Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

A God in Ruins - Kate Atkinsonová

WINNER OF THE 2015 COSTA NOVEL AWARDA God in Ruins relates the life of Teddy Todd – would-be poet, heroic World War II bomber pilot, husband, father, and grandfather – as he navigates the perils and progress of the 20th century. For all Teddy endures in battle, his greatest challenge will be to face living in a future he never expected to have. This gripping, often deliriously funny yet emotionally devastating book looks at war – that great fall of Man from grace – and the effect it has, not only on those who live through it, but on the lives of the subsequent generations. It is also about the infinite magic of fiction.Those who loved the bestselling Life After Life will recognise Teddy as Ursula Todd’s adored younger brother – but for those who have not read it, A God in Ruins stands fully on its own. Few will dispute that it proves once again that Kate Atkinson is one of the most exceptional novelists of our age.

Podívejte se také Lamb of God: Live In Richmond (DVD+CD) - DVD (0727361584504)

cena 232.0 Kč

Transcription - Kate Atkinsonová

THE MAGNIFICENT NEW NOVEL BY BESTSELLING AWARD-WINNING KATE ATKINSON`Think of it as an adventure, Perry had said right at the beginning of all this.And it had seemed like one. A bit of a lark, she had thought. A Girl's Own adventure.'In 1940, eighteen-year old Juliet Armstrong is reluctantly recruited into the world of espionage. Sent to an obscure department of MI5 tasked with monitoring the comings and goings of British Fascist sympathizers, she discovers the work to be by turns both tedious and terrifying. But after the war has ended, she presumes the events of those years have been relegated to the past for ever. Ten years later, now a producer at the BBC, Juliet is unexpectedly confronted by figures from her past. A different war is being fought now, on a different battleground, but Juliet finds herself once more under threat. A bill of reckoning is due, and she finally begins to realize that there is no action without consequence. Transcription is a work of rare depth and texture, a bravura modern novel of extraordinary power, wit and empathy. It is a triumphant work of fiction from one of this country's most exceptional writers.

Podívejte se také Lamb of God: Lamb of God - CD (0727361537524)

cena 357.0 Kč

Neuzavřené případy - Kate Atkinsonová

Soukromý detektiv Jackson Brodie nemá jednoduchý život. Manželka se s ním rozvedla a jeho dcerku teď vychovává cizí hejhula, bolí ho zuby a má protivnou sekretářku. Navíc většinu času tráví poněkud nudným sledováním (domněle) nevěrných manželek. Bezprostředně za sebou se ale objeví tři z policejního hlediska "mrtvé" případy. Dvě excentrické sestry ho vyhledají kvůli pětatřicet let pohřešované mladší sestřičce, obézní právník jej žádá, aby po deseti letech našel brutálního vraha jeho milované dcery, a třetí případ mu připraví sestra ženy, která nezvládla mateřství a odloučený život na venkově a v zoufalství zabila manžela sekerou. Detektiv Brodie dovede všechny tři případy, které se začnou vzájemně prolínat, k rozuzlení. Není to happy end, ale příběh, který rozhodně zaujme čtenáře psychologických románů i detektivek.

Podívejte se také Sirenia: Riddles, Ruins & Revelations - CD (NPR950DP)

cena 267.0 Kč

Big Sky - Kate Atkinsonová

A BRILLIANT NEW LITERARY CRIME NOVEL FROM NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER KATE ATKINSON: JACKSON BRODIE MAKES A HIGLY ANTICIPATED RETURN Jackson Brodie has relocated to a quiet seaside village, in the occasional company of his recalcitrant teenage son and an ageing Labrador, both at the discretion of his ex-partner Julia. It's picturesque, but there's something darker lurking behind the scenes. Jackson's current job, gathering proof of an unfaithful husband for his suspicious wife, is fairly standard-issue, but a chance encounter with a desperate man on a crumbling cliff leads him into a sinister network-and back across the path of someone from his past. Old secrets and new lies intersect in this breathtaking novel by one of the most dazzling and surprising writers at work today.

Objev podobné jako Big Sky - Kate Atkinsonová

cena 321.0 Kč

Chrámy veselí - Kate Atkinsonová

Píše se rok 1926 a Británie se dosud vzpamatovává z první světové války. V nočních klubech londýnské čtvrti Soho to ale kypí životem, šlechta se tu potkává s hvězdami showbusinessu, zahraničními diplomaty i gangstery a za šilink si každý může koupit taneček s jednou z místních dívek. Královnou tohohle nablýskaného polosvěta je Nellie Cokerová, žena, která je ochotná jít přes mrtvoly, jen aby zajistila rodinu - svých šest dětí, včetně tajemného prvorozeného Nivena, který si prošel peklem u Sommy. Jenže úspěch se neodpouští, a tak si musí své impérium hlídat před nepřáteli zvnějšku i zevnitř. Protože Soho, to nejsou jenom ohňostroje veselí, ale také temný labyrint, kde se člověk snadno může ztratit.

