotes from George R.R. Martin's favourite character Tyrion Lannister, the worldly, jaded, funny, highly intelligent, cynical, womanizing star of the books. A perfect stocking-filler for every fan of the books, and of HBO's award-winning television series.
Objev podobné jako The Wit and Wisdom of Tyrion Lannister - George R.R. Martin
A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (Defekt) - George R.R. Martin
A century before A GAME OF THRONES, two unlikely heroes wandered Westeros... A KNIGHT OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS compiles the first three official prequel novellas to George R.R. Martin's ongoing masterwork, A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE.
Objev podobné jako A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (Defekt) - George R.R. Martin
King of Swords (Defekt) - Nick Stone
This book is set in Miami, 1981. When Detective Max Mingus and his partner Joe are called to the scene of a death at Miami's Primate Park, it looks like another routine - if slightly bizarre - investigation. Until two things turn up: the victim's family, slaughtered; and a partly digested tarot card in the dead man's stomach; 'The King of Swords'. An increasingly bloody trail leads Max and Joe first to a sinister fortune-teller and her scheming pimp son, then to the infamous Solomon Boukman. Few have ever met the most feared criminal in Miami, but rumours abound of a forked tongue, voodoo ceremonies and friends in very high places. Against a backdrop of black magic and police corruption, Max and Joe must distinguish the good guys from the bad - and track down some answers. What is the significance of the King of Swords? What makes those who have swallowed the card go on a killing spree just before they die? And can Max find out the truth about Solomon Boukman, before death's shadow reaches his own front door?
Objev podobné jako King of Swords (Defekt) - Nick Stone
Schleich Deka a ohlávka, Lisa a Storm 42461 (4059433568676)
Doplňky k figurkám na hraní, výška figurky: 14 cm, vhodné pro děti od 5 let Figurka Schleich 42461 Deka a ohlávka, Lisa a Storm se zalíbí vám i vašemu kamarádovi. Tento model se zalíbí klukům i holkám. Hovoříme o figurce Schleich, která se dětem postará o zábavu. Figurka je dodávána z materiálu, jímž je plast a její používání je doporučené od 5 let. Důležité funkce figurky Schleich 42461 Deka a ohlávka, Lisa a Storm Určení: pro kohokoliv Je vhodná pro děti od 5 let Figurka dosahuje výšky 14 cm Druh: doplňkové předměty Schleich 42461 Deka a ohlávka, Lisa a Storm stane se oblíbenou hračkou dětí Materiál figurky Schleich tvoří plast
Objev podobné jako Schleich Deka a ohlávka, Lisa a Storm 42461 (4059433568676)
Star Trek - Odkud přicházejí stíny - McC - David R. George III
První část trilogie Zkouška ohněm.V jediném okamžiku... se životy trojice mužů navždy změní. Ve zlomku vteřiny, kdy zároveň cosi získají a ztratí, zničí svět, aby ho vzápětí opět stvořili. Mnohé už se stalo dřív, mnohé se ještě stane, nic ale neovlivní jejich životy tolik jako ona chvíle na pokraji věčnosti. V jediném okamžiku... zachytí Leonard McCoy, člověk ztracený v čase, ženu, aby ji nesrazilo auto, a tím změní dějiny Země. Uvázne v minulosti, avšak ze všech sil se snaží vrátit do svého století. Není mu ale souzeno obyčejné bytí, musí jít dál a vyrovnat se konečně s dozvuky života, který ztratil. V jediném okamžiku... kdosi zabrání Leonardu McCoyovi, člověku ztracenému v čase, zachytit ženu, aby ji nesrazilo auto, a dějiny Země zůstanou beze změny. Vrátí se do současnosti a setká se s lékařskou záhadou, kterou se rozhodne vyřešit. Pronásledují jej ale ozvěny života, který nikdy neprožil, a vidina předčasné smrti jej dovede až k běsům, s nimiž se dosud nesetkal. Kruh se uzavírá.