Objev podobné jako Chrámy veselí - Kate Atkinsonová

cena 446.0 Kč

Transcription (Defekt) - Kate Atkinsonová

THE MAGNIFICENT NEW NOVEL BY BESTSELLING AWARD-WINNING KATE ATKINSON`Think of it as an adventure, Perry had said right at the beginning of all this.And it had seemed like one. A bit of a lark, she had thought. A Girl's Own adventure.'In 1940, eighteen-year old Juliet Armstrong is reluctantly recruited into the world of espionage. Sent to an obscure department of MI5 tasked with monitoring the comings and goings of British Fascist sympathizers, she discovers the work to be by turns both tedious and terrifying. But after the war has ended, she presumes the events of those years have been relegated to the past for ever. Ten years later, now a producer at the BBC, Juliet is unexpectedly confronted by figures from her past. A different war is being fought now, on a different battleground, but Juliet finds herself once more under threat. A bill of reckoning is due, and she finally begins to realize that there is no action without consequence. Transcription is a work of rare depth and texture, a bravura modern novel of extraordinary power, wit and empathy. It is a triumphant work of fiction from one of this country's most exceptional writers.

Objev podobné jako Transcription (Defekt) - Kate Atkinsonová

cena 179.0 Kč

Život za životem - Kate Atkinsonová

Angličanka Ursula Toddová zemře těsně po narození jedné únorové noci roku 1910. V následující kapitole se téže únorové noci narodí znovu, přičemž tentokrát přežije, aby podstoupila celou řadu tragických, mnohdy heroických konců. Tak jako na divadle padá opona, v Ursulině příběhu "padá tma", tedy smrt. Ta ovšem neznamená temný konec, ale je příslibem dalších, neomezených variant a pokračování. Není divu, že Ursula mívá silné pocity déja vu; je totiž obdařena možností prožívat tytéž chvíle a stavy znovu a znovu a snažit se zabránit osobním i dějinným katastrofám. Netrpělivě očekávaný román, jenž se stále drží na předních místech mezinárodních žebříčků a s přehledem poráží knihy J. K. Rowlingové i Padesát odstínů šedi.

Objev podobné jako Život za životem - Kate Atkinsonová

cena 356.0 Kč

Shrines of Gaiety - Kate Atkinsonová

1926, and in a country still recovering from the Great War, London has become the focus for a delirious new nightlife. In the clubs of Soho, peers of the realm rub shoulders with starlets, foreign dignitaries with gangsters, and girls sell dances for a shilling a time.The notorious queen of this glittering world is Nellie Coker, ruthless but also ambitious to advance her six children, including the enigmatic eldest, Niven whose character has been forged in the crucible of the Somme. But success breeds enemies, and Nellie's empire faces threats from without and within.For beneath the dazzle of Soho's gaiety, there is a dark underbelly, a world in which it is all too easy to become lost.With her unique Dickensian flair, Kate Atkinson brings together a glittering cast of characters in a truly mesmeric novel that captures the uncertainty and mutability of life; of a world in which nothing is quite as it seems.

Objev podobné jako Shrines of Gaiety - Kate Atkinsonová

cena 357.0 Kč

Život za životem - Kate Atkinsonová

Angličanka Ursula Toddová zemře těsně po narození jedné únorové noci roku 1910. V následující kapitole se téže únorové noci narodí znovu, přičemž tentokrát přežije, aby podstoupila celou řadu tragických, mnohdy heroických konců. Tak jako na divadle padá opona, v Ursulině příběhu "padá tma", tedy smrt. Ta ovšem neznamená temný konec, ale je příslibem dalších, neomezených variant a pokračování. Není divu, že Ursula mívá silné pocity déja vu; je totiž obdařena možností prožívat tytéž chvíle a stavy znovu a znovu a snažit se zabránit osobním i dějinným katastrofám. Netrpělivě očekávaný román, jenž se stále drží na předních místech mezinárodních žebříčků a s přehledem poráží knihy J. K. Rowlingové i Padesát odstínů šedi.

Objev podobné jako Život za životem - Kate Atkinsonová

cena 267.0 Kč

Shrines of Gaiety - Kate Atkinsonová

1926, and in a country still recovering from the Great War, London has become the focus for a delirious new nightlife. In the clubs of Soho, peers of the realm rub shoulders with starlets, foreign dignitaries with gangsters, and girls sell dances for a shilling a time.At the heart of this glittering world is notorious Nellie Coker, ruthless but also ambitious to advance her six children, including the enigmatic eldest, Niven whose character has been forged in the crucible of the Somme. But success breeds enemies, and Nellie's empire faces threats from without and within. For beneath the dazzle of Soho's gaiety, there is a dark underbelly, a world in which it is all too easy to become lost.With her unique Dickensian flair, Kate Atkinson brings together a glittering cast of characters in a truly mesmeric novel that captures the uncertainty and mutability of life; of a world in which nothing is quite as it seems.

Objev podobné jako Shrines of Gaiety - Kate Atkinsonová

cena 268.0 Kč

Case Histories : (Jackson Brodie) - Kate Atkinsonová

'An astonishingly complex and moving literary detective story that made me sob but also snort with laughter. It's the sort of novel you have to start rereading the minute you've finished it' GuardianThe first Jackson Brodie novel: literary crime from the prizewinning, number-one bestselling author of Big Sky and Transcription.Cambridge is sweltering, during an unusually hot summer. To Jackson Brodie, former police inspector turned private investigator, the world consists of one accounting sheet - Lost on the left, Found on the right - and the two never seem to balance.Surrounded by death, intrigue and misfortune, his own life haunted by a family tragedy, Jackson attempts to unravel three disparate case histories and begins to realise that in spite of apparent diversity, everything is connected...

Objev podobné jako Case Histories : (Jackson Brodie) - Kate Atkinsonová

cena 295.0 Kč

Normal Rules Don't Apply - Kate Atkinsonová

The first story collection from Kate Atkinson in twenty years, Normal Rules Don''t Apply is a dazzling array of eleven interconnected tales from the bestselling author of Shrines of Gaiety and Life After LifeIn this first full collection since Not the End of the World, we meet a queen who makes a bargain she cannot keep; a secretary who watches over the life she has just left; a man whose luck changes when a horse speaks to him.With clockwork intricacy, inventiveness and sharp social observation, Kate Atkinson conjures a feast for the imagination, a constantly changing multiverse in which nothing is quite as it seems.‘What really binds these stories is their underlying theme, which has perhaps always been Atkinson’s true subject: the nature of storytelling itself’ Times Literary Supplement‘Life in all of its surreal, tragic and comic glory is perfectly captured within these pages’ Red‘Sublime’ Good Housekeeping‘Dazzling’ Reader''s Digest____________Praise for Kate Atkinson:''Inexhaustibly ingenious'' HILARY MANTEL''Simply one of the best writers working today, anywhere in the world'' GILLIAN FLYNN''A brilliant and profoundly original writer'' RACHEL CUSK''Atkinson is a novelist of unrivalled immediacy, authority, and skill'' FINANCIAL TIMES''One of the country''s most innovative, exciting and intelligent authors.'' SCOTSMANSunday Times bestseller, August 2023

Objev podobné jako Normal Rules Don't Apply - Kate Atkinsonová

cena 561.0 Kč

Normal Rules Don't Apply - Kate Atkinsonová

The first story collection from Kate Atkinson in twenty years, Normal Rules Don't Apply is a dazzling array of eleven interconnected tales from the bestselling author of Shrines of Gaiety and Life After LifeIn this first full collection since Not the End of the World, we meet a queen who makes a bargain she cannot keep; a secretary who watches over the life she has just left; a man whose luck changes when a horse speaks to him. With clockwork intricacy, inventiveness and sharp social observation, Kate Atkinson conjures a feast for the imagination, a constantly changing multiverse in which nothing is quite as it seems.

Objev podobné jako Normal Rules Don't Apply - Kate Atkinsonová

cena 268.0 Kč

Kdy už přijdou dobré zprávy? - Kate Atkinsonová

Další detektivka s Jacksonem Brodiem. Před třiceti lety došlo v idylickém zákoutí venkovském Devonu k hrůznému zločinu. Šestiletá Joanna byla u toho. A teď má pachatel vyjít na svobodu. Předčasně zmoudřelá šestnáctiletá Reggie pracuje v Edinburghu jako chůva pro sympatickou lékařku. Ta jednoho dne zmizela i s děckem, ale všem kromě Reggie jako by to bylo jedno. A na druhém konci města vrchní inspektorka Louise Monroeová také někoho pohřešuje. Zatím netuší, že ji pátrání svede dohromady se starým známým Jacksonem Brodiem - mužem, jehož život je jako jízda na horské dráze.

Objev podobné jako Kdy už přijdou dobré zprávy? - Kate Atkinsonová

cena 446.0 Kč

Normal Rules Don´t Apply - Kate Atkinsonová

The first story collection from Kate Atkinson in twenty years, Normal Rules Don't Apply is a dazzling array of eleven interconnected tales from the bestselling author of Shrines of Gaiety and Life After LifeIn this first full collection since Not the End of the World, we meet a queen who makes a bargain she cannot keep; a secretary who watches over the life she has just left; a man whose luck changes when a horse speaks to him.With clockwork intricacy, inventiveness and sharp social observation, Kate Atkinson conjures a feast for the imagination, a constantly changing multiverse in which nothing is quite as it seems.____________Praise for Kate Atkinson:'Inexhaustibly ingenious' HILARY MANTEL'Simply one of the best writers working today, anywhere in the world' GILLIAN FLYNN'A brilliant and profoundly original writer' RACHEL CUSK'Atkinson is a novelist of unrivalled immediacy, authority, and skill' FINANCIAL TIMES'Atkinson has a plotter's mind: intricate, clever, satisfying' THE SUNDAY TIMES'One of our finest novelists' SUNDAY EXPRESS'Kate Atkinson is an international treasure: She creates characters with the ease of Agatha Christie, makes narratives out of mysteries and mystery out of narrative, and has written some of the most memorable scenes and dialogue I've encountered in the past decade' VANITY FAIR'I can think of few writers who can make the ordinary collide with the extraordinary to such beguiling effect' OBSERVER'One of the country's most innovative, exciting and intelligent authors.' SCOTSMAN

Objev podobné jako Normal Rules Don´t Apply - Kate Atkinsonová

cena 357.0 Kč

Kdy už přijdou dobré zprávy? (Defekt) - Kate Atkinsonová

Další detektivka s Jacksonem Brodiem. Před třiceti lety došlo v idylickém zákoutí venkovském Devonu k hrůznému zločinu. Šestiletá Joanna byla u toho. A teď má pachatel vyjít na svobodu. Předčasně zmoudřelá šestnáctiletá Reggie pracuje v Edinburghu jako chůva pro sympatickou lékařku. Ta jednoho dne zmizela i s děckem, ale všem kromě Reggie jako by to bylo jedno. A na druhém konci města vrchní inspektorka Louise Monroeová také někoho pohřešuje. Zatím netuší, že ji pátrání svede dohromady se starým známým Jacksonem Brodiem - mužem, jehož život je jako jízda na horské dráze.