Objev podobné jako Star Trek - Odkud přicházejí stíny - McC - David R. George III
The Lay Of Aotrou & Itroun - J. R. R. Tolkien, Flieger Verlyn
Unavailable for more than 70 years, this early but important work is published for the first time with Tolkien's ‘Corrigan' poems and other supporting material, including a prefatory note by Christopher Tolkien. Set ‘In Britain's land beyond the seas' during the Age of Chivalry, The Lay of Aotrou and Itroun tells of a childless Breton Lord and Lady (‘Aotrou' and ‘Itroun') and the tragedy that befalls them when Aotrou seeks to remedy their situation with the aid of a magic potion obtained from a corrigan, or malevolent fairy. When the potion succeeds and Itroun bears twins, the corrigan returns seeking her fee, and Aotrou is forced to choose between betraying his marriage and losing his life. Coming from the darker side of J.R.R. Tolkien's imagination, The Lay of Aotrou and Itroun, together with the two shorter ‘Corrigan' poems that lead up to it and are also included here, was the outcome of a comparatively short but intense period in Tolkien's life when he was deeply engaged with Celtic, and particularly Breton, myth and legend. Written in 1930, this early but seminal work is an important addition to the non-Middle-earth portion of his canon alongside Tolkien's other retellings of myth and legend, The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrún, The Fall of Arthur and The Story of Kullervo, a small but important corpus of his ventures into ‘real-world' mythologies, each of which would be a formative in?uence on his own legendarium.
Objev podobné jako The Lay Of Aotrou & Itroun - J. R. R. Tolkien, Flieger Verlyn
The Fall of Gondolin (Defekt) - J. R. R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien
Painstakingly restored from Tolkien's manuscripts and presented for the first time as a standalone work, the epic tale of The Fall of Gondolin will reunite fans of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings with Elves and Men, Balrogs, Dragons and Orcs and the rich landscape and creatures unique to Tolkien's Middle-earth.In the Tale of The Fall of Gondolin are two of the greatest powers in the world. There is Morgoth of the uttermost evil, unseen in this story but ruling over a vast military power from his fortress of Angband. Deeply opposed to Morgoth is Ulmo, second in might only to Manwe, chief of the Valar.Central to this enmity of the gods is the city of Gondolin, beautiful but undiscoverable. It was built and peopled by Noldorin Elves who, when they dwelt in Valinor, the land of the gods, rebelled against their rule and fled to Middle-earth. Turgon King of Gondolin is hated and feared above all his enemies by Morgoth, who seeks in vain to discover the marvellously hidden city, while the gods in Valinor in heated debate largely refuse to intervene in support of Ulmo's desires and designs.Into this world comes Tuor, cousin of Turin, the instrument of Ulmo's designs. Guided unseen by him Tuor sets out from the land of his birth on the fearful journey to Gondolin, and in one of the most arresting moments in the history of Middle-earth the sea-god himself appears to him, rising out of the ocean in the midst of a storm. In Gondolin he becomes great; he is wedded to Idril, Turgon's daughter, and their son is Earendel, whose birth and profound importance in days to come is foreseen by Ulmo.At last comes the terrible ending. Morgoth learns through an act of supreme treachery all that he needs to mount a devastating attack on the city, with Balrogs and dragons and numberless Orcs. After a minutely observed account of the fall of Gondolin, the tale ends with the escape of Tuor and Idril, with the child Earendel, looking back from a cleft in the mountains as they flee southward, at the blazing wreckage of their city. They were journeying into a new story, the Tale of Earendel, which Tolkien never wrote, but which is sketched out in this book from other sources.Following his presentation of Beren and Luthien Christopher Tolkien has used the same 'history in sequence' mode in the writing of this edition of The Fall of Gondolin. In the words of J.R.R. Tolkien, it was 'the first real story of this imaginary world' and, together with Beren and Luthien and The Children of Hurin, he regarded it as one of the three 'Great Tales' of the Elder Days.