Objev podobné jako Kdy už přijdou dobré zprávy? (Defekt) - Kate Atkinsonová

cena 199.0 Kč

Death at the Sign of the Rook - Kate Atkinsonová

THE #1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERDISCOVER THE NEW JACKSON BRODIE NOVEL, FROM THE BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF SHRINES OF GAIETY''How delicious to have Jackson Brodie back, this time in a story that starts off in Agatha Christie''s world but soon becomes a landscape that could only have been crafted from the pen of the incomparable Kate Atkinson'' Ian Rankin''Christie would be proud . . . I defy you not to snort with laughter as the novel progresses to its farcical denouement. Atkinson is brilliant'' Observer**SPECIAL FIRST EDITION PRINT RUN: With an exclusive design underneath the dust jacket and Author Q&A, available while stocks last*******Welcome to Rook Hall.The stage is set. The players are ready. By night’s end, a murderer will be revealed. Ex-detective Jackson Brodie is staving off a bad case of midlife malaise when he is called to a sleepy Yorkshire town, and the seemingly tedious matter of a stolen painting. But one theft leads to another, including the disappearance of a valuable Turner from Burton Makepeace, home to Lady Milton and her family. Once a magnificent country house, Burton Makepeace has now partially been converted into a hotel, hosting Murder Mystery weekends.As paying guests, a vicar, an ex-army officer, impecunious aristocrats, and old friends converge, we are treated a fiendishly clever mystery; one that pays homage to the masters of the genre—from Agatha Christie to Dorothy Sayers.Brilliantly inventive, with all of Atkinson’s signature wit, wordplay and narrative brio, Death at the Sign of the Rook may be Jackson Brodie’s most outrageous and memorable case yet.****''Sharp, droll and knowing as ever, Atkinson has huge fun with the set-up;the supporting cast is terrific, and the rueful Brodie, ever more mindful of the passing years,feels like an old friend.'' Guardian‘Delicious character studies… fine writing, wit, originality and eccentricity – even as it induces a warm glow’ Telegraph‘Another brilliant addition to her impressive oeuvre, Atkinson masterfully blends intricate plotting with rich character development, delivering a mystery that is both intellectually stimulating and emotionally engaging.’ Glamour‘The set-up is a delight, paying homage to traditional Agatha Christie-style murder mysteries – the characters are well-drawn, their stories unfolding alongside each other until gradually the strands unite, keeping the reader guessing how they will ultimately tie together. A great read.’ PA Media‘Superior writing...a highly entertaining read’ GraziaKate Atkinson, Sunday Times bestseller, August 2024

Objev podobné jako Death at the Sign of the Rook - Kate Atkinsonová

cena 650.0 Kč

Death at the Sign of the Rook - Kate Atkinsonová

The stage is set. Marooned overnight by a snowstorm in a grand country house are a cast of characters and a setting that even Agatha Christie might recognize - a vicar, an Army major, a Dowager, a sleuth and his sidekick - except that the sleuth is Jackson Brodie, and the 'sidekick' is DC Reggie Chase. The crumbling house - Burton Makepeace and its chatelaine the Dowager Lady Milton - suffered the loss of their last remaining painting of any value, a Turner, some years ago. The housekeeper, Sophie, who disappeared the same night, is suspected of stealing it. Jackson, a reluctant hostage to the snowstorm, has been investigating the theft of another painting: The Woman with a Weasel, a portrait, taken from the house of an elderly widow, on the morning she died.The suspect this time is the widow's carer, Melanie. Is this a coincidence or is there a connection? And what secrets does the Woman with a Weasel hold? The puzzle is Jackson's to solve.And let's not forget that a convicted murderer is on the run on the moors around Burton Makepeace. All the while, in a bid to make money, Burton Makepeace is determined to keep hosting a shambolic Murder Mystery that acts as a backdrop while the real drama is being played out in the house. A brilliantly plotted, supremely entertaining, and utterly compulsive tour de force from a great writer at the height of her powers.

Objev podobné jako Death at the Sign of the Rook - Kate Atkinsonová

cena 447.0 Kč

City in Ruins - Don Winslow

Following City on Fire and City of Dreams, City in Ruins is the explosive, impossible to put down conclusion to New York Times bestselling author Don Winslow’s epic, genre-defining crime trilogy and the final book of Winslow''s extraordinary career.''A gangland trilogy to equal THE GODFATHER. If you like SCARFACE and GOODFELLAS, this is where it''s at.'' STEPHEN KINGSometimes you have to become what you hate to protect what you love.Danny Ryan is rich. Beyond his wildest dreams rich.The former dock worker, Irish mob soldier and fugitive from the law is now a respected businessman – a Las Vegas casino mogul and billionaire silent partner in a group that owns two lavish hotels. Finally, Danny has it all: a beautiful house, a child he adores, a woman he might even fall in love with.Life is good. But then Danny reaches too far.When he tries to buy an old hotel on a prime piece of real estate with plans to build his dream resort, he triggers a war against Las Vegas power brokers, a powerful FBI agent bent on revenge and a rival casino owner with dark connections of his own.Danny thought he had buried his past, but now it reaches up to him from the grave to pull him down. Old enemies surface, and when they come for Danny they vow to take everything – not only his empire, not just his life, but all that he holds dear, including his son.To save his life and everything he loves, Danny must become the ruthless fighter he once was – and never wanted to be again.Ranging from the gritty back rooms of Providence, RI to the power corridors of Washington, DC and Wall Street to the golden casinos of Las Vegas, City in Ruins is an epic crime novel of love and hate, ambition and desperation, vengeance and compassion.

Objev podobné jako City in Ruins - Don Winslow

cena 650.0 Kč

A Shout in the Ruins - Kevin Powers

A stunning novel about violence, power and love by Kevin Powers, the acclaimed author of The Yellow Birds and winner of both the 2012 Guardian First Book Award and the Hemingway/PEN Award. A nighttime whipping in a lamplit barn. A ruined leg tossed onto a pile of discarded limbs. A hand snuffing out a desperate cry behind a bedroom's locked door. In A Shout in the Ruins, Kevin Powers returns to the battlefield and its aftermath, this time in his native Virginia, just before and during the Civil War and ninety years later. The novel pinpoints with unerring emotional depth the nature of random violence, the necessity of love and compassion, and the fragility and preciousness of life. It will endure as a stunning novel about what we leave behind, what a life is worth, what is said and unsaid, and the fact that ultimately what will survive of us is love. Written with the same emotional intensity, harrowing realism, and poetic precision that made The Yellow Birds one of the most celebrated novels of the past decade, A Shout in the Ruins cements Powers' place as one of the most important novelists of our time.

Objev podobné jako A Shout in the Ruins - Kevin Powers

cena 259.0 Kč

Natives : Race and Class in the Ruins of Empire - Akala

From the first time he was stopped and searched as a child, to the day he realised his mum was white, to his first encounters with racist teachers - race and class have shaped Akala's life and outlook. In this unique book he takes his own experiences and widens them out to look at the social, historical and political factors that have left us where we are today.Covering everything from the police, education and identity to politics, sexual objectification and the far right, Nativesspeaks directly to British denial and squeamishness when it comes to confronting issues of race and class that are at the heart of the legacy of Britain's racialised empire.Natives is the searing modern polemic and Sunday Times bestseller from the BAFTA and MOBO award-winning musician and political commentator, Akala.

Objev podobné jako Natives : Race and Class in the Ruins of Empire - Akala

cena 241.0 Kč

First Aid Kit - Ruins (LP)

Barva: Černá Rok vydání: 2018.0 Varianta: Ruins (Vinyl LP) Vydavatelství: Sony Music Barva podle výrobce: Black Interpret / Téma: First Aid Kit Typ: LP deska;Otevírací obal;Album Rok nahrávky: 2017.0 Subžánr: Country;Country Rock;Folk Datum vydání: 2018-01-19 Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029 Země původu: Evropská unie Země interpreta: Švédsko Hmotnost: 180 g Balení obsahuje: LP Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 1 ks Žánr: Rock

Objev podobné jako First Aid Kit - Ruins (LP)

cena 797.0 Kč

With Fire In Their Blood - Kat Delacorte

A simmering supernatural romance set in the crumbling Italian city of Castello, where mafia clans make the rules, dark magic pulses the streets and the sins of the past threaten to consume the present. . .Perfect for lovers of Chloe Gong, Renee Ahdieh and V.E. SchwabWhen sixteen-year-old Lilly arrives in Castello, she isn't impressed. A secluded town in the Italian mountains is not where she saw her last years of high school playing out.Divided for generations by a brutal clan-family war, the two halves of Castello are kept from destroying each other by the mysterious General, a leader determined to maintain order and 'purity'. . .whatever the cost. Lilly falls in with the rebellious Liza, brooding Nico and sensitive Christian, and sparks begin to fly. But in a city where love can lead to ruin, Lilly isn't sure she can trust anyone -- not even herself.And then she accidentally breaks Castello's most important rule: when the General's men come to test your blood, you'd better not be anything more than human... "Startlingly original . .. Readers will be lured in to this tumultuous world of warring families, forbidden power, and heart-searing romance."- Lyndall Clipstone, author of Lakesedge and Forestfall

Objev podobné jako With Fire In Their Blood - Kat Delacorte

cena 259.0 Kč

Sirenia: Riddles, Ruins & Revelations - CD (NPR950DP)

Hudební CD - Riddles, Ruins & Revelations je desáté studiové album norské goticko-metalové skupiny Sirenia. Riddles, Ruins & Revelations je desáté studiové album norské goticko-metalové skupiny Sirenia. Rok vydání : 2021

Objev podobné jako Sirenia: Riddles, Ruins & Revelations - CD (NPR950DP)

cena 399.0 Kč

Grizzly Bear - Painted Ruins (2 LP)

Barva: Černá Žánr: Rock Subžánr: Indie Rock Rok vydání: 2017.0 Rok nahrávky: 2017.0 Typ: LP deska;Otevírací obal;Album Datum vydání: 2017-08-18 Interpret / Téma: Grizzly Bear Barva podle výrobce: Black Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029 Země původu: Evropská unie Varianta: Painted Ruins (2 LP) Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Vydavatelství: RCA Složení setu: 2 ks Balení obsahuje: LP Země interpreta: USA Hmotnost: 180 g

Objev podobné jako Grizzly Bear - Painted Ruins (2 LP)

cena 780.9 Kč

Ruins Of The Reich - Geoghegan Michael

A journey into the German Reich, through the eighteen territories memorialised in the Hall of Liberation - from Prussia and Hanover to Bavaria and Austria. And this is a tale not just of buildings, but of people too, whether Swabians or Bohemians, poets or musicians or kings. Via cathedrals and castles, ferries and pleasure cruisers, statues and spas, concentration camps and mausoleums, Geoghegan winds his way up and down the hills and rivers of a modern yet nostalgic landscape. A compelling and vivid exploration of German identity through the traces of the past in the present.