Objev podobné jako The Fall of Gondolin (Defekt) - J. R. R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien
The Battle of Maldon - together with The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth - J. R. R. Tolkien, Peter Grybauskas
First ever standalone edition of one of J.R.R. Tolkien's most important poetic dramas, that explores timely themes such as the nature of heroism and chivalry during war, and which features unpublished and never-before-seen texts and drafts. In 991 AD, vikings attacked an Anglo-Saxon defence-force led by their duke, Beorhtnoth, resulting in brutal fighting along the banks of the river Blackwater, near Maldon in Essex. The attack is widely considered one of the defining conflicts of tenth-century England, due to it being immortalised in the poem, The Battle of Maldon. Written shortly after the battle, the poem now survives only as a 325-line fragment, but its value to today is incalculable, not just as an heroic tale but in vividly expressing the lost language of our ancestors and celebrating ideals of loyalty and friendship. J.R.R. Tolkien considered The Battle of Maldon ‘the last surviving fragment of ancient English heroic minstrelsy'. It would inspire him to compose, during the 1930s, his own dramatic verse-dialogue, The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth Beorhthelm's Son, which imagines the aftermath of the great battle when two of Beorhtnoth's retainers come to retrieve their duke's body. Leading Tolkien scholar, Peter Grybauskas, presents for the very first time J.R.R. Tolkien's own prose translation of The Battle of Maldon together with the definitive treatment of The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth and its accompanying essays; also included and never before published is Tolkien's bravura lecture, ‘The Tradition of Versification in Old English', a wide-ranging essay on the nature of poetic tradition. Illuminated with insightful notes and commentary, he has produced a definitive critical edition of these works, and argues compellingly that, Beowulf excepted, The Battle of Maldon may well have been ‘the Old English poem that most influenced Tolkien's fiction', most dramatically within the pages of The Lord of the Rings.
Objev podobné jako The Battle of Maldon - together with The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth - J. R. R. Tolkien, Peter Grybauskas
The History of Middle-Earth 06: Return of the Shadow - J. R. R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien
The Return of the Shadow is the first part of the history of the creation of The Lord of the Rings, a fascinating study of Tolkien's great masterpiece, from its inception to the end of the first volume, The Fellowship of the Ring. In The Return of the Shadow (the abandoned title of the first volume of The Lord of the Rings) we see how Bilbo's 'magic' ring evolved into the supremely dangerous Ruling Ring of the Dark Lord; and the precise, and astonishingly unforeseen, moment when a Black Rider first rode into the Shire. The character of the hobbit called Trotter (afterwards Strider or Aragorn) is developed, though his true identity seems to be an insoluble problem. Frodo's companions undergo many changes of name and personality; and other major figures appear in unfamiliar guises: a sinister Treebeard, in league with the Enemy, and a ferocious, malevolent Farmer Maggot.The book comes complete with reproductions of the first maps and facsimile pages from the earliest manuscripts
Objev podobné jako The History of Middle-Earth 06: Return of the Shadow - J. R. R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien
The History of Middle-Earth 12: Peoples of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien
The concluding volume of The History of Middle-earth series, which examines the Appendices to The Lord of the Rings. The Peoples of Middle-earth traces the evolution of the Appendices to The Lord of The Rings, which provide a comprehensive historical structure of the Second and Third Ages, including Calendars, Hobbit genealogies and the Westron language. The book concludes with two unique abandoned stories: The New Shadow, set in Gondor during the Fourth Age, and the tale of Tal-elmar, in which the coming of the dreaded Numenorean ships is seen through the eyes of men of Middle-earth in the Dark Years. With the publication of this book, the long history of J.R.R. Tolkien's creation is completed and the enigmatic state of his work can be understood.