Objev podobné jako Ruins Of The Reich - Geoghegan Michael

cena 447.0 Kč

Dead Kennedys Tričko In God We Trust 2 Black M

Subžánr: Rock;Punk;Hardcore Punk;Punk Rock Země původu: Čína Žánr: Rock;Punk;Hardcore Dodavatel: Plastic Head Pohlaví: Pánské;Unisex Země interpreta: USA Barva podle výrobce: Black Interpret / Téma: Dead Kennedys Barva: Černá Délka rukávu: Krátké Velikost: M Věková skupina: Dospělý Specifikace materiálu: Bavlna Materiál: Bavlna Dekáda interpreta: 1970 - 1979;1980 - 1989

Objev podobné jako Dead Kennedys Tričko In God We Trust 2 Black M

cena 662.0 Kč

Dead Kennedys - In God We Trust Inc. (Reissue) (12" Vinyl)

Rok vydání: 2021.0 Subžánr: Hardcore;Punk Varianta: In God We Trust Inc. (Reissue) (12" Vinyl) Vydavatelství: Audio Platter Interpret / Téma: Dead Kennedys Typ: 12" vinylová deska;Nové vydání;Album Žánr: Hardcore;Punk Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 1 ks Balení obsahuje: 12" vinylová deska Barva podle výrobce: Black Barva: Černá

Objev podobné jako Dead Kennedys - In God We Trust Inc. (Reissue) (12" Vinyl)

cena 683.0 Kč

The Girl in the Red Coat - Kate Hamer

Eight-year-old Carmel has always been different - sensitive, distracted, with an heartstopping tendency to go missing. Her mother Beth, newly single, worries about her daughter's strangeness, especially as she is trying to rebuild a life for the two of them on her own.

Objev podobné jako The Girl in the Red Coat - Kate Hamer

cena 44.0 Kč

A Night in Acadie - Kate Chopin - e-kniha

eBook: Love for unavailable men, regret, unhappy marriages, priests and an old woman losing her memory, these stories cover many issues we still face today. A young woman tired of marriage resolves to leave her husband, making her way to New Orleans alone. Finished with work for the day, Telèsphore decides to take the train into town. A woman content with spinsterhood unexpectedly finds herself responsible for her neighbour\'s four young children. \'A Night in Acadie\' is a collection of short stories by Kate Chopin and a fantastic read for any classics fan.-

Objev podobné jako A Night in Acadie - Kate Chopin - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Meditation: Man-Perfection in God-Satisfaction (978-3-89532-275-4)

Kniha - autor Sri Chinmoy, 304 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu matná Presented with simplicity and clarity, this book will take you from the beginning stages of concentration and meditation through the advanced practice of contemplation and higher states of consciousness. Sri Chinmoy’s writings belong to the ancient stream of wisdom-teachings that elevate meditation to the sacred and restore its deeper purpose of spiritual awakening and self-knowledge. Topics include: A structured, step-by-step guide to meditation Techniques that anyone can learn Developing your power of concentration How to find – and keep – lasting inner peace The secret power of the heart to calm the busy mind Practical advice for work and life situations Breaking through negative emotions like anger and fear How to unfold your deepest spiritual self Plus special sections where Sri Chinmoy answers over 100 questions on a wide range of experiences often encountered in meditation. These...

Objev podobné jako Meditation: Man-Perfection in God-Satisfaction (978-3-89532-275-4)

cena 209.0 Kč

God Code (Movie Tie-In Edition): Unlocking Divine Messages Hidden in the Bible - Timothy P. Smith

In God Code Timothy Smith reveals his quest over decades to understand the complex messages he discovered in an ancient Hebrew manuscript of the Bible--some of them applying specifically to him! His painstaking search has involved adventure and mystery, but instead of consulting ancient maps to find buried treasure, this hunt has relied on the data calculation power of modern technology. God Code shows how Scripture is more amazing than we ever dreamed...a unique, layered book that may even reveal the future of generations living today. In the companion History Channel series, the author travels across continents in search of artifacts missing since Bible times--clues to their location revealed in God Code.

Objev podobné jako God Code (Movie Tie-In Edition): Unlocking Divine Messages Hidden in the Bible - Timothy P. Smith

cena 357.0 Kč

The Magician´s Elephant Movie tie-in - Kate DiCamillo

When a fortuneteller's tent appears in the market square of the city of Baltese, orphan Peter Augustus Duchene knows the questions that he needs to ask: Does his sister still live? And if so, how can he find her? The fortuneteller's mysterious answer (an elephant! An elephant will lead him there!) sets off a chain of events so remarkable, so impossible, that you will hardly dare to believe it's true. With atmospheric illustrations by fine artist Yoko Tanaka, this timeless fable from Kate DiCamillo evokes the largest of themes-hope and belonging, desire and compassion-with the lightness of a magician's touch.

Objev podobné jako The Magician´s Elephant Movie tie-in - Kate DiCamillo

cena 259.0 Kč

Brand Nubian - In God We Trust (Anniversary Edition) (2 LP + 7" Vinyl)

Rok vydání: 2023.0 Subžánr: Conscious Barva podle výrobce: Black Datum vydání: 2023-02-03 Varianta: In God We Trust (Anniversary Edition) (2 LP + 7" Vinyl) Interpret / Téma: Brand Nubian Balení obsahuje: 7" Vinyl;LP Země původu: Německo Žánr: Hip Hop Vydavatelství: Tommy Boy Typ: Nové vydání;Remastered;Album;LP deska;7" vinylová deska Barva: Černá Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029;2000 - 2009;1980 - 1989;1990 - 1999 Rychlost: 45 RPM Země interpreta: USA Složení setu: 3 ks

Objev podobné jako Brand Nubian - In God We Trust (Anniversary Edition) (2 LP + 7" Vinyl)

cena 697.0 Kč

Narodil se král - Heather Henningová, Alison Atkinsonová

Knížka s odklápěcími obrázky vypráví zábavným způsobem příběh prvních Vánoc. Kromě převyprávění populárního biblického příběhu vtahuje kniha dětské čtenáře také otázkami, které podněcují pozorovací talent, paměť a uvažování o souvislostech děje: „Jak daleko je do Betléma? Kdo všechno odpočívá v chlévě? Najdeš na obloze hvězdu, která vedla mudrce? Jaké dary dostal malý Ježíšek?“ Pro děti od 3 let

Objev podobné jako Narodil se král - Heather Henningová, Alison Atkinsonová

cena 169.0 Kč

Lamb of God: Lamb of God - CD (0727361537524)

Hudební CD - Čistokrevný metal v podání jedné z novodobých legend žánru. Řízné tóny provázejí i album s názvem Lamb of God. Čistokrevný metal v podání jedné z novodobých legend žánru. Americká skupina Lamb of God byla mimo jiné v roce 2007 nominována na cenu Grammy v kategorii Nejlepší metalový výkon za album z roku 2006 Sacrament. Řízné tóny provázejí i album s názvem Lamb of God. Seznam stop Memento Mori / Checkmate / Gears / Reality Bath / New Colossal Hate / Resurrection Man / Poison Dream / Routes / Bloodshot Eyes / On the Hook

Objev podobné jako Lamb of God: Lamb of God - CD (0727361537524)

cena 409.0 Kč

Katastrofický denník Katy Strofovej - Kata Strofová

Volám sa Kata Strofová a mnohí vo mne určite spoznávate neohrozenú reportérku televízie Tresky-Plesky. Tentoraz som si pre vás pripravila niečo špeciálne! Na stranách môjho cestovateľského denníka sa spolu vydáme po mori na opustený ostrov, kde sa bližšie prizrieme, ako funguje sopka! Potom odletíme do vesmíru a pozrieme sa, ako vznikajú blesky! Nakukneme priamo do oka tornáda! A nakoniec zdoláme obrovské snežné hory plné nebezpečných lavín! Čaká nás obrovské dobrodružstvo, počas ktorého vám ukážem, že naučiť sa niečo nové, môže byť naozaj zábavné!

Objev podobné jako Katastrofický denník Katy Strofovej - Kata Strofová

cena 268.0 Kč

Demi-God Maui

Demi-God Maui z kategorie Filmoví hrdinové, od značky Bullyland, máme skladem. Do 3 dnů u Vás.

Objev podobné jako Demi-God Maui

cena 279.0 Kč

Sandály Aldo Kat zelená barva, 13567214.KAT

Sandály z kolekce Aldo. Model vyroben z eko-kůže.

Objev podobné jako Sandály Aldo Kat zelená barva, 13567214.KAT

cena 1199.0 Kč

Sandály Aldo Kat zlatá barva, 13567215.KAT

Sandály z kolekce Aldo. Model vyroben z imitace lakované kůže.

Objev podobné jako Sandály Aldo Kat zlatá barva, 13567215.KAT

cena 1199.0 Kč

KATY PERRY Katy Perry's Indi Visible EdP

Parfémovaná voda - dámská, květinová vůně Rádi byste si pořídili parfémovanou vodu, kterou si vaše okolí nebude moct vynachválit? KATY PERRY Katy Perry's Indi Visible EdP nabízí dokonalou vůni pro ženy. Pro tuto parfémovanou vodu je charakteristická květinová příměs, ve které nechybí tóny růží, jasmínu nebo i fialky. Neméně podstatnou součástí parfémované vody je vůně mošusu, tedy takzvaného pižma, jež vyzdvihuje ostatní tóny. Tato parfémovaná voda se hodí pro běžný den, nejlépe ale sedí během letních dní. KATY PERRY Katy Perry's Indi Visible EdP je originálně z Ameriky. Podstatné přednosti parfémované vody KATY PERRY Katy Perry's Indi Visible EdP Parfémovaná voda ideální pro ženy Hlavním aroma je květinová vůně Vedlejší vůně KATY PERRY Katy Perry's Indi Visible EdP: mošusová Tato parfémovaná voda vznikla v Americe

Objev podobné jako KATY PERRY Katy Perry's Indi Visible EdP

cena 229.0 Kč

Sandály Aldo Kat béžová barva, 13567213.KAT

Sandály z kolekce Aldo. Model vyroben z imitace lakované kůže.

Objev podobné jako Sandály Aldo Kat béžová barva, 13567213.KAT

cena 919.0 Kč

Kat Mydlář (Příběh pražského kata) - Muzikál (DVD)

Největší české hudební hvězdy v historickém příběhu pražského kata. Představení s hudbou Michala Davida a texty Lou Fanánka Hagena v režii Libora Vaculíka je dramatem o velké lásce i zradě na pozadí historických událostí. Prim zde hrají nové písně a melodie Michala Davida, zpívají Daniel Hůlka, Josef Vojtek, Petr Kolář, Marian Vojtko, Bohuš Matuš, Alžbeta Bartošová, Ilona Csáková, Marta Jandová, Kateřina Brožová, Bohouš Josef a další.