Objev podobné jako The History of Middle-Earth 12: Peoples of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien
The Return of the King (The Lord of the Rings, Book 3) - J. R. R. Tolkien
Begin your journey into Middle-earth. A New Legend Begins on Prime Video, in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. The third part of J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic adventure THE LORD OF THE RINGS. The Dark Lord has risen, and as he unleashes hordes of Orcs to conquer all Middle-earth, Frodo and Sam struggle deep into his realm in Mordor. To defeat Sauron, the One Ring must be destroyed in the fires of Mount Doom. But the way is impossibly hard, and Frodo is weakening. The Ring corrupts all who bear it and Frodo’s time is running out. Will Sam and Frodo succeed, or will the Dark Lord rule Middle-earth once more?
Objev podobné jako The Return of the King (The Lord of the Rings, Book 3) - J. R. R. Tolkien
The Return of the King (The Lord of the Rings, Book 3) - J. R. R. Tolkien
Concluding the story begun in The Hobbit, this is the final part of Tolkien’s epic masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings. Featuring a striking black cover based on Tolkien’s own design, the definitive text, and a detailed map of Middle-earth.The armies of the Dark Lord are massing as his evil shadow spreads ever wider. Men, Dwarves, Elves and Ents unite forces to do battle agains the Dark. Meanwhile, Frodo and Sam struggle further into Mordor in their heroic quest to destroy the One Ring.Impossible to describe in a few words, JRR Tolkien’s great work of imaginative fiction has been labelled both a heroic romance and a classic fantasy fiction. By turns comic and homely, epic and diabolic, the narrative moves through countless changes of scene and character in an imaginary world which is totally convincing in its detail. Tolkien created a vast new mythology in an invented world which has proved timeless in its appeal.
Objev podobné jako The Return of the King (The Lord of the Rings, Book 3) - J. R. R. Tolkien
A Clash of Kings: Book 2 of a Song of Ice and Fire - George R.R. Martin
HBO's hit series A GAME OF THRONES is based on George R R Martin's internationally bestselling series A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE, the greatest fantasy epic of the modern age. A CLASH OF KINGS is the second volume in the series. Throughout Westeros, the cold winds are rising. From the ancient citadel of Dragonstone to the forbidding lands of Winterfell, chaos reigns as pretenders to the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms stake their claims through tempest, turmoil and war. As a prophecy of doom cuts across the sky - a comet the colour of blood and flame - five factions struggle for control of a divided land. Brother plots against brother and the dead rise to walk in the night. Against a backdrop of incest, fratricide, alchemy and murder, the price of glory is measured in blood.
Objev podobné jako A Clash of Kings: Book 2 of a Song of Ice and Fire - George R.R. Martin
Fox Sada kolíků R-Series Bivvy Storm Pack
Balíček poskytuje větší bezpečnost v nejhorších podmínkách R-Series polyesterový obal s dvojitými 6ks extra dlouhých kolíků (30cm) 6ks „lehce napínacích“ šňůr s reflexními body
Objev podobné jako Fox Sada kolíků R-Series Bivvy Storm Pack
Podívejte se také
- Rohnson R-588 (R-588)
- Rohnson R-1550BAG10KS (R-1550BAG10KS)
- Rohnson R-447 (R-447)
- Rohnson R-0515WT (R-0515WT)
- Rohnson R-342 (R-342)
- Rohnson R-250 (R-250)
- Rohnson R-7055 (R-7055)
- Rohnson R-500n (R-500)
- Rohnson R-9450FSET (R-9450FSET)
- Rohnson R-284 (R-284)
- Rohnson R-2091 (R-2091)
- Rohnson R-7906 (R-7906)
- Rohnson R-5510 (R-5510)
- Rohnson R-502V (R-502V)
- Rohnson R-9600UV (R-9600UV)
- Rohnson R-344 (R-344)
- Rohnson R-5110 (R-5110)
- Rohnson R-9600F1 (R-9600F1)
- Rohnson R-992 (R-992)
- Rohnson R-2755 (R-2755)
- Rohnson R-9440FSET (R-9440FSET)
- Rohnson R-7105 (R-7105)