Objev podobné jako Kat Mydlář (Příběh pražského kata) - Muzikál (DVD)

cena 145.0 Kč

Kat Mydlář (Příběh pražského kata) - Muzikál (CD)

Nový a dlouho očekávaný muzikál Michala Davida! Největší české hudební hvězdy v historickém příběhu pražského kata. Představení s hudbou Michala Davida a texty Lou Fanánka Hagena v režii Libora Vaculíka je dramatem o velké lásce i zradě na pozadí historických událostí. Prim zde hrají nové písně a melodie Michala Davida, zpívají Daniel Hůlka, Josef Vojtek, Petr Kolář, Marian Vojtko, BohušMatuš, Alžbeta Bartošová, Ilona Csáková, Marta Jandová, Kateřina Brožová, Bohouš Josef a další. Tracklist: CD 1. Prolog 03:14 2. Tobě chci lásku svou dát 02:40 3. Jednou se zámožnou stát 02:24 4. Pojďme do krčmy! 01:31 5. Píseň proudu roků 03:54 6. Splnit vůli otce 02:46 7. Žal svůj mám 04:39 8. Právo mám 04:01 9. Chvíle, které chválím 04:33 10. To stárnutí zrádné 04:46 11. Mně se zdáš 04:14 12. Trnem růže on se zdá 02:49 13. Jít přímo rájem 04:14 14. Ať chrání Bůh nás 03:29 15. Věřím dál 04:25 16. Zrádcem on se zdá 02:54 17. Nechci být tu dál 03:55 18. S hříchem sám 03:02 19. Moje tajemství 04:44 20. Já se teď ptám 01:15 21. Právo lásku chránit 03:55

Objev podobné jako Kat Mydlář (Příběh pražského kata) - Muzikál (CD)

cena 169.0 Kč

Kat Mydlář - Příběh pražského kata - CD - Michal David

Nový a dlouho očekávaný muzikál Michala Davida! Největší české hudební hvězdy v historickém příběhu pražského kata. Představení s hudbou Michala Davida a texty Lou Fanánka Hagena v režii Libora Vaculíka je dramatem o velké lásce i zradě na pozadí historických událostí. Prim zde hrají nové písně a melodie Michala Davida, zpívají Daniel Hůlka, Josef Vojtek, Petr Kolář, Marian Vojtko, Bohuš Matuš, Alžbeta Bartošová, Ilona Csáková, Marta Jandová, Kateřina Brožová, Bohouš Josef a další.

Objev podobné jako Kat Mydlář - Příběh pražského kata - CD - Michal David

cena 89.0 Kč

Knowing God - J.I. Packer

KNOWING GOD is one of the most significant and popular Christian books of our time and has deepened the faith and understanding of millions of people around the world.''Dr Packer says we''re cruel to ourselves if we try to live in his world without knowing about the God whose world it is and who runs it. I''m convinced we''re cruel if we deny ourselves the wisdom contained in this Christian classic.'' Rico Tice

Objev podobné jako Knowing God - J.I. Packer

cena 325.0 Kč

Kate Spade Kate Spade New York - EDP 60 ml

Vůně Kate Spade New York je květinově-ovocná parfémová voda. Může vás přenést do bezstarostného léta plného radosti, dobrodružství a bezmezné energie. Vůně byla uvedena na trh v roce 2020.

Objev podobné jako Kate Spade Kate Spade New York - EDP 60 ml

cena 909.0 Kč

Kate Spade Kate Spade New York - EDP 100 ml

Vůně Kate Spade New York je květinově-ovocná parfémová voda. Může vás přenést do bezstarostného léta plného radosti, dobrodružství a bezmezné energie. Vůně byla uvedena na trh v roce 2020.

Objev podobné jako Kate Spade Kate Spade New York - EDP 100 ml

cena 1587.0 Kč


Intimate and elegant photographs taken just before Kate Moss’s rise to fame, in a stylish new edition This gorgeously produced book features intimate portraits of a young and undiscovered Kate Moss, taken in the early 1990s by her then-boyfriend, Italian photographer Mario Sorrenti. Seen by Calvin Klein, the photographs gave life to the famous Obsession campaign, which launched Moss to international superstardom. Sumptuously reproduced in tritone, Kate is a stunning photographic portfolio of one of contemporary culture’s most iconic figures. It includes an introductory essay by Sorrenti, which puts the work in its uniquely personal context. This book, which celebrates the dawn of two legendary careers, and the start of the highly influential aesthetic of 1990s fashion photography, is a must-have for Kate Moss’s fans, for fashion devotees, and for lovers of traditional portraiture and fashion photography.

Objev podobné jako Kate

cena 1781.0 Kč

God Dethroned: Illuminati - CD (0039841569605)

Hudební CD - God Dethroned je nizozemská metalová kapela založená roku 1991 zpěvákem Henri Sattlerem a spol. God Dethroned je nizozemská metalová kapela založená roku 1991 zpěvákem Henri Sattlerem a spol. Ve stejném roce vydala demo Christhunt. Debutní studiové album The Christhunt vyšlo v roce 1992. Kapela se několikrát rozpadla, ale vždy se znovu zformovala. Její styl se dá označit jako tzv. blackened death metal. Seznam stop Illuminati / Broken Halo / Book of Lies / Spirit of Beelzebub / Satan Spawn / Gabriel / Eye of Horus / Dominus Muscarum / Blood Moon Eclipse

Objev podobné jako God Dethroned: Illuminati - CD (0039841569605)

cena 429.0 Kč

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